The Bee, R. H. Beers .Plants Winter Jackets. Blankets and ...

THE NEWTOWN BEE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27. 1903 ESTABLISHED lSG.r.. ily, this week, from Butler, N. J. He wul occupy a part of Mrs Payne's The Newtown Bee, A Miner Rescued HOW HELP CAME IN TIME OF R. H. Beers & Go house. EMERGENCY. Newtown, Conn., Nov. 20, 1903 .Plants WILL, INVESTIGATE. A remarkable case comes to Ueht at PnBi.isnKi By THE BEE, PUBLISHING COMPANY. A DUBUQUE MAN WAS IN A SITUATION Elizabeth, W. Va. An old man there ited Ira Andrews. Mrs John Brennan and children, who have been spending two weeks with Mrs D. O. Chase, have returned to Norwalk. Horace Hurlbutt has returned from a bunting trip to Massachusetts. A number of M. F. Donnelly's racing horses arrived at Lis farm here, last week, where they will be kept for the winter, in charge of several grooms. Mrs Andrew Anderson has been very by name or Uv VV. Koberts, had long suffered with incurable cancer. Every OFGRKVT PAIN AND PERIL AND WAS ALMOST HOPELESS. "In the lead mines I was at work on Win ter Jackets. body believed his case hopeless until he used Electric Bitters and applied ALLISON P. SMITH, PRTCSIDENT AMP KiTOH my knees with my elbows pressed Arnica halve. The treat- ment cured him completely. Now Blankets and Comfortables AX LOW PRICES : against rock walls, in dampness and everybody wno knows of it is investi extremes of cold," siii Mr J. G. Meu- - gating Electric Bitters. It exerts a kelof2973 Jackson avanue, Dubuque, mighty power to expel biliousness, Kidney and Liver troubles and it's a wonderful tonic for run down systems AHTHUR J. SMITH, Secretary, Treasures and Business Manager. dENRY M. SMITH, Vice President and Genkral Agent. Iowa, in describing his experience to Don't tail to try it. Guaranteed by a reporbe.r, "and it-i- s nt surprising th t I contracted rheumatism. For K. Jbl. Beers & Co.. New hree years I had attacks affecting the town; W. B. Hawley, Sherman; Tay ill for the past two weeks, and her re- covery is considered doubtful. There will be a rehearsal of the Christmas music of the Nortield Sun- day school at Mrs Frederick Banks', on Saturday evening. . Mrs M. B. Wheeler of Greenfield Hill is the guest of her brother, L. M. Gould. j iints of my ankles, knees and elbows! lor iurus & uo., sapay iook; A. W. Twiss, Bethel; W. N. Noble and Albert Evitts, New Milford; Connery Bros.. My ankles and knees l.eca ne so Blankets, colored, with fancy borders, 6?c Pair Blankets, white fleeced, with fancy bor- der, 75c Pair Blankets, heavy white fleeced with fan- cy border, $1.00 Pair Comfortables, large size, filled with white cot 'on. in a variety of new de- signs and colors, $i oo Each Comfortables, covered both sides with splendid quality silkoline. handsome new patterns, special, $1. so Each s vollea I could scarcely walk ""$1.25 a'Year, 75 Cents for Six Months, 50 ents (or Four S ontlis. Four Cents a t'opy We have noty in stock the large I, and best selected assort- ment of Ladies' and Misses' Jackets ever shown in this city. These garments you will find to !e of a th oughly reliable quality and workrffanship aud entirely new in design. Our prices we guarantee to be the lowest. Here sue a tew of our many special offerings : At $8.98 Stylish Jackets made of a good quality beaver cloth, in the new loose fitting effect and trimmed with satin band and fancy braid. At $11.50 Jackets extra quality kersey, loose back, double cape collar, trimmed in Panne velvet and lined with Skinner's satin. At $16.98 Very stylish Jackets, f?-- 4 fitted back and Gibson pleat, cape collar effect aud trimmed with velvet and Georgetown; Allen Joyce, Roxbury i utievea ground and a little station; ueorge u. u'ueii, Cornwall Bridge: it. Smith, West Cornwall. pressure from a stone under my feet drug stores. Only 50c. Vewtow, Friday, November 7, 93 juld cause so much pain that I would Thomas Donnelly of New York has Nathaniel W. Bishop of Bridgeport uearlysink down. I was often obliged go lie in bed for several days at a time. and Edward Taylor went hunting. My friends who were similarly troubled Telephone call, 264-- 32 luoiniay, uui uau rat uer poor iuct spent a few days at his father's farm here. STEVENSON. THE LOCAL NEWS BUDGET. Linoleum and Oilcloth. A large selection of latest patterns in domestic Linoleum and Oilcloth. were getting no relief fro:n doctors owing to the rain. md I did not feel enoiuraed to throw Advertising Rates ; money away for nothing. By chance Mrs Edward Taylor has been indis I read the story of Robert Yates, of F. H. Wheeler is in New Haven on posed with a bad attack of me grip. -2 Inch the Klauer Manufacturing Co., of Du fancy metal buttons. Remember.that our facilities to give, you a perfect fit are the best, as we have an experienced oloakmaker on the premises. jury duty. Chief Justice Torrance and W. C A fine cobble gutter from the Metho . Inch i Inches i Inches I Inches 75c quality Linoleum, several patterns, at 60c y-- i 1.00 quality linoleum, 75c 60c quality Oil Cloth for 45c 45c quality Oil Cl-th- , 35c quality Oil ("lo'h. s;c Oil Cloth Rugs with pretty borders, at 50c, 75c, $1.10, $1.50, $1.75 each lw lmo 3mo 6mo year 1.00 2.00 3.00 5.00 1.00 8.00 4.00 8.00 10.00 2.00 4.00 7.00 10.00 18.00 2.50 5.00 10.00 15.00 25.00 3.00 6.00 12.00 1S.00 30.00 4.00 8.00 10.00 24.00 40.00 5.00 10.00 20.00 28.00 48.00 6.00 12.00 24.00 36.00 60.00 8.00 16.00 32.00 48.00 80.00 10.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 100.00 dist church to Augur's market has been Atwater of Derby were guests at The -4 colnmir put down by Contractor Tryon for tnt luque, who dad & very bad case of heumatism. I decidjd to try Dr Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, Dhe remedy he had used. In three or four weeks after beginning to use the pills. I was much better and in three Maples, last week. different property owners. It is a -3 column -2 column -4 column column 9 J. Plaut great improvement. Miss Florence M. Young of Danbury has been a guest of Mr and Mrs L. B R. IHE. Beeirs & Co, The big stock of men's and boys' Bradley. Read I off notices, brevier type. 10c line. niall nonpareil ads. lc a word per week. 20X Main St., Paul ury, Conn. overcoats, winter suits for men ana ggrStore Open flondav. Wednesday end ntitrdnv hvenincs. boys, the complete stock of heavy nu derwear for ladies and men, all wool blankets and comfortables, these are G. F. Baker & Co. the goods that are drawing many peo LOCAL AFFAIRS. POOL, CONTEST' THE STREET BOYS BITE THE DUST. ' e ple to the Brick store just now. Tay- lor, Curtis & Co. also want the men ti Still doing business at Jthe same old look over fceir stock of horse blankets. stand. Is the Hawleyville Furniture Man. Shipping goods to cities and towns all Mrs Ella Connors and Charles Con Victory perched once more on the banners of the Sandy Hook boys in the nors of New Haven will be guests on Thanksgiving day of Mr and Mrs E. J Hall. Louis Goulette is