The AMR problem: demanding economies, biological margins, and … · 2020-01-20 · ARTICLE The AMR...

ARTICLE The AMR problem: demanding economies, biological margins, and co-producing alternative strategies Steve Hinchliffe 1 , Andrea Butcher 1 & Muhammad Meezanur Rahman 2 ABSTRACT Widespread antimicrobial resistance (AMR) poses a threat to public and animal health, and has consequences for the structure and sustainability of food production. The problem is often framed as one of inappropriate antimicrobial use, which drives emer- gence and selection of resistant microbes. The answer to this framing of the problem is to lower disease incidence and transmission rates, regulate antimicrobial uses and to educate prescribers and users of medicines. In this paper we argue that this seemingly straightforward programme of action is beset by at least two difculties. First, in many parts of the world, disease dynamics and antimicrobial uses are embedded within biosocially demanding set- tings. Second, antibiotic use is one among many possible drivers of resistance. We focus on the aquatic environment and aquacultural food production where resistance drivers may relate to a variety of processes. Using interviews, survey data, and participatory modelling exercises with competency groups in Bangladeshs shrimp and prawn aquaculture sector, we demonstrate the need to understand economic and biological drivers of disease, farmer adaptations to disease risks and the potential paradox of pursuing pathogen-free food pro- duction as a means to reduce AMR risks. We argue that the AMR problem needs to be framed as an adaptive rather than technical challenge, and involves ownership, change and experimentation across a range of relevant sites. DOI: 10.1057/s41599-018-0195-4 OPEN 1 Geography, College of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK. 2 WorldFish, and CGIAR research program FISH, Dhaka 1213, Bangladesh. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to S.H. (email: [email protected]) PALGRAVE COMMUNICATIONS | (2018)4:142 | DOI: 10.1057/s41599-018-0195-4 | 1 1234567890():,;

Transcript of The AMR problem: demanding economies, biological margins, and … · 2020-01-20 · ARTICLE The AMR...

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The AMR problem: demanding economies,biological margins, and co-producing alternativestrategiesSteve Hinchliffe 1, Andrea Butcher 1 & Muhammad Meezanur Rahman 2

ABSTRACT Widespread antimicrobial resistance (AMR) poses a threat to public and

animal health, and has consequences for the structure and sustainability of food production.

The problem is often framed as one of inappropriate antimicrobial use, which drives emer-

gence and selection of resistant microbes. The answer to this framing of the problem is to

lower disease incidence and transmission rates, regulate antimicrobial uses and to educate

prescribers and users of medicines. In this paper we argue that this seemingly straightforward

programme of action is beset by at least two difficulties. First, in many parts of the world,

disease dynamics and antimicrobial uses are embedded within biosocially demanding set-

tings. Second, antibiotic use is one among many possible drivers of resistance. We focus on

the aquatic environment and aquacultural food production where resistance drivers may

relate to a variety of processes. Using interviews, survey data, and participatory modelling

exercises with competency groups in Bangladesh’s shrimp and prawn aquaculture sector, we

demonstrate the need to understand economic and biological drivers of disease, farmer

adaptations to disease risks and the potential paradox of pursuing pathogen-free food pro-

duction as a means to reduce AMR risks. We argue that the AMR problem needs to be

framed as an adaptive rather than technical challenge, and involves ownership, change and

experimentation across a range of relevant sites.

DOI: 10.1057/s41599-018-0195-4 OPEN

1 Geography, College of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK. 2WorldFish, and CGIAR research program FISH, Dhaka 1213,Bangladesh. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to S.H. (email: [email protected])

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The emergence, persistence and transmission of microbesthat are resistant to available medicines constitute a majorthreat to medical practice and public health. In the main,

antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has been framed as a matter ofpeople making ill-informed choices, culminating in over- andirrational use of antimicrobial medicines (Leung et al. 2011,Laxminarayan et al. 2013). The resulting surfeit of antimicrobialcompounds in bodies, clinics, communities, food systems andenvironments produces the conditions for selection of microbesthat are resistant to the currently limited set of available treat-ments. The paradigm is a commons problem, fanned by a mis-match between private benefit and public cost (Lee and Motzkau,2013). The solution, if we follow this formatting of the problem, isto reduce inappropriate and so-called irrational antimicrobialuses by providing improved information, shifting the incentivesthat drive people to act in non-ideal ways, regulating medicineuse and so changing treatment choices and behaviours. Thisframing is common across various health care sectors, and isbecoming particularly prominent in the morally-charged foodand livestock sector, where a majority of the world’s anti-microbials are currently consumed (Van Boeckel et al. 2015).

Focussing on AMR as it relates to livestock farming (and morespecifically aquaculture, currently the fastest growing food pro-duction sector (FAO, 2018: 114)), we make two interrelatedpoints in order to offer an alternative problematisation and wayforward. First, for a growing group of scientists, the emergence,persistence and transmission of antimicrobial resistance may relateto a host of drivers or ecologies and are not reducible to medicineuse alone. Second, drawing on our fieldwork, we describe howAMR risks, disease and disease treatments relate to social ecologiesof food production. Only by understanding those ecologies and byworking with key actors can we co-develop pathways to reducingthe burden of AMR.

We take an approach informed by a need to understand theAMR problem as an adaptive challenge (Heifetz, 1994). That is,change and experimentation are required across multiple sites inways that are consistent with the starting conditions within thosesites. And, as a means to recognise the heterogeneity of andlinkages between settings, we understand the AMR problem as amatter of actor networks, or the continuous assemblage of net-work elements in ways that can generate change (Callon, 1986,Law, 2006). Our empirical focus is food production, and morespecifically the production of shrimp and prawn in Bangladesh.Our approach is multi-sited and grounded in particular practices.We use a suite of methods as a means to elicit expertise andexperiences of those most familiar with the issues at hand. Surveyand qualitative interviews are combined with reflections on thecompetency groups (collectives of various experts includingfarmers, scientists and officials (Whatmore, 2009, Whatmore andLandstrom, 2011)) that we staged in order to generate partici-patory knowledge and heuristic models of disease and resistancerisks. In the latter, we aimed to work together with farmers andother experts in order to identify key drivers of disease, treatmentuses, resistance risks and adaptive changes to production. Inworking through these sites and methods our intention is to shiftthe focus for social science work on AMR and to demonstrate asituated understanding of human-microbe interactions.

