The amboo Project - Microsoft · will thrive in a family able to provide her with the support,...

The Bamboo Project Bethany Global is urgently seeking families for children across our country programs living with Down syndrome who are waing to be adopted! Through this project families are eligible for addional financial support and are connected to a network of families who have adopted a child living with this need! For more informaon, please contact us via email at [email protected], or call us at 1.800.652.7082. "For there is hope for a tree/bamboo, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that its shoots will not cease!" Job 14:7 FREDERICK– LATIN AMERICA- MALE – JUNE 2014 Caregivers describe Frederick as a loving child who likes to give hugs and kisses to those he knows well. he is currently aending physical therapy to help de- velop his muscle strength. He sleeps through the night and takes a nap each morning and aſternoon. He likes to play pretend cars with the other children and is always on the move. WINTER– ASIA- MALE – APRIL 2013 Winter enjoys taking warm baths and playing outside. His caregivers arrange for him to have a certain amount of me daily to listen to children's songs and play in the Sun outdoors. His birth name means "the hope for safety and happiness". Winter likes to say hello to others and has a good appete. He is a curious child. ZANDER– ASIA– MALE– JUNE 2017 Zander enjoys drinking milk and can eat 2-3 meals per day. He takes one nap each day and can fall asleep and stay asleep easily at night. Zander enjoys basking in the Sun and fresh air. Zander listens to music and his favorite is bell. Zander can raise his head and follow moving people or objects. He has a favor- ite nanny in the orphanage, who he loves to be held by. COOPER– ASIA-MALE– SEPTEMBER 2016 Cooper is closest to his teachers in the acvity room. He currently uses facial expressions to communicated with others. His care givers are working on his gross motor skills with him as he currently can sit with support. He reacts to outside smuli and follows and can find the source of sound. He watches oth- ers in the orphanage and can eat soſter foods. He really enjoys noodles, egg custard, and fruit puree. He very much enjoys physical touch and being held by his care givers. He giggles when he is gently ckled.

Transcript of The amboo Project - Microsoft · will thrive in a family able to provide her with the support,...

  • The Bamboo Project Bethany Global is urgently seeking families for children across our country programs living with

    Down syndrome who are waiting to be adopted! Through this project families are eligible for

    additional financial support and are connected to a network of families who have adopted a child

    living with this need! For more information, please contact us via email at [email protected],

    or call us at 1.800.652.7082.

    "For there is hope for a tree/bamboo, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that its shoots will not cease!" Job 14:7

    FREDERICK– LATIN AMERICA- MALE – JUNE 2014 Caregivers describe Frederick as a loving child who likes to give hugs and kisses to those he knows well. he is currently attending physical therapy to help de-velop his muscle strength. He sleeps through the night and takes a nap each morning and afternoon. He likes to play pretend cars with the other children and is always on the move.


    Winter enjoys taking warm baths and playing outside. His caregivers arrange for

    him to have a certain amount of time daily to listen to children's songs and play

    in the Sun outdoors. His birth name means "the hope for safety and happiness".

    Winter likes to say hello to others and has a good appetite. He is a curious child.

    ZANDER– ASIA– MALE– JUNE 2017 Zander enjoys drinking milk and can eat 2-3 meals per day. He takes one nap each day and can fall asleep and stay asleep easily at night. Zander enjoys basking in the Sun and fresh air. Zander listens to music and his favorite is bell. Zander can raise his head and follow moving people or objects. He has a favor-ite nanny in the orphanage, who he loves to be held by.

    COOPER– ASIA-MALE– SEPTEMBER 2016 Cooper is closest to his teachers in the activity room. He currently uses facial expressions to communicated with others. His care givers are working on his gross motor skills with him as he currently can sit with support. He reacts to outside stimuli and follows and can find the source of sound. He watches oth-ers in the orphanage and can eat softer foods. He really enjoys noodles, egg custard, and fruit puree. He very much enjoys physical touch and being held by his care givers. He giggles when he is gently tickled.