to open his mar- ket, this week, and will carry a choice line of meats at the lowest prices. Sheriff Beck of Bridgeport was in town one day, last week. The Coe Brass Co., of Torrington have purchased a large tract of land in what is known as the the Web dis- trict and have a gang of men at work cutting off ,tbe wood, which will be shipped to their factory in Torrington. Mrs W. O. French has returned to her home here. " Mr and Mrs George Chatfield- - and little daughter of Waterbury have been guests at C. B. French's, for a few days. Captain Bradley and friends from New Haven have been here a few days hunting, and were entertained by Mr and Mrs J. B. Downes. pool contest, last Thursday evefiing, in Barber Pitzschler's parlor at, Sandy la Hook. Owing to. the indisposition of Mf and Mrs Mlnott Augur go to II. G. Warner, Dr A. L. Schuyler did Stock is all fresh and new Is the Hawleyville Furniture Man's. Hrass iron beds, wood luds and couch beds. In fact, all the kinds of beds you can wish for. Mattresses, springs and everything co triplet e. At the Hawleyville Furniture Man's Sends goods by team or rail DiK-- s the HaWleyviile Furniture Man. To any aridreis given by wire, mail or tongue, And bustles them through fastest can be done, Providing the weather does not pre- vent The nawieyvilie Furniture Man. , When vou tret married Woodbridge for their Thanksgiving not play. John O. Pitzschler was higli man with a score of 36 points. The months I was well. Tiie swelling or che joints and the tenderness disap-jeare- d, I could work steadily and for eight years I nave had no return of she trouble. My whole family believe m Dr Williams' Pink Pills. Both my ons use them. We consider them a musehold remedy that we are sure ibout." This is convincing testimony, easily verified, from a plain, earnest man who tnows that he has escaped the cl uter- es of a terrible disease and who is pro- foundly grateful and anxious to help ithers. . Mr Meukel is a thrifty miner, and a well-know- n citizen of Dubuque. No me could imagine that he had reached lis seventieth year as ho is seen going to his daily work with vigorous step ind erect bearing. Dr Williams' Pink t'ills did more for him than simply ;ive relief. Tuey eradicated the dis- ease by getting at the seat of the difficulty in the blood. These pills are equally efficacious in the treatment of ther obstinate troubles such as loco- motor ataxii, pirtiil paralysis, Sb Vi- tus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, ner- vous headache, after-effect- s of the rip, anaemia and all forms of weak- ness either in male or' female. They are sold by all druggists, or may be ob- tained directly from the Dr Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y., tifty feast. t i Mr and Mrs Edward Troy and Mis Splendid Weather Isn't It? Splendid Overcoat Weather. Makes yon step lively, feel good; makes you walk with vim and vigor, puts a healthy glow on the cheek and fills you chuck full of the elasticity of health. Splendid Overcoats. , For this splendid weather this splen- did overcoat weather overcoats that will meet 'your every need in fit and style, ci)t and smartoes9, are awaiting you at our store. It has been a big rush the past few days. Coats of all kinds of the "Over" kind up to $50. Splendid Winter Suits, Too. over the lano. Paying freight within one hundred miles. Damages on goods he stands,- - Does the Hawleyville Furniture Man. Rellintf goods at very low prices. Isthe Ilawlevville Furniture Man. Even so low that the city stores do not have a show, To buck up against him and hold their customers, Sn out of town thev must go to visit. The Hawleyville Furniture Man. Come one, come all, great and small, to visit The Hawleyville Furniture Man. Just across the rail in the tall grass standing there, Is a building mighty large and square; There is where you will find The Hawleyville Furniture Man. Anna Troy went, Tuesday, to atteno the funeral of Mrs Dugan of Tuckahce, score: 12 3 Total. G. Tugnot, S. H., 2 11 8 2t V. Terrill. H. O,, 13 4 7 21 J. Pitzschler, S. H , 12 9 15 35 J. Nichols, H. 0 . 3 6 0 9 John Dayton. S. H., 6 9 7 22 F. Shepard, H. C . 9 6 8 23 N. Y. . i S. Bluman says he is offering a nota ble opportunity for all his customers. Mr and Mrs F. D. Jordan were guests Combined scores: Hillsida Olub. 56; Sandy He says he will work for them at hal Hook. 79. j See the Hawleyville Furniture Man. Fitting up will be easy with a large stock to see. Plenty of goods at any price you can name. j Deliver on a run next morning, I Will the Hawleyville Furniture Marv price. He asks you to remember and In the contest, Monday night, be tell your neighbors. ' V tween the Hillside and Sandy Hook b"ys, the former were badly beaten Suit has been brought by Michael Cavanaugh of Hartford against the Dr A. L. Schuyler falling a victim to the skill of John O. Yitzschler by a score of 32 to 13. Messrs Shepard and pf Mr and Mrs W. Jordan, on Sunday. TRUMBULL. ITEMS JOTTED DOWN. Rev William H. Hayes of Andover preached in the Congregational church, Sunday. The regular meeting of the Grange will be held Friday night. The many friends of Miss Lounsbury New York and New Haven railroad company for damages for injuries to a Q. P. BAKER & CO., Furniture, Carpets, Mattings and Kitchen Ranges, Hawlewille. Conti. Dayton did not play, owing to the ab tract of land, which was burned over Just as it is with the overcoat, eo it is ' 'with the suit here. MuDdreds bave found it out. You'll swell the number when you see the eplendi&suits for these splendid ear- ly winter days. Look-usove- r. by fire started by sparks from one of cents a box, or six boxes for two dol their engines on May last, for $100 lars and a half. damages. The suit is returnable be A Collection sence of Shepard. The score. ' 1 2 3 Total. 6 6 12 24 W.lVrrlll, 9 9 3 21 G. Tugnot, 5 6 11 22 J. Nichols, 10 9 4 23 J. Pitzschler, 10 15 7 32 Dr Schuyler, 5 0 8 13 fore Justice Patrick II. McCarthy, De of Bethlehem are sorry to learn of her J. Howard Burr (81 Co., severe illness. Miss Lounsbury taught school in this place, lat year. cember 5. In the case of the State vs. Josepl Duplies, the bond of $300 was called FAIRFIELD COUNTY. - BE HEL. 199 Main St., Danbury, Conn. Combined scores: Hillside Club, 57; Sandy Quite a number from this place at- tended the dance in Long Hill, Thanks Hook, 78. last week, in the criminal Common SI ii ... - HOW THE THANKSGI VING DAY WILL BE Pleas court at Bridgeport. Miss Anna Hamburger passed Satur giving eve. Miss Olive Watrous spent Sunday in Bridgeport. day and Sunday with friends in West CBSKKVDD. Thanksgiving day in Bethel will be E. L. Johnson is more comfortable. Haven. observed in the old way by family re this week. ... ( P. N. Curtis ofi Worcester,Mass., has unions and a suniptious dinner of the Of Iron Plates and Castings is no more a ranze than a pile of brinks and stone is a house. A good range is not an awident ii Is ilie result, of many years