After setting out the background to the problem of AMR, wemove to the shrimp and prawn hatcheries of southwest andsoutheast Bangladesh where workers and broodstock (gravidmothers) struggle against economic and biological margins(including disease) to make enough viable seed to supply the largenumber of mostly small scale grow-out farms in south westBangladesh. From the hatcheries, seed are transported to variousmarkets and on to farms where these minute crustaceans and

their microbial co-travellers are added to ponds. The tens ofthousands of ponds are the growing medium for shrimp, prawn,sometimes rice, often finfish, snails and others besides (includingof course many micro-organisms, both beneficial and otherwise).They have also been sites of relatively recent struggles overproperty, labour, ecology and land use, salinisation, as well asbeing subject to flooding, uncertain monsoon and climate (Jalais,2011, Islam, 2014). The produce from the myriad of ponds iscollected by processors and exporters and this, coupled with therisks of small farm production on a fertile yet precarious land-scape, lends this supply chain the characteristics of what Tsing(2015) has called ‘salvage accumulation’ (where lead firms amasscapital without controlling the conditions under which com-modities are produced). As is the case for the hatcheries, securinglivelihood from these ponds is a matter of working the margins.We detail the relevance of these margins and this mode ofaccumulation in terms of the biosocial nature of disease andresistance risks (Farmer, 2004, Farmer et al. 2006, Hinchliffe et al.2016). We introduce the term ‘sociobiome’ to underscore theinterrelationships between social and biological processes thatshape the health of a food production system and seek todemonstrate its relevance to a re-considered approach to AMR.

Framing the AMR problemOver the course of the last 70 years, the selective targeting andsuppression of microbial forms of life have become mundanetechnologies in human and animal health care and in food pro-duction. From the modified brewing industry vats in the Midwestof the United States that were used to industrially manufactureantibiotics derived from soil bacteria in the 1940s (Landecker,2016), to the globalised production and distribution of synthe-sised pharmaceutical components in India, China and elsewhere,antimicrobials are produced and consumed in mass. In humanmedicine, global use is in the order of 70 Billion standard units(an SU is a measure of volume based broadly on the smallestidentifiable dose given to a patient) (Van Boeckel et al. 2014). Inagriculture, livestock consumes around 60,000–70,000 tons ofantibiotics every year (though this may be a considerableunderestimate of total use). This figure likely exceeds directhuman consumption, and is projected to increase significantlyover the next few decades as demand for animal protein expandsand livestock rearing practices intensify (Van Boeckel et al. 2015).This material history and the ramifications of a mass of anti-microbials and resistance-conferring compounds and genescontribute to a new planetary biology (Landecker, 2016). Selec-tion pressures, the emergence of resistant microbes and the lateraltransfer of mobile genetic elements within complex ‘multi-spe-cies’ (or post-species) populations of micro-organisms havegenerated shifts in the pangenome (the core and accessory genesthat are available to microbial populations) (Gillings, 2017). Theshort to medium term results, in terms of the effectiveness ofavailable medicines and the prognoses for human health care, arenow well-known (Davies, 2013).

A key response to the emerging crisis has been to seek toreduce unnecessary uses of medicines, especially those that aredeemed critical for human health. This seemingly uncontroversialattempt to sustain the efficiency of existing therapeutics isembedded in World Health Organisation-sponsored NationalAction Plans and research-funding calls, many of which haveadopted the language of ‘stewardship’ (World Health Organisa-tion, 2015). This formatting of the antibiosis problem hassimultaneously drawn upon and nurtured a particular paradigmor approach to social science research and intervention. Asmedicine use is rendered as inefficient or irrational, and as the

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issue is framed as one of expert knowledge versus inexpertpractices, then the ‘lever’ for change almost always becomes thebehaviour of those demanding or administering medicines inways that are sub-optimal. Social science is positioned as a meansto account for the persistence of ‘incorrect’ knowledge andbehaviour, and, in tandem with public health, a toolkit for raisingawareness and targeting inappropriate uses. There is an accom-panying tendency to focus on individual behaviours with minimalconsideration of the socially and economically embedded natureof action, and to assume that models of behaviour honed inhigher income settings are applicable elsewhere. In the context ofa global health challenge, social science is thus rendered as a formof ‘first world’ expertise. The deracinated result is a colonial “one-size-fits-all approach, framed with developed country contexts inmind” (Kakkar et al. 2018). In essence, as antibiotic use becomesthe driver or determinant of resistance and the target of inter-vention, other possible resistance risks, as well as the social andeconomic conditions of antimicrobial use (including food secur-ity, poverty alleviation, healthcare access and so on) tend to beignored (Kakkar et al. 2018). The result can be both ineffectiveand wasteful.

The role of antimicrobial compounds as key drivers of resis-tance is of course well-founded on good laboratory understandingof the key molecular mechanisms through which resistance canbe conferred (including cell membrane changes, intracellularmodifications, extrusion processes, sensitivity reductions andsequestration of active agents) (Holmes et al. 2016). Thesemechanisms can be acquired by mutation or through horizontalgene transfer between strains of bacteria. Many are associatedwith fitness costs, so it is often assumed that resistant strainsrequire continuous suppression of antimicrobial susceptiblebacteria in order to flourish. Continuous inappropriate use ofantimicrobial medicines and treatments would of course providethat selective gradient.

Despite this apparent simplicity, the detailed processes thoughwhich resistance traits emerge, persist, expand and then spreadare less well characterised (Bengtsson-Palme et al. 2018). In partthey relate to the varied ecologies within which microbes evolveand transmit resistance to one another, and so include an array ofenvironmental variables: for example presence of heavy metalsand detergents can modulate gene transcription; biofilms (anassemblage of microorganisms embedded in an extracellularmatrix that adhere to themselves and to surfaces) can harbourdiverse microbial populations and act as long-term reservoirs forantimicrobial resistance genes (Taylor et al. 2011). Others havedemonstrated that qualitatively different pathways to resistance,involving selection for different sets of resistance conferringgenes, can occur at very low drug concentrations (Bottery et al.2016, Wistrand-Yuen et al. 2018). The implication is that “evenweak selective pressures can cause evolution of high-level resis-tance” (Wistrand-Yuen et al. 2018).

