The aegis & intelligencer (Bel Air, Md.) 1873-05-02 [p ]The bill states that Tbirza Streett f died...

TMSMens. BEL AIK, M.L, APRIL AS, ISIS, Brief Mention. —An lowa jury values a mail’s leu; ut $7,- 375. —A pair of native Bengal tigers have been born iu Georgia recently. —California has eight woolen mills, all lin- ing a profitable business. —Blackberries are plentiful in Jacksonville, Florida. —A citizen of Harrisburg is said to possess a picture of Hernando Cortez, painted in 1520, —lt is said that Buffalo Bill is becoming jealous of Black Salary Bill. —Brigham Young is anxious that Young- er men should succeed him. —The New York Bar Association has over six hundred members. —lt is thought most of the fixed stars are really other suns. —The South Carolina Legislature contains 101 colored members. —A child in Evansville, Ind., has been sleeping for three months. —The Winnebago Indians are to be re- moved from Wisconsin to the Indian Terri- tory. —California has become tired of gold and diamonds, and talks of startling an opal mine. —Malarial diseases arc least prevalent when consumption is worst. —Apples contain more brain-food than any other fruit or vegetable. —Rhubarb pies will etc long set people’s teeth on edge. —The greatest number of disasters happen to iron vessels. —One British ship was lost every day last year on an average. ' —Bloomfield, lowa, lias reared a SIIO,OOO school house to switch youngsters in. —lf the Atlantic had been a man of war not fifty lives would have been lost. Vienna Exposition to make it pay. —Roaches can he driven otf by Hinging snuff in their eyes. —Wisconsin is strewn with the frames of frozen game birds, —Minnesota dram shops are compelled by law to support an inebriate asylum. —A Kansaspaper describes a man as being “as sociable as a batch of candidates two weeks before election.” —lndiana tobacconists are pinched to choose between shutting up shop on Sunday or paying $lO fine for selling a cigar on that day. —To prepare for the visitors to the great exhibition, Vienna is erecting nice new hospitals all over its suburbs. —Some determined litigants in Jones Co., , lowa, have caaried a fitly cent suit to the Supreme Court. —lt is said that a man lias been elected to Congress from Alabama who has served the State nine years—in the Penitentiary. —A Detroit furniture man hung out a card inscribed "Buggy! For Sale!" and placed it upon a second hand bedstead. —A San Francisco man has brought suit for $ 11,000 for being crippled for life by a dog. , —Two black women iu Vicksburg lately \ fought a duel with butcher knives, and one of them was killed. —There is but one Stale iu the Union and one Territory free from debt —lowa and Col- orado —A Boonshoro, lowa, creditor kicked a debtor and credited him with forty cents on account. —An lowa chop invented a steam fiddle, and has the land for four or live miles around left to his sole occupancy. —The latest heiress to a fortune has been for some years living in the Cleaveland poor- house. —Lancaster exults in the possession, by one of its citizens, of a horse with a well de- fined moustache. —Eighty' thousand dollars worth of the Atlantic’s cargo has been removed and taken to Halifax, It is to be sent to Now York. —An unreasonable parent at Council Bluffs complains because the school-teacher Hogged his boy with a black walnut board. —The Sioux City lawyers are expending eloquence over a ease which involves the stealing of a basket of chips. -A man in Bethlehem, N. H., ninety years old, has got so that he can read without glass- es. —A Massachusetts man lately sold seven- ty three dozen patent medicine bottles, all of which he had emptied in his own family. —John Smith saws three cords of wood a day in Afton, lowa. He is seventy-three years old and has only one leg and one hand. —The Chinese had magnetic carriages with which to guide themselves across the great plains of Tartary, 1000 years before our era, on the principle of the compass. —An lowa dealer, who sold several pumps, “to be paid for when Greeley was elected,” re- cently brought suit against his customers for pay. Judgment was given for the defen- dants, with costs. Religious Services in Bel Air and Vi- cinity. SUNDAY, MAY 4th, 1873. Methodist Protestant. Bel Air, 11 A.M., Abingdon, 3( P. M., Rev. A. I). Melvin. Providence, 10J A. M., Union Chapel, 3J P. M., Rev. John Roberts. Prayer meeting in Bel Air every Wednes- day evening. Methodist Episcoptd. —Bel Air, 101 A. M., Class and Prayer Meeting. Emory, 10 A. M., Thos. Run, :5 P. M., Rev. B. F. Clarkson. Franklin, 10 A. M., Darlington, 3 P. M., Rev. H. B. France. Christian Church. -Near Clayton, Rev. F. Marion Hawkins, M. D., pastor. Service every Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. Protestant Episcopal. —St. Mary’s, near Emmorton, 11 A. M., Rev W. F. Brand. Emmanuel, Church, Bel Air, 4 P. M., Rock Spring, KU A. M., Rev. William E. Snowden. Trinity, Churchville, 11 A. M. and 7P. M., Rev. E. A. Colburn; Grace Church, Darlington, Hi P. M., Rev. E. A. Colburn. Presbyterian. —Bel Air, 11 A. M., and 7 P. M. Rev. E. D. Finney. Grove Presbyterian Church ., Aberdeen 11 A. M., and 7i P. M., Rev. D. K. Camp- bell. Franklinville, Presbyterian Church— Every 11 A. M., Rev. J. P. Carter. Roman Catholic. —St. Ignatius, Hickory every Sunday and Holiday, at 10J A. M. Rev. P. F.O’Connor. M. h\ Church Smith. —Appointments for May. 4th, Perrymausville, 10)4 A. M.; Elliotts School House, Opa !’• M., 11th, Aberdeen, A. M., Darlington, 7)£ I’. M., 18th, Dublin, 1(% A. M., and 3'J P. M., 251 h, Jarre.ttsvillc, 10>.; A. M., and 7‘4 P. M. Uev. <>. C. Sbdwick, P. O. BALTIMORE MARKETS, Corrected Weekly by Wm. H. Michael & Sons, Grain and Produce Commission Merchants, 1*45 MiilMmry's Wharf, Baltimore. Wednesday, (iuid Flail —Mackerel, Nos. 3 to 1 9 00 (g) 22 mi Herring 5 00 6 75 Flour—Super r 00 0 oo Extra 6 25 (oj 7 57 Family * 00 9 50 Rye Floor 475 (a) 5 25 Com Meal (to 150 (IKAIR-Mliild Wlnal 1 80 (in 2 10 j It ml Wheat I To (q> 2 10 White Corn •<*' To Yellow Corn....*. (oj (h, Oats—by weight 6o V v< 56 H> v o to) 95 liUll IH- Good In choice -0 ul) 40 Eggs (<!) 10 Wool —Good to choice, Washed f.o si) 55 Unwashed...*.. 55 ($ 4o Hay—Timothy uo oo 31 oo Clover Hay 20 oo fa 23 00 Heeds —Clover 500 (j$ 5 50 Timothy 3 50 ($ 3 75 a. Oat Straw 20 00 (Q 22 00 Straw, straight 30 00 (g> -Irish per bin 0' ny 75 4o ini ( ai 45 ou . Vyi* of lice ¦ \ ' <. nr. tire. For Sheriff. Mu. Editor: Please Announce JOHN HOP-! KINS as a candidate for the Sheriffalty, subject to the nomination of the Democratic and Con- servative party at Hie primary elections. up 4 Many voters. For Sheriff, Mu. Editor: Please announce SAMUEL.| STREETT, of the 4th District, as a candidate for the next Sheriffalty of Harford comity, sub- net to the Democratic Conservative nomination . MANY FRIENDS. lor slu r ill. Mu. Kiutou; Please announce WM. G. RAN- 1 WAY as a candidate for Ihe next Sheriffalty of j j Harford county, subject to the Democratic Con servalivenomination. ' , sep2T MANY VOTERS. ; lor Slu r ill . Mn. Editou: Please announce JOHN J. ! ALEXANDER us a candidate for the next ; Sheriffalty of Harford county, subject to the Democratic Conservative nomination. sep’JO MANY FRIENDS. for n her id. Mu. Editou:—Please announce me a eatuli- i , dale for the next Sheriffalty of Ilarfonl county, j i subject to the decision of the Democratic mill | n Conservative parly at the Primary Elections, seplli W. li. JARRETT. i For ShorilT. Mu. Emnni: Please announce that I am a 11 candidate lor the next Sheriffalty of Ibirfoul county, subject to die endorsenn nl of the Demo- eralie Const t vulive parly. novrt JAMES S. LYTLE. For Sheriff. Mu. Editou: Please unnonnee FRANK It. \ * GLENN as a candidate for Sheriff of Harford ! J-’ onnty, subject to Die Demoeratie Conservative \ omination. MANY VOTERS. j, for Slur 111 . Mu. Editor: Please announce HENRY (.’. t J( HINSON as a candidate for the next Sheritful- li ty of Harford county, subject to the Demoeratie 1 Conservative nomination. sepiiT MANY VOTERS Morgan & Martin, (Successors to John I. William**.) IIAVHK ite UKACE, Mu *- a COAL MERCHANTS, i it iinil dealer.-* in : I’ ertilizers, Phosphates. U;. ] We rasped fully mil the alleiitioii of fanners ami { others to our stock. . p All grades of herl *|tmlily of COAL * Hiilinually on | i. hand and for sale at tin* L**west (’ash Pi ice,-. li 2240 Hounds to ihe Ton, |' and satisfaction guaranteed. Our Block ot FERTILIZERS Ih from the nioal npplov | ed luaiiulacluiers, uicl Prices tin bow as tin- he>l arlie.le will Justify. iipi Ily Maryland and Pennsylvania Railroad. ELECTION NOTICE. ~ rI a 11E STt K’KHOLDERS nf Tim Mary laud 1 1 tind Pennsyvlnn'm Railroad Company, , are hereby notified that the Annual Meeting " to elect a Board of Directors, Ae., will be held at the Maryland House in Rising Sun, Cecil county, Md„ ? ON THE SECOND TUESDAY, (lilth), OF MAY, 1873, bet ween the hours ofl2. M. and 2 o’clock I*. M. J ilv order of the Board, J. F. FORREST, apt I It Secretary, Pro lent. Thomas Street!, of Win , Sr., j In the Circuit > (Court fori Far- ), | ford county. In Joint (’. Slreetl and others. J Equity. 8 rpHE object of this suit is to obtain n dc- 1 croc for the sale for partition among the heirs-at-law, of the real estate of which Thirza Streett, late of Harford county, died t seized. The bill states that Tbirza Streett f died inlesliite, in the month of February, . 187 J, seized of certain real estate situated in Harford countyl, called “Streetl’s Pleasant . J Hills,” containing ninety-two acres, more or ' less. That she left surviving her Thomas i Slreetl, John C. Streett, David Streett, Ann I Streett, Elizabeth Robinson, Mary, wife of. 1 Alexander MeComas,Surah, wifcot Prederi. k i Swann and Caroline V. wife of James B. Wright, her brothers and sisters, and Edwin Streett, son of Iter deceased brother, William I Streett, Jr., her only heirs-at-law. Each of j which said above named parlies owns one undivided ninth part of said real estate of j which said Thirza died seized. That said | real estate is not susceptible ot partition j among the said parties in interest without ! loss and injury, and that it would be to the " interest and advantage of ail concerned that j the saint! should he sold and the proceeds di- i sided. Also that said Sarah Swann and her J husband, and Caroline V. Wright and her t husband, and the said Edwin Streett, arc non- } residents of the State of Maryland, and prays i for an order ofpublication against said non- t residents. c Whereupon it is ordered this tenth day of ¦ April, hi the year 187 J, that the complainant, Thomas Streett, of Wm. Sr., by publication of this order in some newspaper printed and ( published iu Harford county, once in each of , four successive weeks, three months before Hie J eighth day of September next, give notice to the said non-resident defendants of the object ' and substance of this Bill, and warn them to . appear in this Court, on or before the said eighth day of September next, in person or j by Solicitor, and answer the allegations of ' this Bill of Complaint, and in default of such i appearance and answer that the allegations j . of the hill be taken pro confesso as against ! ; them. A. L. JARUETT, Clerk. : ) True Copy Test, apis A. L. JARRETT, Clerk. |; i i Daniel Scot It 1 vs in Chancery. John S. Brown, ) ORDERED, this 21 si day of April, 1873, that the sales made and reported by Daniel Scott, Mortgagee, in above entitictl ; cause, be ratified ami confirmed, unless cause ¦ to the contrary be shown on or before the ! 