The Annual Meeting of St. Andrew’s Episcopal...

The Annual Meeting of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church Reviewing Calendar Year 2018 January 20, 2019 Agenda Call to order and opening prayer Introduction of Vestry Nominees & Vote Adjourn to Parish Hall for Blessing of the Meal Priest in the Gap Remarks Senior Wardens Remarks Election Results Treasurers Remarks Endowment Remarks Farewell to retiring Vestry Concluding Questions and Answers Reports Minutes of the 2017 Annual Meeting……………………..…………………………………………………….…….....P. 2-3 Senior WardensReport……………………………………………………………………………………….……….....….P. 4 Junior WardensReport………………………………………………………………………………….……………………P. 4-5 Building and Grounds Report……………………………………………………………………………………………….P. 5 Treasurers Report………………………………………………………………………………………….…………..……….P. 6-7 Altar Guild Report..……………………………………………………….………………………………………………..…..P. 8 Music Ministry Report...…………………………………………………………………………………………….…………P. 8 Christian Formation Report…………………………………………………………………………………………………. P. 9 Childrens Ministry Report…………………………………………………………………………………..…….…..…….P. 10 Episcopal Youth Community Report……………………………………………………………………………....……..P. 11 Mission and Outreach Report………………………………………………………………………………………...……..P. 11-12 Fund-raising Committee Report...………………………………………………………………………………….…..….P. 13 Gala Event Report………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…….P. 14 Deck the Halls Event Report..………………………………………………………………………………………….……P. 14-15 Endowment Committee Report..…………………………………………………………………………………....……..P. 16 Urn Garden Committee Report……………………………………………………………………………...……………..P. 16-17 I-W-C Committee Report……………………………………………………………………………………………...………P. 17 Vital Membership Statistics for 2018…………………………………………………………………...………………..P. 18 2019 Vestry Nominees…………………………………………………………………….……………………………...…...P. 19-22

Transcript of The Annual Meeting of St. Andrew’s Episcopal...

The Annual Meeting of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church

Reviewing Calendar Year 2018

January 20, 2019


Call to order and opening prayer

Introduction of Vestry Nominees & Vote

Adjourn to Parish Hall for Blessing of the Meal

Priest in the Gap Remarks

Senior Warden’s Remarks

Election Results

Treasurer’s Remarks

Endowment Remarks

Farewell to retiring Vestry

Concluding Questions and Answers


Minutes of the 2017 Annual Meeting……………………..…………………………………………………….…….....P. 2-3

Senior Wardens’ Report……………………………………………………………………………………….……….....….P. 4

Junior Wardens’ Report………………………………………………………………………………….……………………P. 4-5

Building and Grounds Report……………………………………………………………………………………………….P. 5

Treasurer’s Report………………………………………………………………………………………….…………..……….P. 6-7

Altar Guild Report..……………………………………………………….………………………………………………..…..P. 8

Music Ministry Report...…………………………………………………………………………………………….…………P. 8

Christian Formation Report………………………………………………………………………………………………….P. 9

Children’s Ministry Report…………………………………………………………………………………..…….…..…….P. 10

Episcopal Youth Community Report……………………………………………………………………………....……..P. 11

Mission and Outreach Report………………………………………………………………………………………...……..P. 11-12

Fund-raising Committee Report...………………………………………………………………………………….…..….P. 13

Gala Event Report………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…….P. 14

Deck the Halls Event Report..………………………………………………………………………………………….……P. 14-15

Endowment Committee Report..…………………………………………………………………………………....……..P. 16

Urn Garden Committee Report……………………………………………………………………………...……………..P. 16-17

I-W-C Committee Report……………………………………………………………………………………………...………P. 17

Vital Membership Statistics for 2018…………………………………………………………………...………………..P. 18

2019 Vestry Nominees…………………………………………………………………….……………………………...…...P. 19-22


Minutes of the Annual Meeting

January 14, 2018

Voting for the new Vestry members took place immediately after the combined 9:30 am service in the

Sanctuary. Once voting was completed, the meeting was adjourned to the Parish Hall for lunch and a

continuation of the business part of the meeting.

The Rev. BJ Owens called the meeting to order. Outgoing Sr. Warden, George Platt, officially opened

the meeting.

The minutes from the 2017 Annual Meeting were discussed and revised. There was a motion to accept

the revised minutes, the motion was seconded, and the minutes were approved.

Chris Berger, who has replaced John Frizzell as church treasurer, reported that the church is in good

shape. He noted that we have $343,675 in our Capital Reserve Fund and a deficit of only $45,000 on a

lean budget. He also reported that $10,000 from the proceeds of Andy’s Market has gone to Outreach.

Kimberly Rathburn was thanked for all her help.

The Rev. BJ Owens thanked all the people who have helped the church grow and function smoothly. He

introduced the new Vestry members – Steven Loch, Cindy Shane, Pat Stultz, Brenda Swearingin – and

thanked the outgoing members – Sr. Warden, George Platt, Jr. Warden, Mike VanOrmer, Charles Kap-

pauf, and Barbara Lawless. It was noted that Alice Hill will fill the unexpired term of Susan Buck on the

Vestry, and Dottie Clark will fill the unexpired term of Ken Massey on the Vestry. Both members were

thanked for their service. BJ announced that the church is living up to its mission by letting the Holy

Spirit help us and lead us to be the Body of Christ.

Names that were submitted for the Endowment Committee: Charles Kappauf and Janice Cox.

Sandy Shelton will be serving on the Urn Garden Committee.

