lale Rooms, - CASTLE. [NSQN & SONS, jprfieutailvo of the U 4 [of The Qrove, B»»n l( 79 the: Vendors, will AUCTION, MAY 3rd, 1917 jt HOUSEHOLD ITURJ- ETS, ETC., ise, by John Brinsmetil. T Caso, by WarSdlngfc " i Hot and Umbrella Star!* 3hf ff mier Sideboard » IT SUITE, la Old Q 0 i d l sed Plash ; w Bd Table : Good Telesoor,- |rse, Base Rocker, F0 > 1 Sofa, in Tapastry ; 2 Conches, In Leatfa e ,. Itair Ro^s and Fittings Wine, 3 Wall Clock. Spoons and Forks, " ^iug Chair, irpet, 3 by 3 yds.; [Pile Carpet, 3 by 3 yds, < life Carpet, 3 by 3| yds.'-' 1 Axmifistar Carpet. '' 3J yds. ; [Carpet, 3 by 3| yds.; Square, 3 by 4 yds. ; f, with 4 ft. Wardrobe • MtbrugS. * - BRASS BEDSTEAD, snd Br* si, Bedsteads ass, Wool Uv trees, ' and Hair Mattress, DRAPERS, INLAID Draws'S, Painted Preas res- log Tables tnd Stands, and, with Marble Top ; am 0Mpt••:3, LinoluUm sod Carpel', Night Chair, Cushions, Counterpane ||th*r Beds, ISchen Tables, 2 Kitchen Kitchen Chairs, Feeders, bles. Float Bin, Cocoa' teikr, Wilnglog Machine, bd B:-gay. many sandries. I a m and 1 p.m. Lera eaU attention to the I mostly nearly new, being [ningham. isoii & Sons, the Executors of the late Esq.. o( Moor Lei, »U uy Auction, cn the Hay 10th, 1917, I follcwing kD FURNITURE Kff&ota : [Glias, l ih v imeter, |l Stand, with Mirror ; IT &m»il ObM'is, kbio, 7 ft. by 3 ft. Bin., and |(to match), making in |2 ft. by 3 ft. Bin.; |Hslr-coverieg; Mahogany limchtir, Chairs, in Hair-seating; Wagons, Ski«j Rag, liard, with Mirror Back; |Vriivbt Pi»e Carpet, 3! yds. Irug, Wduut Settee. » 1! Chairs (to match); Metal Wfclcat Goal Box, Brass •ir.TimepUna, Ornaments, iclvt^- Kottlo, Lamps. Forks ar a Spoons, Bet ot Ms. Cutlery, 27 in. wide Velvet Pile air Carpet, ^ool And Laoa Curtain*, -aval., try Glass, J Hid Brass Italian Bedstead lattress, in Hair \ J, 2 Reversible Bedvoom |V 4 ft. Oak brassing TtJW Dhset ot Drawers, 4 ft- e £ jdatet*, Spring *»* tre ?S 6 In. Cjmbluation Bed an» | Mer.uge-ry Swlog Mir»°*| Iy8 *ing Mirrors, Be '-^oD •dressing Cheats, M»bogw Ejr ol Mahogany Dressing lTtbles, ,ai Wardrsbas, Hanging and Drawers; is Window Poles, [TABLE LIHE"' lilts. Counterpanes. 6 P j Linen Sheets nod la.Toweis.ete.; 6 Bedro°» kther Pillow Sets, htehan Press, Ingaettle, O^-boP * l o lt cB Id aou "«y T. b'es, «* l W | lehe- U «enslV, Door *~ ^ IPOBS Tuba, CaSheeB^' His. tl p.m. promyi. . —— IR AND VALUBR. )PFIOH : _ - BARNARD^Agg: IA R R I S O N, ber and Valuer, Ln-in-Teesdale. . ASON'S W SOLD THOUSAND 8 THESE, |tat Fourteen Years: imbingr Oil* |TTS RECIPE). Us Reduced to •/•• fe, 8, Horse M . ^ ' »RD CASTLE. TH8 TEESDALE MERCURY—WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 1917. IT g S? ECZEMA CURE !S STIU GOI^G. 5' a,T " Bao*. aed Chilblains. ?0 R pBltBaUnra IT 18 CHAMPIOH. Price, 1/3 per box. .. j|, 0 cni? »' avoi Drua: SV.-rca ia BaitJffd OaSUe ^ ^ i r tYesi ihe Piwiprfelcf; * A. GLKNDENNINU, * INSTON, 1> : ARLINGTON. Too 1ft* tor C : *r-<j>fic»M' ' t TiNTSD, Batage r ( ,r « | e w Two -years-old \V BaBeraj awo a Teerileg Col?.—Tfcos ^4, Btarttueih, Barn«»c4 Cssrv. ghe Scesda'.ie (Deircu^y f ^tHMAgD C ^ 8 M AY 2ND, 1917 'SGS^T? CITTHIE SAVJKO OF THE ttrst and foremost necessity of the hour eomplete efficiency in conducting a, Food Loaoaty Campaign, and the urgency of the nroblcm t 0 B c s °l v e < l caunot be )>ut too JjQoinently before the country. Mr Kennedy Lies, the Director of Food Economy, i n a treuchant letter, emphasises facts which will to every intelligent Englishman and toaSBi waB* ^>oxd Barnard, i n a letter which appears in our issue of this day, points out tiat there is already a food crisis in this land, and urges