The 1930s The Great Depression. The Stock Market Crash 1.Black Thursday – October 24,1929...

download The 1930s The Great Depression. The Stock Market Crash 1.Black Thursday – October 24,1929 A.Interest rates up B.Investors sold shares C.Prices of stocks.

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The Stock Market Crash 1.Black Thursday – October 24,1929 A.Interest rates up B.Investors sold shares C.Prices of stocks plunged 2.Black Tuesday – October 29,1929 A.Prices dropped to an all-time low B.Investors sold over 16 million shares of stock 3.To cover loans, investor HAD TO sell stock for huge loses.

Transcript of The 1930s The Great Depression. The Stock Market Crash 1.Black Thursday – October 24,1929...

The 1930s The Great Depression The Stock Market Crash 1.Black Thursday October 24,1929 A.Interest rates up B.Investors sold shares C.Prices of stocks plunged 2.Black Tuesday October 29,1929 A.Prices dropped to an all-time low B.Investors sold over 16 million shares of stock 3.To cover loans, investor HAD TO sell stock for huge loses. Roaring 20s vs Depression The Depression Begins 1.Late 1929 1933 the US economy sank A.GNP in 1929 = $103 billion; 1933 = 450,000 letters were sent to the White House w/in weeks; an average of /week throughout the 30s. Hundred Days 1.Immediately after taking office FDR called Congress into session. 2.Over the next 100 days they passed 15 pieces of legislation. 1 st Concern: The Banking Crisis 1.March 6, 1933, FDR declared a bank holiday 2.The Emergency Banking Act, March 9 3.Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., June 1933 Farmers 1.Farm Credit Administration, March 28 2.Home Owners Loan Corp. (HOLC) Unemployment 1.Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA), May Civil Works Administration (CWA) 3.Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), 1933 Economic Recovery 1.National Industrial Act (NIRA) A.Public Works Administration (PWA) B.National Recovery Administration (NRA) 2.Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), May 1933 1936 Election FDRs New Deal 1 st New Deal Program (1933 1934) Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Public Works Administration (PWA) Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) 2 nd New Deal Program (1935 1938) Works Progress Administration (WPA) Social Security Act Legacy of the New Deal 1.Expanded the government 2.US became a welfare state (take care of the people) 3.Saw poverty as an economic problem 4.Supported the Arts The 1930s Militarism in Japan Japan After WWI 1.Expanded territory A.East Asia Korea, Taiwan B.China Twenty-One Demands C.Germanys Pacific Islands north of the Equator 2.Third largest navy in the world 3.Bitter toward the West A.Felt unequal. B U.S. banned Japanese immigration. C.The West did not support Japans policy in China. Social & Political Tensions Rise 1.Population Explosion 2.Rapid industrial growth created > need for raw materials; forced to look elsewhere. 3.Social and political changes bring problems. A.Working class more important B.Labor unions increased in membership, power C.Urban middle class grew. D.Western influences become significant. E.need for more and better education. F.1925 universal male suffrage increased voting population (3-14 million) 4.Political weakness becomes evident. A.Power = nobles and industrialists. B.Hirohito had military leaders who were against democratic reforms. C.Antidemocratic nationalists grew in strength in 30s D.Prime Minister Hamaguchi was assassinated in Nov E.Workers and farmers began looking toward military leaders for order. 5.Militarism in Daily Life A.Supporters of the military opposed Western influences B.Favored traditional Japanese practices. C.Young children learned military drills in schools. Military Expansion 1.Sept Japanese military invade Manchuria w/o government approval. 2.In the 30s, the military used violence against the government. A.1932 Assassinated a prime minister. B.1936 Army revolt that failed. 3.By 1937 the army and government had become one. 4.Fearing he would lose his power, Hiroshito gave no strong opposition. 