Highlights from 2017 presented by The Rev. BJ Owens:

Handout given that shows Vital Statistics from 2017

Karen Rierson is working weekly to complete the membership process for people who have ex-

pressed an interest in St. Andrew’s

Felicia Cole has become the Children and Youth Coordinator and the program is doing well under

her tenure

New Member Committee is doing a great job making new people feel welcome through Newcomer

Hosts, Welcome Luncheons, and New Member liturgy

Mission and Outreach work includes Burgundy Bags for food donations, Racial Justice and Reconcil-

iation Ministry, Andy’s Market

The choir is thanked. Ann Doyle is thanked for her work with both adult and children’s choirs.

Stewardship Committee has had three great years: two years ago giving steadied after a period of de-

Continues p. 3


cline, and for the past few years it has grown. Proportional giving has increased. Community gather-

ings were very successful.

The Building Committee (Site Planning) will meet again in the spring. Moving the children’s ministry

back upstairs is getting good feedback for the committee. The Site Committee wants to make sure

we know where we are and what we need to do as a Parish before proceeding.

Vestry is now working on the POD format. The four PODs are: Children & Adult Christian Formation;

Mission, Membership & Liturgy; Parish Life, Pastoral Care & Stewardship; Facilities, Finance & Ad-


Upcoming 2018 items:

Focus on Invitation and Evangelism

Holy Cow! A survey done by an outside person will help us find out where we are and where we want to


The church staff is thanked: Ann Doyle, Brooks Johnson, Kimberly Rathburn, Felicia Cole, and Debbie

Dowd. They do a wonderful job keeping the church running smoothly.

The outgoing Vestry members: George Platt, Sr. Warden; Mike VanOrmer, Jr. Warden; Charles Kappauf,

and Barbara Lawless, were thanked. John Frizzell, long time church treasurer, moved out of town and was

replaced by Chris Berger. Both men were thanked for their service.

Q&A time:

Why is it taking so long to get the digital directory going? Reminder given to upload your pictures. Up-

loading of pictures taken at church will be investigated. Hard copy of names only is available

Instant Church Directory app is available for download on digital devices. Can view what is already

downloaded with that app

Thanks is given to the retired clergy who have joined our parish

Was suggested that pictures of the Vestry members be taken and displayed for the congregation to view.

Barbara Van Cleve volunteered to take the pictures

Can we use the newer version of the Lord’s Prayer? BJ will try to use it during Epiphany

A different version of presenting the budget was requested. Chris Berger will prepare a new version that

will be more user friendly

Are there any physical plant changes coming from the Site Committee? Changes are on hold for now.

Children’s changes are giving insight into future plans. Other changes that are possible: Parish Hall

bathroom renovations; Herman Hall renovations

Is a Capital Campaign upcoming? If we end up proceeding with capital renovations, then yes, but the

vestry is carefully discerning our needs and our readiness, and a number of steps will be taken be-

fore a campaign is initiated.

Submitted by,

Linda Cummer, Vestry clerk


Senior Wardens’ Report

Our Rector, the Rev. BJ Owens, departed St. Andrew’s in December to become the Dean

of Trinity Cathedral in Cleveland, Ohio. We were fortunate to have BJ for longer than the

average length of a rector’s tenure in a Parish. The Vestry is now focused on finding an

Interim Rector, and then on finding the next Rector of St. Andrew’s. The search commit-

tee to help find the new Rector has been formed and is beginning its work. This is an ex-

citing time for our Parish!

St. Andrew’s has continued to see important growth and to host exciting events during 2018. The Vestry

“pods” remain the way our ministries are organized, and this continues to work for the Vestry and for the

ministries. The pods include the Facilities and Administration pod; Christian Formation pod; Mission,

Membership, and Liturgy pod; and Parish life, Pastoral Care, and Stewardship pod.

We no longer have a Children’s and Youth Coordinator, and the very skilled Children and Youth volun-

teers are managing things until an Interim Rector is hired. At that time we will resume our search to hire

a leader for this ministry.

The Stewardship Committee faithfully executed their responsibilities and conducted a successful steward-

ship campaign in the fall. New Parish-wide events were very successful in bringing us together for fun,

fellowship and fundraising for our mission and outreach efforts.

Your Vestry is focused on doing the work of the Parish, especially in this time of transition. We are confi-

dent that the strength and sense of community in our Parish will be instrumental in helping us follow

God’s will in seeking our path for the future. We believe this path is bright!

Robin Bartlett and Pat Stultz, Co-Senior Wardens

Juniors’ Warden Report

Let me start off by saying how much of an honor and privilege it has been to serve as your Junior Warden.

When I was asked if I would like to take on the role, at first I was excited, and then the nerves started to

creep in. I remember all the stories, good and bad, that I had heard about what it takes to care for the

church and its campus. After much prayer, thought and discussion with others, I informed the Vestry that

I would be willing to accept the position.

I have been fortunate, this past year, in four ways:

1. I have been supported by an amazing church family! All of you have been very supportive and flexi-

ble as I have learned the nuances of what it means to be your Junior Warden and I thank you very


2. I have had the great fortune of being surrounded with a great Sr. Warden and amazing Vestry!

They, too, have showed great care, understanding and encouragement as we have tackled all the

different situations that we have been presented with.

Continues p. 5


3. I would have to say that this year has had its moments of anxious times (please see Betty Atwell’s

Buildings and Grounds report) but St. Andrew’s has not had to face any “major” financial repairs.

I want all of you to know that I have tried very hard to approach each instance with a very con-

scious effort to make sure all problems were solved from three aspects:

Safety: Was the repair done so that everyone will be safe around it?

