The alternate Primarchs p7

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Transcript of The alternate Primarchs p7

  • 7/22/2019 The alternate Primarchs p7


    = = = = = = ***CHAPTER SIXTY NINE*** = = = = = = = =

    "Woot! Box cars! Box cars! Fear my 'six' rolling powers! Wait, what am I rolling? APsychic Test? Oh " agn#s 'Boxcar' $e%

    &aing waste% seeral chapters o( their lies o)taining the six *eys o( +arl to open the

    legen%ary ates o( -arl, o#r .sometimes/ heroes hae achiee% the goal gien to them)y the o%0mperor himsel( gain the power o( the Fish o( Time! 1ow capa)le o(

    traersing the roa%s o( time itsel(, the Primarchs aim to trael )ac2 in time an% %estroythe +'tan )e(ore their rise to power!

    Be(ore that, howeer, a small %iersion occ#pies their attention A %iersion in the (ormo( a nightmare (#t#re occ#pie% )y 3apanese c#te an% )right colo#rs, r#le% )y the0mperor o( Fangirls 4ephiroth!

    5ramatic m#sic )eings

    Sephiroth:"What hope do you have Primarch aai!t my #i$$% I &ho have ri!ded my

    &ay to $eve$ ''( o)tai!ed a$$ the ateria( accumu$ated e!ouh potio! to hea$ a a$a+y o,i$$( a!d have the )$ei! o, S-uare.E!i+ at my ide%"

    Lion:T#rns on the power(iel% to the 6ion 4wor% It ma2es a pleasing h#mming so#n%,li2e the %rone o( an airplane )e(ore it #nleashes a n#clear )om)"/ecaue I have thepo&er o, ,a!)oyim . the u!re$e!ti! )e$ie, that I ca!!ot ,ai$ )or! ,rom a )i$$io! you!chi$dre! p$ayi! &ith toy o$ider"

    Magnus:Whispering"I did!0t #!o& 1W had that$are a! audie!ce%"

    Lorgar:Whispering )ac2"Ever read a!y ho!e! comic% The )ad uy a$&ay pe!d ha$, the )att$e ta$#i!e+aerated crap2 The 3io!0 4ut etti! i!to the pirit o, thi!"

    Sephiroth:"That may )e( )ut &ith thi &ord I have c$aimed the $ive o, cou!t$emi$$io!5 It drip the )$ood o, civi$iatio!5"

    Lion:"ere civi$iatio!% y &ord ha c$aimed the e+ite!ce o, u!i."

    Horus:"6h ,or cryi! out $oud get on with it!"

    5ramatic m#sic stops

    Sephiroth:"/ut I0ve pe!t ae reheari! thi5"

    Horus:"7o!0t care5 8iht5 No&5"

    Lion:"I apo$oie ,or my )rother( he ha !o tact"A%opts awesome stance

    Sephiroth:"I!deed2 I ha$$ $ay him a,ter you"

    Horus:"8at cha!ce 222"

    'One Winge% Angel' stri2es #p

    Sephiroth:"Ah5 y theme5 The )o )att$e comme!ce5"

    Lion:"Yeah cre& that 222"

    9u#e)o+ .: Se$ect trac# .: 6!e Wi!ed A!e$

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    9u#e)o+ .: Se$ect trac# .: 88X /att$e Theme

    Ferrus:"1od !o2 ;eep oi!"

    9u#e)o+ .: Se$ect trac# .: ay)e I0m A 3io!

    Magnus:"A&eome trac#2 ;i!da rui!ed )y the ,act it0 Emo /oy0 theme 222"

    9u#e)o+ .: Se$ect trac# .: 88I /att$e Theme

    Vulkan:"I $i#e 222"

    Lion:"3et #eep it i! the ame i! -uetio! 222"

    9u#e)o+ .: Se$ect trac# .: 88II /o Theme

    Sephiroth: "Have you uy -uite ,i!ihed ****i! arou!d &ith the ou!dtrac#%"

    Lion:"Shh 222 a mome!t to re,$ect i! the e!iu o, No)uo ?ematu i, you p$eae"

    4ephiroth la#nches (rom his throne #pon 6ion, who )loc2s with his swor% ca#sing4ephiroth to hang there in mi%air in %ramatic (ashion as ast amo#nts o( energy )lasts

    o#twar%s (rom the impact o( swor%s

    Sephiroth:"Scre& ?ematu5"

    Lion:"6h 222 that &a de,i!ite$y the wrongthi! to ay 222" 4wings his swor% h#rling4ephiroth )ac2war%s &e (ollows #p with a (orwar% l#nge, which 4ephiroth )arely


    Sephiroth:"Your $eve$ i $o& a!d your Attac# i!0t e!ouh to )eat my Evaio!5"

    Lion: "That may )e( )ut I have a! ace up my $eeve" &e allows his %e(ence to slip

    4ephiroth ta2es a%antage o( it an% stri2es 6ion seeral times #ch %amage is ta2en,an% 6ion is h#rle% )ac2war%s

    Horus:"7am! ma!5 Have your #i$$ ,a$$e! that much%"

    Magnus:"Re$a+ Horu( 3io! &a!ted Sephiroth to hit him"


    Lion:"He pea# the truth2 I !eeded to )ui$d my 3imit /rea# up2 No& 222 ha$$ &e tarta!e&% LION'S CHAR!!"

    -ast energies spiral aro#n% the 6ion, an% we enter a minic#tscene as the 6imit Brea2actiates 0eryone else stan%s motionless as the 6ion charges (orwar%s, gaining astamo#nts o( power with eery mile he traerses wait mile? They weren't that (ar apart!7et 6ion 2eeps charging an% charging an% charging

    Horus:"/$oody $a& o, a!ime5"

    In%ee% 0ent#ally the 6ion connects with 4ephiroth an% &80 5AA0 is %ealt

    Sephiroth:"AR1H5 STAT?S A883ICTI6NS55 /3IN755 P6IS6N55 VASION "O#N!!"

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    Lion:"I )e$ieve I ca! !o& hit you &ith a reao!a)$e cha!ce o, ucce" Which he %oes,seeral times

    Sephiroth:"Thi ca!!ot )e% Ho& ca! I $oe to uch a i!i!i,ica!t )ei!%"

    Lion:"I0d $i#e to ay omethi! a)out my #i$$ )ei! a&eome( )ut a that0 ,act I0d

    have to ay $ou %ust su&k2 Sorry )ut it0 true"

    Sephiroth: "Never5 I ha$$ !ever )e de,eated5 ON#IN" ANL(RANSFORMA(ION S)*NC!!"

    It is a )right an% (lashy se9#ence, with m#ch +I showing o(( an% particle e((ects )eing#se%

    Magnus:"S-uare.E!i+ thro&i! a&ay their )udet aai! 222"

    0ent#ally a trans(orme% 4ephiroth stan%s )e(ore the Primarchs ge an% %aemonic,with a single wing stic2ing o#t o( his right sho#l%er

    Sephiroth:"Time to die Primarch5"

    Magnus:"/o ,iht( tae t&o"

    Lion:"I ue !e& tactic miht )e !eeded ,or thi o!e%"

    Vulkan:"Need a ha!d 3io!%"

    Lion:rips his swor% tighter"Tha!# you ,or the o,,er u$#a!( )ut I0m -uite ure I ca!ha!d$e thi o!e )y mye$,2 I have to2 It0 a matter o, ho!our"

    Vulkan:1o%s in #n%erstan%ing"ery &e$$ 222 i, you !eed u &e0$$ )e over there e!4oyi!ome popcor! a!d taty !ac#"

    Lion:"Save ome ,or me@ I0m oi! to )e hu!ry &he! thi i ,i!ihed2 No& 222 erm 2220Sa,er Sephiroth0% What #i!d o, !ame i that%"

    NotsoSa+e Sephiroth:"Shut it )itch"

    Lion:"Ho& vu$ar2 I0m oi! to have to rip that to!ue ,rom your mouth !o&( &o!0t I%"

    NotsoSa+e Sephiroth:"You ca! tr$"

    Lion:"A a certai! ree! Watcher i! the 7ar# o!ce aid 07o or do !ot@ there i !o try0"&e l#nges (orwar%s"I i!te!d to ,o!"

    = = = = = = ***CHAPTER SEENTY*** = = = = = = = =

    &ello an% welcome to another iss#e o( White 5w what? Primarchs? What the hell isthis? I was tol% to %o another crap intro that the W5 team co#l% stic2 in place o( the ol%e%itor's comments section 'ca#se their c#rrent e%itor still %oesn't want to associatehimsel( with W5 rea%ers, an% now yo#'re telling me I'm intro%#cing some crap (an

    paro%y )eca#se itsa#thor can't )e arse% to thin2 #p a new 9#ote? 5o yo# 2now who Iam? I'm the )loo%y White 5war( )itch! I'm the gen#ine article! The real c+oy! The )e

    all an% en% all! I %on't %o no 'g#est star intro' crap! et someone else! rom)rin%al

    &ello an% welcome to another exciting chapter o( P$IA$+&4! I'm As%r#)ael -ect:a#thor o( the )estselling 'The ame; &ow to et Women +onsens#ally Or Otherwise',

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    Sephiroth:"You uy ,i!ihed%"

    Magnus:"Yeah &e0ve ,i!ihed )itchi! $i#e a!ry ,a!)oy !o& 222 you t&o ca! co!ti!uethi $itt$e crap"

    Lion:"It0 a! epic ,iht a!u 222"

    Magnus:"You0re ui! tu,, ,rom Tome o( Battle; Boo2 o( 1ine 4wor%s2 You ,ai$automatica$$y i! $oo#i! coo$"

    Lion:"You )$oody traditio!a$it5 You ca!0t accept a!ythi! other tha! arca!e maic5Pio!ic% No5 agic o( Incarn#m% No5 Tome o( agic?"

    Magnus:"That uc#ed o )ad$y 222"

    "orn:"Cou$d &e top ta$#i! a)out 7G7 here% Thi i a /01parody 222"

    Magnus:"You0re 4ut )itter that &e0re !ot ta$#i! a)out your ho))ie 222"

    "orn:"Perhap 222 a$thouh &hat0 the cha!ce o, the topic )ei! cha!ed to ,oot)a$$%"

    Magnus:"We cou$d 222 )ut I do!0t #!o& a!ythi! a)out that"

    Sephiroth:"No &e0re !ot2 I did!0t pe!d a! e+ceive amou!t o, time cha!i! i!to thi,orm 4ut o you cou$d pe!d the e!tire chapter ta$#i! a)out mi!d$e tu,,2 No&5 3io!5Prepare youre$, ,or my *L(IMA( 2A"ASS A((AC1!"

    Lion:7awning"1o ,or it"

    Sephiroth:"NOVA ASSA*L(!!!" &e then procee%s to pic2 #p the 4olar system an% hit

    6ion with it .an% I wish I was >o2ing )#t 49#areso(t really were this st#pi% in FF@/2

    Lion:"Wo& 222 that hurt co!idera)$y 222"

    Horus:"7ude 222 you 4ut too# a solar s$ste- to the +a&e!"

    Lion:"I miht !eed a p$ater 222"

    Lorgar:"Hit him )ac#5"

    Lion:"With &hat%5%"

    C$pher:"With thi my $ord55" rls %own a )right an% shiny swor% 6ion catches it whilegaping in amaement

    Lion:"Cypher% What are you doi! here%"

    C$pher:"I0ve )ee! &aiti! ,or you to retur! ,or ce!turie5 You diappeared i!to that1ate o, ar$ ae ao . I0ve )ee! &aiti! here ever i!ce to ive you that dam! &ord5"

    Lion:"What i it%"

    C$pher:"au$ e!4oyed re,ori! the 3io! S&ord( o he &e!t a&ay a!d 222 &e$$ improvedit $iht$y 222 )eho$d the Liger Swor,!"

    Lion:4wings it a little A continent is c#t in hal("Wo& 222 harp 222 $et try this!" &e>#mps #p Owing to the elastic nat#re o( anime physics he manages to achiee low or)it

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    A (ew slices c#ts the moon into small ch#n2s which he then ro#n%ho#se 2ic2s into4ephiroth

    Sephiroth:"6?CH5 AR1H5 7AIT5 ST6P THAT5"

    Lion:"Not ,i!ihed yet" &e %rops )ac2 %own, achieing terminal elocity &e pl#nges

    into 4ephiroth, pointyen% (irst, at high spee% The sheer 2inetic energy o( the (eat is#nleashe%, %estroying large parts o( the Palace in the process

    Ferrus:"A&eome5 3io!0 a 7raoo!5"

    Horus:"Thi i a$$ a)urd5 I re4ect thi a)urdity5"

    Lion:"8ace it Sephiroth2 You0re piti,u$ 222"

    Sephiroth:Pic2ing himsel( #p (rom the gro#n% "76N0T PITY E55 FINAL FORM!*L(IMA( 2A"ASS S3HIRO(H!" #e more (lashy trans(ormation graphics

    Lion:One swing

    Sephiroth:"1AH5 WHY55 WHY IS Y 8INA3 86R A3WAYS S6 WEA;55" &e collapsesan% %ies, awar%ing mass P (or the 6ion

    Lion:"That0 o!e do&!2 No& to c$ea! up the ret o, them 222"

    5oens o( g#ar% r#sh into the room

    Horus:"7oe it !ever e!d%"

    "orn:"You &a!t it to top%"

    Horus:"He$$ !o5 I &a 4ut ma#i! ure there0 ti$$ more o, them $e,t ,or me"

    Ferrus:"1uy &e !eed to ,i!d a &ay o, co!tro$$i! thi po&er the 8ih o, Time ave u5"

    Lorgar:"A!y uetio!%"

    Ferrus:"There0 ot to )e omeo!e i! thi ,ra!chie mah.up &ho ca! he$p5 A &ie o$dmater i a! RP1 tap$e5"

    Aerith:"There0 7oa5 He ca! he$p5"

    Horus:"The! $et ,i!d him5"

    3ertura.o:"What a)out thee uy%" &e gest#res at the g#ar%s

    Horus:rins "No poi!t $eavi! 3io! &ith a$$ the ,u!"

