The Assassin by Rye James (Western)

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Transcript of The Assassin by Rye James (Western)

  • 8/14/2019 The Assassin by Rye James (Western)


    The Assassin


    Rye James

    Beck, cmon! P-p-please...whatever hes giving you,

    Ill double it! We can work this out, Murphy begged.

    You know once I take the job, thats it, aint no way

    out of it for ya, Beck explained. Its a darn shame forya, but you shouldnt have went and done nothin for him to

    be puttin money on your head.

    Do you even know what I done for him to want me

    dead? Murphy asked.

    Nope, Beck replied. Dont really matter to me one

    way or the other. You did what you did, he wants you dead

    for it, and he paid me to do it. Whether I know what

    happened, or whether I agree with you or him dont make one

    bit a difference. Im getting paid, thats what I care

    about. So I reckon thats that.

    Murphy started to shake realizing the fate thatawaited him. Finally, his fear and frustration caused him

    to yell out at Beck.

    Youre like a leech that attaches to something and

    doesnt let go till youve sucked the life right out of it.

    Been on my tail for days and days not letting up. No matter

    what I do I cant shake ya, youre always a step behind.

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    Youre nothin but a bloodthirsty animal, who enjoys chasing

    your prey till you finally grasp it around the neck with

    your killhappy hands.

    Beck just stood there silently, looking at him with

    that evil glare that hed looked at many a man with. Beckslowly moved his right hand down to his side, just barely

    giving the handle of his Colt room to breathe.

    Murphy, Im getting a little bit of a chill standing

    in this Arizona night air, Beck said, becoming

    increasingly annoyed. I havent had supper yet, looks like

    some rain is movin in, and Im getting tired of listening

    to you bellyache and babble like the coward you are. We

    might as well do it now so you can be on your way to your

    maker. Looking at the bottle of whiskey in front of him by

    his saddle, Murphy asked, Mind if I have a drink first?

    Beck nodded and obligingly said, Man shouldnt die


    Murphy reached down and grabbed the neck of the

    bottle, stood back up and took a swallow. He put the bottle

    to his lips for another swallow, but suddenly threw it at

    Beck, hoping to get the jump on him.

    Murphy removed the gun from his holster. But with

    Becks lightning speed, he managed to draw at the same time

    as Murphy, even while ducking the bottle. They fired their

    pistols simultaneously, and as the smoke from the multiple

    shots filled the air, both men were hit and dropped to the

    ground. After a few seconds, Beck clutched a handful of

    dirt in his left hand, as he staggered to his feet. He held

    his right shoulder as he picked up his pistol. He walked

    over to Murphys lifeless body to see if he was still

    alive. He nudged him in the side of his stomach with his

    boot. He was lying face down, not moving, and Beck knew

    that he was dead.

    I cant believe you shot me, you bastard. Lou Murphy

    shot me, as he shook his head in disgust. Of all the men

    Ive gone up against, nobodyd ever shot me, and some of

    them fellas was right handy with a pistol. It took a coward

    and a bottle to draw blood on me.

    The clouds then opened up, letting out a fierce,driving rain. Beck went to his horse and put on his

    slicker. He figured he could make the town of Galena in an

    hour or two, depending on if the rain let up and how his

    shoulder felt. He knew he needed to get some medical

    attention, but hed have to be very cautious about it. If

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    anybody knew hed been shot, especially in his gun arm, his

    name could be carved up onto some gunslingers reputation

    very quickly. Any man whos good with a gun would cherish

    the opportunity to notch Matt Becks name into the handle

    of their revolver. So, he took out some cloth from hissaddle bag and applied it to his shoulder. Then he mounted

    his Pinto, and began riding for Galena.

    Matt Beck was one of the most known gunmen in the

    Arizona territory. Although he was not a wanted man, and

    hed never done anything against the law, nobody was more

    feared. He was a gun for hire. If you wanted another man

    dead, and had enough money, Matt Beck was the man to get

    the job done. He always made sure it was self defense; as

    he was so fast that he didnt need to draw first. Every

    lawman knew that when Matt Beck rode into town, somebody

    was going to die. Every undertaker knew that when he saw

    Beck, he was going to pick up another customer.

    There was nothing extraordinary in itself about Matt

    Beck, other than his mastery of a gun. He was of average

    height, build, and looks. He was a great judge of character

    though, always knew the right thing to say, and seemed to

    know what made other people tick. The only thing that ever

    concerned him was his next job. Beck was an old veteran at

    his trade, although he was only 27 years old. He never kept

    an actual count, but as far as he could figure, hed killed

    27 men in the last 4 years.

    A few hours soon passed, and he started to come up on

    Galena. He first came across the cemetery, which was

    located just on the outskirts of town. It had become a

    ritual for him. Just before entering a town, and just after

    leaving it, he would go to the cemetery and stare at the

    gravestones. He was never sure exactly why he did this.

    Maybe it was out of respect to all the men who hed gunned

    down, or for the men who hell make it a permanent home

    for. Or, maybe as he looked upon these graves he visualized

    his own name written on them.

    So he sat atop his horse, with the heavy rain dripping

    off the brim of his hat, just looking at the names carved

    on the graves. Then, one grave caught his eye. There wasno name, or birth on it. It simply said Died April 17,

    1875. He wondered who the unfortunate soul was who was

    buried without a name. Though he was obviously not against

    killing, he figured a man should at least be buried with

    his name.

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    Beck then began his slow ride into town. Because of

    the heavy rain, there was nobody on the streets. But as he

    led his horse through the town, he could feel the eyes of a

    dozen people on him. As he looked to the buildings that

    were on both sides of him, he could see some of the facesthat seemed to be glued to his every movement. They must be

    dying to know who I am, he thought to himself. Well, I

    reckon theyll know soon enough.

    Suddenly, Beck pulled up on the reins of his horse.

    He heard sounds that were different from the rhythmic

    pattering of the rain. He just sat there listening, trying

    to decipher what the sounds were that he was hearing. They

    seemed to be coming from an alley between the saloon and

    the general store. He led his horse through the alley, and

    saw what he expected. It was the sounds of bare knuckles

    hammering on some poor souls face. The sounds ofboots

    pounding away on the ribs of his midsection. Two men were

    unmercifully beating a man, with the blood pouring from his

    mouth, nose, and above his left eye. Beck couldnt remember

    seeing a worse beating before. The men turned around and

    noticed Beck sitting on his horse, watching them. As he was

    sizing the men up, Beck noticed something on the left chest

    of the two men. The glare that reflected from the objects

    they were wearing made it obvious as to who they were.

    They were both wearing badges.

    I reckon theyre the law around these parts, he


    Beck locked eyes with the two men for several seconds.

    Both men then dropped their hands to the holsters of their

    gun, expecting to have to use them. But Beck was not

    looking for gunplay, especially with his shoulder shot up,

    and the possibility of his hand slipping off the handle of

    his gun with the heavy rain. He grinned, and slowly backed

    his horse out of the alley.

    Not today boys, not today, he said barely

    whispering. Looks like a right friendly town Ive come

    across, he mumbled.

    Figuring he might be followed, he decided to go get

    something to eat instead of finding the doctor. He glancedaround town, and he saw a sign for Kaleys Eatin Place a

    little further down the street. He was gettin mighty

    hungry, and his shoulder, surprisingly enough, wasnt

    hurtin all that bad. As he tied his horse up in front of

    Kaleys, he looked back, and sure enough they were

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    following. He ordered a steak, and took a seat in the back

    of the restaurant so he could see them coming through the

    door. Beck made it a point to never let his back be exposed

    to a door or window. Many men were afraid of him, and some

    wouldnt be opposed to shooting him in the back. He kepthis eyes on the door while he was waiting for his steak.

    He had a feeling the lawmen would be wanting to talk to him

    after he snuck up on them in the alley. A few minutes

    later, while eating his steak, they came wandering through

    the door. The two men walked up to his table, and sat down

    in front of him.

    Excuse me, I dont think weve been introduced. Im

    Sheriff Hague, and this is my deputy, Cal Morrissey. And

    you are? he said smiling, extending his hand to Beck.

    Beck kept his eyes focused on his steak on the table,

    ignoring the hand that Hague was offering. Hague and

    Morrissey looked at each other, unsure of what to do next.

    Hague, being the sheriff, was the leader and talker of

    the two. He was a little over six foot, clean-cut looking,

    but had a mean streak that stretched on for miles. He often

    would put up a front of being a friendly, mild mannered,

    and good natured fellow, but was in actuality as bad as men

    could come. Morrissey was a good gun, but not much in terms

    of thinking. Prone to violence, he also had a vicious

    streak, but would never unleash it without Hagues orders.

    They had known each other for several years, even before

    they became lawmen. He sported a scar along his right

    cheek, most of which was covered up with his beard.