the staving off, if possible, of com- nulsoryfood rationing by patriotic voluntary effort on the part of everybody, but more especially' 11 the commisariat of the well-to-do. There is u° doubt, us Lord Barnard says, •jte control of foodstuffs would call for the expenditure of illimitable time, trouble and money, which is urgently needed in other directions. Bat a worse feature by far is that such a system would perforce be extremely irritating, and would certainly work most unfairly- It is imperatively necessary, there- tore, to briug home to everyone t lie fact that \ the wheat crop ot 1010 was a failure the world 1 over, and how very closely that shortage jjects this country is self -evident when we ojll to mind that before the war we imported ' tonr-fifths of our wheat supplies. .More than I that. Of all the food we ate we brought three-fifth across the seas. Hundreds of ; vessels which hitherto carried aliment for our , consumption are plying purely in the interests ilea Armies and those of our Allies. But it is incumbent t h a t the mass of the population [oust have broad, and to the indigent it is, of [coarse, the chief necessary of life. It is ciieap, I and Deeds no cooking. Mr Kennedy Jones [ kids the opinion that the cheaper foods- it is, [without doubt, a crux to Jind them- should be [ left for those wiio cannot afford to buy anything Ma\addiog thai the rich can endurebreadles's imt the poor cannot. Wasteful and ridiculous excess is banned, for loss ol meat, lot vegetables, waste in over-cooking and in lauuttDg are undeniable forms of helping Itermy -our rapacious and blasphemous 'eoear-jnd with every confidence we rely ijmtiiepastoral districts, for sure, to exercise f timely and wise discrimination in deeds, not |«wds, in this hour of stress and trial, and we plate large wage-earners in munition areas exercise the same rigid econouiv. NOTES. The death of Lord PortarlingtOn, who is I»poned killed, was a brother-in-law of the fete Captain Fergus liowes-Lyon ison of the lurlof Strathmore and Kinghornei, who was No killed in action. J lr J. E. Dent says the old I Uapel in Newgate was the »mWing in the town which was Pal gat, Independent lirst public lighted with A plnm tree in Queen-street has been in | PMial flower and leaf for over a week. The local .Medical Ollicer of Health reports * v en cases of diphtheria, one death resulting. Quo case was there any evident traceable K- o - U ' r K. C. Surtees. architect, of Barnard a s k^ 1 1 a PP°i n tcd oflicial successor tlr a t e i I r J - H - Hyslop in connection with I^Lpper Teesdale (Iiaby) estate. |jJ'i ere a r e indications of a magnificent "Pwyof blossom on fruit trees in Teesdale.^- ^portion of an old building in Bridgegate I 1 * fall en into the river, and damaged one 5t °nc piles supporting the steel sewer. of —o Ub'l 1 an< * allotment tillage land is being pately cultivated in this neighbourhood 'li'antities of potatoes having been o—— •J*al .Colonel the Hon. W. L. Vane, brother of ^*rnard, has been_appointed_to the hon. h; l«e Jim Peacock, son of Mr and Mrs W. Peacock' of Stainton, has been wounded in the chin, and is now lying at the base hospital in France. This is the second time he has been injured. ——o The Rev. J. Penrose Hodgson, late of this town, has just accepted an invitation to Blackheath, London, for 1919, which is rather an important appointment in Methodism. There is a Sunday school of 800, and two deaconesses to keep in the work. Mr Hodgson has many warm-hearted friends in this neighbourhood. o- News has been received at Barnard Castle that Sergeant R. Key, of the Durham Light Infantry; and Private