THE Aitorney-at-La- F. GRAY IW · I anil 2, pa3t...

THE COMMONWEALTH TIIOM - . UKf.K.V, Kdllor. To Members of the Legislature Extra copies of the Duilu Common weuti, put up in wrappers, ready foi mailing, will be furnislied at Scents each, and extra copies of the Wtekh put up in wrappers at 4 cents each. i Gentlemen wishing extra copies of eith er the Daily or Weekly will please leave tin Ir orders beforehand Ht this office, 01 with John M. Todd, in the H. R.. or 0 W. Lkwi, in the Striate, Reporters foi this paper. Orders for the Weekly musi be left by Saturday evejing of each week. as it is puolislied on Monday; and for the Daily the day hefure the publication ol tlie paper which is wanted. J3T Extra copies of this paper contain ing the Governor's Message, can be fur- - nialietl to those who wish them at 2 cents each. The Frankfort Commonwealth FOR THIS SESSION OF THE LEGISLATURE Daily, .... 81' 5n Weekly. .... 76 Six copies of Daily for 7 60 Ten copies of Dily for 12 00 Twenty copies of Daily for 20 00 And for any larger number than twenty at same rate. five copies of Weekly for - $3 00 len cupits of Weekly for' - - 5 Ou Denlh of I.iuii Boyd. On Momliiy evening a telesrauliiu ili?murh n. nounced the dirnih uf iliU geiuK m n, ihe Lieut. uovciuor ol tlie btiite, and on veslerdat butli branches of the State Leciniature Bonified ihi, respect for the memory of the departed by pass ing nppropnate resolution, and then aclionrn lug. We feel that it would be unbecoming in ut to comment disparagingly upon the character of ihe deceased, but hia eulogy must be epoken and written by unotlier. A number of Senators and Representatives have creditably discharged this dutv, and to their remarks, which will be found among our Legislative reports, we invite me uttentiou of our readers. By the death oi uoi. unvd, I hos. F. Porter becomes the Lieut Governor of Keiituckv. CT The resolutions offered in the Senate, on last Saturday, by Mr. Alkxandeb. are of a char acter to merit the upprobaiiou of everv national patriotic citizen of the State, and we cannoej choose hut believe tiiat they represent the true sentiments ot a largo majority of Kcntiickians Expressing the abhorrence generally entertained Ol the mad schema of John Brown and his asso eiates, they at the tame time condemn the South eru slave tridlng ecessionists; avonicig the unswerving attachment ol Kentucky to the Union of Slates, they piouiise that the people of our beloved Con, nx.nwialili will dlpcountenanco all atteu pis to alienate the different sections ol Our cuiumon country. It is eminently appropri- ate that such lesolutlons should be pasacd bv a Kentucky Legislature. Breathing the patriotic ardor which characterized our councils during the period when our Stale was governed bv treat mi n, thcv form a manly and cheering contrast to me pueille ravines ol senseleM demagogues ol which we he ucintlj read mid heard enough to and nauseam any but the most treu tunable stomach. Notice to ihe Publio! TlitfATPiK. On ing to some unaccountable rea- son, (puhaps the weather,; the Orchestra en- gaged by the niaiiHgtrs of the Theatre Jailed Id anive luM evening according to agreement. W idling to open with entire satislactiuu to the public, they have deemed it advisable to postpone their opening uutil they do arrive, which will surely be some day this week. IlAKKY CHAPMAN, SAM. ORAKK. X7" A letter from Col. IIoloks requests us to expiess his gratitude to those members ol the Gentiul Ammbly whosuppoited him for Pub lie Piliiur, oiid to sav to each one of them that heir kindness will be lemembered by him tnruugh life. AffFMBi.T Ball. Let no one forget the As- sembly Ball, at the Capital Hotel tonight. It will inaugurate the gayety of the season, and every endeavor will be made to render it a bi ll liant affair. A number of the Kentucky belles are already here and more are coming. Strauss will also be on hand, and Campbell Steele at- tends to the supper a sufficient guarantee of an excellant repast. ETThe highly Improved Brazilian Pebblk Spectacles, which are now to be had at Harris' Gallery, over the PostofGcc, arc really an Im- provement on human vision ; and we advise those that lail to see with convenience to call on Mr. Sincere, the well recommended and skillful Op- tician. Ho is the man who will do you good. Don't miss a rare chance, as Mr. Sinceiik's stay iu our community is but for one davs. ;CTThe use ol Dr. Hosts" tter'h Stomach Bit- ters fur Dyspepsia, Flatulence, Heaviness of the Stomach, or any other like affection, Is sec ond to none iu America or abroad. To be able to state confidently that the "Bitters" are a cer tain cure for dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprk'toi'8 a source of unalloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter from the stomach, purifies tin; blood, imparts renewed vitality to ihe nervous system, giving it that tone and energy so indispensable for the restoration of health. The numerous acknowledgments of lis superior excellence and beneficial results, have assured the proprietors that it cannot but prove a great cure to the afflicted, and impart vitality to the thorough system. See advertisement in auollier column. He 'hat escapes reprehension, may suspect h' adoption. Uod bad one Sou without corruption, but no son without correction. Decision of the Court of Appeals. Reported expressly for the Comntonventik br Jona Al. Brows, Aitorney-at-La- r'rankfort, Ky. VVinbsor, 4c vs From the Daviess Circuit Court. McAtee. This was a proceeding, by petition, in this County Court, by Catharine Windsor an infant under fourteen ihiouuh her next friend, to her guardian The guatdian resisted the pplication The County Court refused to re move him, and the Circuit Court, on appeal, at tinned the order of the County JuuVe. From that judgment of affirmance the Infant has ap pea led. It appears that the father of appellant died in testate, leaving a widow and two daughters Catharine and Susan, both of them under four teen years of age and also a considerable es tate consisting of land, slaves and personal property; that his widow was appointed adminis tralilx of his estate, and her brother, C. Rile at Her instance, guardian for ber children. A! o tlmr., now long afterwards, the widow inter married with MeAti . . and a short time thereaf ter, having indue- .er brother to resign his trust as guardian, McAlee was appointed in his tead. After this the mother of the infants died Hid In the course of a few months McAtee mar tied unotlier lady, in no wise related to his ward or their friends. Upon the death of their moih er, the wards went to reside with their own k ired. Susan, the elder sister, being then four teen years of age, (.elected her uncle. Win. Ri ley, as her guardian. It further appears that McAtee asserted claim is survivor of his former wife, to personalty and other propertv which the infants claim as pari f their deceased father's estate, of w hich estate there had been no distribution, division or settl ment made by him or his wife as administratrix, Hid that ho had not, as guardian, filed an iuven tory ot his wards' estate within sixty davs alter his appointment, as required by law; and this e idence conduces to show that It would be to th interest of the infants that their estate, which was joint and undivided, should be under the control of oue rather than of two persons. Judge Stites delivered the opinion of the Court. The question in this case Is, whether a remov al of the guardian was not eminently proper and whether the County Judge ought not, in the exercise of a sound discretion, to have made an order to that effect. uur ground relu-- on Ihat is, the failure ol the guardian to fiie an inventory of his wards estate within sixty days after his appointmen- t- was, of Itself, sufficient to have justified such an order. The Revised Statutes, chapter 43, art. 3, sees. I anil 2, pa3t 374, impose this duty upon every statutory guardian, and provide that, for failure to comply with it. he man he But conceding that this negluct did not, ol itself, imperatively demand the removal of tlu uardian, the other facts presented, when consid ered therewith being the case clearly within the 1th sic of 1st art. of the chapter, supra, Rev Stat. 373, which declares that Who tt il rril :i ell n it hall have become insane, move out of the State, become incapable of discharging the duties of ins trust, or evidently unsutitd therefor, the court. Iter notice, may remove him," &c. T he reasons which superinduced the removal of the first guardian and the appointment ol cAtee, viz. , the relation of step father, and the necessity and propriety of the daughters being with and under the control of her mother, his 'ormer wile, no longer exist. So far as the ecord shows, there are no ties of relationship, no motive or obligation, save those imposed by the stipulations of his boud, to prompt or incite the guardian to rear his ward in such manner as her estate and position require or would justify. Consanguinity and relationship are important considerations in the appointment of uuardians. I he law recognizing the familiar truth, that in fant! and their interests are safer ill the hands ol elativea than strangers, make l cm control iu the order of precedence prescribed lor the action of County Courts. The fact that there was no consanguinity or tie of relationship between the guardian aud aid furnishes, ol