    I dont think youre being very hospitable, said


    And I think youre interrupting my dinner, Beck


    Well, were just trying to be friendly. Let you know

    were a nice friendly town here, you being a stranger and


    I saw how friendly a town this is by the display you

    two were putting on in that alley back there. A mighty

    impressive accomplishment it was, too, Beck mentioned

    sarcastically. Mustve took all the strength you two couldmuster to put down that man.

    Hague began squinting his eyes, and licking his lips.

    He knew the man before him was going to cause some kind of


    Im gonna give you some nice, friendly advice,

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    mister. You forget what you saw back there, and since its

    rainin, youre more than welcome to stay the night here.

    But when mornin comes, you better be on your way, Hague

    said leaning forward.

    That sure does sound like some good advice, it surelydoes. I believe Ill take ya up on that offer, Sheriff.

    Well thats fine. Im sorry you had to wander into

    our town and see that little unfortunate incident. But, Im

    sure you understand as peace officers, we sometimes have to

    deal with the riff raff in unpleasant ways. Well, enjoy

    your meal, and have a pleasant stay tonight.

    And with that, Hague and his deputy got up from the

    table and left. They walked straight over to the jail and

    began discussing the stranger they had just run into.

    You think hes gonna give us any trouble? Morrissey


    No, I dont think so. I think hes probably just a

    drifter passing through. Hell leave by morning.

    What makes you so sure? Morrissey countered.

    Cause why would he want to make trouble? Hes got no

    stake here. Hell move on in the morning. Probably just

    looking for a place to spend the night, trying to stay out

    of the rain.

    Meanwhile, Beck finished his meal and put his horse in

    the stables. He then walked over to the hotel. He signed

    the guest book, and was handed the key to his room on the

    second floor. As he climbed the stairs, the hotel clerk

    turned the guest book around to see the signature. His eyes

    almost bulged out of their sockets upon seeing the name

    Matt Beck. He rushed over to the bottom of the stairs to

    make sure Beck wasnt still in sight. As soon as he

    determined that Beck had gone into his room, he flew out of

    the hotel and ran towards the sheriffs office. He barged

    into the jail a little winded and out of breath.

    Sheriff, that stranger just checked into the hotel.

    Do you know who he is?!

    No, why dont you tell me, he said sounding


    Hes Matt Beck, the clerk remarked.Hague and Morrissey just looked at each other, with an

    expression of concern falling over their faces.

    Matt Beck, eh? So thats him. Ive always wondered

    what itd be like to go up against him, Hague exclaimed.

    Well, you may get your chance sheriff, Morrissey

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    said. What do you suppose he wants? Or should should I

    say, who? Im not liking this. Hes bad news. If hes

    staying, somebodys gonna have a new home in the cemetery.

    Just relax, Cal. He may not be here after anybody.

    Like I said, its raining, he may just want a place tospend the night till the rain lets up. If hes still here

    tomorrow...then I guess well see what happens.

    While in his room, Beck applied a new bandage to his

    shoulder. The bleeding had stopped, and it didnt seem to

    be as bad as he feared, but it was hurting a little more

    than before. He began practicing his draw while looking in

    the mirror. He let his arm fall to his side. He then tried

    to draw as fast as he could. As he drew the gun out of the

    holster, the grimace on his face told him he wasnt ready

    for a fight anytime soon. He was definitely slower. He kept

    practicing his draw over and over again. The results were

    the same. He wasnt slow, hed still be able to outdraw

    most men that hed come across, but he wasnt the Matt Beck

    that he and everyone else knew. A few tenths of a second

    slower is all it takes to determine life and death. He now

    knew if he engaged in a gunfight with a man who was good

    with a gun, he would lose for sure.

    Within a half hour, the buzz of Matt Beck being in

    town, had reached almost everybody. People at Kaleys were

    hardly able to eat; as they were too busy discussing Becks

    past killings.

    Ive heard he once killed two men before they even

    got their guns out of their holsters, one man said.

    Another chimed in, I heard he killed a man just by staring

    at him. Dropped dead out of fear.

    The saloon was filled with second hand stories of

    what Beck was like, and the men hed gunned down. The

    prevailing thought was that he was just plain evil. If the

    devil could take form, and personally take a man back to

    the depths of Hell, surely that form was filled by Matt


    Hed probably shoot his own mother for a hundred

    dollars, one drinker said.

    Another at the bar mentioned, I saw him shoot down aman in Tucson. He begged and pleaded for his life, and Beck

    just stared at him. It was a cold, evil stare. Just like

    the devil had possessed him. Shot him right through the

    heart. Hes just plain mean.

    I bet you could take him, Jared, someone shouted.

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    Youre damn right I could take him. Id be mighty

    interested to find out if he lives up to that reputation of

    his. I bet he aint even half as fast as folks say. Maybe

    its time somebody put that assassin in his place.

    Youre pretty quick with that gun, Jared, but MattBeck....I dunno.

    Whos Matt Beck?! Hes just a man. He lives and dies,

    and bleeds just like you or me! There aint nothin special

    about him. Id love to be the one to say that I finished

    off Matt Beck. I say I can take him.

    While the saloon and restaurant were running rampant

    with stories about Beck, the towns most prominent citizens

    and businessmen were gathering to find out what they should


    What do you plan to do about this, sheriff? the

    mayor asked.

    And just what is it that you want me to do?

    The Mayor thought for a minute about what he wanted.

    He was a heavyset man, of below-average height; a corrupt

    man whod do anything to make himself wealthier, or more


    Well...get rid of him. Run him out of town, or lock

    him up.

    I cant run him out of town. Hes not wanted for

    anything. And I dont think hes the kind who you can just

    throw out of a town. If we try that, theres gonna be a

    fight for sure.

    Who do you suppose hes after, sheriff?

    Could be anybody, Mayor. Or, he could just be passing


    Do you really believe that, sheriff? the storekeeper


    Doesnt matter what I believe. Noboby knows, and

    nobodys gonna know just by us standing around talking

    about it. Well all find out by tomorrow.

    What do you think, Doc? the storekeeper asked. You

    might have your hands full in the next few days if Beck

    stays around.

    I havent really thought about it too much. We cantget inside his head and predict what hell do. Hes just a

    man though. Im sure he cant be as cold and evil as

    everyone says he is.

    You dont read papers too much, do you Doc? Hague

    asked. Believe me, hed kill you just as sure as youre

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    standing there. He wouldnt hesitate, blink, or have second

    thoughts. Youd be dead within three seconds, and it

    wouldnt bother him one bit. Ive got reports from lawmen

    all over Arizona saying the same thing. Hes a vicious,

    cold blooded killer.They were all wondering why he was in town. Surely, he

    must be in town to kill somebody. A man of his reputation

    doesnt just pass through every day. But who could it be?

    Who would have such an enemy that theyd hire Mat Beck to

    dispose of them? One thing was for sure, everybody was

    eager to find out. But not too eager, as it could easily be

    any one of them.

    From his hotel room window, Beck could see some type

    of gathering by the sheriffs office. He also had a good

    view of the saloon, Kaleys, and even the church. He could

    see most of the street from there. The commotion on the

    street was nothing new to him. Hed seen it a dozen times


    Lets see...looks like the towns important folk are

    talkin with the sheriff. Probably a bunch of cowards in

    that restaurant having trouble keeping their food down just

    thinkin of me. Lets not forget the saloon, where theres

    probably at least one fool who thinks I probably dont live

    up to my reputation and he can take me, he said talking to

    himself. Hmmmm...Im surprised the preacher aint standing

    out in front of the church hollerin about how the devils

    rode into town. Well...I reckon its begun. Time to lead

    the lambs to slaughter.

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    Chapter 2

    Beck was already dressed by the time the sun rose.

    He figured to try and talk to the doctor about his shoulder

    without anybody in town being suspicious of it. He walked

    down the street to where the doctors office was located.

    He saw a chair located directly across the street from it,

    so he took a seat to wait. He also could keep an eye on

    anything that might happen in town, as it wouldnt have

    been the first time that he caused a panic.

    After a few hours had passed, everything in town still

    seemed quiet. He noticed a man walking up to the doctors

    office. The man was well dressed, in his early 30s, about

    6 feet tall, and carrying a black bag. Sure looked like adoctor to him. As the man went inside, Beck stayed seated a

    few minutes longer. He had to think of how to bring up the

    subject of his injury without immediately asking about it.

    He had to know whether hed be able to trust him first. He

    finally walked over and knocked on the door

    Are you the doctor here?

    Well, most people come to me when theyre ailing, so

    I guess that would make it unanimous, the doctor quipped.

    What can I do for you, Mister Beck?

    I see you know my name already.

    Everybody in this town knew who you were 5 minutesafter you checked in last night. A man like you, I imagine

    its quite difficult to pass through a town quietly and


    I reckon thats true.

    So what brings you to my office at this time of day?

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    the doctor asked.