    = = = = = = ***CHAPTER SEENTY 6NE*** = = = = = = = =

    The One Where onica an% $achel 3oin A Wych +#lt, Phoe)e Finally 0arns &er In9#isitor4tat#s, 3oey an% +han%ler 6earn the Tr#e &orror o( the +'tan, an% $oss is 0aten )y

    Tyrani%sHorus:"Are &e there yet%"

    Lorgar:"I &ear Horu( i, you a# that o!e more time."

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    "orn:"No coo#ie"

    Horus:"6h 222" 4its )ac2 in his co#ch an% s#l2s

    "orn:"Nice vee$ )y the &ay Cypher2 7am! ood o, you to hutt$e u to thi 7oa"

    +ypher shr#gs (rom where he stan%s in the %oorway lea%ing into the a#tomate% )ri%ge

    C$pher:"Whe! you uy va!ihed o,, the ,ace o, the ,ra!chie &e ,e$$ )ac# o! thei!a!e amou!t o, cah A$phariu had tored a!d tarted a )ui!e to ta#e adva!tae o,the cha!i! time"

    Magnus:"What &a thi )ui!e%"

    C$pher:"A $itt$e thi! ca$$ed &/ay5 3i#e e/ay( )ut &e ue the Warp to a$$o&i!ta!ta!eou ummo!i! o, your purchae to a!y&here i! the u!ivere2 With mode$a!d co!verio! etti! made redu!da!t $e,t riht a!d ce!tre( !ot to me!tio! the hugedema!d i! the 2.era 7aemo!( &e made a ma$$ ,ortu!e ,rom peop$e e$$i! o,, their

    o$d tu,,5 9ut DB o, a$$ ,i!a!cia$ tra!actio! o to u( )ut a you ca! ee ,rom thi ,i!ecra,t &e0re ,$yi! i! that DB &e!t ,ar 222"

    Alpharius:"Impreive Cypher2 I &ou$d!0t have pi!!ed you a a )ui!ema!"

    C$pher:"Who do you thi!# &a the po&er,u$ e!tity &atchi! over me%" Opens thero)es he wears to reeal a large tattoo on his chest o( a (ig#re pointing to the right withthe wor%s 'OB30+TIO1!' written )elow in ancient 5ar2 othic"Proud ,o$$o&er o,Juvai! mate"

    Lion:"Who the he$$ i he%"

    Magnus:"Chao 1od o, Scre&i! Thi! ?p"

    Angron:"Si!ce &he!%"

    Magnus:"222 4omething $otten in *isle upp$eme!t ,or WH8RP"

    Lorgar:"You )$ata!t$y 4ut $oo#ed that up o! Wi#ipedia 222"

    Magnus:"So &hat% You ca!0t e+pect me to #!o& every !oo# a!d cra!!y o, the 8$u,,5"

    The tort#re% cries a 2itten can )e hear%

    Fulgri-:"/$oody he$$ 222 he ti$$ at it%"

    Aerith:"You mo!ter 222"

    Angron:"Why i he ti$$ &ith u% What ue,u$ purpoe doe he erve%"

    Ferrus:"T&o &ord 1reat 1ope$"

    Angron:"Ah 222 ood poi!t2 She may $ive 222 ,or !o& 222 m&ahahahaha55"

    There is silence

    Lorgar:"You did not4ut sa$a! evi$ cac#er%"

    Lion:"He did"

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    All sh#((le aro#n% to )loc2 Angron (rom the conersation

    Lorgar:"A$$ riht2 3et ta#e toc# o, our ituatio! &e0re evera$ hu!dred year i! the,uture2 We have the method to retur! )ut !o!e o, u are co!,ide!t o, tryi! it aai! $et&e e!d up ome&here &ore"

    Vulkan:"Where ca! )e &ore tha! thi p$ace% I ca!0t &i! a dead a$ama!der &ithouthitti! omethi! hyperactive a!d a!!oyi!$y cute5"

    Sanguinius:"You0d &i! a dead Space ari!e%"

    Vulkan:"I &a ta$#i! a)out the a!ima$ my 3eio!0 !amed a,ter5"



    Lorgar:"You0re a Chapter !ot a 3eio!2 You ot hit )y Ro)0 Code o, 3ame"

    Cora4:"Spea#i! o, Ro)2 Where i he%"

    1onra,:"Who care% He0 !ot here@ that0 the importa!t ,act"

    Alpharius:"A tra!e a it may eem ,or me to aree &ith Cora+( Emo /oy #II doehave a poi!t . &e have !o idea &here Ro) e!ded up( &hether he0 ti$$ a$ive( a!d &hattate he0 i!"

    Horus:"A!d aai!( the a!&er to a$$ thoe -uetio! i 07o Not Wa!t0"

    Ferrus:"You0ve )ee! ui! my $aptop aai! have!0t you%"

    Horus:"I!tereti! 08avourite0 ,o$der( )y the &ay 222" P#lls o#t a compact A%echapproe% laptop an% rotates the screen so eeryone can see Ferr#s isi)ly cringes"Sha$$ &e have a $oo#%"

    Ferrus:"Put that a&ay !o&5"

    Lorgar:"Wo& 222 Wareer0 at the top% You ad i!dividua$ 222"

    3ertura.o:"Ho& may time% 7a##a5 (hat'sthe p$ace5"

    Horus:"6r ho& a)out thi% Ho& ma!y cha! )oard have you $i!#ed%"

    Lorgar:"WarpCha!% Erm 222 &hat%5%"

    Vulkan:"Somethi! A&,u$ 222 Rotte! 222 1o$de! Thro!e 222 I-perial Chi&ks%5%"

    Ferrus:"Sorry( 8erru i A8;2 P$eae come )ac# 222 !o &ait that0 !ot mi!e5"

    Fulgri-:"6h orry2 That mut )e me 222 I remem)er avi! a ,e& o, my reu$ar ite o!your accou!t )y accide!t"

    Lorgar:"So 222 Imperia$ o,,icer 222"

    Fulgri-:"I $ove their u!i,orm5 So tiht a!d ,irm."

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    Vulkan:"I apo$oie to everyo!e )ut I0m cutti! thi co!veratio! !o& i! the i!tereto, my a!ity"

    Ferrus:"Nocomp$ai!t there 222"

    Lorgar:"Sti$$( 8erru 222 thi i!0t hea$thy &e) )ro&i! activitie 222 epecia$$y

    Wareer 222 tra!e )u!ch over there 222"

    They loo2 at yo#

    Ferrus:"Se$,.re,ere!cia$ comedy ,or the &i!5"

    "orn:"What &ere &e ta$#i! a)out )e,ore that poi!t$e diverio!%"

    Lorgar:"Ho& cre&ed &e are 222"

    "orn:"6h that aai! 222 $et ee i, thi 7oa uy ca! he$p2 I, !ot( &e #i$$ him( hi ,ami$y(a!d rampae throuh thi 1od.,ora#e! u!ivere u!ti$ everythi!0 et riht aai!"

    Aerith:"The death5 So 222 imp$e 222 o e$ea!t 222 heh 222 o eay 222" &e (ace lights#p

    Fulgri-:"He$$o . I thi!# &e 4ut corrupted 8$o&er 1ir$ 222"

    "orn:$aises han%s"Wa!0t me"

    Magnus:"7o!0t ma#e me )rea# out the 5etect 0ilpe$$ 222"

    Lion:"Ne&,$ah to the 7G7 !erd . thi i #arha--er /05000222 do you rea$$y &a!tto #!o& &ho0 evi$ arou!d here%"

    Magnus:"1ood poi!t 222 "

    C$pher:"We$$ i, a!yo!e0 i!tereted( &e0re approachi! the p$a!et &here 781 ay7oa hide a&ay"

    Horus:"E+ce$$e!t2 3et meet thi uy( $ear! ho& to ue our po&er( the! o )ac# a!d#ic# C0ta! are5"

    Lorgar:"Whe! he put it $i#e that( it al-ostou!d imp$e"

    = = = = = = ***CHAPTER SEENTY TW6*** = = = = = = = =

    KBlesse% )e the close% min% too simple to #n%erstan% the r#les o( pop#lar ta)letopwar games so I can ma2e whateer crap #p an% they'll chew on it li2e it's ra%e A tr#thBlesse% )e the close% min% in%ee% C Way o( the Power amer, Boo2 The First

    +a#ght in a nightmare (#t#re o( 3apanese c#te an% hyperactie teenage girls wearingimpossi)ly short s2irts .wait this is a nightmare?!?/, o#r heroes see2 the onein%ii%#al who might possess the 2nowle%ge to ai% them in harnessing the power o( the

    Fish o( Time!

    We re>oin o#r heroes a)oar% the great essel /itche 7o!0t ;!o& A)out ah P$a!,c#rrently in low or)it aro#n% the inconspic#o#s green an% )l#e worl% aing o#t at it

    stan%s Warmaster &or#s, his tr#ste% a%isers 6orgar an% 5orn, with Ferr#s, -#l2an, an%

    ortarion acting as specialist a%isers in the arts o( the Internet, Being +ool, an% What1ot To Be respectiely

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    Horus:KIt ha ocea! 222 a!d ree! tu,, 222 a!d &hite )it at the top 222L

    Lorgar:KYe Horu@ it ha mu$tip$e c$imate2 Tru$y a )iarre p$a!et amo!t thiu!ivere o, i!$e.c$imate &or$d 222L

    Horus:KThe co!cept i a! a)omi!atio! a!d mut )e dicouraed &ith $ay !arrative,$air5L

    What %o yo# want? An ocean worl%? A >#ngle worl%? A %esert worl% occ#pie% )y

    annoying eightyearol% 0il Pala%in wanna)es who can pilot po%racers an% ma2e theirown protocol %roi%s?

    Horus:KThe !arrator dip$ay arcam to&ard me2 Thi doe !ot amue the Warmater222L

    Mortarion:KSi!ce &he! ha the Warmater ever dip$ayed a e!e o, humour%L

    Horus:KSi!ce &he! ha the 7eath 3ord ever dip$ayed o!e either%L

    Mortarion:KTouche 222 a$thouh i! my de,e!ce the uy over at 7eath9eter2com thi!#I0m hi$ariou 222L

    Lorgar:KThey &ou$d2 Weareta$#i! a)out the o!$y 4o) i! the u!ivere &hich ha a a!re-uireme!t the !eceity o, ,i!di! dou)$e.amputee o! &i! u!)e$ieva)$y hi$ariouL

    Mortarion:Tries to stop gigglingKPuh harder a!d &atch them ,$y5L

    Ferrus:KA!d peop$e i!it I'-tate$e 222L

    Lorgar:KYou aretate$e2 You0re the o!$y e!tie!t )ei! i! #!o&! e+ite!ce to have)ee! per-anentl$ .anne,,rom M)M ,or o++en,ing the resi,entsL

    "orn:K7are I a# what the hell ,i, $ou post6!6L

    Ferrus:6oo2ing as innocent as possi)lKWe$$ it &a o!$y a ma$$ de$eted )y theWareer I!-uiitio!: &ith aai!( de$eted )y the Wareer I!-uiitio!: a!d morede$etio!: &ith de$eti!( de$eti! 222: up her hi( thi i the Wareer I!-uiitio!2 Ta#ea &i$d ta) i! the dar# at &hat &e0ve do!e here 222: i! !o& that's&ro!: a!d ohdear 1od 222: i! my -in,!!!: a!d i that actua$$y phyica$$y possi.le6!6: coated i!oh that0 4ut ta#i! the pi 222: &ith &he! doe thi en,6!6: a!d oh 1od it 4utoe on an, on222: a!d ome armite 222 a!d a do 222L

    4ilence %oesn't )egin to %escri)e the (ollowing scene 0en reality is st#nne%: atomsthemseles stop emitting energy an% stare at Ferr#s in shoc2


    "orn:KI0m orry I a#ed 222 I rea$$y am 222 I thi!# I !eed to ma#e a!other ucceorchapter 4ut to prove ho& orry I am 222L

    Vulkan:K6h you &i$$ )itch2 They ha$$ ,iht co!ti!uou$y day a!d !iht ,or our,orive!e( a!d &he! a thoua!d mi$$e!!ia ha paed they ha$$ rove$ )e,ore u a!d&e ha$$ ay 01O! A1OT&0$ T&O84A15 I66011IA! O8$ I154 A$0 4TI66$0+O-0$I1!'2 The Sons o+ "orn Shoul, Not Ha7e Aske, (hat "a-n )uestionha$$ )e their !ame( a!d they &i$$ e+it o!$y to commit e!ouh e!ocide to ma#e u,oret &hat 8erru 4ut decri)ed 222L

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  • 7/22/2019 The alternate Primarchs p7


    Magnus0ntering the room, with the othersKWhat did 8erru 4ut decri)e% I mieda!ythi!%L


    4#((ers a massie )low to the hea% that wo#l% shatter continents (rom -#l2an

    Vulkan:KNo2 Nothi! &a miedL

    Angron:KThe! &hy did you hit 8erru%L

    Vulkan:KWhy !ot%L

    Angron:KA ood rep$y2 We$$ I0m ati,ied &ith thatL

    1onra,:KI0$$ !ever ay !o to a pot o, ra!dom a!d horri,ic vio$e!ce meted out &ithoutrhyme or reao! 222 o O &hat0 the )att$e p$a!%L

    Cora4:KWe0re &ai! &ar aai!t thi &or$d% With &hat% 6ur !o!.e+ite!t army that&e $e,t evera$ hu!dred year ao outide the 1ate o, ar$ that are !o& either dead,rom havi! !o o!e to te$$ them &hat to do or u,,ered a Narrative E+ite!ce8ai$ure%L

    C$pher:KI0m a$iveL

    Cora4:KYou0re a !amed character@ o, coure you0d ti$$ )e a$ive2 6!$y peop$e &ith !o!ame die i! ci.,i torie( or peop$e &ith a i!$e !ame &ho0ve o!$y rece!t$y )ee!i!troducedL