Itself, no sufficient reason to move him, alter he had been appointed, but he having assumed nu attitude, and asserted claim hostile to the interest of his ward, the fact that ho as a stranger In blood, tends to (unify the con elusion that he had become "evidently uusult for a faithful discharge of his duties as guardian, aud unfit for the pjsitiou. The law makes it the duty of a guardian to look after and protect all the iutetests of his ward, aud condemns the acquirement of any ght by him inconsistent with this duty. He annot serve himself aud his ward, when their interests conflict. In view then of the neglect of appellee to nder an inventory of his ward's estate, as re quired by law ot his altitude as an adverse aiiuant of rights inconsistent with her interest, iind the peculiar circumstances attending his ap- poiniment our conclusion is that he was evi dently unsuited to discharge the duties of guar- an lor appellant, and should therefore have been removed. Wherefore, the judgment of the Circuit Court (firming the order of the County Court is reversed and the cause remanded, w iih directions to revise said order, and send the case back to the otiuty Couit, with an order directing the re moval of appellee as guardian of appellant. CTWo would particularly call the attention of our readers to a remedy known as McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier. It is certainly a valuable remedy. We therefore-sa- all, call at the agent's, and test for yourselves its intrinsic merits. It is delieious to take. We ask our lady readers to try it. See the advertise ment in another column. The vear IfcCS, has been noted in England for hotter weather in July than has been recorded since 1771, the average of the mouth having been degrees, more than 6) degrees above the usual mean. 1 he maximum in the shade was S i degrees, and in London, iu the sun, 1411 rees. 1 he present year has also had colder ealher in October than had been pieviously no ted dining upward of lot ty years, having fallen as in as degrees, i lie greatest Cold nrevi ly registered since 1M9 was 24. b' degrees. ctobcr, ib5U, lias also shown the grcuie-t- t de ee ot heat (i.o degrees; ever recoided du nig that nionin. 1 nere was also a considerable 11 ol snow in the noilh ol ingiand, aud in oiluiid and Ireland, aud ice halt an inch thick '1 h- tales of wind have also neen veiy Wvlent, mounting to hurricanes and even tornadoes at sea, aud the dam ige to vessels and the loss of life have been distressingly great. Another Manifesto frim GflriLn i1 , Sec. The Corriere Mercantile publishes the follow- ing proclamation, issued by Gen. Garibaldi on his arrival at Genoa: TO Mr COMPANIONS IN ASMS IN CENTRAL ITALT. Let not my temporary absence cool your ar- dor lor the holy cause that we defend Iu separating myself liom you whom 1 love as the representatives of a sublime idea the ideaol Italian deliverance I nm excited and sad; but consolation comes in the cei tainty thai 1 shall very Soon be among you again, to aid you in finishing the work so gloriously begun. For vou, as for me, Ihe gieatest of all nossi hie mislorimies would be not to be present nhercver there is righting fur Italy. Young men who have sworn to be faithlul to Italy aud to the chief who will lead you to victory, lay not dow n your aims; remain firm at you post continue your exercises peiscvere iu the sol dier's discipline. The truce will not last long; old diplomacy seems but little disposed to see things as they really are. Diplomacy still luuks upon you as the handful of malcontents which she has been accustomed to despise. S,e Ju.,, no knuw that in you there are Ihe elements ot a great nation, ami that in jour free and independent hearts there germinate the seeds of a wolrd-wid- e revo lutiou if our lights shall not be recognized, and if the people will not allow us to be masters iu our oft n home. We desite to invade no foreign soil; let us re- main unmolested on our own. Whosoever at- tempts to gainsay this, our determination, will find that we will never be slaves, unless they succeed in crushing by force an entire people ready to die lor liberty. But, even should we all fail, we sh all bequenh to lulure generations a legacy of hatred and veil geance against foreign domination; the ioheri lance of each of our sons will be a rifld ami the consciousne-- s of his rights; and, by the bless tng of Uod, the oppressor will never sleep soundly. Italians, I say again, do not lay down your arms; rally more closely than ever to your chiefs, and maintain the strictest discipline. Feliuw citizens, let not a man in Italy omit to contiibute his mite to the national subscription; let not one lail to clean his gun, so as to be ready perh ips to obtain by force lliat which to day they hesitate to grant to our just rights. GARIBALDI. Genoa, Nov. 2, 1S5. THE FRENCH EXPEDITION TO CHINA ORDER OF THE Day of the commander. The General Commanding in Chief of the French expeditionary corps to China has issued the lollow ing order of the dav: Officers and Soldiers: Under the protection of Is'apoleon 111, and of France, you are called on to unuertaKe a remote and glorious expedi non. i our mission win not oe to adj a new conquest to all those which have illustrated rriuice. You ure going to show, by strict d cipline, to numerous populations, that you are not me barbarians they think you are, as you win prove oy your wariiKe ardor the superiority of your courage. For the second time your standard will unite wall the flig, and tins union will be an omen of victory, as ihat of the two peoples is a pledge of peace to the entire world. Your task is strand and noble to li.llill, but the success is assured by your devo lion to the Emperor and to France. Some dav on returning lo the mother country, vou wil say with pride to your fellow citizens, that you have borne the national fltr into countries wherein immoral Rome, at ihe time of her great ness, never dreamt ol penetrating with her le gions. His Majesty, in bi slowing on me the honor of commanding vou in chiel, has done me a great favor, lor which I cannot better show my rautiiue man in occupung mvselt wuhprovid UK lor all your wants with constant care. Let the day of battle come, and you may rely on me as 1 rely upon vou. ami we will injure vie inry io the cries of Vice 1" Empereur! Vive la franct!' COUSIN DE MONTAUBAN Head quarters at Paris. SPAIN Maohiii, Saturday, Nov. 2G Yesterday more than4,t)Uit Moors attacked tor the third time the redoubt belore Serolla, and were repulsed. I heir ueleat was complete. 1 he bpanish troops tioweu great oraverv during this eiiL'aement he expedition iry corps d'armct is crossinir the fttrans; Iresh regiments have disembarked at Leuta. The bank of Barcelona has offered the Spanish government an advance of 5,0t 0,UU0 reals with out interest lor all the time the war with Moroc co micht last. Advices have been received from Constantino ple to the 2 id inat. D iring ihe last six d ns a torm of unparallelled violence had prevailed iu the buxine Sea. All the vessels out at sea were iiiven on shore, and abuuteightv have been lost Ihe coast Is strewed wlih wrecks and dead bodies The inhabitants of these inhospitable snores Have stripped lite survivors of the wre ks if their personal tnupiriy. Tuj; steamers have been sent lo the Black ea, In order to render Assistance, in ihe recuverv of property. COURT OF APPEALS. Tuksdav. Deo. 20, 1S59. CAUSES PKCIUEO. Mattingly v Bosley, Washington ; reversed. Packard v Northcialt's adru'r. Marion: revers ed Nail's heirs v Higgs, McLean affirmed. Bush et al v Haegard, Clarke: reversed as to Abner and aiSuned as lo Bush. Ballingall v Buckler et al, Nicholas; affirmed. Balliugall v McCarty, Nicholas; ufTiiniud. Ballingall v Berry, Nicholas; affirmed. Cord v Porler, Fleming; utlirmed. Cord V llariiaou, Fleming; affirmed. ORDERS. Jackson v Drysart, Garrard: petition for re hearing overruled. Corbiu et ux v Commonwealth, Fayette; Deti lion lor rehearing overruled. hmory W hunker, bsq., of Maysvillo. admit ted attorney in this Court. Lee v Calvert etal, Fleming: Williams v Te'ry, Fleming; Mckeits v Wilson, Fleming; Jane (of color) v Prather's adm'r, Fleming; Bright v Dickey et al, Fleming; Cochran v Fouoett, Fleming were argued. Minsatt v Cook, Marion; argument concluded by Marshall lor appellant. New York, Dec. 19. The bank statement for the week eudinz Sat urday, ihe l"ih, shows an increase of loans t97d, 000, increase of specie ibiO.OOn, an increase of icpositsol JVlo.UUU, a decrease in circulation ol $3rt,U01l. By the arrival at this port of the bark Rest less, from Santa Mnrcha, Nov. 2a, we learn that it battle was daily expected at Barraouilla be tween the lorce under Gen. Nieto, of the Liberal party, and General Posada, of the cito of Barra quilla, the latter being in possession of that place. business was at a stand sull. The Union meeting took place this evenintr at the Academy of Music. There was an immense attendance, said lo be 3(J,0U0 persons. Kesolulions were adopted nominating Gen Scott for the Presidency. Treasurv Notes. The Secretary of the Treasury announces that proposals will be re ceived until the 27ih inst lor the issue of any portion or the whole of three millions of dol rs in treasury notes in exchange for irold coin of the United States said treasury notes to bo exchanged at the lowest rate of interest, and uot to exceed six per