The 2013 Charter of the Xavier University (Updated) - Copy

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Transcript of The 2013 Charter of the Xavier University (Updated) - Copy

  • 7/28/2019 The 2013 Charter of the Xavier University (Updated) - Copy


    Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan | Central Student Government | United Arts and Sciences Student Council

    Bay 1, Faber Hall, Room 202, Magis Student Complex, Corrales Avenue, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines 9000TELL (08822-723116) local 3011 or 3010 FACEBOOK XU Economics Society


    (The Cabinets Draft)


    We, the bona fide students of Xavier University-Economics Society, with the guidance of the Almighty God and imploring the aid of divineprovidence, upholding our inherent right to establish a student government that shall promote an atmosphere conducive to the study and applicationof Economics and shall embody and preserve our dignity, common interests and aspirations, following the vision of the University of forming menand women for others, do hereby ordain and promulgate this charter.


    Section 1.The student government established under this charter shall be known as the Economics Society of Xavier University-Ateneo de CagayanFor the purpose of brevity, it shall be referred to as ECONSOC or the Society.

    Section 2.The ECONSOC Seal shall characterize the ideals and aspirations of the society. It shall be divided into four parts composing of fourimportant attributes of the economy.

    2.1 The Jesuit Seal. Placed at the center of the sigil is the seal of the Society ofJesus. The Society recognizes its affiliation with the Jesuits and the University, since it is conceived within the walls of Xavier University.Furthermore, the icon reminds its constituency to uphold the Ignatian Spirituality and Values of compassion, competence and commitmenthrough which the organization live.2.2 The Buildings, Houses and the Satellite. The first part of the seal shall be composed of the Buildings, Houses and Satellite. Theseare elements of development and growth, such as urbanization, information and communication technology, transportation, infrastructureand a host of others. These are reflected on the aim of the Society to procreate development and growth in its activities in the Universityand in the wider community.2.3 The Sunrise. The second part of the seal shall be composed of the Sunrise. The society cares for the present situation of the countryseconomy. It recognizes the evils of the economic life of the Filipinos. The sun here is a symbol of hope for our economy in times ofdepression and crisis. It depicts the goal of the society in forming its constituency into an efficient workforce and leaders to alleviate theplight of the Philippine economy in the future.2.4 The Farmer Carrying Plants. The third part of the seal, under the Sunrise, is the Farmer Carrying Plants. It shows the early beginningof livelihood- farming. Economics emerged from its humble agricultural beginnings to its glorious industrial consummation. This figure is a

    reminder for the Societys constituency to remember, know, and appreciate the organizations history and the people who made it.Furthermore, the image is a symbol of humility and humanism- values that must be learned not only by the ECONSOC, but of all mankind.2.5 The Upward Road. The last part of seal is the upward road. As placed in the seal, it shows an ascending road towards the buildings,houses and the satellite at the upper part of the seal. Symbolically, it represents development of the economy towards industrializationwhich will eventually create more skills and jobs. By analogy, the Society is striving to develop and achieve excellence in all its endeavors.2.6 The shield. The seal shall be enveloped in a shield which symbolizes strength which elucidates the determination of the society in itsgoals and solidarity as a united body.2.7 Lastly, the seal shall carry the societys name, ECONOMICS SOCIETY and XAVIER UNIVERSITY-ATENEO DE CAGAYANrecognizing its mother institution and a reminder to the entire society that they are Ateneans, whose mission is to be men and women forothers.


  • 7/28/2019 The 2013 Charter of the Xavier University (Updated) - Copy


    Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan | Central Student Government | United Arts and Sciences Student Council

    Bay 1, Faber Hall, Room 202, Magis Student Complex, Corrales Avenue, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines 9000TELL (08822-723116) local 3011 or 3010 FACEBOOK XU Economics Society


    Section 1.All bona fide college students of Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan majoring in AB Economics are constituents of theECONSOC. For the freshmen, this charter adopts the provisions of the Xavier University Handbook concerning their involvement in thesociety.

    Section 2.The constituency is required to pay a minimal fee per semester to bolster the efficacy of the societys services.

    Section 3.Honorary Members: Aside from the AB Economics students, the Society shall also recognize membership upon the approval ofthe Legislative Council through the consent of the General Assembly, or as may be provided by law.3.1 Application and Collection of Fee of Honorary Members.The Honorary Members need not be subjected to any fee to be a ffiliated with the society. Their contribution and support to thesociety-deliberated upon the Cabinet- shall be the bases of their approval to become part ECONSOC.3.2 Composition of Honorary Membership. The Honorary Members are,To wit:

    3.2.1 Moderator and Faculty Members. Moderator. She will be the official representative of the faculty to the society. The EconomicsDepartment reserves the right to appoint the next moderator upon their consensus. The society can suggesor as may be provided by law.

    3.2.2 Graduate Member.An alumna or alumnus who has contributed to the advancement of the society.3.2.3 Sustaining Member. Any reputable individual or entity assisting the society financially.

    Section 4.The XU-ECONSOC shall derive all its powers from its constituents.


    Section 1.The ECONSOC shall be the highest student governing body of the Economics Department. Its officers shall represent itsconstituents in all university bodies and other associations, within or outside the university campus, which directly affect the constituentswelfare and interests.

    Section 2.The XU-ECONSOC envisions a constituency and a society that is socially- aware and involved, rooted in a clear grasp of reality,bounded by the principle of Economics and Ignatius that is vigilantly responding to the growing needs of the society, the campus and thewider community.

    Section 3.The XU-ECONSOC is dedicated to the enhancement of student empowerment and volunteerism wherein status quo is removedand students as a constituency are encourage and given the opportunity to take part and be involved in student government decisionmaking.

    Section 4.The XU-ECONSOC promotes various academic and non-academic activities where projects will supplement and develop thestudents interest in their field of study through the embodiment and application of Economics and improve their physical strength andendurance to promote a living conducive to learning.

    Section 5.The XU-ECONSOC is for the creation of community based programs which students are both benefactors and stakeholderswherein they can apply their classroom based learning and implement sustainable livelihood programs to recipients for a better community

    Section 6.The XU-ECONSOC shall promote the rights and welfare of its constituents through the implementation and enforcement of the

    Magna Carta of Students Rights, Responsibilities and Welfare for undergraduate students of Xavier University.