19th dav of May, 1873; provided, a copy of j J this order be published in some newspaper j! printed and published in Harford county, 11 once in each of three successive weeks before i 1 the said 19th day of May, 1873. The report stales the amount of sales to be I $574 !)2. A. L. JARRETT, Clerk, i True Copy, Test, up2s A. L, JARRETT, Clerk, i j Co-Partnership Notice. 1 1 f'l'MIE undersigned, John Moore, Robert JL Stewart and George Brown, of Cecil ' county, as General partners, and Andrew ¦ Boyle, of Harford county, Mil., as Special i 1 Partner, have formed a limited partnership, I under the firm name of j i MOORE, BOYLE & Co., for the purpose of carrying on the business j ofPilots on the Susquehanna River, between j; Peach Bottom, Pennsylvania, and Port De- posit, Md. Andrew Boyle, as Special Part- | ner, is to contribute a sum not exceeding sl,- j 000 to the capital stock of the firm. The j partnership is to expire at the end of the ; present ilifting season of 1873. JOHN MOORE, ROBERT STEWART, GEORGE BROWN, General Partners, I ANDREW BOYLE, aplß-3t Special Partner, j NOTICE. I ABATEMENTS ai TRANSFERS r |MiE County Commissioners for Harford i 1 county will meet at their office on Mondays and Tuesdays during the months of APRIL AND MAY, for the purpose of making Abatements and 1 Transfers. | All applications for Abatements must lie i made under oath or affirmation, requiring the parties applying to give in to the Com- missioners all property fltey may possessor every kind which is assessable and not to them at the time assessed, i 1-eTTt is hoped that all persons in the county desirous of having changes made in their assessments, will avail themselves : of the time fixed by law for that purpose. By order of the Board, inh7 JAS. Jp. FULTON, Clerk. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 112,000,000 ACRES ! Cheap Farms! j Thocht-upus! I.iudl ih ihe market !•> tSiu Union rat i(l<‘ Railroad Company, ; In I lie (Ii nut I'Utte Valley. A(*n i s in (Viitral Nebraska now for Halo iu IraelM of fur I y ueies and uji Wni'ils uu live : and ton yoaiT* 1 mulit at ier ci ul No mlvaitco Interest ret | ui ml. Mild and liealliitnl I’limate, lei tile anil, an al'iinduiiOo ot nood water. i k Tlio Market in HioWeii! mining te- Hioiis tf Wyoming. tNdoruiio, I tuli ami Nevatla hfinjA [ , niip|died by Ibe tarmei'H iu tbu I'lalte Valley. 1 Suhfiers entitled to a Homestead of 1 HO An'ex. j Tll Klt KBT I AKJ ATI ON SF ) it t\) I .UN IKS. Fit K IIOMKS FOR Abb! Millions of Acres of choice j j Uovernim nt bandHopen for entry under Ihe lloinestead ! i baw. near thin (beat Uuilroad, with good markets and , ; all the conveniences of an old settled country. Kioe passes to pundiasern of Railroad band. ; Bectioiial Maps, showing the band, also new edition ' <l Uesciiptive Raiuphlot with new Maps .Mailed Free . everywhere. Address, O K. DA A IS. bund C’oiiinilssioii- j : er, U. I*. It. K , Uniaha, Neh, Win i ted. 10,000 FA KM K liS ¦ to improve 1.70d,nd0 m les R. K. bands, free from inort- J j gageatnl located in the middle I VVeslet n lo\va—the : hest coin, wheat and i attlo-piod.icing hell in the West, ! | 15 hours distant from Chicago. ( Miniate and soil iinsiir- j passed. Meadow and plow land with pure running wa- ter evenly distributed. No fever and ague. Average n edit price, JSO per .tie. i'eiid for a guide. It cost no- thing, and gives descriptions, prices, terms, maps and j how to reach the lands. Addro-s, JOHN It. OAbMOUN, j band (Viiiiniissiouer b>wn Rtiilroad band (.’o., Cedar Ra- pids, litWii. Chic ago ollice, Co S. Canal St. Blair Piesiiyterial Meim, lllnlrstoicn, Nrtc Jersey. Kt|iial advaniages fr males and females Faine-t Christ mn intliience, thorough instruction and careful attention to the com forts and hahils of Htudents, render this oiie of the best in-t it ill ion* of the country. Spring session minno-nees March *.'sth. Htildciits rei ei\ed at any time. Terms •$-on a year. Uoferenee ; Ullloers of I'riiiceion and biif.ivelte'Colleges. Heml lor t'alalogiie. S. S. STKVKNH. A.‘ M., Principal. FOR ONE OOLLAR. We will send free by iiuil. .m iceeipl <il one ib>ilar, 26 I packet.-* of eboice rioWer seeds and •nr I'uluJogm*, dn | l.tining npwiirtls of 1,000 varidles, with hill directions for cull lire, to any mldress in Hie Uniletl Fla lea. (‘ala logiies tree on tippliialbm j DKK A IK)\ 1.1 , . c e.Mlsm*’n ami Flh ists,*.'d Tren.o it I s triet, Rost on. ONLY TEN CENTS. EVl’.ih MAN Ills OWN PAINTER ; Or PAINTS HOW TO SELECT AND USE THEM, A plain treatise, containing sample caul with 42 dif- ferent actually painted shades and tints, with iiislruc lions lor exterior ami interior ll*.use hero rat ion. 25 copies, bound in cloth, for $6. Humph l copies, pa- per cover, ni.ii'ed, post paid, I > any uddiess, on ipl iiflo cents, by the Publisher, IIIMtV CAKGV RAHCD, ItOX 1021, POST-OFKICB, Pill bADKbPII lA. Hee the following valuable extracts from press indices ! “A very valuable book, ami no one intending to paint 1 should tail t*read it. .N )’. Tribune. “We did md know so much could he said on the sub- ject of painting a house until we read this excellent book of Mr. Baird's.”—-V. V. Herald. “A want long felt at last supplied.” Sclentijlc .-1 nieri- vnn. “Not only a necessity to the painter, but valuable to every occupant of a dwt lllng.”—A. f. World. ‘•Buy 25 copies of this book and distribute them among your friends. If they will heed the advice therein, you could make no more valuable present.'' —Vhicayu hi- Inne. “Iu publishing this hook Mr. Baird has done a real service to the comm till ity.” —Toledo liltide. “We hope the publisher will sell 100,000 copies of this took during ’73.’' —Jin Inn Advertiser. “Wo have Just painted our house as advised by the author, and congratulate otirselv s tout un dwelling in our neighborhood excel- mils in appcaraii e.”—Her- j lev's Weekly, * ln selling u sample copy fur to cents, Mr. Baird must 1 feel certain an order f*r 'JO hound in * loth will follow.” Franl: Leslie. “Wo know the town and country paints therein re- commended, mid can vouch for their value and the ex- i ctdlcnco of the “Harrison” brand oi White lead. " I hit- . adelphiu I.edtjer. ONLY TEN CENTS. Sewing Machine IS Tin: OUST IN B ill: WOULD. AUKNTS WANTED. Send for circular. Address “DOMESTIC” SEWING MACHINECD, NEW \ URK USE the Reisiiiger Sash bock and Support to Fasten Your Windows! No spring to break, no cutting of sash ; cheap, durable, very easily applied ; holds sash at any place desired, and and a sell fastener when the sash is down. Fend stamp for circular. Circular and six copper-bron/od locks sent to any address in the U F., postpaid, on receipt of 50 cents, biheral inducements to the trade. Agents want- ed. Address, REMINDER FASH biM’K CD.. No. 41S Market rtt., Harrishurg, l‘a. | ESTABLISHED 1539. J rf) iri.'uu s tiitit i'irns. Manufacturers of Saws. L SUPERIOR TO Abb OTHERS. \> EVERY SAW WARRANTEO. > I’ll* I*, 1 *, itclimg a I. <l Maeliiiiery. ' . ttTi.T.riii'.UAt. iirscoiiXTs 11 V-ITice bists and Ciicnlars free. Welch & Griffiths, (J) Boston, Mass, anil Detroit, Midi. jAGENTS WANTED Male and Female Agents wjuiled Idhcll tin* 4, !land Sewer,” the wonder id the age. No family should be without it. It will do the work ofas7s machine. Works so easily a child can run it. Ouaranteod for one ; year. Price, $2. Agents should send for circulars. Ad- dim HAND SEW INO MANUFACTURING CO., 497 j Craig Sb, Montreal,OiMiada. better postage to Canada ! 6c. Write for a Price List to J. 11. JOHNSTON, wo HkS ELD ST PIITSBUHGHPA^^ 179 Sinltl>field St., Pittsburgh. Pa. ! Breecb-boading Shot Guns, 40 to S3OO. Double Shot ; j Guns, .*}s to s.lsu. Single (tuns, 3to S2O. Rilles, Bto 1 I $75. llevolvers,ss tos2s. Pistols, 1 tosß. Gun Material, : Fishing Tackle, A**, burger discounts to dealers or ; clubs. Army Guns, Revolvers, etc, bought or traded 1 1 for. Goods sent by express C. U. D. to be examined before J I paid for. PATENTS OBTAIN El). No fees unless successful. No fees in advance. No charge for preliminary search. Send for circulars, i CONNOLLY BROTHERS, KS S. Fourth SI. Philadel- phia, Pa., and 90S Ninth St., Washington, D. P. SO 1.1)110 KS who were hlaves nmv get Hie same Bounty paid white sold era in like service. Write ; JOHN KIRKPATRICK, Cambridge, 0 , with loc. JUT Made Rapidly with Stencil A Key J-J X (’heck Outfits. Catalogues and full particulars Free. S. M SPENCER, 117 Hanover St., ; Boston 1 1 Z m “Beautiful Children M A Me- V/cLX.LIpSBCLIdc dico Pliiloßopliical Poem. Origi- i Hally publislied in lOtiO. A reprint of this rare and cu- rious old poem now ready. Price, SI.OO AM. ANTI MU A RIAN Pub. Co., 130 S. 6lh St., Philadelphia. EVEIY CORNET BAND IN the country will receive a splendid piece of Band \ Music free, by sending a two-ceut stampt> EDWARD t 1 A. SAMUELS, Publiisher. Boston, Mass. lfE tfrfkAper day! Agents wanted! I Tkv# w All classes of working pe* pie of either sex, young or old, make mere money ut work for us in their spare moments, or all the time, , (bun at anything else. Particulars free. Address G. , I STINSON & CO., Portland, Maine. Gettysburg KATALYSINE WATER j Is the nearest approach to a specific ever discovered for 1 Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Rheumatisiii, Gout, Gravel, Dia- i betas, Kiiiiieyand Urinary Diseases generally. It ros- j tores muscular power to the Paralytic. It clues Liver I j Complaint, Chronic Diarrinea, Piles, Constipation, Asth- ma, Catarrh and Bronchitis, Diseases of the Skin, General Debility and Nervous Prostration from Mental and 1 Physical Excesses. It is the Greatest Antidote ever dis- covered for Excessive Eating or Drinking. It corrects 1 Ihe stomach, promotes Digestion, and Relieves the Head 1 almost Immediately. No household should hi* without 1 it. For sale by all Ih uggists. (ftjGFor a hist *ry of the Springs, for medical reports 1 of the power of the water over diseases, for marvellous ; cures, and l*ir test imouisls from distinguished men, semi 1 j for pamphlets. WHITNEY BROS,. General Agents, 227 South Front street, Philadelphia, Pa. GETTYSBURG SPRING Co. rU REWARD. h**r any case of Blind, Bleed lug Itching or Ulcerated Piles that Dkßi.Nu's PILE Remedy tails to cur It is prepared expressly to cure the Piles, amt nothing else. - Sold ly all Druggists. Price 3 junl7 One Dollar. 