The ABC's of God - Squarespace Verse “I am God and there is no other. I am God and there is ......

An Introduction for Parents Curriculum Overview Children are full of questions. They have a God-given curiosity to find out the “How?” and “Why?” of everything around them. As adults, it is our responsibility to direct them to the most important questions of all: Who is God? What is He like? How should I act toward God? These are the questions your child will be asking each week as we study The ABC's of God. As with any question, where we discover the answer is of utmost importance. God has revealed Himself in all He has made (Romans 1:20) and through His WORD: written in human form as Jesus; recorded in human language in the Bible; going out and bringing forth the fruit of saving faith (Romans 10:17). He is the Alpha and Omega (the “A” through “Z”), the beginning and the end, the completion of all things: “For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever! Amen.” (Romans 11:36) For that reason, every lesson in The ABC's of God is based on the Bible. Encourage your child to bring a Bible to class each week. Not only will we use it to look up answers to our questions about God, children will work through the year on important Bible study skills like using the Bible's Table of Contents to find a book, and learning to use chapter and verse references. Resources for Parents “Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them upon your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the door-frames of your houses and on your gates.” Deuteronomy 6:5-9 Under God, parents are the most important teachers in a child's life. For that reason, we've prepared a Parents' Resource Page for each lesson in The ABC's of God. These Resource Pages will be sent home with your child each week and contain the following information: LESSON TITLE AND NUMBER appear above a box at the top of each page. Rather than start with a lesson on the letter “A,” the curriculum is arranged to logically unfold God's character. For example, the fifth lesson is “'C' is for Creator”, followed by “'G' is for Glorious”, acknowledging first God's creation of all things, and secondly, His purpose: to magnify the greatness and worth of His name. By the end of the curriculum, children will have studied at least one attribute of God for every letter of the alphabet. The ABC's of God

Transcript of The ABC's of God - Squarespace Verse “I am God and there is no other. I am God and there is ......

An Introduction for Parents

Curriculum Overview Children are full of questions. They have a God-given curiosity to find out the “How?” and “Why?” of everything around them. As adults, it is our responsibility to direct them to the most important questions of all: Who is God? What is He like? How should I act toward God? These are the questions your child will be asking each week as we study The ABC's of God.

As with any question, where we discover the answer is of utmost importance. God has revealed Himself in all He has made (Romans 1:20) and through His WORD: written in human form as Jesus; recorded in human language in the Bible; going out and bringing forth the fruit of saving faith (Romans 10:17). He is the Alpha and Omega (the “A” through “Z”), the beginning and the end, the completion of all things: “For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever! Amen.” (Romans 11:36)

For that reason, every lesson in The ABC's of God is based on the Bible. Encourage your child to bring a Bible to class each week. Not only will we use it to look up answers to our questions about God, children will work through the year on important Bible study skills like using the Bible's Table of Contents to find a book, and learning to use chapter and verse references.

Resources for Parents “Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them upon your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the door-frames of your houses and on your gates.”

Deuteronomy 6:5-9 Under God, parents are the most important teachers in a child's life. For that

reason, we've prepared a Parents' Resource Page for each lesson in The ABC's of God. These Resource Pages will be sent home with your child each week and contain the following information: LESSON TITLE AND NUMBER appear above a box at the top of each page. Rather than start with a lesson on the letter “A,” the curriculum is arranged to logically unfold God's character. For example, the fifth lesson is “'C' is for Creator”, followed by “'G' is for Glorious”, acknowledging first God's creation of all things, and secondly, His purpose: to magnify the greatness and worth of His name. By the end of the curriculum, children will have studied at least one attribute of God for every letter of the alphabet.

The ABC's of God

KEY THEME: The key theme is the definition of the key word used in the lesson. This definition is not intended to capture every theological nuance of the word as it is used in the Bible. Rather, it is a simple definition easily learned by children, a foundation concept in a vocabulary about God that they will build upon for the rest of their lives. KEY VERSE: This is a key Bible verse used in the lesson and is also the memory verse for the week. Because most children's Bibles use the New International Version, verses are listed here in the NIV translation unless otherwise noted. Your child may memorize these verses in another translation if you prefer. The ABC's of God Verse Cards, a complete set of verse cards bound on a loose-leaf ring, is also available for use at home. Check with your child's teacher or department leader for details. LESSON SUMMARY: This is a summary of the main themes of the lesson. Some lesson themes may be new to parents. For example, many of us learned as children that God created people because He was lonely and wanted someone to love. That God's foremost purpose in creation and everything else He does is to glorify Himself is quite different and new for some. For a biblical exposition of these themes on an adult level, we recommend Dr. John Piper's book, The Pleasures of God (Multnomah Press, 1991).

Who is God? What is He like? Based on the lesson, the questions in this section are designed to be conversation starters about the lesson, both as review and to give children an opportunity to ask questions they may have. The questions are similar from week to week for two reasons. First, this allows parents to interact with their children while doing something else like driving home from church. Second, the repetition helps children learn to listen for and identify the most important ideas, rather than simply the most memorable illustrations!

How should I act toward God? “How can I respond to God?” is one of the most significant questions anyone can ask. The application ideas in this section are ways parents can help children reflect on each lesson and begin to put into practice the truths they have learned. They are designed to be engaging early in the curriculum as children develop a habit of reflecting on the material and become more challenging as the year progresses. Simple games based on the curriculum are also included. God-centered games not only help children hide truths about God in their hearts, they are also a way to respond to God: by enjoying Him! Although geared toward early-elementary aged children, this curriculum is deliberately not grade-specific. If an application idea seems too easy or too difficult for your child, feel free to adapt it. Challenge your children to look to God's Word for answers to their questions and support and encourage them as they discover the riches it contains! Workbook: Rather than the more typical craft or activity sheet, your child will be working on a workbook each week in class that he or she will bring home at the end of the year. The workbook is intended to be an enduring reminder of the greatness and worth of God that you and your child may use for many years. The workbook will stay in the classroom until the last lesson of The ABC's of God.

The ABC’s of God 1-Take Home

The ABC's of God

Key Theme Who is God? What is He like? How should I act toward

God? Key Verse “I am God and there is no other. I am God and there is

none like Me.” ISAIAH 46:9b

Lesson Summary Questions about God are the most important questions anyone can ask. God has provided answers to our questions about Himself in His Word, the Bible.

WHO IS GOD? WHAT IS HE LIKE? • What was in the Blessing Box today? What does it tell us about God? • What are three important questions to ask about God? • Why does God want us to find out about who He is? • Where can we find the answers to our questions about God?

HOW SHOULD I ACT TOWARD GOD? Memorize Isaiah 46:9b.

Bring a Bible to class every week; we will use it every lesson to look up answers to our questions about God. Using the Bible Whenever you read the Bible or Bible stories in a book, ask: “Who is God? What is He like? How did the people in this story act toward God? How should I respond to Him?” For Parents As children ask questions about God, respond by helping them look in the Bible for answers: “Let's see what God has to say about that in His Word.”


The ABC’s of God 2-Take Home

The ABC's of God

Key Theme God is more than we can fully understand. Key Verse “Who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been

His counselor?” ROMANS 11:34

Lesson Summary As we learn about God's attributes, we must realize our limited ability to completely understand an unlimited God. The good news is that God gives us enough understanding about Himself for us to respond in faith. In accepting our limited ability to understand everything about God, we humbly and gladly submit to all His purposes.

WHO IS GOD? WHAT IS HE LIKE? • What was in the Blessing Box today? What does it tell us about God? • Who was the Bible story about today? What did he learn about God? • What does “incomprehensible” mean? • How did Job react to God when he learned that God was incomprehensible?


