The Ancient World -...

May 07, 2013 The Ancient World Chapter 5 Ancient China Chapter 5-Guiding Questions: How did physical geography affect the growth of ancient civilizations? What historical accomplishments is each civilization known for?

Transcript of The Ancient World -...

Page 1: The Ancient World -… · The Ancient World Some Facts About China's Dynasties Shi Huangdi Liu

May 07, 2013

The Ancient WorldChapter 5

Ancient ChinaChapter 5-Guiding Questions:

• How did physical geography affect the growth of ancient civilizations?

• What historical accomplishments is each civilization known for?

Page 2: The Ancient World -… · The Ancient World Some Facts About China's Dynasties Shi Huangdi Liu

May 07, 2013

Page 3: The Ancient World -… · The Ancient World Some Facts About China's Dynasties Shi Huangdi Liu

May 07, 2013

Page 4: The Ancient World -… · The Ancient World Some Facts About China's Dynasties Shi Huangdi Liu

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Page 5: The Ancient World -… · The Ancient World Some Facts About China's Dynasties Shi Huangdi Liu

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Page 6: The Ancient World -… · The Ancient World Some Facts About China's Dynasties Shi Huangdi Liu

May 07, 2013

In the vast western reaches of China - mountains, high plateaus and deserts dominate the landscape, while in the central and east areas, the land slopes into broad plains and deltas.


The Himalayas, the world's most elevated mountain range, form its southwestern borders with India, Nepal and Bhutan, and contain the highest peaks in the world.

Located within the Himalayas is China's highest point, the famed Mt. Everest, which is also the tallest mountain in the world, and whose summit reaches 29,025 ft. (8.850 m).

Numerous rivers arise in the Himalayas, including the Indus and Brahmaputra rivers.

In the far northeast, high mountains ring China's border with the Russian Federation.


The Gobi Desert runs west to east along the border with Mongolia. Here the topography varies from sand desert, into the low mountain foothills and plateaus that stretch into Mongolia.

Prolonged drought in the area result in debilitating dust storms, and have caused China to lose a million acres a year to desertification.

China's lowest point, and the third lowest point on the Earth's surface, is the arid Turpan Depression located in the far western part of the country.


From the higher elevations in the west literally thousands of rivers drain the country; the most significant include the Yangtze (third longest river on the planet), and the Heilong (Amur), Mekong, Pearl and Yellow.

Page 7: The Ancient World -… · The Ancient World Some Facts About China's Dynasties Shi Huangdi Liu

May 07, 2013

The Ancient WorldSection 3

Strong Rulers Unite Warring KingdomsLesson Objectives1. Describe the methods Shi Huangdi use to unify China2. Explain the effect Shi Huangdi had on Chinese culture3. Summarize the reasons for the long reign of the Han dynasty. Warm-Up ActivitiesAsk students to think about team sports and to imagine two different types of coaches. One coach shouts at the players when the team loses and threatens to remove players who make mistakes. The other coach gives the team pep talks and advice when they lose. Ask the students to decide which team would be more successful and to explain their reasoning

Page 8: The Ancient World -… · The Ancient World Some Facts About China's Dynasties Shi Huangdi Liu

May 07, 2013

Chapter 5, Section 3-Before ReadingReach Into Your BackgroundHow would you feel if your government leaders removed many books from the library and burned them? Who do you think is the best judge of what you should read? WHY?

The Ancient World

Questions to Explore1. How did the emperor Shi Huangdi help unite China?2. How did Hahn rulers build a powerful empire that reunited China for more than 400 years?

Key Terms


Key People

Shi HuangdiLiu BangWudi

Page 9: The Ancient World -… · The Ancient World Some Facts About China's Dynasties Shi Huangdi Liu

May 07, 2013

Chapter 5, Section 3--Guided ReadingA. As You Read

The Ancient World

Some Facts About China's Dynasties

Shi Huangdi

Liu Bang


RulerDynasty Name Main Accomplishments

1. Qin 2. He unified China and organzied it into districts, built roads and started the Great Wall, and established common currency

3. Han 4. He created a stable government and appointed Confucian scholars to government posts

5. Han 6. He improved the Great Wall, strengthened the army, and expanded the borders of China's empire

Page 10: The Ancient World -… · The Ancient World Some Facts About China's Dynasties Shi Huangdi Liu

May 07, 2013

Chapter 5, Section 3--Guided ReadingB. Reviewing Key Terms

The Ancient World

7. currency

8. warlord

a type of money

leader of an armed local band

Page 11: The Ancient World -… · The Ancient World Some Facts About China's Dynasties Shi Huangdi Liu

May 07, 2013

Chapter 5, Section 3--After ReadingThe Ancient World

1. IdentifyA. Shi Huangdi

B. Liu Bang

C. Wudi

2. How did Shi Huangdi strengthen the central government of China?

the first emperor of China who established the Qin dynasty

first emperor of the Han dynasty

emperor of the Han dynasty who expanded the Han empire

He protected the borders of this empire with walls and swiftly put down rebellions within his empire. He divided the empire into districts and place his most trusted officials in each district's government

Page 12: The Ancient World -… · The Ancient World Some Facts About China's Dynasties Shi Huangdi Liu

May 07, 2013

Chapter 5, Section 3--After ReadingThe Ancient World

3. Why did the Han dynasty last much longer than the Qin dynasty?

4. Most information about emperor Shi Huangdi comes from the writing of Confucian historians who lived during the Han dynasty. Remember the Han dynasty began when Liu Bang, defeated Shi Huangdi's grandson. How might this fact affect what we know about Shi Huangdi?