Is the repair correct: The situation should be fixed correctly the first time and not have

to be re-visited multiple times afterwards.

Financially responsible: I tried very hard to always think about the financial situation

of the church. I didn’t just want to throw money at a problem and not worry about the

financial repercussions that it would have for this church.

In this time of transition, from Rector to Rector, Cindy Shane has agreed to come on as Co-Junior

Warden. I greatly appreciate her way of looking at things, from a different view point, and she too

has great love and care for this church.

St. Andrew’s is a great church! Cindy and I are excited to see what the new year brings. Hopefully, God

will bless us with more good fortune. We will continue to fight the good fight and be happy to help out in

any way that we can. Sometimes we, especially me, will need a reminder every now and then, but we will

serve St. Andrew’s the best way we can.


Scott Durham and Cindy Shane, Co-junior Wardens

Building and Grounds Report

In last year’s report, an extensive review was given regarding the work with our Architect, Phil Kiester,

and studies by the Building Committee, regarding a Building Site Plan for the future.

As the Vestry continued the process of discerning if St. Andrew’s was ready to embark on any proposed

Site Plans going forward, including a Feasibility Study and Capital Campaign, it was decided that as other

goals were established for our Parish, this would not be the best time for such processes. Therefore, all

Site Planning has been postponed until a more appropriate time.

In the meantime, much work has been accomplished with our facility this year as listed below:

1. Hallway ceiling on the organ side was repaired due to extensive water damage. Roof also repaired

where the leak occurred.

2. New, higher toilets were installed in both the women’s and men’s restrooms off the Parish Hall.

3. A ceiling light in the Volunteer Office was repaired, as well as other lighting throughout the facility.

4. Dead trees were removed.

5. The windows and frames in the sanctuary have been painted. Continues p. 6


6. Dehumidifiers in the Undercroft were replaced.

7. Electrical outlets were installed on the front lawn by the church sign and in the Urn Garden.

8. Many of the inside storage areas were cleaned up, creating more storage space. Also cleaned were

the outside storage buildings and grounds around them.

9. A new Small Meeting Room was created where the Christian Ed office had been.

10. A new meeting space with sofas was created outside the Rector’s Office.

11. The Children’s Playground area was totally refurbished as a Boy Scout Eagle Project.

Betty Atwell, Bldg & Grounds Chairperson

Treasurer’s Report It has been an honor to serve as your treasurer. As we begin a new year, I want to share with you how we

faired last year and where I project this year will take us.

2018 presented some challenges. We saw our utility rates and costs rise, and our office costs grew as our

printing and copier costs rose. These are good things to the extent they demonstrate we are growing, and

that the use of our facilities is growing. There is little we can do immediately about rising utilities costs,

but we should consider updating our heating and electrical systems through the use of the Bowden Fund

to increase long-term efficiencies. I am asking the junior wardens to examine this possibility in the coming


Our building also presents some problems stemming from last year’s wet weather. We have water leakage

and mold concerns in the chapel area and in the wall separating the chapel and the sacristy. We hope in-

surance will cover some of this expense. The junior wardens are working on cost estimates, and what our

financial responsibility may be.

Last year, I wanted to examine how we were financially supporting our formation and outreach efforts. I

am very happy to report that for 2018 we increased our outreach locally by 13%, and 1.4% of our budget

went to formation. As we have grown, those numbers have increased, and will continue to grow. In 2019,

we plan to increase our outreach budget by 14%, and formation will increase 44%. These are good signs

that we are active and growing.

I am grateful for the work the Vestry, parish employees, and volunteers have done to keep our costs as

close to budget as possible.

We closed 2018 with a deficit of $62,000. This deficit was offset by additional funds that were drawn up-

on from the Osborne account. Our goal must be to eliminate our deficit spending to preserve the long-

term health of the parish.

Continues p. 7


During 2018, we put our cash reserves in short-term CDs that earned a 2.16% return, or about $3,570. I

plan to continue this strategy in 2019 as rates continue to rise; we should be able to secure safe returns

above 3%.

I am excited that we saw a 10% increase in our pledges for 2019, which is a testament to your generosity

and a desire to balance our budget in the coming years.

The fund-raising efforts that replaced our Bazaar and that support our outreach efforts have been very

successful so far. The two fund-raisers have generated over $11,000 for 2019, a wonderful testament to

the work of those who organized these events and to those who supported them.

We will continue to be as careful with our funds as much as possible in the coming year. You should be

aware that our search process for a new rector is budgeted to cost the Parish an additional $25,000 or so.

I look forward to presenting the 2019 budget at our annual meeting.

Again, I want to thank all of our great volunteers, and particularly Parish Administrator/Business Manag-

er Kimberly Rathburn for the work she has done to keep our administrative costs as low as possible.

Chris Berger, Treasurer


The Altar Guild prepares for services of Holy Eucharist on

Sundays as well as on Tuesdays. Our duties include care of

Altar linens, vessels, candles, flowers, hangings and clergy


The Altar Guild has 24 members organized into 4 teams.

During 2018, the Altar Guild worked with the Clergy to pre-

pare for over 160 services, including special services such as

weddings, funerals and baptisms. We also prepare com-

munion kits for Lay Eucharistic Ministers. We are a self-

supporting ministry, with all funds for wine, candles, vest-

ments and other requirements for worship covered primari-

ly from donations for Christmas and Easter flowers.

Barbara Lawless and Linda Van Ormer, co-chairpersons

Altar Guild Report

Music Ministry Report

Singing celebrates all we are with all that is divine.