of carefa1 study. If you want a range that wi'l give perfect satisfaction, one that will bake and cook right one that will last and save fuel we have them. Those Oak Stoves That make genuine Florida temperature In the house all through the long winter months by 'imply throwing in a MM le fuel uaw and then are worthy of your consideration. WE hare one at our home and while sitting by it when the thermometer is at zero out-id- e. we have visions of the sunny south e think of our pocketbook and consult it ; and Immediately con- clude tli nt we have a more certain lenipe'Hture right here and the idea of going south van- ishes like a snow flake on a hot Kound Oak Stove. The Beckwith Air Tights - Keep fire and wear longer than any other stove. Bnt when vou ask for a cheap stove we show you the special air tight the large one taking in wo-- 32 inches 'ong. just think of it, 32 inches. ThW makes the men smile the whole width of their faces and the smile is a lasting one, not to be chased away. Ynu-ca- never know how much comfort there Is in a good stove nntll you have usea one, nnd the prices are so small, quality considered that it is not worth mentioning here Simply call or drop us a card ; that is all that is necessary. McLean I Mr and Mrs C. H. Gay will spend rot hers, best one can afford. Turkeys are Thanksgiving with Mrs Linsley in 1 been a recent guest at L. A. Hawley 's, Mrs Weed is entertaining a friend, DISASTROUS WRECKS. scarce and high in price, and probably will not be used for the mak-u- p of a New Haven. Danbfry, CoSHST good dinner as in years past. There is Now is the time to commence feed an abundance of other good things to Carelessness is responsible for many ing the International stock food, both a railroad wreck and the same causes eat that a family may have at a mod- erate sum and they have reason to be are making human wrecks of suffer ers from Throat and Lung troubles. thankful for them. But since the ad vent of Dr King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs The Lisk Tinware is the Best. At MRS ABIGAL WARREN. ana colas, even tne worst cases can be cured and hopeless resignation is no The death of Mrs Abigal Warren, longer necessnry. Mrs Lois Cragg of Dorchester. Mass.. is one of many widow of the late William Warren, oc- - rfEATHER BRAND LINENS. Carefully picked from the offerings of the bost makers, our line of Thanksgiving Linens Is unsnrpassed In beauty and qnalltv. Mm of the p'ci-e- s arc mailc ( t us and can only be obtalnt-- here. The pretty iiisiirns have not. been i(j..inlled ty any previous sbowitig arid tioiliiug like tlu:m,!i;is uver been wild at, as lov prl ts. Bleached Damask r Damask and Huck Towls n?.S"i?ir,hULn!-!t1'",l'fnS- i pur0 Med frtjjo or hemstitched end, at inMn J to SrT. ma qiiu.ily, In ''''Tn'f" -- '. 11).:, !2Jc U) i,0j each. 750.11.5 l.Mja. Tray c,otha and I)oylies Napkins Hand embroidered and drawn work de- - siKU-o- n lie:i vy linen In or U sizes, many to raath the cloth i 'oy li s. l!'2c. 2m. :t:ic each, at 11.00, 1.2a, 1 50, 1 75 to 4.0U dozen. I Tray cloths. 3&.-- , 50o, Tic each. E cured last Saturday night, at the home whose life was saved by Dr King's New Discovery. This great remedy is guar- anteed for all Throat and Lung dis- - J. HALL'S, Sandy Hook, Conn. of her granddaughter, Mrs Frederick Staib. on Milwaukee street. The funer- al services were held Tuesday at 12 30 Beers &Co., JNewtown: Taylor, Curtis & Co.. Sandy Hookr 15 p. m. The remains were taken to Hawley, Sherman; A. W. Twiss, Bethel; W, N. Nobleand Albert Evitts, New Milford; Connery Bros., George- town; Allen Joyce, Roxbury Station, ueorge u. U'ueil, Cornwall Bridtre: K F. Smith, West Cornwall. Price 50c and $1. Trial bottle, free. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. A Regular Wash Day. Women dread cleanitg ordinary eparatora, A multitude ot hard-to-get-- at parts-f- o be washed twice a dy if cran is not to be tjtiated-mak- es it a regular wash d tj task. The Sharpies Tubular Separator I washed ii five minutes. The bowl has only ONK smll piece Inside it omes out. Women prefer the Tubular. Drop in and get a catalog. V. B. HATCH, Agent for New Milford and Vicinity. The Kind You Havs Always Bought BROWN'S ANODYNE Testimonials. A lady In Lennx, Mass., writes : "I h:irl a sample buttle of your Anodyne left at the house. I was sick at the t hue wit Ii Bronchi' is. I found it a a 'ex- cellent remedy for that; also for other tilings for which I tried it." Mr Herkimer White of Smithfleld, N. Y., writes: Gentlemen I have used your Anodyne tor nearly five years, and 1, ilx-t- : rt'ully recommend ii to the public for couuhs. colds, chills, cioup, neuralgia, and sore throat, as it never fails to give immediate relief. All Dealers Sell It At 25 Cents. Bears the Mrs Ptobcrt D. Knapp and son of Danbury have visited Mr and Mrs Walter Ruffels of Palestine, this week. - Mrs George P. Sanford, Miss Lillian Fairman and Miss Grace Osborne went to Bridgeport, Monday, where they will remain for the winter. Their de- parture is regretted by their neighbors and friends: George Miller, is putting in the foun- dations, this week, for the new barn of C. B. Taylor. It will be 30x34 feet, and the carpenter work will be done by George A. Northrop. F. E. Burvvell has taken the contract-t- paint the new conveno building at St Hose's church. W. O. Ilibbard went to New Milford, Tuesday, to attend the funeral of W. S. Palmer. Mr and Mrs Lawrence Taylor visited Mrs French, a sister of Mr Taylor, in Stevenson, Sunrlnv. . Miss May Lyons, who spent the summer in Newtown, is now a student at the American Academy of Dramat ic Art at Carnegie IjfaU, New York. Miss Lyons is a daughter of John J. Lyons, a former resident of Sandy Hook, and her many friends in town will wish her success in her chosen pro- fession. P. II., McCarthy will spend Thanks- giving With Mr and Mrs John J. Lyons in Brooklyn, N. Y. John ITaugh, whose marriage took place on Tuesday, will occupy the house vacated by Stage Driver Hawley at. Sandy Hook. Born, Tuesday, November 24, 1903, a son to Thomas J. and Mary D. Cor-bet- t. . S. Werstenstein and family of New York w c re Sund a y yi i ps t s f St Bluman. Mr and Mrs J. II. Smith, Mr and Mrs Joseph Smith and Miss Claribel Smith ol Bridgeport and Mr and Mrs William Hall of Danbury will pas Thanksgiving day with Mrs Susan Hall. Dr W. C. Wile was entertained, Monday night, by Ezra J. Hall. - - Mrs E. J. Hall made a Hying trip to Danbury, Tuesrlay. 