S. Hall, both of Bridgegate, have been wounded in action. Last week a Red Emperor butterfly was seen on the wing on the Westwick-lane. The advance party of troops intended to be encamped in Teesdale arrived at the barracks on Monday morning. Several letters have been received at Barnard Castle stating that Private T. Chapman, of Bridgegate ; and Private W. Waine, of Thorngate ; are missing. Both young men are in the Durham Light Infantry. The first-named soldier is the youngest of three brothers serving in France. It will be remembered that Private Waine's younger brother was killed just over a year ago, while his father (Mr Watson Waine) is serving his country in Egypt. of the 6th Battalion (Territorials; 'ight Infantry, in succession to the >ir William Eden, Bart. Ho formerly titled the battalion. I^sreeent school examination (elementary ieJ' 0 "! of the Associated Board of the Royal hCT of M , , s i c a n d t h e R °y al Colle s e of G a a te. Barnard Castle, was a e a a pass for pianoforte playing. Th o H!i e JJ CUa ffodils are among the first-fruits of kk c W e a l t n o f t h i s country, with their \% ; n !p am petals and rich yellow trumpets, Ifo **eadale they are standing out alone in ^'luisite loveliness I ^to'fj.'' Sv ' a llo\vs were '^Hiljy'? '*«*ac Lee, of Holwick, is enjoying S*H S ' c k 'cave at his home, he having ''ich ^"S'derablo time in hospitals at . s «er and Hochdale. Private Lee, who ° Utl *lefi at l , l e ol, tbreak of tlx^ war, has been , * three times, the first time being at N tZ l5u >' 'auding. the second on July 1st. :r °iii Ji* - " 1 '^ Peronne. whore ho .suffered "•'l'iu-1 wounds in the thigh. This 1 " :, le&rnaii baa certainly " done hiabit." seen at the Sills on Writing to Jiis parents, Mr and Mrs L. Brown, of 5, Coronation-street, Lance-Corporal T. H Brown, attached to the Pay Office Staff, describes an interesting journey from Boulogne to Marseilles, through the heart of France, by way of the Paris and Lyons route. He describes the scenery as exquisitely fine, with flowers in full bloom, and all the fruit trees in blossom. Leaving Lyons the party traversed very hilly country, in almost Arctic weather. Snow fell, and it was very cold. Descending to the valley again they experienced almost tropical climatic conditions. All was lovely, and the writer arrived at Marseilles tired out, but entranced with the fine scenery through which they had passed. 0 Information was received at Barnard Castle by telegram on Friday last that Corporal T. Parkin, Thorngate Wynd, of the Durham Light Infantry, was lying dangerously i l l i n hospital in France. Captain W. Mariey, Durham Light Infantry, son of Mr T. W. Mariey, secretary of the Horden Colliery Company, JMarton Grove, Darlington, is reported killed in action. He was thirty years of age, and members of his family are occasional visitants at the Starlings, Barnard Castle. —o Mr Charles Anderson, sexton, Startforth, and Mr S. Wright have gone to France for three months' civilian service with a large number of North Eastern Railway platelayers. o .Major dough placed the I'nion Jack on the coffin of Private Rob Saycf, bf the Scots Fusiliers, whose remains have boon interred in Barningham churchyard. An appellant at the Startforth Tribunal, a few days ago, speaking of an ailing farmer in Teesdale, said " he never goes out without a drop of whisky in his pocket." j "And he is jolly lucky at that," came a rejoinder. - —o the young ladies associated with the Congregational Church at Barnard Castle have been invited to produce the sketch, Britannia's Tea Party," at Catterick Camp, in aid of the fund for the