The music ministry at St. Andrew’s strives to enhance the worship experi-

ence at each regular worship service throughout the year, as well as special

seasonal services such at Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter. Participants

honor their commitment to one another and to the church with regular re-

hearsals and enthusiastic participation, thereby creating a community that

shares the gift of music and provides a place where each person can learn

and grow, both musically and spiritually.

In addition to membership growth, the Adult Choir has been fortunate to

have six paid vocal section leaders. These are made possible by the continued strong support of private

donations, as well as the music budget. With these young, talented musicians joining forces with our

parish choir, we are able to “raise the bar” to greater service offerings in our worship as well as com-

munity collaborations.

The Children’s Choir, grades K-4th grade, grew in numbers to 15 singers in 2018. They participated in

worship in October. We have a small handbell ensemble that enhances worship by accompanying

choir anthems and hymns throughout the year.

Ann Doyle, Music Director


Christian Formation Report

Christian Formation at St. Andrew’s in 2018 consisted of Sunday morning forums, seasonal evening

classes and regular weekly offerings such as Education for

Ministry (EfM). On Sunday mornings, we continued our

successful pattern of gathering as a whole parish on the 1st

Sunday of each month for First Sunday Fellowship, and

offering forums and activities on the other Sundays after

the 10 am service. We typically gather about 11:30 am in

the Chapel for adult formation, and the beginning of class

is signaled by the bell rung in the midst of Coffee Hour.

The monthly Rector’s Forum in the winter/spring contin-

ued the class on the creation and origins of the 1979 Book

of Common Prayer, just in time for the Episcopal Church’s

conversation last summer on Prayer Book revision. We also

joined with Episcopalians across the church for a Lenten study of the book of Luke in The Good Book

Club. The Rev. Leon Spencer led several classes on Anglicans and Ecumenism, and Joe Graves led a

Lenten class on James Weldon Johnson’s God’s Trombones: Seven Negro Sermons in Verse.

This year we began a pattern of preparation for confirmation that alternates youth confirmation prep-

aration and adult preparation prior to each bishop’s visitation, approximately every 18 months. In

2018 we offered a youth confirmation class, so we would anticipate offering an adult class in 6-12

months and another youth class in the 18-month cycle after that. This can of course be revised by fu-

ture rectors and committees, but it worked well for us this year as we had a great youth confirmation

class to prepare for Bishop Sam’s visit this past November.

This fall we explored gospel passages that teach about generosity, money, and where we find our secu-

rity, and we also learned about the Diocesan Pilgrimage to Botswana. We had planned to have ses-

sions where we explored priorities that emerged from the Holy Cow! survey, but with St. Andrew’s

beginning an interim period we felt that those discussions would be more fruitful in the winter and

spring of 2019.

The Rev. BJ Owens, former rector, and Dottie Clark, Vestry pod leader


Children’s Ministry Report

2018 has been an exciting time for the Children’s Ministry of St. Andrew’s. The participation in our chil-

dren’s ministry remained stable despite the departure of the Children and Youth Ministry Coordinator.

We continued with our Godly Play Sunday School schedule for ages Pre-K through 2nd grade. Kids of

the Kingdom (KoK) takes place at the same time as Godly Play on Sunday mornings, and is offered to

children in 3rd through the 5th grade. KoK has been a great success and has helped our ministry find an

exciting way to keep older children engaged in the church.

We made community building a top priority within our ministry. We hosted several family gatherings

and community service projects for children and their families. For example, in November, we hosted a

service project where we made blessing bags for the homeless and coordinated a delicious Chilli Cook-

off. This event brought together young families and the larger church community.

An additional change the Children’s Ministry saw in 2018 was the nursery moving back downstairs

while Godly Play and KOK remained upstairs. The children continue to enjoy their classrooms. The

space is brighter, more welcoming, and gives us access to teach fun lessons outside.

The success of this ministry is due to the hard work, enthusiasm, and dedication of a strong team of vol-

unteers. We are grateful for our Children’s Support Team, which consists of Anna Taylor, Jennifer

Jones, Barbara Lawless, Dania Ermentrout, Brenda Swearington, Lorin Kaley, and Brie Kline-Fowler.

Additionally, we are especially thankful to our Godly Play and KoK teachers.

Thank you to everyone who has assisted in the Children’s Ministry this year. Whether you have taught a

class, attended an event, or helped with updating our space we truly appreciate your support of this vital

church ministry. Here’s to another exciting year!

Anna Taylor and Jennifer Jones,

Children’s Support Team


Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) Report

The year 2018 has been one of fellowship, service learning, and fun for the Episcopal Youth Commu-

nity (EYC)! Fellowship among the youth has been

strengthened through team-building activities such as the

kick-off cookout/ tailgate Olympics, evenings of bowling

and of group games, and an old-school board game night.

The youth also have deepened their spiritual learning

through such activities as ‘The Gospel According to…A

Wrinkle in Time’ and ’The True Meaning of Christmas’ as

it relates to a scene from the movie ‘Elf.’ The youth have

served the community through service learning projects

such as preparing and delivering a meal to the Servant’s

Center, and in doing so researched how this organization

benefits veterans in our community. A number of the

youth spent a week in August working on community pro-

jects as part of the Glory Ridge Youth Mission Trip. The

EYC has a full agenda planned for the winter and spring of

2019, including another service learning project preparing

and delivering cold-weather kits to the Interactive Re-

source Center. The EYC also looks forward to their annual fundraiser of a Sweetheart Spaghetti Dinner

in February. This annual fundraiser raises money to support the summer mission trip to Glory Ridge.

