The Aliya Update · The Aliya Update Uplifting & Upcoming News from Yeshiva Darchei Aliya Dec. 20,...

The Aliya Update Uplifting & Upcoming News from Yeshiva Darchei Aliya Dec. 20, 2018 י ב טבת, תשע ט פרשת ויחיVol. 2 Issue 13 DEALING WITH BEHAVIOR THE APD WAY If we look hard enough, we will inevitably find an underlying cause behind an attention-seeking behavior, an outburst, the refusal to work, or a fight with a peer. This is accomplished by asking questions. Is the work too easy or too hard? Is something outside of the classroom bothering him? Is someone bothering him? Is he currently struggling academically, socially, or emotionally? Is there a pattern as to when the behavior occurs? Does it happen with certain students? By certain subjects? What triggers the behavior? Once we gain a better understanding of any underlying cause, we can support the talmid in his area of need. We can also help him to set aside inappropriate behaviors and supplant them with appropriate alternatives. True story: Rav Pam zt”l was once proctoring a test in his yeshiva. He saw that one of his talmidim was copying answers from another student’s paper. His reaction? Calmly, he whispered in the talmid’s ear, “If you are having trouble understanding the questions, I will explain them to you.” This is a perfect example of not condoning a behavior but, at the same time, being patient and non-judgmental; guessing at its cause; and then offering the talmid help. Another story: Rav Wolbe zt”l was once made aware of a bochur in his yeshiva that was capturing bugs and torturing them to death. The Mashgiach engaged the bochur in conversation and discovered that the boy had never gotten past the premature death of his mother. The odd and inappropriate behavior was an expression of his emotional anguish. Rav Wolbe zt”l got the bochur the help he needed. Again, a beautiful example of caring instead of punishing; looking to decipher the underlying cause of a behavior; and then providing help. TO BE CONTINUED... Have a Wonderful Shabbos! Menahel’s Message A Weekly Column on the Topic of Al Pi Darko Chinuch Happy Birthday to... Yaakov Levine– 8 Teves Mazel Tov to ... Rabbi and Mrs. Borr Upon the birth of a son! May you see much nachas from him! Reminder December 24-26 No busses 4:00 PM dismissal All grades

Transcript of The Aliya Update · The Aliya Update Uplifting & Upcoming News from Yeshiva Darchei Aliya Dec. 20,...

Page 1: The Aliya Update · The Aliya Update Uplifting & Upcoming News from Yeshiva Darchei Aliya Dec. 20, 2018 ט“עשת ,תבט ב“י יחיו תשרפ Vol. 2 Issue 13 DEALING WITH

The Aliya Update Uplifting & Upcoming News from Yeshiva Darchei Aliya

Dec. 20, 2018

ט“ב טבת, תשע“י

פרשת ויחי

Vol. 2 Issue 13


If we look hard enough, we will inevitably find an underlying

cause behind an attention-seeking behavior, an outburst, the

refusal to work, or a fight with a peer. This is accomplished by

asking questions. Is the work too easy or too hard? Is something outside of the

classroom bothering him? Is someone bothering him? Is he

currently struggling academically, socially, or emotionally? Is

there a pattern as to when the behavior occurs? Does it happen

with certain students? By certain subjects? What triggers the

behavior? Once we gain a better understanding of any underlying cause,

we can support the talmid in his area of need. We can also help

him to set aside inappropriate behaviors and supplant them with

appropriate alternatives. True story: Rav Pam zt”l was once proctoring a test in his yeshiva.

He saw that one of his talmidim was copying answers from

another student’s paper. His reaction? Calmly, he whispered in

the talmid’s ear, “If you are having trouble understanding the

questions, I will explain them to you.” This is a perfect example of

not condoning a behavior but, at the same time, being patient

and non-judgmental; guessing at its cause; and then offering the

talmid help. Another story: Rav Wolbe zt”l was once made aware of a bochur

in his yeshiva that was capturing bugs and torturing them to

death. The Mashgiach engaged the bochur in conversation and

discovered that the boy had never gotten past the premature

death of his mother. The odd and inappropriate behavior was an

expression of his emotional anguish. Rav Wolbe zt”l got the

bochur the help he needed. Again, a beautiful example of caring

instead of punishing; looking to decipher the underlying cause of

a behavior; and then providing help. TO BE CONTINUED...

Have a Wonderful Shabbos!

Menahel’s Message A Weekly Column on the Topic of Al Pi Darko Chinuch

Happy Birthday to...

Yaakov Levine– 8 Teves

Mazel Tov to ... Rabbi and Mrs. Borr

Upon the birth of a son!