Memorize Romans 11:34. Talk about what a “counselor” is and why God doesn't need one. Make a list of ways that God helps us understand who He is (i.e., the Bible, answers to prayers, testimonies etc.) Make another list of responses people could have when they don't understand what God is doing (i.e. get mad, pray, refuse to talk to God, ask another person to help, read the Bible, trust God anyway, etc.). Which responses please God? Why? Cross off any responses that don't honor God.


The ABC’s of God 3-Take Home

The ABC's of God

Key Theme God desires to make His name known. Key Verses “I am the LORD; that is My name.”

ISAIAH 42:8a “Those who know Your name will trust in You.” PSALM 9:10a

Lesson Summary Of all the names of God that He has revealed, the one most often used in the Bible is considered His personal name: “YHWH” in Hebrew, translated LORD in English. Why a personal name? Because God wants to reveal Himself as a specific and unique Person, not just a common god, to His people. In revealing His name, God is displaying the greatness and worth of His character. He is drawing people into an intimate and loving relationship with Himself so He can be known.

WHO IS GOD? WHAT IS HE LIKE? • What was in the Blessing Box today? What does it tell us about God? • What is God's personal name in the Bible? • Why is it important for you to know God's name and what it means?


Memorize Isaiah 42:8a and Psalm 9:10a. Look up Psalm 9:10a in the Bible as part of the memorization process. Thank God for revealing Himself to us in His name and for all the things (make a list!) that it tells us about who He is. For Parents If your child's name has a specific meaning, talk together about what it is and why you chose it. How much more significant must be the name God chose to reveal Himself to us! Discuss why.


The ABC’s of God 4-Take Home

The ABC's of God

Key Theme God has no beginning or end. Key Verse “Before the mountains were born or You brought forth the

earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting You are God.” PSALM 90:2

Lesson Summary God alone is eternal, not limited by time. This is one of the incomprehensible attributes of God. Because “eternal” is an abstract concept for children, this lesson emphasizes the uniqueness of God: He does not have a beginning or an end compared to all other things.

WHO IS GOD? WHAT IS HE LIKE? • What was in the Blessing Box today? What does it tell us about God? • When is God's birthday? How can He not have one? • Is there anything else besides God that has no beginning? No end? Why? • Do people have an “ending”? • What is “eternal life”? [This is discussed in depth in a future lesson]


Memorize Psalm 90:2. Look up this week's memory verse in your Bible. What does it tell us about God? Why is that important to us? Thank him for what you discover! Talk about Psalm 90:2 as you memorize it. What is the first half of the verse talking about? Does it remind you of a Bible story? Look up Genesis 1 and compare it to Psalm 90:2. What does it mean that God was before “In the beginning . . .”? How do you feel, knowing that God has always been and always will be? Create a set of flash cards to help you remember the attributes of God. On one side of a blank recipe card, write the letter and key word for each attribute. On the other side, write the key theme, or meaning of the word. Start with “Q”, “Y”, “I” and “E”, then add a new card each lesson. Later Resource Pages will feature games to play with your flash cards.


The ABC’s of God 5-Take Home

The ABC's of God

Key Theme God made everything. Key Verse “I am the LORD who has made all things, who alone

stretched out the heavens, who spread out the earth by Myself.” ISAIAH 44:24b

Lesson Summary Since God alone is eternal, everything else has its source and beginning in God. God's creative work is a “show and tell” of His attributes because it is an overflow of His greatness and worth.

WHO IS GOD? WHAT IS HE LIKE? • What was in the Blessing Box today? What does it tell us about God? • What does “creator” mean? • What does it mean that people were created in God's image? • Why did God make us with minds that can think? [So we can know God.] • Why did God make us with feelings and emotions? [So we can love God.] • Why did God make us with a will to decide things? [So we can trust God.]

HOW SHOULD I ACT TOWARD GOD? Memorize Isaiah 44:24. Play “Who Has The Right?” Since God made all things, all things belong to Him. This means that God has the right to do anything He wants to with His creation. One player asks, “Who has the right to ___________?” and fills in the blank with 'make the sky dark at night', 'make thunder crash', 'make our bodies need sleep,' etc. Other players answer, “God does!” Then take turns asking, “Why?” and answering, “Because God made __________!” Responding to God Look out the window or go for a walk. Name everything that you see and thank God for creating it!


The ABC’s of God 6-Take Home

The ABC's of God

Key Theme God shows His greatness and worth. Key Verses “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim

the work of His hands.” PSALM 19:1

“For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities -His eternal power and divine nature -have been clearly seen.” ROMANS 1:20a

Lesson Summary God's glory is His chief end in all that He does. Creation is one of the ways God displays His splendor, beauty, greatness and worth.

WHO IS GOD? WHAT IS HE LIKE? • What was in the Blessing Box today? What does it tell us about God? • Why did Moses ask God to show him His glory? What did God do? • How does God show us His glory?


Memorize Romans 1:20a. Look up Romans 1:20 in the Bible and use the whole verse to answer these questions: How God can be both “invisible” and “seen”? Why did God choose to reveal Himself this way? Read Psalm 145:1-6. When God shows us His glory, how should we react? Make a list. Play It Again To last week's “Who Has the Right?” game, add the question, “Why did God create ______________?” Children answer: “To show His greatness and worth!” Isn't it good to know that God does everything for His glory? This including “scary” things like darkness and thunder!


The ABC’s of God 7-Take Home

The ABC's of God

Key Theme God causes everything to work out perfectly. Key Verse “How many are Your works, O LORD! In wisdom You

made them all.” PSALM 104:24a

Lesson Summary God is working out His wisdom in all the events of history and every event in our lives. He is constantly causing, fitting together and working out all things to accomplish His purposes.

WHO IS GOD? WHAT IS HE LIKE? • What was in the Blessing Box today? What does it tell us about God? • Who was the Bible story about? • How was God showing Himself to be wise in Joseph's life?


Memorize Psalm 104:24. Make a list of all the ways you can think of (“How many are your works, O LORD!”) that demonstrate God's perfect wisdom: making the sun to light the day, putting people in families, etc. Praise Him for His wisdom. Thank Him for what He has done and will do! For Parents Because God is perfectly wise, He can be trusted in all the things He works out for our lives. Share a story from your own life or ask your child to share a time when God seemed puzzling, but then later made sense. Share your response to God or ask about your child's response to God.


The ABC’s of God 8-Take Home

The ABC's of God

Key Theme God is all-powerful. Key Verse “O great and powerful God, whose name is the LORD

Almighty, great are your purposes and mighty are Your deeds.” JEREMIAH 32:18b-19a

Lesson Summary In perfect wisdom God plans everything to accomplish His purposes and through His infinite power He makes it happen! That God alone is almighty means that nothing is too hard for Him; no one can stand or succeed against Him; He will do whatever He pleases and commands our reverence in response.


• What was in the Blessing Box today? What does it tell us about God? • What does it mean that God is almighty? • Is anything too hard for God? • How did God show Himself to be almighty in today's Bible story?


Memorize Jeremiah 32: 18-19. Play “I Spy God Almighty” This week as you read Bible stories and see and hear of things happening in the world around you, be on the lookout for all the things God accomplishes in His mighty power. When you see something say, “I spy God Almighty!” and tell somebody about what you see. Seeing God and sharing Him with others is a way of praising Him! Talk About It Have you ever felt like you just can't help yourself? That you don't have the strength to resist doing something wrong? Look up and read Psalm 121:1-2 together. Based on what you read, what can you do differently next time? Why?