  • 7/28/2019 The 2013 Charter of the Xavier University (Updated) - Copy


    Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan | Central Student Government | United Arts and Sciences Student Council

    Bay 1, Faber Hall, Room 202, Magis Student Complex, Corrales Avenue, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines 9000TELL (08822-723116) local 3011 or 3010 FACEBOOK XU Economics Society

    Section 7.The XU-ECONSOC seeks to strengthen its linkages with other bodies of student governance and acknowledges its membership inthe United Arts and Sciences Student Council (UNITASS) and the Central Student Government (CSG) for the fulfillment of its ownobjectives and the objective of the entire student body.

    Section 8.The XU-ECONSOC in exercise of its powers and jurisdiction, shall foster transparency in all undertakings at all levels ofgovernance and encourage participation among its constituents.


    Section 1.The XU-ECONSOC shall represent its constituents on matters pertaining to the general interest and welfare especially in theareas of, academics, students rights and services, formation, social development and sports.

    Section 2.The XU-ECONSOC shall formulate a General Plan of Activities with which to organize student activities concerning itsconstituents.

    Section 3.The XU-ECONSOC shall directly handle activities delegated by XU-CSG and UNITASS that are meant for the Society.

    Section 4.The XU-ECONSOC shall maintain its autonomy in areas concerning to traditional departmental activities, Internal Functions,Membership and Finances as stipulated under Article IV, Section 5 of the UNITASS Charter.

    Section 5.The XU-ECONSOC shall serve as the bridge between the Economics Students and the Economics Faculty; to promote a healthyrelationship, resolve any conflicts, arrive at concessions, and cooperate for the betterment of the students and faculty alike.

    Section 6.Departments and special committees which shall compose the executive units may be created by the President uponapproval of the Cabinet to closely monitorand coordinate the activities of the society.

    Section 7.All officers, elected and appointed, shall maintain its powers vested upon them by this charter.

    Section 8.The President of the Economics Society shall exercise general supervision over departments and co-equal branches of thissociety.

    Section 9.No Departments shall be created, divided, merged, abolished, or its jurisdiction and autonomy substantially altered except with

    the knowledge of the President and within the approval of the Student Legislative Council, or as maybe provided by law.

    Section 10.The ECONSOC Student Judicial Court, Commission on Audit and Electoral Commission are Autonomous bodies and does nofall under direct command of the Executive and Legislative Councils.


  • 7/28/2019 The 2013 Charter of the Xavier University (Updated) - Copy


    Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan | Central Student Government | United Arts and Sciences Student Council

    Bay 1, Faber Hall, Room 202, Magis Student Complex, Corrales Avenue, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines 9000TELL (08822-723116) local 3011 or 3010 FACEBOOK XU Economics Society

    Section 1.Composition and Hierarchy.

    Section 2.The Three Branches of Student Government shall derive its powers and responsibilities from the General Assembly. TheAssembly is the societys constituency spearheaded by its elected officials.


    The Cabinet

    Section 1.The Executive Power of the society shall be vested in the Cabinet.

    Section 2.The Cabinet shall be composed of the Executive President, Executive Vice-President, and the Directors of the DifferentDepartments.

    Section 3.Shall be the highest policy making body of the society.

    Section 4.The Chief Executive of the XU-ECONSOC is the President.4.1 He/ She shall be elected to office at large, provided that he/she meets the requirements mandated by this charter and theOmnibus Election Code.4.2 As power and responsibilities, the President:

    General Assembly

    The Student

    Legislative Council



    Council Speaker

    Year Level


    Year Level Core


    The Cabinet

    (Executive Branch)



    Executive Vice-



    The Student

    Judicial Court

    (Judicial Branch)



    Commission on


  • 7/28/2019 The 2013 Charter of the Xavier University (Updated) - Copy


    Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan | Central Student Government | United Arts and Sciences Student Council

    Bay 1, Faber Hall, Room 202, Magis Student Complex, Corrales Avenue, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines 9000TELL (08822-723116) local 3011 or 3010 FACEBOOK XU Economics Society

    4.2.1 Shall act as the official representative of the XU-ECONSOC in its relations with the administration, the facultythe public and with any other organization in and outside the campus.4.2.2 Shall enforce the provisions of this charter and its by-laws.4.2.3 Shall be the ex-officio head of the Cabinet and the General Assembly.4.2.4 Shall be the ex-officio memberof the United Arts and Sciences Student Council House of Senate.4.2.5 Shall have the sole authority to approve or veto any enactment, on valid grounds.4.2.6 Shall appoint the directors of the Cabinet, Electoral Commission, Commission on Audit and the Justice of Peaceof its Co-Equal Branch- the ECONSOC Student Judicial Court subject for confirmation of appointment of the

    Legislative Council.4.2.7 Shall act as thepresiding officerof the Executive Branch and the General Assembly during anyForm of formal gathering it conducts.4.2.8 Shall be a signatory to all transactions, agreements or contracts entered into by the XU-ECONSOC in behalof its general membership, upon the concurrence of at least a simple majority of the members of the LegislativeCouncil sitting en banc.4.2.9 May review, create, dissolve or merge the existing departments to aid, develop, monitor and execute theprojects and services of the society, subject to Sec.9, Article IV of this Charter.4.2.10 May create committees to respond to certain pressing concerns that need to be addressed immediately.4.2.11 shall submit the guidelines defining the function of the departments for the Cabinet to approve.4.2.12 shall submit the names of the persons he/she wishes to appoint as Department Directors to theLegislative Council for confirmation.4.2.13 shall render a State of the Society Address (SOSA), once in every semester in the Organizations Genera

    Assembly to inform the constituency about issues, accomplishments, goals and the general plan of activities of the

    organization for the present semester or school Year.4.2.14 shall have the power to appoint the First Year Level Representative and Honorary Member Representative othe society, upon approval of the Legislative Council.4.2.15 shall be responsible for the effective execution of policies and programs of the ECONSOC.4.2.16 shall perform and execute other functions conferred to him/her by the General Assembly.