May you see much

nachas from him!


December 24-26

No busses

4:00 PM dismissal

All grades

Page 2: The Aliya Update · The Aliya Update Uplifting & Upcoming News from Yeshiva Darchei Aliya Dec. 20, 2018 ט“עשת ,תבט ב“י יחיו תשרפ Vol. 2 Issue 13 DEALING WITH

The Aliya Update ט‘‘פרשת ויחי תשע

Dear Parents, ש“עמו

What a wonderful week we had in YDA! :נפלאות הבורא

This week we learned about the season were in– winter! We learned what we

see, feel and wear this season. We had a great time working collaboratively

creating a huge snowman which we proudly hung on our bulletin board. We

discussed the נפלאות הבורא, how each snowflake looks different. Each one is

unique and special in it’s own beautiful way. We compared this to the boys in our

class how each of us is different and is good at different things. But when we all

respect each other and work b’achdus we become a beautiful class just like the

snow looks beautiful when it is all together. ( We also mentioned the power of a

group like a minyan…) Of course each individual is beautiful on his own as well.

We used this chance to say something special about each boy in our class. We

then enjoyed making our own unique snowflakes.

:עשרה בטבת

In conjunction with this theme, עשרה בטבת we discussed how being nice to each

other will help rebuild the המקדש בית . We discussed how special the בית המקדש

was and we are trying to do many mitzvos and have אהבת ישראל to rebuild it. We

talked about what happened on עשרה בטבת and why we fast. Mommy, please

keep those mitzva bricks coming in so we can visualize how our mitzvos build

the בית המקדש.

Preschool Morah Hindy Meisels

Cutting our own unique snowflakes Our winter bulletin board

Page 3: The Aliya Update · The Aliya Update Uplifting & Upcoming News from Yeshiva Darchei Aliya Dec. 20, 2018 ט“עשת ,תבט ב“י יחיו תשרפ Vol. 2 Issue 13 DEALING WITH

The Aliya Update ט‘‘פרשת ויחי תשע

Preschool Morah Hindy Meisels

Acting out the parsha

Working on the parsha project


We were all so excited to learn

the last פרשה in ספר בראשית and

have a very special siyum! The

boys enjoyed switching hands

like יעקב and to say המלאך הגואל.

We hope the boys will

internalize all the lessons we’ve

learned in ספר בראשית

and plan to review them many

times. חזק חזק ונתחזק !

Ezriel Goldfein on finishing !מזל טוב

the entire blue ספר הקריאה! Thank

you so much for the beautiful

homemade muffins in honor of the

May you continue shteiging !סיום

!מחיל אל חיל


This week we enjoyed reading various different books on winter. We laughed as we acted out the words of our snow chant again and again. TTO: I am a little teapot… I am a little snowman short and fat, Here are my buttons, here is my hat When the sun comes out, I can’t play, I just slowly melt away.

Page 4: The Aliya Update · The Aliya Update Uplifting & Upcoming News from Yeshiva Darchei Aliya Dec. 20, 2018 ט“עשת ,תבט ב“י יחיו תשרפ Vol. 2 Issue 13 DEALING WITH

The Aliya Update ט‘‘פרשת ויחי תשע

Preschool Morah Hindy Meisels

Ahron finger painting “snow” on a tree

Yehuda putting the right amount of buttons on the corresponding


Eliyahu working on a difficult multi-step math

snowman work

Dovi perfecting his pincer grasp and writing skills while tracing different

winter pictures

Ezriel, Aron, Dovi playing a snowman ‘bingo’ game

Shloimy ‘building’ snowflakes using q-tips and following a pattern

Enjoying work cycle, doing various different winter works in all areas.

Dipping the yadayim into yellow paint

The review game from י-א


This week we learned the little

young yud! We had a ball playing a א review game with yellow yarn. We -י

then had an amazing sensory

experience dipping our yadayim in

yellow paint and using it for our

parsha project.

Page 5: The Aliya Update · The Aliya Update Uplifting & Upcoming News from Yeshiva Darchei Aliya Dec. 20, 2018 ט“עשת ,תבט ב“י יחיו תשרפ Vol. 2 Issue 13 DEALING WITH

The Aliya Update ט‘‘פרשת ויחי תשע

Grade 1 Rabbi Miller

Dear Parents, ש“עמו ה“ב And !שלום עליכם we had a fun week with lots of learning and of course our favorite learning חומש!

