The Art of Preaching

The Art of Preaching


Printed by Glenridge Church International+27 31 304 [email protected]

Transcript of The Art of Preaching

  • The Art of Preaching


    The Art of Preaching Copyright 2004, 2005 by Glenridge Church International Portions copyright 1993 by Nigel Day-Lewis and Glenridge Church International Revision: 28 January, 2005 Mastering Date: 28 January, 2005 This document may be duplicated whole, or in part, in any form (written, visual, electronic or audio) without express written permission, providing it is not used for commercial purposes. Printed by Glenridge Church International +27 31 304 8841 [email protected] Set in Book Antiqua (print) or Arial (screen). Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. Scripture taken from the 1984 North American Edition of the NIV Bible, unless otherwise indicated.



    This text has been adapted from a set of notes shared with the friends of Nigel Day-Lewis during 1993 when he was an elder at Glenridge. The form, style and layout have been changed for the purpose of this book and it therefore does not reflect Nigels usual style of writing.



    1: Introduction ________________________262 Our Approach____________________________262

    1. Some Scriptures ___________________________ 262 2. Four Dimensions We Must Understand _________ 263

    Preaching: What and Why? ________________264

    2: Preparation of the Preacher ___________265 The Ongoing Preparation of the Preacher ____265

    1. Relationship with God_______________________ 265 2. An Increasing Resource-base ________________ 266

    Specific Preparation Before Preaching _______266

    3: Preparation of the Message ___________267 Different Types of Preaching _______________267

    1. Expository or Exegetical _____________________ 267 2. Topical __________________________________ 267 3. Envisioning or Exhortational __________________ 267

    Select the Message and Style_______________268

    Meditate and Research ____________________270 1. Meditate on the Text ________________________ 270 2. Research the Content_______________________ 270

    Focus and Edit___________________________271 1. Focus ___________________________________ 271 2. Edit _____________________________________ 271

    Organize ________________________________272 1. Different Structures of Sermons _______________ 273 2. Illustrations _______________________________ 273

    Add the Introduction, Conclusion and Title ___274 1. The Introduction ___________________________ 274 2. The Conclusion____________________________ 275 3. The Title _________________________________ 276

    4: Delivery ____________________________278 Overall Presentation ______________________278



    Language _______________________________279

    Voice ___________________________________280

    Eyes ___________________________________281

    Face ___________________________________281

    Legs and Feet____________________________281

    Arms and Hands _________________________282

    Clothing ________________________________282

    Eating __________________________________282

    Be Yourself______________________________282

    5: Conclusion _________________________284 Three Tests______________________________284

    Three Aims ______________________________284

    Three Tensions __________________________284

    Three Goals _____________________________285

    Three Desires____________________________285

    General Tips_____________________________285

    Common Errors __________________________286

    Exercises _______________________________287


    1: Introduction

    Our Approach

    Basic-level preaching and teaching is exercised by all leaders. This is different to the office of teacher or the gift of teaching. The focus of this document is thus not on a specialist individual and his qualification, training etc., but on the ministry of teachingand practical aids towards this. We will be talking about preaching, not teaching in so far as this means one talking to many rather than merely facilitating discussion between many.

    1. Some Scriptures

    They read from the Book of the Law of God, making it clear and giving the meaning so that the people could understand what was being read. (Nehemiah 8:8) My heart is stirred by a noble theme as I recite my verses for the king; my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer. (Psalm 45:1) When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, Brothers, what shall we do? (Acts 2:37) You know that I have not hesitated to preach anything that would be helpful to you . For I have not hesitated to proclaim to you the whole will of God. (Acts 20:20, 27)


    How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news! Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ. (Romans 10:14a, 15, 17) For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe. (1 Corinthians 1:21, see also 1:17-25 and 2:1-5) Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching. (1 Timothy 4:13) For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline. (2 Timothy 1:7) Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encouragewith great patience and careful instruction. (2 Timothy 4:2)

    2. Four Dimensions We Must Understand

    Content: what you are sending; form: how it is packaged; delivery: how it is posted; and anointing: the impact on the recipient.


    Preaching: What and Why?