Lin Bang, unlike Shi Huangdi, chose to use Confucian principles in governing. The people chosen to run the government were chosen on the basis of eduction and talent. The empire was further secured from outside attacks by the empire building tactics of Wudi

Vary--Students should suggest that Confucian scholars were not persecuted during the Han dynasty and were therefore more likely to portray its favorably in their writing. During the Qin dynasty, Confucian texts were destroyed and Confucian thinkers murdered. Naturally, Confucian scholars might have had a low opinion of Shi Huangdi and the Qin dynasty

Page 13: The Ancient World -… · The Ancient World Some Facts About China's Dynasties Shi Huangdi Liu

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Chapter 5, Section 3--Pictures/MapsPage 134

The Ancient World

Page 135-Marching Across Time

Page 136

>This life-size, armor-clad, terra-cotta warrior appears ready to defend Shi Huangdi's empire

Flakes of paint still to some of Shi Huangdi's warriors (below), indicating that they were once brilliantly colored. THis kneeing soldier (right) shows the attention to detail artists paid as they made the terra-cotta figures. A craftsman uses ancient techniques to make a model of a terra-cotta soldier (left)

>The Great Wall has not always looked as it does today. Parts of the Great Wall have been destroyed and rebuilt many times. Further changes were made to meet the military needs of various emperors. For example, one emperor had watchtowers built so that guards could send news of enemy activities with smoke or fire signals. REGIONS--What part of his empire did Shi Huangdi hope the Great Wall wold protect?The Great Wall protected the northern border of the empire.

Page 14: The Ancient World -… · The Ancient World Some Facts About China's Dynasties Shi Huangdi Liu

May 07, 2013

Chapter 5, Section 3--Pictures/MapsPage 137-The Rise and Fall of Chinese Dynasties

The Ancient World

CHART STUDY--A dynasty might rule for a very long time or a relatively short period. This chart shows some of the factors that helped dynasties stay in power and some of the reasons dynasties fell. CRITICAL THINKING--Would unrest in the provinces be a sign of a strong dynasty or a weakened one?It would be a sign of a weakened dynastyPage 138-Qin and Han Empires, 221 BC - AD 220MAP STUDY--Under the Quin and Han dynasties, China expanded to roughly its present day borders. PLACE--Which empire had desert land as part of its territory?The Takla Makan Desert was part of Han territory

Page 15: The Ancient World -… · The Ancient World Some Facts About China's Dynasties Shi Huangdi Liu

May 07, 2013

Chapter 5, Section 3--Pictures/MapsThe Ancient World

Page 139>These bronze jars from the Han dynasty show the degree of excellence and skill of Chinese bronze workers. These jars were probably used only during important ceremonies.

Han Dynasty Bronze Works--The Han dynasty was a time when the arts flourished. Skilled artisans made beautiful objects of bronze deorated with gold, silver, and gems. They also created fine bronze mirrors. These were discs polished on one side. On the back, they were decorated with borders, animal symbols, and writing. Mirrors were important in China because they symbolized self-knowledge

Page 138-Links to Art

Page 16: The Ancient World -… · The Ancient World Some Facts About China's Dynasties Shi Huangdi Liu

May 07, 2013

Chapter 5, Section 3--NOT in BOOKThe Ancient World

Daily Life

Links Across Time


Writing Standards--One of Shi Huangdi's best reforms was the standardization of written script. IN 221 BC, the government proclaimed one script to be the country's standard. The use of any other scripte was made illegal. This proclamation had the added benefit (or perhaps main purpose) of eliminating any excuses for misunderstanding any excuses for misunderstanding the written law.

Great Walls--The Great Wall of China is actually a series of walls built over many centuries. In the AD 500s and 600s, the Sui dynasty constructed Great Walls. During the Ming dynasty, these walls were rebuilt and inner Great Walls were built as second lines of defense. It is these inner walls that can be seen in northern China today.

Lu Hou--The first woman to rule China was Liu Bang's wife, Lu Hou (also called Gao Hou). She was an extremely ambitious woman and was instrumental in her husband's rise to power. When Liu Bank died, Lu Hu and Liu Bang's son ruled for a brief time. Lu Hou then appointed a child as emperor and seized power. She issued royal orders under her own name and hoped to begin her own dynasty by distributing important government jobs to members of her own family. Lu hou was not ultimately successful--after her death power returned to her husband's family--but she did establish a precedent. Whenever an emperor died and there was no heir, the surviving empress (acting as a mouthpiece for senior statesmen) issued roual orders until a new ruler was chosen.

Page 17: The Ancient World -… · The Ancient World Some Facts About China's Dynasties Shi Huangdi Liu

May 07, 2013

Chapter 5, Section 3--OVERVIEWThe Ancient World

Emperor Dynasty Accomplishment

Shi Huangdi

Liu Bang





~Built Great Wall to protect Chinese people from nomads~Built roads so army could quickly stop rebellions~Divided China into districts ruled by trusted officials~Created common currency and weights and measures~Improved system of writing and law code

~Helped overthrow Qin dynasty~First emperor of Han dynasty~Created stable government~Ruled less harshly than Shi Huangdi

~Ruled for more than 50 years~Improved Great Wall~Strengthened army~Expanded Chinese rule into Central Asia and present-day Korea and Vietnam