    Section 5.The Vice-President shall have the second highest seat in the Executive Council.5.1 He/ She shall be elected to office at large, provided that he/she meets the requirements mandated by this charter and theOmnibus Election Code.5.2 As powers and responsibilities, the Vice President:

    5.2.1 Shall be the right person of the President, in the supervision of affairs and in carrying out the policies andprograms of the society.5.2.2 Shall be the ex-officio deputy head of the Cabinet and the General Assembly.

    5.2.3 Shall be the ex-officio memberof the Constitutional Commission.5.2.4 Shall convene the Legislative Council upon the official start of his/her term of office.5.2.5 Shall be the presiding officer of the Legislative Council in all forms of formal gathering it conducts.5.2.6 Shall act as the official liaison of the Legislative Council to the President, Student Judicial Court and theDepartments and Commissions.5.2.7 Shall exercise the powers and duties of the President during his/her absence, removal, resignation, incapacityor death limited to the provisions under Sec.5, Article XV of this Charter.5.2.8 Shall perform other functions conferred to him/her by the General Assembly.

    Section 6.The Executive Secretary shall be elected to office at large, provided that he/she meets the requirements mandated by thischarter and the Omnibus Election Code.

    6.1 Powers and Responsibilities:6.1.1 Shall derive his/her power solely from the President;6.1.2Shall monitor the day to day operations of the ECONSOC;6.1.3 Shall facilitate in the formulation of the GPOA of the Executive Level, composed of the Executive DepartmenDirectors;6.1.4Shall enforce all provisions of the Executive Policies;6.1.5 May create administrative policies and protocols which will facilitate the smooth flow of various officetransactions;

  • 7/28/2019 The 2013 Charter of the Xavier University (Updated) - Copy


    Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan | Central Student Government | United Arts and Sciences Student Council

    Bay 1, Faber Hall, Room 202, Magis Student Complex, Corrales Avenue, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines 9000TELL (08822-723116) local 3011 or 3010 FACEBOOK XU Economics Society

    6.1.6 Shall be the ex-officio memberof the Cabinet;6.1.7 Shall be the custodian of records and physical properties of the society;6.1.8 Shall render activity reports in monthly meetings of the Cabinet and the ECONSOC in general;6.1.9 Shall be responsible for posting the monthly activity reports of the ECONSOC on all its bulletin boards;6.1.10 shall be liable for any loss of property (ies) and other material assets of the ECONSOC;6.1.11 shall submit a monthly inventory report of the all the properties of the society to the Cabinet and thePresident;6.1.12 shall be responsible for publishing, relaying and posting notices of meetings and other correspondence o

    the ECONSOC on its bulletins or through social networking platforms.6.1.13 shall take the minutes of the meetings of the Cabinet, its co-equal branches and the General Assembly;6.1.14 shall bring the attention of the Cabinet or the General Assembly, as the case maybe, the meetings attendedagenda to be discussed, and businesses left out during the previous meetings.6.1.15 shall be responsible to produce and compile the semestral and year end activity reports and other documentsof the society.

    Section 7.The Treasurer shall be elected to office at large, provided that he/she meets the requirements mandated by this charter and theOmnibus Election Code.

    7.1 Powers and Responsibilities:7.1.1 Shall derive his/her power solely from the President;7.1.2 Shall be an ex-officio memberof the Cabinet;7.1.3 Shall be the custodian of the funds of ECONSOC;7.1.4 The treasurer shall be the co signatory of the President on any financial transaction entered into by the

    Society;7.1.5 Shall cooperate with the Finance Officerand his/her equivalent Department in the generation of ECONSOCsfunds;7.1.6 Shall render financial reports in monthly meetings of the ECONSOC;7.1.7 Shall be responsible in posting monthly financial reports of the ECONSOC in all its bulletin boards and/ othrough social networking platforms;7.1.8 Shall be responsible to produce and compile the semestral and year end liquidation reports of the societyto be submitted to the University Finance Office, Xavier University-College Parents and Faculty Association (XUCPFA)Xavier University-Community Cooperative;7.1.9 Shall be liable to any loss of funds and other financial assets of the ECONSOC.7.1.10 shall work with the Student Legislative Council, as Director for Budget and Management in the appropriationand adjustment of funds in all branches of the society as stipulated in Sec.4.5, Article VII of this Charter.

    Section 8.The Department Heads shall be appointed by the President and shall derive their power solely from him/her. They shaassume the title Directors.

    Section 9.The Internal and External Public Relations Officers shall be elected to office at large, provided that he/she meets therequirements mandated by this charter and the Omnibus Election Code.

    9.1 The Internal Public Relations Officer:9.1.1 Shall be the ex-officio memberof the Cabinet;9.1.2 Shall be responsible in promoting goodwill among all members of the society;9.1.3 Shall be the medium of correspondence between the General Assembly and the Economics Department;9.1.4 Shall be the medium of correspondence between the ECONSOC Officers and the constituency;9.1.5 Shall have the duty to prepare and maintain the ECONSOC bulletin boards and official Facebook page andgroups along with the External Public Relations Officer;

    9.1.6 Shall be responsible to publish and post all announcements pertaining to the activities of the society and anyannouncements from the Economics Department on all platforms and medium of announcements;9.1.7 Shall tap and cooperate with the Year Level Representatives and Core Directors in relaying information and/oannouncements from the ECONSOC Officers or the Economics Faculty to the General Assembly.

    9.2. The External Public Relations Officer:9.2.1 Shall be an ex-officio memberof the Cabinet;

  • 7/28/2019 The 2013 Charter of the Xavier University (Updated) - Copy


    Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan | Central Student Government | United Arts and Sciences Student Council

    Bay 1, Faber Hall, Room 202, Magis Student Complex, Corrales Avenue, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines 9000TELL (08822-723116) local 3011 or 3010 FACEBOOK XU Economics Society

    9.2.2 Shall be responsible for promoting goodwill between the ECONSOC and other campus organizations andoffices;9.2.3 Shall be responsible for communicating any correspondence from other recognized student organizations othe University and/or external entities to the ECONSOC;9.2.4 Shall have the duty to prepare and maintain the ECONSOC bulletin boards and official Facebook page andgroups along with the Internal Relations Officer;9.2.5 Shall be responsible to publish and post all announcements pertaining to external activities, which call foparticipation of the ECONSOC;

    9.2.6 Shall work with the President in strengthen the linkages of the society to the Central Student Government, theCollege Councils and the extra & co-curricular organizations;9.2.7 Shall tap and cooperate with the Year Level Representatives, Core Directors and Honorary MemberRepresentatives in relaying information and/or announcements from other recognized student organizations of theUniversity and/or external entities to the General Assembly or the Economics Department.