    I usually make it a practice to talk to the town

    doctor of every town I come across. I find their workload

    usually increases when I arrive.

    Ive heard a rumor or two to that effect, I believe,the doctor joked.

    Beck was becoming intrigued by this doctor. He seemed

    to be unafraid, or didnt care about his reputation,

    something he didnt find among most men hed met. He also

    seemed to be light hearted and quick with the jokes. Also a

    refreshing change for him.

    You dont seem to have much fear, Beck quizzed.

    Should I have?

    Most men do. They know my reputation and what I do.

    I would think the only reason to fear you would be if

    they had something to hide. I have nothing to hide, and no

    enemies that I know of, so I dont believe I have a reason

    to fear you. But if that should change, Ill let you know

    promptly, I assure you.

    You have an intelligent wit about you. Cant say that

    Ive come across that too often in my travels.

    Well, a man in your profession, I cant say that Im

    surprised. So, if I may be so bold, why have you come to

    this town?

    What if I were to tell you I was just passing

    through. Would you believe that? Beck asked curiously.

    Pausing a moment to think, the doctor replied, Well I

    guess if you were to give me your word, I supposed Id

    believe it.

    Beck seemed a little shocked to hear such a thing. It

    was the first time he could ever recall meeting someone who

    would actually take him on his word for something.

    So are you just passing through, Mister Beck?

    I cant really say one way or the other, Beck stated.

    Im guessing that answers my question.

    So whats your name, doctor?

    Most people call me Doc Henston. And no, Docs not my

    real first name. But, people have called me that for so

    long....I cant seem to recall what my real first name isanymore!, he said laughing.

    Beck began smiling at the humor of Henston, forgetting

    about the bullet still lodged in his shoulder.

    So what made you become a doctor?

    Oh, I dunno....when I was a youngster, I took a

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    bullet out of my older brothers leg. And people have been

    coming to me ever since. I didnt have much choice in the

    matter. What persuaded you to become a gunfighter?

    I killed a man in self defense. He had friends who

    didnt much like me for that. So, they came after me, and Ikilled them too. There was a man who saw all this...a

    gunfighter. He took me aside and said, Boy, if youre

    gonna go around killing folks, you might as well get paid

    for it. So, I rode with him for about a year. He took me

    under his wing and taught me the profession.

    Dont you ever get tired of going around the country

    putting a bullet into people?

    Do you ever get tired of taking them out?

    Thats certainly a different way of looking at,

    Mister Beck.

    They continued chatting a little while longer. But

    Beck felt he should get to the point of why he came, and

    ask about that shoulder. But first he needed to find out if

    Doc would be able to keep quiet about such a thing.

    Im curious about your work, Doc.

    Youre curious about my work? Thats sort of an odd

    revelation, dont you think?

    Well, you must see quite a bit. Men coming to you

    with bullet holes, knife wounds, any other type of injuries

    you can imagine....must make you pretty curious as to what

    happened to them.

    Curiosity may have killed the cat, Mister Beck, but

    it sure hasnt killed me yet. My job is to fix whats wrong

    with a man. Now if a man wishes to tell me how it happened,

    thats his concern. But I dont feel a need to butt into

    anybodys business.

    I imagine you could tell some stories about some of

    the things youve seen, Beck asked getting closer to what

    he wanted to know.

    Yes, I suppose I could.

    Care to talk about any of them?

    Im not in the habit of talking about my clients,

    Mister Beck.

    Not one, eh?Ive never gossipped about somebody Ive treated.

    Treating someones injury is not a matter to be gossipped


    That was exactly what he was hoping to hear. Of

    course, maybe he never had any patients that were as famous

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    as he was. It was a chance he had to take though. He had to

    find out how bad that shoulder was. He couldnt put it off

    any longer. But just to be safe, he wouldnt tell him too

    much at first. If he found Doc could be trusted, hed tell

    him the exact situation later.Thats kind of what brings me here, Doc. I have

    something that I need you to look at.

    You? Doc asked, looking him up and down. Shot or



    Well, wheres it at? Let me take a look at it,

    Henston said.

    Not just yet. Theres a few other things I want to do

    in town first. How bout if you come up to my room in a few

    hours? Id rather not spend too much time in here. Could

    lead people to talking.

    I guess that could be arranged. These few other

    things, do they involve a gun?

    Beck smiled. No, not just yet. Ill let you know if

    youre needed.

    So Beck left the doctors office reasonably sure that

    Henston would keep his mouth closed about him being shot.

    He deliberately didnt tell him where he was shot, in case

    he did talk. Nobody would know exactly where he was

    injured, which would still give him the advantage. Thats

    part of what his tactics were all about, keeping the


    Walking down the street, he noticed that he had a pair

    of eyes following him. The deputy had been instructed by

    Sheriff Hague to follow Beck around town to see what he was

    up to. That in itself was a risky proposition. Nobody knew

    exactly what kind of man Beck was, and for all they knew,

    he could snap at any moment if he thought he was being

    followed. And whoever was following him would have hell to

    pay. He wasnt really concerned about it just yet though.

    He would take care of that later.

    His next stop was the general store. It was time to

    start with the mind games he liked to play. It was an

    important part of his style. Hed found that its morebeneficial to him if people think he could be after them,

    before he ever actually makes a move. Thinking about him

    too much made men make mistakes or act too hastily.

    Although he felt in the long run that it didnt much

    matter. He was faster than most anyway. But you never know

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    Morrissey just slightly, and ever so gently, nodded

    his head in agreement.

    Well, Im gonna do you a favor and let you live...for

    today anyway. You take this message back to the sheriff,got me? Tell him the next time he wants someone followed, I

    suggest he does it himself. And if he wants to know what my

    plans are, to come ask me. Im not a hard man to find. And

    the next person that does follow me, will get a bullet

    right through his heart. Now go tell him.

    And with that, Beck uncocked his gun, and let him up.

    Morrissey walked back down the alleyway, and towards the

    sheriffs office, although the sheriff would not like the

    message that hed deliver. Beck stood there with a devilish

    grin on his face. Things were beginning to fall in place

    exactly how he wanted it too. People were getting nervous

    and jumpy with him around. They didnt know what to expect

    from him next.

    The deputy walked into the office hurriedly, and found

    Hague sitting at his desk. The sheriff immediately knew

    something was wrong, when he saw the big red welt on

    Morrisseys face.

    Looks like you ran into somebodys fist, Cal.

    Beck caught me following him. Im lucky he didnt

    kill me. He had me on the ground with that Colt flush

    against my face.

    Whatd you find out?

    Not much of anything. Saw him coming out of Docs

    office, then he went into the general store. Then he went

    around back and belted me.

    Docs and the store, eh? I wonder what he wanted

    there. I can understand him going to the store. Probably

    getting some supplies. Why would he go to Docs though?

    Want me to go ask Doc what he was doing there?

    Not right now. First things first. Go tell the mayor

    that Becks sticking around. Find out what he wants to do.

    Then go tell Doc I want to see him here. And do me a favor,

    try not to run into Beck again.

    Dont worry, Im not planning on it, Morrisseystated as he was leaving. Oh yeah, he said that nobody

    better follow him again. If somebody did, hed put a bullet

    through his heart.

    Hague just sat there at his desk thinking about the

    situation. He wondered if maybe Beck was here for him.

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    Hed done a lot of things in his past that he was sure

    people would want him dead for. Both before and since hed

    been a lawman. He took out his gun and started cleaning it.

    He began thinking of every questionable thing hed ever

    done and if it had finally caught up with him. One thingabout Hague was that he knew his limitations. He was pretty

    good with a gun, but he wasnt quite in Becks league.

    Maybe hed get lucky in a fight, but it wasnt likely. If

    it came down to a fight between them, hed have to pull

    something out of his sleeve. Nonetheless, he wasnt afraid

    of Beck. Hed be very cautious and careful about what he

    said and did with him in town, but fear didnt come to

    Hague very easily.

    They mayor was already waiting for Morrissey, as he

    had seen him coming, while he was looking out his window.

    They talked a little about Beck, what hed done so far, and

    how it didnt look like he was leaving anytime soon. While

    trying to think of some way to get Beck out of town, the

    mayor came up with an idea.

    Cal, take a note down to the telegraph office and

    tell them to wire Carsonville. Theres a man there named

    Brett Owens, who could get here in about a days hard ride.

    If theres one man who could get rid of Beck, its him.

    Hes a gunfighter for hire too...Ive used him in the past.

    Hes definitely the man for the job.

    Morrissey followed the mayors directions and went

    down to the telegraph office to wire Owens in Carsonville.

    The message said:

    Owens...Your expertise is urgently needed. If you can

    make it here within a day, you will get quite a handsome

    sum. Spare no time in getting here...Hobbs.

    Deputy Morrissey then went over to Doc Henstons

    office to fetch him to the sheriff. When they got back to

    the jail, Hague was ready with some questions.