5.The goal of the military leaders was to conquer all of Asia The 1930s Rise of Fascist Italy Totalitarianism 1.Goal = total control over every aspect of citizens lives 2.Individual was seen as a servant to the state with few personal freedoms 3.Used propaganda in books, radio, films, the arts, and schools to promote The Rise of Fascism in Italy 1.Nationalists were displeased A.Italy was not given territory from Central Powers. B.No work for returning veterans. C.Workers went on strike or took over factories. D.Those in power were terrified E.Peasants seized the land, inspired by the Russian Revolution. F.Gvt split into factions and was powerless 2.The Rise of Benito Mussolini A.Working-class background B.Was a journalist when younger, who supported Socialism C.During WWI he became a nationalist. D.In 1919 he form the Fascist Party.rafien/MussoliniBenito/ 3.Political System of Fascism A.Glorifies the state at all costs, even war. B.Authoritarian government that is NOT communist C.Antidemocratic D.Aggressive nationalism E.Gives the state absolute authority. F.Defends private property and the class structure. 4. Compared to Communism Similarities Flourished in hard economic times by promoting social change Dictators, part elite claim to rule in the name of national interest Difference Comms want world revolution while fascists pursue nationalist goals Communists won support of working class; fascists of business leaders, wealthy landowners, the lower class 5. Appeal of A.Promised a strong stable government B.Revived national pride C.Projected a sense of power and confidence at a time of disorder, despair Mussolinis Road to Power 1.Conditions got worse after WWI. 2.Mussolini = a little something for everyone. He promised: A.Landowners protect private property. B.Workers full employment, workers benefits. C.Nationalists to restore Italy to its former greatness. 3.Blackshirts used attacks against opponents and drove them from office, starting in 22. 4.Oct the Blackshirts seized Rome w/ no protest from King Victor Emmanuel II 5.The cabinet resigned and Mussolini was named Prime Minister. Mussolinis Dictatorship 1.Ended democratic rule 2.Established a corporate state (representation w/ industry, not political parties) A.Banned non-Fascist parties. B.Syndicates - corporations of workers and employers that sent representatives to a legislature in Rome to set policies. C.Strengthened Mussolinis power. 3.Opposition was persecuted 4.Successes: A.Built up the military, ending unemployment B.Rekindled patriotism and nationalism C.Used all economic and human resources to D.rebuild Italy. Totalitarianism True or False? 1.The individual is seen as a servant of the state 2.The individuals only concern is providing for him/herself. 3.Art is used to promote the government. 4.Films were used to promote the government. 5.Education was free of political teachings. 6.This type of government grew out of WWI. 7.Western democracies supported totalitarianism. 8.Democratic governments used this type of government during WWI. Germany Upset with Treaty of Versailles 1.Limited the size of army 2.Required a democratic government 3.Reparations - $35 billion A.French occupation of the Rhur Valley in 1923 B.Inflation Weimar Republic 1.Few believed in democracy voted on a national assembly 3.Weimar Republic 1919 nationalist army tried to overthrow A.Felt betrayed B.Suppressed but opposition continued Rise of Nazism 1.National Socialist Workers party (Nazi) 2.Adolf Hitler 3.Brownshirts private army of veterans and street thugs tried to lead a revoltuion but failed 1.Arrested 2.Mein Kampf blamed Jews, Communists; Master Race 5. Depression of 1929 made him popular became prime minister (Legally) Hitler in Power 1.Goal = Totalitarian state 2.Reichstag burned b4 elections; Hitler blamed communists 3.Nazi-dominated Reichstag voted Hitler emergency powers to deal w/ Communist threat 4.Crushed opposition A.Political parties banned B.Constitutional rights ended C.Government took over industry, churches 5.Attacks on Jews A.1935 Nuremberg Laws B.Kristallnacht C.Night of Long Knives The Third Reich 1.Now had complete power; der Fuhrer 2.His government = Third Reich 3.Restored military strength 4.Controlled the arts and intellectuals; many left A.Sigmund Freud B.Albert Einstein 5.Youth organizations