    Section 10.All financial records and liquidation reports of the Cabinet shall be preserved and open to public in accordance with the law andsuch book shall be audited by the Commission on Audit.

    Section 11.The Executive Level shall serve for a term of one year, which shall begin on the noon of the 31st day of March and shall endat the same date the year after. The formal turn-over ceremony shall take place within 10 days after the new President is elected.


    The Student Legislative Council

    Section 1.The Legislative Power of the society shall be vested in the Student Legislative Council.

    Section 2.The Legislative Council is a unicameral body.

    Section 3.The Student Legislative Council shall be composed of the Year Level Representatives and Year Level Core Directors. The bodyshall be convened by the Vice President, without prejudice to his/her job as Executive Vice President, whom shall assume the title CounciSpeaker.

    Section 4.Powers and Responsibilities:

    4.1 shall recognize and respect crucial society interests in the formulation of policies, programs, and strategies that may havebearing on their constituents or the welfare of the general membership within their respective year levels.4.2 shall approve the General Plan of Activities made by the Cabinet upon the start of the term.4.3 shall aid the Year Level Representatives and Core Directors in making changes in the ECONSOC Charter and its by-laws.4.4 shall pass all Bills to be enacted and resolved through a simple majority vote of the members sitting en banc.4.5 shall be working with the Director for Budget and Management in the appropriation and adjustment of funds in albranches of the society.4.6 shall be responsible for the confirmation of the appointments of the heads of the executive units.4.7 shall be responsible in conducting all investigations necessary for the cases of the Directorate. Investigations shall takeplace immediately thereafter the receipt of the complaint and shall present its findings and recommendations in a writtenreport to the Student Judicial Court no later than fifteen (15) school days upon the start of the investigation. The Council mayconduct a public investigation as it may deem necessary.4.8 shall exercise special powers individually or as a cluster, delegated to it by the ECONSOC President for emergency

    situations requiring intervention outside the normal exercise of their powers in the Legislative Council.

    Section 5.A legislative Secretary shall be appointed by the Council Speaker coming from any of the Year Level Representatives and/orDirectors. The Legislative Secretary shall be responsible in documenting in the journal all the proceedings and other records in theDirectorate and shall also work with the Director for Budget and Management on Fiscal matters. He/ She shall then submit a monthly copyof the minutes of the meetings of the council to the Executive Secretary for safe keeping purposes.

  • 7/28/2019 The 2013 Charter of the Xavier University (Updated) - Copy


    Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan | Central Student Government | United Arts and Sciences Student Council

    Bay 1, Faber Hall, Room 202, Magis Student Complex, Corrales Avenue, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines 9000TELL (08822-723116) local 3011 or 3010 FACEBOOK XU Economics Society

    Section 6.All financial records and liquidation reports of the Council shall be preserved and open to public in accordance with the law andsuch book shall be audited by the Commission on Audit.

    Section 7.All process and procedures of making enactments and bills shall be referred to the stipulations under Sec.8, Article VII of theUNITASS Charter and Sec.6, Article VII of the 2005 XU-CSG Constitution.

    Section 8.The Legislative Level shall serve for a term of one year, which shall begin on the noon of the 31st day of March and shall endat the same date the year after.


    The Student Judicial Court

    Section 1.The judicial powers of XU-ECONSOC shall be vested in one Student Judicial Court. Judicial power denotes also theobligation of the court to settle actual controversies involving student rights which are demandable and enforceable, and to ascertainwhether or not there has been a grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of any branch of thisStudent Government as mandated by the Charter.

    Section 2.The Student Judicial Court shall be composed of a Justice of Peace, a Deputy Justice of Peace and a Judicial Secretary.2.1 The Justice of Peace shall be appointed by the Executive President subject for confirmation of the Legislative Council. He/She shall then be recommended by the society to the CSG Supreme Constitutional Court and/or UNITASS Council Court o

    Justice for official appointment.2.2 The Deputy Justice of Peace shall be appointed by the Justice of Peace upon his/her own discretion.2.3 The Judicial Secretary shall be appointed by the Justice of Peace upon his/her own discretion. He/she shall keep all recordsof proceedings, hearings and sessions. A monthly copy of the minutes must be submitted to the Executive Secretary for safekeeping purposes.

    Section 3.Qualifications:3.1. No person shall be appointed to the Court unless he/she is a bona fide student of Xavier University for at least two (2)semesters, not a candidate in any elective position prior to his appointment, and must not be on academic or disciplinaryprobation.3.2. The Justice of Peace and the Deputy Justice of Peace must be ofproven capacity, integrity, probity and independence.

    Section 4.The Student Judicial Court shall be the vanguard of this charter.

    Section 5.Powers and Responsibilities:5.1 Shall be responsible for monitoring and evaluation of projects and programs done by any entity under its co-equabranches and the commissions.5.2 Shall be responsible for the strict observance of this Charter in all levels of governance.5.3 The Court shall enhance, support, and sustain the consciousness and involvement of the AB Economics students in thepromotion and preservation of this charter.5.4 The Court is an autonomous body tasked to settle actual controversies, and to determine whether there has been abuse inthe discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of any branch or instrumentality of the society.5.5 The Court may conduct an independent inquiry on any petition questioning the validity or constitutionality of any enactmenpassed by the Legislative Council and approved by the President. The Court must conduct the inquiry within a period of fifteen

    (15) days, after which it must furnish a written copy of its findings to the President. In cases where the Court finds the petitionresult valid, it shall declare that the enactment is invalid or unconstitutional and shall require the Legislative Council toconvene in order to review the enactment in question.5.6 The court shall derive its other functions, powers and responsibilities under the stipulations of Chapter V of the 2011Judiciary Reorganization Act.5.7 The Justice of Peace shall be the ex-officio head of the Constitutional Commission and enforce the provisions of Article XVof this Charter.

