The American Colonies

The American Colonies


The American Colonies. Jamestown, VA May 13, 1607: Arrival of 104 Male Settlers . WHY?. For what reasons did individuals come to America?. Colonizing America. Wealth. Colonizing America. Religious dissent. Types of Colonies. Royal Colonies King Ruled by royal governor. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of The American Colonies

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The American Colonies

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Jamestown, VA May 13, 1607: Arrival of 104 Male Settlers

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WHY?For what reasons did individuals come to America?

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Colonizing America•Wealth

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Colonizing America•Religious dissent

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Types of Colonies

• Royal Colonies–King–Ruled by royal governor

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Types of Colonies•Proprietary

–Individuals or groups–King gifted land

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Types of Colonies• Charter

–Established by charters–King–Colonies governed themselves

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Regional Divisions

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New England Colonies

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Massachusetts (1620)• Pilgrims (Plymouth)

– Separatists• wanted to separate from the

Anglican Church

– 1st Thanksgiving

– Mayflower Compact• 41 men drew up the

agreement to outline fair and equal laws for the colony; signed on the Mayflower

• 1620

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Massachusetts (1630)• Puritans

• Purify and reform Anglican Church• Massachusetts Bay Colony• Strict religious beliefs; radical

• John Winthrop“for wee must Consider that wee shall be as a Citty

upon a Hill, the eies of all people are uppon us; soe that if wee shall deale falsely with our god in this worke wee have undertaken and soe cause him to withdrawe his present help from us”

City Upon A Hill, 1630

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– New Hampshire (1630)• John Mason• English and Scots-Irish settlers• Economic freedom• Settled for religious freedom• Escape for those constricted by harsh religious and

economic rules of the Puritans

• Royal Colony

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– Rhode Island (1636)• Roger Williams • Exiled by Puritans in Mass. settled in Providence• Religious freedom• Trade

– Connecticut (1636)• Thomas Hooker• Dutch (economic freedom) and English (religious

freedom)• Asked to leave by Mass.• Agriculture and trade

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Middle Colonies

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– New York (1626)• Peter Minuit• Dutch (Netherlands), taken over by English• Trade and profits• Anglican• Proprietary to royal colony

– New Jersey (1660)• Lord Berkley• Established by Sweden became English• Agriculture, trade and profits• Proprietary to royal colony

– Delaware (1638)• Peter Minuit• Dutch, Swedish and English• Farming, trade and profits• Proprietary

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Pennsylvania (1682)– William Penn– Proprietary– Home to many European

Immigrants: Swedish, Dutch, English, Scots-Irish and German

– Farming

• Quakers– Equality and all possessed

“Inner Light”– Pennsylvania

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Southern Colonies

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Virginia (1607)• Jamestown• 1st permanent settlement mostly males

(indentured servants and treasure hunters)• 60/900 colonists survived• Ruled by John Smith• Founded by the Virginia Company

– Joint-stock company: organized to raise money by selling stocks/shares to investors

– Becomes royal

House of Burgesses (1619)-22 representatives called burgesses met to outline laws for the colony

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– Maryland (1634)• George Calvert• Religious freedom for

Catholics• Established for trade,

finding precious metals and to locate a water passage across the continent

• Farming• Proprietary

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Maryland Act of Toleration• 1649• Granted freedom of worship for all

Catholics• Symbolic beginning of freedom of religion

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– North Carolina (1653)• Group of proprietors: business venture• Settlers from Virginia • Farming, trade and profit• Anglican

– South Carolina (1670)• Group of proprietors• Settlers from France, English, Africans and Irish• Food crops• Anglican• Proprietary to royal

– Georgia (1733)• General James Oglethorpe• Spanish settlements taken by English• Debtors and convicts protect colonies from Spanish and

French invasions• Slow economic growth farmed, harvested lumber and traded