The aquatic environment is not unique but is possibly criticalin respect of these environmental and microbial dynamics. Thefollowing features make these environments and aquaculturalfood production potentially important in terms of emergence,persistence and transmission of AMR (Taylor et al. 2011).Inland water bodies and coastal zones have high and diversebacterial loads, and often act as sinks for treated and untreatedwaste, agricultural runoff and pollution. Sediments and biofilmsact as media for the adsorption and maintenance of microbesand resistance conferring materials. In terms of aquaculturalfood production, inputs of detergents and therapeutants canmodify resistance factors, while water exchange from and tosurrounding environments can aid transmission. Stocking maybe dense, with animals that are subject to a variety of stressors

and diseases. Zooplankton and filter feeders may serve toconcentrate pathogen populations and or heavy metals or otherresistance factors. Finally, the mixing of the medium, itstransport and its importance to human well-being (in terms ofdrinking, washing and other activities) make this a potentiallyimportant gateway for cross-species transmission (Cabello et al.2016). Needless to say, an industry within which there aremovements of stock, water exchanges and complex food dis-tribution networks lends a more variegated structure to thispotential set of human-animal-microbe interactions. These areall, it should be noted, social as well ecological matters. The stateof a microbial environment, its dynamics and its interactionswith other environments are effects of and affect economic andsocial lives. In our terms, they are entangled within and inse-parable to ecologies of production.

The point of this list is not to be comprehensive. It is toemphasise, first, that AMR will relate to, but is not straightfor-wardly determined by, on site use of treatments. Relatively smallamounts of use, or uses elsewhere (for example in terrestrialagriculture), may have important effects on the emergence andspread of resistance within the aquatic environment. Second, thescope and importance of the kinds of social science that arerelevant to the AMR problem are as such broadened from anarrow focus on governing medicine use. Alongside the socialand economic drivers of disease, and disease control, are theinterrelationships between people, environments and microbes.Here we would emphasise the point that people, like other actorsin the resistance landscape, are embedded within relations thatshape their activity levels and their ability to make significantchange. Agents or actors, be they resistant bacteria or people,emerge in networks or situations (Hinchliffe et al. 2016). Only byunderstanding people, microbes, fish, and so on as situatedbeings, can we appreciate the ways in which the AMR problemarises. Similarly, only by appreciating the problem can we hope todevelop appropriate ways forward.

These basic tenets of a relational, or actor-network approach(Law and Hassard, 1999), require field working styles that canwork with social and material complexities and identify keyrelations (Law, 2004). It is with those aims in mind that, followinga brief note on methodology, we work through interrelated fieldsites as a means to distil the key relationships that contribute tothe AMR problem.

The multi-sited and multi-factorial nature of adaptive chal-lenges requires a range of field approaches, drawing mostobviously on multi-sited approaches to field working and eth-nography (Marcus, 1995). But beyond the close and situated workof ethnography, an adaptive challenge requires field breadth. Ourmethods therefore included longer interviews and field observa-tions at hatcheries, on farms and in supply shops, a structuredsurvey of hatcheries (n= 26) and shrimp and prawn farms (n=320) and the formation of competency groups to map keypathways and relations that contribute to disease and resistancerisks within the sector. For the purposes of this paper, analysis ofthe field materials generated was largely qualitative, drawing outbroad trends and characteristics from the surveys rather thanreporting on the quantitative analysis undertaken elsewhere in theproject. In that sense we have not focused on statistically sig-nificant causal relationships between variables within our data.Rather, the approach has been to develop accounts of practicethrough, for example, descriptive statistical representations ofsurvey results and narrating themes that emerged across ourentire data corpus. The latter developed from close reading offield and interview notes with farming and other experts anddiscussion within the research team concerning how best tointerpret field results.

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Economic and biological margins at the hatcheriesJust south of Cox’s Bazar, on the coastline of the Bay of Bengal,and far to the south of the sediment rich flood plains that char-acterise much of Bangladesh’s land area, there are around 60 tigershrimp (Penaeus monodon) hatcheries, most of which were builtin the 1980s and 1990s with substantial support from develop-ment banks. Some of them lie dormant, but 30 or so currentlyattempt to produce postlarvae (hereafter PL). These hair-likejuvenile shrimps are destined for grow out ponds, most of whichare located in southwest Bangladesh, roughly 700 km away (seeFig. 1).

The hatcheries are in Cox’s Bazar for several reasons. Tosuccessfully culture enough PL they need plentiful supplies ofclear and clean water. Unlike the turbid river waters to the northand west, the coastal waters here are more suitable for nurturingbroodstock, their larvae and the juvenile shrimps that can be soldon to farms. The hatcheries were also set up to supply the nearbyintensive shrimp industry that was established in the 1980s. Thecapital-intensive industry was part of a so–called blue revolution,a key component, after garments, for export-led development ofthe Bangladeshi economy (Islam, 2014).

A disease called White Spot devastated most of the moreintensively stocked farms in the area in the 1990s, leaving thehatcheries with a logistical and economic problem. The mainmarket for PL was now located at the other end of the countryand made up of a large number (85,000) of predominantly smallholder farms spread over an area of 143,000 hectares (figuresderived from Belton et al. 2011, p. 25). Economically, thehatcheries not only faced an issue of potential over supply anddepressed prices once the intensive farms had failed, they alsofaced transport costs, packaging and preservation challenges, anda market made up of small farmers whose ability to pay highprices for their seed was limited. As a result, economic margins(the relation between cash flow and capital invested) becametighter, and some of the hatcheries struggled to stay in business.

The 81 freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) hatch-eries, closer to the farmers in the southwest of Bangladesh, faceddifferent problems. Most were currently struggling to produce atall, and technicians complained of disease and the failure of theirtried and tested methods. A majority had given up and were noteven attempting to produce in 2017 (the year we initially visited).For those that managed to produce a crop, the unit price atmarket would be high. But the high likelihood of failure meantthat even potentially favourable economic margins were seldomenough to stay in business. Unless a hatchery had extraneousfunds, for example from an aid organisation or NGO, or wascross-subsidised by another business (some hatchery owners haveflourishing poultry operations), then disease challenges meantthat much of the invested capital was likely to lie dormant.Mothballed capital is testimony to the (in this case failing)interrelations between an economic landscape of tight or uncer-tain margins and a world of biological margins (see Fig. 2). Incrude terms we can define biological margins as a relationbetween throughput (in this case reproduction and survival ofpostlarvae to market) and the attempted adjustments to livingprocesses in order to raise productivity. In the following we willdescribe some key critical points in this process.