maintenance of soldiers' huts. The little drama has already woii great popularity in this town, having been most effectively given hero, together with other cresting items. A feature in *j Britannia " is the singing in Parisien French of the Marseillaise." the hymn of the French Republic, which was introduced into Paris by body of recruits from Marseilles i n 1792. The Spanish representative is an fait in a gown of rose colour, with balero and fab, and a black Spanish lace mantilla, once worn, by the way, in a presentation at the Vatican. The full costume albeit is quite becoming an aristocratic lady of Spain applauding a victorious matador. ' The frock has been lent by a local patriotic lady of great needlework attainments, and equally great taste in matters of dress. The other costumes are emblematic of eight nationalities, while the songs are correspondingly appropriate. Corporal 11. Deacon, Queen-street, Barnard Castle, of the Durham Light Infantry, has been severely wounded in action by gun-shot. We understand that the young soldier's wounds are in the face and left arm. o Mr and .Mrs Robert Donald, of Bowes, late of Gallow Hill, have received news from the Infantry Record Office, York, that their youngest son, 34316, Lance-Corporal J. W. Donald, Northumberland Fusiliers, is in hospital in France suffering from gun-shot wounds received in action. With regard to the gardening operations, which are now in full swing in the district, a correspondent remarks^ " after a stroll round the various allotments on, Sunday afternoon, as well as during the week, and noticing also the vast quantities of a certain very fragrant vegetable which are being cultivated, i t has occurred to me that if the ardent horticulturists are seeking a motto, a suitable one is supplied by the title of a well-known London firm— Alldays and Onions! " o >— Driver R. T. Brown* late of the Army Service Corps, has been at home (5, Coronation Street, Barnard Castle), on furlough prior to going oversea. Driver Brown has seen active service in the tiallipoli campaign, and also took part with the first expeditonary force to Servia. He was invalided back last year, and, after being ou home service, has been transferred to the Railway Operating Division of the Royal Engineers lor service abroad. % Low -o i'i.i.ssoui has been seen for 1 i'-ld market garden. i week LeU-IrviBg wS.i, Bonny-bank Sussex, left a painting, "Kabyle.l ZSai r l l t t e p ' - ' by Edgar Barclay, to the | Gallery. Thf pross value of v5Va »fil 2 Ail. her The Late Drowning Case. To the Editor of the " Teeadalo Mercnrv," Da*B fiia,— Will you kindly allow & little *r*C« to express out deep gratitnde to the t. 'ice Jiuthorities, members of the Boy Qconts snd the public generally for kindly and thooghtful aseistsnca F^nderod in th« search f- r %hr> Tvherejibonfcs of our late mbs'ng ; ar-u HISW * O acknowledge' the messages end loiters of sympathy from So rovny kind friends fcu my wife ardl In '-at recent sad bereavpmout, no» forgetting >:hoao who seat floral tributes for the grave cf cur loTed one? I t is quite fiupnawlhln to do this re .ioc ?l!.r, but trnat all sosfpt or.<" cino^re sppreciaHci?, as ht rein :io',.'eified. Ycnr fdthfnHy, JOHN G. HARRIS. 15, H-.-rae Market, Barnard Gastie, april 30bb. l?he Urban Council. The montbiy naeettcg of t h i s botSy i held '»n Thursday n?ght, under %ha prea^d#ecw of VFr O. Hedley. Theire were al"-> prwwsot V'e^srs T. Thonnpaon. C. J. Smith, H. Walker, R. Wooilhsnos, F. J. Wilson, J. Guy, B. Arro**- Kmllih, W. Hodgsnp, J. I . D-.W3 >o ? e L r k ) , J. H. Vciich (aaaistant-clerk), 0. H Welford, M,D. imedieil «;ffieer), F. V. Ord (cblleetr>r)L L. Simp- son (temporal surveyor), nnA G. J. G, Martin (i»J8peo6or).