    Doc, I understand Matt Beck was in your office this

    morning. What was he doing there and whatd you talk about?

    He didnt want anything specifically. We just

    basically made some small talk.

    Cmon Doc, a man like Beck doesnt go up to a manjust to make small talk...less he was planning to kill him.

    He said he usually makes it a practice to talk to the

    doctor in every town he visits. To tell him to expect his

    business to pick up.

    An amusing man, Beck is. So, he didnt say anything

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    else to you at all? No hints about what his plans were, who

    he was after, anything like that?

    No, Doc said shaking his head. I asked him if he

    was here for somebody. He asked if Id believe him if he

    said he was just passing through.Passing through? The only place hed just be passing

    through would be Boot Hill. And thatd probably be just to

    visit, seeing as how hes probably put half the men in


    The three men just stood there for a few seconds

    silently. Hague was just staring into nothingness. Doc

    hadnt provided any new answers, or given any kind of clue

    as to who Beck was after.

    Alright Doc, you can go now. Cal, go talk to

    Alston...see what Beck wanted. He was probably just there

    for supplies, but check anyway.

    So Morrissey went back to the general store to talk to

    John Alston. He couldnt provide any new leads as to what

    Beck was after either, though. He informed the deputy that

    hed just given him a list of supplies that he needed, and

    that hed pick them up in a few days. But, they now knew he

    was at least planning to stay a couple days.

    After finishing being the errand boy for the day,

    Morrissey went back to tell Sheriff Hague about the mayors

    plans. Hague put a chaw of tobacco in his mouth to relax


    Alright, what do you got for me Cal?

    Well first, Alston said Becks gonna pick up some

    supplies in a couple days. That means hes planning on

    staying a while.

    Yeah, thats what it means, Hague replied while

    spitting in a spitoon.

    And the mayors got a plan. He had me wire somebody

    in Carsonville.

    Carsonville, eh? Who the devils in Carsonville?

    I dont know. Somebody named Brett Owens. Told him to

    make it here in a day or so, and hed make it worth his


    Brett Owens, eh? Well this should be mightyinteresting.

    Whos Brett Owens?

    Hes basically the same as Matt Beck. He kills people

    for money. Not quite as well known as Beck, though. He

    generally likes to work on a quieter level. Make no mistake

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    though, hes just as dangerous and handy with a gun.

    Yessir, this should be mighty interesting indeed, Hague

    said with a slight smile coming over his face.

    From there, Hague and Morrissey figured the best thing

    to do would be to stay a step ahead of Beck. To try andalready be waiting in the next place hed be. It was

    basically an impossible task, as nobody could have an

    honest idea as to what Beck was thinking. Hed been to the

    store, and to Docs, so theyd try to wait in places he

    hadnt been yet. At worst, they could sit in the lobby of

    his hotel. All of which was risky considering Becks

    reputation as a vicious killer, whod kill anybody who

    irritated him.

    Beck was sitting in front of the barber shop when he

    saw Hague and his deputy come out of the jail. He watched

    as they both walked over to the saloon. He had a feeling he

    knew what they were doing. He got up and walked over to the

    saloon. He stood outside the doors just looking inside. He

    spotted where the sheriff was sitting. They seemed to be

    waiting for him. He walked in, and Hague and Morrissey

    immediately sat at attention staring at him. Beck briefly

    looked over at them while walking up to the bar. He asked

    for a bottle of whiskey. He took the bottle in his hand,

    paid for it, then turned around to walk out. As he turned

    around, he gave another brief glance towards the table

    where the two lawmen were seated.

    Beck walked out of the saloon, and headed over to the

    hotel. He then went up to his room to wait for Doc Henston

    to come take a look at his shoulder. He sat on the bed and

    started drinking his bottle. He took out another piece of

    paper from his shirt pocket. He just stared at it. He began

    to get that evil glare while staring at the paper. He

    slowly took his gun out of his holster, and pointed it at

    the paper.

    Bang, he softly whispered.

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  • 8/14/2019 The Assassin by Rye James (Western)


    started poking around in his shoulder, and asking some


    How much trouble is it giving you? And I want an

    honest answer.

    Its hurting, but I can live with it.Have you tried drawing your gun yet?

    Beck nodded his head slowly.


    Im a little slower. The pain makes it a little more

    difficult to draw it out of the holster.

    I see. Well, it looks to me like youve got two

    options here.

    And what might they be?

    Well, that would depend greatly on what your

    intentions are here, Mister Beck?

    Just spit out what youre trying to say.

    The bullets in a position where youre not in any

    danger from the wound itself. It will have to come out

    eventually, but you neednt make the decision in haste. I

    can take it out now, but you wouldnt be able to use your

    gun for a few weeks or so. That would make your job

    considerably tougher. If youre here to kill, speaking from

    your perspective, Id leave it in if you can stand the

    pain. But, as you said, it does make you the

    decision is yours.

    It didnt take very long for Beck to come up with an

    answer. He gave an answer almost immediately as he put his

    shirt back on. He told Doc with an almost expressionless


    It stays in.

    Doc then knew that Beck was there for someone. He

    wasnt there just to get his shoulder looked at. He wasnt

    there to get out of the rain. He was there to kill. He

    wondered when it would happen.

    So you are here to kill, after all.

    Dont start getting moralistic on me, Doc. Ive heard

    it all before.

    You intrigue me, Mister Beck. I want to find out what

    makes a man like you the way you are. Whats made you turnto this profession, your outlook on life, the way you think

    and feel.

    Gonna write a book about me? Its not an easy life a

    gunfighter leads, but its one Ive accepted and grown

    accustomed too.

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    But whats made you this way?

    Doc, Im getting a little tired here. Im gonna lie

    down here for a little while. We can finish our little talk

    later if youre still a wondering.

    Ill be more than anxious, Mister Beck. Ill meet youin the saloon sometime later then.

    That sounds fine, Doc, he said as he laid down.

    While the sheriff and his deputy were sitting in the

    saloon, Jared Kimwrick walked in. He went up to the bar,

    had a drink, and started shooting off his mouth. Only one

    name was on his mind though. He turned to where Hague was

    sitting, and asked why he did nothing about Beck.

    Tell me, sheriff, why do you let the cold blooded

    killer have his way here? He rides into town, does what he

    pleases, and you sit there and do nothing! Youre just

    waiting for him to gun somebody down like a dirty dog. You

    hiding behind that badge or what?!

    Kimwrick was beginning to put Hague in a real bad

    mood. As evidenced by the beating they put on a man when

    Beck rode into town, he had a short fuse. It didnt take

    much to set him off.

    Im gonna tell you something right now, boy. If you

    think you can take Beck, then you go right ahead and try.

    If you dont like the way Im performing my duties, then

    you can try me right now.

    With that, Hague stood up. He pushed his chair away,

    and put his hand on his pistol. He could be a rather

    imposing, intimidating figure when he was angry.

    Especially when someone questioned his abilities.

    Im not looking for trouble with you, sheriff. Its

    just that Becks got me a little jumpy, thats all.

    Kimwrick then turned back to the bar and his drink.

    He was a young kid of about 20. He was pretty handy with a

    gun, although he had never actually used it on another man.

    But, like most young men who were good with a gun, he

    dreamed of becoming famous with it. And he was getting

    anxious to prove how good he was. He was a little cocky,

    and could probably stand getting knocked back down to size.

    But if he tried Matt Beck, he might get knocked downpermanently.

    Sheriff Hague and Morrissey then left the saloon.

    They headed back to the jail to wait things out. They

    figured that Kimwrick was eventually going to make a play

    with Beck. Hague didnt think hed have any chance of

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    winning, but maybe the kid would get lucky. He was hoping.

    You think Kimwrick might try something with Beck,


    I dont know. Hes itching to make a name for

    himself, thats for sure. Whether hes got the guts to goup to Beck and start something with him....well, thats

    another matter entirely.

    Have you given thought to who Becks here for?

    Ive given it some thought, Cal. Theres just no way

    of telling. Could be me, you, Doc, Kimwrick, Alston, Mayor

    Hobbs....or a handful of other people. The only time were

    gonna know is when its time for him to do his job.

    What would you do if its you?

    Id go face him. Im pretty good with a gun myself.

    Dont know if I can take him, but theres no use in

    worrying about it. What will be, will be.

    Guess we wont find out for another day or so

    anyways. Everything could change once Owens gets here.

    Thatd take care of the immediate problem. But thatd

    still leave unfinished business.

    What are you talking about, Sheriff?

    Well, somebody paid Matt Beck to come here and kill.

    If hes gone, that still leaves the man who paid him to do

    it. If a man wants you dead that bad, hell try again till

    it happens. Everybody makes enemies at some point.

    Question is...which enemies would want you dead so bad?