The ABC’s of God 9-Take Home

The ABC's of God

Key Theme God has the right, wisdom and power to do all that He

pleases. Key Verse “I say: My purpose will stand and I will do all that I please

. . . What I have said, that will I bring about; what I have planned, that will I do.” ISAIAH 46: 10b, 11b

Lesson Summary The sovereignty of God means that God not only has the wisdom and power, but also the right to accomplish all that He pleases. Those who by faith believe this truth have a strong foundation for hope in God. All experience and all history serve the great and marvelous purpose of God, who in all things works to bring glory to His name.

WHO IS GOD? WHAT IS HE LIKE? • What was in the Blessing Box today? What does it tell us about God? • What does it mean that God is sovereign? • Why does God do everything that He does? [For His glory.] • How did God use His right, wisdom and power in today's Bible story? How

did that bring glory to God?

HOW SHOULD I ACT TOWARD GOD? Memorize Isaiah 46:10-11. Using the Bible Look up this week's key verse (Isaiah 46:10-11) in the Bible. The other verses just before and after a verse are called its “context” and can help us answer questions we have about the verse. Who is the “I” speaking in this verse? [verse 9] What is God's purpose in doing all that He pleases? [verses 12-13]. Responding to God How does it make you feel to know that God has the right, wisdom and power to do anything He wants to do? Does it make you want to trust Him? Believe Him? Rely on Him? These feelings are called 'hope' and you glorify God when you hope in Him! Tell God about how you feel and praise Him for being sovereign.


The ABC’s of God 10-Take Home

The ABC's of God

Key Theme God meets the needs of His creation. Key Verse “He Himself gives all men life and breath and everything

else.” ACTS 17:25b

Lesson Summary God created all things and all things are His to give and supply. All of creation is totally dependent on God for every moment of its existence and all its daily needs. That God alone can and does provide for His creation is a display of His greatness and worth --His glory!

WHO IS GOD? WHAT IS HE LIKE? • What was in the Blessing Box today? What does it tell us about God? • What does it mean that God is our provider? • What do we have that does not come from God? • What did God provide for Adam and Eve? For Moses and Israel in the

Wilderness? For the widow Elisha met?


Memorize Acts 17:25b [17:25a is next week's verse]. Thank God for “Everything Else” This week's memory verse says that God provides what to people? On slips of paper write all the things you can think of that are included in “everything else”. Put the slips in a box or basket. During family prayer time, each person can pull a slip and thank God for providing those things. Talk About It

1. Does God want us to ask Him for the things He provides? [Matthew 7:9-11] 2. Does God not know what we need until we tell Him? [Matthew 6:8] 3. What should our attitude be like when we ask God? [Philippians 4:6] 4. Does God always provide us with the things we want, when we want them? [God is sovereign: He will provide for our needs when it is best, and with what is best for us.]


The ABC’s of God 11-Take Home

The ABC's of God

Key Theme God does not need anything. Key Verse “And He is not served by human hands as if He needed

anything, because He Himself gives all men life and breath and everything else.” ACTS 17:25

Lesson Summary Last week we learned that all created things need something outside of themselves in order to exist. God alone can supply those needs because He alone brought all things into being. What then does God Himself need? Absolutely nothing! He alone exists from all eternity, fully complete in Himself. Because God does not need anything, He is free to do all that He pleases.

WHO IS GOD? WHAT IS HE LIKE? • What was in the Blessing Box today? [Nothing!] What does it tell us about

God? • What does it mean that God is self-sufficient? • Is anybody self-sufficient besides God? • Does God need people to accomplish His plans? What did today's Bible story

have to say about that? • Does God owe anybody anything? Why not?


Memorize Acts 17: 25a, and add it to last week's verse. Practice saying the whole passage. Play “God is Self-sufficient” Our lives are full of things we need and God provides: a drink of water, food, a place to sleep at night. For a whole day, focus on how great God's self-sufficiency is by recognizing each thing people need. “God doesn't need a nap. God is self-sufficient!” “God doesn't need a car. God is self-sufficient!” Flash Cards Add “S: Self-sufficient” and any other attributes you may have missed to your set of flash-cards. Review the 11 cards you should now have in your set. In a few weeks, you'll start using them for games and will want to have them memorized!


The ABC’s of God 12-Take Home

The ABC's of God

Key Theme God keeps in mind that we are weak. Key Verse “As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD

has compassion on those who fear Him; for He knows how we are formed, He remembers that we are dust.”

PSALM 103:13-14

Lesson Summary In this lesson, we use “understanding” not as intellectual comprehension, but rather, as a disposition of sympathy toward another. God created us for His glory and we belong to God. But we don’t always treasure and love and enjoy God the way we should, and that is sin. Sin makes God angry. But rather than turning away in His anger and ignoring us forever, God is understanding. He remembers that we are weak and has compassion on His people.

WHO IS GOD? WHAT IS HE LIKE? • What was in the Blessing Box today? What does it tell us about God? • What happened in today's Bible story? How did God react toward His

people's sin? • What does it mean that God is understanding? • What does it mean that we are weak and needy people?


Memorize Psalm 103: 13-14. Look up Psalm 103:13-14 and read it in its context. See if you can find answers to these questions: 1.) What is God like?

2.) Does God get angry when we sin? 3.) Why doesn't God “treat us as our sins deserve”? 4.) At least how big is God's love for us? 5.) How should we respond to our compassionate, understanding God? [ verses 1-2, 20-22 and verse 18].

Responding to God Praise and thank God for what you discovered!


The ABC’s of God 13-Take Home

The ABC's of God

Key Theme God is constantly watching and acting in the world. Key Verse “The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous and His ears

are attentive to their cry.” PSALM 34:15

Lesson Summary In this lesson, we want to help children understand that God is not an aloof ruler, but rather an attentive, listening God, acting upon the requests of His people in sovereignty: to accomplish all that He pleases.

WHO IS GOD? WHAT IS HE LIKE? • What was in the Blessing Box today? What does it tell us about God? • What does it mean that God is attentive? • How did God react when Jonah cried out to Him from the belly of the big fish? • How did God react when Israel cried out to Him from their slavery in Egypt? • How did God react when Israel cried out to Him when they were surrounded

in Jerusalem? Why didn't God save them? [See Jeremiah 52: they had turned away from God.]


Memorize Psalm 34:15. Talk About It In Psalm 34:15, to whom is God is attentive? To whom does “the righteous” refer? [To avoid confusion in future lessons, we are defining “the righteous” as people who trust God.] The Rest of the Story This week in the story of the fall of Jerusalem [Jeremiah 52], God responded to His people's cry in an unexpected way: He handed them over to their enemies because He was so angry at their sin. But we learned from Psalm 103 that God does not stay angry forever. Will God show His attentiveness to Israel and answer their cry for deliverance? Look up His promise to Israel in Ezekiel 11:16-21. Then come to class next week to find out!


The ABC’s of God 14-Take Home

The ABC's of God

Key Theme God always does what He says He will do Key Verse “You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all

the good promises the LORD your God gave you has failed. Every promises has been fulfilled; not one has failed.” JOSHUA 23:14

Lesson Summary God always does what He says He will do. The promise of the coming Deliverer begins the unveiling of God's great promise, His glory in human flesh, by which the whole world will be blessed. This lesson will reveal Jesus as God's answer to His people's predicament, and through it, see the unfailing faithfulness of God throughout the history of His people.

WHO IS GOD? WHAT IS HE LIKE? • What was in the Blessing Box today? What does it tell us about God? • What does it mean that God is faithful? • How did you see God being faithful in the Bible stories you heard today? • Who did God send as His answer to His people's problems?