1 | T7IANCY TOILET SOAPS, PERFUMERY 1 JT Stationery, School Books, Ac., for sale hy C. nr Executors’ Sale. rpilE Hubseribers, as Executors of the last 1 Will anti Testament ofDavid N. Wiley, deceased, in virtue of Hie power therein con- tained and under an order of the Orphans’ Court of Harford county, will sell, upon the premises, (ill Saturday, May .‘ld, IS7-1, At 11 o’clock, A. M., till Ilist! Tract or Parcel of LAND situated in Harford county, called “GOOD IMIOSPHCT,'’ containing, 5 S AC ll ES, MOKE OR LESS. The improvements consist of a two story FRAME Dwelling House, Barn, Coni House, Meat House, Spring House and other outbuildings. The farm is in a good stale of cultivation, and has limber upon il sufficient for fencing and lire wood. It is situated about otto mile from Norrisville, in a healthy neighborhood, convenient to schools, churches, Ac., and adjoins the lands of Abra- ham Aiinotiy, John I*. Cat heart and others, and is where said deceased lived at Hie time of his death. |3f-The Terms of Sale are—one third cash on day of sale, or the ratification thereof by the Orphans' Court of Harford county; one- third in six and Hie balance in twelvemonths thereafter, theciedit payments to bear intea- cst from day of sale, and to lie secured hy Hie notes of Hie purchaser, with security approv- ed hy the Executors. JOSEPH WILEY, MATTHEW WILEY HERMAN STUMP, Jr., Attorney, apll Trustee's Sale OH’ Valuable Mill I’roperly. IN pursuance of a decree of the file . Court. Ibr Harford coimh as a Court Chancery, Hie subscriber, as Trustee, w oiler for sale at public unction, at Hie Court House door, in Bel Air, (in Tuesday, May (‘.Hi, 15.:5. At l*J o’clock, M , Thai, Valuable) Property, KNOWN AS Hush Mills,” situated in Harford county, at the head of Bush river, and the terminus of the Philadel- phia and Baltimore Turnpike. This proper- ly contains HO Acrks of Land, MORE OR LESS, a large portion of which is in cultivation ami is very productive. The improvements con- sist of a Ii A ll (J 10 T 11 11 H E-KTO It V STONE Hfei&RßT & FLOOR MILL, built in the most substantial manner, 80x45 feet, with three run offour feel burrs, driven by a Lelfel Turbine Wheel. The machinery Ims all been newly put in. and is of Hie best quality and latest improved patterns. The water power is a strong unfailing stream, is one of the best in the State, ami has 31 feet head and fall, with a good and substantial dam. This mill is in complete working order as a first-class grist and Hour mill, and lias a large run of custom work. It is also well situated for a merchant mill, there being tide water transportation from the n ill door. There is also on this properly A. Pine W ll arf, located on tide water, with ample room for , storage of lumber, coal, Ac. TERMS OP SALE. —The terms of sale as prescribed by Hie decree are —that ouc-lhird of Hie purchase money shall be paid in cash on the day of sale, or the ratification there- of; one-third in six months, and the balance in twelve mouths front the day of sale —the deferred payments to bear intercut from the day of sale and to be secured by the notes or bonds of Hie purchaser, with security approv- ed by the Trustee. Parties desiring further information will please address the undersigned. GEORGE Y. MAYNADIER, Tiuistkh, Bel Air, Harford county, Md. J. S, Richardson, Auctioneer. mhSB Trustee’s Stile! IN a Decree iu Chancery, the snip- j scriber, as Trustee, will offer at Public I Sale, at the Court House Door, in Bel Air, On Tuesday, May (<li, At 11 o’clock, A. M., the REAL ESTATE of which Thomas Glenn, late of Harford j county, died seized, situated at Clermont | Mills, ou Deer Creek, in Harford county, eon- ] tabling 107 Acres of Ltmd, MORE OR LESS, of which about seven acres are in wood, and tbe residue is arable laud, of excellent quality. The improvements consist of a good Dwellii Hoiks, Store House, Barn and all necessary outbuildings—all in good condition and repair. The Store is very advantageously located, and is one of the most desirable situations iu the county for a country merchant. Terms of Sale prescribed by the decree are, that one-third part of the purchase money shall be paid in cash on the day of sale,and the residue in two equal payments at six and twelve months thereafter, with I interest from the day of sale, and security ap j proved by the Trustee. HENRY W, ARCHER, Trustee. .1, S. Richardson, Auctioneer. apll Trustee’s Sale. IN virtue of a Decree in Chancery, the sub- scriber, as trustee, will oiler at Public Sale, | at Aberdeen Station, P., W. and Baltimore 1 Railroad, (In Saturday, May IOIIi, IS7.‘{, At 13 o’clock, M., the Kc a 1 Est at o ; of which Adeline B. Hall, late of Harford i county, died seized, situated near Aberdeen 1 Station, P., W. ami Baltimore Railroad, in Harford county, adjoining the lands of Har- i rison Bradford, William F. Panned and oth- j era. containing 105 Acres of Land, MORE OR LESS, of which about sixty acres arc in wood, and the rest in good arable land. The improvements consist of a good and 1 convenient two story frame DWELLING | HOUSE, Stabling, Carriage House and all | necessary outbuildings—all in good condition j and repair. This properly is beautifully situated in a healthy locality, within one mile of i he Short i Lane Station, P„ W. and Baltimore Railroad, i and convenient to churches, schools, stores and postoffiees. j TERMS OP SALE.—The Terms of Sale j prescribed by the Decree are —that one third j of the purchase money shall be paid in cash | on the day of sale, and the residue in two equal payments at six and twelve months I thereafter, with interest from the day of sale, i and security approved by the trustee, OTHO S. LEE, Trustee. Richardson, Auctioneer, aplH WILSON, COLSTON & GO., BANKERS * BROKERS 134 HAI.TIIUOUIit STItEET, IIAt.TtMOKE, 'l' A AAACT A*i UN CISA I lltMi- -11% < KUMNIISN 1 11 all it* In 1 lulu',. All the Leading Stthseripf ion lluitils Furnished at the Lowest Rales, AND OTHER SECURITIES TAKEN IN EXCHANGE A T MARKET PRICES, WITHOUT CHARGE OF COMMISSIONS TO THE INVESTOR. tel .7-1 y I Inion M utual Life insurance €O. Director's (llliee, lloston. Mass. ASSETS, $6, 328, 882. 22. HENRY CROCK UR, President, IV. 11. HOLLISTER, Secretary. After twciiiy-foiir years of successful business, ibis Company ranks as One of the firmest established monud institu- tions of the eountnj. Branch Office, 12 South Street, Baltimore. WM. S. KIMMKKMAN, apt Rcuci'iil Agent. l>c. 'full'sF.xtraet.ofSarsaparilla ami Queen's Delight which consists ol' (lie curative elements implanled hy I he GREAT PHYSICIAN in these hvgean roots, fully developed ami concentrated, is known fur ami wide by the clfccts it has pro- duced. The unfortunate prey of Scrofula, whose body was mice boney-eombeil by that foul dis- ease testifies to Us value; Die Rheumatic patient who lias east aside his crutches acknowledges its benefits with gratitude; the victim of Syphi- litic taint and mercurial poison resounds its praise; and the cicatrices of unnumbered ulcers of every type, had t bey each a tongue, would bear witness to its elllenev. Loss of Appetite, indigestion, Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Female Irregularities, Whites, Sal- low Complexion, Eruptions and Blotches in the Skin, While Swellings, Sore Eyes, Discharges from the Fiat's, Scald Head, Cancer iu the Womb, Night Sweats, Nocturnal Emissions, Rheuma- tism, all proceed from the same cause, via: IMPURE BLOOD AND UNHEALTHY SE CRETIONS. For those and kindred diseases a remedy has dawned upon the world, having for its object the relief of sulfering humanity, Dn. TUTT’S SARSAPARILLA AND QUEEN’S DF.LKiHT, an entirely vegetable compound, is in its oper- ation peculiar, entering into the circulation, tints coming in contact with the germ or cause of disease, and displacing unhealthy secretions by extending its inlluenee to every part of the body, and causing a general reaction whereby health succeeds debility and disease. Under t lie inlluenee of this valuable Medicine the eye grows sparkling, the complexion clear and roseate, unsightly' Blotches, Pock Marks, Worms in the Flesh, Pimples and Roughness of the Skin disappear, and the entire organization grows redolent with health. It gives tone to the body, and causes it to gain in llcsb and in- cease in weight Price, -SI.OO per bottle, or (i bottles for $5,00. Sold by Druggists generally throughout the United States. Prepared by WM. 11. TUTT, M. !)., IS A2O Platt Street, New York. c||P|a DR. TUTT’S PILLS Increase the powers of Digestion, and excite tbe absorbents to action, whereby all impurities j oftlic system arc carried off. The old stereo- typed opinion that Calomel must be used ‘‘to j carry olf the Bile,” lias given away before the light of science. The Vegetable kingdom fur- nishes a remedy, free from all deleterious olfects. They net as kindly on the tender infant, the most delicate female, and infirm old age, as upon tbe most vigorous system, eradicating every morbille agent, invigorating the debilitated or- gans, building up tlie (laggingnervous energies, imparling vigor to the body and mind. Price 25 Cents a Box. SOI.II BY Ul. DItCCIOISTS. Dr. Tiiit’s Improved Hair Dye. This elegant, preparation is warranted the Best in I lie World, its effect is instantaneous. It imparts no ridiculous tints. It will remedy the bad effects of inferior dyes. Is perfect ly harm- less. It contains no sugar of lead, it has no unpleasant odor. It Imparts a natural glossy color. Price One Dollar a Box. 81*1.11 r.V AM, DKUOOISTS. John D. Everitt, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, Kmmortoii, Haitord do., Md. - s. .. furnished ami contracts j made for Buildings of any desejiption. Satis- faction guaranteed. Rf-eeuences.- George 11. Williams, Esq., Chesapeake Bank, Baltimore; Thomas W. llall- Esq„ Kmniorton; Col. It, McHenry, Emmor, ton apt | .loliu Seliuek. .lullll 11. Sehuck. I I ! John Scluick & Son, MauiJaetiiroiH uini Doalora in till kinds ol I‘arlor, Hull, Dining Doom and ClianiluT Furniture. Onr stock is large ami cinl*ruco everytlilOK In one lim*, such as Fof;ts, Lounges, Outre Tallies, Chair**, Hat Racks- -an cxcellonl variety now on liaml. Lxtcnsion Tal'lena-speclallY : ?Mle Hoanls, RnreaUH, Wash Slant!