Rachael Revell and Melissa Fleming, EYC support leaders

Mission and Outreach Report

St. Andrew’s Mission and Outreach team and the entire parish in 2018 were very much challenged to

meet the needs of the less fortunate in our community by the horrendous events of area tornadoes and


But with God’s grace and contributions both physical and monetary (we raised an additional $4,000

to help victims) from the team and our fellow parishioners, we helped alleviate some of their suffering

in the hardest-hit areas, including those served by our Hispanic Missioner the Rev. Audra Abt.

Our budget also allowed us to make a significant contribution in relocating those new immigrant fami-

lies who were displaced by sub-standard and condemned housing on Summit Avenue via our partner-

ship with the Greensboro Housing Coalition.

The committee also made a purchase of a much-needed membership in the Renaissance Food Co-op,

which provides grocery store services to an area of Greensboro that has been a food “desert” for a long

time. Sadly, the co-op is closing.

Continues p. 12


2018 also saw an increased amount of food being donated to the One Step Further Food Pantry via

our successful “ Burgundy Bag “ program.

Funding to meet the many needs of our partner agencies in 2018-2019 will continue to be a chal-

lenge, but with revenue from the Endowment Fund interest and the two successful “ Share the

Love” events ( the Fall Auction Evening Cocktail Party and Deck the Halls ) in 2018, we are most

grateful to be able to budget an additional $10,000 +/- from those events for 2019 !

We continued to collect fresh produce from the Greensboro “Share the Harvest” program and from

donations from Bestway Grocery to reach out to those in need via our “Produce to People “ delivery

to agencies and neighbors in need.

Below is a list of our partner agencies that received funding from us in 2018 to help us continue to

“welcome the stranger, feed the hungry, and minister to the sick and needy.”

Greensboro Urban Ministry/Breakfast program - $2,000

Faith Action International -$1,000

Parents as Teachers Guilford County -$2,000

Second Harvest Food Bank -$300

Greensboro Housing Coalition-$600

The Barnabas Network-$200

The Servant Center-$150

One Step Further Food Pantry-$400

Interactive Resource Center-$900

Malachi House-$250

Greensboro Missioner/La Misa-via Holy Trinity/the

Rev. Audra Abt-$3,000

Douglas Sanecki, chairperson


Fundraising Report

Committee members: Co-Chairs Susan Brannan and Carol Phillips, Betty Atwell, Annette Garvey, Alice

Hill, Steven Loch and Jill Lowe.

Here is the charge that BJ Owens gave to the Committee:

1) To set goals for fundraising events for the year

2) To determine which fundraisers the church would carry out and to recruit


3) To support leadership of events/ to create a best practices resource for all


4) To process costs-benefits after completion of events and to make recom-

mendations to the Vestry concerning future efforts

We met regularly through the summer, and once again in November. Steven Loch created the Best

Practices document for our review and revision. We agreed that future fundraising events at Saint

Andrew’s would be guided by the following purposes:

To raise funds for Mission and Outreach

To foster comradery within the St. Andrew’s community

To increase our visibility in Greensboro

To welcome the stranger

The Fall Event held on October 13, an auction and wine and cheese social, had been scheduled before our

committee was created. This event was led by Susan McMullen and George Platt; and generated $5,000

for outreach.

The December event, Deck the Halls, was chaired by Lynda Sanecki. This event generated $6,100 for


Pat Stultz served as treasurer for both events.

The third event, planned for May 18, will be a low-country shrimp boil, chaired by Charles Kappauff and

Charles Kelshaw.

This committee has the following recommendations:

• To use the Best Practices Guide for all events

• To incorporate the slogan “Share the Love” when we refer to fundraising, because all our proceeds go

back to the community

• To continue to explore new opportunities that enable us to support community outreach and fellow-


• To repeat the Fall Event and the December Event in 2019.

Alice Hill, Fundraising Steering Committee


Gala Event Report

Thank you, terrific team. I just love you to pieces (that’s my Southern comin’ out!)

As a team, we raised $5,000 for outreach!

You should be very proud of yourselves. Two of you talked me off the ledge when I had no idea how this

would happen (you know who you are). Annette had the brilliant idea of selling our flower arrangements,

which more than covered the cost of the flowers. Lisa helped us make the tough decision to move the

party to our house with good info from Steven Loch about the odds of Duke Power restoring energy to St.

Andrew’s. Pat, you managed to alert everyone to the change with little notice and sign people up.

Geoff was our suave and super-helpful bartender along with the amazing Fran.

George, what can I say? It was a great show and we all had a ball!

Karen, Jack and Judy, you were constantly in the background and foreground making sure things ran


Thanks to BJ and Kimberly, who bore my anxiety with grace.

Thanks to my dear husband who cheered us with beautiful music.

It was a glorious and memorable evening I will never forget.

Perhaps most of all, thanks to all of you who helped clean up (Betty, you get extra credit for using steel

wool on those gigantic pans!)

I know I’ve forgotten someone for doing something amazing, so I apologize, but know that Bob and I are

extremely grateful to all of you for making this an unforgettable evening.

Love, Susan McMullen, chairperson

Deck the Halls Event Report

Something new for St. Andrew’s—a holiday-themed fundraiser for our Mission and Outreach efforts.

Deck the Halls was held on December 8, 2018 from 1-8. It was well attended, raising over $6,100 for

those programs we support throughout the year.

Building on our traditions from past Bazaars, the event went on to offer new activities to encourage

shoppers to participate in gingerbread house decorating, and a sing-a-long. Entertainment was provid-

ed by Vicky Hardesty (storyteller) and Jake Hemminger (music). After an afternoon of snacking and

shopping, a chili supper was offered and the day ended with a chance to go Cruisin’ the Hills and enjoy

the holiday lights in Sunset Hills.