ה“ב the boys are learning well! Areas of accomplishments for this week are: ברכת of טיישט We learned and discussed the :תפילה אשר נתן לשכוי בינה, שלא עשני גוי, שלא עשני עבד of השחר We reviewed the blue banner past tense :לשון תורהsuffixes. works enhancing קריאה Boys worked on :קריאהdifferent קריאה rules. Please make sure your son does his homework each night. .יז‘ new packet ,א‘- ט“ז We reviewed packets :מילים we learned this week are how one מצוות The :תרי“גshould be תמים– complete with ה‘ and not turn to other sources. לחבר, לדרש, לעונן לקסם,,לנחש . Timeline: We learned how we as a class of YDA

learning and living Hashem’s torah is in Hashem’s plan as ד“בס He will bring משיח very soon! אמן! script כתיב נכון א‘ The boys are finishing their :כתיבה

ב-א books. Work cycle: The boys are working with materials enhancing their skills bringing them to a new level. and גלות מצרים living in יעקב We learned about :פרשה

to be יעקב and how important it was that ברכת יעקבburied in י“א in the מערת המכפלה. פסוקים We of course reviewed our previous :חומשand learned the טיישט of ג“י-‘פסוקים ט of יום שלישי. Really it’s amazing that ה“ב the boys טיישט the פסוקים to rebbe! a few פרק א‘ פסוקים א‘-י“ג on גירסא We did : גירסאtimes over. עשרה בטבת We learned about the fast of :עניני דיומאabout עזרא הסופר, תלמי המלך, נבוכדנצר sending נבוזראדן to destroy the בית המקדש. We learned about צדקיהו .ירמיהו הנביא and מלך ישראלSongs: ...בלבבי משכן אבנה חזק חזק ונתחזק!

ן שבת,‘גוט י.א. מיללער‘ ר

Shimi working on his milim and shoroshim

Aron and Yosef Shalom working on yellow

banner suffixes

Avi working on yachid/rabbim zachar/nekeiva

Page 6: The Aliya Update · The Aliya Update Uplifting & Upcoming News from Yeshiva Darchei Aliya Dec. 20, 2018 ט“עשת ,תבט ב“י יחיו תשרפ Vol. 2 Issue 13 DEALING WITH

Dear Parents, ש“עמו

Teaching first grade is a lesson in אמונה. The first few months we’re busy

planting seeds; we’re learning routine, new concepts, teaching, and developing

skills. It’s weeks and even months of relentless practice and reinforcement. And

then somehow, it all comes together. You see a group of boys who through the

many independent skills they have painstakingly acquired, are now able to own

their knowledge. They can independently transition from one subject matter to

the next, understand instructions, ask for guidance, assist each other, and truly

be masters over themselves. They each determine the pace of their own

learning, and the level of independence that they can handle. The relationship

between the teacher/Rebbi and student is a matter of checks and balances,

rather than preacher/listener.

In math, the boys have completed the unit on ordinal numbers and are working

with double digits numbers and are now working until 20.They understand the

concept of digits, can look at a number and determine its amount in tens of units,

and can also compare numbers within 20.

They boys are working through their phonics books at a rapid, yet individual

pace. Some boys are finishing to practice the ‘Ruling Rs’, others are learning

about the different words and rules in multi-syllable words, while others yet are

reading chapter books and building vocabulary and comprehension skills

through that. Many boys have started the spelling /phonics program called

‘Words their Way’. It’s a separate program that reinforces the phonics rules that

they have learned.

The boys are doing a ‘Sentence of the Day’ which reinforces handwriting,

phonics/spelling as well a s basic grammar rules they have been introduced to.

The level of responsibility here is individual determined according to each

students stamina and/or academic level. The boys have also learned more

science and map skills, but more about that next week.

Have a wonderful Shabbos. Morah Posner

The Aliya Update ט‘‘פרשת ויחי תשע

Grade 1 Morah Posner

Page 7: The Aliya Update · The Aliya Update Uplifting & Upcoming News from Yeshiva Darchei Aliya Dec. 20, 2018 ט“עשת ,תבט ב“י יחיו תשרפ Vol. 2 Issue 13 DEALING WITH

The Aliya Update ט‘‘פרשת ויחי תשע

Grade 2 Rabbi Sabbagh

Dear Parents, ש“עמו

Some of our accomplishments this week:

!Davening is something to be proud of in this class :תפילה

.every day of the week פרק on a גירסא We did :גירסא

We worked on writing script letters neatly and :ּכתיבה

clearly and we focused on perfecting the script letter ל‘ .

In חומש: Working through פרק כ“א this week.

Each boy studied a packet of 12 words each day :מילים

with Rabbi Rietti’s cards. In addition, they reviewed the

previous day’s words with a quick domino review.

