The Abstract Dreams

The Abstract Dreams Jeanne Báthory Eleonora Báthory Ezra “RA” Ozymandias Yoru Yayoi Scars in Mind, the Wounded Memories.


Many know about the Latin quote “Amor Vincit Omnia” (Love conquers all), but they forgot there’s another quote “Mors Vincit Omnia” (Death conquers all). It is true that love conquers all. Many would praise the beauty of love and being in love, joys and happiness brought by love that lives everything on neither earth nor left the sun don’t shine. The opposite of it, death that left everything covered in gloomy atmosphere of silent winter; would that be a form of beauty as well?

Transcript of The Abstract Dreams

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The Abstract Dreams

Jeanne Báthory

Eleonora Báthory

Ezra “RA” Ozymandias

Yoru Yayoi

Scars in Mind, the Wounded Memories.

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The Abstract Dreams.

This is a project to explore the formation of the thought of suicidal. The finale objection is to reach the idea of Beautification of Death. This catalog is a brief idea of what we are doing to express our thoughts about the subject “Beautiful Death” (Belle Muerte).

The catalog is devided to 4 phases, each phase is in charged by different people. Each phase express different stage of mind, and different style of expressing it in their own creations. The 4 phases are: ter Saudade which express the feeling of longings for memory that will never come true, est Psychalgia which express the losing control of mind due to complications and emotional conflicts, la Melancholia which express the sadness that will last forever, and lastly, the Belle Muerte which the idea of Beautification of Death formed.

Most of the collections here are very abstract by its own. The full collection will be publish accordingly to dates stated on the official site of this project.

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“the loves that stays”

There is no greater sorrow than to be mindful of the happy time in misery.

- Dante, Can V, lines 121-123

Phase 01 ter Saudade

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Blooming Sadness, the Chrysanthemum

Greek, ‘Chrysous’ (golden) ‘anthemom’ (flowers).

Flower of the funeral and to grieve. The white that is pure as ter saudade to the one you love. But what has this love brought you is the beauty of it’s sadness. The sadness that blooms in your mind, become the tears in red. As

Chrysanthemum blooms, the heart grieves.

297 x 210 mm

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Guren, the Crimson Lotus.

White lotus represent the purity of feeling. As it turning crimson, the feeling of yearning for the undying love is being affected by anxieties. The insecure feeling that cannot be explain by words. As crimson lotus blooms, the mind is suffering within it’s own complication and angers.

297 x 210 mm

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Manjusaka 01.


“Manjusaka blooms for a hundred years and wither for a hundred years, flowers and leaves have never meet each other”. The sadness of a love that will never comes true, as they will never meet each other. As red as the sunset in the hell by the Bridge of NaiHe, blooming Manjusaka is ter Saudades to you, the one that will never knows this sadness.

297 x 210 mm

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Manjusaka, in a easier name, its the red spider lilies. The pain and fear that blooms in red, lose it’s color as anxiety creeping in. Beautiful white taking over the thoughts. But, these thoughts are complications that complicate each other. As one’s mind is able to branch out from a single idea, the flowers blooms in vision as you stares long enough.

Manjusaka 02.297 x 210 mm

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the Sunflowers.

Originally from Vincent van Gogh’s Sunflowers. This is the sketching dedicate to both our muses, van Gogh and Leslie Cheung. As van Gogh’s birthday on March30 and Leslie Cheung’s memento mori on April 1. The sketching has complicates the original painting of Vincent van Gogh. Its aim to express the feeling of Saudades creeping in emptiness and fear.

297 x 210 mm

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the Perfection.

When every thought can be conjoin with another to form a bigger idea about the single thought, the mind is a pure

complication itself.

Anxiety, fears and the unexpected are analyzed; but the mind is restless, as “the love that stays” will never leave the mind. Perhaps, it is a choice. To be release from this pain

or not, its a choice of mind.

The pain isn’t end and it continues to next phase,est Psychalgia.

210 x 148 mm

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Phase 02 est Psychalgia

Wir sind Träumer.

I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.

- Edgar Allan Poe.

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Can you estimate the inside of a person via it’s exterior that seems so calm and normal?

Psyche is something secret and beautiful. Its also one of the fine designed and structured thing ever. In everyone’s mind, could there be a Monster living within? A monster that is a parasite of your mind. The Monster that you are afraid of and you wants to runaway from. But it’s always on your mind. Its always the wounded memory that reminds you the exist of your Monster.

297 x 210 mm

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In Between.

WIthin the mind, an absolute sadness and an absolute violent are conflicting each other. Emotional conflict seems to be one of the worst pain that could happen to a person. It wasn’t pain that is tangible, its very abstract; like heartache. There is no surprise that it lingers in between.

That is, we suppose the most painful stage of Psychalgia. The pain creates by the restless negativity and undying “love that stays”. They overlapping each others, pain is doubled. Like a unhealed wound being re-cut and it bleeds hard.

210 x 148 mm

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Dream is one of the way your unwanted memories come back to haunt you. Will you ever sleep if your dreams are now your reality?

The piece depicted the dramatic version of the unsleep. Reddening eyes nearly bleeds it’s anxiety. The sense of paranoid and clausterphobic stares, its when one can never resist to letting the mind taking over. At the same time, these thoughts are tormenting so much. The struggles of crossing the borderline or stepping back, you might lost control of your own mind.

210 x 148 mm

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Thinking about something, someone or a specific event; while you can never get a clear answer.

Its all unknown and unspoken, but it’s so solid in mind. Trying so hard to make sense of something that seem so extraordinary, and then the mind stage is furious and almost insane. Pain grew so strong, ruthless and powerful; it could take over everything. Slowly, it is the formation of the Monster in the first sketching, where two extreme met each others.