4 C. J. Trent passed Sunday at Butler, N. J. John Clark will pass Thanksgiving vvitli his family at Warwick, N. Y. Mr and Mrs Benjamin Corning will pass Thanksgiving with Mr Coming's father in Stepney. James Hoyt of Warwick, N. Y., is visiting his brother, Reuben Hoy t. The factory of the Fabric Fire Hose C". will be closed for Thanksgiving day. Mr Decker, who is employed in the Uper rubber factory, moves his fam- - Millinery Novelties! We are introducing many new styles and goods for winter wear. WP Hlllirrin 989 Broad Street, Bridgepo it, Ccr ICUIIVcIII, Beers Colonial! uildine. We Give A Watch With $12 In Trade, Like This. Hubert's ART STORE, 4.6 P. O. Arcade, Bridgeport. We Are Headquarters for Pictures and Picture Framing. Novelties in Bric-a-Br- ac and Cut Glass, Ar,ists Materials and Statuary. Head-quarte- rs for pyrography or wood burn- ing Give us a call Southeast, N w York for burial. The deceased was 80 years of age. ' GOLDEN WEDDING. The 50th wedding anniversary of Mr and. Mrs Edwin Stone occurred on Wednesday, November 25. Mr and Mrs Stone held a reception from 4 to 8 o'clock p. m., at the residence of Mrs Stone's brother, Henry A. Gilbert, of South street. THE MILLS PROPERTY SOLD. The Mills property, at the corner of South and Taylor streets, was sold at public auction, last Saturday. The place was purchased by Mrs Arthur S. Judd. The old stoop in front of the II ickok and Beard block has been removed. The new stairs in front of MacDow-ell'- s market is a scant pattern. "Dok" says they look like a small hat on a Dig man, but there, is one thing in their favor, he can take them in nights. Eli W. Gilbert was confined to his house on Monday with illness. Philo (jilbert was in charge of the hardwae Slore on Center htreet. Mr and Mrs II. C. Judd have a fami- ly dinner on Thanksgiving day at their home on Maple street. i The hunting season will close, De- cember 1. Horace II ickok captured a gray fox on one of his hunting touts, last week. Cornelius Judd trapped in East Swamp, last week, two bbtck muskrats Tne pelts make valuable furs. WESTON. ITEMS OF IN EREST. MrsT.W. Treadwelland little son of Lyon's Plain have spent several days with Mrs II. C. Ilunbutt. TheNorfield Aid society holds a "Bas- ket Social" at the home of Mrs D. O. for poultry and stock. Taylor, Curtis & Co. have the local agency. A whist club has been formed of members from Newtown, Sandy Hook and vicinity, who expect to play during the winter. The first meeting takes place on Friday evening of this week with Mr and Mrs R. H. Beers. The Men's club had a genuine liter- ary treat, Tuesday night, in an even- ing on Stimue' Johnson, conducted Ross Jewell. The meeting was held at the Grand Central hotel, Rev J. II. George being the host. Miss Lord left Sandy Hook on Tues- day to spend Thanksgiving with her friends in Hartford. She will return on Saturday and take charge of the services in the Methodist church on Sunday next. After this she will leave fur another field of labor. Amos L. Hawley finished making cider on Wednesday, the 24th. Ernest Hawley will act as agent for the City laundry of Danbury, begin- ning this week. This will be an ac- commodated to a great many in the vicinity of Uawleyville. C. L. Jackson of Hawleyville spent Sunday in Bridgeport with his wife, who is visiting friends there for a few weeks. Don't forget wecarry a complete line of misses' and boys' school shoes, also tine line of rubber overshoes for the boys and girls, at rock bottom prices- - Sandy Hook Shoe Store. When in Sheiton be sure and visit the store of D. N. Clark. You will al- ways rind some bargain awaiting you there. Notice his advertisement. DOESN'T RESPECT OLD AGE. It's shameful when youth fails to show proper respect for old age, but just the contrary in the case of Dr King's New Life Pills. They cut oil maladies no matter how severe and ir- respective of old age. Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Fever, Constipation, allyield to this perfect Pill. 25c at R. H. Beers & Co., Newtown; W. B. Hawley, Sherman; Taylor, Curtis & Co., Sandy Hook; A. W. Twiss, Bethel; W. N. Noble and Albert Evitts, New Milford; Connery Bros., Georgetown; Allen Joyce, Roxbury Station; George D. O'Deil, Cornwall Bridge; R. F. Smith, VV'jst Cornwall. Only 50c. A PERFECT PLOW. ft whs a "Li liey lJn.w" that plowed tba rough new land wiilioul breaking, it was a flo.v" that plowed the hard dry ground where others tailed. It was a "L.el4ny flow that plowed that slieky clay and made work easy lor man aud team, it was a "Le loy" ltevursiblc Plow, thai plowed ttie steep siiit.-hill- . It is a"Li-Uoy- lieversi ble Plow that will do good work on Hat land, doing away with all I urrows, leaving your land level aud suitable for all crops. For sale by W. B. Glover, Newtown Oonn. Buyer and Exporter OF NICHOLAS T ESI NY, When You're In Danbury have lunch at Rlnke's, WoosierSqnare next door to the Danbury News Office Genuine Blue Point it lad d lillil Bridgeport, Conn. 3767-377- 3 Main Street, AS?" Price Ist on Application. Oystt direct from the prowers and an exper-ienu- fd oysti-- r insiu in chance. Shvll foods of all kinds served iu the latest ways. : ffi s y GOOD PRINTING ! Brings good re- sults. A business is often judged by its printed mat- ter. It costs very little more to have your work done by us in good form. Danbury Music School and School of Elocution, 265 and 268 JVain Street, DAMiURY, CT. Regular Dinners Daily and quick lunches at. all hours." A Plenty to Eat, a Little to Pay. Everybody welcomed 1o Daubury's neatest and best restaurant. For Toys GO TO THE Danbury Toy Store, 14 Elm Street, Danbury, (t. fVOpposlte Fairfield House. The Largest Stock of Toys at the Very Lowest Prices,, The holldfiys lire but u few weel; off, :ud we have the heat general lint) of hol'dny foiids you 11 nnd any here. Chase, on Friday evening, Dtcember 4. For the Thanks A family Shoe Store; the best of everything in first class foot- wear. Boys' and Girl's School Shoes a specialty. All kinds of Rubbers and Felts. The Walter E. Wheel- er Shoe Co., M. E. COSOROVE, Manager, 245 Main Sireet, Danbury, Ct. Season iQf 3-- 4. Schools ke-Ope- n Sept. 14. I'nenlty nnd miners: Albert Rose P;ir-ui,.- s ;i ml II K nv i;i uer , f ; vv York ( 'it y. N11A.1 uriLs, M;i 111 ii . Tueed v. Mis Kiule xliiiiileiii'in.U lli'lion. Mrs Weiuhfit. ! inline Uiost: null ol Iter s. I'livnie iiiel instruction In Plaiio. 'uu'e. V 101 in. Tlii- ir.v . I .iiM'inliie. Sijjlit Kead-in- iti'Miiiin iliui nil bi itni'he-- . !' Klnciil, iriri V'oiee liuildiii. Medical t iy nmast ies. DeUillle. l'h.'sl' III t'llllnre, Drills. Keaditig, Uturllal ions, .Mmmirfiui's. etc. Send fur riniiln-j-ii- full informa-- 1 inn in v?ai d in Scholarships, Diplomas, Xuniuu. Tcliuiuuials, etc. The Matinee club will hold a meet- ing, next week, at the home of Mrs L. S. Godfrey. Mr and Mrs Charles Northrop of4 Pond Ridge have spent several days with Mr and Mrs Orlando Andrews. Mrs C. Kennell is spending a few weeks in Norwalk. Mrs M. B. Hill has returned from a visit in Bridgeport. Clarence Andrews of Easton has vii-- 1 giving Table ! A prime lot of Grapes, Oranges, Dates, Figs, Nuts, etc., for the Thanksgiving table. Send or leave your order with MORRIS, TBo,BQ Newtown, Conn. The Bee Pub Co., 1 D. a. BEERS & CO., Newtown, Conn., Manufacturers Of Canopy Tops, Bugcry Toj s, Cushions, Packs, And all fc'nd o Trlmml " or Carriages and Wagons. Send for Catalogue. Newtown, Ct.

