The American Revolution Who Am I?. 1. ___________ was appointed commander of the Continental Army in...

The American Revolution Who Am I?

Transcript of The American Revolution Who Am I?. 1. ___________ was appointed commander of the Continental Army in...

The American RevolutionWho Am I?

1. ___________ was appointed commander of the Continental Army in June, 1775.

2. ____________ was a French nobleman who put his life and fortune at the disposal of the American rebels in their fight with England.

3. ____________ was the chief Massachusetts leader of the Patriot cause. He was an organizer of protests including the Boston Tea Party and was influential as a writer who articulated the principles of republicanism.

4. ____________ was an English intellectual, revolutionary, and deist. A radical pamphleteer, he anticipated and helped foment the American Revolution through his powerful writings, most notably Common Sense, an incendiary pamphlet advocating independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain.

5. ______________ was a Prussian army officer who served with George Washington in the Revolutionary War and is credited with teaching American troops the essentials of military drill and discipline.

6. _____________ was an English military commander and colonial governor. In America, he is most remembered as a British general whose 1781 defeat at the Siege of Yorktown is generally considered the end of the War.

7. ___________’s Rebellion was a war launched in 1763 by North American Indians who were dissatisfied with British rule in the Great Lakes region. The uprising, named after the Ottawa leader, was the first extensive multi-tribal resistance to European colonization in North America.

8. The Royal Proclamation of 1763 was issued October 7, 1763 by King _____________. It forbid settlement west of the Appalachian mountains.

9. ______________ was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence, a plantation owner, horticulturist, architect, and the founder of the University of Virginia.

10. ______________ was the 4th President of the United States. Known as the "Father of the Constitution," he played a leading role in the creation of the United States Constitution in 1787.