When planning this event, three goals were identified:

Continues p. 15


Raising funds for mission and outreach

Increase visibility of St. Andrew’s in the community

Promote fellowship within our church community

Reflecting on the event, it can be concluded we achieved all three goals!

Special thanks to the chair people for each of the areas:

Mrs. Claus’ Sweets and Treats Judy Platt

Jewels and Jingles Betty Atwell

Wine Pull Rob Moore (and friends Joe Stultz and Charles Kelshaw)

Boughs of Holly Pat Baker

Glittering Glass Marion and Dan Seaman

Andy’s Kitchen Virginia Haskett

Santa’s Wood Shop Mack Baker

Gift Baskets Betty Atwell and friends

Presents Under the Tree Jean Phelps

Cruisin’ the Hills Angela Todd

(a special thanks to Taphopper Tours for use of their van)

Christmas Flower sales Fran Swan

Financial Accounting Pat Stultz

St. Andrew’s notecards Pat Stultz

Giving Tree Corinth Milikin

Signage Karen Spencer

Construction of our new banner holder Scott Durham

And a special thanks to the many, many parishioners who assisted in our festive and fun day!

Lynda Sanecki, chairperson


Endowment Report

The St. Andrew's Endowment Fund (the "Fund") was

valued at $600,689.73 as of September 30, 2017, and

grew to $625,414.49 as of September 30, 2018, with

an overall portfolio consisting of equities (50.4%),

fixed income (46.2%), and cash equivalents (3.4%).

With Endowment Committee oversight, Chuck Reid

at Capital Management continues to manage the

Fund's investments. The Fund's portfolio is invested

according to a moderate growth strategy, with a focus

on preserving the long-term, real purchasing power of the Fund's assets while providing a relatively pre-

dictable and growing stream of annual distributions in support of the Parish. As a result, the long-term

expected growth of the Fund's equity investments is balanced with fixed income instruments that are

held to protect against severe downturns in the overall stock market.

Under the Fund's Investment Policy Statement, now that the value of the Fund exceeds $500,000, a

specified amount of Fund income is made available for the operation of the Parish on an annual basis.

For 2018, the Endowment Committee approved a distribution of $17,220 for use in the Parish budget.

Aaron Bennett, chairperson

Urn Garden Report

The Urn Garden Committee is committed to providing a sacred memorial garden for our members.

Committee members : Nancy Bishop, Chairperson; Scott Durham, Jr. Warden; Julie Dameron; Rebecca

Gray; Charlyne Hanna; Sandy Shelton

Funerals: Committee members are responsible for coordinating the preparation of the burials -which

includes setting up, providing the Liner for the Urn, overseeing the opening and closing of the grave, and

clean up.

The following issues have been addressed to improve the overall operation:

Monitor cost - changed engraver vendor ($65 savings)

Liners for Urns - recruited 3 parishioners to make liners to relieve Mack Baker, who has made the lin-

ers for many years. Ron Stowers, Ed Lawless and Ted Atwell will rotate replenishing the liners.

Continues p. 17


Maintenance: Ongoing problems with soil erosion and moisture; planted new grass, maintained the

grounds (remove dead flowers, etc., clean stones). Urn Garden Guild established to help with the

maintenance and to assist the committee members, when needed, with preparations for burials. The fol-

lowing volunteers will serve on the guild: Bill Hill, Coordinator, Julie Green, Betty Self, Janice Cox, Car-

olyn Hackett, Jacque and Ron Stowers, Nancy Rizzuto

Lighting in the Urn Garden: Outside lights turned on to give some lighting at night.

Records Review: The chairperson reviewed the records of assigned and unassigned plots. There are

currently 68 available plots. Reconciled official records and Committee Chairman's records.

Columbarium: Plans for a Columbarium in the Urn Garden. Several local churches have been con-

tacted to gather information on cost and upkeep of their columbariums and memorial gardens. Research

of vendors and cost also being collected. Once information is completed it will be submitted to the Ves-


It is very rewarding to be a part of this important part of our church.

Nancy Bishop, Chairperson

I-W-C Report

The Invite Welcome Connect committee had another busy year. It began with a formal name change to

better reflect our role in both welcoming newcomers and encouraging

them to participate in the Invite Welcome Connect program


Our activities this year included:

*Newcomer Hosts assigned each Sunday to welcome visitors to the


*Distribution of the Welcome Bag to all visitors

*Luncheon in June for all newcomers and committee members in the last 18 months

*Lynda Sanecki and Lois Washburn attended a seminar conducted by Ken Kroohs focusing on attracting

visitors and newcomers to our church

*Welcome Luncheon in October for the Parish and newcomers alike

*December community Open House to welcome visitors who want to come in out of the cold following

the “Running of the Balls.” The committee has continued to grow and new members are welcomed at any


Lynda Sanecki, chairperson


Increases during the year:


Clara Elizabeth Bennett Harry H. Clendenin, III Gillian M. Lowe

Kent David Phillips Jay Denton Donald Kenneth Lowe

Nora Julianne Phillips Samantha Denton Ron Stowers

Jane Hackett Bunch Bliss Denton Jacque Stowers

Kate Madelyn Ramirez Dylan Denton John Jeter Walker

Amanda Kash Ramirez John Michael Denton

Thomas Lyon Testa Jake P. Hemminger

Madelyn Cothran Testa Frederick Wayne Johnson, Jr.