Memorize Joshua 23:14. Promises for His Children What promises has God made in the Bible to those who believe in Him? Look up the following verses and write down the promise:

Deuteronomy 31:6 Psalm 34:15 1 John 1:9 Psalm 32:8 Isaiah 41:13 John 3:16 Proverbs 13:11-12 Proverbs 1:6

Are there any others you can think of? Write those down too. Which of those promises means something special to you? Why? Tell God that you trust Him to keep His promises to you and thank Him for being faithful!


The ABC’s of God 15-Take Home

The ABC's of God

Key Theme God is three persons in one: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Key Verse “Hear O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one.”


Lesson Summary Though abstract for children, the concept of the Trinity is foundational to biblical Christianity. All the attributes of God, all the facets of His character must be put in the context of His “three-in-oneness”. Therefore, this lesson introduces the Trinity at a basic level: There is only one God; the one God is three distinct persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; and each person of God is fully God.

WHO IS GOD? WHAT IS HE LIKE? • What was in the Blessing Box today? What does it tell us about God? • What does it mean that God is a Trinity? • Is there only one God, or more than one God? • What is another name for God the Son? [Jesus] • Is Jesus God? Is the Holy Spirit God?


Memorize Deuteronomy 6:4. Responding to God Because there is only one true God, how should we act toward Him? Look up some answers in the following verses: Deuteronomy 5:6-9a; Deuteronomy 6:5. How can you show God that you love Him “with all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your strength”? Make a list of three things you will do this week to demonstrate your love for God. Play with The ABC's of God flash-cards you've created so far. Have someone hold up a card and say the letter and word. You tell them the meaning of the word. OR have someone read the meaning of the word, and you say the word they are defining.


The ABC’s of God 16-Take Home

The ABC's of God

Key Theme Love is the overflow of the joy that God has in Himself. Key Verse “As the Father has loved Me, so I have loved you . . .

I have told you this so that My joy may be in you and your joy may be complete.” JOHN 15:9a, 11

Lesson Summary God's love is the delight and happiness He has in His own greatness and worth. God loves Himself most of all and that is the source of our joy. If God did not share with us the joy He has in Himself, we would never be truly happy. God's love and our joy will never run out because God's delight in Himself is inexhaustible!

WHO IS GOD? WHAT IS HE LIKE? • What was in the Blessing Box today? What does it tell us about God? • What does it mean that God is love? • Whom does God love best of all? • Why does God share His love for Himself with us? [Because He wants to

show us His greatness and worth --not because we deserve it.]


Memorize John 15: 9a and 11. Look up the following verses that talk about God's love and complete the sentence, “God's love is ____________” from each verse: Psalm 63:3; Psalm 103:11; Psalm 103:17; Isaiah 54:10. How would you describe God's love in your own words? Praise God by telling Him about it and thanking Him for it. Share what God is like! With an adult's permission, use blowing bubbles to explain to someone how God's love to us is an overflow of the love He has for Himself.


The ABC’s of God 17-Take Home

The ABC's of God

Key Theme God is everywhere all the time. Key Verse “'Can anyone hide in secret places so that I cannot see

him?' declares the LORD. 'Do I not fill heaven and earth?'“ JEREMIAH 23:24

Lesson Summary God is omnipresent. Although that is a challenging word for children, it helps show that God is so unique and wonderful that there are special words that can only describe the one true God. The main points in this lesson are: God is not limited by space; God is fully present everywhere all of the time; and God may choose to act in different ways in different places.

WHO IS GOD? WHAT IS HE LIKE? • What was in the Blessing Box today? What does it tell us about God? • What does it mean that God is omnipresent? • How can God be everywhere all the time? [Because He is God!] • Does God always do the same thing at the same time everywhere He is?

[No.] • How did this week's Bible story help explain that?


Memorize Jeremiah 23:24. Talk About It Do you ever feel afraid when you are all alone? Or when you are in a group of people you do not know? One of the names for Jesus is “Immanuel” which means 'God is with us'. Jesus gave a promise to His friends before returning to heaven. Look it up in Matthew 28:20b. Is God faithful to keep His promises? What will you remember next time you are alone and feel afraid? Play “God is Omnipresent” Take turns trying to make up or find a place where God might not be, then ask, “Is God in the (cookie jar, closet, dark)?” or “Is God (at work with dad, at school, in the hospital, in Africa)?” Other players answer: “God is Omnipresent: He is everywhere all the time!”


The ABC’s of God 18-Take Home

The ABC's of God

Key Theme God is a place of safety and protection for His people. Key Verse “The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous

run to it and are safe.” PROVERBS 18:10

Lesson Summary When children think of a place of safety and protection, they usually think in terms of physical safety. But an even more significant meaning of 'refuge' is the place where the soul can be protected and safe. Jesus makes it clear in Matthew 10:28 that we should fear most for the safety of our soul from the wrath of the Holy God. Zephaniah 3:12 tells us the only place our soul can flee for safety: “They will take refuge in the name of the LORD.” When we seek refuge in the name of the LORD, God delights in us because He delights in and will protect His name!

WHO IS GOD? WHAT IS HE LIKE? • What was in the Blessing Box today? What does it tell us about God? • What does it mean that God is our refuge? • What does the Bible mean when it tells us to take refuge “in the name of the

LORD?” • In what ways did David in the Bible find God to be his refuge?


Memorize Proverbs18:10. Draw a picture of the strongest tower you can imagine.

1. On the walls of the tower, write the words: “The LORD”. 2. In the space outside the tower, write or draw all the things that you are afraid of. 3. Draw yourself inside the tower, protected and safe. 4. At the top or bottom of the picture, print this week's memory verse. 5. Show your picture to someone and tell them:

• How does the picture help you understand God? • How is God's name like a tower? • How do we 'run into' God? Do we use our feet? • Why are we safe in God?

Hang the picture in a special place as a reminder to 'run into' God, your Refuge!


The ABC’s of God 19-Take Home

The ABC's of God

Key Theme God never changes. Key Verse “I, the LORD, do not change.” MALACHI 3:6a

Lesson Summary God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow (Hebrews 13:8). This is a bedrock assurance in a world filled with fickle people, relationships, and the ever-changing natural world. The One True God, all of who He is and what He is like in all of His greatness and worth, will never diminish or change.

WHO IS GOD? WHAT IS HE LIKE? • What was in the Blessing Box today? What does it tell us about God? • What does it mean that God is unchanging? • Does God ever change His plans or promises? Why not? • Why is it important to know that God never changes?

HOW SHOULD I ACT TOWARD GOD? Memorize Malachi 3:6a. Look up this week's memory verse. Use the Table of Contents at the front of your Bible to help locate the book of Malachi. Is there something special about the location of Malachi in the Bible that will help you remember where it is? What is Missing? Malachi 3:6a is only the first half of the Bible verse. What does the second half say? Use what you read to answer these questions:

1. Who are the “descendants of Jacob”? 2. What have you learned about them? Were they unchanging? 3. Why does God remind them that He does not change? 4. Is this promise made to you, too?

Praise God for what you discover!


The ABC’s of God 20-Take Home

The ABC's of God

Key Theme God knows everything. Key Verse “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight.

Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.” HEBREWS 4:13

Lesson Summary God not only knows everything, He has always known everything. God did not through time or learning acquire knowledge, but has always known everything that was, is, and is to come.

WHO IS GOD? WHAT IS HE LIKE? • What was in the Blessing Box today? What does it tell us about God? • What does it mean that God is omniscient? • Why is it important to know that God knows everything?