—The new ™ate of 2i 9d, in the pound was signed and sealed.—Mr 3. Guy was alectsd OhMsman of the Finance Gomraifcteo. —Tba Clark anDuu'.'Ced that ho had written to the Secretary ot State for War, and to tho Right HOB, A. Henderson, M.P., vn the enhj?ci of trocpa, and had received a Is'tter from fcbo Northern Command announcingfcbsfca battalion would be Bant here for the smuttier months, and the question of winder quarter" would ba eoosidered Irter. Mr Smith: I t ia very aatWa«tatF.--it was agreed to Increase fcbe r^te of piy of the w;;rkm3a at tfea sewagetarin fmm 2s 9J. to 3:?. por ch3b \--Thc Sar,iftary Commltfeo's report set out that t<-eah norii'o n»d bren n-rred r^ff^'dUrg a p?,U privy ped other defeats at 28, Newgate, and mlso for p:-ivy ?,sbp!^s in George-street. - M r PmUh id bo w"t« In f >vrur of the abolition Of the whole of tbe p>ii ch>co*« In aha town, but tl»e pr-. sent w«a rot an opportune momsnt*— I t w?«s sorced. on the motion of »?r Woodhems rbat the r^oom«nfndatl<in be sent b*ck to the S »oit*»y Committee, together with to* propr.-si- ttnn tkat steps ba taksn to enforce the notice served 5n respect of 9, Wnwd-stre?''.SpnakK-g t%usuggestion from tbr> WoT'n'j Municipal PAtry that woman be ou-opted rn Joel , uthoritfes, ua^ ••bo mls^ivn be'r.g afgned ??y hniy Franees Balfour, Mr S a i t h ««ked vjha*- 'he qutlific^Mnn of re;>- praeticnUty wstu ? Would he be in order, be Insisted, i f He wf«vo to s-and down !r. favour of his wife whom be regsfdid as tbcrmghly practical? They had nine ehU^ree, *nd "''I were Hvinsr.—Nuthirj; was d.sne, «v>d the statutcrv aco-.tunts of the Gse Company were referred bo tbe Lighting Cau}m , * , tee.-A flag day in support cf the Royal Yieaorla Irfirm , %ry,'N«wc*stie, is to be a^>at>ged for July «r Aua«5"*. - Au apulieatlsn fer fuo??8 fo? the Durbar* Volnnteer B^giment wss referred to the Finance Committees Gatf Club Water Supply. Hr Smith tnoV«d that th*» resototian of Oonnoil of July 30>h, 1914. cinccmir-? tbe supply of watnr to the Teesdale iafoll CInb'h links in Mar wood he rrsrsnded. There h'd bsen misur.derdva ;uing, Le said, when, the proposal w ? » adopr»»d, m one knowing the bouadarlcs .The Golf Club did not pay *'ktea or. their conrae, but the Club were . fierid water «o tt;n earn* lines J'S other rat*-payers, the Surveyor teilirg them ths i! they cju'd have it R,fc 63. por thousand gaUoaf. The tolf people had declared they would uot use 2,000 gallofiO, so that thsy wore to have a water supply for about ten pence. At thia * prion fcbey r v ? to pay '.ho Survsjor fur Inspeeilog the pipes, cue the rate collector, BC< there Would not brs much left for the relief cfj the ratea. Tbe supply wcu'd be guaranteed f ft Btnthihjp*, ai'd no acknnwledgtuent for she offiiliils' rime, while the occupier, of agricultural land p&ld 63. in tha p ncd on the rateable value merely on aeeonat of ?, sratcr supply which he could nut hav*. H;tc\i tbe anomaly that on land rateil ais £10 a payment ol 5*. was ^xsetad without any oocsideraMbc, wbUe the Gulf Club,claim onteide -he district altogether, wan t; have something and pay nothing for it. His own firm paid over £2 a year for crater, and did not use one thousand gallons. Tnc-n i t had been snggeatied ti»at tb*y would tre-. 1 -, fcbe fijwea Museum and C ?unty Bchucl differently, but the comparison was not applicable Tfcoy h*d refusod water t> fl ?wer bud*, and she Museum authorities h.