Transcript of The Bee, R. H. Beers .Plants Winter Jackets. Blankets and ...

Page 1: The Bee, R. H. Beers .Plants Winter Jackets. Blankets and ...


ESTABLISHED lSG.r.. ily, this week, from Butler, N. J. Hewul occupy a part of Mrs Payne'sThe Newtown Bee, A Miner Rescued

HOW HELP CAME IN TIME OF R. H. Beers & Gohouse.

EMERGENCY.Newtown, Conn., Nov. 20, 1903.Plants WILL, INVESTIGATE.

A remarkable case comes to Ueht atPnBi.isnKi By


ited Ira Andrews.Mrs John Brennan and children,

who have been spending two weekswith Mrs D. O. Chase, have returnedto Norwalk.

Horace Hurlbutt has returned froma bunting trip to Massachusetts.

A number of M. F. Donnelly's racinghorses arrived at Lis farm here, lastweek, where they will be kept for thewinter, in charge of several grooms.

Mrs Andrew Anderson has been very

by name or Uv VV. Koberts, had longsuffered with incurable cancer. Every



"In the lead mines I was at work onWinter Jackets. body believed his case hopeless untilhe used Electric Bitters and applied


my knees with my elbows pressedArnica halve. The treat-ment cured him completely. Now

Blankets andComfortables


against rock walls, in dampness andeverybody wno knows of it is investi extremes of cold," siii Mr J. G. Meu- -gating Electric Bitters. It exerts a

kelof2973 Jackson avanue, Dubuque,mighty power to expel biliousness,Kidney and Liver troubles and it's awonderful tonic for run down systems

AHTHUR J. SMITH,Secretary, Treasuresand Business Manager.

dENRY M. SMITH,Vice President andGenkral Agent.

Iowa, in describing his experience to

Don't tail to try it. Guaranteed bya reporbe.r, "and it-i- s nt surprisingth t I contracted rheumatism. ForK. Jbl. Beers & Co.. New

hree years I had attacks affecting thetown; W. B. Hawley, Sherman; Tay

ill for the past two weeks, and her re-

covery is considered doubtful.

There will be a rehearsal of theChristmas music of the Nortield Sun-

day school at Mrs Frederick Banks',on Saturday evening. .

Mrs M. B. Wheeler of Greenfield Hillis the guest of her brother, L. M.Gould.

j iints of my ankles, knees and elbows!lor iurus & uo., sapay iook; A. W.Twiss, Bethel; W. N. Noble and AlbertEvitts, New Milford; Connery Bros.. My ankles and knees l.eca ne so

Blankets, colored, with fancy borders,6?c Pair

Blankets, white fleeced, with fancy bor-der, 75c Pair

Blankets, heavy white fleeced with fan-cy border, $1.00 Pair

Comfortables, large size, filled withwhite cot 'on. in a variety of new de-

signs and colors, $i oo EachComfortables, covered both sides with

splendid quality silkoline. handsomenew patterns, special, $1. so Each

s vollea I could scarcely walk""$1.25 a'Year, 75 Cents for Six Months, 50

ents (or Four S ontlis. Four Cents a t'opy

We have noty in stock the large I, and best selected assort-

ment of Ladies' and Misses' Jackets ever shown in this city.These garments you will find to !e of a th oughly reliablequality and workrffanship aud entirely new in design. Ourprices we guarantee to be the lowest. Here sue a tew of ourmany special offerings :

At $8.98 Stylish Jackets made of a good quality beavercloth, in the new loose fitting effect and trimmed with satinband and fancy braid.

At $11.50 Jackets extra quality kersey, loose back,double cape collar, trimmed in Panne velvet and lined withSkinner's satin.

At $16.98 Very stylish Jackets, f?-- 4 fitted back andGibson pleat, cape collar effect aud trimmed with velvet and

Georgetown; Allen Joyce, Roxburyi utievea ground and a littlestation; ueorge u. u'ueii, Cornwall

Bridge: it. Smith, West Cornwall. pressure from a stone under my feetdrug stores. Only 50c.Vewtow, Friday, November 7, 93 juld cause so much pain that I would Thomas Donnelly of New York has

Nathaniel W. Bishop of Bridgeport uearlysink down. I was often obligedgo lie in bed for several days at a time.and Edward Taylor went hunting.My friends who were similarly troubledTelephone call, 264-- 32

luoiniay, uui uau ratuer poor iuct

spent a few days at his father's farmhere.



Linoleum and Oilcloth.A large selection of latest patterns in domestic Linoleum

and Oilcloth.

were getting no relief fro:n doctorsowing to the I did not feel enoiuraed to throw

Advertising Rates ;money away for nothing. By chanceMrs Edward Taylor has been indisI read the story of Robert Yates, of F. H. Wheeler is in New Haven onposed with a bad attack of me grip.-2 Inchthe Klauer Manufacturing Co., of Du

fancy metal buttons.

Remember.that our facilities to give, you a perfect fit are thebest, as we have an experienced oloakmaker on the premises.

jury duty.Chief Justice Torrance and W. C

A fine cobble gutter from the Metho. Inchi Inchesi InchesI Inches

75c quality Linoleum, several patterns,at 60c y-- i

1.00 quality linoleum, 75c60c quality Oil Cloth for 45c

45c quality Oil Cl-th- , 35cquality Oil ("lo'h. s;c

Oil Cloth Rugs with pretty borders, at50c, 75c, $1.10, $1.50, $1.75 each

lw lmo 3mo 6mo year1.00 2.00 3.00 5.00

1.00 8.00 4.00 8.00 10.002.00 4.00 7.00 10.00 18.002.50 5.00 10.00 15.00 25.003.00 6.00 12.00 1S.00 30.004.00 8.00 10.00 24.00 40.005.00 10.00 20.00 28.00 48.006.00 12.00 24.00 36.00 60.008.00 16.00 32.00 48.00 80.00

10.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 100.00

dist church to Augur's market has beenAtwater of Derby were guests at The-4 colnmir put down by Contractor Tryon for tnt

luque, who dad & very bad case ofheumatism. I decidjd to try Dr

Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People,Dhe remedy he had used. In three orfour weeks after beginning to use thepills. I was much better and in three

Maples, last week.different property owners. It is a-3 column-2 column-4 columncolumn9J. Plaut great improvement. Miss Florence M. Young of Danbury

has been a guest of Mr and Mrs L. B R. IHE. Beeirs & Co,The big stock of men's and boys' Bradley.Read I off notices, brevier type. 10c line.niall nonpareil ads. lc a word per week.20X Main St., Paul ury, Conn. overcoats, winter suits for men ana

ggrStore Open flondav. Wednesday end ntitrdnv hvenincs.boys, the complete stock of heavy nuderwear for ladies and men, all woolblankets and comfortables, these are G. F. Baker & Co.the goods that are drawing many peo




ple to the Brick store just now. Tay-lor, Curtis & Co. also want the men ti Still doing business at Jthe same oldlook over fceir stock of horse blankets. stand.

Is the Hawleyville Furniture Man.Shipping goods to cities and towns allMrs Ella Connors and Charles ConVictory perched once more on the

banners of the Sandy Hook boys in the nors of New Haven will be guests onThanksgiving day of Mr and Mrs E. JHall.

Louis Goulette is to open his mar-

ket, this week, and will carry a choiceline of meats at the lowest prices.

Sheriff Beck of Bridgeport was intown one day, last week.

The Coe Brass Co., of Torringtonhave purchased a large tract of landin what is known as the the Web dis-

trict and have a gang of men at workcutting off ,tbe wood, which will beshipped to their factory in Torrington.