  • 7/28/2019 The 2013 Charter of the Xavier University (Updated) - Copy


    Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan | Central Student Government | United Arts and Sciences Student Council

    Bay 1, Faber Hall, Room 202, Magis Student Complex, Corrales Avenue, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines 9000TELL (08822-723116) local 3011 or 3010 FACEBOOK XU Economics Society

    Section 6.No member of the Judicial Department shall act in temporary capacity.

    Section 7.All financial records and liquidation reports of the Court shall be preserved and open to public in accordance with the law andsuch book shall be audited by the Commission on Audit.

    Section 8.The Student Judicial Court shall serve for a term of one year, which shall begin on the noon of the 31st day of March and shal

    end at the same date the year after.


    Section 1. To execute the stipulations under Sections 2 and 3 of Article III of this Charter, there shall be four Year Level Core Departmentsof the society. For the purpose of brevity they shall be called, Core Teams.

    Section 2.Each Core Teams shall be composed of a Year Level Representative, Year Level Director/ Chairperson and DeputyChairperson.

    Section 3.They shall be elected to office at large, provided that they meet the requirements mandated by this charter and the OmnibusElection Code.

    Section 4.Shall vote or elect among themselves the representative, chairperson and deputy chairperson in the presence of the ElectoralCommission.

    Section 5.Powers and Functions:5.1 shall be the planning and implementing body of programs which concerns their year level in particular, and the wholesociety in general.5.2 shall represent and mediate between the students of their respective year level and the co-curricular organization withinthe College.5.3. They shall be the planning body of programs, which concern their respective year level. The implementation of theseprograms shall be done in coordination with any of the area committees.5.4 The Year Level Representative shall represent his/ her year level to the Student Legislative Council and shall workhand-in-hand with the Council Speaker in formulating bills and enactments that address the needs of his/her year level.

    5.4.1 He/ she will be the official representative of his/her year level to the general assembly.5.4.2 Shall cooperate with the Internal and External Public Relations Officers and other representatives of the societyin relaying internal and external correspondence of his/her year level.5.4.3 Shall enforce the provisions of Sec.3, Article XIII of this Charter.

    5.5 The Year Level Chairperson shall be the Chief Executive of his/her year level and shall preside and spearhead all its formaand non-formal gatherings.

    5.5.1 He/ she will address the pressing concern of his year level to the Student Legislative Council.5.5.2 He/ she shall be a non-permanentex-officio member of the Cabinet and shall work hand-in-hand with theconcerning departments in realizing the projects and programs assigned, designated and dedicated to his/her yearlevel. He/ she may attend all Cabinet meetings to raise and address year level issues. However, he/she doesnt haveany voting power5.5.3 He/ she shall be an ex-officio member of the Constitutional Commission together with his/her year leverepresentative.

    5.5.4 He/ she shall be an ex-officio member of the Student Legislative Council and work hand-in-hand with his/heYear Level Representative to boost representation of year level in policy making.5.5.5 Shall enforce the provisions of Sec.3, Article XIII of this Charter.

    5.6 The Year Level Representatives, Chairpersons and Deputy Chairpersons shall preserve and ensure the Students Rightsand Welfare of their year level under Article XIII of this Charter.5.6 The Year Level Deputy Chairperson shall assist the Chairperson in any activity in his own year level or on the council ingeneral and will do the tasks of the chairperson in the absence of the latter.

  • 7/28/2019 The 2013 Charter of the Xavier University (Updated) - Copy


    Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan | Central Student Government | United Arts and Sciences Student Council

    Bay 1, Faber Hall, Room 202, Magis Student Complex, Corrales Avenue, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines 9000TELL (08822-723116) local 3011 or 3010 FACEBOOK XU Economics Society

    Section 6.All financial records and liquidation reports of the Core shall be preserved and open to public in accordance with the law andsuch book shall be audited by the Commission on Audit.

    Section 7.The Year Level Core shall serve for a term of one year, which shall begin on the noon of the 31st day of March and shall endat the same date the year after.


    Section 1. To perform specific functions as defined by this charter, the two autonomous constitutional commissions: Electoral Commissionand Commission on Audit are hereby created or as maybe provided by law.

    Section 2. Electoral Commission (ELECOM):2.1 Composition:

    2.1.1 The Electoral Commission shall be composed of the Chief Commissionerand two Deputy Commissioners.2.1.2 The Electoral Commissioners must not have been a candidate for an elective position preceding academic yearand shall be non-partisan.2.1.3 The Chief Commissioner shall be appointed by the President subject for confirmation of the Legislative Council.He/ She shall then be recommended by the society to the CSG and/or UNITASS Electoral Commission for officiaappointment.

    2.1.4 The Chief Commissioner shall then appoint two Deputy Commissioners upon his/ her own discretion. OneDeputy Commissioner shall act as the Commission Secretary and shall keep all records of ELECOM from elections,meetings and assemblies. A copy shall then be submitted to the Executive Secretary for safe keeping purposes.2.1.5 The Chief Commissioner along with the Deputy Commissioners shall exercise the powers and responsibilities inparallel to the provisions under Section 2, Article IX of the 2005 CSG Constitution, the CSG Omnibus Election, andSections 22-25, Chapter One (1) Title Two of the 1996 CSG Local Government Code.

    2.2 Powers and Responsibilities:2.2.1 The Electoral Commission shall enforce and administer all laws and regulations relative to the conduct of anelection, plebiscite, referendum and recall.2.2.2 The Electoral Commission shall adopt the 2011 Omnibus Election Code for the orderly and peaceful conductof election, plebiscite, or referendum as well as other functions mandated by the code.2.2.3 The Electoral Commission shall perform and derive its functions from the stipulations under Article XII of

    this charter.2.2.4 The Commission shall exercise exclusive jurisdiction over all contests relating to the election andqualifications of all elective officials. The decisions, rulings, or orders of the commission shall be final. Appeals shall beaddressed to the Supreme Constitutional Court and its appellate court, including the ECONSOC Student Judicial Couronly on the grounds ofunconstitutionality and grave abuse of discretion.2.2.5 In the event of protests or offenses committed by any candidate, political party or political coalition, the ELECOMshall have the sole power to conduct any proceeding related to it through an amicable settlement, motu propioHowever, all appeals shall be brought to the CSG Supreme Constitutional Court or through its appellate courts,including the ECONSOC Student Judicial Court only under the grounds of unconstitutionality and/ or grave abuseof discretion.