  • "For there is hope for a tree/bamboo, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that its shoots will not cease!" Job 14:7

    THOMAS – ASIA- MALE – OCTOBER 2012 Thomas is a loving boy who enjoys being held by his teacher and caretakers. He gets along well with his classmates. He understands simple instructions and can climb up and down stairs while holding his teacher's hand. His fine motor skills are progressing, as he is able to hold his glass to drink water, and can stack blocks and string together big beads. His speech is also beginning to emerge as he can call "Mom."


    Casey loves to dance her heart out whenever music comes on! She is very musi-

    cally motivated and loves to sing, dance and play with instruments. She is a hap-

    py and sweet young girl who gets along well with others. She is known to crawl

    on the laps of her favorite caretakers and volunteers or to take their hands in

    hers and clap! She loves to snuggle and be held and is very affectionate. She

    continues to make developmental strides, but we know would flourish in the

    care of an adoptive family.


    Noelle is an active extrovert with bright eyes and a big smile. Noelle interacts

    well with her classmates and caregivers and likes to give hugs, kisses, and high

    fives. She enjoys going to a preschool class at the institution. Noelle can walk

    independently and understands what she is being told. She loves funny cartoons

    and is often found laughing loudly at them!


    Freddy is described by his caretakers and an expressive little boy. He loves to be

    held and play with his caretakers Freddy likes to grab toys and at this time his

    motor skills are age-appropriate for his diagnosis: he can hold head up while

    lying on stomach, roll over without help, identify source of nearby sounds.

    CHARLIE-ASIA-MALE-JUNE 2008 Charlie is an active, extroverted little boy with a ready smile. He enjoys playing with the other children and helps put away the toys. His caregivers share that he likes to be clean! Charlie currently resides in a foster family and has been part of the Half the Sky Little Sister program for more than 2 years.

  • "For there is hope for a tree/bamboo, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that its shoots will not cease!" Job 14:7

    JUDAH – ASIA- MALE – MAY 2016 Judah is active and energetic boy and will coo and giggle to show he is happy! He has formed visible attachment to his caregivers (he is soothed when rocked and cradled by them) and can distinguish between familiar and unfamiliar peo-ple. Judah's favorite activities include making music with his rattle and playing with brightly- colored toys.

    PHILLIP – ASIA- MALE – MAY 2014 Active Phillip loves to be teased by his caregivers and enjoys playing with toys. He is alert and observant, turning when his name is called and watching his nan-nies as they move around the room. At 10 months old, Phillip could hold his head and chest up off the floor and was learning to sit independently. He is close to his caretaker and interacts well with her, responding to facial expressions. Phillip has a cute little smile and likes to be held and rocked.

    ERICA– EASTERN EUROPE– FEMALE – MARCH 2008 Erica is very curious, and loves to touch and experiment with things. She is in the 1st grade currently. She is very friendly and likes to have her photo taken. Erica LOVES music and dancing and has a lot of energy!! She is the ringleader in her group of friends and responds well to consistent and positive discipline. Erica will thrive in a family able to provide her with the support, nurturing, and love she needs to reach her full potential.

    RUTH – ASIA- FEMALE – AUGUST 2014 Ruth is described by her nannies as a shy child, but she will share her sweet smile when she is spoken to. She responds to her nannies with babbling, and she laughs when they try to kiss her. She loves to play with the toys on the toy shelf.

  • "For there is hope for a tree/bamboo, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that its shoots will not cease!" Job 14:7

    GABRIEL – ASIA- MALE – APRIL 2014 Gabriel is a quiet child but laughs loudly when tickled. He enjoys music and any toy that makes noise. He turns his head in response to his name and is able to track a moving toy. Gabriel has learned to roll himself over, and he can sit with support. He loves being held by his caregivers and interacting with others.

    JOHN – ASIA- MALE – DECEMBER 2012 John is an active boy who enjoys music, watching TV, and playing games. He is very loving to his foster family and will crawl quickly to his foster mom to give her lots of hugs. He is able to stand alone and is starting to walk while holding onto something for balance. He can understand the words spoken by his family and can speak simple words.

