The Benefits of having a JOB!

Is your JOB Benefiting You or them? Look at the benefits.


Does your job benefit you or does it suit you for the moment, because we believe what we have been told.

Transcript of The Benefits of having a JOB!

Page 1: The Benefits of having a JOB!

Is your JOB Benefiting Youor them?

Look at the benefits.

Page 2: The Benefits of having a JOB!

The Security


Everything is here, you just need to do a bit of time to receive it and get on the good side

of the Boss

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The Set wages

I know what I get if week,

Sometimes we have to work a bit longer, but that is normal isn’t it?

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The Over time

You have to do this to get the promotion but it is worth it!

It will pay off in the long run, I am told.

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the extra time I spend at work

I know where I will be most times, my life is planned.

I am doing it for my Career

Being known as a good worker is the goal to Promotion

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It pays the Bills

Most weeks anyway, depending on my over time, but I can do a

night job to cover that.

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Are you happy with your life?

Not really but what else is there?

After all this is life isn’t it?

We all can’t be super stars!

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Let me show you a somethingfor Super Stars!