    Cora4:K6h do!0t &orry dear@ you to$d u your $at !ame2 Peop$e &ith t&o !ame !everdie 222 u!$e it0 a P$ot 7eath i! &hich cae it carrie a FB pro)a)i$ity o, )ei! )othperma!e!t a!d i!te!e$y horri,ic o to i!pire the ret o, u to #ic# a i! your memoryL

    Aerith:K6h that'scom,orti! 222L

    Horus:K7ead 8$o&er 1ir$@ your com,ort i !ot importa!t to a!yo!e )ut youre$, a!d youropi!io! ,ra!#$y do!0t cou!t a!y&ay2 Cora+ O you0re &ro!L

    Cora4:KI admire the )$u!t!e o, that $at tateme!tL

    Horus:KYour admiratio! i o!$y !atura$ O I et that ,rom peop$e2 I! a!&er to your-uetio! &e0re !ot $ayi! iee to the &or$d2 A$thouh I0ve !o dou)t 4ut the eihtee! o,u ca! ma!ae -uite !ice$y 222L

    Lorgar:KSeve!tee! HoruL


    Lorgar:KThere0 eve!tee! o, u O Ro)0 ti$$ mii!( preumed a!!oyi! peop$eL

    Horus:KWe$$ &hat ood i that to u% I !eed that )i )$ue )atard do&! here $ui!thoe over.ied &eapo! o, hi arou!d $i#e it0 the o!$y thi! he0 ood at i! thi&or$d55L

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    Vulkan:KI thouht that wasthe o!$y thi! he0 ood at%L

    "orn:KThat a!d a!!oyi! peop$e 222L

    Cora4:KA!d &riti! crap )oo# 222L

    Russ:KA!d te$$i! everyo!e &hat to do 222L

    Lorgar:KWo& 222 &ho doe that remi!d you o,%L

    0yes t#rn to &or#s

    Horus:KI hope ,or everyo!e0 a#e you0re a$$ $oo#i! at me )ecaue you0re e!rapturedi! my e!era$ a&eome!e 222L

    Vulkan:KYeah 222 that 222 &e0$$ o ,or thatL

    Cora4:#ttering o#t o( the corner o( his mo#thD/ecaue &e0re o)viou$y a u$$i)$e a /$ac# 3i)rary

    author 222L

    HorusKWhat &a that Emo #%L

    Cora4:KYour p$a! i e+ce$$e!t%L

    Horus:KI have!0t to$d you my p$a! yet5L

    Cora4:K6h 222 did!0t you% I #i!da ot $ot &ith a$$ the ra!dom dia$oue that &a oi!o! 222L

    Horus:KSo did I 222 a!y&ay 222 &e !eed to $ocate thi 7oa i!dividua$ a!d co!vi!ce him

    to he$p u5 Natura$$y it hou$d!0t ta#e $o! to earch a! e!tire p$a!et ,or a i!$e Huma!)ei! 222L

    Lorgar:KI hope that &a arcamL

    Horus:K6, coure it &a!0t5L &e notices the loo2s eeryone's giing himKWhat% What0o hard% 6h come o!@ it happe! i! )oo# a$$ the time5 Ho& hard cou$d it )e 222 %L

    = = = = = = = ***CHAPTER SEENTY THREE*** = = = = = = = =

    D&ow har% co#l% it )e?C &or#s


    Horus:K6h &o-e on!!Where the he$$ i thi uy% They cou$d0ve at $eat had ome orto, i!pot to &here he i5 A 07oa( D mi$e thi &ay0 i! i! ia!t( ,$ahi! !eo!$iht%L

    Lorgar:KThey pro)a)$y do 222 o!$y remem)er Horu that thi &or$d i QFB $a!dma a!d&e0ve o!$y earched a)out ha$, o, that 222 &e0re pro)a)$y mii! the $are !eo! i! to7oa0 hidea&ay 222L

    3ertura.o:KHey( 781 O a!y idea%L

    Aerith:4he shr#gs DSorry 222 !o2 Norma$$y &ith thee ort o, thi! the o!$y via)$eeoraphica$ path you ca! ta#e &ith curre!t tra!portatio! mea! $ead you traiht tothe uyL

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    Magnus:KCo!ve!ie!t$y p$aced mou!tai! a!d river you appare!t$y ca!0t &im acro%L

    Aerith:KHo& did you #!o&% Ha thi happe!ed to you )e,ore%L

    Magnus:KNo my dear( that0 4ut ta!dard ,are ,or Ro$e P$ayi! 1ame O a $itt$eomethi! #!o&! amo!t thoe &ho p$ay them a rai$.roadi! 222L

    Horus:KWe$$ I &ih there &a a )$oody rai$.road here !o&5L

    Lorgar:K3et me 4ut ee ho& the other team are doi!L P#ll o#t a small oogle an%sacri(ices it on the spotKRu( u$#a!( &hat0 your tatu%L

    The space a)oe the %ea% oogle twists an% t#rns, an% two small transl#cent images o($#ss an% -#l2an appear

    Russ:KI do!0t $i#e thi orcery 3orar 222 ca!0t &e ue vo+.$i!# $i#e every other F;i!ha)ita!t%L

    Lorgar:KI do!0t trut a!ythi! ,rom 7a! A)!ett@ it miht !ot )e ,$u,,y 222L


    Horus:KHo& ca! &e ti$$ hear that 222 %L

    Vulkan:KI!ori! that matter O &e0ve earched throuh the p$ai! a!d &e have!0t,ou!d a!y i! o, thi 07oa0 i!dividua$2 6! the other ha!d &e did ,i!d $ot o, &i$d$i,e that&a!ted to eat uL

    Russ:KYeah 222 it0 #i!da odd &he! eve! the ra))it &a!t to eat you 222 epecia$$y &he!a$$ you ,i!d i! their tomach are ha$,.dieted veeta)$e5 What0 up &ith thi%L

    Magnus:KThe $a& o, a$$ RP1 are $o&$y mi+i! i! &ith our2 You0$$ u,,er a!i!creai!$y $are amou!t o, ia!t a!ima$ appeari! ,rom eemi!$y !o&here &ith theo$e i!te!tio! o, #i$$i! you( a!d &he! you $ay them you0$$ ,ee$ &ier( a!d moree+perie!ced &ith matterL

    Aerith:KA!d you0$$ pro)a)$y po!ta!eou$y $ear! !e& tu,, &ith !o appare!t reao! ato &hy( epecia$$y co!ideri! your $ac# o, acce to )oo# a!d educatio! i! the midd$eo, the &i$der!eL

    Russ:KI ,ee$ $i#e I cou$d rapid$y pu!ch thi pear throuh creature to achievee+po!e!tia$ damae 222 thi i a !e& occurre!ce that &a !ot there yeterday 222L

    Magnus:KRu5 You0ve $eve$$ed up5L

    Russ:KWhat doe that ma#e me !o&% Epic% a4or Epic% ore Epic Tha! Epic% So EpicWiar%s o( the +oastWi$$ /e Ner,i! e I! 8ive Seco!d% Epic E!ouh To Have Artha Ay /itch%L

    Magnus:KI du!!o 222 &hat doe your character pro,i$e ay%L

    Russ:Ky what6!6L

    Magnus:K3oo# arou!d 222 ca! you ee a! imae o, youre$, o! the ta# )ar 222 may)etry prei! the 0c0 #ey 222L

    Vulkan:Ka!u( you0re ou!di! da!erou$y $i#e 8erru2 Rea$ 3i,e doe !ot carry

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    #ey)oard hort cut5L


    Russ:KHey &ait O I0ve ,ou!d omethi!5 W6A5 I that&hat I0m carryi!5 You0ve ot toee thi $ad O I0m poitive$y .roken!!L

    Magnus:KI thi!# Ru 4ut ,ou!d out &hat that ,u!#y pear he pic#ed up o! thatcra,t&or$d ae )ac# doeL

    Russ:ge hearty la#ghs

    Vulkan:KHo& did he ee that%L

    Horus:KYeah O I &a!t to ee ho& )ro#e! Iam5L

    Russ:KHit the 0ta)0 #ey5L

    Horus:KThe what#ey%L

    Russ:KThe 0ta)0 #eyL

    Horus:KWhere the he$$0 that% #hatthe he$$0 that% I it omethi! you ue i! a )ar%L

    Magnus:K/ri! do&! the co!o$e HoruL

    Horus:K6;L $eaches #p an% presses something to his #pper le(t


    Magnus:KIt0 the )utto! .elowthat o!e 22L

    Horus:K6h5 Riht I0m &ith you a$$ 222 )e,ore that 222L

    HoruDHoruD1671odmode o!HoruD

    Lorgar:KYou chee#y )atard5 Tur! that o,, !o&5L


    Lorgar:KNo )ut5 What did I te$$ you a)out 1odmode .e+oreyou &e!t a!d ,ouht dad%L

    Horus:KIt0 cheati!%L

    Lorgar:KA!d do you &a!t to )e co!idered a cheater i! hitory $eo! te! thoua!dyear ,rom !o&%L

    Horus:4h#((les his (eetKErm 222 !o 222L

    Lorgar:KRiht( !o tur! that dam! thi! o,,L

    Horus:$el#ctantly DA$$ riht 222L

    Magnus:6eans oer to 6orgar an% whispersKA!d $ouca! tur! o,, autoaim 222L

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    Lorgar:K7am! 222 )utedL

    Vulkan:KHave &e a$$ ,i!ihed% Where0 our !e+t deti!atio! oh e!$ihte!ed $eader o,a&eome a!d &i!%L

    Horus:$aises an eye)rowKThat &a arcamL

    Vulkan:Kery perceptive o, youL

    Horus:$aises the other eye)rowKThat &a alsoarcam 222 &here are you curre!t$y%L

    Vulkan:KThe marh$a!d i! the outher! part o, the eater! co!ti!e!tL

    Horus: &ol%s #p a copy o( the topographical map ma%e )y or)ital scans years earlierKRiht 222 erm 222 3orar% Where did &e aree eat tarted a!d &et e!ded%L

    Lorgar:KI thouht thi part here%L

    Horus:KRea$$y% I thouht it &a that part here 222 %L

    Lorgar:K/ut I0ve )ee! te$$i! everyo!e it0 thi part5L

    Horus:K/ut I0ve to$d them 222L

    Vulkan:KYou uy are ****i! moro!L

    Another image pops #p E the (ace o( Alphari#s

    Alpharius:KI! cae a!yo!e0 remote$y i!tereted O I ,ou!d 7oaL

    Vulkan:KE+ce$$e!t5 Where%L

    Alpharius:KThe p$ai!L

    Vulkan:K/ut I looke,there $at year5L

    Alpharius:KHe0 a tra!.co!ti!e!ta$ hi#erL

    All eyes t#rn to Aerith

    Aerith:KWe$$ I did!0t #!o&5L

    = = = = = = = ***CHAPTER SEENTY 86?R*** = = = = = = = =

    KWith this power I co#l% (orge the greatest (ast (oo% in%#stry in the #nierse! or anempire yeah an empire so#n%s cooler C Tracy's (irst reaction to news o( Astartes


    &aing (inally (o#n% the el#sie 5oga a(ter seen years o( (r#itless searching .an%

    coming to a realisation that planets are big, a lot )igger than most sci(i a#thors ma2eo#t/, o#r .are we still calling them this?/ heroes now see2 his ai% in controlling the ast

    powers o( time trael, gien to them )y the allmighty FI4& OF TI0!

    Horus:KHey you o$d ,art5 We &a!t a!ythi! you miht #!o& a)out co!tro$$i! thipo&er5L

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    Lorgar: Whispering o#t o( the corner o( his mo#thKNice dip$omacy 222 &hy !ot 4ut )eat it out o,him &hi$e your at it%L

    Horus:KA! e+ce$$e!t idea5L oes (orwar%

    Lorgar:KHoru you **** I &a 4o#i!5L

    &or#s aims a p#nch at the ol% g#y's (ace, an% throws it &e stops a(ter a secon% when

    he realises 5oga no longer is where he was, an% loo2s #p in amaement to see the ol%g#y )alancing per(ectly on the en% o( &or#s' (ist

    "oga:KYou are $o&( ,oo$ih o! o, a corpe5L

    5oga per(orms a neat )ac2spin, 2ic2ing &or#s in the chin as he %oes so an% sen%ing thePrimarch .a goo% six (eet taller than the ol% g#y/ (lying )ac2war%s

    "oga:6an%ing per(ectly where he ha% >#st )een moments )e(ore &or#s trie% to p#nchhimKa!!er( you have !o!e2 Teach you them( I ha$$L

    Horus:K/$oody he$$5 He moved ,at5L

    3ertura.o:K6r you0re 4ut etti! $o&er i! your o$d aeL &e grins, he(ts his axe an%r#ns (orwar%s, swinging the ast piece o( metal .it was ma%e (rom the wings o( a6ightning (ighter/ aro#n% as he goes The axe slices thro#gh h#ge ch#n2s o( gro#n%, )#tmisses 5oga who cas#ally si%esteps the swing

    "oga:K9ut a $o&5 Thee are Primarch% 8oo$ &ith over.i!,$ated eo I thi!#5L

    3ertura.o:KWatch your to!ue morta$5L &e swings the axe aro#n% again

    5oga catches the axe )etween his th#m) an% little (inger, an% tosses it oer his sho#l%erwith Pert#ra)o still hol%ing onto it in amaement

    "oga:KWea# a &e$$2 Thi i diappoi!ti!2 I ee !o& &hy 1ame Wor#hop did !ot&rite ru$e ,or you O deervi! o, them you are !ot5L

    "orn:KWe$$ that0 a $itt$e harh2 Some o, u have )ee! tech!ica$$y dead ,or t&o editio!L

    "oga:K7eath i !o e+cue ,or !e$ecti! your trai!i!5 I ee I have much to improveupo!2 Who tauht you )e,ore%L

    Cora4:KWe$$ !o o!e rea$$y 222 &e #i!da 4ut )ecame #i!( $ord( )aro!( emperor( a!d

    ru$er o, &or$d throuh a com)i!atio! o, heer $uc#( a!ima$ ma!etim( a!d our over.i!,$ated eoL