    VIOLET– EASTERN EUROPE– FEMALE– NOVERMBER 2006 Violet is shy, but warms up greatly once she is used to a person. Her speech is quite clear and understandable, and that she understands all that is going on around her. She is going to kindergarten and does very well. Particularly when Violet is happy, they stated that she will talk a lot and sing to herself. She likes to practice riding her bike and can pedal herself around.

    DANIEL – ASIA- MALE – DECEMBER 2014 Little Daniel is an active and extroverted baby boy. He can sit and roll over on his own and was learning to crawl at 13 months. He recognizes familiar faces and smiles when teased. Daniel loves to play with toys that require movement. He also enjoys listening to music and playing with bells to create his own sounds.

  • "For there is hope for a tree/bamboo, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that its shoots will not cease!" Job 14:7

    GIDEON – ASIA- MALE – MARCH 2015 Gideon is an energetic, extroverted, and active little boy who is most happy when playing with toys, spending time outdoors with friends, and listening to music; he also really enjoys baths too! Gideon is able to freely turn over from his stomach to his back, raise his head up on his own when lying on his stomach, and stand when holding onto a rail or one of the nannies' hand. He is also beginning to imitate words he hears and babbles.

    SAMUEL – ASIA- MALE – JUNE 2012 Samuel is a shy child with a quick smile who gets along well with the other chil-dren. He enjoys playing with balls and swinging, and he likes to play hide and seek. Samuel may be a budding musician; he’s shown a keen interest in the elec-tric piano and laughs aloud at the sound when he plays the keys!

    KASEY- AFRICA– MALE– APRIL 2015 His caregivers share: "He is the most precious little boy. He is able to walk, run, dance, and sing the Barney song 'I love you, you love me'. He enjoys helping around the care home by putting dishes in the sink. He ca eat on his own, greet those who enter, and he knows some words and will easily greet someone who enters saying 'hello hello'."

    SHOSHANNA– ASIA– FEMALE – JUNE 2016 Shoshanna is described as quiet and has a big smile. She enjoys cloth books and being held by her caregiver. She is a good sleeper and tends to sleep throughout the night. She can lift her head while lying on her stomach and can turn over and crawl. Currently she can sit with support. She particularly enjoys being held by caregivers and going 'on walks' with her caregivers while being held.

    LOUIE- ASIA– MALE– SEPTEMBER 2015 Louie enjoys meeting new people and interacts well with his foster family. He loves to listen and dance to music and play with his foster brother. Louie can us a pen or pencil to draw and can turn the pages of a book by himself. He can run and walk with ease and loves to move. His caregivers describe Louie as "cheerful" and share that he loves to eat many different types of meat.

  • ELAM – ASIA- MALE – JANUARY 2014 Elam is a quiet little boy who loves to be held and will hold out his arms to his caregiver as she walks by. He is attracted to toys with bright colors and watches his caregivers as they move around the room. He has learned to roll over and sit with support. Elam likes to listen to music and laughs aloud when happy.

    ZION – ASIA- MALE – JUNE 2016 Zion is described by his caregivers as a cute and active boy who has exceptionally bonded with those he interacts with on daily basis in the care center. Playing outside and making music with his rattle are two things Zion enjoys. At this time his motor skills are age-appropriate for his diagnosis: he can hold head up while lying on stomach, roll over without help, identify source of nearby sounds.

    We are always adding new waiting children as part of our Bamboo Project. To learn

    more about intercountry adoption and our current waiting children please fill out a

    FREE preliminary application at


    HOLDEN- ASIA– MALE– DECEMBER 2015 Holden is a 2 year old shy, active toddler, who is happy with a ready smile! Hold-en loves playing with toys and games, and his favorite activity is playing outside. Socially, Holden is able to imitate words, understands “no,” responds to others asking for his toys/objects, and uses words for his expressive needs. Holden crawls on and his hands and knees and is able to stand with assistance.

    WARNER- ASIA– MALE– NOVEMBER 2016 Warner is a child who is close to his foster mother and teachers in his activity room. He had good gross motor skills which includes turning over, raising his head, siting with support, grasping toys, and crawling alone. He communicates currently using facial expressions and giggling. He responds well to sounds and people in his environment and recognizes when his caregivers call his name. Warner loves to eat softer foods including pureed veggies.