Mrs W. O. French has returned toher home here. "

Mr and Mrs George Chatfield- - andlittle daughter of Waterbury havebeen guests at C. B. French's, for afew days.

Captain Bradley and friends fromNew Haven have been here a few dayshunting, and were entertained by Mrand Mrs J. B. Downes.

pool contest, last Thursday evefiing, inBarber Pitzschler's parlor at, Sandyla Hook. Owing to. the indisposition of

Mf and Mrs Mlnott Augur go toII. G. Warner, Dr A. L. Schuyler did

Stock is all fresh and newIs the Hawleyville Furniture Man's.Hrass iron beds, wood luds and

couch beds.In fact, all the kinds of beds you can

wish for.Mattresses, springs and everything

co triplet e.At the Hawleyville Furniture Man'sSends goods by team or railDiK-- s the HaWleyviile Furniture Man.To any aridreis given by wire, mail or

tongue,And bustles them through fastest can

be done,Providing the weather does not pre-

ventThe nawieyvilie Furniture Man. ,

When vou tret married

Woodbridge for their Thanksgivingnot play. John O. Pitzschler was higliman with a score of 36 points. The

months I was well. Tiie swelling orche joints and the tenderness disap-jeare- d,

I could work steadily and foreight years I nave had no return ofshe trouble. My whole family believem Dr Williams' Pink Pills. Both myons use them. We consider them amusehold remedy that we are sureibout."

This is convincing testimony, easilyverified, from a plain, earnest man whotnows that he has escaped the cl uter-es of a terrible disease and who is pro-

foundly grateful and anxious to helpithers. .

Mr Meukel is a thrifty miner, and awell-know- n citizen of Dubuque. Nome could imagine that he had reachedlis seventieth year as ho is seen goingto his daily work with vigorous stepind erect bearing. Dr Williams' Pinkt'ills did more for him than simply;ive relief. Tuey eradicated the dis-ease by getting at the seat of thedifficulty in the blood. These pills areequally efficacious in the treatment ofther obstinate troubles such as loco-

motor ataxii, pirtiil paralysis, Sb Vi-

tus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, ner-vous headache, after-effect- s of the

rip, anaemia and all forms of weak-ness either in male or' female. Theyare sold by all druggists, or may be ob-tained directly from the Dr WilliamsMedicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y., tifty

feast. t i

Mr and Mrs Edward Troy and Mis

SplendidWeatherIsn't It?Splendid Overcoat Weather.Makes yon step lively, feel good;

makes you walk with vim and vigor,puts a healthy glow on the cheek andfills you chuck full of the elasticity ofhealth.

Splendid Overcoats. ,

For this splendid weather this splen-did overcoat weather overcoats thatwill meet 'your every need in fit andstyle, ci)t and smartoes9, are awaitingyou at our store. It has been a big rushthe past few days. Coats of all kinds ofthe "Over" kind up to $50.

Splendid Winter Suits,Too.

over the lano.Paying freight within one hundred

miles.Damages on goods he stands,- -

Does the Hawleyville Furniture Man.

Rellintf goods at very low prices.Isthe Ilawlevville Furniture Man.Even so low that the city stores do not

have a show,To buck up against him and hold their

customers,Sn out of town thev must go to visit.The Hawleyville Furniture Man.

Come one, come all, great and small,to visit

The Hawleyville Furniture Man.Just across the rail in the tall grass

standing there,Is a building mighty large and square;There is where you will findThe Hawleyville Furniture Man.

Anna Troy went, Tuesday, to attenothe funeral of Mrs Dugan of Tuckahce,


12 3 Total.G. Tugnot, S. H., 2 11 8 2tV. Terrill. H. O,, 13 4 7 21

J. Pitzschler, S. H , 12 9 15 35

J. Nichols, H. 0 . 3 6 0 9

John Dayton. S. H., 6 9 7 22

F. Shepard, H. C . 9 6 8 23

N. Y. .


S. Bluman says he is offering a notable opportunity for all his customers. Mr and Mrs F. D. Jordan were guestsCombined scores: Hillsida Olub. 56; Sandy He says he will work for them at halHook. 79.

j See the Hawleyville Furniture Man.Fitting up will be easy with a large

stock to see.Plenty of goods at any price you can

name.j Deliver on a run next morning,I Will the Hawleyville Furniture Marv

price. He asks you to remember andIn the contest, Monday night, be tell your neighbors. 'Vtween the Hillside and Sandy Hookb"ys, the former were badly beaten Suit has been brought by Michael

Cavanaugh of Hartford against theDr A. L. Schuyler falling a victim tothe skill of John O. Yitzschler by ascore of 32 to 13. Messrs Shepard and

pf Mr and Mrs W. Jordan, on Sunday.



Rev William H. Hayes of Andoverpreached in the Congregational church,Sunday.

The regular meeting of the Grangewill be held Friday night.

The many friends of Miss Lounsbury

New York and New Haven railroadcompany for damages for injuries to a

Q. P. BAKER & CO.,Furniture, Carpets, Mattings and Kitchen Ranges,

Hawlewille. Conti.Dayton did not play, owing to the ab tract of land, which was burned over

Just as it is with the overcoat, eo it is '

'with the suit here. MuDdreds bave found it out. You'll swellthe number when you see the eplendi&suits for these splendid ear-

ly winter days. Look-usove- r.

by fire started by sparks from one ofcents a box, or six boxes for two doltheir engines on May last, for $100lars and a half.damages. The suit is returnable be A Collection

sence of Shepard. The score. '

1 2 3 Total.6 6 12 24

W.lVrrlll, 9 9 3 21

G. Tugnot, 5 6 11 22

J. Nichols, 10 9 4 23

J. Pitzschler, 10 15 7 32

Dr Schuyler, 5 0 8 13

fore Justice Patrick II. McCarthy, De of Bethlehem are sorry to learn of herJ. Howard Burr (81 Co., severe illness. Miss Lounsbury taughtschool in this place, lat year.

cember 5.

In the case of the State vs. JoseplDuplies, the bond of $300 was called


- BE HEL.199 Main St., Danbury, Conn.

Combined scores: Hillside Club, 57; Sandy Quite a number from this place at-tended the dance in Long Hill, ThanksHook, 78.

last week, in the criminal CommonSI ii ... - HOW THE THANKSGI VING DAY WILL BEPleas court at Bridgeport.Miss Anna Hamburger passed Satur giving eve.

Miss Olive Watrous spent Sunday inBridgeport.

day and Sunday with friends in West CBSKKVDD.

Thanksgiving day in Bethel will beE. L. Johnson is more comfortable.Haven.observed in the old way by family rethis week. ...

(P. N. Curtis ofi Worcester,Mass., has

unions and a suniptious dinner of the

Of Iron Plates and Castings is no more a ranze than a pile of brinks and stone is a house. Agood range is not an awident ii Is ilie result, of many years of carefa1 study. If you want arange that wi'l give perfect satisfaction, one that will bake and cook right one that will lastand save fuel we have them.

Those Oak StovesThat make genuine Florida temperature In the house all through the long winter months by'imply throwing in a MM le fuel uaw and then are worthy of your consideration. WE hareone at our home and while sitting by it when the thermometer is at zero out-id- e. we havevisions of the sunny south e think of our pocketbook and consult it ; and Immediately con-clude tli nt we have a more certain lenipe'Hture right here and the idea of going south van-ishes like a snow flake on a hot Kound Oak Stove.