Edith Stuart Byrum Gift Chinonso Obimma

Phoebe Eleanor Martha Dell Alexis Chinyere Obimma MARRIAGE (1)

Jesse Oliver Carrico Margaret Rose Revell Jake P. Hemminger to

Samuel Baum Fleming Savannah Leigh Hamilton

Decreases during the year:


Majorie Rae Garvey Matthew David Hair

Edward William Simon Richard Charles Miner

Donald Floyd Allen Alice Ehrhardt Morelli

Jean Barricks Lange Elizabeth E. Sanford

Downs Cameron Brown, Sr.

(This information will be (Others that were in our

included in the 2018 Parochial pastoral care died, however

Report. ) they were not in our

membership roles.)

Vital Membership Statistics for 2018


Catherine Clifton was baptized in 1990 and confirmed in 2001. She has been

attending St. Andrew’s for five years and transferred her membership a year ago. She

attends services every Sunday.

If you were to describe St. Andrew's to a friend, what would you tell him/her?

This is an easy question, because I’ve described St. Andrew’s to many friends and fami-

ly members! St. Andrew’s is a loving and welcoming church with all sorts of people

working together to make Greensboro and the world a better place. There is something for everyone to be

involved in, and people have a genuine interest in each other’s lives.

Why do you wish to serve on the Vestry?

As the child of an Episcopal priest, I have grown up watching the Vestry members at each church work to-

gether to find and facilitate ways for their church to grow. The growth of St. Andrew’s—as well as the

maintenance of its current strengths—is very important to me, and I believe that I can bring some different

perspectives and experiences to the Vestry as a member.

Do you have previous experience in church leadership? When and where?

I have held various unofficial positions in churches, including leading some of the music or youth pro-

grams. And, of course, I’ve spent my whole life asking my dad and stepmom to explain the inner workings

of their churches to me, and observing them in their leadership roles.

Please tell us about your parish life and community activities.

I am a member of the choir and am sometimes lucky enough to sing solos or highlighted small ensemble

pieces. I co-taught the confirmation class with BJ Owens this past year, and have worked with the youth

group this year as well. I am on the planning committee for the next Women’s Retreat, and I am happy to

help out however else I can, whether it’s working the holiday market or representing the church in the


2019 Vestry Nominees

Corinth Milikin was baptized in 1952 and confirmed in 1965. She has been a

member of St. Andrew’s for approximately 10 years.

If you were to describe St. Andrew's to a friend, what would you tell him/her?

In many ways, St. Andrew’s is a typical Episcopal church with the church seasons,

hymnal, prayer book, and liturgy that are easy to recognize. It is also a church that

welcomes individuals of diverse backgrounds and spiritual paths. Individuals have

the choice of Sunday worship only or they can explore the variety of opportunities to

serve the congregation and/or the local community.

Continues p. 20


Why do you wish to serve on the Vestry?

I see Vestry membership as an opportunity to serve the congregation.

Do you have previous experience in church leadership? When and where?

Yes, I was a Vestry member for 3 years (1995/6/7) at Church of the Good Shepherd, Taipei, Taiwan. In

1997, I was co-chairperson of the search committee for a priest for the English-speaking congregation.

Please tell us about your parish life and community activities.

My parish life and community activities have focused on service. Soon after moving back to Greensboro

in 2017 and renewing my membership at St. Andrew’s, I became one of the “basket ladies” and worked

with the group making the gift baskets for the market last year and this year’s Deck the Halls fundraiser. I

also participate in the group knitting prayer shawls. I recently joined the Invite, Welcome, and Connect

committee and was on the committee that planned the welcome lunch.

At Christ Church in Norcross, GA., I was co-facilitator of the women’s Sunday school class and volun-

teered with the quilting group, which funded outreach projects.

At St. Mary and St. Martha of Bethany in Buford, GA., I was a Eucharistic minister, coordinated the food

pantry donations, and made “pillowcase dresses” for donation.

In the community, I have been an active volunteer with Habitat for Humanity, including builds in Wiscon-

sin, Mexico, India, Thailand, and Haiti. I was also a ReStore volunteer for many years.

Eric Revell was baptized in 1977 and confirmed in 1989. He has been attending

St. Andrew’s for 4+ years and became a member in 2017.

If you were to describe St. Andrew's to a friend, what would you tell him/her?

A wonderful, friendly place where all are welcome to visit and worship. A church and

congregation that is intent on serving not only it’s members but the greater communi-

ty around it.

Why do you wish to serve on the Vestry?

I wish to serve on Vestry because I am very interested in the future of our congregation and ensuring that

St. Andrew’s will continue to be a vibrant and growing church. I believe that my background in finance,

coupled with an ongoing engagement and vested interest in our youth ministry, could provide value as a

member of the Vestry.

Do you have previous experience in church leadership? When and where?

I served on the Stewardship Committee at St. Andrew’s in 2018.

Continues p. 21


Please tell us about your parish life and community activities.

I, along with my wife Rachael, are active in the children’s and youth ministry at St. Andrew’s along with

our 3 daughters: Rosie, Ryan, and Ruby. Outside of St. Andrew’s I am active in youth soccer in Guilford

County and have been coaching for 5 years, as well as volunteering with various organizations, including

the Salvation Army and Habitat for Humanity.

Karen S. Rierson (formerly Russell) was baptized in 1963 and confirmed

in 1993. She has been a member of St. Andrew’s for approximately 26 years.

If you were to describe St. Andrew's to a friend, what would you tell him/her?

St. Andrew’s is a welcoming, diverse and supportive gathering of people who love

God and each other. The people of St. Andrew’s are supportive of each other as we

all walk through the challenges of daily life, and I have experienced this first hand

through many friendships as well as spiritual growth. St. Andrew’s is truly my

“church home.”