Hatcheries operate by taking broodstock and inducing them toreproduce. The latter involves providing favourable spawningconditions and in some cases inflicting physical changes like eyestalk ablation in order to stimulate ovary development and/orincreased egg production. The resulting eggs, and then larvae, aredisinfected, cultivated and carefully nurtured through a series oflife stages (nauplius, protozoea, mysis and postlarvae stages).Taking a largely solitary animal with a high reproduction tosurvival ratio and inducing enough seed to make the process

economically viable is clearly far from straightforward. Tem-perature, water quality, aeration, light, feed and so on must beregulated throughout, and disease threats kept at bay.

In this process, hatcheries face a number of issues. First, thereis a problem with broodstock. For all but one of the hatcheries inBangladesh, broodstock is ‘wild caught’, purchased by hatcherytechnicians at port or market, having been fished in the Bay ofBengal (for tiger shrimp) or in rivers (for prawn). A commoncomplaint in the hatcheries was that sourcing high qualitybroodstock was becoming increasingly difficult, with high pricesand frequent disease problems. Iqbal et al. (2011) and Debnathet al. (2014) have confirmed disease prevalence in wild caughtshrimp broodstock–reaching 90% occurrence of white spot syn-drome virus (WSSV) in pre-Monsoon May-June catches. Marketpractices may contribute to this disease problem. Broodstockprices are normally set daily depending on catch size, and havenot in the past allowed for differentiation in terms of origin (andby extension likely disease carriage). As a result there is littleincentive for trawler crews to venture into deeper waters, whereinfection rates are likely to be lower, or indeed reduce disease riskthrough separating stock and managing animal stresses as theyare landed and transported (Debnath et al. 2015).

Second, any attempt to test broodstock for disease and thensecure tested individuals in disease-free conditions faces diffi-culties in terms of diagnostic capacity and tight economic mar-gins. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) testing for 12 registeredproduction diseases is constrained by laboratory capacity (with asingle independent NGO—and now Department of Fisheries—run laboratory in Cox’s Bazar). The costs associated with pro-ducing certified PL from these tested broodstock may also bedifficult to implement. Hatcheries have been encouraged to adopta ‘one mother one tank’ system as a means to reduce crosscontamination, but the costs of doing so are only worthwhile ifthere is sufficient value added to the resulting certified product.

Third, even with sufficient testing, diseases and complicationsrelating to environmental and microbiological challenges withinthe hatcheries are likely to remain a problem. There are emergingand re-emerging pathogens that will not be on the test-list. Thereare also diseases that relate to the interaction of several micro-organisms and environmental stressors that will not be regardedas pathogens in isolation, but nevertheless may affect production.Shifts in environmental parameters can exert stresses on animals,increase susceptibility to disease and pose considerable challengesto production. For example, hatchery technicians reportedincreasingly frequent problems with input water quality. Elabo-rate systems of seawater filtration exist in many of the shrimphatcheries but maintaining the conditions necessary for larvaldevelopment is challenging when temperature, pH, salinity, andother parameters can alter relatively quickly. For the prawnhatcheries, filtration systems are less developed, so techniciansrely on sourcing good quality freshwater. The latter has becomemore difficult in recent years, and tankers must be sent furtherafield at added cost, a problem that is put down to rapid land usechange, upstream damming, the vagaries of the monsoon andpollution.

Disease and antimicrobial use in hatcheries. The interrelation-ships between biological margins (a struggle to achieve repro-duction and throughput) and economic margins (pinched as theyare by supply imbalance and logistical costs, as well as marketingdifficulties) result in an environment in which, despite privateand public investments, antimicrobials continue to be animportant disease management tool. Both shrimp and prawnhatcheries described a wide range of disease problems, and, sig-nificantly in our survey, all but one reported the regular and

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frequent use of antimicrobials. Usage included those compoundscurrently approved for aquaculture like Oxytetracycline—abroad-spectrum antibiotic—but also those that are on the WHOessential medicine list including Ciprofloxacin—a second-generation Fluoroquinolone that is inexpensive but associated

with high levels of resistance—and Erythromycin. Hatcherytechnicians also stated that they continue to rely on treatmentsthat have been banned since 2003 in food production includingFurazolidone—a nitrofuran used to remove slime from PL but aknown carcinogen—and Chloramphenicol—again a suspected

Fig. 1 Map of SW Bangladesh, salinity conditions affect production types (with more saline areas cultivating shrimp, and fresher conditions prawn). Surveyfarms were located in the shaded areas

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carcinogen and used by some hatcheries as a prophylactic orupon signs of necrosis (Jakiul Islam et al. 2014).

In all, 23 antimicrobial products were in use in hatcheries, withsome reporting using 80 Kg per production cycle. There are anumber of reasons for this range of products. First, treatmentswere used for a variety of purposes. Some were applied to infectedbroodstock, some to treat live feed (artemia) for suspected Vibrioinfections and others to treat developing larvae as they exhibitedgrowth delay or other signs of disease. Second, technicians tendedto adopt and use treatments on a trial and error basis, aiming tosee a production cycle through to completion or rescuing a cohortfrom collapse once disease signs (like spiral swimming or lack ofdevelopment) were observed. Formal diagnoses of disease prior totreatment were rare, and technicians relied on their experience,on advice from farm supply shops or from colleagues in otherhatcheries (sometimes through formal and informal consortia,sometimes through tea meetings in supply shop front rooms) inorder to match observed signs to disease and treatment. Third,technicians complained that the treatments themselves were oftenineffective and therefore a range of products was needed. Therewere suspicions that many of the available products weresubstandard (and a risk that the more that they were discouragedfrom buying medicines through formal channels the more thatthere will be reliance on poorer quality sources). Techniciansmentioned imports, adulteration and poor batch quality aspotential problems. Moreover, few if any of the products hadbeen devised with aquaculture in mind. They complained thatmedicines were initially devised for terrestrial animals or, at best,finfish, and re-packaged for the invertebrate market. Evenstandard products were therefore likely to behave imperfectly inthe shrimp and prawn hatchery environment. Finally, there wastalk of more frequent incidence of resistance, with techniciansinformally cycling treatments to reduce the likelihood ofresistance or switching treatments once the animals failed torespond.