Memorize Hebrews 4:13. Using the Bible Use the Table of Contents in your Bible to find the book of Hebrews. Then look up this week's memory verse, Hebrews 4:13. Now stop and ask God to help you understand what you read; remember, He understands everything! Who is the “Him” in this verse? What does it mean that “everything is laid bare before his eyes”? That “we must give account” to Him? Why? Now look up Jeremiah 29:11. What does it tell you about God? Responding to God How does God want us to respond to the truth that He is omniscient? Look up these verses: Psalm 139:23-24 and Psalm 51:10. How can you do this? Try it right now! A note to Parents: Your child has now reached the midpoint of this curriculum and you may have noticed that the application suggestions are becoming more analytical. Although we recognize that children have different learning styles, learning to use and to understand the Bible are crucial skills for every Christian to develop. In class, your child is learning to look into God's Word for answers to their questions about God. Take every opportunity to reinforce this at home!


The ABC’s of God 21-Take Home

The ABC's of God

Key Theme God is good in all He is and does. Key Verses “No one is good, except God alone.”

MARK 10:18b “The LORD is good to all; He has compassion on all He has made.” PSALM 145:9

Lesson Summary In everyday language, we often use “good” or “bad” to express our approval or disapproval of something, placing our own tastes as the standard from which we make judgments. However, Mark 10:18 reminds us that, “No one is good, except God alone.” Therefore, all our experiences and actions must be put in the context of true goodness: God Himself.

WHO IS GOD? WHAT IS HE LIKE? • What was in the Blessing Box today? What does it tell us about God? • What story did you hear today? What happened? • What message did Betsie send Corrie while they were in prison? • What does it mean that God alone is good?


Memorize Mark 10:18b and Psalm 145:9. The Rest of the Story This week, you heard a small part of the true story of Corrie Ten Boom. She wrote a book about her life called The Hiding Place, so other people could be encouraged by the miraculous ways God sustained her life and faith through very hard circumstances during the Second World War. You will find The Hiding Place in your church or neighborhood library. Read the rest of the story or ask someone older to read it out loud to you. (Parents, please use discretion.) Responding To God Like Corrie Ten Boom, many people who have met God want to tell others their story about how God has been good to them. These stories are called a “testimony.” This week, make your own testimony. You may write a short story to read, or a list of notes to speak from, or even draw pictures showing what God has done for you. Then share your testimony with your family or a friend. God is glorified when we share His goodness with others!


The ABC’s of God 22-Take Home

The ABC's of God

Key Theme God never gets tired or weary. Key Verse “The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends

of the earth. He will never grow tired or weary.” ISAIAH 40:28b

Lesson Summary Part of being human is that we get tired. We need sleep. Not only do we run out of physical stamina, we get weary mentally, emotionally and spiritually of the day to day grind and problems of life. As Christians, what keeps us going? What gives rest to our weary souls? God: who never grows tired or weary, who has boundless energy to sustain the entire universe, who never gets tired of working for the glory of His Name and the good of His people!

WHO IS GOD? WHAT IS HE LIKE? • What was in the Blessing Box today? What does it tell us about God? • What does it mean that God is never-tiring? • Who was today's Bible story about? How did he get weary? • How did God refresh and restore Jeremiah?


Memorize Isaiah 40:28. Share your memory verse with someone this week. Talk About It Because God is never-tiring, He has endless energy to help those who get tired: even tired of doing good things like obeying God. What do you get tired of? Look up 2 Chronicles 16:9 in your Bible. What does God promise? Who is this promise of help made to? Now look up Matthew 11:28-29. Who is the “I” and the “me” in this verse? What does God promise? To whom? Responding to God Praise God for what you discover by putting these verses into your own words and praying them to Him.


The ABC’s of God 23-Take Home

The ABC's of God J is for Jealous Key Theme God will not share His greatness and worth (His glory). Key Verse “I am the LORD, that is My name! I will not give

My glory to another or My praise to idols.” ISAIAH 42:8

Lesson Summary The word “jealous” often connotes something negative, especially to children, as in “You shouldn't be jealous of her new toy.” But the jealousy of God is to be understood in a positive context. God is righteously intolerant of rivalry or unfaithfulness and acts to protect His own honor. God will not share His glory or the praise that He deserves with anything or anyone else.

WHO IS GOD? WHAT IS HE LIKE? • What was in the Blessing Box today? What does it tell us about God? • What does it mean that God is jealous? • Why is it right for God to be jealous? • What was today's Bible story about? How did it show God's jealousy?


Memorize Exodus 34:14. Talk About It: Exodus 34:14 says “Do not worship any other god . . . for the LORD is Jealous.” What does it mean to not worship any other god? Are there gods other than the One True God? Name some things that people might think are more important than God. [We spend our time and resources on those things that are most important to us.] Will God share first place with those things? Why not? Are there things or people in your life that you praise and honor more than God? What will you do this week to show God that you understand and are happy that He is in first place over everything in your life?


The ABC’s of God 24-Take Home

The ABC's of God

Key Theme Everything God thinks, says, and does is right because God always values what is most valuable --Himself.

Key Verse “His work is perfect, for all His ways are just . . . Righteous

and upright is He.” DEUTERONOMY 32:4 (NASB)

Lesson Summary The essence of God's righteousness is that He places supreme value on the thing of the greatest worth, Himself, and acts accordingly. How then can a righteous God love an unrighteous people? This is the first of seven lessons that will unfold the resolution of God's commitment to His own glory: providing the long-awaited Deliverer to redeem sinners, vindicating the righteousness of God!


• What was in the Blessing Box today? What does it tell us about God? • Who was today's Bible story about? What happened to Him? • What did the story show about the righteousness of God? • What does it mean that God is righteous? • Why is it right for God to value His own greatness and worth most of all?


Memorize Deuteronomy 32:4. Look Up this week's memory verse and answer these questions: Who sang this song? What had he just finished [31:24]? What are some of the stories Moses uses as reminders that God is righteousness in all He is and does? What can you do to respond to God's righteousness? [32:45-47] Play this game with the flash cards you have been making. You will need at least one other player who has been learning The ABC's of God. Lay all the cards on the floor with the letter side facing up. The first player points to a card. If she can correctly give the meaning without looking, she gets to take the card and choose another one. Each player can choose 2 cards on his turn --unless he gives a wrong answer. If he does, it's the next person's turn. All the cards stay face down on the floor until someone gives the right meaning and puts it in their pile.


The ABC’s of God 25-Take Home

The ABC's of God

Key Theme God is very angry with sin. Key Verses “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all

the godlessness and wickedness of men.” ROMANS 1:18a

“Who can endure His fierce anger? His wrath is poured out like fire; the rocks are shattered before Him.” NAHUM 1:6b

Lesson Summary God is so angry with sin that He is right to pour out His judgment on those who scorn His glory. Only when we understand how much we deserve God's wrath can we marvel at and love His saving grace.

WHO IS GOD? WHAT IS HE LIKE? • What was in the Blessing Box today? What does it tell us about God? • What did the people in the Bible story value more than God? Was this right? • What does it mean that God has wrath?


Memorize Romans 1:18 and Nahum 1:6.

Use your Bible to fill in these blanks. There is no one who is _____________________. [Romans 3:10-11]. We are all sinful from ______________________. [Psalm 51:5]. ______________________ deserves God's wrath. [Ephesians 2:3]

Fill in the definition of “God is Righteous” [Lesson 24]: ________________God __________, ____________, and ___________ is ______________because God always ____________ what is most valuable, _______________.

Talk about what you discovered. Is it right for God to be angry with sin? Why? Are you part of the “everyone” who has sinned and deserves God's wrath? How does that make you feel?