    1onra,:KWhich Horu ued to reat e,,ect 222L

    "oga:KThi i !ot ood2 Come &ith me you ha$$5L

    Horus:Pic2ing himsel( #p o(( the gro#n% an% %#sting his egoKHey o$d eeer5 Whatma#e you thi!# &e0re ,o$$o&i! you%L

    Sanguinius:rinning D/ecaue he #ic#ed your a% I #i!da $i#e thi o$d uy !o&L

    Fulgri-:KHey( he0 ot #i$$2 I &a!t #i$$2 The &ho$e 0deire ,or per,ectio!0 thi!comi! out !o& i! ,u$$ ,orce 222 I 4ut !oticed ho& ruty my )ac# &i! i 222 do you thi!#he ca! et my ha!dicap do&!%L

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    Sanguinius:KI do!0t thi!# he p$ay o$,L

    Fulgri-:KI &a!0t ta$#i! a)out o$,L

    Mortarion:KWe$$ I0m ,o$$o&i! him )ecaue I0m ma! e!ouh to admit I !eed ome

    po&er.up trai!i! 222 epecia$$y i, &e &a!t to ,iht C0ta!L

    Russ:KPa!y5 e a!d a!u #ic#ed the Niht)ri!er0 a5L

    Magnus:KRu that &a throuh a ru$e tech!ica$ity 222 !ot #i$$L

    Russ:#ttering o#t o( the corner o( his mo#thKHi4ac# my mome!t &hy do!0t ya%L

    "oga:K8o$$o& meL &e wal2s o(( in the %irection o( %istant mo#ntains

    Horus:KWe$$ I0m !ot oi! 222L

    Lorgar:KYe you areL

    Horus:KHe$$ !o5 I0m tayi! riht here5 1o o! &ithout me5 1o o! 222 oh yeah the0$oya$it0 are oi! 222 o o! you pa!ie5 6h A!ro! a &e$$ 222 !o& ort 222 emo 22 oo! 3orar 222 ;o! 222 Pert 222 8u$rim% A$% a!u% He$$o% A!yo!e% Warmater )ei! $e,to! hi o&! here5 1uy% Come o!55 1?YS555 222 oh cre& it I0m comi!5 I SAI7 I0C6IN15L

    Fulgri-:+alling )ac2K;eep that to youre$, dear5L

    Horus:rowls as he h#rries a(ter the others

    O#r Primarchs trea% towar%s the mo#ntains, (ollowing 5oga They )rae the an% s#nny/ an% the natie wil%li(e .c#te (l#((y )#nnies/, eent#ally reaching a

    hi%%en alley within the mo#ntain range where a nice 3apanesestyle illa awaits them

    "oga:Ky home5 Here you &i$$ trai! u!der my uperviio!5L

    "orn:KWhat ha$$ &e ca$$ you mater%L

    "oga:KI am #!o&! )y ma!y !ame2 To the Warrior o, 3iht( I &a 7oa2 To herpeop$e.L &e no%s at AerithK. I &a /ue!hae!( to other $i#e her I &a #!o&! )yma!y !ame2 To you 222 you may #!o& me a Pie ayL

    Horus:KPie ay &hat%L

    3ie Ma$:KPie ay Smac# Your 8ace Si$$y I, You 7o!0t Repect Him5L

    Horus:#tteringK1ood come)ac# 222L

    3ie Ma$:Your trai!i! )ei! !o&5 There &i$$ )e !o repite( !o ,orive!e 222 there &i$$)e o!$y e,,ort5 I &i$$ !ot ta#e a!y rep$y )ut 0Ye ater0( I &i$$ !ot ee a!ythi! )ut tota$o)edie!ce5L

    Fulgri-:Fol%ing his many armsKA!d &hy hou$d &e u,,er thi humi$iatio! a!d de!tto our )e$oved eo%L

    3ie Ma$:K7o you &ih to )ecome )adae%L

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    Fulgri-:KWe a$ready areL

    3ie Ma$:$aises a single eye)rowKSho& meL

    Fulgri-:rinsKWith p$eauredL

    "orn:KHave you uy ,orotte! &hat he did to Horu a!d Pertura)o%L

    Fulgri-:KThat &a them( thi i !o& a!d it0 me &e0re ta$#i! a)out 222L &e leaps(orwar%

    Ten secon%s later

    "orn:KI ta!d &ith mu ati,actio! that I &a o!ce aai! riht 222L

    Fulgri-:6ying in a )ro2en heap amongst some (lowersKN!eerrr 2222L

    3ie Ma$:KYour ,irt ta# S!a#e./oy i to repair the arde! you detroyed &ith your

    ,oo$ih arroa!ce5 I e+pect it to )e per,ect &he! I retur!5L &e t#rns to the rest, whocower .except ort, who's 5espair incarnate anyway/KYou5 8o$$o& me5 Aerith5 Preparetea my dear( I ha$$ )e e!4oyi! a p$eaa!t dri!# &hi$e thee ,oo$ )ei! their $o! pathL

    Aerith:K1et tea2 I $i#e that 222 !o cha!ce o, pycho e+.e!etica$$y e!i!eered o$dier4umpi! me &ith &ord 222 I thi!# 222L

    Lion:WhisperingKRu! $itt$e ,$o&er ir$5 Ru!5L

    4he s9#eals an% h#rries o(( in the %irection o( Pie ay's 2itchen

    3ie Ma$:KWe )ei!5L

    The training )egins

    3ie Ma$:KRe$eae a$$ you have #!o&!( em)race that you #!o& !othi!5L

    Fulgri-:KWe$$ o, coure &e #!o& !othi! O you to$d u to re$eae a$$ &e #!o&5 What do&e have $e,t% /y a$$ riht I hou$d have ,orotte! ho& to )reath5L

    3ie Ma$:4laps F#lgrim ro#n% the )ac2 o( the hea% with a paper (anKI!o$e!ce5Widom $ite! &hi$e i!te$$ie!ce pea#5L

    Fulgri-:#ttering #n%er his )reathKI a&ait a!y evide!ce o, that 222L

    3ie Ma$:Another thwac2 with the paper (anKI hear &e$$ dum) !!5 Ta#e thiRhi!o a!d per,orm eve!ty.t&o hu!dred po&er $i,t5L

    Fulgri-:KWha 222L rowls an% %oes as he is tol%

    3ie Ma$:KWhat you have )ee! tauht i piti,u$5 You have had !othi! )ut praie ,romeveryo!e you meet O you #!o& !ot the orro& o, re4ectio!( o, dou)t( o, depair ordi$i#e5L

    Mortarion:KSome o, u have 222L

    3ie Ma$:Thwac2!KYou have e+perie!ced o!$y the u!dyi! $oya$ty ,rom everyo!e youmeet5 No o!e ha poi!ted out your ,ai$ure5 No o!e ha hih$ihted your i!e+perie!ce5The reu$t% You have pride5 Too much pride5 A!d )ecaue o, your pride you ,ai$5L

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    Horus:K7ude( &e ,on't,ai$5 We0re Pri.L Thwac2!KHo$y crap ma!5 That hurts!L

    3ie Ma$:KYou ,ai$ )ecaue you )e$ieve you do !ot !eed to $ear!5 You re,ue a$$ thoe&ho try to impart &idom5 The reu$t% You ,ai$5L

    Magnus:KYup2 They0re idiot2 Teach them5L

    3ie Ma$:Thwac2!K7o !ot )e o -uic# to impart !eative &ord to your )rother5 The)o!d o, ,ami$y i o!e tihter tha! iro!5L

    Sanguinius:K6h yeah( very tiht2 Where &ere you &he! Horu tore me i!to ma$$piece%L

    "orn:KWhat are you ta$#i! a)out% You $oo# -uite &ho$e i! thoe i$$utratio! 222L

    Sanguinius:K7ude O lightning &laws5 What do you thi!# they do% 1ive you mi$d)ruii!%L

    "orn:K1ood poi!tL

    3ie Ma$:Thwac2! Thwac2!KNo ta$#i! &he! I0m mo!o$oui!5L

    "orn:KArh5 Sheeh 222 &ar! me )e,ore you do that 222 &hat0 that ,a! made out o,%L

    3ie Ma$:KPaperL

    Sanguinius:KThat0 impoi)$e5 ere paper hou$d!0t hurt u that much5L

    3ie Ma$:Thwac2!KAai!5 The arroa!ce &ithi! you crie that uch thi! mut )e

    impoi)$e( a!d yet the pai! you ,ee$ ay other&ie% Co!tradictio!( !o% The a!&er iimp$e( a!d &i$$ occur to you i, your mi!d i ,reed ,rom the chai! o, uperiority your,oo$ih ,ather ha a$$o&edL

    "orn:KHey5 7o!0t ta$# a)out dad that &ay5 Sure he &a irrepo!i)$e( overihted(eotitic( )rah( arroa!t 222 a!!oyi! 222 u!compromii! 222 actua$$y you0re riht dad&a a ,oo$ 222L

    Vulkan:KYeah( dad &a a! idiot2 You0d thi!# he &ou$d have ive! u a +haos For5#mmiesuide )e,ore &e $e,t Terra 222L

    Magnus:KI!0t that o!e o, 3orar0 )oo#%L

    Lorgar:KPro)a)$y( I $oe trac# mye$, 222L

    3ie Ma$:Thwac2! Thwac2! Thwac2! Thwac2!


    3ie Ma$:Thwac2!K3auh !ot at the miery o, other5 3et you &a!t me to poi!t oute7er$ single ta&ti&al +ailingo, your part5L

    Horus:KHey( my re)e$$io! &a per,ect5L

    3ie Ma$:Thwac2!KA morta$ ca!!ot achieve per,ectio!5 That i de!ied to a$$ o, u5 The)et o!e ca! achieve i to e!d$e$y purue per,ectio!( yet !ever attai! itL

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    Fulgri-:KThe! &hat0 the poi!t%L

    3ie Ma$:KThe puruit i the poi!t( ,oo$ih !!5 To devote your $i,e to a oa$(eve! i, the oa$ ca!!ot )e reached( i the mot !o)$e o, puruitL

    Fulgri-:K6r a ,i!e &ay to &ate your $i,e 222L

    3ie Ma$:Thwac2!KSay the i$$y !! $ed atray )y a ta$#i! &ord5L

    Fulgri-:KHey5 I did!0t a# ,or a P$ot 7evice to )e ha!ded to me a a! e4&useto tur!traitor5 I &a -uite happy oi! a$o! &ith my )uddy Horu5L

    Horus:KCheer ma!5L

    Fulgri-:K7o!0t et too emotio!a$ O I aid I washappy 222 that 0)uddy0 part &a a$opat te!eL

    Horus:KWhat happe!ed 8u$rim% Whe! did thi! e!d up $i#e thi )et&ee! u%L

    Fulgri-:KHoru( I $oved you $i#e a )rother 222 )ut the! came the reve$atio! that I0mcopyi! ome a$ie! !a#e a!d ta$#i! to a &ord 222 it0 4ut too much o, a co!,ui!tra!itio! ,or me 222 I !eed to u!derta!d my p$ace i! thi cha!i! &or$d 222L

    3ie Ma$:KA!d you ha$$( )ut you mut $ite! to me ,irt5 I u!derta!d cha!e O I haveee! ma!y &or$d( ma!y a$teratio!( ma!y !e& com)at ytem ( o I u!derta!d cha!e2 3ite! to me( a!d you ha$$ too5L

    "orn:K6h e+ce$$e!t( tha!#,u$$y they have!0t ot arou!d to me yet2 I0m ure a ecret)a!a!a ,etih &i$$ oo! )e ued a a! e+cue ,or my 3eio!0 co$our cheme 222L

    Magnus:KAppare!t$y I ca! appear i! other peop$e0 dream 222 &he! did that happe!%L

    Alpharius:K7ude 222 I did!0t #!o& I had a t.L

    All:KSH?T ?P5L

    "orn:KA$( &e0re !ot oi! to poi$ 6egionu!ti$ everyo!e0 had a cha!ce to read it5L

    Alpharius:K8air e!ouh 222 )ut I &a!t to #!o& &hat e$e I have up my $eeve 222appare!t$y I0m o ood eve! Ido!0t #!o& ha$, o, &hat I0m capa)$e o, 222 I mea! &herethe helldid a$$ that come ,rom%L

    "orn:K7a! A)!ett0 imai!atio!L

    Alpharius:KS!ea#y )atard2 He ca! have it a$$ )ac#2 It0$$ 4ut ive dad the )iet eo)oot the ,ra!chie ha ever ee! 222 a ,ra!#$y the imp$icatio! ,or me su&kL

    1onra,:KWe$$ !o& you0ve ot everyo!e0 i!teret pi-ued 222L

    Alpharius:KWait u!ti$ your 222L

    1onra,:K1ight( )y 1raham cNei$ O !e& reve$atio! a)out the Niht 3ord 3eio!5Their ecret ord!a!ce &eapo! ,etih5 Their $ove o, 6)$iterator5 ;o!rad Cure $i#e y3itt$e Po!y5 Read a)out the thri$$i! i!,i$tratio! )y a $o!e aai! &ho mot certai!$ywas nota$$o&ed i! &ithout reita!ce( a!d &ho #i$$ed the Primarch i! i!$e com)atwith a spoon5L

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    3ie Ma$:0A T&WA+*!KCy!icim &i$$ !ot )e to$erated 222 a $i#e$y a a$$ that may)e 222 !o& you ha$$ remai! $i#e thi u!ti$ I retur! ,rom my tea ceremo!yL

    Horus:KHo& $o! &i$$ that ta#e%L

    3ie Ma$: Wal2ing awayKTea mut )e erved correct$y 222 &hich may ta#e )et&ee! t&o

    to ,our day 222L

    Horus:K6h 222 SCREW Y6?555L

    Lorgar:KSo 222 &hat doe everyo!e &a!t to ta$# a)out%L

    "orn:Ky $e hurt 222L

    We p#ll pac2 to see that o#r heroes are )alancing ia one leg atop milehigh steel polesin a sea o( laa Pie ay has retreate% on a hoer s2i(( A (ierce win% threatens to )lowthe Primarchs o(( into the molten roc2 )elow

    Horus:KWho0 mart idea &a a$$ thi%L

    &or#s stan%s alone )e(ore a wall &is (ist mere inches (rom its s#r(ace &e %raws a %eep)reath listens to the elements aro#n% him s#mmons the go%li2e strength withinhim an% P81+&04 T&0 5A1 WA66!