.Practice is the key to succeed in reading fluently :קריאה

These boys are practicing daily.

We learned through the whole parsha with the :פרשה

wonderful new book that summarizes each pasuk. We

went through the picture cards as well.

All the skills the boys have developed are :לשון התורה

really coming to life when we learn לשון התורה.

Each boy gets a packet of ten mitzvos every day is :תרי“ג

tested and reviews the ten mitzvos received the day


Timeline: Uncovered the sixth layer of many layers of the

timeline. This has been so amazing, it makes the Torah so

real and tangible. We learned all about the history of the

fast and watched a short video presentation that brought

.to life עשרה בטבת

Good Shabbos,

Rabbi Sabbagh

Hillel and Moshe davening beautifully

Enjoying the recess break

Page 8: The Aliya Update · The Aliya Update Uplifting & Upcoming News from Yeshiva Darchei Aliya Dec. 20, 2018 ט“עשת ,תבט ב“י יחיו תשרפ Vol. 2 Issue 13 DEALING WITH

The Aliya Update ט‘‘פרשת ויחי תשע

Grade 2 Miss Tenenbaum

Dear Parents, ש“עמו

A peek into the second grade classroom…

Let’s take a look at our daily schedule. We love routine, so this is how we

begin our day:

We start with perfecting our handwriting, specifically numbers, and we

are making tremendous strides! Then we take a walk to our colorful

calendar. After filling in the date and singing our song, we sharpen our

brains with five minutes of Mental Math. Then we begin our new math

lesson of the day. We began a new chapter in math this week on the topic

of measurements. Once we understood the concept of measures, we

understood the need for an appropriate measurement tools. We began

discussing meters and centimeters, measuring our desks in centimeters

and our classroom using meters!

Math is over so we need to rejuvenate with a few minute break of fresh

air, and a healthy game of soccer! Refreshed, we come back to class,

bright and eager to learn again. After recess, we have a varied schedule,

which makes it all the more exciting! For example this week, on Monday

we reviewed rules of subjects and predicates in a sentence and usage

rules. We also had quiet sustained reading. When each of us delighted in

our own book. We then went on to map skills where we learned how to

read a map using a key on the bottom. On Wednesday, we discussed the

difference between main ideas and details; and worked on our reading

comprehension. Thursday we worked on Phonics in “Words Their Way,”

with long and short “a” sounds. We also learned “News on the Run!” We

love learning current events and we try to apply the news to our lives.

When we learned about the man who returned the wallet, and discussed

“Hashovas Aveida.” We also learned about “Chesed” when we read about

the man who gave up his first class seat on a plane to a mom and her

sickly baby!

The last eight minutes of our chock–full day is dedicated to clean up,

(because we cannot learn properly in a dirty classroom), packing up, and

if we work quickly, we still have a few minutes to hear a fascinating book

being read! After that we are ready for dismissal.

Glad to share our daily schedule with all of you!

Have a Great Shabbos,

Miss Tenenbaum

Shaya working on reading comprehension

Lazer working on spelling words

Momo measuring with paper clips

Playing a fun math game

Page 9: The Aliya Update · The Aliya Update Uplifting & Upcoming News from Yeshiva Darchei Aliya Dec. 20, 2018 ט“עשת ,תבט ב“י יחיו תשרפ Vol. 2 Issue 13 DEALING WITH

The Aliya Update ט‘‘פרשת ויחי תשע

Dear Parents, ש“עמו


We’re finally coming to an end of chapter two! This week we

finished off by working on more complicated problem-solving

examples. We had the boys practice until they were familiar

with the concept. We also had a review on the whole chapter to

prepare us for the math test that will take place next week.


For the letter ‘j’ we enjoyed a treat from ‘J’erusalem . Then the

boys perfected their script letters. For the letter ‘p’ we had

Shlomo give out delicious chocolate ‘pillows’ and then the boys

got the ‘privilege’ to ‘play’ ‘ping pong’ in Morah timing.


A real globe was brought into our classroom. The boys were

able to see the difference between a globe, map, and satellite

image. We reviewed the signs on a compass (N, S, W, E ) and

what they stand for. We played a game to help them remember

where each direction is in real life.


We keep practicing the strategy of main idea and details . This

way the boys will have an easier time summarizing a story.

They will be able to differentiate what is a main idea and not get

stuck in all of its details.

