The Airport Pricing in the Hub-Spoke Network

Tezukayama RIEB Discussion Paper Series No. 3 Airport Pricing of Private Airports in an Asymmetric Hub–Spoke Network MORIMOTO, Yu Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University TERAJI, Yusuke Faculty of Economics, Tezukayama University First Draft: May 2013 Revised Version: July 2015 Tezukayama University Research Institute for Economics and Business 7-1-1 Tezukayama, Nara 631-8501, Japan

Transcript of The Airport Pricing in the Hub-Spoke Network


Tezukayama RIEB Discussion Paper Series No. 3

Airport Pricing of Private Airports in an Asymmetric Hub–Spoke Network


Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University

TERAJI, Yusuke

Faculty of Economics, Tezukayama University

First Draft: May 2013

Revised Version: July 2015

Tezukayama University

Research Institute for Economics and Business

7-1-1 Tezukayama, Nara 631-8501, Japan


Airport Pricing of Private Airports in an Asymmetri c Hub–Spoke Network1)



This paper examines the pricing strategy of private airports. To capture the relationship between

airport fees and airport locations, we develop a model with the asymmetric hub-spoke network. We

obtain the following results. First, spoke airports which are far from the hub set their airport fees low.

Second, the hub airport offers a large discount for transit passengers when the average distance

between the hub and spokes is long. Finally, when all cities possess the same population, the policy

maker can improve social welfare by allowing the hub to discriminate transit passengers in the

setting of airport fees.

Keywords: Airport Pricing, Hub–Spoke Network, Asymmetric Network, Price Discrimination

1. Introduction

After the liberalization in the aviation industry, the networks of airlines changed from

the point-to-point to the hub-spoke design. As a result, passengers departing from

airports at a spoke node (spoke airport) now have to transit at a hub when they travel.

This transit at the hub imposes some additional costs on passengers from spoke airports.

Therefore, transit passengers incur larger trip cost than those departing from hub

airports. The cost related to the transit may include the airport fee payment; that is,

transit passengers have to pay the airport fees at the departing spoke and hub airports.

However, hub airport operators offer a discounted fee for transit passengers. Figure 1

summarizes the ratio of the discounted transit airport fee against the departing airport

1) This research was financially supported by grants from Research Institute for Economics and Business, Tezukayama University.


fee for the five largest airports in Europe in 2011: London Heathrow (LHR), Charles de

Gaulle (CDG), Frankfurt (FRA), Amsterdam (AMS) and Madrid (MAD). In Figure 1,

the degree of the discount differs among these five airports: LHR offers the highest

transit fee, 82% of the departing fee, while MAD offers the lowest, 53% of the

departing fee. Here, the fees include both airline fees (landing fees, noise charges and

parking charges) and passenger fees (the Passenger Service Facility Charge (PSFC) and

Passenger Security Service Charge (PSSC)). The object of discount is the latter.

The formation of the hub-spoke network may also affect the spoke airport fee. Figure

2 shows the relationship between the fee of European airports and the minimal distance

to the five largest airports in Europe: LHR, CDG, FRA, AMS, and MAD. Each dot

represents an European airport with more than one million passengers in 2011, while the

bold line in Figure 2 represents the fitted line. The fitted line may suggest that the

airport fee decreases as the minimal distance to the major hubs increases. This paper

aims to clarify the mechanisms of the data presented in Figures 1 and 2; that is, (i) why

do spoke airports, which are farther from the hubs, set their airport fees lower and (ii)

what is the determinant of the discount rate for the transit passengers offered by hub


<Figure1: HERE>


<Figure2: HERE>

Silva and Verhoef (2013), Silva et al. (2014), Pels and Verhoef (2004) and Czerny and

Zhang (2015) examined welfare-maximizing public airports. These studies showed that

optimised airport charges internalise congestion externalities and correct the

inefficiency caused by airlines’ market power exertion. However, research focused on

private airports is needed because many airports all over the world, especially in the

United Kingdom, have been privatised, or undergoing the process of privatisation.

Focusing on the private airport setting, airport competition is the largest concern. Teraji

and Morimoto (2014) explained the mechanism whereby airports in relatively small

cities are chosen as hub airports by the model in which two airports compete for the hub

position. Kawasaki (2014) studied price discrimination strategy of two competing

airports. Czerny et al. (2013) focused on competition between two ports in two

countries for demand in a third region. These studies have a problem in which they

assume a symmetric network or focus only on one or two airports.

We develop the model with private airports in an asymmetric hub–spoke network to

analyse how distance between the hub and spoke airports affects airport charges. In the

model, spoke airports locate at an arbitrary distance from the hub and the number of

spoke airports is also arbitrary.