    2.3 All financial records and liquidation reports of the ELECOM shall be preserved and open to public in accordance with the lawand such book shall be audited by the Commission on Audit.

    Section 3.The Commission on Audit (COA):3.1 Composition:

    3.1.1 The Commission on Audit shall be composed of the Chief Auditor and a Deputy Auditor who may also serve asthe Commission Secretary.3.1.2 The Chief Auditor shall be appointed by the President upon approval of the Student Legislative Council. He/ sheshall be non-partisan.

  • 7/28/2019 The 2013 Charter of the Xavier University (Updated) - Copy


    Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan | Central Student Government | United Arts and Sciences Student Council

    Bay 1, Faber Hall, Room 202, Magis Student Complex, Corrales Avenue, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines 9000TELL (08822-723116) local 3011 or 3010 FACEBOOK XU Economics Society

    3.1.3 The Chief Commissioner may appoint Deputy Auditor and/ or Secretary upon his/her own discretion.3.2 Powers and Responsibilities:

    3.2.1 The Commission on Audit shall be responsible for auditing or validating all financial transactions entered intoby the society every activity in all branches of government including its own.3.2.2 The commission shall also coordinate with departments for a consolidated audit report for the President to acupon.3.2.3 The commission shall adopt the policies and guidelines promulgated by the Student Legislative Council inthe conduct of any audit.

    3.2.4 The Commission on Audit shall have authority to promulgate its own rules and regulations , create its owntechniques or methods for a transparent accounting and auditing process, and must at all times adopt the generallyaccepted accounting principles.3.2.5 For transparency, the Commission on Audit shall submit a copy of its financial report to the President, CounciSpeaker, and the Justice of Peace.3.2.6 Shall be responsible for conducting audits for all the expenses incurred by the society;3.2.7 Shall be responsible to counter check and balance the financial reports made by the Treasurer;3.2.8 Shall ensure that all the funds of the society are utilized properly on the interest of the ECONSOC;

    Section 4.The preceding commissions shall maintain & exercise autonomy from the Executive President and the other branchesdepartments and commissions of the XU-ECONSOC.

    Section 5.Each Commission shall perform such other functions as may be provided by law.

    Section 6.No member of the Commission shall act in a temporary capacity.

    Section 7.The Commissions shall serve a term which shall begin upon appointment and shall end on noon of March 31st of thesucceeding year.


    Section 1.Fiscal Autonomy from the Executive Branch shall be granted to the Legislative and Judicial Branches as well as to theElectoral Commission.

    Section 2.All budget allocation shall be determined by the Department of Budget and Management and upon approval of the StudenLegislative Council. It shall be subject for change and adjustment on a semestral basis.

    Section 3.In accordance with the law, the Commission on Audit shall inspect and examine all financial records and financial reports, as itshall be preserved and be opened to the public.


    Section 1.The rulings and guidelines of the Election of XU-ECONSOC shall adhere to the mandates defined in the XU-CSG OmnibusElection Code.

    Section 2.The conduct of any election, plebiscite, or referendum shall be done in strict observance of the XU-CSG Omnibus ElectionCode.

    Section 3.The Election shall be held annually on the first week of February of the academic year, or as may be provided by law.

  • 7/28/2019 The 2013 Charter of the Xavier University (Updated) - Copy


    Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan | Central Student Government | United Arts and Sciences Student Council

    Bay 1, Faber Hall, Room 202, Magis Student Complex, Corrales Avenue, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines 9000TELL (08822-723116) local 3011 or 3010 FACEBOOK XU Economics Society

    Section 4.The Electoral Commission shall have the sole authority to decide matters pertaining to the polling place, change of election andcampaign dates, electoral requirements, electoral restrictions and sanctions, campaign materials and propaganda and a host of electoraguidelines.

    Section 5.All forms of electoral protests shall be made before the ELECOM and on Sec 2.2.5, Article X of this Charter.

    Section 6.Qualifications of Candidates:6.1 is a bona fide regular undergraduate college student of Xavier University majoring in AB Economics;

    6.2 are of good moral character and have not been penalized by suspension in this University or in any other school previouslyattended;6.3 has established a residency in the university for at least one academic year and in the course for at least one semesterimmediately preceding the semester of the election;6.4 Upon assumption of office, he/she must not hold any position in other student councils or organizations;6.5 No person shall be elected to office if he/she is on academic probation on the day of the filing for candidacy.6.6 Must be carrying at least fifteen (15) units or majority of academic load or all academic load are major subjects in cases whenthe candidate only has a minimal number of units left to take prior to his/her candidacy;6.7 Must have a cumulative QPI from time of enrollment in the course up to the prior semester of not less than 2.0.

    Section 7.For Political Parties and Coalitions the ELECOM must adhere to the provisions under Article IV of the 2011 Omnibus ElectionCode.

    Section 8.The ELECOM may create an Ad Hoc Committee in deemed necessary.

    Section 9.Each candidate must satisfy the following requisites before the ELECOM, sitting en banc, approves the candidacy.9.1 Certificate of Candidacy.9.2 Platforms of student governance9.3 Photo copy of grades starting upon enrollment from the course.9.4 Carbon Copy of the Resignation Letter or Leave of Absence, if the position is subject to end by March 31.


    Section 1.As stipulated under Section 6, Article III of this Charter, the XU-ECONSOC shall enforce, preserve and implement the rights ofthe students through a strict observance of the Magna Carta for Students Rights, Responsibilities and Welfare for Undergraduate Students

    found in the university Students Manual.

    Section 2.Every constituents shall have the right to participate in the programs and projects of the society given that he/ she have met therequisites of the activity.

    Section 3.Every constituents have the right to be heard and present their grievances and concerns to the Cabinet through his/herrespective Year Level Core Teams.

    Section 4.Every constituents have the right to be informed of the minutes of all meetings and financial status of the ECONSOC and everyactivity as a matter of his interest.

    Section 5.Every constituents have the right and responsibility to attend and participate in every meeting in all branches of ECONSOCunless the meeting is deemed confidential and would affect the general identity and welfare of all.

    Section 6.It shall be the right and duty of every constituent to vote during elections.

    Section 7.It shall be the right of the constituents to take part in the decision making process of the society and must be well represented inthe General Assembly.