    There is a moment o( silence, then the great Primarch gently cra%les his (ist an% screamsin pain

    Horus:K222 ****5555 ****i! ****5555L

    3ie Ma$:KWea#5 Aai!5L

    Horus:KWhat%5% Are you i!a!e% 3oo# 222 the /ride had to pu!ch throuh a woo,enp$a!#5 Ca! I have that5 Thi i a +ort$ +oot thi&k a,a-antiu- wall555 8or cryi! out$oud eve! dad had pro)$em pu!chi! throuh adama!tium5L

    3ie Ma$:KYou are !ot your ,ather2 You have reater pote!tia$5 No& O aai!55L

    Horus:K/ut 222 arh5 8i!e5L Faces the wall again an% p#nches it a secon% time &ewinces as his s#perh#man strength is re>ecte% )y the &A$504T 0TA6 *1OW1 TO00*5O! .Wolerine #ses it: anything less an% Wolerine's sheer )a%assery wo#l%%estroy it #tterly/

    Magnus:KI thi!# there0 harder meta$ 222L

    Horus:In painKShut 222 up 222 a!u5L

    Lorgar:KSeriou$y do!0t ive horty over there.L &e no%s at Pie ay2 K.a!y idea 222L

    Vulkan:KHo& a)out S 3 9ac#o!i!ium% ade ,rom Samue$ 3 9ac#o!0 co!ce!trated&eatL

    Angron:KNorria!ium% Chuc# Norri diti$$ed i!to co!ce!trated a&eome!eL

    Alpharius:KHo& a)out Shutthehe$$upium%L

    Angron:KWhat0 that made o,%L

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    Alpharius:KShut The He$$ ?pL

    Angron:K7o you &a!t to ta#e thi outide%L

    Alpharius:K222 &e areoutide 222L

    Angron:Kea!t 222 erm 222 more outide tha! 222L

    Alpharius:KStop ta$#i!2 What ha$$ the ret o, u do &hi$e Horu trie to pu!ch hi &aythrouh a! impoi)$e )arrier%L

    Horus:KSee% Impoi)$e O &hat he aid5L

    3ie Ma$:KImpoi)$e( it i !ot2 You( A$phariu( ha$$ ,o$$o& me2 I have a pecia$ ta# ,oryouL

    Alpharius: Follows Pie ayKWhat i it%L

    3ie Ma$:Points to a %istant tree on the horionKSee that tree% The ,ruit o, that treema#e de$iciou ca#e toppi!2 1et ome ,or me( a!d I ha$$ $et you eat a $ice o, theca#eL

    Alpharius:K6h( ca#e 222 oodie2 We$$ 222 it0 a tree i! the midd$e o, a $are rayp$ai! 222 hou$d )e eay to et.L

    The grassy plain s#%%enly rears #p an% ta2es a )ite o#t o( a passing her% o( %inosa#rli2e creat#res

    Alpharius:KWait 222 that p$ai!0 ali7e6L

    3ie Ma$:KThe tree i a method o, attracti! prey2 /ut the ,ruit doe tate !ice 222L &egrins

    Alpharius:KYou are a crue$ a!d evi$ $itt$e ma!( a!d I hope you die oo!L &e )eginswal2ing o(( in the %irection o( the 6iing Plain2 KCome o! you ,rea# o, !ature@ $et et thiover &ith 222L

    3ie Ma$:KE+ce$$e!t 222 !o& a!u%L

    Magnus:KYe% What evi$ ta# &i$$ you threate! me &ith%L

    3ie Ma$:K7ei! a character that ca! )eat Pu!.Pu!L

    Magnus:&is (ace %rains o( colo#rK/ut Pu!.Pu!0 i!vu$!era)$e 222 he0 the mot )ro#e!7G7 character ever5 He ha e7er$ +reaking a.ilit$u!der the u!5 I!,i!ite hit poi!t5He0 u!)eata)$e5L

    3ie Ma$:K1ood2 8u! you &i$$ have the!2 No& 222 u$#a!5L

    Vulkan:#tteringK6h od 222L

    3ie Ma$:K1od !o ave you !o&5 Cha$$e!e I had et you i i!te!e$y di,,icu$t5 Wi$$re-uire a$$ your cu!!i! a!d #i$$5L

    Vulkan:4till m#tteringKWait ,or it 222L

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    3ie Ma$:Ka#e teaL

    Vulkan:Ka#e t. ma2e tea%5%L

    3ie Ma$:KYe2 Thirty I amL

    Lorgar:KHey( ho& come you et $et o,, o eai$y%L

    3ie Ma$:K3orar O &i,e ca$$ed2 Wa!t you home )y tea2 You0re a$ready evera$ hu!dredyear $ate2 She !ot happyL

    Lorgar:K6h crap 222L

    3ie Ma$:KHu)a!d i! dohoue O I am amued2 No& 222 &here are other% They hou$dhave ,i!ihed remode$$i! mou!tai! 222L

    = = = = = = = =

    eanwhile, elsewhere in Pie ay's estate

    Sanguinius:+leaning the %ishesKSo $et me ee i, I u!derta!d thi2 A,ter $oi! a vatamou!t o, pro,it a,ter a!!ou!ci! that the ,i,th editio! o, Warhammer GH,HHH&i$$,eature a! e+pa!ded co$$ectio! o, ari!e Codice &hi$e a$$ +e!o race &i$$ ,eature i! ai!$e Code+ to e!$are he$, pace ,or more mari!e product( 1ame Wor#hop &aprompt$y )ouht up )y S-uare.E!i+ i! a cae o, $ot i! tra!$atio! &he! the$thouhtthey &ere )uyi! AM( a i! the e$ectro!ic ame tore a a &ay o, e+pa!di! theirempire a!d chare their &eter! competitor e+tra )y ,orci! them to e$$ their amethrouh S-uare.E!i+ o&!ed toreL

    Aerith:5rying the %ishesKYup2 So the p$a! )ac#,ired( )ut S-uare.E!i+ recovered )yi!corporati! the Warhammer ,ra!chie i!to the Final Fantasyu!ivere2 He!ce me

    )ei! hereL

    Mortarion:+hec2ing the %ishes (or corr#ptionKSo &e0re &hat% Final Fantasyhammer%L

    Aerith:KFinal Fantasy 4t#pi% ai>in 5ystopia Franchise I1 4PA+0!9

    Sanguinius:KWo& 222 I0ve !o idea &hat that mea! 222 )ut it ha 0tupid0 i! there o I0mi!u$ted 222L

    Mortarion:KSame here2 I ay a,ter thi trai!i! i ,i!ihed a!d &e o )ac# i! time( &eteach S-uare.E!i+ a $eo! .e+orethey **** up our ,ra!chieL

    Sanguinius:KAreed2 What ay you 8u$rim%L

    They t#rn to F#lgrim, who's sitting in a corner sewing

    Fulgri-:KE+ce$$e!t idea e!t2 A!y p$a! &here to tart%L

    Mortarion:KI du!!o 222 )y the 3ord o, a!,$u I mi Ev0rii 222L

    Sanguinius:KYou mi the e+L rinning he el)ows ort in the si%e

    Mortarion:KWe have!0t do!e it yetL

    4t#nne% silence

    Sanguinius:K/ut 222 he0 a hot 7aemo!ette 222 &hy !ot%L

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    Mortarion:KWe0re &aiti! ,or the riht mome!t 222 a roma!tic ho$iday 222 i! a! /ritihNatio!a$ Hea$th Service hopita$ 222 a!d amo!t a$$ the decay a!d dieae I0$$ propoe 222a!d &e0$$ ma#e mad( paio!ate( othic $ove amo!t the corpe i! the morue 222 the!o viit the mater!ity &ard a!d i$$umi!ate the !e&)or! o! ho& much $i,e &i$$ uc#L

    4t#nne% silence

    Aerith:KHo& 222 roma!tic 222 I ueL

    Mortarion:KI!0t it%L

    Sanguinius:KYeah 222 a!d !o& I0m remi!ded &hy I i!ited o! )ei! i! the tet tu)e o!the other ide o, the $a) to you &he! &e &ere you! 222LHorus:"AR1H5 7AIT . Y HAN755"

    = = = = = = = ***CHAPTER SEENTY SEEN*** = = = = = = =

    3ie Ma$:KYour ta#( i$$y emo )oy( i to i!troduce today0 chapterL

    Mortarion:KWe0re )ei! he$d hotae )y a pycho midet( ,orced to e!dure he$$ihtrai!i! a!d &ah up a,ter mea$2 I thi!# I )ro#e omethi! $idi! do&! a mou!tai! 222 Imi my ir$,rie!d 222 my $i,e uc# 222L

    3ie Ma$:KTha!# you oh u!$imited ource o, optimim 222 I !o& dec$are thi chapter)ei!5L

    Aerith:KWho are you ta$#i! to%L

    3ie Ma$:KNo o!e my dear 222 i that the tea% Ah 222 the aroma i de$iht,u$ 222 ca! you

    !ot me$$ that ortario!%L

    Mortarion:KSme$$ $i#e omethi! I miht e!4oy 222 erhL

    3ie Ma$:K8u!( you are !ot2 8o$$o& me me$$y ma!L

    Mortarion:KHey( i, I me$$ it0 )ecaue a certai! omeo!e doe!0t $et me ho&er i! themor!i! a!y more 222L

    3ie Ma$:KTrai!i! i more importa!t5 3i#e !o&5 3e comp$ai!i!5 ore o)edie!ce5L

    Mortarion:KWhatever 222L


    Mortarion:KAR1H5 H6W THE HE33 CAN PAPER H?RT S6 ?CH%5%L

    3ie Ma$:KWhe! you are u,,icie!t$y $ear!ed( teach you thi I ha$$L

    Mortarion:KA!d the 8ive Poi!t Pa$m E+p$odi! Heart Tech!i-ue%L

    3ie Ma$:KI, you ,a!cy it( !o& come5L

    Mortarion:4ighingKA you &ih 222L

    Alpharius:6oo2ing a )it worse (or wear D7o!e itL

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    Lorgar:K7o!0t tartL

    Lelith:K7o!0t tart &hat%L

    Lorgar:KIt &a Horu0 ,au$t2 We ot $ot 222 i! time 222 a!d I e!ded up $ate2 I0m orry2 Idid!0t mea! to mi Au!t /eth0 ,u!era$ 222L

    Lelith:K3iam made a $ove$y peech 222 did!0t you 3iam%L

    Lia-:KWhat% 6h ye 222 it &a $ove$y mother 222L #ic2ly goes )ac2 to eating


    Lorgar:KI ee you0ve trai!ed the #id &e$$ to your evi$ comma!d 222 a!ythi! e$e Ihou$d have !oticed )y !o& dear%L

    Lelith:KI0m ,i$i! ,or divorceL

    The 2i%s grimace They'e )een expecting this

    Lorgar:KWhat% Wait 222 you ca!0t divorce me5L

    Lelith:KWhy% /ecaue you0re a Primarch%L 4he sco((s

    Lorgar:KWhy are you doi! thi%L

    Lelith:K/ecaue you0re !ever here5 You0ve !ever )ee! here5 You0ve a$&ay )ee! o,,ome&here &riti! )oo# a)out your i$$y co!cept o, Chao a!d preachi! to peop$e&ho0ve o!$y i!ed up ,or the coo$ ,ree 7aemo!ic 1i,t5 You0re !ever with us!L

    Lorgar:KI ca! 222 I ca! cha!e 222 I ca! )e a )etter Primarch 222 ma! 222 I ca! .e.etter!L

    Lelith:4he gets #p, a sa% expression on her (aceKToo $ate I0m a,raid 222 3iam 222 X 222come here2 We0re $eavi!L

    As his wi(e an% 2i%s leae the room, 6orgar sits st#nne%

    Lorgar:KWait 222 I ca! cha!e thi 222 thi i the ,uture 222 I ca! cha!e thi 222L

    &e leaps #p an% r#ns o(( in the %irection o( the P6OT 50-I+0 that shall ta2e him %i% he get here anyway? Where is here? What is here? 4o many 9#estions this


    Lorgar:KI ca! ,i+ thi5 I ca! cha!e thi5 I ca!.L

    (eent&h:K6, coure you ca! 222L

    &e stops, then )ac2trac2s to where the strange cloa2e% woman is leaning with anothero%% (emale, %resse% in clothes that %on't match an% coere% in more tattoos than theaerage sailor

    Falal:KHey 222 $o! time !o eeL

    (eent&h:KTime to ay hi to a!u 222 &e0re 7er$upet he &e!t e+p$ori! the ,ourthdime!io! &ithout uL

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    Falal:KThat0 6; thouh 222 &e ot the meaeL

    Lorgar:KWhat meae%L

    (eent&h:K7oa( i$$y2 We0re to helpyou i! your trai!i! 222L

    = = = = = = = =

    Vulkan:KWhat i it ;o!rad% Preco!itio! aai!%L

    1onra,:KI ,ear omethi! horri)$e i a)out to happe! 222 a!d I do!0t mea! C S 1oto&riti! a &or#s &eresy)oo#5L

    KThere comes a time in eery story's r#n where 9#estions m#st )e answere% 4erio#s9#estions, li2e how %o Star Tre# teleporters 2now where to (in% eery atom in yo#r)o%y? &ow %oes a lightsa)re 2now when tostop? &ow %oes +lo#% 4tri(e's hair stic2 #p

    li2e that .what gel %oes he #se/? 5oes 3ac2 Ba#r ta2e a crap, eer? What are 0l%artoilets li2e? 5o the manli2e (emale +ylons hae menstr#al cycles .an% wo#l%n't that

    )e %elight(#l/? What wouldsex with the now #n%ea% 4ylanas Win%r#nner )e li2e? oreto the point E how awesomewo#l% it )e? These are incre%i)ly ner%y 9#estions thatgenerally, when sai% o#t lo#%, res#lt in sai% spea2er (in%ing himsel( rapi%ly alienate% )yany sentient creat#re within earshot &oweer, these 9#estions must)e as2e% %ammit!