cent, per annum. BARGAIN! nAVUG mane an arrangcmunl for a difTarcnl Uesiro to suit my Confectionery and Variety Store. Any person to liiyest a small capital in a pay-li- ii basiness will consult his Interest by upplicatlou to me directly 1 will satisfy any oue that It v ,yt (. Dee. Su, i8S-3- t. J. K. WAlSuK. SPECIAL NOTICES, I. O. O. F. riitrnix I, edge, No. 28, I. O. O. F., Meets at their Hall, on St. Clair Mreet, over Page, Gaines & Pace's Grocery Store, In the Third Riory, every Tuesday Evening, at 7 o'clock. members In good Stan. ling are fraternally Invited to atleml. En- trance to lliu Hall, one door below Puge, Irulces 4 Page's Grocery Store. By or ler of the Lodge. I ec. 2, lSaC-d- s. .lOHN VV. PRUETT, Sec'y. MASONIC NOTICE. Hiram Lode, io. 4, meets on the Second and Fvurtk Monday F.ecmnjra in each month, al 7 o'ekefr, P. M., In their fo'lgo room iu Ilia Third Slory over Page, Galuej & Page's Grocery More, adjoining the Com. inonweahh Office, oil Saint Clair Street. Mumtinrs ol' Hie I.ogUlaiuro who are Masons, and other visiting Brethren, are cor.lially invllud lo alleud the meetings. B) ordor of the l.odga Dec 8, 1853-l- f. G. W. LEWIS, Secretary. LUMBER YARD. Wo haveugalu cjlablislio,! aLuinber Yard iu Prank fort, on the lot at the Iniersacilon of Wasiiisoto.i aiiJMuo STBtii, where will be kept, at all times, a full ussorlmenl ol Poplar, Oak, Ah and Walnut Lum- ber, whirh will ba nold upou reasonable terms for Calk. uecJ, I8a9. .1. s. & l. E. HAKVIK. PAGE. GAINES & PAGE Would again beg leave to the attention of the pub- lic lo their large Fall Importation of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, whlcli, Id point of variety, richness and neatness of Style, caunot be excelled, condjlingla part of Plaid slid ClieuaSilk, Itobes, Foulard Silks, l a, lataiu Kobes for Evening Urassas, Plain and Flgured'de Lainas, French and .Swbi Muslins, Jaconets, Cambrics, Tarlclaius, Va- lencia?, Plaid Muhalr, Stolla, Bjystale and Shetland Wool SliawU Velvet Cloaks, snperiorto any bHore of. fered In tnlj city, Sliirtlinrs, Table Damasks, Towels, Uuscys, Jeans, Cassiueu, Cloths, Cassiineres, Plaid Cotton; Welch, Sbaker,and all Itindsof Flannels; a large assortment of Gnis aud Ladies Underwear; a full s ock of Gents, Ladies and Misses Hosiery; a fuil assortment of Gloves, Fans, Hop Skirts, Velvet Taffe- ta aud .Satiu Ribbons, and Li ilea Goods of every descrip- tion. QUEEXSWARE AND GLASSWARE now od hand, and in daily receipt of every description, and tbo largest stock ever before offered in this market, at low tjgures. A Large Lot ofTliA TRAY'S. We will continue to receive Goods throughout the season of the choicest and most desirable styles. All of which we will sell low for Cash, or lo prompt buyers on terms. PAGE, GAIXKS & PAGE. jrUVe also continue to keep on band a choice se- lection of all kinds or family Groceries, Alo, Flour Hardwar-- A c. Fanners will also Iind a good assortment of farming Implements aud as we are the Agonlso)' several Man- ufactures we en and will soil at Factory Prices for Cash, freight added. PAGE, GAI.NES & PAGE. September 12, 1&5U. Private Boarding. Two or Three Members of the Legisla- ture can be accommodated wilh rooms and boarding by application to O. W. LEWI3, At Commonwealth Office. Frankfort, Nov. 28, 1859. ICPJUII.N W. PKUETT is authorized to collect all claims due me in the County of Franklin and City ol Frankfort. I have alio placed In Mr. Pruelt's hands many uotes due me by porsons living in and ut of die Slate of Kentucky. a. G. HODGES. REMOVAL. XI. . JTL ZJ "5T .A. IW Mas removed his store two doors above his old etand. He Is sullluit his Good, we are Informed, at the lowest rats for tas k dorn. Give him a call. We wo said before, Runan Is all rlnt. Fiaiikfnrt, "ov H, JS59. GIVE Mli A CALL! JOHN T. ROBERTS, Agent, St. L'lalr Street. Frankrort, Ky., DtlALEIl IN Fine Groceries, Confectionaries, Fruits, Toys, Bottled liquors. Tobacco, Segars, &c. FRESH BREAD EVERY MORNING. FilLSll B.tLTlJIUUli OYSTEKS Received daiiy during ihe season. MY STOCK is lull and coinpleio. I hope to receive a liberal patronage from my friends and die public. Frankfort, Oct 19. If. MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS!! MRS. F. T. LYONS ct CO., Snint Clair Street, Frankfort, Ky., Have ja st received and opened a full aud largo assort- ment of Fashionable Falland Winter Millinery Goods. The new stock embraces Cloaks, Points, Bonnets, Ribbons, Caps, 6.C., dec, all of the lalel styles and fashions. Oon'tsond to Louisville or Lexington when you can gel what jo j Want equally as elegant and tar cheaper al home. Call aud sea. Mas. P. T LYoNS & CO. irpAlso Agents for WHEELER & WILSOS'S Un rivaled Sowing Machines. "et. 14, 1359. II. WH1TTINUHAM, IVEWSPAPEli & PERIODICAL AGENT, FRA.YKFORT, KCJVTUCKr, Continues to furnish American and Foreign Weeklies, Monthlies, and Quarterlies, on the best terms. Advance Sheets received iroio twtniy-fou- r Publishers. Back numbers supplied to complete sets. Novemi-e- i!4, 1658. Metcalfe's "Kentucky Reports," Vol.1, Just ready aDd for sale bv KEENO.N Si CKUTCHER, Booksellers, Frankfort, Ky. Price $5. Persons at adlstauce, iuclosin the price, will have the work forwarded to them ty mail, postage paid. August 22, I8fr-t- r. New Stylo of Hats. Philadelphia Fall stjle of Gentlemen's SILK. HATS, Justopened. Got the best at S. C. BULL'S Book and Shoe Store. September 2, 159. Metcalfe's "Xentucky Reports," VOLUME 1. PKICE 55. We will send the 1st Volume of Metcalfe's Hcportsby mail, postage paid, to any one who may wish 11, ou re- ceipt of $5. A. G. HODGES & CO.. Aug. 24,lHii. Com'th Office, FranUforl , Ky. THE 1ST VOLUME OF TI1K KENTUC K Y FA R M E It , ewed and bound with Muslin Backs aud Siiff Paper Covers, can be had at this oflico at SI per copy. Sep. 2, 5D. A. G. HOUGhS & CO. Louisville and Frunkfoi I and Lexiiiston and 1'rniil.loit Ituilroad. rasTS tm emm )hMA 0 rl and after :Mon.lav , December 19, 169, trains will leaVM Frai.klorl as'lollows: Ti alns going fust at 9.S1I. A. M.,and 5:55. P.M. Trains going West al 7:511, A. M , and 3:35. P. .M. For lunber luf irmation please call at the Station Agent's Oulce, Krankf .it. SAMUEL GILL, Superintendent. Do. 16, 1850-- tf. jrjvaouian oopy. WILLIAM H CRAV, JAHIta M. TODD. GRAY 8c TODD, DEALERS IN FINE GROCERIRS, PUB.E OLD WHISKY, Cijara, Tobacco, Preserves, FRUITS, PICKLES. TOYS, CONFECTIONERIES, &C, 4&C, WAI.V STREET, FRAARFOHT, RY. November 28, 1E59. "Wines, Cordials, &o." a BASKETS Chiimpngne W lue; 1U20 Bxa Cliirot Wine; lu dozen tiotiles Madeira Wlna; 5 nuzen Bml98 Pale aud Krowa Sherry Wlo 4 dozen Hollies Old Purl Wine; 4 dozen Boities Sweet Alahiga Wine; 4 dozen Bottles Jainiucu Kutn: Fine Br.indies uml VVhitky In Bottle; 3 dozen Freccb Cordial-- ; $ dozen Murrsdimo; it dozen Curacoa; 5 ('ozeii Blackberry Cordial; 10 dozen Suporlor Lemon .Srup; fornal by No.2rt, IKiQ. GKAY & TODD. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. i)C BAGS of Back boat Flour, Just recslvad and for IO sale by GRAV & Tool). 3uveinotr2, 150. IIOMMUiN Y! HOiLMONY!! BARK KLS ol' Splendid Hommony. jusl received and j iur am uy Ot 1UJUU, .November 2S. IfiO. SUNDRIES. yE have In store and for $ale IT Prunes, in jar and boxes; Kuihods, in whole, half und quarter hones; bates, Kips, &l- ; Almonds, English Walnuts, Filbert; Hieans, Cream .NuU,Aie.; barrel Fresh Cocounuts; Frvsu Pine .Apples, Straw harries Fresh Tomatoes, Fre-- Peaches, CautOD Giliger: Preserves of various kinds; Pickles, Sauces, Catups, &c; Ked Currant leiiy, Fre-- and Pickled Lobsters; Chovv ( how, Brand Fruits, Ac, d;c. Nov. 2- Jy. liKA Y & TODD. Children's Cabs, Gigs, &c. FINE Substantial Cubs for Children; 9 2 Fine Substantial Gigs with Springs; 4 Fine Willow Busies; 2 Fine Toy Vajfons 12 Fine V heelbarrows; Just received and for sale by GKAY & TODD. Nov. 28, 1859. Coffee. UST received and for sale 20 Bags Prime KioCotfea; 15 Pockel Old Government JavaCoffoe; 5 Bags;uira Colfee. Nov. 2d, IM59. OKAY tk TODD. "Fresh and Pickled Salmon.' T) DOZK.N r resh Salmon in Cases; ii S barrels Pickled Salmon. Just roceived and for saie oy GKAY (Si TODD. Nov.2S, 1859. "Bacon, Lard, &o." 100 CANVASSED Hams; 100 Plain Suar Cured Hams: lm Bacon haoulders; 30 Bacon Sides; 80O lbs. Sugar Cured Dried Beer; 5 doz. Bcoi Tongues, in store and for sale by Sov.M, 1859. GKAY eh TODII. js. FEESH BALTIMORE W OYSTERS. Wti havo commenced receiving Frenh Baltimore Oyatera.and will continue to receive them (luring the Ojster season. GKAV at TODD. Sardines, Pickled and Spiced Oysters ,)(li WHOLE, half aud quarter boxes Sardines; 4 dozeu Fresh Cove Oysters: 6 dozeu Pickled aud Spiced Oysters; lo store aud tor sale bv Koy.M, If 59. GKAY 4 TODD. TABLE OIL. BASKETS whole aud half Bottles very superlot n 1 aoio vii, lor sale uv UKir 02 TODD fiov. , Utica Lime. 10 BIILS. Just received per Steamboat Dove, and for sate oy OKAV fc TUD11 fiov. W, IHS1. fe MOLASSKS SUGAKS Prime N. O. Suear; 4 lili'ls. Preserving Suyar; 30 bols. Crushed and Powdered Snjrart 5 bMs or boxes amalUV double reaui LoafSairar: 10 ObU. Plai.tntiou .Molase; VI half bbls. Plantation Molassea; 3 !bls. sujrar House Molasses; S bols Extra Golden Syrup: 8 keg-(I- n trail, ins ea. h) Golilen Syrum S b' Is. Superior Granulatod; for sale by Nov 2S, 1859 GKAY St TODD. I LE AM) POK EK A 5 casks Ala, in Jugs; $ casks Tenant's A la. In bottles: 4 casks Hiooeri'a Londou Piwter, liut reyiveo and tor sale bv GKAV di TODD, Kov S8, IS5U. MACKEKKL Lnrjre Mackerel: 6 ball bbls. Large .Mackarel; 'Si kits No. I, 8 aud 3 Mackerel, received ind foi sale by OKAY 4 TODD. Not. S3, 1hJ9. COFFEE, TEA, Ac Choice Klo Coffee; 8 bags (24 pockeis) old Java Cotfee; i bal'-- s Old Mocho CooVe: 10 packages Fiue Greeo and Black Teas, iu store ana lor sale uy GKAY A TODD. Proclamation by the Governor. $250 UK WARD. COHHONWCALTll OT KlNTUCKr.f Executive Department. UTHERKAS It hos been made known to me, that V WHXIA.M GOuDW v N did on the 4ih day 01" Octo- ber last, kill and murder Willum Swset. In Marshall county, and lias fled from Justice, and is now going a larg : .Now, therefore, I, RERIAH MAGOFFIN. Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentuckv, do hereby offei a reward of Two Hundred and Flltv Dollars lor thi apprehension of said Win. Goodwyn. and his delivery 10 the Jailer of Marshall county, wilhln one year froin the date hereof. 77V TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I havt hereunto sol my hand, and caused the seal ot ! Ihe Commonwealth to be attlxed. Done al Frankfort, this lOlh dav of December. A. II. 1H59, and in the year of the Com- monwealth. By the Governor: B. M AGOFFIN. Thus. K. Monrok, Jr., Secretary of State. ByJs. W. I'atic, Assistant Secretary. DESCRIPTION Wm. Goodwyn is about 3 years old; 5 feet 8 or 1(1 inchesblgh; weighs 155 or 160 pounds; red complected; red or sandy hair mid beard, and quick spoken: one ol his upper front loelh is out, or there is a considerable space between thein. iec. lti, lo,i9-3- PHENiK FOUNDRY, Tentli Street, op. the Artesian Well, LOUISVILLE, KY. WM. H. GRAINGER, Ag't tr, : 4 QTEAM ENGINES FOR COTTON GINS, SAW AND Gri-- Mills, Sic; Cmnkv Gudeeons, Mill Gearing. Cotton Gin Segments, Sha'tnur. Pulllea, Mill Gearing, Vc.; C'rcidar or Safh Saw Mill; Hoichkiss1 Wa er Wheels tor iaw or Grist Alills, dtc. Dec. 7, 3. WANTED. , A SITUATION wanted by a married man competenl lo manage a farm, keep the books, die. Good, oe given. Address C. R. M., Ghat, Carroll coaaty, Ky. Do, 10, l'.0-wdid-iu THE IW YORK TRIBUNE. PREPARE FOR THE GREAT POLITICAL CAM- PAIGN OF I860!! INDUCEMENTS TO CLUBS. lNow is the Time to Subscribe!! The Tribcsc uow more than eighteen years old, and having over tt quuner of a ui llion ubcriberf, or m i)Urchu"Cr(, dllfused tli rougtiout everv State and l rritiry of oar Union will couiinxe tn essence what itliiis been Uie earnest champion of i.ibe.ty, Kroffren, ltd of whatever will conduce to our national growth io Virtue, Industry, Kuowledgo und Projpenly. THE NEW YORK DAILY TRIBUNE ii printed on a la'ge Imperial aheet, and published every morning ana evening excepted ) It contains K.iiLonals on tt o topics ol the times, employ-uiK- a lrge corpi of the lugt newspaper writer of Hie day; Domestic and Foreign Correspondence; Proceed- ings of Congrt-as- ; Kepori of Lectures; City ews; Cuitle, Horse, and Produce iMarkeu; Keviesvaof booLi; Literary Intelligence; Papers on Mechanics and the Ar s, Cookery, oic , die. We stilve io make THB HI BUNK a ne to meet the wanu of the public Us Telegraphic now aloue costing over 81j,U) per aanum. TERMS: THE D.ILY TRIBUNE is mailed to subscribers al 46 per annum. In advunce; $3 lor six month. THE NEW YORK SEMI WEEKLY TRI- BUNE is published every Tccsdy and Friday, and contains .ill the EditorljiUof tin UiitU, with ih Cuiile, Korset anl Markoti, reliably reported expressly for i'HK I KIBU-NK- ; 'oiice of Saw InvenUons, Koreign and Domestic Correspondence, Articles on Cookerv; and durii g the s of Congress it contains a sum- mary ot Coiieressionul doings, wnli the more Impor- tant speeches. We (.hall, as heretofore, make iHS Mi Al T 1BUAK a literary, as weil as a po. litical ucwpuper, and we are deierni.ntd that ll anall remain lu the trout rank of family pupere. TERMS: One Copy, one year, - - - - - $3 OO Two (' pies, one year, ft ot Five Copies, one year, . - . It 25 l eu copies to one address, - 2n OO Any person semi ing us a club of twentv, or over, will be entitled to an exira copy. For a club of forty, w will send The lJaity 1'nbuoe one year. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, a large eight-pag- e paper for the country, is published every Saturduy, and contains Kdiionals on the Impor- tant topics of the times, the news of the week. Inter- esting correspondence from all parts of the world, the New York Catile, Horfe, and Produce Market, d reliable Political, Mechanical, and Agricul- tural articles, Papers on Cookery, die., &c. We shall, during this year, as hitherto, constantly la- boring to improve the qualitv of the instruc'ive enter- tainment afforded by TKK WEKK.LY TK BUNK, which we intend shall continue to be the best Family Weekly Newspaper published in the World. W e consider the Cattle Market Reports alone richly worth to caltl raiser a year's subscription price. TERMS: OneCopy,one year, - - - $2 OO Three CopR'a, one year, 5 OO Five Copies, one year, H OO Ten Copies, one oar, 13 OO Twenty Copies, to one address, ... 20 OO Twenty Copies, to address of each subscriber, S4 OO A ny person sending ua a club of Twenty, or more, will be entitled to an exira copv. For aclub of forty, we willsend THE SEM1-- EhKLY TRIBUNE; and for aclub of One Hundred THE DAILY I R1BU'& will be sent gatis. Subscriptions may commence at any iim. Terms always canh in advance. Ail letters to be addressed lo HORACE GREELEV oz CO., Tribune Buildings, Nassau St., JVttp York. Doc. 17, BITE AND EAR TREATS ALL DISEASES. SPECIAL attention given to all chronic disease.. Croup Consumption, Infianeva, Jisthm; Bronchitis, all diseases of the Nosk, Mootm, 1 brot, and Lungs, all Skin Disbaies of every desenptiou treated Lcmbar Abs csi, K:ropd-l- . Rheumatism, (iout. Nidraloi, PaRaLib, Eru LKPY, Or CONVULSIONS, DilipKPSlA, I "YSSVTllHT, DlAt" khoc , The very worst cases oi Piles cured lu a short nine: also of the stomach, L ver and Bowel. There are many diseases Incidental to women and children wr.L-- are treated with distinguished uccea. ll particulars will be gvon by letter. I'r. Baakee can produce one thousand ctrlitlcutes of his peifecl success lu curing Cancers, Old Sores, or Ulcers, Hip Lis eases. Fistula of every description, Sculd Read, Wens, Polypus of the Sost, Or in any other part of the body. Tumors and Swellings Of every description, and withoutthe use of th knife, or any surgical uislruinenis. These last named diseases cannot be cured by correspondence; theretore all suca oiiiienln must place themselves under the Doctor1 per iunalsupervisioii. UoClor haakee has made a new discovery of s'TuW," hat will produce absorption oi ilie " Cataract, and re tore permanent vision to ihe EYE, without resurtlo the koile. All diseases of the EYES AND EARS Are successfully treated without the use of the knife or needle. Dr. Kaakee has coiistamh on hand al his offles a very extensive assoriiuei.t ol beautiful ARTIFICIAL EYES AND TYMPANUMS, OR EARDRUMS which are suitable for either sex and all ges Inserted in five mttiu es. Ear Trumpets of everv description; uls' every variety oi artltlcinl articles known lu the world a large assortment of beautiful and datable ARTIFICIAL HANDS, with the Arm and Elbow attachment; ARTIFICIAL FEET, viih the Aukie, Leg, ai.d Kuee-Joi- aiiaoh-nieu- l. These articles are perfectly natural, and adautedfor either sex. and can oe sent by express to any pari of the world. A II kinds of Trusses ior Rerniaor Kupiure of every description, tor either sex, and T usse particular ly auapieu imaies iu a ween conuuion; also lor those with Prolapsus Uter, Doctor Kaakee is one of the most celebrated and ikilll'ul phvsiciuiis and surgeons now living. Hi s fame is kuown (personally iu every principal city of tbo oriu All letters directed to Dr. Baakee must contain ten cents, to psiy postage and incidental expenses. AU chronic diseases can be treated by correspondence, ex- cept those mentioned, which will require his person at supervision. Jl' Ltf.ce Hours from y A. M to 4 P. M DOCTOR BAAKEE. Ofiice, 704 Broadway, a few Doot s above Fourth St., Dec. 13, lHy-l- y- JVfw York City. NEW ESTABLISHMENT AT TIIEOLD 8TA.D. BY M. L. PIERSON. THE suhecriber, by the aid of a particular friend, Is io commence the CO. FfcCTIoN A RY BU1.NESS in a small way, and hopes, by manufactur- ing a ifood article, out ol the best materials, to receire a liberal patronage. T . P . P IE R S O J well known in this place as a Confectioner, and needs no recommendation by me, will oe the manufacturer. Mv means being very limited, expect to sell for cash! My motto Is, "quick sales and smalt profits." JTr1 1 can furnish Parlies and W eddings on as short notice and as good terms as the next one. Dec. 7, M. L. PIERSON WOOD FOR SALE. I CAN supply the citizons of Frankfort wilh Wood By sendiufc their orders to my Stable, near tile Rail.' road Depot, they can get a load within one hour at ant lime. Price $:t per Cord, or Jl 50 for a Half Cord load. Orders solicited. ov. 18, m9-- u. JOHN HKNDERSOS. APPLES. I HAVE for sale, by the barrel, a quantity of Applei of aaupenorqualiiy, carefully picked from the Tress bj band. Apply at my residence, i'ec. H, lf59-t- f. ORLANDO BROWS. POCKET CUTLERY. TrEKi0. CRUTCHKR, Cutler. to Hi, Excell.n- - IV cv, the Governor of Kemucky, have lust Imported irom me estaoiisnment or Hod girt 4 Son, Fheffeld complete assortment of Pea and Pocket Knle.. i," luec. W) loso-in- ,.