  • 7/28/2019 The 2013 Charter of the Xavier University (Updated) - Copy


    Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan | Central Student Government | United Arts and Sciences Student Council

    Bay 1, Faber Hall, Room 202, Magis Student Complex, Corrales Avenue, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines 9000TELL (08822-723116) local 3011 or 3010 FACEBOOK XU Economics Society

    Section 8.All members shall be qualified to run and apply to any position in the society provided that he/she meets the requirementsstipulated under Sec.6, Article XII of this charter.

    Section 9.Every constituents shall at all times be afforded with due respect of law and protection from ex post facto laws.

    Section 10.Every constituents shall be entitled of all the rights and responsibilities mentioned by Sec 3a, Article XII of the United Arts andSciences Student Council Charter.

    Section 11.The Student Legislative Council shall give utmost priority to the enactment of measures of the Students Rights which areintrinsic University policy made fundamental to the Societys principles and policies. The said Students Rights is also refe rred to as theMagna Carta of Students Rights and Responsibilities for Undergraduate Students.


    Section 1.All elected and appointed officers must be all times be accountable to the constituency, serve them with paramountdependability, honesty, loyalty, and competency, and do all with justice.

    Section 2.The Executive President, the Executive Vice-President, the members of the Student Judicial Court, the members of theCommissions, the members of the Cabinet and Student Legislative Council, and all the elected officers, may be removed or suspendedfrom office on the following grounds:

    2.1 Culpable and willful violation/s of this charter and its by-laws;2.2 Gross incompetence;2.3 Gross misconduct;2.4 Neglect of Duty;2.5 Technical and Pure Malversation of Funds;2.6 Conduct unbecoming of a student leader;2.7 misrepresentations of duties and responsibilities in any organization or gathering within and outside the campus;2.8 academic deficiencies acquired in the duration of his/her term;2.9 grave abuse of authority;2.10 Three (3) unexcused absences from regular meetings of their respective offices and the General Assembly;

    2.11 Having the presence of serious or contagious illness or psychological incapacity that could deter an officer of his/hefunction and impose an eminent threat on the health and life of the constituency at large;2.12 Betrayal of Public Thrust;2.13 Graft and Corruption;2.14 Falsifying of documents;2.15 Theft;2.16 Failing health due to alcoholism and drug abuse;2.17 Immorality such as sexual harassment and acts of lasciviousness;2.18 Physical Assault on others

    Section 3.The Student Legislative Council shall have the exclusive power to initiate all cases of impeachments.

    Section 4.Impeachable officials are the President, Vice-President, Members of the Student Legislative Council, the Justice of Peace,

    members of the Student Judicial Court. Other unimpeachable officers shall be automatically removed from office when suspendedtwice.

    Section 5.Impeachment and Suspension Process:5.1 Impeachment of any official stated above may be proposed by any individual or group of individuals to the StudentLegislative Council.

  • 7/28/2019 The 2013 Charter of the Xavier University (Updated) - Copy


    Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan | Central Student Government | United Arts and Sciences Student Council

    Bay 1, Faber Hall, Room 202, Magis Student Complex, Corrales Avenue, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines 9000TELL (08822-723116) local 3011 or 3010 FACEBOOK XU Economics Society

    5.2 The Council shall initiate and conduct, within fourteen (14) school days, any related inquiries for the impeachment case othe said official.5.3 The Council shall submit its findings and recommendations of dismissal, suspension, or impeachment to the StudenJudicial Court.5.4 An amicable settlement shall then be conducted by the court, but when agreed by both counsels, an impeachment hearingshall then be conducted. If the accused is the President, the impeachment proceedings shall be conducted by the UNITASSCouncil Court of Justice.5.4 Impeachment recommendation of the official shall take effect after the concurrence ofthe Justice of Peace.

    5.5 Impeachment cases shall be decided no more than five (5) days from the receipt of the findings and recommendations bythe Student Legislative Council. Failure of which, the Student Judicial Court must take cognizance of the case and a proceedingmust be conducted within seventy-two (72) hours to hand out its decision.5.6 All parties involved shall be given a chance to be heard; evidence shall be presented for the Court to decide on the merits othe case.


    Section 1.The term of office of all XU-ECONSOC officials elected and appointed, after the ratification of this Charter, shall be one (1year, starting from the noon of the 31st of March and shall end at the same date the year after.

    Section 2.For purposes of transparency during the turnover of office, the outgoing administration shall give a copy of its audited financia

    statement and a record of office inventory to the incoming administration.

    Section 3.In cases of vacancies in the Executive Presidency, the Executive Vice-President shall assume the position of theExecutive President without prejudice to his responsibilities as Executive Vice-President and presiding officer of the Legislative Body. Themembers of the Student Legislative Council shall elect among themselves a new convener whom shall be referred to as CounciChairperson.

    Section 4.In cases of vacancies in the Presidency and Vice-presidency, the Executive Secretary shall temporarily assume fulresponsibility and management of the XU-ECONSOC as Acting President. The ELECOM shall then schedule immediately an emergencyelection to elect the vacant seats. The members of the Student Legislative Council shall elect among themselves a new convener whomshall be referred to as Council Chairperson.

    Section 5.If temporary vacancy occurs in the office of the President due to physical or legal reasons such as but not limited to, leave of

    absence, travel, and suspension from office, the Vice-President shall exercise the powers and perform the duties and functions of thePresident except the power to appoint, suspend, or dismiss other officers and staff. However, the official signatory in proxy of the Presidenin all pertinent documents of the society shall be delegated to the Executive Secretary but bounded to the provisions under Sec.7.1.4,

    Article VI of this Charter.

    Section 6.In cases of vacancies in other position(s), unless there are direct successor(s) in accordance to the hierarchy, the president shalappoint officer(s) to fill the vacant seat(s). The Legislative Council may also call for special elections, however with the approval of thePresident and the Judiciary.


    Section 1.Any amendment to, or revision of, this Charter may be proposed by any individual or groups supported by at least ten percen(10%) of the population of the General Assembly of the society.