    Kimwrick was still in the saloon talking about how he

    was going to be the one to get rid of Beck. Mightve been

    the whiskey talking more than him. Doc Henston walked in

    and heard what Kimwrick was planning. Doc went up to the

    bar to have a talk with him. He didnt want to see anybody

    get killed if it could be helped.

    Jared, why dont you go home and relax for a while?

    Im doing all the relaxing I need right here, Doc.

    Youre gonna make big trouble for yourself if youre

    not careful.

    Who from? Matt Beck? Good, let that killer come in

    here and hear what I got to say. Somebody needs to put that

    assassin in his place. He needs to know that not everybodyhere is afraid of him.

    And youre the man who can put him in his place, huh?

    You dont see anybody else in this God forsaken town

    doing anything about him, do you? No, theyre all scared.

    Theyre shaking in their boots, taking a leak in their

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    pants at the mere mention of his name.

    Son, you sure have a lot to learn. Matt Beck is not

    just some run-of-the-mill man who uses his gun every now

    and then. His gun is his life. He knows when to kill, how

    to kill, and who to kill. Hes a man the likes of whichyouve never seen before. Believe me, Jared, youre not

    ready for him yet.

    Well you sure are getting particular with you hang

    around with now Doc. Youve been getting mighty friendly

    with Beck. First him visiting you at your office, then you

    going up to his hotel room. I didnt realize you two were

    getting to be such good friends.

    Doc just started to shake his head. He knew there was

    no reasoning with him. He was determined to get into a

    gunfight with Beck. He was anxious to prove how good he was

    with his gun, and to prove Beck was nothing more than just

    a regular man with a gun. If Beck met him at the saloon

    while Kimwrick was there, his day would most likely start

    to pick up. Doc left the bar and took a seat at a table

    near the back of the saloon. He put his hat down on the

    table, and waited.

    A half hour had passed. Doc was still sitting at his

    table waiting for Beck. Kimwrick was also still at the bar

    drinking. Suddenly they heard the sounds of the creaking

    doors swinging back and forth. Beck had just stepped into

    the saloon. As he always did, he looked around to see who

    else he was in company with. He noticed Doc sitting at a

    table near the back, and walked towards him. He walked

    right by Kimwrick who didnt do or say anything to him.

    Beck sat down at Docs table, making sure he was

    seated with his back to the wall. There was no use in

    taking the chance of getting shot in the back. As Beck and

    Doc began talking, Kimwrick slowly backed away from the

    bar. He adjusted his gun belt, and walked over to Becks

    table, standing right in front of it. Beck just looked up

    at him.

    Something I can do for ya, boy?

    Yeah, you can draw that gun of yours so I can rid

    this town, and country of you.Beck and Doc just looked at each other. Beck turned

    back to look at Kimwrick. That cold, evil stare began to

    crawl upon his face again.

    Now why would you wanna go do something like that

    for? I got no problem with you.

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    Yeah, well, I got a problem with you. You fancy

    yourself some big gunfighter and come into this town, and

    everybody here is scared to death of you.

    But youre not? And youre just gonna do the town a

    little favor by killing me. Get yourself a nice, bigreputation around these parts. The man who kills Matt Beck

    would be famous.

    You aint nothing special, Beck. Youre just a cold

    blooded killer. You count on people being afraid of you

    cause youre an assassin, but it dont work with me. Now

    the situations reversed. Instead of you looking for the

    fight, its me looking for you.

    As Kimwrick was talking, Beck very slowly pulled his

    gun out of his holster and pointed it at Kimwrick

    underneath the table.

    So go ahead and shoot, Beck said calmly. Draw.

    Make yourself that big reputation.

    Kimwrick put his hand on the handle of his gun. He was

    just about ready to draw.

    Before you draw though, are you sure you can handle

    the consequences?

    Kimwrick slightly turned his head looking a little

    confused by what Beck was saying.

    What consequences are you talking about?

    If you kill me, thats gonna make you the most

    famous, and talked about man in Arizona. Therell be men

    coming from all parts of the country looking for you. The

    Dakotas, Oklahoma, even down as far as Texas...every man

    whos good with a gun is gonna want a piece of you. Just

    like you want to try me, theyll want to try you.

    A look of caution and concern fell over the face of

    Kimwrick. He wasnt so sure he wanted to try Beck now.

    Youll be a big man alright. If youre lucky, you

    might live for another three or four years. By that time,

    somebodys bound to be quicker on the draw than you are.

    Thats if somebody doesnt shoot you in the back when

    youre in some town where nobody wants you there. Or if

    youre not ambushed when youre riding through some valley.

    And if you can stand not having a home, or staying in onespot for more than a couple days. If you think youre ready

    for all that, then I suggest you pull that pistol.

    Kimwrick slowly took his hand off of his gun and

    dropped it to his side. Beck noticed that Kimwrick now

    seemed to be unsure of himself.

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    Uncertainty is the quickest way for a man to get

    killed, you know. Once you start doubting yourself, youre

    as good as dead. Either youre prepared to kill, or youre

    not. If you are, then draw. If youre not, then you best

    walk away right now.Kimwrick was now more unsure than ever. As much as he

    was certain a few hours before that he could take Beck, he

    was now just as uncertain about it. He just wanted to be

    noted as a fast gun. He didnt want to be constantly on the

    run. He had never thought that hed have to prove himself

    over and over again to every single up-and-coming

    gunfighter who wanted to have a reputation at his expense.

    He was positive that he didnt want to always be looking

    over his shoulder for a bullet in the back. Beck could see

    the fear that Kimwrick now had. He knew what he described

    was nothing like what Kimwrick had envisioned it to be.

    Youre unsure of yourself. You dont know if thats

    the life you want, and thats your downfall. Thats where I

    have the advantage. Walk away. Nobody can question your

    courage. Youve shown it by doing what most men wouldnt

    dare. The last thing Im gonna say to you is, if you draw,

    Im gonna kill you.

    Beck eagerly awaited Kimwricks decision. If Kimwrick

    were to draw, hed be a dead man. Kimwrick moved his jaw

    around, and moved his eyes around the room to try and hide

    his nervousness. Within a few seconds, he started to back

    away. He slowly turned around and walked out of the saloon.

    Doc then noticed Beck putting his gun back in his holster.

    You had that pulled on him the whole time, didnt

    you? he asked with amazement.

    Most men generally arent very observant.

    And thats one of your advantages?

    You see, he made two big mistakes. Both of them wind

    up leading to the same thing. The first one was, he was

    talking too much. While he was talking, I drew my gun. You

    dont notice what the other man is doing when youre too

    busy talking, and figuring out what youre gonna say. The

    second mistake he made was that he was listening to what I

    was saying, and that has the same consequences as the firstmistake, in that youre not looking at what the other man

    is doing.

    But you were talking too.

    But I had the advantage. I already had my gun pulled

    under the table, I could afford to talk. He wouldve been

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    dead before he couldve gotten his gun out of the holster.

    You talked him out of it. Why...why didnt you just

    kill him?

    I wasnt paid to. I dont kill to make a point. I

    dont kill to prove how good I am, or that Im faster. Ikill when its my job.

    Well, you better watch yourself with that shoulder.

    He couldve killed you if youre not careful, and he still

    might, you know. You had the advantage sitting at the

    table, next time you may not be so lucky.

    So what if he did? Im sure nobody here would lose a

    tear over me. If I were to kill him, Id win and hed lose.

    If he were to kill me, Id still win and hed lose.

    Doc looked perplexed at what Beck was saying. Beck was

    talking like a man who didnt care whether he lived or


    Hes itching to carve himself a reputation cause he

    doesnt know what its like. He thinks itd be fun to be

    well known, feared, and have a reputation as a fast gun.

    He doesnt know what its like to always have to be alert,

    never letting your guard down, not trusting anyone, or what

    it feels like to kill over and over again. Hes never had

    to deal with all those lonely nights when your best and

    only friends are the horse you ride, and the gun thats

    strapped to your side.

    You dont seem too enthralled with the business

    youre in Mister Beck.

    Im not complaining really. This is what I choose to

    do. Man has to be what he is.

    But you could change if you wanted to. You could make

    a different life for yourself if you tried.

    No, I reckon not, he sighed. Ive grown accustomed

    to this way of life. You cant escape your past, Doc. It

    always catches up to you. Or you catch up to it.

    Are you saying you enjoy killing?

    Lets just say it doesnt bother me.

    Doc was just as confused about Becks views as ever.

    He had trouble understanding how a man could get like that,

    and have no emotions about killing another man.Dont look at me like Im some crazed animal.

    I find it hard to understand you, Mister Beck. How

    can you kill people and not have it bother you, and tug at

    your conscience?