The Beckwith Air Tights-

Keep fire and wear longer than any other stove. Bnt when vou ask for a cheap stove weshow you the special air tight the large one taking in wo-- 32 inches 'ong. just think of it, 32inches. ThW makes the men smile the whole width of their faces and the smile is a lastingone, not to be chased away.

Ynu-ca- never know how much comfort there Is in a good stove nntll you have useaone, nnd the prices are so small, quality considered that it is not worth mentioning hereSimply call or drop us a card ; that is all that is necessary.

McLean I Mr and Mrs C. H. Gay will spendrothers, best one can afford. Turkeys areThanksgiving with Mrs Linsley in1

been a recent guest at L. A. Hawley 's,

Mrs Weed is entertaining a friend,


scarce and high in price, and probablywill not be used for the mak-u- p of aNew Haven.

Danbfry, CoSHSTgood dinner as in years past. There is

Now is the time to commence feed an abundance of other good things to Carelessness is responsible for manying the International stock food, both a railroad wreck and the same causeseat that a family may have at a mod-erate sum and they have reason to be are making human wrecks of suffer

ers from Throat and Lung troubles.thankful for them.But since the ad vent of Dr King's NewDiscovery for Consumption, Coughs The Lisk Tinware is the Best. AtMRS ABIGAL WARREN. ana colas, even tne worst cases can becured and hopeless resignation is noThe death of Mrs Abigal Warren, longer necessnry. Mrs Lois Cragg ofDorchester. Mass.. is one of manywidow of the late William Warren, oc- -


Carefully picked from the offerings of the bost makers, our line of

Thanksgiving LinensIs unsnrpassed In beauty and qnalltv. Mm of the p'ci-e- s arc mailc ( t us andcan only be obtalnt-- here. The pretty iiisiirns have not. been i(j..inlled ty anyprevious sbowitig arid tioiliiug like tlu:m,!i;is uver been wild at, as lov prl ts.

Bleached Damask r Damask and Huck Towlsn?.S"i?ir,hULn!-!t1'",l'fnS- i pur0 Med frtjjo or hemstitched end, atinMnJ to SrT. ma qiiu.ily,

In ''''Tn'f" --'. 11).:, !2Jc U) i,0j each.750.11.5 l.Mja. Tray c,otha and I)oylies

Napkins Hand embroidered and drawn work de--siKU-o- n lie:i vy linen

In or U sizes, many to raath the cloth i 'oy li s. l!'2c. 2m. :t:ic each,at 11.00, 1.2a, 1 50, 1 75 to 4.0U dozen. I Tray cloths. 3&.--, 50o, Tic each.

Ecured last Saturday night, at the home whose life was saved by Dr King's NewDiscovery. This great remedy is guar-anteed for all Throat and Lung dis- -

J. HALL'S,Sandy Hook, Conn.

of her granddaughter, Mrs FrederickStaib. on Milwaukee street. The funer-al services were held Tuesday at 12 30 Beers &Co., JNewtown:

Taylor, Curtis & Co.. Sandy Hookr 15

p. m. The remains were taken to Hawley, Sherman; A. W. Twiss,Bethel; W, N. Nobleand Albert Evitts,New Milford; Connery Bros., George-town; Allen Joyce, Roxbury Station,ueorge u. U'ueil, Cornwall Bridtre: KF. Smith, West Cornwall. Price 50cand $1. Trial bottle, free.

CASTOR I AFor Infants and Children.

A RegularWash Day.

Women dread cleanitg ordinary eparatora,A multitude ot hard-to-get-- at parts-f-o be washedtwice a dy if cran is not to be tjtiated-mak- es

it a regular wash d tj task.

The SharpiesTubular Separator

I washed ii five minutes. The bowl has onlyONK smll piece Inside it omes out. Womenprefer the Tubular. Drop in and get a catalog.

V. B. HATCH,Agent for New Milford and Vicinity.

The Kind You Havs Always Bought

BROWN'S ANODYNETestimonials.

A lady In Lennx, Mass., writes : "I h:irl a sample buttle of your Anodyneleft at the house. I was sick at the t hue wit Ii Bronchi' is. I found it a a 'ex-cellent remedy for that; also for other tilings for which I tried it."

Mr Herkimer White of Smithfleld, N. Y., writes: Gentlemen I haveused your Anodyne tor nearly five years, and 1, ilx-t- : rt'ully recommend iito the public for couuhs. colds, chills, cioup, neuralgia, and sore throat, as itnever fails to give immediate relief.

All Dealers Sell It At 25 Cents.

Bears the

Mrs Ptobcrt D. Knapp and son ofDanbury have visited Mr and MrsWalter Ruffels of Palestine, this week.

- Mrs George P. Sanford, Miss LillianFairman and Miss Grace Osborne wentto Bridgeport, Monday, where theywill remain for the winter. Their de-

parture is regretted by their neighborsand friends:

George Miller, is putting in the foun-dations, this week, for the new barnof C. B. Taylor. It will be 30x34 feet,and the carpenter work will be doneby George A. Northrop.

F. E. Burvvell has taken the contract-t-

paint the new conveno building atSt Hose's church.

W. O. Ilibbard went to New Milford,Tuesday, to attend the funeral of W.S. Palmer.

Mr and Mrs Lawrence Taylor visitedMrs French, a sister of Mr Taylor, inStevenson, Sunrlnv.


Miss May Lyons, who spent thesummer in Newtown, is now a studentat the American Academy of Dramat icArt at Carnegie IjfaU, New York.Miss Lyons is a daughter of John J.Lyons, a former resident of SandyHook, and her many friends in townwill wish her success in her chosen pro-fession.

P. II., McCarthy will spend Thanks-giving With Mr and Mrs John J. Lyonsin Brooklyn, N. Y.

John ITaugh, whose marriage tookplace on Tuesday, will occupy the housevacated by Stage Driver Hawley at.Sandy Hook.

Born, Tuesday, November 24, 1903, ason to Thomas J. and Mary D. Cor-bet- t.


S. Werstenstein and family of NewYork w c re S u nd a y yi i ps t s f St Bluman.

Mr and Mrs J. II. Smith, Mr andMrs Joseph Smith and Miss ClaribelSmith ol Bridgeport and Mr and MrsWilliam Hall of Danbury will pasThanksgiving day with Mrs SusanHall.

Dr W. C. Wile was entertained,Monday night, by Ezra J. Hall.

- -

Mrs E. J. Hall made a Hying trip toDanbury, Tuesrlay.


C. J. Trent passed Sunday at Butler,N. J.

John Clark will pass Thanksgivingvvitli his family at Warwick, N. Y.

Mr and Mrs Benjamin Corning willpass Thanksgiving with Mr Coming'sfather in Stepney.

James Hoyt of Warwick, N. Y., isvisiting his brother, Reuben Hoy t.

The factory of the Fabric Fire HoseC". will be closed for Thanksgivingday.

Mr Decker, who is employed in theUper rubber factory, moves his fam- -

Millinery Novelties!We are introducing many new styles

and goods for winter wear.

WP Hlllirrin 989 Broad Street, Bridgepo it, CcrICUIIVcIII, Beers Colonial! uildine.

We Give AWatch

With $12 In Trade,Like This.

Hubert'sART STORE,

4.6 P. O. Arcade, Bridgeport.

We Are Headquarters for

Pictures and PictureFraming.

Novelties in Bric-a-Br- ac and Cut Glass,Ar,ists Materials and Statuary. Head-quarte- rs

for pyrography or wood burn-ing Give us a call

Southeast, N w York for burial. Thedeceased was 80 years of age.