    Section 2.A Constitutional Commission must be created to spearhead the drafting of the proposal for amendments of the charter.2.1 Members:

    2.1.1 The Constitutional Commission must be headed and presided by the ECONSOC Student Judicial Court Justiceof Peace.

  • 7/28/2019 The 2013 Charter of the Xavier University (Updated) - Copy


    Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan | Central Student Government | United Arts and Sciences Student Council

    Bay 1, Faber Hall, Room 202, Magis Student Complex, Corrales Avenue, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines 9000TELL (08822-723116) local 3011 or 3010 FACEBOOK XU Economics Society The Presiding Officer does not have any voting power, unless only if there is a tie.2.1.2The Constitutional Commission shall be composed of the following: Presiding Officer, who shall appoint his Ad Hoc Commission Secretary. The Executive Vice-President. The Executive Secretary. Two representatives from each year level. In cases that there are only one (1) elected year level representative, the second representative ofthe corresponding year level shall derive his/ her seat from the appointment of the elected year leve

    representative. First year level representatives shall derive their seats from the appointment of the Vice Presidenunless there are elected representatives. If the first year has only one (1) representative, the same shalapply in

    2.2Functions:2.2.1 Shall have the sole authority to draft the proposal for amendments.2.2.2 Shall have the sole authority, or as may be provided by their existing charters, to tackle and discuss topicspertaining to what amendment or revision is deem necessary to be made for as proposal.2.2.3 Shall have the sole authority to conduct three series of readings, scheduled in different school days.

    Section 3.Drafting: The amendment or revision of the charter is to be made by the Justice of Peace or at his/ her discretion as theconstitutional commissioner of the organization. The draft constructed shall be subject for the three readings and for the review by theSupreme Constitutional Court.

    3.1 First Reading. The first reading shall be made by the constitutional commission after the draft has been constructed. It shal

    include:3.1.1 The reading of the title of the new proposed charter.3.1.2 The finalization of the aforementioned.

    3.2 Second Reading. A second reading may happen only after the Constitutional Commission has approved and surpassed theproposed title of the charter. The second reading shall be made in a separate day. It shall include:

    3.2.1 The deliberation of the amended or revised provision/s. Another set of amendment may happen upon the findingsof the members of the commission.3.2.2 The checking of the form and style, grammatical and typographical error, parallelism, diction and organization.3.2.3 The finalization of the draft of the new proposed charter.

    3.3 XU-CSG Supreme Constitutional Court Review:3.3.1 A furnished copy of the proposed amendments or revisions shall be submitted to the XU-CSG SupremeConstitutional Court after the commission has passed through the first and second reading.3.3.2 The court shall have the power to approve or deny any proposed amendments upon its findings during the

    review.3.3.3 Should the court deny the proposed amendments or revisions, the constitutional commission shall go back to thesecond reading to modify or revise the denied provisions stipulated in the proposed new charter.3.3.4 Should the court approve the proposed amendments or revisions, the constitutional commission shall proceed tothe third and final reading.

    3.4 Third Reading. A third and final reading shall be conducted after the Supreme Constitutional Court sitting en bancapprovedthe proposed amendments. The reading shall be conducted in a separate day from the d ay of the courts review. It shall include:

    3.4.1 The voting ofyes and nays among the members of the Constitutional Commission sitting en banc.3.4.2 The approval of the proposed new charter upon the concurrence of the majority of the members sitting en banc. Iis also the responsibility of the Members of the Commission to implement extensive information disseminationregarding the amendments or revisions made in their charter. Such measures are required to ensure that therequirements for the ratification of the charter during the plebiscite are met.

    3.5 Outsiders:

    3.5.1 The role of the outsiders, the Executive President, The Moderator and all the other officers and members, is onlyto suggest to the Constitutional Commission proposal for amendments or revisions.3.5.2 The members of the commission reserve the right to approve or deny any suggestions from outside parties uponreasonable cause.

    Section 4.A plebiscite shall then be conducted after the proposal of amendments has undergone three series of readings scheduled indifferent school days.

  • 7/28/2019 The 2013 Charter of the Xavier University (Updated) - Copy


    Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan | Central Student Government | United Arts and Sciences Student Council

    Bay 1, Faber Hall, Room 202, Magis Student Complex, Corrales Avenue, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines 9000TELL (08822-723116) local 3011 or 3010 FACEBOOK XU Economics Society

    4.1 All Plebiscite shall be conducted by the Electoral Commission.4.2 The Electoral Commission shall have the authority to set the schedule of the election.4.3 They shall only have the sole right to conduct plebiscite in accordance to the 2011 Omnibus Election Code.4.4 They are the sole authority to declare the results of the Election and as provided by the 2011 Omnibus Election Code.4.5 As provided by Section 2, Article XIV of the 2005 XU-CSG Constitution, a proposal for amendments shall only be ratifiedwhen and only 50 percent plus one (1) of the total student population have casted their votes through plebiscite.4.6 After ratification, a copy shall be then submitted to the Student Activities and Leadership Development Office (SACDEV).4.7 The proposal for amendments shall be effective immediately upon ratification or as may be provided by the societys exist ing



    Section 1.This charter shall become effective upon ratification in a plebiscite by a simple majority of the votes cast by the constituency othe Economics Society as defined in Section 1 of Article II of this Charter.

    Section 2.This charter shall supersede the previous charters and constitutions framed and ratified prior to this one. All the mandates andprovisions granted by the earlier constitutions and/ or charters of the Economics Society are deemed repealed upon ratification of thischarter.

    Section 3.The 2013 Charter of the Xavier University-Economics Society shall be amended by the upcoming officers limited by the

    provisions under Article XVI if deemed necessary but shall not be revised for a period of at least two (2) years from the date of its lasrevision.

  • 7/28/2019 The 2013 Charter of the Xavier University (Updated) - Copy


    Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan | Central Student Government | United Arts and Sciences Student Council

    Bay 1, Faber Hall, Room 202, Magis Student Complex, Corrales Avenue, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines 9000TELL (08822-723116) local 3011 or 3010 FACEBOOK XU Economics Society

  • 7/28/2019 The 2013 Charter of the Xavier University (Updated) - Copy


    Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan | Central Student Government | United Arts and Sciences Student Council

    Bay 1, Faber Hall, Room 202, Magis Student Complex, Corrales Avenue, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines 9000TELL (08822-723116) local 3011 or 3010 FACEBOOK XU Economics Society