Thanksgiving Homes

Thanksgiving is here and it's time to ask ourselves the age ol are you thankful for? Here in America we have so much. Ye bad and unemployment is high, but despite all that, most A better off than most of the world. The majority of the world w our shoes. Many would be happy just to be in a pair of shows still have plenty of food to eat and most of us still have a plac over our head.


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Transcript of Thanksgiving Homes

Page 1: Thanksgiving Homes

Thanksgiving is here and it's time to ask ourselves the age old question? What are you thankful for? Here in America we have so much. Yes, the economy is bad and unemployment is high, but despite all that, most Americans are far

better off than most of the world. The majority of the world would love to be in our shoes. Many would be happy just to be in a pair of shows period. Most of us still have plenty of food to eat and most of us still have a place to live and a roof

over our head.

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Sure, it's not the dream house by the beach or the mansion on a mountain we dreamed of as a kid. But to the rest of the world it is. My cubicle at work is the size of the huts some people have to live in. Think your house is to small, try a

5x8 ft. hut made out of clay. If it has a roof at all it is thatched and probably has a leak when it rains.

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I remember once when I was kid, we were driving through a very affluent neighborhood and I was looking at tall the incredibly large, fancy houses, it was a who's who of the city I lived in at the time. I wanted a home like that. I turned

to my mom and told her I wished we could live in a home like that. Her infinitely motherly response was that while it's true those houses are nice,

many people would consider where we lived to be a mansion. I thought about this for a moment and then responded, "Mom, where are these people?"

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She said there were many in Africa and Asia. As turns out there are some much closer than that, as in my own town. You see them everywhere, or maybe you

don't. Most don't get much notice unless they are holding a sign on the road or asking for spare change, but America has a lot of homeless.

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At any given point, it is estimated there are 700,000 to 2 million homeless people in the United States. That's a wide range of variance but the problem is

that counting a transient community is difficult to do. Shelters keep track of numbers, but many don't make it into the shelters. Not only that but these stats do not include families who live out of hotels and trailers so there is no way to

get a truly accurate picture of how many there are. But there are more than enough to make me grateful for my home.

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I accept that I will never have a luxury home or mansion, but maybe for many, I already do. So when you celebrate Thanksgiving this year, what are you

thankful for? How about your home, most people would be.

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