*, .Mat trusses, I'alcul Spring Rod*, Hook Case**, Camp Chairs, Ac,. Ac. 4><) Tin at Iciitit.ii of purnoiis almnl to engage in lioune- i keeping i* culled to <*nr stock, which will he found to I embrace everything in the Furniture line, allot which ! will he Bold on the most favorable terniM. Our goods will I I.e found to he made iu the most Mihstaiitial inauiier, * equal to anything to he found iu the city, and all work ! guaranteed, ***C otiiiid (•ouhtiuitly on haml and made loonier,and j funerals promptly attended to. Patent lliirial Caskets I always oij hand. JOHN SCIIUCK& SON, U7i(7<‘ Oak Orim, [ Havre its tlnwe mail, a miles from Hid Air. P. O. Foiiu tinir lliccn. Ibirlont Ou., Mil, nepl-ly N OTlONS.—Ladies’Dress Ttiramings, Cor- sets, Perfumery, &c,, in short nn alums I endless variety in the Notion Department, for I sale by C. W. NORRIS & 8F.0., t,Bel Air. IN BALTIMORE! $50,000 WORTH OF Carpets, Matting, Oil Cloths | and Window Shades, Almost (liven Away! LOOK! WE SELL Yml'il With* Mattiiiu for IS hidl 20 c*iuts. Vuitl iniil ImlfWitle Mat tiny? fur 26 coots. V ml Wide Heavy Floor Oil Cloth 26 ceuta. Two Yard WKlo Oilcloth whole width 75 ceuta Heavy Philadelphia Hug Carpet -6 cent*. , host Hume Made Rag Carpet 'jo ceota. Ileaufifnl Chamber Carpets 26 rents. Ilel India IlniKMdis Carpet 60 cents, Worth fl j Handsome All Wool Two I*l y Carpet 60 els. Splendid Quality Three Ply Cat pels 5 1, ileal Kiigliuli llrnssells Warranted $1 a yd. (lilt Hand Pallor Shades only 76 renin. 1 Linen Holland Window Shades 6(1 rents. Handsome Largest Size Ilillsutdl-s Ungs f'J. I.nitij Heanlihil Hi ue.-ella Mats 7.6 els a piece. Door Mats .'lO rents, Hrnssolla Stools fl. j Stair Carpels 26 cents, Stair Oil Cloth 12*£cento. Stair Hods fl per do/cn, Oil Chilli lings 50 cts. Fine White Pallor Shades made up 75 cents. We cull your special at lent ion to our Immense Slock of llrnssells ami Three Ply Carpels, I ( Ahtilo OUU KINK STOCK OF OIL (J LOTHS.i 1 l-er coma' every nonv. You Will Save Money. UK SUllli AUDTAKK NOTICE!' OF THK NAME AND N II M I! K U. DON’T FORGET IT, I Remember! A. NACHMAN, 159 North Gay St., Near Number 6 Engine House, i KAIiTINOKK. Think of 159, Notice 159, Don’t Forget 159! IV. It.-" tiomls racked, Italcl and Itcli vc red I'lt Hi:. A. NACHMAN, Sole Proprietor of the CHEAPEST HOUSE IN BALTIMORE, 159 N. Ouy St., Near the Eiujine House. Hpt-oIU Bed i )in< j W a rei ioitbe. FREY, WALPEKT&CO. 41 NORTH GAY STREET, Opposite Odd PeiinW’3 Hill!, BALTIMORE, Mn, Manufacturers of SPRING, HA I It, HUSK AND COTTON MATTRASSES. Also Feather Heils, Pillows and Holsters MADE TO ORDER. Price as to (Quality and Weight. PRIME EASTERN SHORE U VK (I KK S K V RATH KUS j ALWAYS ON HAND. COM PORTABLES, ROUBLE X SINGLE, AT , Various Prices as to Quality, Feathers Steamed and Renovated. | A 1.1. i’HATHKItrt SOI.D Arc I’lirilleil from the Animal Smell hy our ! New ami patent FHA THK It Hit ESS K It. Repairing of all kimts of Mattrasses and Bedding FOR Hotels and Country Orders, I‘KOStm.V ATTENDED TO. The highest price, paid for Husk. mliH-ly Itlarksmithing ! Horse Shoeing ! Wheelwrighting! fIMIEsubscriber having Hflcuretl the services cf u first-j X class Rl'icksmith and Horse Shoer, solicits the pa- j | tronugo of the public, promising to have their work at- I ' lentltMl to promptly and in the most superior manner. | PI.OWS, The nian 11 fact 1110 of the popular “De Haven Plow” will j ; he continued H 8 heietofore, anti noeflort will be spurep I I by the subscriber to keep their manufacture up to the I ! etaudaid of excellence already attained. A supply al- -1 ways on hand. UOA H AND Express Wagons, CARTS. i£c., madu and*repaired, i ii<).Prompt and careful attention paid to Hie repair u | AgriciilluiulImplements til all kinds. Jesse He Haven, laliUl IIKI, AIK, Mi>. NOTION. ALL persona indebted to the undersign- cd for Insurance willplease make im- mediate settlement. KSrPtoperty insured at Low Rates iu i the Partners’ Mutual, ol York, Pa. Never j assessed a Note. Prompt-paying and relia- : Me. ¦lollN .1. ALEXANDER, Agent, jan 17 Bel Air, Aid. MORGAN. r |MIE services of the celebrated JjL&eLA I Horse MO ROAN cau be had lor the Spring season, commencing April bth ami ending July Ist, at the Dairy ay4 41 K. U. GALLUP. Wanted. A T M AGNOLIA MILLS, One Thousand Bushels of WHITE CORN. ap4-3t J E. J. SNOW & Co A " II AT >V. & B im*'k. General Dealer / %. : ¦ 13 el -Ail*, HVI <l. f . THANKING OUR FRIENDS FOR THEIR GENEROUS PATRONA 4 . V PAST, WE ARE ' AGAIIVT AT THE FRONT, With the* Largest and Best Assortment of Goods that we have ever offered. We will mrtke it to the BEST interest of ALL GASH AND PROMPT PAYING CUSTOMERS to t deal with us. M-'"''" We aim to do a LIVE Business. Try us for Everythin”; you need. CONSTANTLY UECKIVINO SOMKTHfNO NEW. ' CHAS. W. NORRIS & BRO. Tell your Neiehliors that you saw this in tin* ENLARGED edition of THE f,p sEGIS. ap4-3m .D.' ~ r A UME US, AT T II SITION' ¦ LISTER’S GRO UN I) BONE,| GUANAPE GUANO, MEXICAN GUANO, And all the STANDARD FERTILIZERS !! j A I. S > A cuiiipletu slock ot (hi nice Family (groceries, WHOLESAI.E AND KETAIh. Cull and see as ticforc purchasing. C. NV. KIIKOESS & SON, 1110 North liy Street, j apt! ly BALTIMORE. | ( L. KntUM. J. 11. LITIXUSTUN j L. Kellum & Co. ? Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Guanos and Fertilizers | Oeuerally. PKItUVIAN AND ORCIIILLA GUANO \ BAT ill AIVlilt 11, Lister Brothers’ Bono, Turner's, Moro Phillips' anil Whi lu- ll tele's Pl,os) >h ates. SEED. Clover, Timothy and nil hinds of Field Feeds. No. 119 Hillen Street, near Eel AirMarket, BALTIMORE, Md, art 1-1 J JOSHUA THOMAS, Ueneral Agent f.u* Jiuclri/c Mower and Ueaper, Sweep- , slakes Thresher, Hagerstown Wheel Horse Hake, ifr.. d'r., The best Harvesting Machines in the Market, 1 A ml dealers in Milt Slones, Bolting Cloths, Belting and Mill Furnishing Goods generally. No. 35 North street, Baltimore, .Htl. aptlly GALLERY OP PHOTOGRAPHY. 1 H. J. MENSLAGE & CO., Photographers, 101 N. GAY STREET, CORNER FRONT, BALTIMORE, Md. CABTES DE VISITES $1.50 PER DOZEN. l t urlor Ptcturta(Large) #l.oo, 8@“ OOP VI NO A SPKCI AIiTY. mhl4-l N. J. Hirsliberg’s 0 K I 0 I N A It Old Town Paint Store, No. 31 Ensor Street, Oppoaito A.Q. Mott’nAgricultural Implement Store* I near IIKI. AIR MARKET. Baltimore, Md. Brushes, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, 1 FRENCH AND AMERICAN WINDOW GRABS, LOOK I INO 01. ASH PLATES, Ac., Ac. i Particular attention paid to Country Ordors. jaiiJl-ly WARDEN & MERRITT, COMMISSION MERCHANTS For the Sale of GRAIN, FLOUR & COUNTRY PRODUCE J'< Soillll Ml., Halil more, Mil. fetidly T. B. HULL & CO., Commission Merchants AND DEALERS IN | FLOUR, DRAIN, HAY And COUNTRY PRODUCE SH SOUTH CHARLES STREET, auß-tf Baltimore, Md. JOHN S. DALLAM, Real Estate Agent i BEL AIB, Harford County, Md, I Hus for Kale in Harford an 1 other cuiiutieN of flu* Stale j ' a large assoitment of llaiidtiome, Cheap and Healthy i FARMS, many of them of ft nr quality and very fertile, with good modern Building*, Lawns, Fruit, Ac., at re- ' duced prices and on very easy terms, say small first puy- i meat, balance to suit purchaser. Also, I FLOUR AND SAW MILLS, STORKS, HOTELS. SMITH and WIIKKLWRIOIIT SHOPS, ' TANNERIES, HOUSES and LOTS, Ac., conveniently located in village* and country places, many of them on (heline of the new Railroad now be- ing made from Baltimore to Philadelphia. Having had ninny yearn’ experience in the business, j he can give useful information to any one desiring to ; purchase in this part of Maryland, being located iintuo- i diately between the two great cities ol Philadelphia and 1 Baltimore, with convenient acres* to Loth. All communication* promptly answered. REFERENCES. | Judge Janie* L. Barlol, Annapolis; Judge BL-’iard i Urasoii, Tuwtionlown ; Judge James D, Watters, Bel ! Air; Hun. W. B. Steiiheusou, Harford Co; Hon. 11. D. I Karnamii*, Bel Air; lion. Stevenson Archer, Bui Air ; Hen Chu*, 11 Phelps, Baltimore; Hon. John H. Price, i | Harford county ; Hem) W. Archer, Kuq . Bel Air ; J. M. Street!, Kaq., Bel Air; P. H. Rutledge, Ksq , Bel Air ; ) | 11. Clay Dallam, Kh.j , Baltimore, 1 JANUARY, 187. Jan 3 JOHN NOLAN, Fashionable Tailor, j Next dour to \\*m. Herman’*, store, OFFICE STREET BEL AIR. Md. MENS’ and BOYS’CLOTHING made up in the test mauiier, in the moat fashionable style, and at reasonable TERMS. Having had lung ex- perience In (he buHine**, I'll guarantee satisfaction to my customer*. •AAiivu me a call and Judge for yourself.''"tcfcfob'JS IpOR YOUR OWN BENEFIT see K ' Strasburger & Sou’* advertisement and then af-e them. NEW TEA STORET|; THE CHEAT :) V RRLAN D c || Tea Company | of New York. 1M I*oll ERS AND DBALEIH W TEASI* I COFFMMH, I sirwtf/m 1 Pine Family (xrocerif f. "ifSf Principal Southern House % - ' ¦ Bel Air Markei| ; : i . L ! W* C \\ . Cor. City A Forrest Sts., Baltimore, Mtl. || B-t?' A LIBERAL COUNTRY DEALERS! •**' M , ;' < - f•> ¦ i 1,,’ -c SOLE PROPRIETORS 01 ? W FORMOSA V ‘NECTAR TeIA 80 cts. per lb* %. W i nes & Ijiq uors 1 > FAM IL V US E. FREES AND PLANT* 5 FRUIT A ORNAMENT*’ A coiapltUo owfor I ,‘,J F , ; ' V Standard and Dwarf Apples, .V. v Plums, Silieriau Crabs, Aprieol, Nectarines; Grapes, Currants, J/, berries, Raspberries, Blackher- . " lies, Asparagus, Rhuharh, \ SHADE AND ORNAMENTAL ¦ ; MARIA FLOWERING AND CUMBIMI HEDGI! PLANTS, *O. Enclose Stamp for Catalogue & KDWAUD .1. EVANS & CO.fPV mIdJS Nurserymen and Seedsmen, YORK, jIV SPRING STYLES Now Readyfi JOHN I S. HINDES & SON, No. 100 North Gay frrt, uenr Brll (tent lenten's Dress and STRAW HATS, M ; Kino. Quality. K r °al variety at low prices.! Boys’ and Children’s Hats of Choice PatJ . ¦' i '•% umWllas, &c. Jjr' Oysters and Refreshments. \|i J. B. MOONEY, Formerly of Edgewood, liurtord county, ha* amoved to 114 Nor! hIIIgli SI root ? Balt i morp, ||| OPPOSITE BROWN’S HOTEL, where In* will ho pleased to supply hid friends with In ton l Oysters und other Delicacies. Also i Loire LiqimrHjtf•'' :, >v. Wines, Lager Beer, Sugars, Ac. Lodging furnished when detired. mh2B ly S-V ; INSURANCE. St. Louis Mutual Fife Insurance Company. Wt. The Leading , mpany of the West, J|| ASSETS Sti,ooo,ooo. JIS /AFFKRS special inducements to those de-diing \ f ranee. Pulidos issued uu nil the desirahle ]do|p ¦ Foi PaniphU-te and Cliciilars, adilresn ' U R. Mi MITCHELf Agent for Slate of No. 20 Post Ottlce Avenue, Or WM. YOHN, Bel Air, Md. !9R|jiß