    In the 20th century, and particularly in our day, the Church and the world are continually discrediting or downplaying preaching. Yet, as always, it is Gods powerful tool for the salvation (that is, conversion and wholeness) of man. It is under attack precisely because it is so strategic and powerful. No amount of stress on the truth and merit of the home groups, body ministry, evangelism and social action must be allowed to undermine the validity and priority of preaching. Preaching can convert, heal, deliver, set free, renew minds and change lives as people simply sit under it. Good preaching will render much other ministry like counselling redundant, and it leads to strong Christians. Sermonettes breed Christianettes. Preaching magnifies God, reveals his will and his ways, feeds the sheep, deals with lifes problems, brings maturity toand causes change inindividual believers (and the church as a whole). Preaching is a communication; its aim is to produce an effect. Sermon Belief Action

    In other words, sermons change thinking and perception, which in turn leads to a change of living and behaving. To me the work of preaching is the highest and the greatest and the most glorious calling to which anyone can ever be called. (Dr D Martyn Lloyd-Jones)


    2: Preparation of the Preacher

    In importance, order of proceeding and time-allocation, this preparing of the preacher should come before the preparation of the message.

    The Ongoing Preparation of the Preacher

    1. Relationship with God

    One needs to be in a good place with God: abiding in Christ. This means: in character; life; devotions (especially prayer and meditation on the Word); being prepared for every good work; filled with, walking in step with, and sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Consider 2 Timothy 2:20-21, Galatians 5:25, Ephesians 5:18. In short, a good relationship with God, with lines of communication constantly open, is vital. The anointedness is dependent on (and often directly proportional to) ones relationship with God. Spiritual lockjaw is nearly always due to sin, compromise, lukewarmness, hardness or distance. The antidote is intimacy with, and fullness of, the Holy Spirit. A key to preaching is enthusiasm: to speak with Gods passion about something. But remember that the word enthusiasm is from the Greek enthusios, which means in God. The key to preaching is thus to be in God.


    2. An Increasing Resource-base

    The preacher needs to be reading and studying a wide range of topics. He needs continual education, equipping and edifying of himselfan increase of his resource-base:

    The Bible, doctrine, ethics, Church history, apologetics, cults and religions, hermeneutics, homiletics and general Christian literature.

    Current affairs (a knowledge of contemporary events; trends and issues from newspapers, magazines and books), history, biography as well as works of non-fiction and fiction.

    A knowledge and study of his people and of their lives (problems, aspirations etc.). A preacher can only appeal to real life (and illustrate from it) if in touch with it.

    Specific Preparation Before Preaching

    Before preaching, indeed, before even preparing his sermon (but also during and after this) the preacher needs to be in prayer: first, to purify and prepare himself for the task that lies ahead; and second, to wait on God for leading and revelation.


    3: Preparation of the Message

    Different Types of Preaching

    1. Expository or Exegetical

    Exegesis means to show the way by opening up. Exegetical preaching thus goes through a text (a passage or book) from A to Z, opening up meaning and so pointing to a path of action.

    2. Topical

    Topical preaching is to examine one topic using different texts. Consider, however, these two dangers. First, one may dwell on a favourite topic or current topic, and so not preach the full counsel of God. This breeds lopsided, immature Christians. Second, there is more chance of using texts in isolation (out of context) and/or of distorting them to support ones own argument. Thus topical preaching should always begin with exegetical preaching. Even when preaching topically, base the message on one primary passage (which you first exegete) and then go to other texts to support or illumine it. In other words, the topic must come out of the Word (we should not decide on a topic and then find proof-texts).

    3. Envisioning or Exhortational

    All preaching should be Word-based. Preachers are, first and foremost, preachers and teachers of the Word (not of church structure, history,


    doctrine, vision or Christian testimony). Exegetical preaching causes changed thinking and beliefs by bringing new knowledge and understanding, renewing the mind, which leads inevitably to a changed life. Exhortational preaching leads directly to a changed life. Topical preaching can do either. Ultimately, however, behaviour change is more profound and lasting when it proceeds voluntarily out of a changed perception. Preaching should, therefore, always aim for this.