GOLDEN WEDDING.The 50th wedding anniversary of

Mr and. Mrs Edwin Stone occurred onWednesday, November 25. Mr andMrs Stone held a reception from 4 to8 o'clock p. m., at the residence ofMrs Stone's brother, Henry A. Gilbert,of South street.


The Mills property, at the corner ofSouth and Taylor streets, was sold atpublic auction, last Saturday. Theplace was purchased by Mrs Arthur S.Judd.

The old stoop in front of the II ickokand Beard block has been removed.The new stairs in front of MacDow-ell'- s

market is a scant pattern. "Dok"says they look like a small hat on aDig man, but there, is one thing intheir favor, he can take them in nights.

Eli W. Gilbert was confined to hishouse on Monday with illness. Philo(jilbert was in charge of the hardwaeSlore on Center htreet.

Mr and Mrs II. C. Judd have a fami-

ly dinner on Thanksgiving day attheir home on Maple street.


The hunting season will close, De-

cember 1.

Horace II ickok captured a gray foxon one of his hunting touts, last week.

Cornelius Judd trapped in EastSwamp, last week, two bbtck muskratsTne pelts make valuable furs.



MrsT.W. Treadwelland little son ofLyon's Plain have spent several dayswith Mrs II. C. Ilunbutt.

TheNorfield Aid society holds a "Bas-ket Social" at the home of Mrs D. O.

for poultry and stock. Taylor, Curtis& Co. have the local agency.

A whist club has been formed ofmembers from Newtown, Sandy Hookand vicinity, who expect to play duringthe winter. The first meeting takesplace on Friday evening of this weekwith Mr and Mrs R. H. Beers.

The Men's club had a genuine liter-ary treat, Tuesday night, in an even-ing on Stimue' Johnson, conducted

Ross Jewell. The meetingwas held at the Grand Central hotel,Rev J. II. George being the host.

Miss Lord left Sandy Hook on Tues-day to spend Thanksgiving with herfriends in Hartford. She will returnon Saturday and take charge of theservices in the Methodist church on

Sunday next. After this she will leavefur another field of labor.

Amos L. Hawley finished makingcider on Wednesday, the 24th.

Ernest Hawley will act as agent forthe City laundry of Danbury, begin-ning this week. This will be an ac-commodated to a great many in thevicinity of Uawleyville.

C. L. Jackson of Hawleyville spentSunday in Bridgeport with his wife,who is visiting friends there for a fewweeks.

Don't forget wecarry a complete lineof misses' and boys' school shoes, alsotine line of rubber overshoes for theboys and girls, at rock bottom prices- -

Sandy Hook Shoe Store.

When in Sheiton be sure and visitthe store of D. N. Clark. You will al-

ways rind some bargain awaiting youthere. Notice his advertisement.


It's shameful when youth fails toshow proper respect for old age, butjust the contrary in the case of DrKing's New Life Pills. They cut oilmaladies no matter how severe and ir-

respective of old age. Dyspepsia,Jaundice, Fever, Constipation, allyieldto this perfect Pill. 25c at R. H. Beers& Co., Newtown; W. B. Hawley,Sherman; Taylor, Curtis & Co., SandyHook; A. W. Twiss, Bethel; W. N.Noble and Albert Evitts, New Milford;Connery Bros., Georgetown; AllenJoyce, Roxbury Station; George D.O'Deil, Cornwall Bridge; R. F. Smith,VV'jst Cornwall. Only 50c.


ft whs a "Li liey lJn.w" that plowed tbarough new land wiilioul breaking, it was a

flo.v" that plowed the hard dryground where others tailed. It was a "L.el4nyflow that plowed that slieky clay and madework easy lor man aud team, it was a "Leloy" ltevursiblc Plow, thai plowed ttie steepsiiit.-hill- . It is a"Li-Uoy- lieversi ble Plow thatwill do good work on Hat land, doing awaywith all I urrows, leaving your land level audsuitable for all crops. For sale by W. B.Glover, Newtown Oonn.

Buyer and ExporterOFNICHOLAS T ESI NY, When You're In

Danburyhave lunch at Rlnke's, WoosierSqnarenext door to the Danbury News Office

Genuine Blue Point

it lad d lillilBridgeport, Conn.3767-377- 3 Main Street,

AS?"Price Ist on Application. Oysttdirect from the prowers and an exper-ienu- fd

oysti-- r insiu in chance. Shvllfoods of all kinds served iu the latestways.

: ffi s y


Brings good re-

sults. A businessis often judged byits printed mat-ter. It costs verylittle more to haveyour work doneby us in goodform.

Danbury MusicSchool andSchool of Elocution,

265 and 268 JVain Street,DAMiURY, CT.

Regular Dinners Dailyand quick lunches at. all hours."

A Plenty to Eat, a Little to Pay.Everybody welcomed 1o Daubury'sneatest and best restaurant.


Danbury Toy Store,14 Elm Street, Danbury, (t.

fVOpposlte Fairfield House.

The Largest Stock of Toys atthe Very Lowest Prices,,

The holldfiys lire but u few weel; off, :udwe have the heat general lint) of hol'dny foiidsyou 11 nnd any here.

Chase, on Friday evening, Dtcember 4. For the ThanksA family Shoe Store; the best

of everything in first class foot-wear.

Boys' and Girl's School Shoesa specialty.

All kinds of Rubbers and Felts.

The Walter E. Wheel-

er Shoe Co.,M. E. COSOROVE, Manager,

245 Main Sireet, Danbury, Ct.

Season iQf 3-- 4. Schoolske-Ope- n Sept. 14.

I'nenlty nnd miners: Albert Rose P;ir-ui,.- s

;i ml II K nv i;i uer , f ; vv York ( 'it y.N11A.1 uriLs, M;i 111 ii . Tueed v. Mis Kiule

xliiiiileiii'in.U lli'lion. Mrs Weiuhfit.! inline Uiost: null ol Iter s.

I'livnie iiiel instruction In Plaiio.'uu'e. V 101 in. Tlii- ir.v . I .iiM'inliie. Sijjlit Kead-in-

iti'Miiiin iliui nil bi itni'he-- . !' Klnciil, iririV'oiee liuildiii. Medical t iy nmast ies.

DeUillle. l'h.'sl' III t'llllnre, Drills. Keaditig,Uturllal ions, .Mmmirfiui's. etc.

Send fur riniiln-j-ii- full informa-- 1

inn in v?ai d in Scholarships, Diplomas,Xuniuu. Tcliuiuuials, etc.

The Matinee club will hold a meet-ing, next week, at the home of Mrs L.S. Godfrey.

Mr and Mrs Charles Northrop of4

Pond Ridge have spent several dayswith Mr and Mrs Orlando Andrews.

Mrs C. Kennell is spending a fewweeks in Norwalk.

Mrs M. B. Hill has returned from avisit in Bridgeport.

Clarence Andrews of Easton has vii-- 1

giving Table !

A prime lot of Grapes, Oranges,Dates, Figs, Nuts, etc., for theThanksgiving table. Send or leaveyour order with

MORRIS, TBo,BQNewtown, Conn.

The Bee Pub Co., 1D. a. BEERS & CO.,

Newtown, Conn.,Manufacturers Of

Canopy Tops, Bugcry Toj s,Cushions, Packs,

And all fc'nd o Trlmml " or Carriagesand Wagons. Send for Catalogue.

Newtown, Ct.