The advantage of difficult - Being Unique in a Comfortable World

The Advantage of Difficult Being Unique in a Comfortable World Lorenzo Paoli


Every one of us has a Big Goal. But we lost the ability to follow them. Because someone else usually creates goals for us. And attaches to it the worst possible adjective: EASY. Every Big Goal worth dedicating your life and energy for, is DIFFICULT. It is like the 20th mile of a Marathon, when you are dead tired, but the finish line is nowhere in sight. Difficult is an advantage because if you overcome your 20th mile, you become unique in a comfortable world.

Transcript of The advantage of difficult - Being Unique in a Comfortable World

Page 1: The advantage of difficult - Being Unique in a Comfortable World

The Advantage of Difficult

Being Unique in a Comfortable World Lorenzo Paoli

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You have surely heard about this motivational motto:

“A journey of a thousand miles starts

with a single step.”

True. Very reassuring, too.

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But useless. We like it because it tells us: just start, the biggest challenge is behind you.

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I know: changing is difficult and making that first step means getting out of your comfort zone.  

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But, actually, first steps are all around us.

•  The diet we start every three months… which always fails in front of that delicious cake…

•  Quitting smoking… this time for real… •  Starting to do some sport… once again…. •  Starting our business… but then, not really •  Looking for a new job… but then staying

where we are.

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The first step is a good start. But it’s easy.

The important step is the last one. Actually, the most important is the step on the 800th Km of your journey. Because it is when the slope becomes steep. And you are dead tired.

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Do you know when most people quit during a marathon?

Not at the beginning, they are still rested. Not at the 25th mile, because soon the race is over…but around the 20th mile. Because they are exhausted, but the end is still far away.

Image  courtesy  of  Sura  Nualpradid  –  

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Each of us has a Big Goal. A life project.

Our own battle.

And each one of us has his/her own 20th mile.

How will you face yours?

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The problem is, we are not used to designing Big Goals.

They design them for us and they always have a very dangerous adjective.

Let’s get an easy example:

Losing weight.

Do you know how many diets the average 45-year-old woman has tried in her life?   Image  courtesy  of  sa9va  –  

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Do you know why they fail? Look carefully.

Diet fails because a goal is attached to the worst adjective there is for a Big Goal: EASY.  

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Everyone knows the most effective diet.

Eat healthy, not much fat and sugar.

Do sport three times a week. No alcohol.

But almost nobody wants to follow it. Because it requires SACRIFICES.

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Often we are not looking for a goal, but a Shortcut.

It never works. And we are not the only ones.

Because EVERYBODY chooses the easy road.

So, many people with unique talents, become all alike.

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Have you ever noticed that if there is an escalator next to the stairs, the escalator is full while the stairs are

empty? We are programmed to choose the path of least

resistance. For Big Goals, though, SHORTCUTS lead to failure.

Image  courtesy  of:  TeddyBear[Picnic]  –  

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Shortcuts are easy = without effort. We like them. But they lead


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An athlete does not look for shortcuts before a competition. On the contrary: she knows that the more she trains, the

better are her chances to win.

Reaching that Big Goal in your heart is difficult. But it’s simple (i.e. not complicated).

Like all Big Goals.

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Image  courtesy  of:  Naypong–  

Soccer is like a Big Goal. It’s simple. 1. There’s a ball. 2. And there’s a goal net. 3. You need to put the ball into the net. 4. Don’t use your hands.

You don’t need to be a genius. But scoring is VERY difficult. Eliminate the EASY way, choose the difficult, but simple. You will never be wrong.

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Many dream of becoming writers. It’s a Big Goal. And it’s simple.

Wake  up  at  5  am  every  morning.    

Write,  improve  your  wri?ng  skills,  and  write  some  more.  Read  an  

awful  lot.    

Look  for  a  job  in  the  wri?ng  sector  –  publishing  house,  proof  reader,  translator,  blogger.  When  you  earn  

enough,  leave  your  day  job.      

In  the  meanwhile  write  write  write  and  never  stop  


Accept  the  100  rejec?ons  from  

publishing  houses  and  con?nue  wri?ng.  

Publish  your  first  book  that  sells  1,000  copies  and  makes  you  earn    

$  1,000.    Go  on  for  5-­‐10  years.    

Simple. Who’s up for it?

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It’s not a secret. It’s the story of many writers that publish bestsellers today. It’s

simple. But also freakin’ hard. The expectation of many would-be

writers is this:

 I  WRITE  A  BOOK.    


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And sooner or later you will meet your 20th mile. The moment in which it will be

so difficult, you will want to give up. That will be the moment that will make

the difference in your life. Choose well.  

In reality, for almost every Big Goal, the path is already there. You just need to follow it. But the path is a steep climb.


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Difficult is an advantage… because it makes you unique.

Because once you overcome your 20th mile, others will have to do the same to keep up. And that’s not gonna be easy.

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If you are unique, everybody wants you. You do not need to fight the price war and give discounts. You do not need to

constantly make cold calls. You do not need to send CVs.

Others will call you.

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You make your own path. It’s the best way to live an authentic life.

Which means, creating your own problems.

Image  courtesy  of:  Chaiwat  –  

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Choose your path.

Face your 20th mile with courage and


Look straight, chin up, no complaining.

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Image  courtesy  of:  artur84–  

Easy is the endless wait of a life that will never happen.

Difficult is the road towards

what we are.

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Have a great journey.

And enjoy your 20th mile.