Transcript of The aegis & intelligencer (Bel Air, Md.) 1873-05-02 [p ]The bill states that Tbirza Streett f died...

Page 1: The aegis & intelligencer (Bel Air, Md.) 1873-05-02 [p ]The bill states that Tbirza Streett f died inlesliite, in the month of February,. 187 J, seized of certain real estate situated


Brief Mention.

—An lowa jury values a mail’s leu; ut $7,-375.

—A pair of native Bengal tigers have beenborn iu Georgia recently.

—California has eight woolen mills, all lin-ing a profitable business.

—Blackberries are plentiful in Jacksonville,Florida.

—A citizen of Harrisburg is said to possessa picture of Hernando Cortez, painted in 1520,

—lt is said that Buffalo Bill is becomingjealous of Black Salary Bill.

—Brigham Young is anxious that Young-er men should succeed him.

—The New York Bar Association has oversix hundred members.

—lt is thought most of the fixed stars arereally other suns.

—The South Carolina Legislature contains101 colored members.

—A child in Evansville, Ind., has beensleeping for three months.

—The Winnebago Indians are to be re-moved from Wisconsin to the Indian Terri-tory.

—California has become tired of gold anddiamonds, and talks ofstartling an opal mine.

—Malarial diseases arc least prevalentwhen consumption is worst.

—Apples contain more brain-food thanany other fruit or vegetable.

—Rhubarb pies will etc long set people’steeth on edge.

—The greatest number of disasters happento iron vessels.

—One British ship was lost every day lastyear on an average.'

—Bloomfield, lowa, lias reared a SIIO,OOOschool house to switch youngsters in.

—lf the Atlantic had been a man of warnot fifty lives would have been lost.

Vienna Exposition to make it pay.—Roaches can he driven otf by Hinging

snuff in their eyes.—Wisconsin is strewn with the frames of

frozen game birds,—Minnesota dram shops are compelled by

law to support an inebriate asylum.—A Kansaspaper describes a man as being

“as sociable as a batch of candidates two

weeks before election.”—lndiana tobacconists are pinched to

choose between shutting up shop on Sundayor paying $lO fine for selling a cigar on that

day.—To prepare for the visitors to the great

exhibition, Vienna is erecting nice newhospitals all over its suburbs.

—Some determined litigants in Jones Co., ,lowa, have caaried a fitly cent suit to theSupreme Court.

—lt is said that a man lias been elected toCongress from Alabama who has served theState nine years—in the Penitentiary.

—A Detroit furniture man hung out a cardinscribed "Buggy! For Sale!" and placedit upon a second hand bedstead.

—A San Francisco man has brought suitfor $ 11,000 for being crippled for lifeby a dog. ,

—Two black women iu Vicksburg lately \fought a duel with butcher knives, and oneof them was killed.

—There is but one Stale iu the Union andone Territory free from debt —lowa and Col-orado

—A Boonshoro, lowa, creditor kicked adebtor and credited him with forty cents onaccount.

—An lowa chop invented a steam fiddle,and has the land forfour or live miles aroundleft to his sole occupancy.

—The latest heiress to a fortune has beenfor some years living in the Cleaveland poor-house.

—Lancaster exults in the possession, byone of its citizens, ofa horse with a well de-fined moustache.

—Eighty' thousand dollars worth of theAtlantic’s cargo has been removed and takento Halifax, It is to be sent to Now York.

—An unreasonable parent at Council Bluffscomplains because the school-teacher Hoggedhis boy with a black walnut board.

—The Sioux City lawyers are expendingeloquence over a ease which involves thestealing of a basket of chips.

-A man in Bethlehem, N. H., ninety yearsold, has got so that he can read without glass-es.

—A Massachusetts man lately sold seven-ty three dozen patent medicine bottles, all ofwhich he had emptied in his own family.

—John Smith saws three cords of wood aday in Afton, lowa. He is seventy-threeyears old and has only one leg and one hand.

—The Chinese had magnetic carriages withwhich to guide themselves across the greatplains of Tartary, 1000 years before our era,on the principle of the compass.

—An lowa dealer, who sold several pumps,“to be paid for when Greeley was elected,” re-cently brought suit against his customers forpay. Judgment was given for the defen-dants, with costs.

Religious Services in Bel Air and Vi-cinity.

SUNDAY, MAY 4th, 1873.

Methodist Protestant. — Bel Air, 11 A.M.,Abingdon, 3( P. M., Rev. A. I). Melvin.

Providence, 10J A. M., Union Chapel,3J P. M., Rev. John Roberts.

Prayer meeting in Bel Airevery Wednes-day evening.

Methodist Episcoptd. —Bel Air, 101 A. M.,Class and Prayer Meeting.

Emory, 10 A. M., Thos. Run, :5 P. M.,Rev. B. F. Clarkson.

Franklin, 10 A. M., Darlington, 3 P. M.,Rev. H. B. France.

Christian Church. -Near Clayton, Rev.F. Marion Hawkins, M. D., pastor. Serviceevery Sunday morning at 11 o’clock.

Protestant Episcopal. —St. Mary’s, nearEmmorton, 11 A. M., Rev W. F. Brand.Emmanuel, Church, Bel Air, 4 P.M., Rock Spring, KU A. M., Rev. WilliamE. Snowden. Trinity, Churchville, 11 A. M.and 7P. M., Rev. E. A. Colburn; GraceChurch, Darlington, Hi P. M., Rev. E. A.Colburn.

Presbyterian. —Bel Air, 11 A. M., and

7 P. M. Rev. E. D. Finney.Grove Presbyterian Church ., Aberdeen

11 A. M., and 7i P. M., Rev. D. K. Camp-bell.

Franklinville, Presbyterian Church—Every 11 A. M., Rev. J. P.Carter.

Roman Catholic. —St. Ignatius, Hickoryevery Sunday and Holiday, at 10J A. M.Rev. P. F.O’Connor.

M. h\ Church Smith. —Appointments for May.4th, Perrymausville, 10)4 A. M.; Elliotts SchoolHouse, Opa !’• M., 11th, Aberdeen, A. M.,Darlington, 7)£ I’. M., 18th, Dublin, 1(% A. M.,and 3'J P. M., 251 h, Jarre.ttsvillc, 10>.; A. M.,and 7‘4 P. M. Uev. <>. C. Sbdwick, P. O.

BALTIMORE MARKETS,Corrected Weekly by

Wm. H. Michael & Sons,Grain and Produce Commission Merchants,

1*45 MiilMmry's Wharf, Baltimore.Wednesday,


Flail—Mackerel, Nos. 3 to 1 9 00 (g) 22 mi

Herring 5 00 6 75Flour—Super r 00 0 oo

Extra 6 25 (oj 7 57Family * 00 9 50

Rye Floor 475 (a) 5 25

Com Meal (to 150(IKAIR-MliildWlnal 1 80 (in 2 10 j

It ml Wheat I To (q> 2 10White Corn •<*' ToYellow Corn....*. (oj (h,

Oats—by weight 6o Vv< 56H> v o to) 95

liUll IH- Good In choice -0 ul) 40

Eggs (<!) 10

Wool —Good to choice, Washed f.o si) 55

Unwashed...*.. 55 ($ 4o

Hay—Timothy uo oo 31 ooClover Hay 20 oo fa 23 00

Heeds —Clover 500 (j$ 5 50Timothy 3 50 ($ 3 75

a. Oat Straw 20 00 (Q 22 00

Straw, straight 30 00 (g>-Irish per bin 0' ny 75

4o ini ( ai 45 ou

. Vyi*oflice¦ \ ' <. nr. tire.

For Sheriff.Mu. Editor: Please Announce JOHN HOP-!

KINS as a candidate for the Sheriffalty, subjectto the nomination of the Democratic and Con-servative party at Hie primary elections.up 4 ‘ Many voters.

For Sheriff,Mu. Editor: Please announce SAMUEL.|

STREETT, of the 4th District, as a candidatefor the next Sheriffalty of Harford comity, sub-net to the Democratic Conservative nomination .

MANY FRIENDS.lor slu r ill.

Mu. Kiutou; Please announce WM. G. RAN- 1WAY as a candidate for Ihe next Sheriffalty of j jHarford county, subject to the Democratic Conservalivenomination. ' ,


lor Slu r ill.Mn. Editou: Please announce JOHN J. !

ALEXANDER us a candidate for the next ;Sheriffalty of Harford county, subject to the ’Democratic Conservative nomination.

sep’JO MANY FRIENDS.for n her id.

Mu. Editou:—Please announce me a eatuli- i ,dale for the next Sheriffalty of Ilarfonl county, j isubject to the decision of the Democratic mill | nConservative parly at the Primary Elections,

seplli W. li. JARRETT. iFor ShorilT.

Mu. Emnni: Please announce that I am a 11candidate lor the next Sheriffalty of Ibirfoulcounty, subject to die endorsenn nl of the Demo-eralie Const t vulive parly.

novrt JAMES S. LYTLE.For Sheriff.

Mu. Editou: Please unnonnee FRANK It. \ *GLENN as a candidate for Sheriff of Harford ! J-’onnty, subject to Die Demoeratie Conservative \omination. MANY VOTERS. j,

for Slur 111 .

Mu. Editor: Please announce HENRY (.’. tJ( HINSON as a candidate for the next Sheritful- lity ofHarford county, subject to the Demoeratie 1Conservative nomination.


Morgan & Martin,(Successors to John I. William**.)



iinil dealer.-* in : I’

ertilizers, Phosphates. U;. ]We rasped fully mil the alleiitioii of fanners ami {

others to our stock. . pAll grades of herl *|tmlily of COAL * Hiilinually on | i.

hand and for sale at tin* L**west (’ash Pi ice,-. li

2240 Hounds to ihe Ton, |'and satisfaction guaranteed.

Our Block ot FERTILIZERS Ih from the nioal npplov |ed luaiiulacluiers, uicl Prices tin bow as tin- he>l arlie.lewillJustify. iipiIly

Maryland and Pennsylvania Railroad.

ELECTION NOTICE. ~rI a 11E STt K’KHOLDERS nf Tim Mary laud 1

1 tind Pennsyvlnn'm Railroad Company, ,are hereby notified that the Annual Meeting "to elect a Board of Directors, Ae., will be heldat the Maryland House in Rising Sun, Cecilcounty, Md„ ?


bet ween the hours ofl2. M. and 2 o’clock I*.M. J

ilv order of the Board,J. F. FORREST,

apt I It Secretary, Pro lent.