The point of this list is not to cast blame or sanction onhatcheries. Respondents in the hatcheries and supply shops wereaware of regulations, the lack of effectiveness of these treatmentsand their possible drawbacks. For example, probiotic productshave become popular in the shrimp hatcheries, but theireffectiveness is reduced or even negated if antimicrobial productsare used. There was also a suspicion that antibiotic applicationscan reduce growth and metamorphosis rates in the larval stages.Antimicrobial use was not therefore something that thoseworking in hatcheries took lightly. Nevertheless, even aftervarious interventions in terms of regulatory policy, biosecurity

improvements, investment in water filtration and so on, thecombined effects of poor quality broodstock, limited diagnosticcapacity and persistent and frequent disease problems meant thatmost hatcheries continued to rely on antimicrobial treatments inorder to produce viable PL. The pressure to deliver product at acertain price point meant that these treatments remained anessential if reluctantly applied crutch for the industry. As a result,there was potential dissemination of resistance conferringmicrobes to the tens of thousands of ponds that stock PL fromthese hatcheries.

One hatchery in Cox’s Bazar stood out as using no antibiotics,producing SPF (specific pathogen free) PL. This hatchery, whichhas been in production for only a few years, used domestic tigershrimp broodstock, bred from a stock-line imported from Hawaii.Producing PL from certified pathogen-free broodstock in care-fully controlled conditions allowed this hatchery to market its PLdifferently, ‘guaranteeing’ it to be free from key productiondiseases. The selling price was high (up to 6 times the price ofconventional, untested PL). At first blush this looks like ananswer to some of the problems encountered elsewhere–atechnical solution to the challenge of disease and reliance onantimicrobial treatments. But to understand the remainingchallenges we need to shift site and move to the farms wherethe PL, after a journey of anything from 14 hours to several days,is added to grow-out ponds.

Farming on the marginsThere is normally money to be made in shrimp and prawnfarming. In the last few decades it has been a high value product,one that relatively few people in rural Bangladesh can afford topurchase, but one that has tended to generate sizable foreignexchange and a valuable cash crop. In 2016–17, Bangladeshexported 40,000 mt of high value shellfish (shrimp and prawn)earning US$450M in export earnings-though these figures werecloser to 48,000 mt and US$550M in 2013-14 (BangladeshDepartment of Fisheries, 2017). The estimated 180,000 shrimpand prawn farms sell their produce to depots and/ or wholesalersat market, or to faria (market intermediaries who link farms tosupplies and sales). Depots then sell to processing factories, manyof which are operating well below capacity. The market process isclose to what Tsing (2015, p. 63) describes as “salvage accumu-lation”, where lead firms (in this case processors) “amass capitalwithout controlling the conditions under which commodities areproduced.” The importance of this “pericapitalist” process is thatfarms are simultaneously both inside and outside what is con-ventionally called capitalism. For example, ponds are to someextent outside conventional schemes of formal regulation andaccountability. They constitute part of what Kakkar et al. (2018)refer to as the “invisible cohorts” of backyard and smallholderfarms producing 70% of the world’s food. The style of pond, themanagement processes adopted, the treatments used, the ways inwhich aquaculture is combined with other livelihood activities –all make for a highly variable landscape of production, while thesystem of sales and collection renders individual farms as largelyinvisible to processors and retailers. Even so, the ponds aresubject to market pressures and international competition. Thelatter has grown in the last few years largely as a result ofexpansion in Pacific whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei)aquaculture in other Asian countries. L. vannemei, which is notcurrently sanctioned for introduction into Bangladesh, hasproved attractive to producers elsewhere owing to its relativedisease resistance, the availability of SPF broodstock and ease ofculture. The competition has left Bangladeshi farmers with anissue—as increased global production and falling prices arecommunicated along the intricate supply chain, farmers are

Fig. 2 A mothballed prawn hatchery in Bagerhat, SW Bangladesh

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starting to find it more and more difficult to make a profit fromtheir ponds.

Almost all ponds that culture shrimp and/ or prawn in Ban-gladesh can be classed as extensive or improved extensive usingthe scheme in Table 1. Most use flooded rice fields (called gher) toculture tiger shrimp and/or prawn in open systems (see Fig. 3). Inour survey, ponds varied in size, ranging from small homesteadponds of around 0.1 ha (or roughly 10 by 10 m) to the larger gherin the more saline districts (which tend to be 1 ha in size but canbe much larger). Ponds tended to be relatively shallow (around1 m–1.50 m depth), often with a canal or ditch (for water storage)and may be used for a variety of food growing purposes (withsalt-resistant aman and boro paddy rice polyculture a commonfeature).

These extensive and improved extensive, open system, farmsare arguably more susceptible to disease transmission than closedsystem alternatives. In our sample of 320 farms, 84% reportedproduction diseases, and average mortality (the ratio of PLintroduced to the system to the numbers harvested) for thesampled farms was calculated at 82% for shrimp and 62% forprawn. Key aims for the sector include improving productivityand produce quality, reducing the burden of disease and sominimising antimicrobial uses in an increasingly competitiveglobal market. Favoured Department of Fisheries and NGO-ledinterventions include encouraging farmers to use high quality,preferably SPF, PL from the hatcheries (in order to reduce the riskof introduced disease) (Rahman et al. 2018). In the previoussection we discussed the difficulties associated with producingquality seed. We now discuss the difficulties and possible para-doxes of implementing these changes on farms.

Seed, feed, and risk. Tested and SPF seed on farms promisesreduced disease risk, increased food security, and improved rurallivelihoods, all without the requirement for unsustainable use ofantimicrobial or other treatments. However, just as there aredifficulties associated with producing the required seed, there is aneed to understand the biosocial situations of farmers and pondsin order to appreciate the nature of the AMR challenge.