    First time you kill someone, it hurts bad. Knowing

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    you end another mans life isnt an easy thing to deal

    with. Theres an endless ache in your gut that lasts a long

    time. Second time is more of the same, except it dont last

    quite as long...but its there just the same. The third

    time you feel it, but not that much, its barely noticable.The fourth time you dont feel anything. No pain, no

    regret, no remorse, and theres no looking back...youre a

    killer. Im just like you in a way.

    Doc sat back in his chair, and wondered how they could

    ever be compared to each other at anything.

    Like me? I dont think we have a thing in common,

    Mister Beck.

    Beck smiled at that notion.

    Everybodys so quick to point out that theyre not

    like the hired killer. Theyll say they have nothing in

    common with that assassin. Thats where theyre wrong, and

    so are you.

    Tell me then, Mister Beck, what could we possibly

    have in common?

    Nobody escapes their past. And everyone dies, he

    said with a grin.

    Doc didnt know quite how to answer him. He had never

    talked to a man like Beck before. His view on life seemed

    odd to him, but then again, he didnt kill for a living.

    For the first time in my life, Mister Beck, I think

    Im speechless.

    Beck had a slight laugh. He didnt really expect

    anybody to understand how he thought and felt, but he

    admired the doctor for trying. He was the only man hed

    ever met who actually tried to have an in-depth

    conversation with him. Everybody else only said as little

    as possible to him, in fear of provoking him.

    Well, Im afraid I have to go, Mister Beck, Doc said

    as he looked at his watch. I have a few patients I need to

    check in on. Try to stay out of trouble while Im gone.

    Oh, I always try to stay out of trouble Doc. Bullets

    cost money, you know. And Im not in the habit of working

    for free. And I dont particularly feel like killing

    anybody today. See...youve changed me already, hejokingly said.

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    Chapter 4

    The standoff between Kimwrick and Beck had spread all

    over town within minutes. The news was of special interest

    to Sheriff Hague, since he was hoping Kimwrick would get

    lucky and plug Beck. While Hague and Morrissey were back in

    the jail discussing what to do with Beck, an idea came to

    them. Hague had to talk to Beck to discuss it though. So

    the sheriff walked over to the saloon to find him.

    As Beck poured himself a drink, he noticed Hague

    walking in. He never took his eyes off him. Hague didntnotice another soul in the building. He was focused solely

    on Matt Beck. He walked right up to Beck, and stood beside


    Mind if I sit down? Hague asked.

    Beck didnt even answer. He merely nodded his head in

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    the direction of the table, giving him approval.

    Id like to talk to you about some things.

    Im listening, Beck said shortly.

    Lets talk someplace a little more private, the

    sheriff said as he looked around. Too many wandering eyesand ears here.

    And just where did you have in mind?

    I dont bout the cemetery? The only people

    who can hear us there couldnt say a word to anybody about


    The cemetery...and what makes you think Id trust


    Believe me, Beck, its not a setup. If the time comes

    for me to kill you, Ill do it to your face. Im not a

    backshooter, and I dont ambush people. I just want to talk

    to you...for now.

    Okay. But well ride out together side by side, just

    so I can be sure.

    They both stood up from the table and walked out of

    the saloon together. All eyes were on them. Everyone in the

    saloon was wondering what was happening. They rushed to the

    door and window as they watched them mount their horses.

    As Beck and Hague rode through the streets, the whole town

    was watching them. As they rode out of town, the townsfolk

    wondered if that was the last theyd see of one of them.

    A small, wooden fence enclosed the cemetery. As Beck

    and Hague approached it, they stopped in front of the

    gates. Beck leaned forward on his saddle, and glanced over

    at Hague waiting for what he had to say.

    I have a proposition for you, Beck, the sheriff


    What kind of proposition are you talking about?

    I want you to leave town. Now what Im proposing is

    quite simple. You can stay or you can leave. If you leave,

    well, thatll be the end of it. And Ill wish you luck on

    your future. Might even convince the town to put a little

    money behind it. If you stay, well...youre gonna die. So

    my proposition is either life or death. Choice is yours.

    And just whos gonna be the one to end all thisterror that Ive brought? Beck asked. You?

    Might be me. Could be someone else. Somebody might

    take a shot at you as youre walking down the street, or as

    you come out of the hotel.

    Beck gave a slight smile. Everybody seemed quite

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    anxious for him to leave. But, the more people try to get

    him to go, the more stubborn he gets about staying.

    I appreciate your concern for my health, sheriff, I

    really do. But Ill leave when Im ready, he said with

    conviction. And Im not quite ready yet.Thats very unfortunate for you. Dont worry though,

    well give you a decent burial in a couple days.

    I should hope so. After all, itd bring tourists in

    from all over to look at my grave. This town would really

    be on the map.

    You dont seem to have much concern for your own

    safety and well being, Beck.

    Why should I? Were all gonna die eventually. The

    only thing you can do is postpone the inevitable. Whether

    it happens tomorrow, next week, or next dont

    worry me much. Thats why I dont put much stock in

    threats. Ill do what I please till somebody stops me.

    I may have to. Youve got an interesting way of

    looking at life. Most people try to avoid going to Heaven

    or Hell for as long as possible.

    I sure doubt Im going to Heaven. And I dont think

    Hell wants me. Rumor has it the devil thinks Id shoot most

    of the employees he needs to keep the fires burning.

    Both men had a chuckle over Becks lighthearted humor.

    Beck again noticed the unmarked grave. He seeemed to be

    drawn to it.

    Whys that grave out there unmarked? Beck questioned.

    Cause he didnt deserve having his name put on it.

    Noboby knew his name anyway.

    Who is he? What happened to him?

    Just some drifter who passed by a year ago. He wound

    up in an altercation in the saloon. Cal and I went in

    there, and took him outside. We were in the alley having a

    talk with him, and he pulled a gun. That was his last


    Another slight smile came over Becks face.

    Convenient that happened in the alley. Seems to be a

    favorite spot of yours.

    What are you trying to say?, Hague asked.Im saying youre more low down, crooked, and dirty

    than Ill ever be.

    As far as Hague was concerned, Becks words were meant

    for him to go for his gun, and he did. He quickly reached

    for his gun, putting his hand on the revolver. But Beck was

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    able to get to his gun before Hague had his pulled out of

    his holster. They sat there on their horses, staring at

    each other with their hands on their guns, just waiting for

    the other to make a move. Just one little twitch, and one

    of them would be staying at the cemetery. They were at tooclose of a range with each other for it not to be fatal.

    Not with their marksmanship.

    Neither man was budging. Neither wanted to be the one

    to go for their gun first, but neither wanted to be the one

    to take their hand off of it either. If looks could kill,

    theyd have both been dead. Beck was getting that evil

    stare of his. It was like a mechanism for him. He saw

    nothing else but his intended target. As soon as he started

    getting that look in his eyes, a killing was not far


    But with the quick and sudden motion to his gun, Beck

    felt a twinge in his shoulder. He was conscious enough of

    the pain to not let it show on his face. If he did, itd be

    a dead giveaway that he was injured. He was hoping that

    Hague would not draw. If he had Hague pegged right, he was

    able to draw that pistol pretty quick when he needed to.

    And if he could, Beck wouldnt have a chance. A million

    thoughts suddenly crossed Becks mind. He wondered if this

    was it. Itd be a fitting way to die, being shot in a

    cemetery. He always wondered if hed reflect on some of the

    names and faces that he killed, if he saw his life coming

    to an end. He didnt though. There were no names on his

    mind, faces on the horizon, or silent prayers that hed

    say. He would die a gunfighters death.

    Hague was thinking about whether he could take him.

    He knew Beck wouldnt draw first, as hes never had to

    before. But, there was nobody else around. Beck could draw

    first, and nobody would be able to say for sure that he

    did. Especially with his reputation, everybody would think

    he drew in self defense. He kept running through the

    possible scenarios in his mind. He wasnt ready for a

    gunfight just yet. He wasnt prepared for it right now.

    But, if Beck was ready, then he wouldnt have much choice

    in the matter. His only solution would be to try and talkhis way out of it.

    Not today, Beck, Hague said hoping that Beck would

    agree with him, and would let the gunplay step aside for

    the moment.

    I reckon we can let the day go on in a peaceful

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    manner, Beck said nodding his head.

    Both men slowly took their hands away from their guns.

    But they both kept their hands in plain sight of the other.

    Nobody was going to get surprised.

    Well, I reckon this talk is over sheriff. Im stillstaying, unless you have something else to add?

    Nope, I think Ive said all I have to say.

    Good, and you wont mind riding ahead of me back in

    to town then either, would you? Beck asked while putting

    his hand back on his gun.

    No, I dont mind, Hague said with a grin.

    Just as it was when they rode out of town, all eyes

    were on them again as they rode back into it. Nobody saw

    any marks on them, or heard any shots. What they had been

    doing would be the burning question on everyones mind for

    the next several hours. Beck and Hague went their separate

    ways once they were in town. Hague went back to the jail,

    and Beck went to his hotel room. Mayor Hobbs was waiting

    for Hague when he walked in.