Look up 1 John 1:8-9. What answer did God provide for our sin problem? What can you do about your sin? If you have questions about these things, your mom or dad or teacher would be happy to talk with you. We will also talk a lot more about this in class over the next few weeks!


The ABC’s of God 26-Take Home

The ABC's of God Key Theme God is slow to anger and slow to punish. Key Verse “The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some

understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” 2 PETER 3:9

Lesson Summary Despite God's fierce anger at sin, it is His pleasure to be patient with sinners: slow to anger and slow to punish so that His sovereign grace may be displayed.

WHO IS GOD? WHAT IS HE LIKE? • What was in the Blessing Box today? What does it tell us about God? • What was the Bible story about? • Why did God wait so long? Then what happened? • What does it mean that God is patient?


Memorize 2 Peter 3:9.

Understanding the Bible This week's verse is a great one for looking for Context Clues! Before you look up the verse in your Bible, read it to yourself several times (it is printed at the top of this page). How many parts does it have? How many subjects or key words? Find two parts: one part about God not being slow, and a second part about God being patient. Now use your Bible to look up this verse is its context (the verses before and after it). You are looking for context clues to answer these questions:

• What does the fist half mean? Why do some think God is slow? [3:3-8] • What does the second half mean? [3:9] • How do the two parts relate to each other? (What does it means that “God is

not slow . . . He is patient”?) Responding to God This verse tells us God wants everyone to repent. To repent means to feel truly sorry for sin, for not valuing God above everything else. It also means turning away from sin and seeking to love God's greatness and worth most of all. God has been patiently waiting. Is He asking you to repent?


The ABC’s of God 27-Take Home

The ABC's of God Key Theme God is kind to undeserving sinners. Key Verses “He does not treat us as our sins deserve.”

PSALM 103:10a “The LORD is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and great in lovingkindness.” PSALM 145:8 (NASB)

Lesson Summary God is kind and forgiving to people who are deserving of His wrath. God is not under any obligation to bestow His favor on us, because we are all unrighteous. Rather, His grace and mercy are free gifts that He extends to those whom he loves and calls.

WHO IS GOD? WHAT IS HE LIKE? • What was in the Blessing Box today? What does it tell us about God? • Who was the Bible story about today? What happened? • Who showed mercy in the story? What was that a picture of? • What does it mean that God is merciful?


Memorize Psalm 103:10a and Psalm 145:8.

Review Answer these questions, using the letters in the boxes below, and the verses for each question as your clues. Write the attribute of God that letter stands for in the blank below the letter. Draw a line connecting that letter with the question it answers. Then thank God for what you discover!

How would God treat us if we all got what our sins deserve? [Romans 1:18 & Nahum 1:6]

How does God treat His childen instead? [Psalm 103: 13-14; 2 Peter 3:9; Psalm 103:10 & Psalm 145:8]



The ABC’s of God 28-Take Home

The ABC's of God Key Theme God does everything with determination and strength for

His name's sake. Key Verse “The LORD will march out like a mighty man, like a warrior

He will stir up His zeal . . . and triumph over His enemies.” ISAIAH 42:13

Lesson Summary God is in ardent, eager pursuit of the glory of His name. Amazingly, God chooses to display His glory by loving and saving an unrighteous people. This lesson focuses on Jesus' whole-hearted passion to both rescue sinners and uphold God's glory as He enters Jerusalem and approaches the cross.

WHO IS GOD? WHAT IS HE LIKE? • What was in the Blessing Box today? What does it tell us about God? • Who was the Bible story about today? What happened? • What does it mean that God is zealous?


Memorize Isaiah 42:13. Play “God is Zealous” Cut the lists of Bible stories below into slips of paper. Put the slips in a container. Each player draws a slip and announces the story. Then he says what God did in that story that showed His zeal for His name. A player may put back a slip and choose another only once per turn. For greater challenge, each player can also say why that demonstrated God's zeal. At the end, ask, “Was there any story we drew that did not demonstrate God's zeal? Can you think of any others where God did not act with zeal for the greatness and worth of His name?” Praise God for what you discover! Creation Moses and the Burning Bush Noah and the Flood Life of Job Moneychangers in the Temple Life of Jonah Life of Joseph Israel Passes through the Red Sea David and Goliath Battle of Jericho Manna in the Wilderness Ananias & Sapphira Life of David Elijah and the Prophets of Baal Plagues in Egypt


The ABC’s of God 29-Take Home

The ABC's of God Key Theme God saves His people from His wrath. Key Verse “It is a trustworthy statement, deserving full acceptance,

that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” 1 TIMOTHY 1:15a (NASB)

Lesson Summary In this lesson we finally see the resolution of the apparent conflict between God's love for His own glory and His love for a sinful people: Jesus' death on a cross. We will also ask the most important question of all: Since Jesus alone can deliver us from God's wrath, how should we respond to Him?


• What happened when your teacher came into the room today? • What was in the Blessing Box? What does it tell us about God? • Who was the Bible story about today? What happened? • Who is our “Deliverer”? What did He deliver us from?


Memorize 1 Timothy 1:15a.

Look Up and think about these verses: Acts 3:19; Acts 4:12; Acts 16:31. Do you believe . . .

That God is glorious, sovereign, faithful, unchanging, righteous? That God has the right to be angry that you value other things more than Him? That you have sinned and do sin by valuing other things more than God? That God sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross to save you from God's wrath? That you feel sorry for and want to turn away from your sin? That you trust God to help you live in a way that pleases Him and brings you joy?

If you answered “Yes!” in your heart to each of these questions God may be calling you. God wants to glorify Himself in your life by forgiving your sins and giving you eternal life and joy! Respond to Him by asking Him to help you believe. If you do believe, tell Him so! If you'd like help, your mom or dad or teacher would be happy to talk and pray with you.


The ABC’s of God 30-Take Home

The ABC's of God Key Theme God always wins, even against Satan, sin and death. Key Verse “The LORD your God is in your midst a victorious warrior.”


Lesson Summary God will always accomplish what He says He will do; no one can defeat His plans. Through Jesus' death and resurrection, the penalty for sin was satisfied and the power of Satan over God's people was broken: God's people are made right with God!

WHO IS GOD? WHAT IS HE LIKE? • What was in the Blessing Box today? What does it tell us about God? • What was the Bible story about? What happened? • What did Jesus win victory over? How do we know? • What does it mean that God is victorious?


Memorize Zephaniah 3:17a.

Look Up Zephaniah 3:17. The book of Zephaniah records the prophetic words God told Zephaniah about the fate of His people Israel. The book foretells God's wrath against all people for their sin of disbelief. But even though God justly promises to punish sin, He also promises to remember and rescue a remnant of His chosen people. This week's memory verse comes near the end of the book, where God reminds Isreal that in punishing sin and rescuing them, He has shown Himself to be a victorious warrior (or “mighty to save” in the NIV). Read Zephaniah 3: 14-17. List the ways God wanted Israel to respond to His victory. Responding to God How can you respond to God's victory over sin and death for you? In the same ways God wanted Israel to respond: thank Him! Praise Him! Trust Him! How will you show God this week that you trust Him?


The ABC’s of God 31-Take Home

The ABC's of God Key Theme God rules over everyone. Key Verse “For God is King of all the earth --God reigns over the

nations. God is seated on His holy throne.” PSALM 47:7a-8

Lesson Summary God is, was, and always will be the great King above all earthly kings, a King with a kingdom not seen by human eyes, a King who alone is righteous and just and works for the good of His people. As believers, we eagerly await the day when the whole earth will see our victorious Jesus return to earth, the majestic King of Kings, ready to reveal His kingdom and reign forever and ever!