-d cork a well, vhile they ptiA £7 10a. for the bo's?. Tbe Cctfcty School p'ild for the water tvv fho swimmilng b^^h, Red in ntiiUer ease hsd favouritism bben sbowa Wfcy abenld cfce Gcif Club '-xpeet p»»ti3,l treatment? Tea Museum contributed £250 a year to tbe ?at:.e, or tbe equivalent of t|i. in the p n^d, whloh de facto roaur- & the embargo ou the towc. The Golf O'ub paid aothlog. Moreover, the Museum p-ii3 £1,800 a yea- In w;ge?, whioh sum was all spent locally. Ia ct.-ujpurJson (be Golf Cinb was'low in the list. Tan Must urn drew thousands to tho town—people who would nob otherwise bava beer' iher»\ and wi*,h the fullest ooofldeoco he anbmitted tbat the B?uscam and the school we«e their ohlrf assets P»d bzm advertis*mient. ac*J ho fearlesalj «sser*rd that, even if they had-gran ted tbum eny favours, there was not tho remotest, obligation why tbey should grant the p&me r^ the Gi\? Club.—Mr Walker S'iconded. and no one vc.vjd agaiost. The Question cf Allotmants. Mr Wilson aubmlotcci a report on the qUeatioa of alltitmer-fs, £?.d remtsked th&c she !o*e '"ere drawn fop J.t a meeting the Clerk's office on Sainrq^-r, April 7fb, in the prcserc'j ot T. W, Johnson, Curoaatioo- street, and Mr J. Lynn. Mnnt*!b:>terraoe, two allotment holders. Ia Mr York's fieid there %te 22 lots; Mr Snub's field, 6; Mr Thompson's field, 6; and Mrs Harding's field, 6. The allotment holders were duly notified as to the result of the draw, and it bad been agreed tbat a deposit cf 5s. be paid to tbe Council b&lure the plots were broken into. Tbe committee had instructed Mr Huuter to fix a few posts and'op In a portion of the fence in Mr Thompson's field to keeo the sharp acd poultry from coming into the gardens. Tbe committee had also Inspected the fence between Mrs H&rdtag's field and Mr Wright's yard, which is very open in places, and as 50 yards of netting would be required to prevent the poultry in tho yard from entering tbe gardens, in view of the coat it was recommended that tho Clerk inform the tenant residing in tbe cctt<sg« in Wright's yard that she must fence to keep her own bens (G in rnmber) out of tbe adjoining gardens. The committee further recommended tbat a suitable gate be fixed at tbe entrance to these allotments, aiso to tho entrance to Mr Thompson's flsld one gate fur the G holdings in each instance- Tbo Surveyor bad been Instructed to obtain prices for suitable fencing for My Smith's field, and the committee asksd for instructions npon the receipt of same.The Clerk reported telephonic communication *-ith Mr Fife, who i-sd efc%t«d that Lord Barnard would lot.the Intake nod«r the Small Holdings Ac*, 1 to 1J acre, *o fho Council, tho C-uscH to take i t on 5 or 7 years' lease, and to fence and lay It away ?.k the end of the tenancy, eubjecti to the tenant agreeing to it beis;g taken.—Mr Wjleon : I mova thst we accept. Lord Barnard's effer, subject to the tenant agreeing, and thai this Council take tbo Intake J^r.d uctV.r fho provisiuns of the Small Holding*? Ac; for a period of five years. Mr Smith seconded, and the motion wsa carried. — Mr Arrowmmth moved beat the Council'* field be n:>t plcughed OPfM niUI NOTES. [BY OHt OWN CORRESPONDENT.] Mrs Watson, B»idge streeS, Middtoton, has received news tba^i >•.-.- •- W«*H:-e, who fa attached to the Etoyal Pleli Atailrery, has been wounded »o F e , and 1c now ia Mcor Park ff«e>:-!?"tl. Pi'tet^:-. *** The many friends of P r i v - ' ^ Ju-.W S* demon tbe esteemed gardener Wr.e.ei >•..':' Hall, were pleased to see him home Frids r-k •.; for a few days' leave. Private H*r<deifS'>.;, who is attached to a Tprkshire Reg!m< "t, w«,h bsdly wounded in Franco on October 7th, i -•-'» has sicca been in hcspltal at Wsrriogl w *** The brs ge which spans the Hudchhepe B>s»k, just as i t eoteru tbe River ?ees } colli pwd Tuesday »>£bt sen, while n man was arnaslng It. Happily be was no worse. At a specii»" m»eGng of the Par!