The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we describe the model,

which is used to clarify the reason why spoke airports that are farther from the hubs set

their airport fees lower and what affects the discount rate for the transit passengers at

hub airports. In Section 3, we solve the game among airports and compare the analytical

results with some stylized facts described above. In Section 4, we derive the welfare

effect for each spoke market and analyse how the distance to the hub affects the welfare

loss of each market. In Section 5, we suggest the discriminatory pricing policy to

improve the social welfare. Finally, Section 6 states concluding remarks.

2. The Model

Let us consider a situation in which an airline connects airports with a foreign

country by forming a hub-spoke network as shown in Figure 3.2 In Figure 3,

represents the distance between the hub and each spoke s, and we normalize the

distance between the hub and foreign country to 1. Hereafter, we refer to the hub airport

as Airport h, each spoke airport as Airport s ( ), and City i

( ) is the city in which Airport i is located. The population of City i is

represented by and we normalize the population of City h to 1, .

2 Long-haul flights from Airport h to the foreign county represent flights such as those from Europe to Asia or to the United States.


<Figure 3: HERE>

The economy has three agents: airports, airline, and consumers. The sequence of

decisions among these agents is as follows. First, all airports set their airport fees

simultaneously to maximize their revenue. Second, the airline sets its fares to maximize

its profit. Finally, consumers in each city decide their demand for flights to the foreign

country. Hereafter, we trace the decision-making process.

The demand for air services is

where denotes the airfare. and denote the airport fees of the hub for the

departing passengers and for the transit passengers, respectively. We call the former

“departing fee” and the latter “transit fee.” In Eq. (1.2), is the airport fee of a spoke

airport. Hereafter, we refer to passengers departing from Airport h as “hub passengers”

and passengers departing from Airport s as “spoke passengers.”

The airline creates the hub-spoke network and provides two types of flights,

connecting flights between Airport h and each spoke airport, and direct flights between

Airport h and the foreign country. We assume that the airline’s operating cost is

proportional to the passenger-kilometer. Specifically, operating cost per passenger is

for the connecting flight and for the direct flight. The total operating cost is


The first term is the operating cost for shipping hub passengers and the second term is

the operating cost for shipping spoke passengers. Here, we assume that the airline does

not pay airport fees. In reality, while airlines pay airport fees such as landing, aircraft

parking, and handling fees, they are shifted onto passengers through the airfare.

Therefore, the equilibrium demand and social welfare are given just as functions of total

airport fees (= the sum of all the fees levied by airport operators). Therefore, in our

model, only passengers pay airport fees. Similar assumptions are used in Oum et al.

(1996) and Kawasaki (2014).

Using (2), we obtain the airline’s profit as

The first term is the profit per hub passenger and the second term is the profit per spoke

passenger. The airline sets its airfare to maximize profit:

We obtain airfares from the first-order conditions as follows:


Substituting these two equations into (1), we rewrite the demand as a function of airport

fees, , , and :

Each airport levies airport fees on passengers. Total fee revenue is computed as

The first term of (6.1) is the revenue from hub passengers and the second term is from

spoke passengers. We ignore airports’ operating cost; therefore, private airports set their

airport fees to maximize their fee revenue, that is,

3. Equilibrium

This section derives the equilibrium airport fees in the hub-spoke network.

Furthermore, we verify the stylized facts given in Figures 1 and 2; specifically, whether

the distance to the hub affects the airport fees of each spoke airport and whether the hub

operator reduces its transit fee as the network size expands. In Subsection 3.1, we solve

the game among airports, and Subsection 3.2 uses this solution to check if the two


stylized facts work in our setting.

3.1. Equilibrium Airport Fees

Solving each airport’s revenue maximizing problem, we obtain the best reaction

functions as follows:

Here, is the population-weighted average distance between the

hub and spokes. See appendix A for the derivation of the best responses and

equilibrium airport fees. According to (7), we obtain Lemma 1:

Lemma 1

The transit fee of the hub and the airport fee of spoke airports are strategic substitutes.

For spoke passengers, airport services at the hub and each spoke are complementary

goods. Therefore, if one airport increases its fee, the other airport has to decreases its


By solving (7), we obtain the equilibrium airport fees as


3.2. Pricing strategies of private airports

In this subsection, we discuss pricing strategies by focusing on the distance. We start

with airport fees of spoke airports. Hereafter, Airport is farther from the hub than

Airport s, that is, . From (8.2), we obtain

This result is summarized in Proposition 1.

Proposition 1

Airport fees of the spoke airport decreases as the distance to the hub, , increases.