Transcript of THE Aitorney-at-La- F. GRAY IW · I anil 2, pa3t...

Page 1: THE Aitorney-at-La- F. GRAY IW · I anil 2, pa3t 374, impose this duty upon every statutory guardian, and provide that, for failure


TIIOM - . UKf.K.V, Kdllor.

To Members of the LegislatureExtra copies of the Duilu Common

weuti, put up in wrappers, ready foi

mailing, will be furnislied at Scents each,and extra copies of the Wtekh put up in

wrappers at 4 cents each. i

Gentlemen wishing extra copies of either the Daily or Weekly will please leavetin Ir orders beforehand Ht this office, 01

with John M. Todd, in the H. R.. or 0W. Lkwi, in the Striate, Reporters foithis paper. Orders for the Weekly musibe left by Saturday evejing of each it is puolislied on Monday; and for theDaily the day hefure the publication oltlie paper which is wanted.

J3T Extra copies of this paper containing the Governor's Message, can be fur- -

nialietl to those who wish them at 2 centseach.

The Frankfort CommonwealthFOR THIS


Daily, .... 81' 5nWeekly. .... 76Six copies of Daily for 7 60Ten copies of Dily for 12 00Twenty copies of Daily for 20 00

And for any larger number than twentyat same rate.five copies of Weekly for - $3 00len cupits of Weekly for' - - 5 Ou

Denlh of I.iuii Boyd.On Momliiy evening a telesrauliiu ili?murh n.

nounced the dirnih uf iliU geiuK m n, ihe Lieut.uovciuor ol tlie btiite, and on veslerdat butlibranches of the State Leciniature Bonified ihi,respect for the memory of the departed by passing nppropnate resolution, and then aclionrnlug. We feel that it would be unbecoming inut to comment disparagingly upon the characterof ihe deceased, but hia eulogy must be epokenand written by unotlier. A number of Senatorsand Representatives have creditably dischargedthis dutv, and to their remarks, which will befound among our Legislative reports, we inviteme uttentiou of our readers. By the death oiuoi. unvd, I hos. F. Porter becomes the LieutGovernor of Keiituckv.

CT The resolutions offered in the Senate, onlast Saturday, by Mr. Alkxandeb. are of a character to merit the upprobaiiou of everv nationalpatriotic citizen of the State, and we cannoejchoose hut believe tiiat they represent the truesentiments ot a largo majority of KcntiickiansExpressing the abhorrence generally entertainedOl the mad schema of John Brown and his assoeiates, they at the tame time condemn the Southeru slave tridlng ecessionists; avonicig theunswerving attachment ol Kentucky to the Unionof Slates, they piouiise that the people of ourbeloved Con, nx.nwialili will dlpcountenanco allatteu pis to alienate the different sections olOur cuiumon country. It is eminently appropri-ate that such lesolutlons should be pasacd bv aKentucky Legislature. Breathing the patrioticardor which characterized our councils during theperiod when our Stale was governed bv treatmi n, thcv form a manly and cheering contrast tome pueille ravines ol senseleM demagogues olwhich we he ucintlj read mid heard enoughto and nauseam any but the most treutunable stomach.

Notice to ihe Publio!TlitfATPiK. On ing to some unaccountable rea-

son, (puhaps the weather,; the Orchestra en-

gaged by the niaiiHgtrs of the Theatre Jailed Idanive luM evening according to agreement.W idling to open with entire satislactiuu tothe public, they have deemed it advisable topostpone their opening uutil they do arrive,which will surely be some day this week.


X7" A letter from Col. IIoloks requests us toexpiess his gratitude to those members ol theGentiul Ammbly whosuppoited him for Publie Piliiur, oiid to sav to each one of them thatheir kindness will be lemembered by him

tnruugh life.

AffFMBi.T Ball. Let no one forget the As-

sembly Ball, at the Capital Hotel tonight. Itwill inaugurate the gayety of the season, andevery endeavor will be made to render it a bi llliant affair. A number of the Kentucky bellesare already here and more are coming. Strausswill also be on hand, and Campbell Steele at-

tends to the supper a sufficient guarantee of anexcellant repast.

ETThe highly Improved Brazilian PebblkSpectacles, which are now to be had at Harris'Gallery, over the PostofGcc, arc really an Im-

provement on human vision ; and we advise thosethat lail to see with convenience to call on Mr.Sincere, the well recommended and skillful Op-

tician. Ho is the man who will do you good.Don't miss a rare chance, as Mr. Sinceiik's stayiu our community is but for one davs.

;CTThe use ol Dr. Hosts" tter'h Stomach Bit-

ters fur Dyspepsia, Flatulence, Heaviness ofthe Stomach, or any other like affection, Is second to none iu America or abroad. To be ableto state confidently that the "Bitters" are a certain cure for dyspepsia and like diseases, is tothe proprk'toi'8 a source of unalloyed pleasure.It removes all morbid matter from the stomach,purifies tin; blood, imparts renewed vitality to

ihe nervous system, giving it that tone andenergy so indispensable for the restoration ofhealth. The numerous acknowledgments of lissuperior excellence and beneficial results, haveassured the proprietors that it cannot but provea great cure to the afflicted, and impart vitalityto the thorough system. See advertisement inauollier column.

He 'hat escapes reprehension, may suspect h'adoption. Uod bad one Sou without corruption,but no son without correction.

Decision of the Court of Appeals.

Reported expressly for the Comntonventik br JonaAl. Brows, Aitorney-at-La- r'rankfort, Ky.

VVinbsor, 4cvs From the Daviess Circuit Court.

McAtee.This was a proceeding, by petition, in this

County Court, by Catharine Windsor an infantunder fourteen ihiouuh her next friend, to

her guardian The guatdian resisted thepplication The County Court refused to re

move him, and the Circuit Court, on appeal, attinned the order of the County JuuVe. Fromthat judgment of affirmance the Infant has appea led.

It appears that the father of appellant died in

testate, leaving a widow and two daughtersCatharine and Susan, both of them under fourteen years of age and also a considerable estate consisting of land, slaves and personalproperty; that his widow was appointed administralilx of his estate, and her brother, C. Rileat Her instance, guardian for ber children. A!o tlmr., now long afterwards, the widow inter

married with MeAti . . and a short time thereafter, having indue- .er brother to resign histrust as guardian, McAlee was appointed in histead. After this the mother of the infants died

Hid In the course of a few months McAtee martied unotlier lady, in no wise related to his wardor their friends. Upon the death of their moiher, the wards went to reside with their own kired. Susan, the elder sister, being then fourteen years of age, (.elected her uncle. Win. Riley, as her guardian.

It further appears that McAtee asserted claimis survivor of his former wife, to personalty andother propertv which the infants claim as pari

f their deceased father's estate, of w hich estatethere had been no distribution, division or settlment made by him or his wife as administratrix,Hid that ho had not, as guardian, filed an iuventory ot his wards' estate within sixty davs alterhis appointment, as required by law; and thise idence conduces to show that It would be to thinterest of the infants that their estate, whichwas joint and undivided, should be under thecontrol of oue rather than of two persons.

Judge Stites delivered the opinion of theCourt.

The question in this case Is, whether a removal of the guardian was not eminently properand whether the County Judge ought not, in theexercise of a sound discretion, to have made anorder to that effect.

uur ground relu-- on Ihat is, the failure olthe guardian to fiie an inventory of his wardsestate within sixty days after his appointmen- t-was, of Itself, sufficient to have justified such anorder. The Revised Statutes, chapter 43, art. 3,sees. I anil 2, pa3t 374, impose this duty uponevery statutory guardian, and provide that, forfailure to comply with it. he man he

But conceding that this negluct did not, olitself, imperatively demand the removal of tlu

uardian, the other facts presented, when considered therewith being the case clearly within the

1th sic of 1st art. of the chapter, supra, RevStat. 373, which declares that Who tt il rril :i ell n it

hall have become insane, move out of the State,become incapable of discharging the duties ofins trust, or evidently unsutitd therefor, the court.

Iter notice, may remove him," &c.T he reasons which superinduced the removal

of the first guardian and the appointment olcAtee, viz. , the relation of step father, and

the necessity and propriety of the daughtersbeing with and under the control of her mother,his 'ormer wile, no longer exist. So far as theecord shows, there are no ties of relationship,

no motive or obligation, save those imposed bythe stipulations of his boud, to prompt or incitethe guardian to rear his ward in such manner asher estate and position require or would justify.

Consanguinity and relationship are importantconsiderations in the appointment of uuardians.I he law recognizing the familiar truth, that infant! and their interests are safer ill the hands olelativea than strangers, make l cm control iu

the order of precedence prescribed lor the actionof County Courts.

The fact that there was no consanguinity ortie of relationship between the guardian aud

aid furnishes, ol Itself, no sufficient reason tomove him, alter he had been appointed, but he

having assumed nu attitude, and asserted claimhostile to the interest of his ward, the fact that ho

as a stranger In blood, tends to (unify the conelusion that he had become "evidently uusult

for a faithful discharge of his duties asguardian, aud unfit for the pjsitiou.

The law makes it the duty of a guardian tolook after and protect all the iutetests of hisward, aud condemns the acquirement of any

ght by him inconsistent with this duty. Heannot serve himself aud his ward, when their

interests conflict.In view then of the neglect of appellee tonder an inventory of his ward's estate, as re

quired by law ot his altitude as an adverseaiiuant of rights inconsistent with her interest,

iind the peculiar circumstances attending his ap-

poiniment our conclusion is that he was evidently unsuited to discharge the duties of guar-

an lor appellant, and should therefore havebeen removed.

Wherefore, the judgment of the Circuit Court(firming the order of the County Court is

reversed and the cause remanded, w iih directionsto revise said order, and send the case back to the

otiuty Couit, with an order directing the removal of appellee as guardian of appellant.