WHO IS GOD? WHAT IS HE LIKE? • What was in the Blessing Box today? What does it tell us about God? • What was the Bible story about today? What did Israel want? • Who really was Israel's King? Why didn't they want Him? • Did God give Isreal what they asked for? Why? • What does it mean that God is the King of Kings?


Memorize Psalm 47:7a, 8.

Something is missing from this week's memory verse. Can you figure out what it is? Look up Psalm 47 in your Bible. Reading from verses 7 and 8, fill in the missing words on the blank line below.

“For God is the King of all the earth; ____________________________________________________. God reigns over the nations; God is seated on His holy throne.” Psalm 47:7, 8.

Responding to God “Psalm” is another word for “song.” Did you know that every Psalm in the Bible is a song to God? Psalm 47 is an example of a psalm of praise: telling God how glorious, how wonderful He is. Psalms of praise can be short, like Psalm 117, or long, like Psalm 145. And sometimes, Psalm 150 tells us, praise does not even need words: we can praise God with an instrument or even dance! Your job this week is to “sing to Him a psalm of praise” that you write or sing or play or dance yourself. And you will magnify God's glory if you share with someone else the “psalm” you make!


The ABC’s of God 32-Take Home

The ABC's of God

Key Theme God is like nothing else. He is completely perfect and

separate from sin. Key Verse “'To whom will you compare Me? Or who is My equal?'

says the Holy One.” ISAIAH 40:25

Lesson Summary Up until this lesson, we have studied words that describe who God is and what He is like, using the ABC's as a framework to fill in piece by piece a picture of the greatness and worth of God. The full picture displayed is God's glory; the pieces are His holiness, the essence of His divine nature. The holiness of God is far beyond our ability to comprehend or describe. But as believers it must not be beyond the experience of our souls: to fall down and worship the only Holy God.

WHO IS GOD? WHAT IS HE LIKE? • What was in the Blessing Box today? What does it tell us about God? • Who was the Bible story about today? What did he see? • How did Isaiah respond to what he saw? How did it change his life? • What does it mean that God is holy?


Memorize Isaiah 40:25

Look Up Isaiah chapter 40. This week's memory verse asks the question, “To whom can you compare God?” Find the words “Here is your God!” at the end of verse 9. From this verse until verse 31, the whole chapter is an answer to the question verse 25 asks. From what you read in Isaiah chapter 40, how would you answer the question, “To whom can you compare God?” Responding to God If you have met God, you have experienced His holiness and know in your heart that Isaiah 40 is true: nothing can compare to God. But there are many people who know a lot about God, but have never experienced God, in the same way many people know about the moon, but only a few have actually been there and felt what it is like. (We know that not even the moon can compare to God!) God wants to be your Deliverer, your Provider, your Refuge. He wants to show Himself to be Wise and Almighty and Sovereign in your life. God wants you to trust Him and find Him Faithful, because all these things bring Him great glory and you great joy. Talk to God right now. If you have experienced God's holiness, worship Him! If you long to, ask God to show you His holiness; tell Him you are ready to respond, whatever He asks.


The ABC’s of God 33-Take Home

The ABC's of God Key Theme God deserves all love, obedience, honor, praise, and glory. Key Verse “You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and

honor and power, for You created all things, and by Your will they were created and have their being.”


Lesson Summary In contrast to the world, the Word of God points us to that which is supremely valuable and most worthy of honor and praise: God Himself. When we experience the incomparable greatness and worth of God, all the world's “treasures” dim and we gladly give Him the love, obedience, honor, praise and glory He deserves.

WHO IS GOD? WHAT IS HE LIKE? • What was in the Blessing Box today? What does it tell us about God? • What was the Bible story about? What did the man find? What did he do? • What did Jesus' disciples do when He called them? Why? • What does it mean that God is worthy?


Memorize Revelation 4:11. God is Worthy! Fill in the blanks next to the boxes to complete each definition.

_______________ means God shows His __________________ and __________________. _______________ means God will not share His ____________ and _________________. ______________ means God deserves all _________________, ________________, _______________ and _______________.

What word is underlined heavily in all three definitions? “Worthy” is based on the root word “worth,” which is also the root of a word that means “to express God's worth”: worship! When we worship, we say to God “You are great! You are wonderful! I love You! You are worth more to me than anything else!” Worship God right now!





The ABC’s of God 34-Take Home

The ABC's of God Key Theme God ranks far above everything else. He is the “Most

High”. Key Verse “For You, O LORD, are the Most High over all the earth;

You are exalted far above all gods.” PSALM 97:9

Lesson Summary The word “exalted”, when referring to God, means “to be high” or to “raise up”, to be seen and honored as “above all”. God lifts up His name and reputation in order to be seen before all the peoples of the earth. There is no one “higher” than the one true God.

WHO IS GOD? WHAT IS HE LIKE? • What was in the Blessing Box today? What does it tell us about God? • What was the Bible story about today? Why did the people do that? • What did God do when He saw what the people had done? Why? • What does it mean that God is exalted?


Memorize Psalm 97:9

Responding to God “God is exalted” means God _________________ far _____________ _____________ ____________. He is the “_________ _________.” He deserves our praise and worship! Look up Psalm 136 in your Bible. It is an example of a responsive psalm of praise. The first part of each verse is a statement about God and the second part is a response to God. This week, write your own responsive psalm, using the flash cards you've been making to help you think about who God is and what He is like. These statements about God will be the first half of every verse in your psalm. For the second half, use the response: “He is exalted above all else!” Then, worship God with what you've written by inviting your family or some friends to help you. You read or say the statement about God and they respond, “He is exalted above all else!” For example: God is good in all He is and does. [“'G' is for Good”.] He is exalted above all else! God will not share His greatness and worth. [“'J' is for Jealous”.] He is exalted above all else! God is kind to undeserving sinners. [“'M' is for Merciful”.] He is exalted above all else!


The ABC’s of God 35-Take Home

The ABC's of God Key Theme God delights in being God. Key Verse “Our God is in heaven; He does whatever pleases Him.”

PSALM 115:3

Lesson Summary Our all-powerful, all-sufficient, perfect God delights in all that He is and does. In His overflowing happiness, God delights in making for Himself a people who are satisfied in all that He is and does. God never acts out of duty, but rather, out of the joyful freedom He has in being, “the blessed [happy] and only Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords.” (I Timothy 6:15-16.) God is happy to show us that He alone can make us happy!

WHO IS GOD? WHAT IS HE LIKE? • What was in the Blessing Box today? What does it tell us about God? • What does it mean that God is happy? • From the Bible, what are examples of things God is happy to do?


Memorize Psalm 115:3. Talk About It If God is always happy being God, does that mean He is always happy with everything that happens? What does the Bible have to say about that? Look up these verses in your Bible and fill in the blank. Then answer the question, “Why?” Genesis 6: 6 “The LORD was __________________.” Why? 1 Samuel 15:11 “I [the LORD] am ________________ . . .” Why? John 11:35 “Jesus _______________.” Why? From what you have learned this year, why is God jealous? Why does He have wrath? Conclusion: God is angry with and punishes sin. God is also compassionate and is grieved by His people's pain. But He is still always happy being God. God's happiness is in Himself: He knows that He is the only source of hope for sin and pain; the only source of our happiness. Responding to God If knowing God makes you happy, tell Him so! Then share your happiness with someone else by telling about it!