Demand for connecting flights decreases and becomes more elastic as the distance

between a spoke airport and the hub increases because airfares become higher due to the

airline’s higher operating cost. Therefore, the spoke airport lowers its airport fee to

boost demand. This result explains the fitted line in Figure 2. When the distance to the

hub is long, the spoke airport chooses the lower airport fee, which offsets the higher

airfare and increases the demand.

We move to pricing strategies of the hub airport and investigate the discount for

transit passengers. According to (7.1) and (8.1), we obtain the ratio of the transit fee to


departing fee as follows:

Differentiating (9) with respect to , we obtain Proposition 2.

Proposition 2

The ratio of the transit fee to the departing fee decreases as the weighted average

distance, , increases.

The hub lowers its transit fee and compensates for higher airfare of spoke routes to

attract more transit passengers when spoke airports are located far from the hub. On the

other hand, the departing fee is independent from the location pattern of spoke airports.

Therefore, the transit fee gets relatively small compared to the departing fee as the

average distance becomes large. Note that in Figure 1, the discount ratio of MAD is the

lowest among the five largest airports. This can be interpreted as follows. Since MAD

locates at the fringe of Europe compared to the other four airports, the operator of MAD

discounts the transit fee more than the others to attract more transit passengers from

spoke airports.

4. Welfare Analysis

This section clarifies the effect of distance to the hub upon the social welfare for each

spoke route. To deal with this problem, we designate Route s as the route from Airport s


to the foreign country via the hub. We define the social welfare for Route s as the gross

consumer benefit minus the social cost.

The first term is the lower part of the inverse demand function and the second term is

the operating cost. The social welfare in the equilibrium is

Here, and .

At the optimum, airfare should be equal to the airline’s marginal cost, and airport fees

should be zero. Therefore, the social welfare in the optimum, , is

See Appendix B for the derivation of these social welfare functions. The welfare loss is

, and we define the welfare loss ratio on Route s as

This ratio indicates the degree of market distortion. A large means large welfare loss

and large market distortion.

To analyze the relationship between the welfare loss and the distance, let us compare

the two spoke airports, and ( ). From (13), we can state


Since, , then : therefore,

. Summarizing this, we obtain Proposition 3.

Proposition 3

The welfare loss ratio, , increases as the distance between the hub and spoke, ,


<Figure 4: HERE>

This result is derived from the hub’s transit fee which is identical for all transit

passengers. To clarify this mechanism, we define the “Net Benefit of the First trip

( ” and the “Total Markup ( .” captures the net social gain of the first

trip along Route s, which is computed as the highest willingness to pay (equal to unity)

minus marginal cost of the flight operation, . That is, .

captures the aggregate private gains of the airline, the hub and Airport s: that is,

In Figure 4, the area CDE is the welfare loss and the area ABE is the social welfare in

the optimum. Since the slope of the demand curve is unity, according to Figure 4, the

welfare loss ratio is written as . While both and are


decreasing in , the decrease of is less significant than due to the

identical transit fee at the hub. Therefore, is increasing in .

In this section, we analyzed social welfare for each route under the identical transit

fee. Next, we evaluate the welfare effect of the “discriminatory fee scheme” under

which the hub can set different transit fees for each route.

5. Discriminatory airport fee policy5. Discriminatory airport fee policy5. Discriminatory airport fee policy5. Discriminatory airport fee policy

Proposition 3 shows that the relative welfare loss is increasing with the distance to

the hub due to the uniform transit fee at the hub. To avoid the welfare loss due to

uniform pricing for transit passengers, we consider the case where the hub can set its

transit fee for each spoke route separately according to the demand elasticity. We call

this case “discriminatory fee case.” In this case, the hub’s revenue maximizing problem

is reduced to maximize the fee revenue for each route. That is,

Here, is the transit fee for Route s passengers. The best response is

Using the spoke’s best response, (7.3), we obtain the transit fee as


In the discriminatory fee scheme, is computed as:

In contrast, the total markup under the uniform fee scheme, , is computed in Eq.

(14). In comparison of these two,

This indicates that, for the routes where , the discriminatory fee scheme

improves the economic welfare. This is because, in these routes, the discriminatory fee

scheme results in the airport fee payments reduction3 and the lower total mark up. In

contrast, due to the rise in the airport fee payments, the economic welfare of the routes

for is decreased when the discriminatory fee scheme is introduced.

Next, we focus on change in the welfare loss of the entire network. Because the

welfare loss for each route is expressed as the triangle CDE in Figure 2, the loss for

each is calculated as . Aggregating the loss for all routes, the differential in

the welfare loss of the entire network under the two alternative fee schemes is computed

3 The differentials in the fees incurred by transit passengers in two cases are computed as:

Superscripts and indicates the uniform fee and the discriminatory fee cases, respectively. Also

note that the fees under the uniform case (with the superscript ) are derived as in Eqs. (8).



