The Ambition of our Homes must be to Surrender to Christ! Hence חֵךְ for חֵנֶךְ, Arab....


Transcript of The Ambition of our Homes must be to Surrender to Christ! Hence חֵךְ for חֵנֶךְ, Arab....

“For though we walk in the flesh we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for the pulling down

of strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of

God…” (2 Corinthians 10:3-5a).

Defining the “Spirit-Led” Principle:

The Motivating Life Principle For the Family

• Conduct: “Walk in the Spirit” (5:16).• Conformity: “Led by the Spirit”


The Ambition of our Homes must be to Surrender to Christ!

Hence � � for ֵח�ְך �ְך ُك� .Arab ,ֵח�ֶנ a neck, (from ֲע�ֶנ ק jaws; compare َحَنthe kindred root ֶנ�ק �, to strangle.(2) denom. from ָה ֶנ�ק & ( ,ֲע ֵח�ְךُك� jaws, palate, properly ἐμβύειν, to put something into the َحَن

mouth, to give to be tasted; then by a common metaphor, in which taste is applied to understanding (see ַט�ֲע�ם and Job

12:11)—(a) to imbue some one with any thing, to instruct, to train up (compare نشع to put something into one’s mouth, also to instruct, to train). Pro. 22:6, “train up a child according to his

way,” as to his manners and habits. Gesenius, W., & Tregelles, S. P. (2003). Gesenius' Hebrew and Chaldee lexicon to the Old Testament Scriptures (292). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.

Defining the “Spirit-Led” Principle:

The Motivating Life Principle For the Family

• Conduct: “Walk in the Spirit” (5:16).• Conformity: “Led by the Spirit”

(5:18).• Communion: “Live in the Spirit”


Detriment to the “Spirit-led” Family:

Works of the Flesh(5:19-21)

The Enemy of “Spirit – Led” FamiliesSexual Sins

“Fornication” (KJV); “sexual immorality” πορνεία (porneia), ας (as), ἡ (hē): n.fem.; ≡ DBLHebr 2388, 2393, 2394, 9373; Str 4202; TDNT 6.579—LN 88.271 fornication, sexual immorality, sexual sin of a

general kind, that includes many different behaviors (Mt 5:32; 15:19; 19:9; Mk 7:21; Jn 8:41; Ac 15:20; 1Co 6:18; 7:2; 2Co 12:21; Gal 5:19;

Eph. 5:3; 1Th 4:3).Swanson, J. (1997). Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domains : Greek

(New Testament) (electronic ed.). Oak Harbor: Logos Research Systems, Inc.

The Enemy of “Spirit – Led” FamiliesSexual Sins

“Impurity” - ἀκαθαρσία , ας f impurity, immorality; impure motive (1 Th 2:3); filth,

rottenness (Mt 23:27)Newman, B. M. (1993). A Concise Greek-English dictionary of the New

Testament. (6). Stuttgart, Germany: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft; United Bible Societies.

The Enemy of “Spirit – Led” FamiliesSexual Sins

“Sensuality” – ἀσέλγεια, ας – “Self-Abandonment” ἀσέλγεια, ας f: behavior completely lacking in moral

restraint, usually with the implication of sexual licentiousness—‘licentious behavior, extreme immorality.’ Louw, J. P., & Nida, E. A. (1996). Vol. 1: Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament : Based on semantic domains (electronic ed. of the 2nd edition.) (770). New York: United

Bible societies.

The Enemy of “Spirit – Led” FamiliesSexual Sins

• Sensuality is defined as “licentiousness, debauchery, sensuality,” “unbridled lusts, excess, licentiousness,

lasciviousness, wantonness, outrageousness, shamelessness, insolence…wanton (acts or) manners, as filthy words indecent bodily movements, unchaste

handling of males and females” (Thayer, 79-80).

The Enemy of “Spirit – Led” FamiliesSexual Sins

• Not only should this be a point of emphasis, but it should be a sensitive principle of parenting.

Internet Dating

Entertainment Lascivious Dancing

Modesty (Mixed Swimming, vacation).

The Enemy of “Spirit – Led” FamiliesSins of Intemperance

• Drunkenness:

The word simply means intoxication.

The Enemy of “Spirit – Led” FamiliesSins of Intemperance

• 2970. κῶμος kōmŏs, ko´-mos; from 2749; a carousal (as if a letting loose):—revelling, rioting.

• “A revel, carousal, i.e., in the Greek a nocturnal and riotous procession of half-drunken…fellows… hence used generally of feasts and drinking parties that are protracted till late at night and indulge in revelry” (Thayer, 367).

Strong, J., S.T.D., LL.D. (2009). Vol. 1: A Concise Dictionary of the Words in the Greek Testament and The Hebrew Bible (44). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.

The Enemy of “Spirit – Led” FamiliesFalse Religion

• Idolatry• Sorcery

The Enemy of “Spirit – Led” FamiliesSinful Attitudes Toward Others

• How many marriages and homes are destroyed because of these attitudes?

The Enemy of “Spirit – Led” FamiliesSinful Attitudes Toward Others


JealousyOutbursts of Anger




The Disposition of the “Spirit – Led” Families

“Fruit of the Spirit”

Paul begins with “love” as the fountainhead of virtues, whereas Peter builds up into love

as the climax of an orchestrated life.

The Disposition of the “Spirit – Led” Families






“Against such there is no law”

Galatians 5:23