    Select the Message and Style

    The selection of the message is obviously important. In the light of the above, this equals selection of a text. There are various ways in which a message (text) can be selected:

    Sometimes it is allocated or requested. Sometimes it is determined by the occasion. Sometimes the message chooses you. That

    is, you are gripped by something (a text, topic or exhortation), often without looking for it, in the course of praying, reading (whether the Bible or some other literature) or just living. This divine leading may come through clear revelation or inner conviction (a growing sense or impression).

    Most times, however, you choose the messagea decision of sanctified commonsense that is no less spiritual than any of the other methods. Various factors may influence this decision: o the needs of the sheep (areas of doctrine

    in which they are weak or confused);


    o other audience factors (such as physical age, spiritual maturity, culture, vocation or education);

    o public events, issues or trends, and the consequent mood (what does God say/feel about this?);

    o personal illumination (truth that God has recently been revealing to you and exciting you about);

    o simply part of the whole counsel of God that needs to be preached some time. Over a period of time our messages should display a balance of selection: not all exegetical or all topical or all motivational; not all hard (rebuking) or soft (comforting); not all topical on favourite or current (in) topics or all exegetical on favourite books or texts. In short, over a period of time we should be able to echo Paul in Acts 20:20 and 27:

    I didnt skimp or trim in any way. Every truth and encouragement that could have made a difference to you, you got. I taught you out in public and I taught you in your homes. (Acts 20:20, The Message) For I have not hesitated to proclaim to you the whole will of God. (Acts 20:27, TNIV)


    Meditate and Research

    1. Meditate on the Text

    One should choose Sundays text by the previous Monday at the latest. Then, prayerfully and listeningly, read and reread (like sucking on a sweet and drawing out all its flavours) repeatedly through the week (both during prep times and while just living), adding little by little to a storehouse of treasures. (Babies can eat only regurgitated or semi-processed food, not raw foodbut only the parents regurgitation not anothers!) So, eat Scripture so that it comes out of you with life.

    2. Research the Content

    Research means reading. Learn to read quickly. Keep a bibliography (record of sources and pages) so that you dont duplicate research later on and you can support statements made from the pulpit. Here are three sources:

    The Bible. Read the whole book several times. Establish the background, theme and structure. Examine different translations (consider, for example, The Message, the New Living Translation, the NIV or TNIV, the Holman Christian Standard Bible or the New American Standard Bible) or the original languages.

    Commentaries. Obtain others insights and opinionsbut use these selectively (not too much), critically (dont always agree), honestly (give credit to your source) and personally


    (assimilate the information into your own structure of vocabulary).1

    Various books or articles. Consider sacred and secular matter on the actual topic and on related matters.

    Start with the Bible, only then proceed to commentaries and books, but thereafter a dialogic process between the two.

    Focus and Edit

    1. Focus

    Prayerfully, listening to Spirit and considering all that has been learnt, focus on the message: isolate the dominant thought of the text. In one line (even one phrase or even one word) establish your theme (What am I trying to say?) and/or your aim (What am I trying to achieve?). Establish this as a lifelong and uncompromising discipline. Aim to convey only one major message. People will not remember the details of a sermon but should remember the dominant thought. Resist the temptation to pick-up on every other tangent of the text or give the text a twist of your own.

    2. Edit

    Ruthlessly discard irrelevant material (no matter how true, exciting or diligently researched!). Only

    1 A list of good New Testament commentaries is available in New Testament Exegesis by Gordon Fee.


    what relates to the theme and serves the aim must be left.


    Arrange the remaining material in a logical order, sequence, development and progression. Most texts and topics have their own inherent logic/structure that will present itself as an outline of your sermon. Sometimes, however, a structure has to be imposed on the material. Either way, it is vital for the sermon to have a conscious structure to which each point is clearly and tightly tied. Every piece of information should be clearly and tightly tied to a point. Structure is the skeleton to which flesh can be added, the hooks on which clothing can be hung. Without structure you will not know where you are goingand neither will the congregation. A sermon without structure is difficult to listen to and no one can assimilate or remember an amorphous, undefined mass of facts. Arrange your material to serve the dominant thought. Subordinate the material to a theme or aim in such a way as to illumine and enforce it, normally as two to four points (each with similarly few sub-points, if any). One can employ tools to enhance the unity, continuity and memory of the sermon. For example, catchphrases, rhyme, assonance or alliterationbut dont overdo this (and so stretch or distort the points and material to fit the structure (tool). Structure is our servant not our master. An extremely simple but recommended way of proceeding when first setting out is to treat each point as follows:


    state the point; support it from Scripture; illustrate it; and apply it to life.