%h Con^ell held !U?ede<>uday e v e a l p g It -W'ig de< Ided to wi i" ' tba D sorio'j C'*uno«l, asking them kaalBt >- the coat of the prectioo r t anew bridge, as the Btiuciaro ia on a pumicf^otp ? *h which is j much used. It w i ' l h*ve ho be renewed a! oncif. Staff-Sergeant F. W. 'AlHcaon, armament artificer, .* the Ordonnee Oerpa Seotler-, son n| the l*.*<i Mr Jacob AlIinson,Vict' rla-tert iBtiddlctfeoD, ban just been at home fror» France for a lew d^va' h-Ave of abscicce. *** A wedaii'g pf much }< c* 1 Interest to ijk nla< at St. V.-r-y'e C uuv), Middle^n, na K<»tu»-->T Wo*,i!«i-' c Mjtvactleg parties b .log Mr T :, .e-- ion %' : flierv,, Tpongfe* son of the (ate Mr Berry and Mia B?rry r of B»?o*rd Cxstle. :>,..-. Miss Edith A. WatBoO) youngea^ daughter of Mr •3 > S M MiddJ ffioiftM».g' ole-j -T'-.-fv^ wan the Rev r ". p . Yates-R, Mr F r.r. groomsman, and Misa B Boba.m w »a hridesmaid. The bride, who :T. g i v si % ,: . •>y her father, wee neatly atMred i u a delalr eeatnme, withhat to mateh: Af f - t •'-•> cere- mony s reospSton was 2 : «> : « attbebtide^iliomei When they were sfc© rocipiei ts al many ur-»fn* ard valuable. presents. happy conph !4ft by the 5-40 pra. train V-r Whitby, «r«i t • the honeymoon la being apenfc. *** The Miiitiry Ort .aa hss baca r-w&vded Li Lieut.Jhn Gibson G».rg»te,s-o o«* dent Albert Gara;ate, <» V*Yi\'i% (ia efca ge «f tin Cbr s«er4e>Stroui Dtv's'r :.). and ' T > "' -I Cr-i'k. Supt. to-,-;?*,',o *i-d • •. • •< tM,V>vr-r> it T-^.i'.lo. r.r.o bla «v.: • Mrs Garg^».«, ©fHi Hv<« at Bateside. aad eelebi her 88"h birthday on Apiil 9'h. Lieaten Gjargatc rs 23 yea*e « t !»ge, toUchi'. ' v* bepm at 6 feet 3 inehnr. H' S*«a ; l • commission on the 23/n October, 19iu, ? was plated t», tbe Dnrbam L«g'.*. Infantry, but sub*'quaetly volunteer<<d for and w-s tranferred eo thu Sherwood J? : ••• *, • ?. by 83 doing be perceived r> qrJck.-. mi a of naming In <?.;>nt-c« wi<b tbe Boobcs io>; Gs 'giJta wf sfer a yrnr, pri-.-r |j hi>;? gi z ted a clerk in - be Dntham County Coce.t-b:-"».%»••• - . headqu-^'e**, Durham. Ha went l ; FrR! cV io August 1916 THE W A ; imvteUM COMMItTCf. Entattaining ths Troopi. A went'ns; of the h c>>1 War Bmatjrs c? Commist- e teld cn -* d y night. M r C. Hedlsy p»e'i: co, : n d Jbe e wej« ricxmh Mrs Parkinson Mrs Wiopenny and Mrs Waltet,; M$a«i.aB-AVer ,Eir . ; .t.t, Walfc.w.Sc 9 Rniltoo *»<d P.-l . 'ctU'gz ; a,d -.lew* J. A^'ir-a, J. B. Den*, R. t*. Morton, 0. T. Birger, J. R. Arrnwsmitn, J. Wieetr^n, J. Quiet cu, H. Walker, J. Lro«, ard t'i» R-v, p .G. ana. M r .1. I. DiwRon (clerk).—Tho-Oicvk Said he had rec- ived a letter fr»>a the t -n>' ••: s : I *>he Qui'd-roosa, acd Jbo V'- 1 ia r-v trustees kindly <:ffe?ed the same f,*c! •••• wer» available nn the last ocoaaicn *;.">• ps wei ectcrtaiued. and Mr Gay g&id the Wealeya sohorl-room weald be at t'm service ti the c;m"' tae, if required. on pay- ment of tho usual expeQeea—The G al it remarked that, he h»d beei-. ir-f-^ i . troops would bo as mnwhere tc the nelghb »ur- hood by the end of the week. Be added tba* the Colonel commanding would be in the district ~n Wednesday, and It was uodora*o.»^ from the officer apmmandieg that theyhtd Ctmaectio? wit?. theTrn<?g Mrn'» Chr'.g •- Atsoclatir.n, fchey bavfng enly a regfraenr-»! insti'.uJi'jn *nd canteen.- i -Siss Saa?*^ a : i .• Wealeyan school-room w».s oentral, d *• r ie room for the br^s. She moved aec trdfogly.— Miss Walt are ••••dec?, and tbe K v?r.e adopted.