The 5 Parts Of MLM Recruiting Part 1

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MLM Recruiting:The Five Components Of MLM Recruiting Part 1

MLM Recruiting:The Five Components Of MLM Recruiting Part 1

MLM recruiting is the number one skill in all of Network Marketing.

This is the one skill you absolutely must become good at!

This one particular skill will generate you lots of income even if you havent developed your other necessary skill-sets yet.

MLM Recruiting:The Five Components Of MLM Recruiting Part 1

To aid you in your MLM Recruiting Goals, I've found there's 5 components. So let's start with the 1st Two Tips and next time we will follow up with the other Three Tips.

MLM Recruiting:The Five Components Of MLM Recruiting Part 1

MLM Recruiting Tip 1: Confidence

There are a few lucky people that have a natural born confidence. The good news is you can develop it!

Therefore, when it comes to MLM recruiting, confidence is considered the most crucial trait to obtain.

MLM Recruiting:The Five Components Of MLM Recruiting Part 1

MLM Recruiting Tip 1: Confidence

Why do we need it?

Confidence, like recruiting, is a PROCESS.

Your potential distributor will decide with 30 seconds if they will listen to you or tune you out completely.

It all depends on the confidence you show to them!

As your confidence gets better, not only will your MLM recruiting improve, but your total MLM posture as well.

MLM Recruiting:The Five Components Of MLM Recruiting Part 1

MLM Recruiting Tip 1: Confidence

Where do we get it?

Confidence is a By-Product of Knowledge.

Get into the habit of studying and listening to success-oriented books and audios.

The more you know and can apply means the greater confidence you'll project to your prospect.

MLM Recruiting:The Five Components Of MLM Recruiting Part 1

MLM Recruiting Tip 1: Confidence

Borrow the confidence of your sponsor.

While you continue to read and study so that you can increase your confidence, you will need to make use of your upline for 3-way calls, training and asking a great deal of good questions. This will help you start building your internet business without delay as your confidence increases.

MLM Recruiting:The Five Components Of MLM Recruiting Part 1

MLM Recruiting Tip 2: Speaking to the Right People

Let me shock you: I DO NOT want everybody in my business!

It boils down to a matter of time. I don't have enough time to work with whiners, losers or complainers. Even though I produce loads of brings and targeted visitors, I'm still selective in who I recruit into my business... and you will want to be selective, too.

MLM Recruiting:The Five Components Of MLM Recruiting Part 1

MLM Recruiting Tip 2: Speaking to the Right People

I only needed to personally recruit around a dozen very good people to make some great money in network marketing.

The secret is those 12 should have distinct characteristics. Those characteristics enable them to bring in other people that are like themselves. I wanted to create an organization from the 8's, 9's & 10's of society, instead of the 1's, 2's & 3's.

MLM Recruiting:The Five Components Of MLM Recruiting Part 1

These are the Four Character Traits that you want in your Organization:

Industrious - These are hard working, conscientious folks.

Reliable - These people do what they say they are going to do. It's usually about 25 of the people.

Coachable - They are the folks which have the ability to take direction and utilize what they learn.

Observant - These people are able to identify a top notch business model and will want to be a part of your network marketing business.

MLM Recruiting:The Five Components Of MLM Recruiting Part 1

These four traits will help you generate a core organization of people with credibility and drive.

They are people who are able to recruit people just like them.

The key point is to sponsor fewer people and then spend the bulk of your time with the quality people!

MLM Recruiting:The Five Components Of MLM Recruiting Part 1

In review, MLM recruiting must become the #1 Skill that ALL marketers need to Master. BUT...

In order to generate additional revenue and possess the confidence to present your opportunity, you should master each of the five components to MLM recruiting. Remember, it is a process, so don't expect it to happen overnight!

MLM Recruiting:The Five Components Of MLM Recruiting Part 1

Gaining better MLM recruiting skills not only boosts the amount of people you bring into your network marketing business, but the quality of individuals, too.

One more strategy to enhance your MLM Recruiting Skills should be to enhance your MLM Posture. Discover how by taking a look at

Need qualified prospects? Look into the lead system that L.R. Hand uses, take a look at