    1. Different Structures of Sermons

    Argumentative (apologetic): defending Scriptural doctrine or ethical truth: o explain the problem; o present an argument; o refute major opposition; and o conclude.

    Interrogative: a series of questions and answers.

    Interpretative: a line-by-line, precept-by-precept dissection and analysis of the text (generally a short passage is better than long one).

    Stringing pearls. Surrounding a jewel. Exploring facets. Gaining ground.

    Combinations and complexifications of these can obviously be used, for example, a different structure of individual points within an overall structure of sermon.

    2. Illustrations

    Illustrations (including examples, analogies etc.) are extremely helpful in teaching (consider Jesus teaching). They are like windows letting in light on the subject. The word illustrate means to


    illumine (to throw light upon an otherwise dark object). But:

    They let in light but they are not a source of light. In other words, they are windows and not foundations upon which one builds ones message. The authority for what you are saying must be based on Scripture alone.

    They must be neither too prominent and disproportional nor a distraction or diversion from what you are saying. They must not draw attention to themselves but rather to the truth being illustrated.

    Avoid too much personal illustration. This can lead to subjectivism or egotism in yourself (or too great a dependence on your life and testimony in others).

    Be sure of your facts, especially when illustrating in a field about which you know little (wrong information will distract some people from hearing anything else you say.) For example, double check scientific facts and remember to briefly quote your source if appropriate.

    Add the Introduction, Conclusion and Title

    1. The Introduction

    This is essential. It is generally brief and serves a twofold purpose. First, it is a hook: it arouses interest, stimulates curiosity and whets the appetite. Common techniques for achieving this include a moving story or testimony; an amazing


    fact; a startling statistic; a powerful statement; or a rhetorical question. Second, it is a door: it should genuinely introduce the theme and so lead hearers into the message, involving the hearers by applying the problem or text or topic to them.

    2. The Conclusion

    This too has a twofold purpose: First, it enforces what the text has said; ties up with the opening; restates the aim and themeoften much clearer in retrospect. Second, it calls to belief and/or action; it shows a practical application of message (gives the hearers something to take home); it provides an opportunity for the Holy Spirit to prevail upon people to take action. There are a number of common techniques for achieving these:

    recapitulation (summarize, but without wearisome repetition);

    application (apply the message and challenge the hearers to action);

    demonstration; illustration; and peroration (conclude with a flourish).

    Do not introduce new material into the conclusion (it distracts precisely at point where you are desiring to bring focus) and be careful what you say in your last statement (often the one remembered most)make it valuable and to the point. Many find it difficult to stop: this is often because they have no defined theme or aim and/or no clear structure. If you have no


    destination then you can never reach it; if you dont know where you are going then you dont know when you have arrived. Focus and structure (during preparation and delivery) should ensure that you know when endingand how to end. Know how you are going to conclude, be specific and definite. Above all, dont drag on and on. When youve said what you need to, finish and sit down! It has been said, Conclusions are more difficult than introductions. Some preachers seem to be incapable of concluding anything, let alone their sermons. They circle round and round, like a plane on a foggy day without instruments, unable to land. Also, Blessed is he who, having nothing more to say, does not demonstrate it in words! In short: stand up, speak up, shut up.