Good Shabbos, Miss Jacobowitz

Grade 3 Miss Jacobowitz

Ari with the treat

from Jerusalem

Learning social studies

Playing ‘ping pong’

Shlomo introducing

the letter ‘p’

Page 10: The Aliya Update · The Aliya Update Uplifting & Upcoming News from Yeshiva Darchei Aliya Dec. 20, 2018 ט“עשת ,תבט ב“י יחיו תשרפ Vol. 2 Issue 13 DEALING WITH

The Aliya Update ט‘‘פרשת ויחי תשע

Intermediate Boys Rabbi Touretski

Dear Parents, ש“עמו

B”H we had another productive week of

learning in our IB class!

In חומש: We are advancing in פרשת תזריע.The

boys are learning about the סימני טומאה of


In משניות: The boys are doing חזרה on the third

is מסכתא That part of the .מסכת סוכה of פרק

talking about various דינים of the מינים‘ ד .

Our work cycle period keeps going strong.

The boys get to choose which skill they will be

working upon every day. In the end of the

period they record their work in the special

Achrayus Log.

I would like to thank everyone for their

generous gifts and beautiful notes. May we

continue to see much nachas from the boys.

Looking forward to another exciting week,

ה“בעז .

Gut Shabbos,

Rabbi Touretski Working on

chumash sheets

Page 11: The Aliya Update · The Aliya Update Uplifting & Upcoming News from Yeshiva Darchei Aliya Dec. 20, 2018 ט“עשת ,תבט ב“י יחיו תשרפ Vol. 2 Issue 13 DEALING WITH

The Aliya Update ט‘‘פרשת ויחי תשע

Upper Boys Rabbi Gildengorn

Dear Parents, ש“עמו

It’s been just a blast of a week! It has been an eventful week with the boys hard at work

learning תורה. “Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual

from the successful one is a lot of hard work.” – Anonymous In גמרא: We continued to plunge deeper into the beautiful depths of מסכת מכות in פרק אלו הן

ר“זרק אבן לרה on סוגיא We have just finished with the .הגולין on דף ח‘ . What is the level of

negligence to be considered a אשפה? What is the חידוש of “סותר כותלו”? How does an

-Ask our up-and ?הלכה evaluate the balance necessary for ר' פפא help? How does אשפה

coming למדים.

In מסילת ישרים:We have continued our exploration of 'פרק א. We discussed the ever

important ideas: Why did 'ה create עולם הבא before עולם הזה? What is the purpose of

the מצוות? Where is our opportunity to do the מצוות? Do we prioritize a corridor? Ask

our future בעלי מוסר about the beautiful משל about the island of jewels.

In הלכה: The have been working tirelessly in combing through the הלכות of תענית and שבת.

Ask our boys about: What are the הלכות of a 1 :תענית דיבור) Who fasts? 2) When does the fast

start? 3) May one wash on a fast? 4) May one brush one’s teeth on a fast? 5) What is the קריאת

?effected by a fast תפילה What is the rule for medications? 7) How is (6 ?התורה

Have a great שבת!

Rabbi Moshe Gildengorn

Enjoying a special breakfast for our shacharis program

the boys have begun ברוך ה'

developing in תפילה. It is my pleasure

to say that both by ,שחרית and מנחה our

boys made an outstanding 'קידוש ה.

Each one davened beautifully trying to

connect to the רבונו של עולם in his own

way. A few people even came over to

me after to compliment how our boys

behaved. 'ברוך ה we have begun

building our second pillar of עבודה.

May we be זוכה to see our efforts

produce fine בני תורה!

Page 12: The Aliya Update · The Aliya Update Uplifting & Upcoming News from Yeshiva Darchei Aliya Dec. 20, 2018 ט“עשת ,תבט ב“י יחיו תשרפ Vol. 2 Issue 13 DEALING WITH

The Aliya Update ט‘‘פרשת ויחי תשע

Dear Parents, ש“עמו

Melamed Academy is loaded with different

subjects each offering a unique learning

experience. In order to familiarize you with what

the children are learning and share the boys

experiences we will be interviewing one boy

each week on a topic that he has covered. This

week, we will be taking a look at typing with Avi


Avi is one of the top in the class when it comes to

typing. Typing is a crucial skill to have when

dealing with computers. Therefore, we instituted

that the first 15 minutes of the day is dedicated to

building the boys typing skills.

“There is a real fun program that develops the

typing skills one letter at a time. It starts out with

a video for each lesson that explains exactly how

and where to place your fingers. Next, you

practice and at all times there is a keyboard with

a set of virtual hands showing you how to move

around. The program keeps track of your words

per minute, accuracy percentage and how long

you’ve spent typing. The boys are always setting

records for themselves and the raising the bar by

beating their high score.”

-Based on an interview with Avi Blush.

Melamed Academy Rabbi Sabbagh