The Art Chapter 5 Spectrum

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Transcript of The Art Chapter 5 Spectrum

Nash POV

I wake up the next morning extremely sore. I have a busy day today and I still want to head to the pool but my muscles just feel so tired. Fucking Taylor. I'm cuddled up to Cameron and when I look up at him I'm surprised to find him looking back at me with a small smile playing on his lips.

I could wake up to his face forever and I would never get tired.

"Good morning," he murmurs and my eyes drift to his lips. I want to kiss them so badly. I want to make the first move but I have to get ready for the day. I think tonight I'll kiss him. My first kiss. Butterflies are already flapping their wings in my stomach. I want to get through today so that I can make out with Cameron tonight.

"Good morning," I reply with a happy smile on my face. I sit up and groan at the movement. Today is going to be torture.

"Sore?" He asks me quietly and his eyes trail over my torso. My face heats up at his perusal of my body, how can he turn me on with just a look?

"Yeah... fucking Taylor." I mutter angrily. I'll be so pissed if I lose out on a gold medal because fucking Taylor cheated his way into the Olympics and made me carry his ass to a victory.

I attempt to get out of bed but he stops me.

"Lie back Nash, I have something that can help. I use it on my leg when it starts aching." He tells me and I lie back again. I'm excited for this and I watch as he reaches over to his bag and pulls out a bottle of oil.

"Turn on your stomach," he commands me and I turn and lie like he instructed me. I close my eyes and when I feel his hands start to massage my shoulders I relax completely. His hands feel so fucking good on me. How will I live without his touch? I can't, I need him in my life.

He massages the soreness away and by the time he's done I feel amazing. I don't want this to end but I know we have to get going because I have a lot to do today. There's a bunch of press interviews, everyone wants to talk about my amazing swim last night. I have to get warmed up as well because I have a tight schedule today. By the time we get to the water arena, Taylor is swimming in the warm up pool, I smirk because it doesn't matter what he does at this point, he won't win another medal. Whenever he looks at the one he has he'll remember that I'm the one that won it, not him.

Cameron helps me stretch again and I catch Taylor glaring at us from the other side of the pool. I can't help but feel smug. I have the hottest guy ever helping me stretch and I'm winning all of the medals he had dreamed of winning. This is basically it for him, by the time the next Olympics roll around he'll be too washed to even qualify.

As I warm up the soreness returns a bit but Cameron's massage helped me so much. I'm lucky that the events today are my strongest. We keep busy throughout the day, I win gold in every event I swim in and with Cameron by my side I feel invincible. I feel like I can achieve anything, even the craziest of dreams.

It's the early evening and I'm doing my cool down routine. I'm very strict about warming up and cooling down, I have to treat my body right so that it can treat me right. I stare at Cameron, he's sitting down tapping away at his computer and I know he's probably working on my article. I can't wait to read it. I can't wait to see myself through Cameron's eyes.

I get a sudden urge to swim with Cameron. When I stop swimming Cameron looks up at me.

"Come join me," I call out to him and he laughs at my request.

"Mmm, I don't have swimming shorts," he replies and I pout at him. But I don't give up.

"Tomorrow then," I insist and when he rolls his eyes at me I grin because he gave in to me. Maybe he can't say no to me just like I can't say no to him.

I confessed my feelings to me and he never reciprocated. He's making it obvious that he wants me but he's not voicing it. I guess actions do speak louder than words but I want to hear it too.

I finish my routine and as we walk back to our rooms, I'm stopped by multiple athletes and they congratulate me on my success so far at the games. Some of them are people I look up to and it's so humbling and amazing that they respect me. I'm not just some kid to them, I'm an Olympic gold medalist. It feels surreal, like I could wake up at any moment and this will have all been a dream but it's real. I'm here right now with Cameron and nothing can change that. I'm going to make my move tonight, I'm done with the flirting.

When we get to my room and I step inside Cameron hovers at the door. I frown and turn to him. There's no way he's staying in his room tonight.