Disease was a common issue for most farmers, with nearly 85%of farmers reporting a range of diseases in shrimp and prawn in

2017. In contrast to the hatcheries, and despite the high value ofthe crop, farmers reported very low and in the majority of casesno antibiotic use in their ponds. This may be an artefact ofresponse bias, and in part a reflection of some degree ofuncertainty about what various treatments contained. However,low to zero use is consistent with other research (Rico et al. 2013,Ali et al. 2016), with our interviews with supply shop owners andmore broadly with the experience of the wider research team inBangladesh. Antibiotics are certainly freely available, and a viableoption for some of the smaller ponds, but at present their usetends to be only as a last resort. As we stated earlier, even smallquantities of antibiotics may be significant in terms of resistancerisk, but for most farms resistance issues are more probablylinked to drivers other than on farm antibiotic use.

On the farms, adapting to disease and disease risks involvedtwo main strategies. First, farmers used their pond andsurrounding banks to culture other crops. Spreading risk throughpolyculture has been encouraged by NGOs and the Ministry for

Table 1 Definitions of aquaculture management practices (Source: Jahan et al. 2015, p. 23) NB we have adopted the termimproved extensive rather than semi-intensive in order to mirror the terms used in the field and reflect practice in shrimp andprawn cultivation

Farming system Characteristics

Extensive • depend mainly on the natural productivity of the waterbody for fish growth• minimal or occasional use of low-quality supplemental feeds such as farm by-products, including rice bran, riceproducts and mustard oil cake• irregular use of fertiliser, particularly organic fertiliser (e.g., cow dung)• low level of control over stock management• low stocking density (below 15,000 fingerlings/ha)• low level of fish productivity (below 3 t/ha)


• fish nutrition derived from both natural feeds produced in the pond (phytoplankton and zooplankton) and externalinputs of supplemental feed such as homemade feed and commercially produced pelleted feed• control of stock management• intermediate level of stocking density (15,000–35,000 fingerlings/ha)• regular use of fertilisers, particularly inorganic fertilisers (urea, triple superphosphate, diammonium phosphate)• occasional exchange of pond water• moderate to high level of productivity (4–20 t/ha)

Intensive • all fish nutrition derived from external feed inputs, most commonly in the form of formulated pelleted diets• control of stock management• high stocking density (above 35,000 fingerlings/ha)• regular pond monitoring• frequent exchange of pond water• high level of productivity (above 20 t/ha)

Fig. 3 Typical 'ghers' in SW Bangladesh - flooded and embanked rice fieldsused for the cultivation of shrimp

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Fisheries in Bangladesh as beneficial for both rural livelihoodsand for environmental sustainability. Concurrent or alternatecrops of paddy rice and the culturing of various finfish help toprovide income and nutrition should the shrimp or prawn cropfail. Almost all of the ponds we visited and surveyed cultivatedmore than one crop. The effect in terms of productivity can beimpressive. For example, finfish production raised the productiv-ity of ponds from an average of 200–300 KgHa−1 for shrimp andor prawn, to over 1100 KgHa−1 once finfish were taken intoaccount.

Second, farmers have developed practical production methodsin a system where disease is common. Most of the farms wesurveyed (89%) practised multi-stocking, adding PL to a pond atregular intervals throughout the stocking season (from Februaryto August), as frequently as every two weeks, over several months.On the face of it, this is a risky practice, increasing the probabilitythat diseases will be introduced to the pond through contami-nated PL and or pond equipment. In comparison, single stocking‘all in all out’ practice would reduce disease transmission risks,allow farmers to optimise stocking densities, improve pondsediment and water management (disinfecting between stockingevents) and reduce the incidence of cannibalistic predation (oldershrimp and prawn tend to feed on juveniles). Yet, despite theseextra risks, multi-stocking provides a number of advantages forfarmers. In terms of farm finances, it spreads costs and incomeover longer periods. PL purchase was the largest single runningcost for a farm, accounting for on average 45% of farmers’ totalcosts. Regularly buying small amounts of seed enabled farmers tomanage their outgoings but also take advantage of falling pricesonce the key periods of demand and short supply had passed. Theresult was a reduced reliance on credit (or dadon, where farmerseffectively pledge a portion of their harvest in exchange for seed).As others have shown, the credit system in Bangladesh wherebyfarmers enter into debt bondage effectively results in farmersbearing the greatest production risks (Barmon et al. 2011).Avoiding debt by spreading costs may be a key means to reducethose risks. Regular stocking also allowed farmers to generateincome over a longer period and take advantage of any seasonalchanges in market prices.

Multi-stocking can also, and at first sight paradoxically, makedisease risk more manageable. An ‘all in all out’ system clearlyhas advantages in terms of biosecurity, but it comes withincreased financial exposure to disease risk when the sum total ofa farmer’s investment can be lost in a single disease event. Multi-stocking means that farmers could gradually manage the pondstock and adjust stocking depending on the health status of theponds. During our fieldwork (2017–2018), farmers spoke of apreviously unknown disease or syndrome that tended to affectshrimp just before they reached harvest weight (between20–35 g). This disease was of particular concern because severalmonths’ feed and labour were effectively embodied in theaffected stock. If all the stock was derived from one stockingevent then it is easy to see how farmers can see this is as acatastrophic risk. Multi-stocking may not change this outcome,but, given the rapid changes that can occur in pond conditions(changing salinity, pH, depth and so on, particularly after theonset of the monsoon), a staggered approach to stocking mayincrease the chances of producing some kind of harvest. Incontrast, a single stocked pond can drive treatment decisions. Ifthe farmer risks losing all their income in a single disease eventthen they may be more likely to use antimicrobial treatments.When economic and biological margins are at the limit, and asalvage accumulation supply chain militates against traceability,farmers may feel that there is little choice but to attempt torescue their cash crop through use of antimicrobial or otheravailable treatments.

Finally, multi-stocking is also driven by an undersupply ofcertified seed and farmers’ experience of the relative differencesbetween hatchery conditions and those of the ponds. When weasked farmers about their preferred source of PL (for examplewhether they preferred the SPF variety or, as some reported, theypreferred to use wild caught PL or were happy with untested), theresponse was generally that, in practice, they tended to buy whatwas available and affordable. Even when farmers managed toprocure tested or disease-free seed, the presence of other seed,finfish stocks (often from wild seed or catches), the conditions ofthe pond, its salinity, temperature, pH, microbiome, and so onwere likely to depart significantly from hatchery conditions andthe transport medium (shrimp PL are transported in units of1000, in a saline medium in plastic bags). Most PL are introducedstraight into ponds with no acclimatisation, and the suddenchange in environmental parameters can affect morbidity andmortality. Farmers complained that hatchery PL was often weakafter transportation. The resulting high mortality meant that re-stocking became necessary once the survival rate had been gaugedby the farmer.