Why do you wish to serve on the Vestry?

I feel that my past experience on the Vestry, as well as several other volunteer positions I have held with-

in the church, give me the insight to help our church family through the current transition period. I be-

lieve that with an effective transition we can continue our support for each other as well as continue to

grow our positive impact on the community at large. I feel that as a member of the Vestry I can assist

with the guidance needed to continue the spiritual growth of our church membership.

Do you have previous experience in church leadership? When and where?

Yes, all at St. Andrew’s:

Vestry, 2001-2003/ Co-Senior Warden, 2002/ Senior Warden, 2003.

Lay Ministry Coordinator, staff position/ 2005-2015.

Ministry Map Co-Chair/ 2004-2006.

Episcopal Church Women’s Treasurer/ 1996-2013.

Please tell us about your parish life and community activities.

I have been involved in the following parish life activities: office volunteer/ 2015 to present (work with

membership requests, member updates in the computer, keep all membership books current); commit-

tee to reorganize our Trusts, now Endowment funds; committee to consider a capital campaign; Chris-

tian Formation and Education Committee; Stewardship Committee; Financial Committee; Endowment

Trustee, 2002-2004; Care & Community Committee; Parish Life Committee; Bazaar/Festival volunteer

every year since 1993; two Discernment Commitments, chair of one in 2007; and completed the four-

year Education for Ministry course.

Continues p. 22


Outside the parish: Greensboro Beautiful secretary/treasurer; Greensboro Palomino Board secretary (a

group that sponsors a baseball league for 17 & 18 year olds); Greensboro Builders Association Board;

Ignite the Spirit Board (a group that raises funds for firefighters and their families when they come

across hard times); Grimsley’s Athletic Booster Club volunteer.

Marion Seaman was baptized in 1972 and confirmed in 1984. She has been

attending St. Andrew’s for 4 1/2 years.

If you were to describe St. Andrew's to a friend, what would you tell him/her?

Very friendly, very outwardly community-minded, easy to get involved, a loving

Spirit-filled community.

Why do you wish to serve on the Vestry?

This is another way to use my talents to serve.

Do you have previous experience in church leadership? When and where?

I was an elder at Fellowship Presbyterian Church in Greensboro (2004-2007); Sunday School teacher

(various years).

Please tell us about your parish life and community activities.

I am involved in the Prayer Shawl Ministry, a member of the current EfM class, and a Eucharistic minis-



2018 Total Revenues $351,719.79 $326,719.30 $355,408.00


Total Clergy $130,791.04 $128,667.83 $117,679.25

Total Stafff $112,978.69 $120,341.22 $132,746.04

Total Search Expense $24,050.00

*Invite-Welcome-Connect Team $510.00 $647.86 $2,550.00

*Chistain Education - Children $1,290.49 $1,664.57 $1,600.00

*Christian Education - Adult $230.30 $398.55 $1,000.00

*EYC $1,294.84 $2,194.26 $3,500.00

*Parish Life/Care $510.00 $296.89 $500.00

Total Formation $3,325.63 $5,202.13 $9,150.00

*Outreach (w/GMS) $1,038.74 $13,100.00

Pastoral Care $95.27 $325.15 $0.00

Theological Education $1,750.00 $1,750.00 $0.00

Diocesan Fair Share $37,365.00 $34,252.57 $38,307.73

Total Mission $40,249.01 $36,327.72 $51,407.73

Clergy/Staff/Formation and Mission $287,344.37 $290,538.90 $310,983.02

Total Bldg & Grounds $41,192.94 $36,152.91 $39,279.99

Total Liturgical Service $1,566.96 $3,027.81 $2,760.00

Total Administration $17,422.34 $20,863.12 $16,994.17

Total IT Equipment & Support $8,329.90 $9,029.20 $9,589.60

Total Utilities $23,550.62 $31,441.34 $34,264.40

Total Insurance $11,063.50 $11,419.50 $11,986.34

Total Operating Expenses $103,126.26 $111,933.88 $114,874.50

Total Expenses $390,470.63 $402,472.78 $425,857.52

Net -$38,750.84 -$75,753.48 -$70,449.52

Endowment/Interest/Operating Reserves $45,000.00 $50,000.00 $35,818.65

Net including non-operating funds $6,249.00 $25,753.48 -$34,630.87

* Funded partially or completely by Endowment


St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church

2105 West Market Street

Greensboro, NC 27403


St. Andrew’s Vestry 2018

Chris Berger, Treasurer Linda Cummer, Clerk

Children, Youth & Mission/Outreach, Parish Life, Pastoral Facilities, Finance

Christian Formation Liturgy & Membership Care & Stewardship & Administration

Carol Phillips Bob Mills Susan Brannan Robin Bartlett (SW)

Dottie Clark Cindy Shane (JW) Alice Hill Scott Durham (JW)

Brenda Swearingin Steven Loch Pat Stultz (SW) George Platt

Contact St. Andrew’s Staff:

Connect to Our Ministries:

The Rev. Barbara Cooke, Priest Jennifer Jones, Children's Ministry

[email protected]; 336-521-0040 [email protected]

Office Hours: M, T, Th 11 am – 2 pm

Rachael Revell, Youth Ministry

Debbie Dowd, Pastoral Associate [email protected]

[email protected]

Doug Sanecki, Outreach Ministry

Kimberly Ann Rathburn [email protected]

Parish Administrator/Business Manager

[email protected] Barbara Cooke, Newcomer Ministry

Office Hours: M-Th 8:30 am – 2:30 pm [email protected]

Ann Doyle, Minister of Music

[email protected]