"Come on," I tell him firmly and he bites his lips indecisively. Why doesn't he want to sleep with me. I begin to freak out internally that maybe I misread the signs and that he just stayed with me because he wanted good material for his article. I try to keep my cool on the outside.

"Maybe I should sleep in my room tonight," he tells me softly and I tilt my head at him while I frown.

"No, fuck that. Why? You're like my good luck charm. You know how superstitious swimmers are," I keep my tone of voice light but I'm scared he's just going to leave me alone. We have limited time together and I want to make the most of it. I want him to be attached to me like I am to him. I could never think about sleeping without him at this point.

I know exactly how crazy this is but I still don't care. I need Cameron in my life, not just as a friend but as a boyfriend. I want him so much.

"It's just... I don't know." He responds slowly and he looks uncomfortable but I don't let that discourage me. I grab his hand and pull on it hard enough so he stumbles into my room and I'm able to close the door behind him.

I push him against the closed door and I press my body against his. His eyes get hazy with lust and I smirk because he wants me. I bet it's my age stopping him but I don't care. I'm turning 18 in December so that will be a none issue.

I stare at him for a few moments, searching his eyes.

"So last night I said I like you and you didn't really reply, Cameron. Do you like me? Hmm?" I ask him softly and I gather up my courage before leaning and brushing my lips lightly against Cameron's. I'm determined to get a solid answer from him tonight. And also a real kiss.

"Maybe..." he murmurs as his eyes drift down to my lips and I smirk at him, he's such a fucking tease. I lean in again and press my lips against his in a deeper kiss. I cup his face with my hands as I shyly move my lips over his. It feels like fireworks are exploding all throughout my body. My first kiss is amazing and to the person I had been waiting so patiently for. I end the kiss slowly and press a few light kisses on his lips, when I pull away we're both reading hard.

I feel like jumping up and down in excitement but I need to keep it cool.

"Maybe?" I ask him and I trail my hand from his cheek down to his waist. I slip it under his shirt and stroke the skin there slowly. I need him so badly.

"You're a little brazen for a 17 year old," he has a smile playing in his lips as he teases. God, he's so fucking sexy. I want him right here and right now.

"I just know what I want," I reply confidently and I lean in again and capture his lips with mine. I feel his hand slip under my shirt and rub my back gently. This is a piece of heaven, how could I ever let him go? The end of the week is looming over my head but I can't think about that right now I just need to stay in the moment and enjoy every second of it.

I pull him over to my bed and lie down, pulling him with me. We take off our shirts and my eyes rake over his torso. He takes care of himself, he didn't let himself fall off just because he stopped swimming. My hands go to his abs and I trace the defined muscles gently as lust starts to cloud my head.

"You're so fucking sexy, Cameron. Like how could I not want you," I murmur and we kiss again but this time Cameron takes control on the kiss. I lie on my back with him leaning over me and my hands go to his hair. Cameron moves his soft, pillowy lips over mine and he licks at my lips. I part them automatically and when he slides his tongue into my mouth I moan. He tangles his tongue with mine and French kissing is honestly the best thing ever. The feeling of him exploring my mouth and sliding his tongue against mine drives me insane with lust. All too soon he pulls away and his eyes glance at the clock.

"You need to rest, Nash. Tomorrow is a big day," he tells me and I pout because I know he's right. I don't argue because I shouldn't let anything affect my performance tomorrow. It's my heaviest day, I'm swimming in 3 events and I fully plan on winning all of them. We pull our pants off, cuddle under the sheets and I tangle our legs together. I try to get comfortable to fall asleep but I can't, not with this erection.

"I'm all worked up, I can't sleep." I whine as I grind my erection against him and I honestly don't know what I'm expecting him to do. He turns on his side facing me and he slips his hand into my boxers. I gasp at the feeling of a foreign hand on my cock and when he pulls it out and swipes his thumb over the head tingles shoot all throughout my body.

He gives me a short kiss before he pulls away and kisses all the way down to my crotch. I prop myself up on my elbows to watch him. My first sexual experience with a person and it's Cameron. I pinch my side just to make sure I'm not dreaming.