    So what happened sheriff?

    Not much, Hague replied.

    What did you two talk about?

    I told him he could leave town alive, or he could

    stay here dead.

    And whats his decision?

    Hes staying.

    Thatll be very unfortunate for him.

    You seem very confident that Becks days are

    numbered. Did you ever think that Beck will kill Owens?

    And if he does, hell then kill who hes here for.

    Owens is the best chance we have. What else can we

    do? I dont want you to face him. If he should kill you,

    things would get very difficult around here.

    Yeah, youd lose your bodyguards to shield you from

    the illegal businesses we have going on, wouldnt you?

    If you have a problem with anything sheriff, perhaps

    you and Cal would rather be back on those wanted posters

    where I found the both of you.

    Well, you could always try buying him...just like youbought us.

    That might not be such a bad idea, sheriff. Wheres

    Beck at now?

    I believe he went to his hotel room.

    Well then, why dont we just take a little walk over

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    there. I want you to come along just in case Beck tries

    something foolish.

    He wont, but Ill come along anyway. Id like to be

    there when he tells you to go to Hell.

    Just remember sheriff that your fate lies in myhands.

    No, mayor, your fate lies in mine!

    Now, now, sheriff, this is not the time for us to

    start bickering. We need to stick together. We cant allow

    Beck to drive a wedge between us.

    Why dont we just let him do what he came here to do

    and be done with him? Hague asked.

    Because we cant do that. What if hes here to kill

    you? Or what if hes here to kill Cal, or me? That would

    throw a serious curve into our enterprises, now wouldnt

    it? We need to get rid of him before he makes his move on

    his intended victim. Id prefer him to leave peacefully,

    but I have no qualms about letting Owens kill him when he


    The Mayor and Hague then walked together over to the

    hotel. They checked with the hotel clerk to see if Beck was

    still in his room, which he was. They proceeded to

    cautiously walk up the stairs to his room. Hobbs took a

    deep breath before knocking on the door. He softly knocked

    on Becks door. Hobbs immediately spoke as Beck answered

    the door.

    Matt Beck? Very nice to meet you sir, Im Mayor

    Hobbs, he said while holding his hand out to shake Becks.

    Beck looked at him, glanced down at his hand, then

    back at the mayor. He very much hated when men would try to

    be nice and hospitable to him when he knew they were there

    for a reason. An uncomfortable look crossed the mayors

    face when Beck didnt shake his hand.

    What can I do for you, Mayor?

    Well, the sheriff and I would just like to talk to

    you for a little bit, if you dont mind.

    The sheriff and I already had a discussion a little

    earlier today. Im sure you know how that went.

    Beck let the mayor and Hague into his room. The mayorpulled up a chair, while the sheriff leaned up against the

    door. Beck stood by the window, but not directly in front

    of it.

    Let me just get right down to the point of the

    matter, Beck. You being here has already cause disruption

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    in this town. You staying here will cause more. And Im not

    very anxious to one day finding a body lying in the

    streets, courtesy of you.

    So I imagine you have some sort of an offer for me?

    Hopefully its more generous than the offer the sheriffhere made for me earlier.

    Indeed I do, Mister Beck, indeed I do. I am making

    the assumption in that youre paid very handsomely to come

    here to do your job. Name your price and Ill pay it for

    you to leave right now.

    What makes you think theres any amount of money that

    could get me to leave?

    Thats the nature of your profession, is it not?

    Anything for money.

    So you think that means I can be bought off. And are

    you doing this for yourself, or for the good of the people

    in this town?

    Well as the mayor here, its my duty to protect the

    citizens of this community.

    Which would be accomplished by me leaving.

    Yes, yes it would.

    Well Mayor, you dont have enough money in your

    possession that could buy me, he said angrily. Ill leave

    when my job is finished. Once I accept a job, there is no

    turning back, its against the code I live by. I always

    finish what I start, which means the man Im as

    good as dead. Especially if that man is you.

    Beck gave the mayor that evil stare of his. Hobbs was

    a little shaken to hear the last words out of Becks mouth.

    He got up to leave the room, and just as Hobbs and Hague

    were about to walk through the door, Beck spoke up.

    Have a nice day, Mayor, he said innocently with a

    grin on his face. Ill see you soon.

    The mayor and Hague walked down to the saloon, so the

    mayor could have a drink to steady his nerves, after

    hearing Beck say he may be as good as dead. They met

    Morrissey who was already sitting at one of the tables.

    After sitting down, Hobbs poured himself a glass, and drank

    it down quickly. Morrissey noticed the mayor was a littleshaken.

    Whats a matter, Mayor?

    Nothing. Listen Cal, I expect Owens to be here early

    tomorrow, so I want you to be on the lookout for him

    tomorrow morning. When he gets here, I want you to let me

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    Morrissey just nodded his head in agreement.

    What kind of man is Owens, Mayor? Youve dealt with

    him before.

    Well, it was a little over two years ago. But he wasruthless, cold, and so evil he had to be the son of the

    devil. And one of the fastest men Ive ever seen with a

    gun. He went up against three men, and when it was all said

    and done, he was the only one left standing. He didnt even

    have a scratch on him.

    Men like him and Beck are one and the same, Hague

    added. Different packages, different wrappings...but the

    gift inside is the same.

    There wasnt much more anybody could do. Theyd tried

    asking him, and offering money, but Beck couldnt be bought

    or persuaded to leave. Theyd finally come to the

    realization that Beck would either kill or be killed. As

    the night wore on, there was a certain silence to the town.

    There was no rowdiness in the saloon, or noise on the

    streets. The smell of death was hanging in the air, waiting

    for its intended victim. Most men had taken to their homes

    or places of business and stayed there.

    From his hotel window, Beck observed quite a few

    people coming out of the church. He figured they mustve

    been there praying that they werent who he was after. He

    noticed a man coming to the hotel. He stepped away from the

    window, and grabbed a hold on his Winchester. He held it in

    his hands, gently rubbing it.

    I think you might get some work here, he said to it.

    Just then he heard a knock on the door. His room

    seemed to be getting a lot of company that night. He opened

    the door and saw a man standing there with a book in his

    right hand. He looked to be in his 40s, and possibly a few

    pounds overweight.

    Something I can help you with? Beck asked.

    Yes, my names Thomas Kearns. Im the preacher here

    in Galena.

    Glad to know ya preacher. What brings you up to see

    me?Well, I seemed to have an awful lot of people coming

    to church tonight. A full house, something I dont usually

    get here. Seemed that most of them were praying. I have a

    feeling most of the prayers were centering on you.

    Preacher, I dont mean to rush you or anything, but

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    is there a point to why youve come here?

    As a man of God, I was wondering if there was

    something I could do to prevent you from shedding blood.

    Its not the way of the Lord, Mister Beck.

    Well, if the good Lord doesnt like what I do...thenwhy doesnt he bring down a bolt of lighting and strike me


    He works in mysterious ways, Mister Beck, but I do

    wish youd consider trying to solve any problems


    I admire your convictions, preacher. But, just like

    you have your job, I have mine. And Im sure God would even

    be thankful for me doing some of his work for him.

    But its up to the law and God to punish men, not


    Beck looked at Kearns side, and noticed he was

    wearing a gun.

    I see you have no problems wearing a firearm,


    I believe a man has the right to defend himself if he

    is attacked. A man should wear a gun for protection. He

    shouldnt use it to kill without provocation or have people

    fear him.

    Beck pulled out his gun, but not so fast that hed

    feel the pain in his shoulder from it. He showed to the


    You see this, preacher? This is the God that makes

    the decisions for me. And this is the law that carries it


    I wish there was something I could do to help your


    My soul doesnt need helping. Its the souls of some

    people in town that are gonna need the help. But Ill tell

    you what Ill do for you, if youre of mind. If I tell you

    something in confidence, you cant repeat that


    Yes, thats right my son.

    Beck took out a piece of paper and handed it to him.

    The preacher took the paper, and read what was on it. Itwas nothing but names. Sheriff Hague, Cal Morrissey, Mayor

    Hobbs, John Alston, Doc Henston, Jared Kimwrick, Thomas


    Theres nothing but names on this list.

    Thats right. And do you know why that is?

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    I havent the slightest idea.

    You see, Thomas, one of the names on that list is

    going to die.

    As soon as Kearns heard that, he dropped the list.

    But why am I on that list? What have I done? Ihavent done anything, he said while trembling.

    Every man has something hidden in his closet,

    preacher. Every man has done something in his life that he

    could be killed for. Youre no different. Maybe the good

    Lord didnt like one of your prayers, Beck grinned.

    Kearns hastily backed away, and eagerly left the room.

    Another smile came across Becks face. There are so many

    cowards in this world, he thought.