CTWo would particularly call the attentionof our readers to a remedy known as McLean'sStrengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier. It iscertainly a valuable remedy. We therefore-sa-

all, call at the agent's, and test for yourselvesits intrinsic merits. It is delieious to take. Weask our lady readers to try it. See the advertisement in another column.

The vear IfcCS, has been noted in England forhotter weather in July than has been recordedsince 1771, the average of the mouth havingbeen degrees, more than 6) degrees abovethe usual mean. 1 he maximum in the shadewas S i degrees, and in London, iu the sun, 1411

rees. 1 he present year has also had colderealher in October than had been pieviously no

ted dining upward of lot ty years, having fallen asin as degrees, i lie greatest Cold nrevi

ly registered since 1M9 was 24. b' degrees.ctobcr, ib5U, lias also shown the grcuie-t- t deee ot heat (i.o degrees; ever recoided du

nig that nionin. 1 nere was also a considerable11 ol snow in the noilh ol ingiand, aud inoiluiid and Ireland, aud ice halt an inch thick '1 h- tales of wind have alsoneen veiy Wvlent, mounting to hurricanes andeven tornadoes at sea, aud the dam ige to vesselsand the loss of life have been distressingly great.

Another Manifesto frim GflriLn i1 , Sec.The Corriere Mercantile publishes the follow-

ing proclamation, issued by Gen. Garibaldi onhis arrival at Genoa:


Let not my temporary absence cool your ar-

dor lor the holy cause that we defendIu separating myself liom you whom 1 love

as the representatives of a sublime idea theideaol Italian deliverance I nm excited andsad; but consolation comes in the cei tainty thai1 shall very Soon be among you again, to aidyou in finishing the work so gloriously begun.

For vou, as for me, Ihe gieatest of all nossihie mislorimies would be not to be presentnhercver there is righting fur Italy. Youngmen who have sworn to be faithlul to Italy audto the chief who will lead you to victory, laynot dow n your aims; remain firm at you postcontinue your exercises peiscvere iu the soldier's discipline.

The truce will not last long; old diplomacyseems but little disposed to see things as theyreally are. Diplomacy still luuks upon you asthe handful of malcontents which she has beenaccustomed to despise. S,e Ju.,, no knuw thatin you there are Ihe elements ot a great nation,ami that in jour free and independent heartsthere germinate the seeds of a wolrd-wid- e revolutiou if our lights shall not be recognized, andif the people will not allow us to be masters iuour oft n home.

We desite to invade no foreign soil; let us re-

main unmolested on our own. Whosoever at-

tempts to gainsay this, our determination, willfind that we will never be slaves, unless theysucceed in crushing by force an entire peopleready to die lor liberty.

But, even should we all fail, we sh all bequenhto lulure generations a legacy of hatred and veilgeance against foreign domination; the ioherilance of each of our sons will be a rifld ami theconsciousne-- s of his rights; and, by the blesstng of Uod, the oppressor will never sleepsoundly.

Italians, I say again, do not lay down yourarms; rally more closely than ever to yourchiefs, and maintain the strictest discipline.Feliuw citizens, let not a man in Italy omit tocontiibute his mite to the national subscription;let not one lail to clean his gun, so as to beready perh ips to obtain by forcelliat which to day they hesitate to grant to ourjust rights. GARIBALDI.


Day of the commander.The General Commanding in Chief of the

French expeditionary corps to China has issuedthe lollow ing order of the dav:

Officers and Soldiers: Under the protectionof Is'apoleon 111, and of France, you are calledon to unuertaKe a remote and glorious expedinon. i our mission win not oe to adj a newconquest to all those which have illustratedrriuice. You ure going to show, by strict dcipline, to numerous populations, that you arenot me barbarians they think you are, as youwin prove oy your wariiKe ardor the superiorityof your courage. For the second time yourstandard will unite wall the flig, andtins union will be an omen of victory, as ihatof the two peoples is a pledge of peace to theentire world. Your task is strand and noble toli.llill, but the success is assured by your devolion to the Emperor and to France. Some davon returning lo the mother country, vou wilsay with pride to your fellow citizens, that youhave borne the national fltr into countrieswherein immoral Rome, at ihe time of her greatness, never dreamt ol penetrating with her legions. His Majesty, in bi slowing on me thehonor of commanding vou in chiel, has done mea great favor, lor which I cannot better show my

rautiiue man in occupung mvselt wuhprovidUK lor all your wants with constant care. Let

the day of battle come, and you may rely onme as 1 rely upon vou. ami we will injure vieinry io the cries of Vice 1" Empereur! Vive lafranct!' COUSIN DE MONTAUBAN

Head quarters at Paris.


Maohiii, Saturday, Nov. 2G Yesterday morethan4,t)Uit Moors attacked tor the third time theredoubt belore Serolla, and were repulsed.

I heir ueleat was complete. 1 he bpanish troopstioweu great oraverv during this eiiL'aementhe expedition iry corps d'armct is crossinir the

fttrans; Iresh regiments have disembarked atLeuta.

The bank of Barcelona has offered the Spanishgovernment an advance of 5,0t 0,UU0 reals without interest lor all the time the war with Morocco micht last.

Advices have been received from Constantinople to the 2 id inat. D iring ihe last six d ns atorm of unparallelled violence had prevailed iu

the buxine Sea. All the vessels out at sea wereiiiven on shore, and abuuteightv have been lostIhe coast Is strewed wlih wrecks and dead

bodies The inhabitants of these inhospitablesnores Have stripped lite survivors of the wre ksif their personal tnupiriy. Tuj; steamers have

been sent lo the Black ea, In order to renderAssistance, in ihe recuverv of property.

COURT OF APPEALS.Tuksdav. Deo. 20, 1S59.


Mattingly v Bosley, Washington ; reversed.Packard v Northcialt's adru'r. Marion: revers

edNail's heirs v Higgs, McLean affirmed.Bush et al v Haegard, Clarke: reversed as to

Abner and aiSuned as lo Bush.Ballingall v Buckler et al, Nicholas; affirmed.Balliugall v McCarty, Nicholas; ufTiiniud.Ballingall v Berry, Nicholas; affirmed.Cord v Porler, Fleming; utlirmed.Cord V llariiaou, Fleming; affirmed.


Jackson v Drysart, Garrard: petition for rehearing overruled.

Corbiu et ux v Commonwealth, Fayette; Detilion lor rehearing overruled.

hmory W hunker, bsq., of Maysvillo. admitted attorney in this Court.

Lee v Calvert etal, Fleming:Williams v Te'ry, Fleming;Mckeits v Wilson, Fleming;Jane (of color) v Prather's adm'r, Fleming;Bright v Dickey et al, Fleming;Cochran v Fouoett, Fleming were argued.Minsatt v Cook, Marion; argument concluded

by Marshall lor appellant.

New York, Dec. 19.The bank statement for the week eudinz Sat

urday, ihe l"ih, shows an increase of loans t97d,000, increase of specie ibiO.OOn, an increase oficpositsol JVlo.UUU, a decrease in circulation ol$3rt,U01l.

By the arrival at this port of the bark Restless, from Santa Mnrcha, Nov. 2a, we learn thatit battle was daily expected at Barraouilla between the lorce under Gen. Nieto, of the Liberalparty, and General Posada, of the cito of Barraquilla, the latter being in possession of that was at a stand sull.

The Union meeting took place this evenintr atthe Academy of Music. There was an immenseattendance, said lo be 3(J,0U0 persons.

Kesolulions were adopted nominating GenScott for the Presidency.

Treasurv Notes. The Secretary of theTreasury announces that proposals will be received until the 27ih inst lor the issue of anyportion or the whole of three millions of dol

rs in treasury notes in exchange for irold coinof the United States said treasury notes to boexchanged at the lowest rate of interest, anduot to exceed six per cent, per annum.

BARGAIN!nAVUG mane an arrangcmunl for a difTarcnl

Uesiro to suit my

Confectionery and Variety Store.Any person to liiyest a small capital in a pay-li- ii

basiness will consult his Interest by upplicatlou tome directly 1 will satisfy any oue that It v ,yt (.

Dee. Su, i8S-3- t. J. K. WAlSuK.


I. O. O. F.riitrnix I, edge, No. 28, I. O. O. F.,

Meets at their Hall, on St. Clair Mreet, over Page,Gaines & Pace's Grocery Store, In the Third Riory, everyTuesday Evening, at 7 o'clock. members Ingood Stan. ling are fraternally Invited to atleml. En-

trance to lliu Hall, one door below Puge, Irulces 4Page's Grocery Store. By or ler of the Lodge.

I ec. 2, lSaC-d- s. .lOHN VV. PRUETT, Sec'y.

MASONIC NOTICE.Hiram Lode, io. 4, meets on the Second and

Fvurtk Monday F.ecmnjra in each month, al 7 o'ekefr, P.M., In their fo'lgo room iu Ilia Third Slory over Page,Galuej & Page's Grocery More, adjoining the Com.inonweahh Office, oil Saint Clair Street.

Mumtinrs ol' Hie I.ogUlaiuro who are Masons, andother visiting Brethren, are cor.lially invllud lo alleudthe meetings. B) ordor of the l.odga

Dec 8, 1853-l- f. G. W. LEWIS, Secretary.

LUMBER YARD.Wo haveugalu cjlablislio,! aLuinber Yard iu Prank

fort, on the lot at the Iniersacilon of Wasiiisoto.iaiiJMuo STBtii, where will be kept, at all times, afull ussorlmenl ol Poplar, Oak, Ah and Walnut Lum-ber, whirh will ba nold upou reasonable terms for Calk.

uecJ, I8a9. .1. s. & l. E. HAKVIK.