Clearly, seed quality is but one, albeit important, contributor todisease risk. The ways in which farmers managed their ponds inlight of seed supply problems and through their adjustments ofrisks may well offset any promised gains in productivity. As testedand SPF seed can cost up to 6 times the lowest prices for untestedPL and with wild seed often preferred for its relative resilience,the rationale for switching to higher end seed was less than clearto some farmers. In adaptive change terms, it is evident that anytechnical adjustments to seed quality (testing and SPF) need toconsider the ways in which farmers secure livelihood from theirfarms. In the final section, we outline a process through whichfarmers and other relevant experts were involved in a process ofre-framing the issues and developing ways of meeting theseadaptive challenges.

Challenging the disease and AMR model: competency groupsand AMROne approach to managing disease and AMR risks is to seek toalter farmer behaviour in order that it conforms to a pre-existingmodel (reducing disease transmission risks as a means to lowerfuture demand for antimicrobial treatments). From what we havesaid so far, this might profitably involve changing farm practicesand educating farmers on the risks of inappropriate antibiotic use.The difficulty from the perspective of compliance with technicalchanges is that some of these practices are strongly embedded insocial ecologies of food production, in what we have characterisedas a form of pericapitalist salvage accumulation where farmingpractices are adapted to frequent disease challenges.

An alternative approach is to work together with farmers andother relevant spokespeople, using collective expertise andexperience, in order to generate greater understanding of on farmpractices and processes, resulting disease and AMR risks and toidentify possible pathways to change. To build on the interviewand survey materials generated in the project, we hosted work-shops, where farmers were invited alongside others in the sector(supply shop owners, exporters, government officials from theDepartment of Fisheries) to produce a model of pond processes,including disease and AMR drivers. We ran a process wherearound 40 farmers, of mixed gender, age, location and back-ground (including some finfish farmers) joined other participantsto constitute a competency group (Whatmore, 2009), initiallyworking in smaller mixed groups over 2 days, to populate dia-grams with key inputs and conditions that made their pondswork. They followed this by superimposing pathways and stres-sors that they associated with disease risks (like for example the

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addition of infected PL, or sudden changes in water depth).Groups then discussed and annotated the emerging diagramswith potential drivers of AMR (including antimicrobial uses, butalso commercial and locally produced feed, pesticides and pol-lution) and its transmission. A composite model of 10 groups’work was generated and discussed by participants in order tomake sure it represented their discussions Figs. 4–6.

The result was, predictably, a complex picture of numerousmaterial flows and pressures (from temperature and salinityfluctuations to the role of banks and credit) (Fig. 6). Some par-simony for the emerging ‘model’ was attempted in terms ofparticipants ranking key processes (and a later stage, not reportedhere, whereby survey data was used to corroborate key relations)—but the objective here was not the development of a formalprocess model in what is a heterogeneous and open system.Instead the competency groups generated new questions andissues that required interrogation and testing. In Leach andScoones’ (2013, p. 11) terms, participatory modelling draws“attention to the importance of diverse forms of knowledge andperspective” that are sometimes lost from conventional modellingapproaches. It is these other knowledges that we draw out here.

Two examples allow us to illustrate the issues, the first relatesto disease management and the second to AMR. First, we are usedto the idea that disease is a multifactorial issue, an interrelation ofpathogen, host and environment that is modulated by socialsituations (Farmer, 2004, Hinchliffe et al. 2016). Likewise, theinteraction of an assemblage of microbes can it seems ‘tip’ arelatively healthy microbiome into a ‘pathobiome’, an assemblageof microorganisms and physical pond parameters interacting toproduce disease outbreaks (Vayssier-Taussat et al. 2014, Stenti-ford et al. 2017). We have already suggested that many farmerswere implicitly aware of this openness and lack of determinacy, inways that may explain some reluctance to change the way theyface disease risks. Moreover, in highlighting the roles of theavailability of money, lack of profit and supply chain arrange-ments on farmer practices and choices, the groups effectivelyraised social drivers of risk and disease. Groups could thereforestart to explore how the alteration of a risk profile through accessto affordable finance would in turn modulate the pond’s patho-biome. In other words, we could start to talk sensibly of thesociobiome, which we can define as the assemblage of accumu-lation and other activities that interact to produce or modulatepond health.

Second, the participatory modellers’ expansive diagrams ofpond processes opened up the breadth of potential AMR risks.While this mirrors the scientific literature on the multiple driversof resistance (see earlier), it is generated from a differentknowledge base – one rooted in an appreciation of the social andecological processes that condition a pond. As farmers describedtheir ponds in relation to flows of materials, environmentalrelations, and stressors, a range of possible sources of anti-microbial compounds became apparent. Competency groupshighlighted the use of antimicrobials in hatcheries as a possiblesource of resistant bacteria. They suspected feeds, particularlycommercial pellets, contained antimicrobial compounds. Farmerscomplained that feed was often of poor quality and would quicklydegrade in the hot and humid environment. Companies wereincreasingly claiming longer shelf-life and enhanced results fromusing their feeds, something that was likely to signal the off-labeladdition of antimicrobial compounds into the feed. Some talkedof the hard-sell applied by commercial feed and pharmaceuticalcompanies who were keen to push products, including anti-microbials, at farmers and supply shops. Other ‘organic’ feedswere also thought likely to pose AMR risks. Waste from poultryfarms, where antibiotics are used in large quantities, were used tofertilise ponds. The role of detergents and pesticides as potential

contributors to resistance were also included in the participatoryexercises. Finally, the models highlighted the openness of ponds,with inundation (during monsoon and cyclones), as well asoutflow from neighbouring farms, from hospitals and both agri-cultural and industrial land uses, likely to affect the pathways andpotentials of resistance conferring materials.

This appreciation of the openness of ponds to a variety ofinfluences was an important conditioner of farmers’ willingnessor capacity to adopt technical changes, especially when theseinvolved added costs or made risks less manageable. Farmerswere well aware that good seed and good feed would improvetheir chances of making a profit in an increasingly difficultmarket. But they also knew that there was no easy fix to diseaseand resistance risks. If disease did not enter the pond through PLthen it would just as likely transmit via predators or emerge aswater temperature and salinity fluctuated in the lead up to andfollowing the monsoon. Open systems were open to disease.Similarly, resistance risks could relate to the broader environmentand to the operations of feed and farm supply companies.