    An% I'm going to as2 them!C Well me I s#ppose

    3ertura.o:Ka! 222 4ut 222 get a li+eL

    Anyway as the title o( this new part in P$IA$+&4 s#ggests, it's time to start as2ingthe serio#s 9#estions ner%s hae )een as2ing (or years The 9#estions that, i( reeale%,wo#l% %estroy the ery (a)ric o( the #nierse!

    Well at least )e somewhat s9#ic2y

    B#t I %igress we ret#rn to o#r heroes where we last le(t them: en%#ring the hellishtraining o( a certain Pie ay .who )rie(ly consi%ere% +a2e ay, )#t then realise% that the

    ca2e is, in (act, a pie, an% went (rom there/ &or#s contin#es to (lail ine((ect#ally againstan a%amanti#m wall, 4ang#ini#s an% F#lgrim learn o( h#mility )y per(orming s#ch

    m#n%ane tas2s as washing #p the %ishes an% cleaning people's clothes

    Sanguinius:KHumi$ity% Try hu-iliation!L

    Fulgri-:KI do!0t #!o& 222 thee pi!# ru))er $ove are rather ,etchi! do!0t you thi!#%The co$our de,i!ite$y )ri! the hih$iht o! my ca$eL

    Sanguinius:K222 &ord ,ai$ me at thi poi!t 222L

    Ahem while those two en>oy themseles, Alphari#s is )#sy en>oying well%esere%

    rest &as he (inishe% all that Pie ay has set him, or is his realtest yet to come?

    Alpharius:K7ude 222 not,u!!y O that ,ie$d !ear$y #i$$ed me5L

    What eil awaits ortarion, who manage% to prolong his or%eal )y a whole chapter iam#n%ane monolog#e? 4pea2ing o( eil, what is this that Teentch an% Falal )ring to theta)le? 1ot 6orgar's ta)le, min% yo# that's still got their %inner on it .getting 9#ite col%)y now I wo#l% thin2 /

    Magnus:KT5 8a$a$5L

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    The two go%s r#n #p to the monstro#s (orm o( the Primarch an% h#g his legs .they >#st)arely reach his 2nee, it sho#l% )e a%%e% I hope I'e ma%e it clear agn#s' 5aemonic

    (orm is large/

    (eent&h:Ka!u5 You travered the ,ourth dime!io! &ithout me5L

    Falal:KA!d me5 7ammit a!u I &a!ted to cre& up the co!ti!uum5L

    Magnus:KSorry( did!0t rea$ie &e &ou$d )e trave$$i! to a ,uture ,i$$ed &ith 9.pop a! u!der ae ir$5L

    3ertura.o:aing at the scene with )arely controlle% enyKWord ca!!ot )ei! todecri)e ho& un+airthi &ho$e thi! iL

    Vulkan:6a#ghs an% slaps Pert#ra)o on the thigh .this isn't creepy, that's as high as hecan reach Pert#ra)o is also 9#ite large an% largely ma%e o( metal )y now/KRe$a+Pert2 3et a!u have hi &e$$.deerved ,u! 222 a!d I do!0t #!o& &hy $ou're$oo#i! $i#ethat Ru2 Ho& ma!y &ome! ca! you c$aim%L

    Russ:Thin2s (or a momentK7o thoe Siamee t&i! cou!t a o!e or t&o ir$%L


    Russ:KThe! a)out 222 ,i,ty 222 odd 222 thoua!d methi!# 222 yeah( that0 a)out rihtL

    3ertura.o:Is silent (or some time, then eent#ally m#tters2 KI hate you o muchL

    Vulkan:KRe$a+@ !ot a$$ o, u ca! pai!t a! e!tire S#ave! tour!ame!t army i! a i!$e!iht( a!d have it $oo#i! o ood mot o, the 0Eavy eta$ team )ro#e do&! i! tearupo! eei! it a!d )ur!t a$$ &hat they had )ee! &or#i! o! )ecaue it cou$d !ever $oo#

    a oodL

    3ertura.o:KWe$$ 222 that i true 222 the hi!i! mome!t o, my $i,e I )e$ieveL

    Vulkan:KAide ,rom the Iro! CaeL

    3ertura.o:K6, coure2 That wasa $auh 222L

    Vulkan:K7or! did!0t ,i!d it very amui!L

    3ertura.o:K7or! ha !o e!e o, humourL

    "orn:Approaching (rom the 2itchens, where he ha% )een spen%ing 9#ality timela#ghing at 4ang#ini#s DWhat &a that%L

    3ertura.o:KA)o$ute$y !othi! that miht i!crimi!ate me i! ,urther a!ti.Imperia$ 8itactivitieL

    "orn:KWe$$ 222 ood 222 I uppoe 222L

    1onra,:KY6?5L &e r#shes %own the hill (rom where he ha% )een me%itating at the en%o( last chapter

    (eent&h:KWho0 he ta$#i! to%L

    1onra,:$eaching them an% pa#sing (or a microsecon% to catch his )reathKThe othero!e( you5L

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    Lorgar:KE+cue me% /ut &e0re a$$ a$ready here5L

    3ie Ma$:KNot -uite 222 t&o are mii!2 They approach &ith due hate 222L

    1onra,:KWhat% Car$0 comi! here%L

    Magnus:K8oret Car$ 222 she'scomi! a &e$$ 222L

    The Primarchs all sim#ltaneo#sly sh#%%er

    Falal:KWhat0 thi% Who0 comi!% 7id you ay 0she'%L

    Lorgar:K6h ye2 The )iet ecret i! the F; u!ivere( hidde! to preve!t !erd raea!d ,$u,, !ai ,rom teari! it apart i! )$i!d ,ury2 Ni!etee! )rother( a!d o!e iter 222dei!ed o dad &ou$d!0t have to u,,er the &rath o, ,emi!it &ho &ou$d c$aim a! a$$.ma$e Atarte e+it2 6!$y 222L

    3ertura.o:KShe tur!ed out to )e tooe,,ective2 A $ot more adept at ma e!ocide tha!a ma! i! &ay o!$y a &oma! cou$d )e 222L

    Lorgar:KI!deed2 I! order to avoid em)arrai! the e!tire e!der dad had her $oc#edup ome&here out o, iht a!d $i-uidated her $eio!2 The! ordered that ir$ )e ive!o!$y a i!$e army i! the ,orm o, Siter o, /att$e2 Xe!o did!0t cou!t( a they0re !otSpace ari!eL

    Magnus:K6h dear 222 &e et to ee i aai! 222 dear( dar$i! Hecate 222L

    They sh#%%er again

    "orn:KWe0re a$$ oi! to ,ieL

    O#r heroes, the eeryrelia)le .in the sense we can rely on them to )e #nrelia)le/

    Primarchs, stan% #nite% at the si%e o( a large lan%ing pa% )#ilt into the si%e o( themo#ntain a mere mile (rom 5oga's illa complex

    Lorgar:KI, you had thi( &hy did &e pe!d &ee# &a$#i! here ,rom the ra$a!d)e$o&%L &e no%s in the %irection o( the great (lat stretch o( lan% miles to the so#th o( themo#ntains

    3ie Ma$:KThi &ay amued meL

    They loo2 #p as the so#n% o( an approaching Th#n%erhaw2 heral%s the arrial o( the

    reason why the Primarchs hae gathere% together, ta2ing a moment o( peace (rom theirhellish training

    Sanguinius:4taring at his han%sKy )eauti,u$ #i! 222 oi$ed )y dirty dih&ater5L

    Vulkan:KPu$$ youre$, toether ma!5L

    Horus:KHead up uy@ he$$ approacheL

    The Th#n%erhaw2 to#ches %own in (ront o( them, an% a(ter a (ew moments the ramp

    lowers Footsteps so#n%, an% the Primarchs hol% their collectie )reaths

    Carl:KHey uy5 Ho&0 it ha!i!% 3oo# O I )ouht ome )ooe a!d &eed 222 a!yo!e

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    #!o& o, a ood p$ace &e ca! crah%L

    Horus:K6h tha!# the 1od 222 it0 4ut you 222 hey $o! time !o ee Car$.L

    6:KH6R?S( Y6? ?TTER 8AI3?RE 68 A AN( WHERE THE HE33 ARE Y6?%5%5L

    agn#s stan%s in amaement as he realises he's alone on the lan%ing pa% 0eryoneelse seems to hae anishe% (rom sight .except Pie ay, who stan%s )esi%e him with ah#ge grin on his (ace, an% Aerith who stan%s loo2ing )em#se% next to +ypher, whomerely loo2s con(#se% Falal an% Teentch stan% to one si%e with popcorn .no i%ea

    where that came (rom//

    Magnus:K1uy@ do!0t hide .ehin, me55L

    Horus:&is oice m#((le% (rom s9#eeing alongsi%e his )rothers )ehin% agn#s' large)#l2 .the other 5aemon Primarchs are ma2ing a%mira)le attempts to hi%e their own,h#ge )#l2/KWe$$ you0re $are e!ouh55L

    +arl >#mps o#t o( the way as a large Amaonian (ig#re o( a woman stri%es %own theTh#n%erhaw2's ramp cla% in )rilliant white armo#r an% carrying a swor% o( 5rea%no#ght

    sie% proportions on her )ac2

    Aerith:Ta2ing a photo o( &ecate with her cameraKWait u!ti$ I ho& C$oud that &ord@he0$$ )e i! depreio! ,or &ee#5L

    C$pher:KYou ca! )e e+ceedi!$y crue$ &he! you &a!t( you #!o& that%L

    He&ate:4tri%ing #p to agn#sKWhat the hellhave you )ecome a!u%L

    Magnus:49#irming in em)arrassment DEr 222 a 7aemo! Pri!ce i 222L

    He&ate:KYou $oo# ri,i&ulous; What0 &ith the i!$e eye% 1oi! ,or a Cyc$op $oo#% You#!o& ho& much o, a )u$$.eye that i%L 4he (lic2s it with her (ingers, agn#s recoils in

    painKWhat0 &ith a$$ thi ,at% Have you )ee! !e$ecti! your trai!i!%L

    Magnus:KNo it0 ****** 'F cu$pti!5L

    He&ate:KThat0 !o e+cue5 A!d the ret o, you ca! come out ,rom )ehi!d thi )i oa, OI #!o& you0re hidi! )ehi!d there Horu( I ca! practica$$y me$$ the ,ai$ure5L

    Horus:4lowly creeping o#tKThat0 a )it harh 222L

    He&ate:KWarmater5 7ad made $ouWarmater5 A!d &hat do you do% You o pra!ci!o,, to thoe huie.L3er2s a (inger oer her sho#l%er to Falal an% Teentch, who throwher loo2s that co#l% slay legionsK.a a &ay o, ratitude2 Ni&e work genius2 /y theTruth( dad a$&ay aid you had more muc$e tha! )rai! i! that orry e+cue ,or ahyper.e!etica$$y e!i!eered )ody o, yourL

    Horus:KHey 222 er 222 $oo#2 Whi$e you0ve )ee!.L

    He&ate:KImprio!ed%L 222 yeah 222 that 222 &hi$e you0ve )ee! there I0ve )ee! co!-ueri! the a$a+y5I a$mot )eat up the o$d ma!5L

    He&ate:KAl-ost)ei! the &ord o, choice2 Sum you up -uite !ice$y Horu2 Al-ostL

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    Horus:K3oo# here iter.L

    &ecate swings the swor% #p in a )roa% circle to meet &or#s' groin There's a sic2eningth#% as a (orce capa)le o( %estroying mo#ntains colli%es )etween the Primarch's legs0ery man within sight winces in excr#ciating pain .which is pro)a)ly nothing compare%to what &or#s is now (eeling/ &or#s himsel( collapses )ac2war%s, cl#tching his )alls

    "orn:K/et&ee! the $e O a Space ari!e0 onl$&ea# pot55L

    He&ate:K7o!0t ) me 222 riht2 What do the ret o, you have to ay ,oryoure$ve%L

    Mortarion:KP$eae do!0t hurt u5L

    3ertura.o:K1ood 1od ma!( ro& ome )ac#)o!eL

    He&ate:+o#nting hea%sKWhere0 that )i )$ue ,ai$ure%L

    Alpharius:KWe $ot him throuh a Necro!tyr porta$ 222 ometime evera$ hu!dred yearao 222L &e sh#((les aro#n%, now 9#ite #ncom(orta)le #n%er his sister's penetratingstare

    He&ate:KHo& very care$e o, you 6meo!L

    Alpharius:KWho% I0m a,raid I0ve !o idea &hat you0re ta$#i! a)outL

    He&ate:4he sighs an% swings her swor% aro#n%: h#rling it at a near)y tree There's acry an% someone large (alls o#tKThere you are A$phariuL

    Alpharius:$#))ing his hea%, where the swor% hitK6uch 222 that hurt2 Tha!# i 222L

    &ecate catches the swor% as it ret#rns to her

    Horus:KHo$y crap5 There0 twoo, them%5%L

    He&ate:K6, coure you ,oo$5 Where the he$$ have you $ot )ee! a$$ thee year%L

    Vulkan:K/$i!d o)viou$y 222 o that e+p$ai! ho& you cou$d )e every&here o eay 222L

    Omegon an% Alphari#s stan% next to each other, loo2ing 9#ite sheepish

    O-egon:K1i0 up ma!L

    Alpharius:KYeah 222 it &a ,u! &hi$e it $ated 222L

    Horus:KWait 222 o that ma#e t&e!ty.o!e Primarch 222 erm 222L

    Alpharius:Ke a!d 6 hare the 3eio!L

    O-egon:KA!d c$othe( a!d ,ood( a!d ir$ 222L

    Alpharius:K7ude 222 too +arL

    3ie Ma$:KNo& &e are alltoether( ecret u!#!o&! t&i! i!c$uded( $et u ce$e)rate &itha dri!#5L