PAGE. GAINES & PAGEWould again beg leave to the attention of the pub-

lic lo their large

Fall Importation of Staple and FancyDry Goods,

whlcli, Id point of variety, richness and neatness ofStyle, caunot be excelled, condjlingla part of Plaid slidClieuaSilk, Itobes, Foulard Silks, l a, lataiu Kobes forEvening Urassas, Plain and Flgured'de Lainas, Frenchand .Swbi Muslins, Jaconets, Cambrics, Tarlclaius, Va-

lencia?, Plaid Muhalr, Stolla, Bjystale and ShetlandWool SliawU Velvet Cloaks, snperiorto any bHore of.fered In tnlj city, Sliirtlinrs, Table Damasks,Towels, Uuscys, Jeans, Cassiueu, Cloths, Cassiineres,Plaid Cotton; Welch, Sbaker,and all Itindsof Flannels;a large assortment of Gnis aud Ladies Underwear; afull s ock of Gents, Ladies and Misses Hosiery; a fuilassortment of Gloves, Fans, Hop Skirts, Velvet Taffe-

ta aud .Satiu Ribbons, and Li ilea Goods of every descrip-tion.

QUEEXSWARE AND GLASSWAREnow od hand, and in daily receipt of every description,and tbo largest stock ever before offered in this market,at low tjgures.

A Large Lot ofTliA TRAY'S.We will continue to receive Goods throughout the

season of the choicest and most desirable styles. All ofwhich we will sell low for Cash, or lo prompt buyers terms. PAGE, GAIXKS & PAGE.

jrUVe also continue to keep on band a choice se-

lection of all kinds or family Groceries, Alo, FlourHardwar-- A c.

Fanners will also Iind a good assortment of farmingImplements aud as we are the Agonlso)' several Man-

ufactures we en and will soil at Factory Prices for Cash,freight added. PAGE, GAI.NES & PAGE.

September 12, 1&5U.

Private Boarding.Two or Three Members of the Legisla-

ture can be accommodated wilh rooms andboarding by application to

O. W. LEWI3,At Commonwealth Office.

Frankfort, Nov. 28, 1859.

ICPJUII.N W. PKUETT is authorized to collect allclaims due me in the County of Franklin and City olFrankfort. I have alio placed In Mr. Pruelt's handsmany uotes due me by porsons living in and ut of dieSlate of Kentucky. a. G. HODGES.


Mas removed his store two doors above his old etand.He Is sullluit his Good, we are Informed, at the lowest

rats for tas k dorn. Give him a call. Wewo said before, Runan Is all rlnt.

Fiaiikfnrt, "ov H, JS59.


St. L'lalr Street. Frankrort, Ky.,DtlALEIl IN

Fine Groceries, Confectionaries, Fruits,Toys, Bottled liquors. Tobacco,


FilLSll B.tLTlJIUUli OYSTEKSReceived daiiy during ihe season.

MY STOCK is lull and coinpleio. I hope to receivea liberal patronage from my friends and die public.

Frankfort, Oct 19. If.


MRS. F. T. LYONS ct CO.,Snint Clair Street, Frankfort, Ky.,

Have ja st received and opened a full aud largo assort-ment of Fashionable Falland Winter Millinery Goods.

The new stock embraces Cloaks, Points, Bonnets,Ribbons, Caps, 6.C., dec, all of the lalelstyles and fashions.

Oon'tsond to Louisville or Lexington when you cangel what jo j Want equally as elegant and tar cheaper alhome. Call aud sea. Mas. P. T LYoNS & CO.

irpAlso Agents for WHEELER & WILSOS'S Unrivaled Sowing Machines. "et. 14, 1359.


FRA.YKFORT, KCJVTUCKr,Continues to furnish American and Foreign Weeklies,Monthlies, and Quarterlies, on the best terms. AdvanceSheets received iroio twtniy-fou- r Publishers. Backnumbers supplied to complete sets.

Novemi-e- i!4, 1658.

Metcalfe's "Kentucky Reports," Vol.1,Just ready aDd for sale bv KEENO.N Si CKUTCHER,Booksellers, Frankfort, Ky. Price $5.

Persons at adlstauce, iuclosin the price, will havethe work forwarded to them ty mail, postage paid.

August 22, I8fr-t- r.

New Stylo of Hats.Philadelphia Fall stjle of Gentlemen's SILK. HATS,

Justopened. Got the best atS. C. BULL'S Book and Shoe Store.

September 2, 159.

Metcalfe's "Xentucky Reports,"VOLUME 1. PKICE 55.

We will send the 1st Volume of Metcalfe's Hcportsbymail, postage paid, to any one who may wish 11, ou re-

ceipt of $5. A. G. HODGES & CO..Aug. 24,lHii. Com'th Office, FranUforl , Ky.



ewed and bound with Muslin Backs aud Siiff PaperCovers, can be had at this oflico at SI per copy.

Sep. 2, 5D. A. G. HOUGhS & CO.

Louisville and Frunkfoi I and Lexiiistonand 1'rniil.loit Ituilroad.

rasTS tm emm )hMA

0 rl and after :Mon.lav , December 19, 169, trains willleaVM Frai.klorl as'lollows:

Ti alns going fust at 9.S1I. A. M.,and 5:55. P.M.Trains going West al 7:511, A. M , and 3:35. P. .M.

For lunber luf irmation please call at the StationAgent's Oulce, Krankf .it.

SAMUEL GILL, Superintendent.Do. 16, 1850-- tf. jrjvaouian oopy.





&C, 4&C,

WAI.V STREET, FRAARFOHT, RY.November 28, 1E59.

"Wines, Cordials, &o."a BASKETS Chiimpngne W lue;

1U20 Bxa Cliirot Wine;lu dozen tiotiles Madeira Wlna;5 nuzen Bml98 Pale aud Krowa Sherry Wlo4 dozen Hollies Old Purl Wine;4 dozen Boities Sweet Alahiga Wine;4 dozen Bottles Jainiucu Kutn:Fine Br.indies uml VVhitky In Bottle;3 dozen Freccb Cordial-- ;$ dozen Murrsdimo;it dozen Curacoa;5 ('ozeii Blackberry Cordial;

10 dozen Suporlor Lemon .Srup; fornal byNo.2rt, IKiQ. GKAY & TODD.

BUCKWHEAT FLOUR.i)C BAGS of Back boat Flour, Just recslvad and forIO sale by GRAV & Tool).

3uveinotr2, 150.

IIOMMUiN Y! HOiLMONY!!BARK KLS ol' Splendid Hommony. jusl received and

j iur am uy Ot 1UJUU,.November 2S. IfiO.

SUNDRIES.yE have In store and for $ale

IT Prunes, in jar and boxes;Kuihods, in whole, half und quarter hones;bates, Kips, &l- ;Almonds, English Walnuts, Filbert;Hieans, Cream .NuU,Aie.;

barrel Fresh Cocounuts;Frvsu Pine .Apples, Straw harriesFresh Tomatoes, Fre-- Peaches, CautOD Giliger:Preserves of various kinds;Pickles, Sauces, Catups, &c;Ked Currant leiiy, Fre-- and Pickled Lobsters;Chovv ( how, Brand Fruits, Ac, d;c.

Nov. 2- Jy. liKA Y & TODD.

Children's Cabs, Gigs, &c.FINE Substantial Cubs for Children;9 2 Fine Substantial Gigs with Springs;

4 Fine Willow Busies;2 Fine Toy Vajfons

12 Fine V heelbarrows; Just received and for saleby GKAY & TODD.

Nov. 28, 1859.

Coffee.UST received and for sale

20 Bags Prime KioCotfea;15 Pockel Old Government JavaCoffoe;5 Bags;uira Colfee.

Nov. 2d, IM59. OKAY tk TODD.

"Fresh and Pickled Salmon.'T) DOZK.N r resh Salmon in Cases;ii S barrels Pickled Salmon. Just roceived and forsaie oy GKAY (Si TODD.

Nov.2S, 1859.

"Bacon, Lard, &o."100 CANVASSED Hams;

100 Plain Suar Cured Hams:lm Bacon haoulders;30 Bacon Sides;

80O lbs. Sugar Cured Dried Beer;5 doz. Bcoi Tongues, in store and for sale by

Sov.M, 1859. GKAY eh TODII.

js. FEESH BALTIMOREW OYSTERS.Wti havo commenced receiving Frenh Baltimore

Oyatera.and will continue to receive them (luringthe Ojster season. GKAV at TODD.

Sardines, Pickled and Spiced Oysters,)(li WHOLE, half aud quarter boxes Sardines;

4 dozeu Fresh Cove Oysters:6 dozeu Pickled aud Spiced Oysters;

lo store aud tor sale bvKoy.M, If 59. GKAY 4 TODD.

TABLE OIL.BASKETS whole aud half Bottles very superlot

n 1 aoio vii, lor sale uv UKir 02 TODDfiov. ,

Utica Lime.10

BIILS. Just received per Steamboat Dove, and forsate oy OKAV fc TUD11

fiov. W, IHS1.

fe MOLASSKSSUGAKS Prime N. O. Suear;4 lili'ls. Preserving Suyar;

30 bols. Crushed and Powdered Snjrart5 bMs or boxes amalUV double reaui LoafSairar:

10 ObU. Plai.tntiou .Molase;VI half bbls. Plantation Molassea;3 !bls. sujrar House Molasses;S bols Extra Golden Syrup:8 keg-(I- n trail, ins ea. h) Golilen SyrumS b' Is. Superior Granulatod; for sale by

Nov 2S, 1859 GKAY St TODD.

I LE AM) POK EKA 5 casks Ala, in Jugs;

$ casks Tenant's A la. In bottles:4 casks Hiooeri'a Londou Piwter, liut reyiveo

and tor sale bv GKAV di TODD,Kov S8, IS5U.

MACKEKKL Lnrjre Mackerel:6 ball bbls. Large .Mackarel;

'Si kits No. I, 8 aud 3 Mackerel, received ind foisale by OKAY 4 TODD.

Not. S3, 1hJ9.

COFFEE, TEA, AcChoice Klo Coffee;

8 bags (24 pockeis) old Java Cotfee;i bal'-- s Old Mocho CooVe:

10 packages Fiue Greeo and Black Teas, iu storeana lor sale uy GKAY A TODD.