A final point was that as farmers started to speak, often pas-sionately, about their land, their ponds and the role they haveplayed in Bangladesh’s recent history, a different logic emergedfrom these diagrams. Diagrams shifted from being solely arepresentation of the multiple hazards that farms faced, to sig-nifying interconnectivity and the strength that came fromworking with rather than against the landscape. Farmers com-municated an attachment to homestead, to farming, to thebroader landscape, and an ability to work with the multifacetedaspects of farming in Bangladesh. There was pride in both con-tributing to Bangladesh’s recent economic successes and in

Fig. 4 Farmer group mapping out the components of a pond system

Fig. 5 Group discussing the composite model

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making farming a success in a challenging environment. Somespoke of the need to maintain the rich ecology of Bangladesh andto farm in ways that met the needs of the population at the sametime as protecting their landscape.

ConclusionsSo what to do with a problem like AMR? Our general, as well asspecific answer is that a form of stewardship rooted in a reduc-tionist or ‘lite’, as well as first world model of social science canprove ineffective in addressing the drivers and pressures thatshape the emergence, persistence and transmission of resistance.So, instead of limiting social science to individualised or beha-vioural interventions, it is necessary to embed all actors, frommicrobes to people, to markets, within their webs of associations.Once we re-embed hatcheries, ponds, shrimp, farmers, resistomesand pathobiomes in their social ecologies of food production, insalvage accumulation supply chains, in managing risk profiles andeconomic, as well as biological margins, then the AMR problem isre-framed. In hatcheries, we detailed how, despite the efforts oftechnicians and others, economic and biological margins result ina continuing reliance on antimicrobials. Where investment ismade to reduce this need, the issue becomes the extent to whichdisease-free seed can be translated to what Kakkar et al. (2018)refer to as an ‘invisible cohorts’ of pericapitalist small-holders andfarmers.

On the farms, we demonstrated how attempts to secure pro-duction without medicalization by improving seed and biose-curity requires an appreciation of how farmers operate andmanage in the face frequent disease events. Multi-stocking maycontribute to high incidence of disease and poor overall pro-ductivity figures. Yet these practices also allow farmers to reducetheir exposure to risk of failure. In this sense it may offer the bestpracticable means of securing an income and reducing the needfor antimicrobial treatments. Higher biosecurity associated withsingle stocking may, paradoxically, increase the pressure to usemore treatments. Clearly, better quality seed is to be welcomed,

but for the majority of small farmers in Bangladesh, it needs to bemade available across the production period at affordable pricesin order that any benefits are not masked or undone as farmerstop up stock with lower quality PL.

In developing competency groups and working with farmers tomodel their farms we highlighted the openness and multifacetednature of farming, diagramming an array of resistance and dis-ease risks. This appreciation of the multifaceted nature of diseaseand AMR, and the strategies for farming within that socialecology, underlined the importance of working with, rather thanignoring, farmer experience and expertise (Hinchliffe et al. 2018).Disease management would clearly need to incorporate theexpertise and management practices of farmers, while investiga-tions of resistance risks would need to range beyond currentantimicrobial uses. The suspicion that commercial, as well asorganic feed and fertiliser inputs, pollution, and other elements ofthe aqueous environment might drive the emergence, transmis-sion and persistence of resistance would require furtherinvestigation.

An alternative to an eviscerated or disembedded understandingof social and economic practice is to encourage those withexperience and expertise to articulate the issues. This is what wewould understand by the significance of engagement and own-ership (World Health Organisation, 2005), locally generatedevidence (Wellcome Trust, 2016) and a situated analysis of dis-ease, as well as drivers of AMR risks (Hinchliffe et al. 2016,Kakkar et al. 2018). In re-framing the AMR problem, it becomesincumbent on social scientists to develop approaches that allowus to appreciate how ‘the social’ gets under the skin, into thewater, into cells, and formats a resistome or microbiome. Once wehave grasped the interrelations between markets, accumulationand the strategies that people, animals and microbes have forliving within those conditions, we can start to assess the potentialof strategies for reducing the AMR risks in a sustainable fashion.This will involve a clearer understanding of the ways in whichantimicrobials become embedded within particular

Fig. 6 The aquaculture pond system output - an open system with multiple pathways and drivers of disease and resistance risk

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configurations or social ecologies of food production. So, a pur-suit of pathogen-free farming, for example, may paradoxicallygenerate the socio-economic conditions for more rather than lessantibiotics by altering the ways in which farmers face diseaserisks. An approach that foregrounds the multifactorial drivers ofdisease and resistance, the pathobiome and the sociobiome in ourterms, involves generating meaningful competency groupings,developing ownership of the issue and a collective specification ofwhere the real gains are to be had. By re-framing the AMR issueas an adaptive challenge, there is an opportunity to questionapproaches that continue anti-biosis by other means, and insteadfoster the different kinds of relationships that people have withtheir microbial and wider environments. Rather than see micro-bial surplus as a weakness, and without wanting to romanticise orunderplay the costs of diseases, improved food production ispredicated on these microbial relations.

Received: 14 August 2018 Accepted: 7 November 2018

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World Health Organisation (2015) Global Action Plan on AMR. Geneva,Switzerland

Data availabilityThe datasets generated during the study are being prepared for deposit at the end of theproject and are not currently publicly available. They are available from the corre-sponding author on reasonable request.

AcknowledgementsThe research was funded by the ESRC under the cross UK Research Council “TackingAntimicrobial Resistance” programme–grant number ES/P004008/1 (Production withoutmedicalisation: a pilot intervention in global protein production). Colleagues at CEFASin the UK (David Verner-Jeffreys, James Guilder and Hannah Tidbury), at Arban inBangladesh (Syed Arifuzzaman) and Charles Tyler (Biosciences, University of Exeter) allhelped to develop the project.

Additional informationCompeting interests: The authors declare no competing interests.

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© The Author(s) 2018

ARTICLE PALGRAVE COMMUNICATIONS | DOI: 10.1057/s41599-018-0195-4

12 PALGRAVE COMMUNICATIONS | (2018) 4:142 | DOI: 10.1057/s41599-018-0195-4 |