“thought but not spoken”210 x 148 mm

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This piece is dedicated to the muse of this phase, Edgar Allan Poe.

Sorrows and heartache always goes hand in hand with the melancholia clouds. Like a gloomy Tuesday where everything seems so fine to just die. Like the lovely Eleonora, born with the loveliness only to die. Every mind, certainly having a significant thing to be grive for; when the sadness taken over the mind. It seems to form the eternal pain deprived from such beauty, the love that shall never die.

297 x 210 mm

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Crimson angressive thoughts,sketching all over the blue melancholia.

It is unquestionably painful, but,why do we hurt each other so much?

The pain grew stronger and left unhealed.But there is no escape.

Mind fall into stage of extreme emptiness,then, it comes Phase 03 la Melancholia.

594 x 420 mm

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Phase 03 la Melancholia

La tristesse durera toujours.

“an oppressive sorrow, which, to wit, so weighs upon man’s mind, that he wants to do nothing.”- Thomas Aquinas.

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Complication and Conflict

The strokes in black are the different thoughts about certain things. The painting shows those strokes are crossing each other, the overlap part is where the confusion appears. It is already mass complications and it happens to crossing it’s boundary to other thought.

It aims to show how the mind is losing it’s control through the overwhelming thoughts. Colors representing different emotions and feelings. All of all, its a melancholic scene in the mind; like an avant-garde movie without meaning.

297 x 210 mm

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Bleeding Mandarava

The reason why it’s bleeding, its because the pain is taking over the mind. There’s no way to release the pain unless bleeds. The crimson and red is the angers that find no way to release within the mind. Mandarava suppose to be red, but the sorrows has painted it with the shades of blue.

Blue is the color of depressing melancholia.

297 x 210 mm

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Dreams Collapsed.

The inspiration of the name is from the movie Inception.

Dreams collapsing, the reality and imagination met. From both extreme sides of the mind, two worlds would be upsite down. The emotions crashing each other as they met. It’s unquestionably powerful and harmful.

There, the mind that is crashing by it’s own creations - in both imaginations and realities. But, somehow the process is tragically beautiful, as its unreasonable.

297 x 210 mm

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Wrist-cut 2012.

“When sadness is taking over the mind, pain can barely be feel. Could it be that it was just a dream where those nightmares are haunting the mind? Thus, if it’s a dream, one shall wakes from the dream. If so, the only way to wake up from this dream is to end. But why it seems to surreal?”she said.

The painting is about wristcut and the emotion lies within the mind. Anxiety, fears, oblivion and paranoid; all of these are presenting with the colors changes and flows.

297 x 210 mm

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the Thoughts about You.

The inspiration is from Hans Zimmer’s soundtrack for The Ring movie, Burning Tree.

Some said there’s no perfection exist, but with psyche; perfection can be create in the abstract space in mind. Although it hurts so much but it’s still the only escape from the cruel world. Although the mind has been harm so badly, but the root of it’s wounds can still makes it feels better.

Because, “you’re always on my mind” and he is always in her mind. These thoughts branching out like a tree in autumn, restless fire flame burning in the mind.

297 x 210 mm

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the Complication in Thy Heart.

There is a complication in the heart.

A feeling that cannot stop it’s sadness, like there’s nothing can stop the sun from rising. Mind understand, but why do heart feels such way? Heart, does it really feel or it’s just can be explain with science?

There is a blue butterfly in thy heart, so sad, only the butterfly could understand your sorrow. Heart is not bleeding now, but it is crying now.

297 x 210 mm

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Starry Night.

The idea is originally Vincent van Gogh’s Starry Night.

“Sadness, is barely a feeling.But an Abstract Dream,

in the vision of a doubted mind. And so,is sadness a black bird flew over the gloomy sky...

or silver shining reflection of teardrops in the moonlit?”

She whispered, “Por Siempre, Por Siempre”

594 x 420 mm

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FinaleBelle Muerte.

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Bleeding Heart.

There are lots of feeling to be express with heart. But what does the heart really feels? or its just merely the imagination of human’s mind?

But it’s an imaginary pain, which is fatal enough to kill.

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Love Never Dies.

Death can never ends the love that stays. It’s the undying love that has brought lives and happinees.

“Just remember in the winter, far beneath the bitter snow; lies the seeds that with the sun’s love, in the spring becomes the Rose”

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Mushi 蟲

The word ‘Mushi’ means worm in Japanese and insects in Chinese. The photograph was taken in a rainy winter in the dark. This is one of the worm that dies in that night. If a tiny life is not being appreciate, how could a human life is important? Life is not deserve to die, when your life is being priced. IF, one’s life as the worm, is there value?

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Creeping Fears.

The beauty in cruelty.

In this photograph, it’s a street food in some Asian countries. Note that the eyes of the creature is open and looking at the camera. A helpless silent scream, creeping within in the fears of being murder.

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Lost and Trapped.

A random scene of four balloons ‘trapped’ within the branches of a winter tree. Note that the colors are black and red, like the ego and the anger. These balloons are trapped in complications, and yet they are lost as well; because they have got no where to go even they were about to set free.

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Gloomy scenery at the cemetery, looking up to the sky that seems to grieve for someone; the sadness cry for it’s fate. Sadly to say, he don’t even know her cries. It’s extreme emptiness that couldn’t resist the thought of ending her life. Love, unquestionably it is fatally beautiful.

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“Sadness is a dead bird singing a song to it’s own death.”

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