"Oh fuck..." I mutter when he takes me into his mouth. I'm so close to cumming already and I want to enjoy this as long as possible. He starts to suck me off and he bobs his head slowly. I let out soft moans, his mouth feels so amazing. If this could last forever I would be a happy man.

He lifts his mouth off and gives my cock a few kitten licks on the head making moan loudly and grab his hair. He doesn't let me control him but I don't care, I just want him to keep doing what he's doing.

"Oh, God. Cam... you're so good at this." I moan when he takes me back into his mouth and starts sucking me faster and harder. I can feel that familiar ball of pleasure growing in the pit of my stomach. He looks up at me as he bobs his head and I lick my lips and my head falls back in pleasure.

"I'm gonna cum," I warn him as the rush gets closer. He takes me all the way in and I can hear him choke on my cock, I tighten my grip on his hair. He swallows and when I feel my cock hit the back of his throat I cum, hard.

"Oh god, Cam. Fuck. That feels so amazing, baby." I moan as I cum and he swallows. I stare down at him with heavy eyes and when I finish cumming he tucks me back into my boxers and kisses his way back up to my lips. His kiss tastes different and I know it's fro, my cum but I don't mind it all.

"Sleep, baby. You need it for tomorrow." He murmurs and I smile lazily at him my eyes already drooping. I feel so fucking relaxed. We cuddle close together and I fall into a deep, relaxed sleep.

The next morning I'm warmed up and ready for my heavy day. I have my earphones in and I'm listening to Drake like always but my mind is partly on the man sitting next to me. I know the cameras are on me so I stay relaxed but I'm anxious because today is my last day of swimming. My father told me the reporter would stop following me once I'm done swimming but I want Cameron to stay with me.

"So today is my last official day of competition, when are you leaving?" I ask him after taking out my earphones and leaning over to whisper in his ear.

"I'm leaving the day after tomorrow," he responds and I can't stop the pout on my face. I want so much more time with him. Once we leave here who knows when we'll see each other again. The only viable solution in my mind is to move to California and accept the offer from Cameron's old club.

"You live in Cali, yeah?" I ask him, I already know the answer but I want to hint at what I want without saying it outright. I mean technically we just met so it would be kind of creepy to want to move out there right away. Even if that is what I want to do.

"Yes, near LA." He tells me and he has a thoughtful look on his face. Cameron is smart,I'm hope he's getting it.

"Dolphin Aquatics is there, right?" I ask him and he nods but doesn't say anything.

I chew on my lip and frown as I think about the future. I don't want to leave Cameron. It makes me so sad to think that in a couple days we won't be together anymore. When they call my name I stand and put my earphones back in. We head out to the arena and my father and Cameron sit down. As I stand at my mark I look at Cameron with a look of determination, I'm never giving up on my goal. We will be together outside of this.

The day flies by and I'm proud that I ended my Olympic run on a high note. I took home all gold medals. The future seems limitless.

I'm just about finished my cool down routine when I stop at the edge and call Cameron over. He doesn't answer, he already knows what I want. He takes off his clothes and he has swimming shorts underneath, I grin when he heads over to me and sits on the edge. I lean my arms on his legs as my eyes explore his body. I can feel myself getting worked up as I meet his chocolate brown eyes.

"Come in," I tell him and he smirks at me, what a fucking tease.

"Mmm, what will I get if I do?" He asks me cheekily and I growl and bite the side of his thigh, making him gasp.

"I don't have to swim anymore. So I can do whatever I want now," I give him a wicked smile filled with promise and I pull him into the water with me and hold him close. He wraps his legs around my waist and I tread water.

"Should we be this close? Anyone can walk in, right?" He asks me quietly and I shrug.

"I don't give a fuck," I mutter and I really don't. I search his eyes before I lean in and press my lips against his in a deep kiss. I'm already addicted to his kisses.

I don't want to let go. I never want to let go.

A/n- more Nash next chapter, my loves. Still with me or nah?