    As he laid down on the bed, Beck thought of whether he

    should do his business tomorrow, or the day after. Hed

    done the part of putting fear into the town. That was the

    first step. He was in no particular hurry though, so he

    figured hed just take it as it happened. If he saw the

    opening, hed take it. If it wasnt there, then hed wait.

    Either way though, it didnt really matter. Whether it

    was tomorrow, or the day after, somebody was dying soon.

    It might even be him. He hoped it wasnt him, not because

    he was afraid of dying, but because he didnt like to leave

    a job unfinished. Tomorrow should bring something

    interesting, he thought.

    Chapter 5

    As the next morning came, Beck looked out his window

    towards the sky. The sky was blood red as the sun rose. He

    found it to be an ironic twist. Maybe it was a sign of the

    days events to come. He looked out the window, and noticed

    that Morrissey was sitting in front of the jail already.

    He found it to be a little odd, but didnt really think

    much of it other than that. He went down to Kaleys to eat

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    some breakfast.

    Morrissey noticed a horse approaching on the edge of

    town. It would almost have to be Owens. He stood up to

    watch the rider come in. As he came closer, nervousness

    filled the deputys stomach. The stranger finally reachedthe jail, and asked where he could get something to eat.

    He pointed over to Kaleys and told the rider that he could

    eat something there. He saw Beck go in there a few minutes

    earlier, and wondered if something might happen between the

    two of them.

    The rider mounted off his horse, and went into Kaleys

    looking for something to eat. As soon as he stepped through

    the door though, his eyes lit up at the sight of Beck.

    Beck stood up and moved away from the table. Morrissey had

    run over to the restaurant to see if anything would happen.

    He was watching it all through the window. Beck and the

    stranger were just eyeing each other. Finally, the stranger

    started walking towards Beck. A smile suddenly emerged from

    his face. He offered his hand to Beck, which he graciously


    How are ya, Matt? Its been a long time.

    Im doing alright. Must be about two years now I

    reckon. Its good to see you Brett.

    Owens ordered something for breakfast and the two of

    them sat down and ate together. Morrissey was disappointed

    with this turn of events, and went back to the jail. Beck

    and Owens continued eating and talking over old times.

    Its funny we should be meeting here like this,

    Owens mused.

    Yeah, I was just thinking the same thing. What are

    you doing here, anyways?

    Im here on business. What are your reasons for being


    Im here on business too. Strange we should both wind

    up here at the same time. Dont recall that ever happening

    before, do you?

    No, its a new one for me too, Matt. Must be just a


    So whatve you been up to these last couple years?Havent been shot yet or anything?

    Nah, not yet. I feel the day is coming closer though.

    With every day that passes I feel that my time is coming to

    an end. Ever get that feeling?

    I know what you mean. Ive gotten that feeling too,

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    Beck replied.

    Hard to believe us meeting here. It seems like just

    yesterday that I broke you in. You know, youre still the

    only person Ive ever taken under my wing like that.

    Thats cause you could never find a better studentthan me, he joked. When are you gonna retire from this

    business? Youre starting to get up there in years, you


    What are you talking about? Im only six years older

    than you. I can still tan your hide though.

    So whos your victim, Brett?

    I couldnt tell you Matt, I dont know. All I know is

    I have to go see someone after Im done eating here.

    Dont know who youre working for? Beck asked with a

    concerned look on his face.

    You know I couldnt tell you that, even if I wanted

    to. Same as you cant tell me who youre working for.

    Well, its not quite the same as in my case.

    What do you mean?

    Well, even if I was able to tell you, I cant. Truth

    is, I dont know who Im working for.

    You dont know who youre working for? Howd you come

    across getting the job then?

    Well, I was in Mount Springs, and I got a letter.

    Wasnt much to the letter, just a few lines with the name

    of the person or persons they needed dead. Also included a

    list of names of people in the town...some of the prominent

    citizens, and what they did. And, of course, the money to

    hire me. Thats all there was to it, and here I am.

    Who do you think hired you then?

    I dont know. I guess it really doesnt matter too

    much though, does it? Ive been paid, so it doesnt make a

    difference one way or the other.

    They continued talking about some of the things theyd

    been doing over the past two years. Some of the battles

    theyd been in and some of the stories of each other that

    they had heard. They also recalled some of the days when

    Owens was showing Beck the ropes. They both had already

    finished eating by this point. They seemed to haveforgotten everything around them, and were just happy to

    see each other. A happiness that neither one had

    encountered very much in their line of work. They were

    almost like brothers, as much as two men in their

    profession could be.

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    Well, I better take care of my horse, get myself

    situated, and tend to my business. Ill see you later,


    Alright Brett.

    As he watched Owens walk out the door, he couldnthelp but wonder about the odds of them both being there by

    coincidence. He had a strange feeling rooted inside him.

    He couldnt quite pinpoint it, but he had a feeling trouble

    was about to find him instead of the other way around.

    Morrissey had reported back to the jail, and told the

    sheriff what he saw.

    They stood there in a standoff, then walked up to

    each other, and shook hands. Sat down and started acting

    real chummy with each other. What do you make of that?

    Sitting at his desk, Hague put some tobacco in his

    mouth. He thought for a few seconds before answering.

    Be damned if I know what it means. He leaned over

    and took aim at the spittoon. Within two days weve gotten

    two of the most vicious killers in the entire country here.

    And now they seem to be on friendly terms. All I know

    is...I aint much liking this job anymore, he sighed.

    Owens walked over to the mayors office, and went

    inside to find out what Hobbs had in mind for him. Hobbs

    almost marveled at the sight of Owens walking into his


    Nice to be doing business with you again, Brett.

    I dont recall agreeing to anything as of yet, Mayor.

    Hows the business been treating you?

    OK I suppose.

    Owens was growing a little impatient with the small

    talk. Like Beck, he wasnt much for conversation. He

    preferred people to get to the point.

    Why dont we just get down to why you sent for my,


    As you wish.

    Hobbs walked back to his desk, and reached into a

    drawer. He pulled out an envelope and tossed it on the desk.

    Pick it up, Owens.

    Owens walked over to the desk, and picked up theenvelope. He opened it up, and looked inside to find that

    all it contained was money.

    I believe thats double your standard fee, is it not?

    Do you want the job?

    Double my fee. You must want this man pretty bad.

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    Oh, believe me I do, Hobbs snarled. Now do you take

    the job?

    Owens thought it over for a minute. He disliked the

    mayor, but it wasnt in the code to pick and choose who you

    work for. You work for whoever has the money to hire you.Plus, double his fee would be hard to turn down anyway. He

    was growing tired of the lifestyle that he led. He knew it

    was only a matter of time before he met someone who was

    faster than he was. He was tired of not having a home, or

    something to look forward to. He was aching to settle down

    somewhere. Maybe buy himself a ranch, and raise some horses

    or cattle. Maybe even find a wife if some woman would have

    him. The money would go a long way towards achieving that


    Who is it that you want? Owens asked.

    First you have to agree to take the job.

    Why so secretive this time?

    Well if I tell you first, you may not like the odds,

    and turn it down. This way, you either accept it or you

    dont based on whether you want that money bad enough. So

    do you want it?

    Yeah, Ill take it, Owens said as he put the

    envelope in his pocket. Whos my target?

    A smile reached the face of Mayor Hobbs. Good. Im

    glad to be doing business with you once again. The man

    youre going to kill is Matt Beck.

    Owens instantly took the envelope out of his pocket

    and tossed it back onto the desk.

    I dont want the job.

    But its too late now, Owens. Youve already accepted

    it, and taken the money. You wouldnt want your reputation

    to go sour now, would you? After all, this is your

    livelihood. Itd be a shame if word got out to other towns

    that you went back on your word. It wouldnt look very good

    to prospective employers, now would it?

    You no good dirty son of a...

    Now, now, Brett, lets be civilized about this, he

    said interrupting Owens. Try to get it done quickly,

    preferably today. I dont want him to get the opportunityto kill anyone in this town.

    Dont push me, Mayor, Ill do it when Im ready.

    Ill do your dirty work, but Ill be damned if I let you

    tell me how to go about it.

    Why the hostility? Youre getting double your

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    but they couldnt worry about that now. Now it was time to

    start worrying about staying alive.

    Doc Henston was walking along the street, and noticed

    Beck sitting with someone in Kaleys. He made up his mind

    to go in and talk a little more with Beck. Although hedefinitely did not agree, or even understand the way Beck

    thought or viewed life, he found him a fascinating man. He

    walked up to Becks table and started conversing with the


    Mind if I join the two of you, Mister Beck? Doc


    Not at all Doc, have a seat, Beck responded. Doc,

    this is Brett Owens, he said introducing the man sitting

    across from him.

    Brett Owens...I believe Ive heard of you.

    Unfortunately in the same vein as Mister Beck here.

    Oh, come on Doc, its not so bad. Matt and me are

    helping to keep you in business, he joked.