    The Primarchs cheer #p at the tho#ght, an% ignoring &ecate's %isproing stare r#sh to

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    ta2e a c#p o( )eerage (rom Aerith

    3ie Ma$:KA toat5 To your Primarch5L

    They all cheer, an% %own their %rin2s .&ecate incl#%e%, al)eit rel#ctantly/ 4#%%enly,they (all to the gro#n% #nconscio#s

    3ie Ma$:KToo eay 222L

    = = = = = = = = =

    A.a,,on:Ky $ord%L

    &or#s opens his eyes to stare into the collectie (aces o( A)a%%on, Torga%%on, 6o2en: in(act the whole o( his ol% o((icers o( the 6#na Woles all staring at him in worry &e loo2s

    aro#n% to (in% the enironment stri2ingly (amiliar

    Horus:KWhere am I%L

    A.a,,on:KA)oard the -enge(#l 4piritir 222 may I i!-uire a to ho& you ,ee$%L

    Horus:KWhat happe!ed%L

    Loken:Ky $ord 222 &e0ve arrived at Terra 222 the Emperor &ihe to ee you( toco!ratu$ate you o! your ucceL

    Horus:Ky ucce% What happe!ed% Spea# 1arvie$5L

    Loken:Ta2en a)ac2 )y the s#%%en change in his Primarch's )ehaio#rKy $ord 222&e0ve e!ded 222 the 1reat Cruade ha e!ded 222 the a$a+y ha )ee! u!i,ied )y the

    Imperia$ Truth 222L

    A.a,,on:KThe Imperium o, a! domi!ate the a$a+y( a!d it0 )ecaue o, you 222WarmaterL

    A4i-an,:Ky $ord% Are you ti$$ ,ee$i! the e,,ect o, your &ou!d o! 7avi!%L


    A.a,,on:KYou &ere &ou!ded )y the traitor Ere)uL

    A4i-an,:KHi ,e$$o& Word /earer are to )e pu)$ic$y e+ecuted i! ho!our o, your

    achieveme!t2 3orar hime$, a&ait your 4udeme!t ,or hi crimeL

    Horus: 4tares at his han%sKYe 222 it &a 4ut a dream 222 a! u!p$eaa!t dream 222L &eloo2s #p, an% notices a (amiliar hoo%e% woman at the )ac2 o( the room watching him4he raises a (inger to her lips an% smiles, )e(ore %isappearing (rom sightK222 a dreamL

    = = = = = = ***CHAPTER EI1HTY*** = = = = = = =

    Tho#san%s line the streets, an% millions more s9#eee themseles into the ast plaalea%ing to the gates o( the Imperial Palace iant stat#es o( nineteen Primarchs stare%own at the throngs assem)le% )elow them One Primarch is conspic#o#s in hisa)sence: the stat#e o( 6orgar haing )een ta2en %own many cent#ries ago a(ter hisattempt on &or#s' li(e It c#rrently resi%es in a large wareho#se along with the Ar2 o( the

    +oenant an% $ose)#%

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    A Th#n%erhaw2 approaches the stone platea# a)oe the crow%s, escorte% )y ImperialTh#n%er)olts in (ormation The )oar%ing ramp lowers, an% seeral 6#na Woles march

    %own an% line themseles either si%e o( the ramp 4al#ting their Primarch, they watchwith )arely constraine% pri%e as &or#s wal2s %own the ramp to greet the shining gol%(ig#re that ra%iates s#ch extreme AW04O0 that many watching shiel% their eyes lesttheir min%s explo%e

    Horus:K8ather5L &e greets the 0P0$O$ OF A1*I15! Initially with the A9#illa sal#te,then wraps his arms aro#n% his %a% in a manly h#g .li2e a normal h#g, )#t with lots o()ac2slapping so )oth participants can ass#re themseles that they're not gay/

    M3ROR OF MAN1IN"!:Ky o!( my Warmater 222 my Horu2 You have ive! methe a$a+yL

    Horus:KA I promied dad2 We p$a!ted ,$a o! every &or$d i! the #!o&! a$a+yL

    M3ROR OF MAN1IN"!:K8$a eh% Ho& devi$ih$y cu!!i! o, you5 3et ee thoe!ea#y E$dar et pat ood o$d ,ahio!ed ,$a5L

    Sanguinius:Approaching the two (rom where he ha% stoo% )ehin% the 0P0$O$ OFA1*I15! with his )rothers &e sha2es &or#s' han%KNice &or# )ro2 ?!,ortu!ate$y you$ot the )etL

    Horus:KWhat% Who &o!%L

    Sanguinius:3er2ing his hea% )ac2 oer his sho#l%ers, getting a mo#th(#l o( (eathers inthe processKA$phariu( omeho& he ma!aed to co!-uer t&ice a ma!y &or$d a a!yo!e o, u5L

    Horus:KHo& did he ma!ae that( I &o!der%L

    Sanguinius:KYou #!o& our )rother@ he0 ma!ipu$ative tric# #!o& !o )ou!d2 Hepro)a)$y tric#ed them a$$ i!to co!-ueri! theme$ve2 Predicta)$y( ho&ever( Car$ came$at2 He ma!aed a tota$ o, o!e i!$e p$a!et( a!d that0 o!$y )ecaue it co!tai!eda)u!da!t p$a!t $i,e that( &he! mo#ed( provided e+ce$$e!t ha$$uci!oe!ic propertieL

    Horus: 6a#ghsKCome )rother5 Te$$ me more over a ood o$d ,ahio!ed pi!t5L

    M3ROR OF MAN1IN"!:KA! e+ce$$e!t idea5 a$cador5L

    Mal&a,or:Appearing (rom seemingly nowhereKYe( my $ord%L

    M3ROR OF MAN1IN"!:K6rder pia5 With e+tra ar$ic )read( a!d !o!e o, that 0$o&.,at toppi!0 !o!e!e5L

    Mal&a,or:KI ha$$ ee to it that they have the ,i!et toppi! &ith Imperia$.approvedcrutL

    M3ROR OF MAN1IN"!:K1ood ma!( !o& come my o! 222 a!d you too Hecate dearO !o& do!0t ive me that $oo# O $et u ce$e)rate5L

    He&ate:Whispering to alca%orK7iet co#e p$eae( a!d ho$d )ac# o! the a!chovie@they o traiht to my hipL

    Mal&a,or:KYe my $adyL Waits #ntil they %epart )e(ore rolling his eyes an% signallingario#s scri)es an% A%ept#s minions to %o his )i%%ing

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    Several hours later ...

    The Primarchs are settle% )ac2 in their own personal cinema, toasting ictory with largeamo#nts o( pia .twice the aerage inta2e o( the 84A in (ast (oo% lies aro#n% them/,an% 2noc2ing )ac2 eno#gh alcohol to 2ill Irelan% (ie times oer

    "orn:KYou #!o& 222 ive! the choice 222 I thi!# I0$$ o ,or Nata$ie Portma! 222L

    3ertura.o:KWhat% Scar$ett 9oha!o!( a$$ the &ay2 What ,oo$ oe ,or Portma!%L

    Magnus:KI0m oi! to have to aree &ith 7or! here@ #!o& ho& ma!y $a!uae hepea#%*L

    1onra,:Ka!u doe have a o,t pot ,or the i!te$$ie!t ir$ doe!0t he%L

    We p#ll )ac2 (rom these Primarchs to where &or#s sits alone near the )ac2 o( thecinema, %eep in tho#ght &e loo2s #p to see 4ang#ini#s approaching

    Sanguinius:KThro!e ,or your thouht( )rother%L A#thor's 1ote; &e's re(erring to thegeneral c#rrency o( the Imperi#m, not the We)way)loc2ing P6OT 50-I+0J

    Horus:KI had the tra!et dream o! the &ay )ac# ,rom the Ha$o Star 222 o vivid 222L

    Sanguinius: 4itting %own )esi%e &or#s, throwing asi%e the empty %rin2s cartons an%

    pia )oxesKTe$$ me a)out itL

    Horus:KI dreamt Ere)u ucceeded i! tur!i! me traitor( throuh poor dia$oue a!dc$umy !arrative2 I dreamt my pero!a$ity &a reduced to a i!$e dime!io!( a!d Irampaed acro the Imperium tur!i! my )rother to Chao( or tur!i! them aai!tme 222 I dreamed 222 I dreamed I #i$$ed youL

    Sanguinius:Kut have )ee! a dream )rother@ &e )oth #!o& you0re **** i! com)atL&e la#ghs

    Horus:KCheer Sa! 222 it &a o vivid 222 a i, I &a there 222 a!d it had happe!ed 222L

    Sanguinius:KSou!d $i#e the p$ot o, a )ad ci.,i ,ra!chie 222L

    Horus:KSay the uy &ith a!e$ &i! o! hi )ac# a!d a comp$ete $ac# o,aerody!amicL

    Sanguinius:KI ca! ,$y5L

    Horus:KNo( you +all&ith st$le2 A di,,ere!ce( dear )rother 222L &e sighsKI ca!0t et thidream out o, my head 222 or that ir$ 222L

    Sanguinius:K6h dear 222 have you ,a$$e! i! $ove dear )rother%L

    Horus:KNo 222 have!0t ,ou!d a &oma! &ho ca! #eep up &ith me yet 222 !o he &a,i++erent222 I mea! 222 tra!e 222 $i#e he &a!0t Huma! 222 )ut he &a 222L

    Sanguinius:KYou ma#e a)o$ute$y !o e!e )rother2 I uet ta#i! a! ear$y !iht O&ithout a!y &ome! O a!d ive youre$, a cha!ce to u!&i!d2 You0ve )ee! o! ede everi!ce Ere)u tried to #i$$ you &ith that P36T 7EICE a!d that &a &enturies ao 222L

    Horus:KYeah 222 I thi!# I0$$ o ,or a &a$# 222 ta#e ome ,reh airL &e stan%s #p an% wal2so#t the cinema

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    &or#s %oes in%ee% ta2e some (resh air, as he wal2s aro#n% the h#n%re%o%% mile length

    o( the general Imperial Palace walls .#ppermost tier, the lower tiers hae walls eenlonger The Palace %oes coer most o( 0#rope, a(ter all/ A(ter an ho#r or so he )ecomesaware o( someone (ollowing him, t#rning aro#n% he sees a cloa2e% woman stan%ingsome (i(ty (eet )ehin% him


    4he t#rns aro#n% an% r#ns o((

    Horus:KWait5 Who are you5L &e )egins to r#n a(ter her

    A(ter a while he realises she's lea%ing him somewhere, an% he (ollows her thro#gh the

    la)yrinthine passages an% corri%ors o( the Imperial Palace, going %eeper an% %eeper intoits %ar2 #n%er)elly 0ent#ally he enters a narrow t#nnel %eep #n%erneath the palace1o one is in sight except the strange woman, who points to one o( the many %oorslea%ing o(( either si%e o( the corri%or

    &or#s wal2s #p to the %oor

    #o-an:KHe0 &aiti! i! there2 You have -uetio!@ he ca! a!&er them ,or youL

    Horus:KWho are you%L

    #o-an:T#rning awayKThat0 !ot a! importa!t -uetio!L

    4he anishes (rom sight: one moment there, the next gone &or#s t#rns his attention tothe %oor, an% realises he's stan%ing o#tsi%e a cell A simple steel )olt 2eeps the %oorclose% T#rning it asi%e, &or#s steps thro#gh

    onto a )each Waes lap laily against the shore

    6:KHey( &e$come to 0paradie0L

    &or#s t#rns to see a (amiliar (ace lying in a %ec2chair #n%erneath a re% an% white#m)rella


    Lorgar:K3o! time !o ee )rother2 I ee you0ve ot c$eara!ce( other&ie you &ou$dhave )ee! dii!terated a,ter you ope!ed that door2 It0 !ot rea$( you ee2 No!e o, thi

    i2 We0re actua$$y 4ut ta!di! a$o!e i! a damp room ome&here u!der!eath theImperia$ Pa$ace2 (his.L &e gest#res aro#n% at the oceanK.i a$$ i! our mi!d2 A! i$$uio!created )y a$cador( the $itt$e hitL

    Horus:Ka$cador% Why% I thouht he 4ut ra! the Admi!itratum%L

    Lorgar:K1ood 1od !o( Horu2 a$cador0 ru!!i! the Imperium riht u!der dad0!oeL

    Horus:KWhat are you ayi! )rother% That a$cador0 a traitor% 8i!e &ord comi! ,rom$ouL

    Lorgar:KI do!0t apo$oie ,or &hat I did Horu2 You0d u!derta!d i, 1raham cNei$ had&ritte! False o%s)etter 222 u,,ice to ay my eye are ope!2 I ee &hat dar# ,orce areat &or# here 222 a!d it0 !ot ome 3ovecra,tia! e+tra.dime!io!a$ e!titie eaer to

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    e!$ave u a!d ypho! o,, our emotio!2 It0 ,ar &ore 222L

    Horus:KWhat i it% What are you ta$#i! a)out%L

    Lorgar:Ta2es a sip o( some %elicio#s coc2tail .with a small &awaiian #m)rella/KWe0remeeti! taret demoraphicL

    = = = = = = = ***CHAPTER EI1HTY 6NE*** = = = = = = =

    &or#s an% 6orgar sit on a )each that's not real, 2noc2ing )ac2 )eer cans that are all intheir min%s, ta2en (rom a porta)le (reeer that wasn't there last chapter, all the whilewatching the s#n set oer a horion that %oesn't exist With me so (ar?

    Horus:KSo &hat0 thi a$$ a)out( 3orar% Why try a!d #i$$ me%L

    Lorgar:KI &a!0t tryi! to #i$$ you2 I &a tryi! to co!vert youL

    Horus:KThe! &hy !ot 4ut askme% Why the e$a)orate et.up% Why !ot 4ut it do&!