Thomas Street!, of Win , Sr., j In the Circuit >(Court foriFar- ),| ford county. In

Joint (’. Slreetl and others. J Equity. 8rpHE object of this suit is to obtain n dc- 1croc for the sale for partition among the „heirs-at-law, of the real estate of which „Thirza Streett, late of Harford county, died tseized. The bill states that Tbirza Streett fdied inlesliite, in the month of February, .187 J, seized of certain real estate situated inHarford countyl, called “Streetl’s Pleasant . JHills,” containing ninety-two acres, more or ' „less. That she left surviving her Thomas iSlreetl, John C. Streett, David Streett, Ann IStreett, Elizabeth Robinson, Mary, wife of. 1 ’Alexander MeComas,Surah, wifcot Prederi. k iSwann and Caroline V. wife of James B.Wright, her brothers and sisters, and EdwinStreett, son of Iter deceased brother, William IStreett, Jr., her only heirs-at-law. Each of jwhich said above named parlies owns oneundivided ninth part of said real estate of jwhich said Thirza died seized. That said |real estate is not susceptible ot partition j ‘among the said parties in interest without !loss and injury, and that it would be to the "interest and advantage ofail concerned that jthe saint! should he sold and the proceeds di- isided. Also that said Sarah Swann and her Jhusband, and Caroline V. Wright and her thusband, and the said Edwin Streett, arc non- }residents ofthe State of Maryland, and prays ifor an order ofpublication against said non- tresidents. c

Whereupon it is ordered this tenth day of ¦April, hi the year 187J, that the complainant,Thomas Streett, of Wm. Sr., by publicationof this order in some newspaper printed and (published iu Harford county, once in each of ,four successive weeks, three months before Hie Jeighth day ofSeptember next, give notice tothe said non-resident defendants of the object 'and substance of this Bill, and warn them to .appear in this Court, on or before the saideighth day of September next, in person or jby Solicitor, and answer the allegations of 'this BillofComplaint, and in default of such iappearance and answer that the allegations j .of the hill be taken pro confesso as against ! ;them.

A. L. JARUETT, Clerk. : )True Copy Test,apis ’ A. L. JARRETT, Clerk. |;



Daniel Scot It 1vs in Chancery.

John S. Brown, )

ORDERED, this 21 si day of April, 1873,that the sales made and reported by

Daniel Scott, Mortgagee, in above entitictl ;cause, be ratified ami confirmed, unless cause ¦to the contrary be shown on or before the !19th dav of May, 1873; provided, a copy of j Jthis order be published in some newspaper j!printed and published in Harford county, 11once in each of three successive weeks before i 1the said 19th day of May, 1873.

The report stales the amount of sales to be I$574 !)2.

A. L. JARRETT, Clerk, iTrue Copy, Test,up2s A. L, JARRETT, Clerk, i j

Co-Partnership Notice. 1 1f'l'MIE undersigned, John Moore, Robert

JL Stewart and George Brown, of Cecil 'county, as General partners, and Andrew ¦Boyle, of Harford county, Mil., as Special i 1Partner, have formed a limited partnership, Iunder the firm name of ji

MOORE, BOYLE & Co.,for the purpose ofcarrying on the business jofPilots on the Susquehanna River, between j;Peach Bottom, Pennsylvania, and Port De-posit, Md. Andrew Boyle, as Special Part- |ner, is to contribute a sum not exceeding sl,- j000 to the capital stock of the firm. The jpartnership is to expire at the end of the ;present ilifting season of 1873.


General Partners, IANDREW BOYLE,

aplß-3t Special Partner, j

NOTICE. IABATEMENTS ai TRANSFERSr |MiE County Commissioners for Harford i1 county will meet at their office on

Mondays and Tuesdaysduring the months of

APRIL AND MAY,for the purpose of making Abatements and 1Transfers.

| All applications for Abatements must lie imade under oath or affirmation, requiringthe parties applying to give in to the Com-missioners all property fltey may possessorevery kind which is assessable and not tothem at the time assessed,

i 1-eTTt is hoped that all persons in thecounty desirous of having changes madein their assessments, will avail themselves

: of the time fixed by law for that purpose.By order of the Board,inh7 JAS. Jp. FULTON, Clerk.


112,000,000 ACRES !

Cheap Farms!

j Thocht-upus! I.iudl ih ihe market !•> tSiu

Union rat i(l<‘ Railroad Company,; In I lie (Ii nut I'Utte Valley.

A(*ni s in (Viitral Nebraskanow for Halo iu IraelM of furI y ueies and ujiWni'ils uu live :and ton yoaiT* 1 mulit at ier ci ul No mlvaitco Interestret | ui ml.

Mild and liealliitnl I’limate, lei tile anil, an al'iinduiiOoot nood water.

i k Tlio Market in HioWeii! mining te-

Hioiis tf Wyoming. tNdoruiio, I tuli ami Nevatla hfinjA [, niip|died by Ibe tarmei'H iu tbu I'lalte Valley.

1 Suhfiers entitled to a Homestead of 1 HO An'ex. j


Fit K IIOMKS FOR Abb! Millions of Acres of choice jj Uovernim nt bandHopen for entry under Ihe lloinestead !

i baw. near thin (beat Uuilroad, with good markets and ,; all the conveniences of an old settled country.

Kioe passes to pundiasern of Railroad band.; Bectioiial Maps, showing the band, also new edition' <l Uesciiptive Raiuphlot with new Maps .Mailed Free. everywhere. Address, O K. DA A IS. bund C’oiiinilssioii- j

: er, U. I*. It. K , Uniaha, Neh,

Win i ted.10,000 FA KM K liS

¦ to improve 1.70d,nd0 m les R. K. bands, free from inort- Jj gageatnl located in the middle I VVeslet n lo\va—the

: hest coin, wheat and i attlo-piod.icing hell in the West, !| 15 hours distant from Chicago. ( Miniate and soil iinsiir- j

passed. Meadow and plow land with pure running wa-

ter evenly distributed. No fever and ague. Average

n edit price, JSO per .tie. i'eiid for a guide. It cost no-thing, and gives descriptions, prices, terms, maps and jhow to reach the lands. Addro-s, JOHN It. OAbMOUN, jband (Viiiiniissiouer b>wn Rtiilroad band (.’o., Cedar Ra-

pids, litWii. Chic ago ollice, Co S. Canal St.

Blair Piesiiyterial Meim,lllnlrstoicn, Nrtc Jersey.

Kt|iial advaniages fr males and females Faine-tChrist mn intliience, thorough instruction and carefulattention to the com forts and hahils of Htudents, renderthis oiie of the best in-t it illion* of the country. Springsession minno-nees March *.'sth. Htildciits rei ei\ed atany time. Terms •$-on a year. Uoferenee ; Ullloers ofI'riiiceion and biif.ivelte'Colleges. Heml lor t'alalogiie.

• S. S. STKVKNH. A.‘ M., Principal.

FOR ONE OOLLAR.We will send free by iiuil. .m iceeipl <il one ib>ilar, 26

I packet.-* of eboice rioWer seeds and •nr I'uluJogm*, dn

| l.tining npwiirtls of 1,000 varidles, with hill directionsfor cull lire, to any mldress in Hie Uniletl Fla lea. (‘alalogiies tree on tippliialbm

j DKK A IK)\ 1.1 , .ce.Mlsm*’n ami Flh ists,*.'d Tren.o it

I s triet, Rost on.


Or PAINTS HOW TO SELECT AND USE THEM,A plain treatise, containing sample caul with 42 dif-

ferent actually painted shades and tints, with iiislruclions lor exterior ami interior ll*.use hero rat ion.

25 copies, bound in cloth, for $6. Humph l copies, pa-per cover, ni.ii'ed, post paid, I > any uddiess, on ipliiflocents, by the Publisher,


Hee the following valuable extracts from press indices !

“A very valuable book, ami no one intending to paint 1should tail t*read it. .N )’. Tribune.

“We did md know so much could he said on the sub-ject of painting a house until we read this excellent bookof Mr. Baird's.”—-V. V. Herald.

“A want long felt at last supplied.” Sclentijlc .-1 nieri-vnn.

“Not only a necessity to the painter, but valuable toevery occupant of a dwt lllng.”—A. f. World.

‘•Buy 25 copies of this book and distribute them amongyour friends. Ifthey will heed the advice therein, youcould make no more valuable present.'' —Vhicayu hi-Inne.

“Iu publishing this hook Mr. Baird has done a realservice to the comm tillity.”—Toledo liltide.

“We hope the publisher will sell 100,000 copies of thistook during ’73.’'—Jin Inn Advertiser.

“Wo have Just painted our house as advised by theauthor, and congratulate otirselv s tout un dwellinginour neighborhood excel- mils in appcaraii e.”—Her-jlev's Weekly,

* ln selling u sample copy fur to cents, Mr. Baird must 1feel certain an order f*r 'JO hound in * loth will follow.”

Franl: Leslie.“Wo know the town and country paints therein re-

commended, mid can vouch for their value and the ex-i ctdlcnco of the “Harrison” brand oi White lead. " I hit-

. adelphiu I.edtjer.


Sewing MachineIS Tin: OUST IN B ill: WOULD.


USE the Reisiiiger Sash bock and Support to

Fasten Your Windows!No spring to break, no cutting of sash ; cheap, durable,very easily applied ; holds sash at any place desired, andand a sell fastener when the sash is down. Fend stampfor circular. Circular and six copper-bron/od locks sentto any address in the U F., postpaid, on receipt of 50cents, biheral inducements to the trade. Agents want-ed. Address, REMINDER FASH biM’K CD.. No. 41SMarket rtt., Harrishurg, l‘a.

• | ESTABLISHED 1539. Jrf) iri.'uu s tiitit i'irns.

Manufacturers of Saws.L SUPERIOR TO Abb OTHERS.\> EVERY SAW WARRANTEO.> I’ll*I*, 1*, itclimg a I. <l Maeliiiiery.' . ttTi.T.riii'.UAt. iirscoiiXTs

11 V-ITice bists and Ciicnlars free.

Welch & Griffiths,(J) Boston, Mass, anil Detroit, Midi.

jAGENTS WANTEDMale and Female Agents wjuiled Idhcll tin* 4, !land

Sewer,” the wonder id the age. No family should bewithout it. It will do the work ofas7s machine.Works so easily a child can run it. Ouaranteod for one

; year. Price, $2. Agents should send for circulars. Ad-dim HAND SEW INO MANUFACTURING CO., 497

j Craig Sb, Montreal,OiMiada. better postage to Canada! 6c.

Write for a Price List to J. 11. JOHNSTON,


179 Sinltl>field St., Pittsburgh. Pa.! Breecb-boading Shot Guns, 40 to S3OO. Double Shot ;j Guns, .*}s to s.lsu. Single (tuns, 3to S2O. Rilles, Bto 1I $75. llevolvers,ss tos2s. Pistols, 1 tosß. Gun Material,

: Fishing Tackle, A**, burger discounts to dealers or; clubs. Army Guns, Revolvers, etc, bought or traded 11 for. Goods sent by express C. U. D. to be examined before JI paid for.

PATENTS OBTAINEl).No fees unless successful. No fees in advance. No

charge for preliminary search. Send for circulars,i CONNOLLY BROTHERS, KS S. Fourth SI. Philadel-

phia, Pa., and 90S Ninth St., Washington, D. P.

SO1.1)110 KS who were hlaves nmv get Hie same

Bounty paid white sold era in like service. Write; JOHN KIRKPATRICK, Cambridge, 0 , with loc.

JUT Made Rapidly with Stencil A KeyJ-J X (’heck Outfits. Catalogues and full

particulars Free. S. M SPENCER, 117 Hanover St.,; Boston

1 1 Z m “Beautiful Children M A Me-V/cLX.LIpSBCLIdc dico Pliiloßopliical Poem. Origi-

i Hally publislied in lOtiO. A reprint of this rare and cu-rious old poem now ready. Price, SI.OO AM. ANTIMU A RIAN Pub. Co., 130 S. 6lh St., Philadelphia.