The ABC’s of God 36-Take Home

The ABC's of God Key Theme God is more than enough to satisfy all our desires. Key Verse “Now to Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly

beyond all that we ask or think . . . to Him be glory.” EPHESIANS 3:20-21a (NASB)

Lesson Summary “Bountiful” attests to the infinite God who is able to meet all of our deepest desires. He is an overflowing spring of life that never runs dry. He will always be more than enough to meet the needs of His people, who have no reason to turn to anything else for satisfaction. God alone can delight us with lasting joy. This is the last of God's attributes we will study before concluding this curriculum with four lessons on responding to God.

WHO IS GOD? WHAT IS HE LIKE? • What was in the Blessing Box today? What does it tell us about God? • What was the Bible story about today? • In what ways is God like a fountain or a spring?


Memorize Ephesians 3:20-21a. Play the “Anyone Else?” Game Review all the things you have learned about God using the flash cards you have made. You will need one person who can read. You and anyone else who has been learning The ABC's of God are the players. The reader will hold your set of flash cards so you can't see them. Then, they will turn the definition on the back of each card into a question starting with the words “Does [or “Can” or “Is”] anyone else . . .?” The first player with a hand up gets to answer the question. For example, for “W”, the reader will say, “The clue is 'W'. Does anyone else cause everything to work out perfectly?” A player will answer, “No, God alone is wise!” There is more than one attribute for some of the letters, so listen for the definition! The player who answers correctly may keep the card until the end of the game. Responding to God Do you realize that you were saying praises the entire time you were playing that game? God loves to hear you tell Him that you believe that He alone is more than enough, that there is no one else like Him. Thank Him for being a bountiful God!


The ABC’s of God 37-Take Home

The ABC's of God Key Theme Experiencing a desperate need for God. Key Verses “As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants

for You, O God.” PSALM 42:1

“You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.” JEREMIAH 29:13

Lesson Summary “Now I know my ABC's . . .” What comes next? It is not enough to simply know about God. Like the Pharisees, many people know the truth about God and even live devoutly “religious” lives. But they have not experienced God; they do not love and treasure and long for God; they have missed the truth of their abject sinfulness in light of God's holiness. God knows each child's heart and level of understanding, and even though the significance of sin can be difficult to comprehend, we trust the Holy Spirit to reveal this truth to each individual.

WHO IS GOD? WHAT IS HE LIKE? • What was in the Blessing Box today? What does it tell us about God? • Who were some of the people in today's Bible stories? What was their

problem? • Who was desperate for help from God? Why? • What does it mean to seek and to find God?


Memorize Psalm 42: 1-2 and Jeremiah 29:13. Seeking God in His Word Before you open your Bible, take a minute to pray. Thank God for providing His Word and ask Him to help you understand what it means as you read it. Look up the following verses in your Bible and write a short summary of what each set means to you: Who sins? Romans 3:10 and Romans 3:23: What is the price of sin? Romans 6:23

Can we be good enough to earn God's favor? Ephesians 2: 8 & 9 Who is the only solution to our sin problem? John 3:16 and Acts 4:12 What can you do if you are “thirsty” for God? Jeremiah 29:13 and 24:7

Thank God for what you discover!


The ABC’s of God 38-Take Home

The ABC's of God Key Theme Experiencing God is more precious than anything else in

life. Key Verse “Whom have I in heaven but You? And earth has nothing I

desire besides You.” PSALM 73:25

Lesson Summary The true inward mark of every believer is that they love God with all their heart, the “first and greatest commandment”. But what does it mean to love God “with all your heart”? This call to love God is a call to love Him most. It is not an act of the will, but a deeply felt, God-given conviction that God is more precious than anything else in life. It can only come about when God gives us a new heart.

WHO IS GOD? WHAT IS HE LIKE? • What was in the Blessing Box today? What does it tell us about God? • What does it mean to love God with all your heart? Does it mean we can't

love anything else? • What does it mean that God gives us a new heart?


Memorize Psalm 73:25. What Does It Mean? Here are three statements about loving God from this week's lesson. Based on everything you've learned this year, how would you answer these questions if a friend asked you, “What does it mean to love God?” Loving God with all your heart means you want to please Him most of all. What is pleasing to God? Loving God means you want to be with God most of all. How can you spend time with God? Loving God means you want to praise God most of all. How do you praise the Lord? Do You love God Most of All? What would you tell a friend if he or she asked you this question? Do you love to please God? Do you love to spend time with Him? Do you love to praise Him? Thank God for promising to give you a “heart to know Him” [Jeremiah 24:7] and ask Him to give you a new heart to help you want to please Him, to spend time with Him, to want to know and love Him more.


The ABC’s of God 39-Take Home

The ABC's of God Key Theme Experiencing God as reliable in all His promises and

commands. Key Verse “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because

anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.”


Lesson Summary Trusting God means having faith in God, being “sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” (Hebrews 11:1). Saving faith from God gives us a mind to know God, a heart to treasure God, and the will to put our confidence in God: to believe all His promises and obey all His commands knowing that in the end, we will gain a great reward. The Bible makes it clear that obedience is the fruit of faith, the evidence of our trust in God.

WHO IS GOD? WHAT IS HE LIKE? • What was in the Blessing Box today? What does it tell us about God? • Who was the Bible story about today? What did Abraham do that pleased

God? Why did it please God? • What does it mean to trust God? • How do you know you can trust God?


Memorize Hebrews 11:6. Play “God Can Be Trusted” Take out The ABC's of God flash cards you have been making. You will also need a clear space on the floor and some beanbags or coins to toss. Lay out your cards, letter-side up, in six rows, with six cards in each row and a space as wide as your finger between each card. You can play by yourself, or with several people taking turns. Stand at the edge of the cards and announce a card, for example, “Provider”. Then toss your beanbag so it lands on that card. To get the card, say, “Because God is my Provider, I can trust Him to meet the needs of His Creation” [the definition] or “give me everything I need.” [your own words.] Fill in the blanks to match the attribute of God on the card. The challenge is that you have to play whichever card your beanbag lands on even if it wasn't the one you chose! You praise God and encourage each other by repeating His trustworthy character as you play.


The ABC’s of God 40-Take Home

The ABC's of God Key Theme Experiencing the great and lasting joy that comes from

loving and trusting God. Key Verse “And though you have not seen Him, you love Him, and

though you do not see Him now, but believe in Him, you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory.” 1 PETER 1:8 (NASB)

Lesson Summary God created us to glorify Him by enjoying Him forever. To be called to enjoy the happiness of God forever is truly an “inexpressible” joy. It is the great reward of the life of faith, the prize toward which we run. And although our joy on the journey is great, it is only a foretaste of eternity. What a glorious truth to herald at the conclusion of this study of who God is!


• What was in the Blessing Box today? What does it tell us about God? • What is the reward God has for those who love and trust Him? • What does it mean to enjoy God?


Memorize 1 Peter 1:8. Talk About It 1 Peter 1:8 says that joy in God is “inexpressibly” great. Does this mean that it is impossible to express our joy in God? Remember the word “Incomprehensible”? It means “God is more than we can ___________ understand.” Do you think there is any connection between God being “incomprehensible” and our joy being “inexpressible”? Why? Responding to God True worship gives expression to as much of our joy in God as we can express. We worship God by how we live our lives, by enjoying everything that God is and does and promises to do. Joy in God is contagious: other people see you enjoying God and want to enjoy Him, too! So now that you know The ABC's of God, if you love and trust God, your assignment is this: go enjoy God! Enjoy God by spending time in the Bible and in prayer every day. Treasure God by memorizing His word, hiding it in your heart like precious jewels. Magnify God's name by sharing Him with other people. God gets the glory and you get the joy!