Proclamation by the Governor.$250 UK WARD.

COHHONWCALTll OT KlNTUCKr.fExecutive Department.

UTHERKAS It hos been made known to me, thatV WHXIA.M GOuDW v N did on the 4ih day 01" Octo-

ber last, kill and murder Willum Swset. In Marshallcounty, and lias fled from Justice, and is now going alarg :

.Now, therefore, I, RERIAH MAGOFFIN. Governorof the Commonwealth of Kentuckv, do hereby offeia reward of Two Hundred and Flltv Dollars lor thiapprehension of said Win. Goodwyn. and his delivery10 the Jailer of Marshall county, wilhln one year frointhe date hereof.

77V TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I havthereunto sol my hand, and caused the seal ot

! Ihe Commonwealth to be attlxed. Done alFrankfort, this lOlh dav of December. A. II.1H59, and in the year of the Com-

monwealth.By the Governor: B. M AGOFFIN.

Thus. K. Monrok, Jr., Secretary of State.ByJs. W. I'atic, Assistant Secretary.

DESCRIPTIONWm. Goodwyn is about 3 years old; 5 feet 8 or 1(1

inchesblgh; weighs 155 or 160 pounds; red complected;red or sandy hair mid beard, and quick spoken: one olhis upper front loelh is out, or there is a considerablespace between thein. iec. lti, lo,i9-3-

PHENiK FOUNDRY,Tentli Street, op. the Artesian Well,



tr, :


QTEAM ENGINES FOR COTTON GINS, SAW ANDGri-- Mills, Sic; Cmnkv Gudeeons, Mill Gearing.

Cotton Gin Segments, Sha'tnur. Pulllea, Mill Gearing,Vc.; C'rcidar or Safh Saw Mill; Hoichkiss1Wa er Wheels tor iaw or Grist Alills, dtc.

Dec. 7, 3.


ASITUATION wanted by a married man competenllo manage a farm, keep the books, die. Good,

oe given. AddressC. R. M., Ghat, Carroll coaaty, Ky.

Do, 10, l'.0-wdid-iu





lNow is the Time to Subscribe!!

The Tribcsc uow more than eighteen years old, andhaving over tt quuner of a ui llion ubcriberf, or m

i)Urchu"Cr(, dllfused tli rougtiout everv State andl rritiry of oar Union will couiinxe tn essence whatitliiis been Uie earnest champion of i.ibe.ty, Kroffren,

ltd of whatever will conduce to our national growth ioVirtue, Industry, Kuowledgo und Projpenly.

THE NEW YORK DAILY TRIBUNEii printed on a la'ge Imperial aheet, and publishedevery morning ana evening excepted ) Itcontains K.iiLonals on tt o topics ol the times, employ-uiK- a

lrge corpi of the lugt newspaper writer of Hieday; Domestic and Foreign Correspondence; Proceed-ings of Congrt-as- ; Kepori of Lectures; City ews;Cuitle, Horse, and Produce iMarkeu; Keviesvaof booLi;Literary Intelligence; Papers on Mechanics and theAr s, Cookery, oic , die. We stilve io make THB

HI BUNK a ne to meet the wanu of the publicUs Telegraphic now aloue costing over 81j,U) per


THE D.ILY TRIBUNE is mailed to subscribers al46 per annum. In advunce; $3 lor six month.THE NEW YORK SEMI WEEKLY TRI-

BUNEis published every Tccsdy and Friday, and contains.ill the EditorljiUof tin UiitU, with ih Cuiile, Korsetanl Markoti, reliably reported expressly fori'HK I KIBU-NK- ; 'oiice of Saw InvenUons, Koreignand Domestic Correspondence, Articles on Cookerv;and durii g the s of Congress it contains a sum-mary ot Coiieressionul doings, wnli the more Impor-tant speeches. We (.hall, as heretofore, make iHSMi Al T 1BUAK a literary, as weil as a po.litical ucwpuper, and we are deierni.ntd that ll anallremain lu the trout rank of family pupere.

TERMS:One Copy, one year, - - - - - $3 OOTwo (' pies, one year, ft otFive Copies, one year, . - . It 25l eu copies to one address, - 2n OO

Any person semi ing us a club of twentv, or over, willbe entitled to an exira copy. For a club of forty, wwill send The lJaity 1'nbuoe one year.

THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE,a large eight-pag- e paper for the country, is publishedevery Saturduy, and contains Kdiionals on the Impor-tant topics of the times, the news of the week. Inter-esting correspondence from all parts of the world, theNew York Catile, Horfe, and Produce Market, d

reliable Political, Mechanical, and Agricul-tural articles, Papers on Cookery, die., &c.

We shall, during this year, as hitherto, constantly la-

boring to improve the qualitv of the instruc'ive enter-tainment afforded by TKK WEKK.LY TK BUNK, whichwe intend shall continue to be the best Family WeeklyNewspaper published in the World. W e consider theCattle Market Reports alone richly worth to caltlraiser a year's subscription price.

TERMS:OneCopy,one year, - - - $2 OOThree CopR'a, one year, 5 OOFive Copies, one year, H OOTen Copies, one oar, 13 OOTwenty Copies, to one address, ... 20 OOTwenty Copies, to address of each subscriber, S4 OO

A ny person sending ua a club of Twenty, or more,will be entitled to an exira copv. For aclub of forty,we willsend THE SEM1-- EhKLY TRIBUNE; and foraclub of One Hundred THE DAILY I R1BU'& willbe sent gatis.

Subscriptions may commence at any iim. Termsalways canh in advance. Ail letters to be addressed lo

HORACE GREELEV oz CO.,Tribune Buildings, Nassau St., JVttp York.

Doc. 17,


TREATS ALL DISEASES.SPECIAL attention given to all chronic disease..

Croup Consumption, Infianeva, Jisthm;Bronchitis, all diseases of the Nosk, Mootm, 1 brot,and Lungs, all Skin Disbaies of every desenptiou

treated Lcmbar Abs csi, K:ropd-l- .Rheumatism, (iout. Nidraloi, PaRaLib, Eru

LKPY, Or CONVULSIONS, DilipKPSlA, I "YSSVTllHT, DlAt"khoc , The very worst cases oi Piles cured lu a shortnine: also of the stomach, L ver and Bowel.There are many diseases Incidental to women andchildren wr.L-- are treated with distinguished uccea.

ll particulars will be gvon by letter. I'r. Baakee canproduce one thousand ctrlitlcutes of his peifecl successlu curingCancers, Old Sores, or Ulcers, Hip Lis

eases. Fistula of every description,Sculd Read, Wens, Polypus of

the Sost,Or in any other part of the body.

Tumors and SwellingsOf every description, and withoutthe use of th knife,or any surgical uislruinenis. These last named diseasescannot be cured by correspondence; theretore all sucaoiiiienln must place themselves under the Doctor1 periunalsupervisioii.

UoClor haakee has made a new discovery ofs'TuW,"hat will produce absorption oi ilie " Cataract, and retore permanent vision to ihe EYE, without resurtlo the

koile. All diseases of the

EYES AND EARSAre successfully treated without the use of the knife orneedle. Dr. Kaakee has coiistamh on hand al his offlesa very extensive assoriiuei.t ol beautiful


TYMPANUMS, OR EARDRUMSwhich are suitable for either sex and all ges Insertedin five mttiu es. Ear Trumpets of everv description;uls' every variety oi artltlcinl articles known lu theworld a large assortment of beautiful and datable

ARTIFICIAL HANDS,with the Arm and Elbow attachment; ARTIFICIALFEET, viih the Aukie, Leg, ai.d Kuee-Joi- aiiaoh-nieu- l.

These articles are perfectly natural, and adautedforeither sex. and can oe sent by express to any pari of theworld. A II kinds of Trusses ior Rerniaor Kupiure ofevery description, tor either sex, and T usse particularly auapieu imaies iu a ween conuuion; also lor thosewith Prolapsus Uter,

Doctor Kaakee is one of the most celebrated andikilll'ul phvsiciuiis and surgeons now living. Hi sfame is kuown (personally iu every principal city of tbo

oriuAll letters directed to Dr. Baakee must contain ten

cents, to psiy postage and incidental expenses. AUchronic diseases can be treated by correspondence, ex-cept those mentioned, which will require his person atsupervision.

Jl' Ltf.ce Hours from y A. M to 4 P. MDOCTOR BAAKEE.

Ofiice, 704 Broadway, a few Doot s above Fourth St.,Dec. 13, lHy-l- y- JVfw York City.


BY M. L. PIERSON.THE suhecriber, by the aid of a particular friend, Is

io commence the CO. FfcCTIoN A RYBU1.NESS in a small way, and hopes, by manufactur-ing a ifood article, out ol the best materials, to receire aliberal patronage.

T . P . P IE R S O Jwell known in this place as a Confectioner, and needsno recommendation by me, will oe the manufacturer.Mv means being very limited, expect to sell for cash!My motto Is, "quick sales and smalt profits."

JTr1 1 can furnish Parlies and W eddings on as shortnotice and as good terms as the next one.

Dec. 7, M. L. PIERSON

WOOD FOR SALE.I CAN supply the citizons of Frankfort wilh Wood

By sendiufc their orders to my Stable, near tile Rail.'road Depot, they can get a load within one hour at antlime. Price $:t per Cord, or Jl 50 for a Half Cordload. Orders solicited.

ov. 18, m9-- u. JOHN HKNDERSOS.

APPLES.I HAVE for sale, by the barrel, a quantity of Applei ofaaupenorqualiiy, carefully picked from the Tress bjband. Apply at my residence,

i'ec. H, lf59-t- f. ORLANDO BROWS.

POCKET CUTLERY.TrEKi0. CRUTCHKR, Cutler. to Hi, Excell.n- -IV cv, the Governor of Kemucky, have lust Importedirom me estaoiisnment or Hodgirt 4 Son, Fheffeldcomplete assortment of Pea and Pocket Knle.. i,"

luec. W) loso-in- ,.