EVEIY CORNET BANDIN the country will receive a splendid piece of Band \Music free, by sending a two-ceut stampt> EDWARD t

1 A. SAMUELS, Publiisher. Boston, Mass.

lfE tfrfkAper day! Agents wanted! ITkv# w All classes of working pe*

pie of either sex, young or old, make mere money utwork for us in their spare moments, or all the time,

, (bun at anything else. Particulars free. Address G. ,I STINSON & CO., Portland, Maine.


j Is the nearest approach to a specific ever discovered for1 Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Rheumatisiii, Gout, Gravel, Dia-i betas, Kiiiiieyand Urinary Diseases generally. It ros-j tores muscular power to the Paralytic. It clues Liver

I j Complaint, Chronic Diarrinea, Piles, Constipation, Asth-ma, Catarrh and Bronchitis, Diseases of the Skin, GeneralDebility and Nervous Prostration from Mental and

1 Physical Excesses. It is the Greatest Antidote ever dis-covered for Excessive Eating or Drinking. It corrects

1 Ihe stomach, promotes Digestion, and Relieves the Head1 almost Immediately. No household should hi* without

1 it. For sale by all Ih uggists.(ftjGFor a hist *ry of the Springs, for medical reports

1 of the power of the water over diseases, for marvellous; cures, and l*ir test imouisls from distinguished men, semi

1 j for pamphlets. WHITNEY BROS,. General Agents, 227South Front street, Philadelphia, Pa.



h**r any case of Blind, Bleedlug Itching or UlceratedPiles that Dkßi.Nu's PILERemedy tails to cur It isprepared expressly to curethe Piles, amt nothing else.

- Sold ly all Druggists. Price3 junl7 One Dollar.

1 | T7IANCY TOILET SOAPS, PERFUMERY• 1 JT Stationery, School Books, Ac., for sale hy

C. >¦ nr”

Executors’ Sale.rpilE Hubseribers, as Executors of the last

1 Will anti Testament ofDavid N. Wiley,deceased, in virtue of Hie power therein con-tained and under an order of the Orphans’Court of Harford county, will sell, upon thepremises,

(ill Saturday, May .‘ld, IS7-1,

At 11 o’clock, A. M., till Ilist!

Tract or Parcel of LANDsituated in Harford county, called

“GOOD IMIOSPHCT,'’containing,


The improvements consist ofa two story


Dwelling House,Barn, Coni House, Meat House, Spring Houseand other outbuildings. The farm is in agood stale ofcultivation, and has limber uponil sufficient for fencing and lire wood. It issituated about otto mile from Norrisville, in ahealthy neighborhood, convenient to schools,churches, Ac., and adjoins the lands ofAbra-ham Aiinotiy, John I*. Cat heart and others,and is where said deceased lived at Hie timeof his death.

|3f-The Terms of Sale are—one third cashon day ofsale, or the ratification thereof bythe Orphans' Court of Harford county; one-third in six and Hie balance in twelvemonthsthereafter, theciedit payments to bear intea-cst from day ofsale, and to lie secured hy Hienotes of Hie purchaser, with security approv-ed hy the Executors.


HERMAN STUMP, Jr., Attorney,


Trustee's SaleOH’

Valuable Mill I’roperly.

IN pursuance of a decree of the file. Court. Ibr Harford coimh as a Court

Chancery, Hie subscriber, as Trustee, woiler for sale at public unction, at Hie CourtHouse door, in Bel Air,

(in Tuesday, May (‘.Hi, 15.:5.At l*J o’clock, M ,

Thai, Valuable) Property,KNOWN AS

Hush Mills,”situated in Harford county, at the head ofBush river, and the terminus ofthe Philadel-phia and Baltimore Turnpike. This proper-ly contains

HO Acrks of Land,MORE OR LESS,

a large portion of which is in cultivation amiis very productive. The improvements con-sist of a

IiA ll (J 10 T 11 11 H E-KTO It V

STONEHfei&RßT & FLOOR MILL,built in the most substantial manner, 80x45feet, with three run offour feel burrs, drivenby a Lelfel Turbine Wheel. The machineryIms all been newly put in. and is of Hie bestquality and latest improved patterns. Thewater power is a strong unfailing stream, isone of the best in the State, ami has 31 feethead and fall, with a good and substantialdam.

This mill is in complete working order asa first-class grist and Hour mill, and lias alarge run of custom work. It is also wellsituated for a merchant mill, there being tidewater transportation from the n ill door.There is also on this properly

A. Pine W llarf,located on tide water, with ample room for ,storage oflumber, coal, Ac.

TERMS OP SALE. —The terms of sale asprescribed by Hie decree are —that ouc-lhirdof Hie purchase money shall be paid in cash onthe day of sale, or the ratification there-of; one-third in six months, and the balancein twelve mouths front the day of sale —thedeferred payments to bear intercut from theday ofsale and to be secured by the notes orbonds of Hie purchaser, with security approv-ed by the Trustee.

Parties desiring further information willplease address the undersigned.GEORGE Y. MAYNADIER, Tiuistkh,

Bel Air, Harford county, Md.J. S, Richardson, Auctioneer. mhSB

Trustee’s Stile!

IN a Decree iu Chancery, the snip- jscriber, as Trustee, will offer at Public ISale, at the Court House Door, in Bel Air,

On Tuesday, May (<li,At 11 o’clock, A. M., the

REAL ESTATEof which Thomas Glenn, late of Harford jcounty, died seized, situated at Clermont |Mills, ou Deer Creek, in Harford county, eon- ]tabling

107 Acres of Ltmd,MORE OR LESS,

of which about seven acres are in wood, andtbe residue is arable laud, ofexcellent quality.

The improvements consist of a good

Dwellii Hoiks, Store House,Barn and all necessary outbuildings—all ingood condition and repair.

The Store is very advantageously located,and is one of the most desirable situations iuthe county for a country merchant.

Terms ofSale prescribed by thedecree are, that one-third part of the purchasemoney shall be paid in cash on the day ofsale,and the residue in two equal paymentsat six and twelve months thereafter, with Iinterest from the day of sale, and security ap jproved by the Trustee.


.1, S. Richardson, Auctioneer. apll

Trustee’s Sale.IN virtue of a Decree in Chancery, the sub-

scriber, as trustee, willoiler at Public Sale,| at Aberdeen Station, P., W. and Baltimore

1 Railroad,(In Saturday, May IOIIi, IS7.‘{,

At 13 o’clock, M., the

Kc a 1 Est at o; of which Adeline B. Hall, late of Harfordi county, died seized, situated near Aberdeen

1 Station, P., W. ami Baltimore Railroad, inHarford county, adjoining the lands of Har-

i rison Bradford, William F. Panned and oth-j era. containing

105 Acres of Land,MORE OR LESS,

of which about sixty acres arc in wood, andthe rest in good arable land.

The improvements consist of a good and1 convenient two story frame DWELLING| HOUSE, Stabling, Carriage House and all| necessary outbuildings—all in good conditionj and repair.

This properly is beautifully situated in ahealthy locality, within one mile of i he Short

i Lane Station, P„ W. and Baltimore Railroad,i and convenient to churches, schools, storesand postoffiees.

j TERMS OP SALE.—The Terms of Salej prescribed by the Decree are —that one thirdj of the purchase money shall be paid in cash

| on the day of sale, and the residue in twoequal payments at six and twelve months

I thereafter, with interest from the day of sale,i and security approved by the trustee,

OTHO S. LEE,Trustee.

Richardson, Auctioneer, aplH




'l' l£A AAACT A*iUN CISA I lltMi-

-11% < KUMNIISN1 11 all it* In 1 lulu',.

All the Leading Stthseripf ion lluitilsFurnished at the Lowest Rales,



INVESTOR. tel .7-1 y

I Inion M utual

Life insurance €O.Director's (llliee, lloston. Mass.

ASSETS, $6, 328, 882. 22.

HENRY CROCK UR, President,

IV. 11. HOLLISTER, Secretary.

After twciiiy-foiir years of successful business, ibisCompany ranks as

One of the firmest established monud institu-tions of the eountnj.

Branch Office, 12 South Street, Baltimore.

WM. S. KIMMKKMAN,apt Rcuci'iil Agent.

l>c. 'full'sF.xtraet.ofSarsaparilla ami Queen'sDelight which consists ol' (lie curative elementsimplanled hy I he GREAT PHYSICIAN in thesehvgean roots, fully developed ami concentrated,is known fur ami wide by the clfccts it has pro-duced. The unfortunate prey of Scrofula, whosebody was mice boney-eombeil by that foul dis-ease testifies to Us value; Die Rheumatic patientwho lias east aside his crutches acknowledgesits benefits with gratitude; the victim of Syphi-litic taint and mercurial poison resounds itspraise; and the cicatrices of unnumbered ulcersof every type, had tbey each a tongue, wouldbear witness to its elllenev.

Loss of Appetite, indigestion, Dyspepsia,Heartburn, Female Irregularities, Whites, Sal-low Complexion, Eruptions and Blotches in theSkin, While Swellings, Sore Eyes, Dischargesfrom the Fiat's, Scald Head, Cancer iu the Womb,Night Sweats, Nocturnal Emissions, Rheuma-tism, all proceed from the same cause, via:IMPURE BLOOD AND UNHEALTHY SE

CRETIONS.For those and kindred diseases a remedy has

dawned upon the world, having for its object therelief of sulfering humanity,Dn. TUTT’S SARSAPARILLA AND QUEEN’S

DF.LKiHT,an entirely vegetable compound, is in its oper-ation peculiar, entering into the circulation,tints coming in contact with the germ or causeof disease, and displacing unhealthy secretionsby extending its inlluenee to every part of thebody, and causing a general reaction wherebyhealth succeeds debility and disease.

Under t lie inlluenee of this valuable Medicinethe eye grows sparkling, the complexion clearand roseate, unsightly' Blotches, Pock Marks,Worms in the Flesh, Pimples and Roughness ofthe Skin disappear, and the entire organizationgrows redolent with health. It gives tone tothe body, and causes it to gain in llcsb and in-cease in weight Price, -SI.OO per bottle, or (i

bottles for $5,00. Sold by Druggists generallythroughout the United States.

Prepared by WM. 11. TUTT, M. !)., IS A2OPlatt Street, New York.


Increase the powers of Digestion, and excitetbe absorbents to action, whereby all impurities joftlic system arc carried off. The old stereo-typed opinion that Calomel must be used ‘‘to jcarry olf the Bile,” lias given away before thelight of science. The Vegetable kingdom fur-nishes a remedy, free from all deleterious olfects.

They net as kindly on the tender infant, themost delicate female, and infirm old age, as upontbe most vigorous system, eradicating everymorbille agent, invigorating the debilitated or-gans, building up tlie (laggingnervous energies,imparling vigor to the body and mind.

Price 25 Cents a Box.SOI.II BY Ul. DItCCIOISTS.

Dr. Tiiit’s Improved Hair Dye.This elegant, preparation is warranted the Best

in I lie World, its effect is instantaneous. Itimparts no ridiculous tints. It will remedy thebad effects of inferior dyes. Is perfect ly harm-less. It contains no sugar of lead, it has nounpleasant odor. It Imparts a natural glossycolor.

Price One Dollar a Box.81*1.11 r.V AM, DKUOOISTS.

John D. Everitt,

CARPENTER AND BUILDER,Kmmortoii, Haitord do., Md.

- s. • ..

furnished ami contracts jmade for Buildings of any desejiption. Satis-faction guaranteed.

Rf-eeuences.- George 11. Williams, Esq.,Chesapeake Bank, Baltimore; Thomas W. llall-Esq„ Kmniorton; Col. It, McHenry, Emmor,ton


| .loliu Seliuek. .lullll 11. Sehuck. I

I !

John Scluick & Son,MauiJaetiiroiH uini Doalora in till kinds ol

I‘arlor, Hull, Dining Doom andClianiluT Furniture.

• Onr stock is large ami cinl*ruco everytlilOK In onelim*, such as Fof;ts, Lounges, Outre Tallies,

Chair**, Hat Racks- -an cxcellonl variety nowon liaml. Lxtcnsion Tal'lena-speclallY :

?Mle Hoanls, RnreaUH, Wash Slant!*,.Mat trusses, I'alcul Spring Rod*,

Hook Case**, Camp Chairs,Ac,. Ac.