    &ith ome e+p$a!atory pamph$et a!d e!t$y uide me throuh the )e!e,it a!dopportu!itie pree!ted &ith Chao &orhip% Why o throuh a$$ the ha$e o, tea$i! aco!ve!ie!t$y po&er,u$ &ord that appare!t$y i my onl$ weakness a!d $uri! me a i!$e moo! &ith the o$ei!te!tio! o, hurti! me 4ut e!ouh that I ,on't ,ie( the! re$y o! appare!t$y the o!$yurvivi! chao cu$t $ode i! e+ite!ce to p$ace me i!to a tra!ce &here your )etChap$ai!( Ere)u( ca! pe!d a piti,u$ amou!t o, pae pace co!vi!ci! me to 04oi! thedar# ide0 &ith !othi! more u)ta!tia$ tha! 0&e have coo#ie0L

    Lorgar:&as )een no%%ing almost nonstop thro#gho#t &or#s' monolog#eKYeah 222that0 a)out itL

    Horus:KAai!( i!0t that a $itt$e too comp$e+ %L

    Lorgar:KHey I &a dru!# at the time( you ca!0t e+pect me to come up &ith a Her)ert.e-ue $a)yri!thi!e p$ot that pa! e!eratio! a!d i!vo$ve !o $e tha! me( my o!.tur!ed.od.$i#e.emperor( hisdece!da!t( a!d the c$o!e o, my )et ,rie!d( a$$ &he!I0m #!oc#i! )ac# 1ui!!e $i#e it0 !ot i! the !e+t Code+LHorus:KWho isyour )et ,rie!d%L

    Lorgar:Opens his mo#th to spea2, then closes it as the tho#ght occ#rs to himK1ue Ido!0t have a!y ,rie!dL&e says (inally

    Horus:K1ue I do!0t either2 A)addo!0 ot hi !oe tuc# o ,ar up my a I &ear

    &he! I ope! my mouth it0 hi-pea#i! out o, it( &hi$e A+ima!d0 ot $e pero!a$itytha! t&o p$a!# o, &ood tuc# toether &ith tic#y.)ac#.p$atic2 Toraddo!0 ue$e ata!ythi! remote$y reem)$i! repo!i)i$ity O I &ear i, a!yo!e &a ,oo$ih e!ouh top$ace him i! chare o, ecurity o! )oard the -enge(#l 4pirit&e0$$ have E$dar 8areer&a$#i! i!to the comma!d cham)er u!cha$$e!edL

    Lorgar:KA!d 3o#e!%L

    Horus:K/rother O ive me a )rea#2 He0 o oody.oody you cou$d cut a!d pate himi!to the 4tar War u!ivere a!d &ou$d!0t !otice the di,,ere!ce2 I &ear he &ou$d )urti!to tear i, he ,ou!d a ,a$$e! parro& &ith a )ro#e! &i!L

    Lorgar:KHeh 222 a I aid@ &e0re meeti! taret demoraphicL

    Horus:KYou ay that aai!( a!d I ti$$ have !o idea &hat you mea!5L

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    Horus:KWe !eed &arL

    Lorgar:KWe !eed e!emie2 We !eed to ,iht them2 The 6r#( )$e their ree! oc#(have )ut o!e thi! riht i! their e+ite!ce@ they do!0t co!cer! theme$ve a)out po$itic(emp$oyme!t opportu!itie( or &hether that ir$ o! the other ide o, the )ar ha )ee!tryi! to et your atte!tio! a$$ eve!i! a!d you0re 4ut too tupid to !otice 2 They ,iht2 They have their e+ite!cedo&! to a per,ect co!cept( o!e ,ree o, comp$icatio!2 They $ive ,or &ar2 They0re $i#e uHoru2 We &ere dei!ed( e!i!eered( a!d created to ,iht2 We &ere!0t dei!ed to )epo$itic( a!d e!ae $e!thy dicuio! a)out the correct tithe to dema!d ,romImperia$ &or$d2 We0re dei!ed to cruh them u!der our ha!d $i#e a ma$$ $oveL

    Horus:KThat0 &hy you tur!ed traitor%L

    Lorgar:KWhat% No2 I tur!ed 0traitor0( i! you i!it o! ca$$i! me that( imp$y )ecaueChao provided me &ith &hat I !eeded@ to com)i!e my purpoe a!d deire i! o!e2 A!a$tar o, &ar &here I cou$d $ay e!d$e$y a a i! o, my devotio! to a hiher caue2 No&a$$ that0 i! criiL

    Horus:K/y &hat%L


    Horus:K.taret demoraphic2 So &hat@ you0re )ei! dum)ed do&!%L

    Lorgar:KI do!0t ,ee$ $i#e a three.dime!io!a$ )ei! a!y more Horu2 y mi!d i)ecomi! ma$$er( a!d my thouht occupy $e tha! &hat they ued to2 6!ce I tared atthe tar a!d de)ated the co!cept o, ,ree &i$$ veru predeti!atio! 222 !o& a$$ I thi!#a)out i ta))i! peop$e &ith harp o)4ect2 I0m )ei! imp$i,ied to a! archetype 222 o,ta))i! thi! &ith harp o)4ect 222L

    ?:DThis is what co#l% )e sho#l% yo# (ailC

    Horus:KWho aid that%L &e stan%s #p an% loo2s aro#n%KWhere are you%L

    Lorgar:KWho are you ta$#i! to( Horu%L

    Horus:6oo2s %own at 6orgarKWhat i happe!i!( )rother% I #eep eei! tra!e,iure 222 heari! voice i! my head 222L

    Lorgar:K6h ood Chao i tryi! to co!vert you2 Em)race it )rother5L

    Horus:KThi i 222 i thi Chao%L

    ?:D5on't )e silly I'm not sitting here next to yo#r #nconscio#s l#mp sipping green tea(or no goo% reason! This is yo#r %ream, &or#s a worl% where yo# s#ccee%e%! 7o#r

    per(ect worl%! 7et yo#'re not happy are yo#?C

    Horus:KNo 222 thi i!0t 222 thi i!0t riht2 Somethi!0 mii! 222L

    ?:DThen (in% it &or#s! Fin% what's preenting yo# (rom )ecoming what yo# m#st! Whatyo# are %estine% to )e! 7o#rpurpose!C

    Horus:Begins to wal2 away, )rimming with intentionKy purpoeL

    Lorgar:KEr 222 e+it0 that &ayL

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    ERE/?S "9oi! Chao222 p$eae%"

    H6R?S "Never5 I am a Primarch5 I am made o, A&eome a!d Wi!5 I have !opero!a$ity ,$a&5 I am i!corrupti)$e5 I $ove the Emperor a!d ,$o&er a!d teddie a!d &i$$!ever tur! to Chao . )ecaue eve! thouh Chao ha )ee! portrayed a a corruptivei!,$ue!ce that ca! educe huma! a!d Atarte &ith eve! the )et o, i!te!tio!( I a a

    Primarch am too AWES6E ,or uch pu!y Warp.tric#5"

    ERE/?S "8air e!ouh the!2 Someo!e remi!d me ho& to poe a Primarch aai!%"= = = = = = = ***CHAPTER EI1HTY TW6*** = = = = = = =

    &or#s stri%es across the empty wal2way with p#rpose an% %etermi


    One lamp post later, &or#s res#mes his stri%ing across the empty wal2way with p#rpose

    an% %etermin

    0OAWW!! T&WAP!

    One s9#ashe% cat an% a lamp post later, &or#s res#mes his stri%ing across the emptywal2way with p#rpose an% %eterm


    4hall I gie #p now? 4hoing something large into the %ar2ness )ehin% one o( the many

    s#pport )eams (or the wal2way .coere%, as per Imperial architect#re %eman%s, withangels an% gargoyles, an% a (air amo#nt o( s2#lls to increase the cheer(#l an% optimisticatmosphere/ an% t#rns to greet her )rother

    He&ate:KI did!0t e+pect to ee you out here o $ate at !iht2 Had a!other !ihtmare%L

    Horus:KWhat are you ta$#i! a)out%L

    He&ate:KI remem)er &he! &e &ere you! you &ou$d have !ihtmare i! your tettu)e( a!d &ou$d ma#e a $ot o, !oie )a!i! o! the A)o$ute$y ?!)rea#a)$e 1$a2 I &athe o!$y o!e that cou$d -uiete! you2 6,te! )y threate!i! to come i! there a!d &ri!your cra&!y $itt$e !ec#L

    Horus:Ky !ec# &a !ever cra&!y2 I ooed comma!d a!d authority ,rom a i!$e ce$$o!&ard2 A!y&ay &hat the he$$ are $oudoi! out here thi $ate%L

    He&ate:K3et !ot o there2 Warmater or !ot I ca! ti$$ damae you i! &ay the /$ac#3i)rary ca!0t me!tio! i! their P1.D uide$i!eL

    Horus:KTouch2 I0$$ $eave you to itL

    He&ate:KWait 222 are you ure you0re 6;% You #!o& you ca! ta$# to me a!y time there0omethi! )otheri! youL

    Horus:KAre you tryi! that 0)i i0 pero!a aai!% You #!o& &hat happe!ed $at time O;o!rad ha!0t ,u$$y recovered a!d ;ha! ti$$ ca!0t cha!e hi ,acia$ e+preio! pat0pe!etrati! ae0L

    He&ate:KHey( I tr$2 It0 more tha! you uy ca! c$aim2 We0re uppoed to )e +a-il$Horu( )ut !o!e o, u rea$$y ta$# to each other a!y more2 Who e$e do &e have% TheAtarte% They co!tet amo!t each other t&e!ty.,our.eve! to ee &ho ca! hove

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    their !oe up our ae the ,urthet2 7o!0t eve! et me tarted o! my ir$@ they ma#echeer$eader $oo# ta)$e a!d compaio!ateL

    Horus:KYeah 222 they s&areme 222L

    He&ate:Ky poi!t i Horu@ &e0re uper.pecia$.a&eome.1od.amo!! 2 Who do &e have to ta$# a)out mu!da!e iue o! a $eve$ )ai% 7ad% He0 too)uy )uyi! &e)&ay rea$ etate o,, the E$dar to ive much o, a crap2 That $eave 222 !oo!eL

    Horus:KWe$$ 222 &he! you put it $i#e that 222L

    He&ate:KSo &hat0 )otheri! you%L

    Horus:KHec( I thi!# thi i e!tire$y a co!tract o, my imai!atio! ,orced upo! me )y a-uat o$d dude o! ome )ac#&ard &or$d i! a ,ar ,uture &here our o&!i! compa!y ha)ee! )ouht up )y a 9apa!ee ame productio! compa!y a!d mered i!to their motucce,u$ $ice!e 2 I thi!# I !eed to

    ,i!d ome ort o, character deve$opme!t to pa thi tet a!d o)tai! u$timate )ad apo&erL

    He&ate:A moment o( silenceKRiht 222 o! eco!d thouht perhap you !eed apychiatritL

    Horus:KI thouht you &ere oi! to ay that 222 have ,u! &ith Tari#L &e wal2s o((, withp#rpose an% oh screw it he'll pro)a)ly >#st hit another lamp post #nless I g#i%e himthro#gh eery (rea2ing corri%or

    When he %isappears (rom sight Tari2 Torga%%on leaes the sha%ows where he ha% )eenhi%ing .where &ecate p#she% him earlier/

    (orga,,on:KHo& did he #!o& I &a here%L

    He&ate:KWho care%L 4he gra)s him an% p#shes him into the sha%ows, only she (ollowsthis time

    = = = = = = = =

    alca%or sits in an empty o((ice cas#ally tal2ing on a han%ox &is %oors )#rst open an%&or#s stri%es thro#gh with p#rpose an% intent .an% aoi%s the lamp post/

    Horus:Ka$cador you !.L

    alca%or hol%s #p one (inger, contin#ing to tal2 on the han%ox

    Horus:K6h 222 orry 222 ha$$ I &ait here%L alca%or no%sK6; 222 ooh i thi &ee#0 iueo, +osmopolitan% I &o!der i, 222 oh dammit E$drad0 ti$$ !um)er o!e aai! 222L

    Mal&a,or:KThat0 a&eome2 Cheer )a)e2 Catch you $ater 222L P#ts the han%ox awayKSorry a)out that2 7am! Chao 1od are comp$ete )itche to &or# &ith( you #!o& &hatI mea!% 6h 222 !o &ait 222 you ,on't;0caue you +aile,L

    Horus:KWhat are you ta$#i! a)out%L

    Mal&a,or:4prea%s his arms aro#n%K3oo# arou!d you *****.,or.)rai! O i thi &hatyou &a!ted% A a$a+y u!der o!e ru$e@ u!ited i! e!d$e red tape a!d petty )ureaucracy%I! the rim dar#!e o, the ,ar ,uture there i o!$y c$aue a!d ,i!e pri!t o! your $atet

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    it collapses aro#n% him As the %#st settles, &or#s t#rns aro#n% to regar% a please% Pieay

    Horus:KI am Horu( Warmater o, Chao2 I )o& to !o!e )ut $ord o, &ar2 Where my)$ade ,a$$( death ,o$$o&2 Where my )$ade poi!t@ $eio! co!-uer2 7ar# ha my dream)ee! o, $ate( ,i$$ed &ith mora$ va$ue a!d ,ami$y.,rie!d$y e!tertai!me!t2 No $o!er &i$$

    thi p$aue my domai!5 The rim dar#!e o, the ,ar ,uture ha$$ retur!( )y mycomma!d5L

    There is silence, as eeryone stan%s in AW0 at this AW04O01044

    Ferrus:K7ude 222 *******0 a&eome 222L

    3ertura.o:KWay to poi$ the mome!t 8erru 222 &ay to poi$ the mome!t 222L

    = = = = = = ***CHAPTER EI1HTY THREE*** = = = = = = =

    The Primarchs stan% #nite% in the gar%ens o( Pie ay's a)o%e, la#ghing an% >o2ing with

    each other in a manner not seen since they stoo% #nite% )e(ore the 0mperor's Palace atthe height o( the reat +r#sa%e .)e(ore )#ggering o(( (or pia an% copio#s amo#nts o(alcohol/

    Aerith:KTea a!yo!e% Nice &arm her)a$ tea5L

    Horus:racio#sly accepts one (rom the tray she carries DWhy tha!# you my dear( Iha$$ e!4oy thi imme!e$yL