    3. The Title

    This is optional but it can be helpful. It may contain the theme or aim. It can serve as a mini-introduction and mini-conclusion. It must be short, strong and forceful (a bit like an advertising catch phase) rather than long, wordy and academic (like a thesis title). But one may have a longer, literal subtitle after a shorter, figurative title, that gives a clearer idea of the theme and aim.2 Preachers often establish the title first, then the introduction and conclusion and, only thereafter, from these, determine the body of message. But this is to straightjacket and prejudge the meaning

    2 Figurative titles are helpful at the time but when looking through sermon-title archives they are not as helpful.


    (and truth) of the text or topic. One should let the text establish what should be preached (or let God give you his rhema through the logos). Properly, the fixing of the introduction, conclusion and title canand shouldbe determined and added only after the other steps of sermon preparation are complete. God/Scripture would have been allowed to speak freely and unhindered firstthe title, introduction and conclusion will then accurately (with integrity) reflect this message rather than the text or topic being artificially forced into the chosen covers.


    4: Delivery

    We must pay attention to delivery because it is also important. Good content is spoiled by bad delivery, whereas good delivery can rescue bad content! No amount of anointing can make the need for good delivery redundant.

    Overall Presentation

    You are Gods messenger: look and act like it. Be authoritative. Be confident in God and in his calling and equipping of you. Yet never be complacent or casual. Always have a weightiness and nervousness because:

    you are about to fulfil the awesome function of representing God and his truth before man; and

    you should be aware of your own inadequacy and disqualification.

    It has been said, Expect to be nervous. When your knees stop knocking, stop preaching. Why? Because this shows you are relying on yourself. But dont apologize for, belittle or disqualify either yourself or your message. Because of likely nervousness when first ministering:

    have something between you and the people; consciously breathe deeply and regulate your

    pulse; and


    know exactly what youre going to start with (perhaps write it out in full).


    Each person must develop his own style of notes (layout, degree of detail etc.) and determine the length of notes in proportion to his speaking time. Generally, the fewer the notes the better (the ideal is none); move from detailed notes to skeleton notes. But you can use both: speak from skeleton notes but have a full talk available. Ensure they are legible: use large writing, bold ink and a clear layout. Ensure they are practical: small cards, or pages in small file. Large pages dont work as well, especially if there is no pulpit! Dont be tied to the notes because:

    you may feel you cannot deviate from the prepared content;

    you have no contact with the congregation; and

    you may land up reading in a monotone.


    Use simple, clear, vivid and concrete language. Use responsible, sober language (Titus 2:7-8) that does not unnecessarily offend or distract, or undermine your ministry. Where you err, apologize.


    Never make sweeping, unthought-through or unsupportable statements from the pulpit. They never return to you void. Avoid:

    the overuse of superlatives and hyperbole; clichs and trite expressions; meaningless repetition (often filling up pauses

    in your nervousness); additives (etc., et al, and so on and and

    so forth); weasel words (using words to avoid the real

    issue); as well as run-on sentences (employing a series of

    conjunctions and so building a long, tortuous and usually obscure sentence: short simple sentences are best when explaining difficult topics3).

    If you make references to original languages then be sure of accuracy (and, where possible, pronunciation).4 If you use humour it should be purposeful, tasteful and natural (not forced or overdone).


    Be audible: project your voice. Dont swallow your words or drop pitch (or volume) at the ends of lines. Be coherent: consciously speak slower than you want to. Be interesting: vary pace, pitch, volume and tone. Employ pauses: excruciatingly long pauses to you are usually actually very short.

    3 Run-on sentences can work in some circumstances, for example, exciting stories. 4 How to reference original Bible languages is explained in New Testament Exegesis by Gordon Fee and The Hermeneutical Spiral by Grant Osborne. A proper study of original-language words is not as simple as using Strongs Concordance.


    Use expression and emphasis: by repetition; deliberation (earnestness); adjusting pitch, pace, volume and tone; actually drawing attention to something; and pausing. Avoid the preaching voice or the sing-song (sleep-inducing!) voice.


    Regular and all-including eye-contact is important but use roving (butterfly) movement, not the sustained (and embarrassed) stare or the oscillating-fan movement!


    Facial expressions are also important (they enforce voice animation to enhance meaning). Dont overdo itand smile a little!