4><) Tin at Iciitit.iiof purnoiis almnl to engage in lioune-i keeping i* culled to <*nr stock, which will he found toI embrace everything in the Furniture line, allot which! will he Bold on the most favorable terniM. Our goods willI I.e found to he made iu the most Mihstaiitial inauiier,

* equal to anything to he found iu the city, and all work! guaranteed,

***Cotiiiid (•ouhtiuitly on haml and made loonier,andj funerals promptly attended to. Patent lliirial CasketsI always oij hand.

JOHN SCIIUCK& SON,U7i(7<‘ Oak Orim,

[ Havre its tlnwe mail, a miles from Hid Air. P. O. Foiiutinir lliccn. Ibirlont Ou., Mil, nepl-ly

N OTlONS.—Ladies’Dress Ttiramings, Cor-sets, Perfumery, &c,, in short nn alums

I endless variety in the Notion Department, for

I sale byC. W. NORRIS & 8F.0., t,Bel Air.


Carpets, Matting, Oil Cloths |and Window Shades,

Almost (liven Away!

LOOK! WE SELLYml'il With* Mattiiiu for IS hidl 20 c*iuts.

Vuitl iniil ImlfWitle Mat tiny? fur 26 coots.V ml Wide Heavy Floor Oil Cloth 26 ceuta.

Two Yard WKlo Oilcloth whole width 75 ceuta

Heavy Philadelphia Hug Carpet -6 cent*. ,

host Hume Made Rag Carpet 'jo ceota.

Ileaufifnl Chamber Carpets 26 rents.

Ilel India IlniKMdis Carpet 60 cents, Worth fl jHandsome All Wool Two I*ly Carpet 60 els.

Splendid Quality Three Ply Cat pels 5 1,

ileal Kiigliulillrnssells Warranted $1 a yd.

(lilt Hand Pallor Shades only 76 renin. 1Linen Holland Window Shades 6(1 rents.

Handsome Largest Size Ilillsutdl-s Ungs f'J.I.nitijHeanlihil Hi ue.-ella Mats 7.6 els a piece.

Door Mats .'lO rents, Hrnssolla Stools fl. jStair Carpels 26 cents, Stair Oil Cloth 12*£cento.

Stair Hods fl per do/cn, Oil Chilli lings 50 cts.

Fine White Pallor Shades made up 75 cents.

We cull your special at lent ion to ourImmense Slock of

llrnssells ami Three Ply Carpels, I (Ahtilo



l-er coma' every nonv.

You Will Save Money.UK SUllli AUDTAKK NOTICE!'




A. NACHMAN,159 North Gay St.,

Near Number 6 Engine House, iKAIiTINOKK.

Think of 159, Notice 159, Don’tForget 159!

IV. It.-" tiomls racked, Italcl andItcli vcred I'ltHi:.

A. NACHMAN, Sole Proprietor of the


159 N. Ouy St., Near the Eiujine House.Hpt-oIU

Bed i )in< j W a rei ioitbe.



Opposite Odd PeiinW’3 Hill!,BALTIMORE, Mn,

Manufacturers of



Feather Heils, Pillows and HolstersMADE TO ORDER.

Price as to (Quality and Weight.





Various Prices as to Quality,

Feathers Steamed and Renovated. |A 1.1. i’HATHKItrtSOI.D

Arc I’lirilleilfrom the Animal Smell hy our !

New ami patent

FHA THK It Hit ESS K It.Repairing of all kimts of

Mattrasses and BeddingFOR

Hotels and Country Orders,I‘KOStm.V ATTENDED TO.

The highest price, paid for Husk.mliH-ly

Itlarksmithing ! Horse Shoeing !

Wheelwrighting!fIMIEsubscriber having Hflcuretl the services cf u first-jX class Rl'icksmith and Horse Shoer, solicits the pa- j

| tronugo of the public, promising to have their work at- I' lentltMl to promptly and in the most superior manner. |

PI.OWS,The nian 11 fact 1110 of the popular “De Haven Plow” will j

; he continued H 8 heietofore, anti noeflort will be spurep II by the subscriber to keep their manufacture up to the I! etaudaid of excellence already attained. A supply al--1 ways on hand.


Express Wagons,CARTS. i£c.,

madu and*repaired,

i ii<).Prompt and careful attention paid to Hie repair u| AgriciilluiulImplements til all kinds.

Jesse He Haven,laliUl IIKI, AIK, Mi>.


ALLpersona indebted to the undersign-cd for Insurance willplease make im-

mediate settlement.KSrPtoperty insured at Low Rates iu

i the Partners’ Mutual, ol York, Pa. Neverj assessed a Note. Prompt-paying and relia-

: Me.¦lollN .1. ALEXANDER, Agent,

jan 17 Bel Air, Aid.

MORGAN.r |MIE services of the celebrated

JjL&eLA I Horse MO ROAN cau be had lorthe Spring season, commencing Aprilbth ami ending July Ist, at the Dairy

ay4 41 K. U. GALLUP.

Wanted.A T MAGNOLIAMILLS, One Thousand

Bushels of WHITE CORN.ap4-3t J E. J. SNOW & Co

A "


>V. & B im*'k.

General Dealer/ %. : ¦

13 el -Ail*, HVI <l.f .



AGAIIVT AT THE FRONT,With the* Largest and Best Assortment of Goods that we have ever offered. We will mrtke •it to the BEST interest of ALL GASH AND PROMPT PAYING CUSTOMERS to tdeal with us. M-'"''"

We aim to do a LIVE Business. Try us for Everythin”; you need.


• CHAS. W. NORRIS & BRO.Tell your Neiehliors that you saw this in tin* ENLARGED edition of THE f,p

sEGIS. ap4-3m .D.'~ '¦





A cuiiipletu slock ot

(hi nice Family (groceries,WHOLESAI.E AND KETAIh.

Cull and see as ticforc purchasing.


1110 North liyStreet, japt! ly BALTIMORE. | (


L. Kellum & Co. ?Wholesale and Retail Dealers in

Guanos and Fertilizers |Oeuerally.


Lister Brothers’ Bono,

Turner's, Moro Phillips' anil Whi lu-lltele's Pl,os) >h ates.

SEED.Clover, Timothy and nil hinds ofField Feeds.

No. 119 Hillen Street, near Eel AirMarket,BALTIMORE, Md, art 1-1 J

JOSHUA THOMAS,Ueneral Agent f.u*

Jiuclri/c Mower and Ueaper, Sweep- ,slakes Thresher, Hagerstown

Wheel Horse Hake, ifr.. d'r.,

The best Harvesting Machines in the Market, 1Aml dealers in

Milt Slones, Bolting Cloths, Belting and MillFurnishing Goods generally.

No. 35 North street, Baltimore, .Htl.aptlly


Photographers,101 N. GAY STREET, CORNER FRONT,



lturlor Ptcturta(Large) #l.oo,

8@“ OOP VI NO A SPKCI AIiTY.mhl4-l

N. J. Hirsliberg’s“0 K I 0 IN A It”

Old Town Paint Store,No. 31 Ensor Street,

Oppoaito A.Q. Mott’nAgricultural Implement Store* Inear IIKI. AIR MARKET. Baltimore, Md.

Brushes, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, 1FRENCH AND AMERICAN WINDOW GRABS, LOOK I

INO 01. ASH PLATES, Ac., Ac. iParticular attention paid to Country Ordors.




GRAIN,FLOUR &COUNTRY PRODUCEJ'< Soillll Ml., Halil more, Mil.


T. B. HULL& CO.,Commission Merchants




SH SOUTH CHARLES STREET,auß-tf Baltimore, Md.


Real Estate Agent iBEL AIB, Harford County, Md,

I Hus for Kale in Harford an 1 other cuiiutieN of flu* Stale j' a large assoitment of llaiidtiome, Cheap and Healthy i

FARMS, many of them of ft nr quality and very fertile,with good modern Building*, Lawns, Fruit, Ac., at re- 'duced prices and on very easy terms, say small first puy-

i meat, balance to suit purchaser. Also,



conveniently located in village* and country places,many of them on (heline of the new Railroad now be-ing made from Baltimore to Philadelphia.

Having had ninny yearn’ experience in the business,j he can give useful information to any one desiring to ;

purchase in this part of Maryland, being located iintuo-i diately between the two great cities ol Philadelphia and

1 Baltimore, with convenient acres* to Loth.All communication* promptly answered.


| Judge Janie* L. Barlol, Annapolis; Judge BL-’iardi Urasoii, Tuwtionlown ; Judge James D, Watters, Bel! Air; Hun. W. B. Steiiheusou, Harford Co; Hon. 11. D.I Karnamii*, Bel Air; lion. Stevenson Archer, Bui Air ;’ Hen Chu*, 11 Phelps, Baltimore; Hon. John H. Price, i| Harford county ; Hem) W. Archer, Kuq . Bel Air ; J. M.

Street!, Kaq., Bel Air; P. H. Rutledge, Ksq , Bel Air ; )| 11. Clay Dallam, Kh.j , Baltimore,1 JANUARY, 187. Jan 3

JOHN NOLAN,Fashionable Tailor,

j Next dour to \\*m. Herman’*, store, OFFICE STREETBEL AIR. Md.

MENS’ and BOYS’CLOTHINGmade up in the test mauiier, in the moat fashionablestyle, and at reasonable TERMS. Having had lung ex-perience In (he buHine**, I'll guarantee satisfaction tomy customer*.

•AAiivume a call and Judge for yourself.''"tcfcfob'JS


Strasburger & Sou’* advertisementand then af-e them.



:) V RRLAN D c||Tea Company |

of New York.



sirwtf/m 1

Pine Family (xroceriff. "ifSf

Principal Southern House % -

' ¦ ’

Bel Air Markei| ; : i. L !W*

C \\ . Cor. City A Forrest Sts.,

Baltimore, Mtl. ||B-t?' A LIBERAL

COUNTRY DEALERS! •**'M , ;' <-

f•> ¦ i1,,’ -cSOLE PROPRIETORS 01? W


80 cts. per lb* %.

W i nes &Ijiquors 1>



A coiapltUo owfor I ,‘,J F , ; ' VStandard and Dwarf Apples, .V.v

Plums, Silieriau Crabs, Aprieol,Nectarines; Grapes, Currants, J/,

berries, Raspberries, Blackher- . ’"

lies, Asparagus, Rhuharh, \


HEDGI! PLANTS, *O.Enclose Stamp for Catalogue &

KDWAUD .1. EVANS & CO.fPVmIdJS Nurserymen and Seedsmen, YORK, jIV


S. HINDES & SON,No. 100 North Gay frrt, uenr Brll

(tent lenten's Dress and


Kino. Quality. K r °al variety at low prices.!

Boys’ and Children’s Hats of Choice PatJ . ¦' i '•%umWllas, &c. Jjr'

Oysters and Refreshments. \|iJ. B. MOONEY,

Formerly of Edgewood, liurtord county, ha* amoved to

114 Nor!hIIIgli SIroot ? Balt imorp, |||OPPOSITE BROWN’S HOTEL,

where In* will ho pleased to supply hid friends withIn ton l Oysters und other Delicacies. Also iLoire LiqimrHjtf•'' :,>v.Wines, Lager Beer, Sugars, Ac.

Lodging furnished when detired. mh2B ly S-V ;

INSURANCE.St. Louis Mutual Fife Insurance Company. Wt.

The Leading , mpany of the West, J||ASSETS Sti,ooo,ooo. JIS/AFFKRS special inducements to those de-diing\ f ranee. Pulidos issued uu nil the desirahle ]do|p ¦Foi PaniphU-te and Cliciilars, adilresn ' U

R. Mi MITCHELfAgent for Slate of

No. 20 Post Ottlce Avenue,

Or WM. YOHN, Bel Air, Md.