If this sign is negative, the discriminatory fee scheme is more efficient than the uniform

scheme; that is, the discriminatory fee scheme improves the economic welfare. To

obtain a clear result, we assume that all spoke cities have the same population, that is,

. We rewrite Eq. (16) as:

where is the variance of [see Appendix C for derivation of Eq. (17)]. This result

is summarised as follows:

Proposition 4

When all the spoke cities have an identical population size, the discriminatory fee

scheme is more efficient than the uniform scheme in terms of the entire welfare.

As shown in Proposition 4, when all the spoke cities have an identical population size,

the policy maker can improve social welfare by allowing airports to discriminate

passengers in setting airport fees. However in reality, price discrimination is banned in

many countries. For example, the EU Airport Charges Directive (2009/12/EC) prohibits

4 Since, under the two alternative fee schemes, the hub passengers incur an identical airfare and airport fee, the loss at the hub airport remains at the same level; therefore, we ignore the change in the loss at the hub.


differentiated fees to airlines using the same service. In the US, airports are compelled

to offer same fees for same service by 2013 FAA’s Policy Regarding Airport Rates and

Charges. Since these restrictions harm social welfare, we suggest that the discriminatory

fee scheme should be introduced based on our results.

6. Conclusion

In this study, we analyzed airport pricing in an asymmetric hub-spoke network and

obtained three results. First, the airport fees of a spoke airport decreases as the distance

to the hub increases. This is because the demand from the spoke airport gets relatively

smaller as the distance between the spoke and the hub increases, due to the high

operating cost and airfare. Second, the ratio of the transit fee to the departing fee

diminishes as the weighted average distance increases. Demand of a spoke route is a

decreasing function of the distance. Therefore, the hub lowers its transit fee in attempt

to boost the demand for transit services when spoke airports locate farther than average

from the hub. Third, the welfare loss ratio increases as the distance between the hub and

spoke increases. The mark-up ratio of a long spoke route is large due to the identical

transit fee. According to the large mark-up ratio, the welfare loss ratio also becomes

large. Moreover, we showed the possibility that the discriminatory fee scheme improves


the social welfare.

We need to extend our model in two aspects. First, we should establish a multi-hub

model. It is often observed that some large airports compete for hub positions. Such

competitions lead to discounting of airport fees. Second, we should consider airport

groups and alliances among airports. If some airports are in one group or operated by a

parent company, airport operators try to maximize the total profit of their group or




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Appendix A: Derivation of best responses.

We differentiate (6.1) with respect to and , and the first order conditions for

the revenue maximization problem are:


We differentiate (6.2) with respect to the total fee, , and the first order

condition is


We arrange (A.1), (A.2), and (A.5) for , and using (A.3) and (A.5) and



We delete in (A.6) using (A.7) and obtain


Solving (A.8) for , we obtain


Appendix B: Derivation of social welfare

(i) The social welfare in the equilibrium

Plugging (1) into (11), we delete and obtain

Plugging (4.2) into (B.1), we delete and obtain

Plugging (8.1) and (8.3) into (B.2), we delete and and obtain

Here, and

(ii) The social welfare in the optimum condition

Conditions for the optimum are that airfare should be equal to the airline’s marginal

cost and that airport fees should be zero. Under these conditions,

And then, the demand in the optimum is


Plugging (B.4)s into (11), we obtain the welfare function in the optimum as


Appendix C: Comparison of two airport fee schemesAppendix C: Comparison of two airport fee schemesAppendix C: Comparison of two airport fee schemesAppendix C: Comparison of two airport fee schemes

The difference of the social welfare under both schemes is


Substituting them into Eq. (C.1) and we obtain

Because , we rewrite the weighted average distance as:

We simplify Eq. (C.2) as:

where is the variance of .


Figure 1: The ratio of the transit fee against the departing fee*

*This figure compares the fees of departing and transit passengers from a B787 passenger jet (280 seats).

To compute the fees, we use the IATA Airport, ATC and Fuel Charges Monitor (IATA, 2013) and set

several assumptions: the aircraft utilises the parking for three hours during the daytime; the loading factor

is 71%; and the MTOW (Maximum Takeoff Weight) is 301 t.


Figure 2: The relationship between the airport fee and the distance to the hub*

*: This figure demonstrates the departing fees for passengers boarding a B787 passenger jet (280 seats)

for European international airports, which are appeared in the IATA Airport, ATC and Fuel Charges

Monitor (IATA, 2013). In computing the airport charges, we set the same assumptions as in Figure 1.


Figure 3: Hub–Spoke Network


Foreign country Distance:

Airport h

Airport s


Figure 4: Welfare Loss for Route s

Welfare Loss

Fare, Cost





Demand function


Marginal Cost