    Legs and Feet

    Use a solid and still yet relaxed (not rigid) stance, feet slightly apart with weight on both feet. Walk if you want to or need to, but do it decisively and purposefully (and not under charismatic pressure). In other words, it must add to what you are saying not distract from it. Walk to demonstrate something, or if you are profoundly moved. Dont rock, sway, change weight, wrap one leg round the other or shuffle!


    Arms and Hands

    Arms should be relaxed not rigid. Keep hands by your sidepossibly with one hand on the pulpit holding your notes or Bible. No nervous or distracting movements: leaning, gripping, clenching or twitching. No fiddling with specs, pen, watch, notes, jewellery, pocket contents or anatomy! Dont overdo gestures. If you do gesticulate then make it decisive and purposeful (they must be connected to what you are saying, adding to and not distracting from this).


    Feel free to be yourself or to make a statement if you need to, but dont unnecessarily distract or offend (1 Corinthians 9:19-23)ask your leader what he would prefer. Dont be religious: dont dress differently just because youre preaching.


    Dont eat heavily beforehand because it hinders concentration.

    Be Yourself

    Good delivery is important, and attention to much of the above will ensure good delivery. But dont focus so much on your delivery that you (and the congregation) are distracted from your content. Dont be straight-jacketed by these guidelines.


    Every great speaker breaks the rules somewhere and it is powerful and distinctive precisely for this reason. Be yourself and establish your own unique style.


    5: Conclusion

    Three Tests

    Is it sensible? It should not be illogical. Rather it be too simple than too complex.

    Is it accessible? It should not be esoteric. Rather too real than too academic.

    Is it containable? It should not be too much. Rather too little than too much.

    Three Aims

    Preach for a solution. Preach for a decision. Preach for intervention. Always give

    opportunity for God to move and people to respond. (This does not mean you must have a ministry time.)

    Three Tensions

    Preparation (use of research) versus spontaneity (sensitivity to the Spirit). One needs the courage to step out if and when moved by the Spiritnot simply because you feel under pressure from charismatic culture.

    Testimony (subjective experience) versus truth (objective doctrine).

    Vulnerability (where sheep can identify with you) versus example (where sheep can follow you).


    Three Goals

    Challenge (rebuke, correct). Comfort (encourage, edify). Change (transform, mature).

    Three Desires

    Clout (authority, power). Clarity (lucidity, crispness). Conviction (animation, passion).

    General Tips

    Distinguish between Gods dealings with yourself versus the church (sometimes the word to you and the church are the same but they are not always the same). With new or difficult material, move from the known to the unknown, the easy to the difficult. Never assume the congregation knows something. Rather assume they dont when they do than they do when they dont. Preach to, not at, people. Dont continually denounce. Identify with the congregation: use we or us not youexcept where meaningless to do so. Ensure they understand us means all of us and not us preachers. Preach with your head and heart (knowledge and spirit).


    Expect to make mistakes: excellence in preaching (like anything else) is a process of growth. Seek out honest evaluation to aid this process, preferably including one mentor over a period of time. Learn to respond to criticism well and to use it constructively (even if given from the wrong motive). Fear not for your own reputation but Jesus. How well (accurately, honourably etc.) are you presenting him and his truth?

    Common Errors

    Delivering two (or more) sermons in one, or having unrelated sections that are searching futilely for link, or having sections not properly connected (the link not made clear).

    Using a misleading title: the body of the sermon not being on what is indicated by the title.

    Giving a string of personal impressions (blessings!) from the speakers devotions.

    Having too much material, forever having to gloss over, with nothing done properly. Eventually people get frustrated.

    Using forced humour or unrelenting seriousness.

    Identifying a problem but never reaching a solution.

    Exhorting to something without defining what it is and how to obtain it.

    Having the problem of insubstantiality where the sermon is nothing more than an exegetical or motivational cameo.


    Painting on too large a canvas: rambling over large portions of Scripture without definition or focus.

    Showing sheer lack of clarity as to what you are saying, or showing lack of progress and structure in saying it.

    Going on for just too long. Rambling on after having made the point,

    thereby distracting from it rather than adding to it.


    1. Write a topical sermon based on the text Luke 4:1-13. 2. Write an exegetical sermon from Colossians 1:15-23.