—The Committee weye prepared '. observe rigidly the ?nles applicable to Wesle.TAn Trusr property.—A s»«ll depntatioi waa appointed to interview the Colonel to-day, with power for '-be istilta to act, the quca'icr. of refreshmer-ts, which me;.e or losa b--»u being held oe or.—Tie eredit balance la the bank amounted to £112. Misa Barker suggest- ed tbat tho Trustees of tbe Bowea Mnteam b. asked permission? to msbe a enlleotion Ip '.;.;c P*ik gxcuuds nn tbe occ^aion i * <•' - firai snaaonal bscd cfghh—The Oaairman: i dou'i know whether the battalion have.« bar.d orcoft. Mr Arrovsmith thought tbo enterta$nt& • . expenses weald be 'ess thin time than previously.-1?, wr.s agreed to snpplj recveatioc-room with LOBO tm< km m FOOO In tb* E I i"T -m,^ Mercury." PIR IV re reoefvod from the -Mnlairy of F>>. *. *» t- IBI? n •••>''• n p- ia' teg cot that there ii FOOD cnisis t*fa ens try. 1 ' c t r^rs ah. i.- v. The > lapptfea f faod for deeentive, i >- t e *-to«k hw •*Meb Iheec *t-i pll sow ha >. pt*»la i i leesgiusudy II vr. T ' t »• u irleleeey Is that i-f at. and n i pa • »| n re 1 •k« l <i t"" saa»t tbo f 'to'.'.l.or. 11 ' n s- . i : i 'i. fB.;eitqa».'. , .'.»ty of breeds for '•• < a»y nefnee long i»o' fee available The is*'-• ff fr'<«>d urg?»j J hat- rveryepe, e»pecl>!l- weii -fo-^o. sbnoid rednes f ielr em temp * f b**?d -nd urheat- fl mr, and • h are si po!< **':p wae^e. The«*» r«;n* k& p - ' r r- . tn > fa? ,;o<l t tad may snottlj rx-f ^a tc m •. • other articles of food. It ia % > • ly s c-<-af -y 'opufaJrui thec -inoes oi this state nf-sf|alra: tbey a»o mcioiy decreaeed prcdnettoc, b-.d barvrafrs and >*<5 , >rl.s;ga of ee .ppsr.g. Argc »3i • as te : only aatton c a ) as from th« The onlj t!ternat{vw to volaatarj ; fi bt cMsapalaory raHanfaaj, 'v!. ' ne-'oo-f - . »lole, be iiv>id?"?. It sroeld Involve »n e irmons rxpendii ore of Mme»tr nb!< and rsev, vfctch |e urgently needed r i pu &^--s at the ' (• a«ct i v. • r i I a '' " w' ';ver xtremtly i'-'.'e ;.?5 :-g, and might >rk meat nnt:-«r!v. I p | - ht, .' ruado to all, but papeeiaily' to * men, wfco zu a rule, e-ni*-, • the h bra ejwmleeeis .1, to n«i their n* - s*i (IT , 'p-e-.iby tei '• oai ' * f i - d* rff» '.*aumed l 1 "- . : ~rov. • • -g waate ef any 1 . . eap« - v waaie i • «• okirsr.— lam, , B * n . N aRD. i». , I9i7. Cangregatioital unday School, I irnard Castle. 'In PC wl the D;rIJ!.pt» n and D 5i ! c B -• i C"- : <m Scripture Kx m: •''•. , held Irat Mates, the twelve c tndidafes < m tbe : . ac oel who sat for the - i all bean auecesaful, four g a l n i r g d sfc-cl HA '•fic.-i^?«i and eight gaining* ; '» ••'•2. - A nbleld Is i II-- L e %c •'•>. i i_ bigbeai per B r - f [ •••>-•• i; ( e u^grric: "f»nd tbe "»• rd ( ••.'-.•• '• '. Baeday School i*'to "--e. e> * • 5 Leg abia b.-.:c.ur, f > : j' f 1 • t "i -.-lrjiU- g people •• .)"*•• I •-..«.. .v •• y Ibe ;•> leld from Da-itrg- •-• . maet i t be gMfcifying P. y. R • c aened »fce you^g I Ik 1 . to uovp .l aho • • r s i - : u?ites en Sunday, IS v ck • f'r-ci >jrch, whi>n ii» f»;>i --:*---.s will readtH *• Little voices of the '••'' •: ai 'itt-t .rti'esneoeasfnl •;v-•?<..-/ U c-' • -\- •' ':i*iiiv>i, 2ud clasa --Re'.:' ' .. '' E'3 : e Jiihweiwi. lower asiddisi di .-• ,1 sg~]For« E, Dent; 2nd el ae-ld-i J Hdei>, T l s. L Fteley, Vinlettn M Kn-i-" ; upper j : i » '•• ... lut cues— •^in. f.-A k j.i'5 td Rua K" ' ; ia< B J.i-.j ,io '•. ! ;a •• ; lower fenior divfel • 2 mras PojIIU Kddsw./irh andWinni w»-k. Funeral »f IBB ata I r Q •«. Chandler. Tbefu .' loiaJ Q. B.Cb»cdUr t ofOi^stJtm 8 .... i •«•;.. . •: p 0 * - aindi b n Fridry, I • b eoi lie, • '- '•• r. J E. Ptliiff-J>h, V - - i . v I r.. »•• ' -.» wo»e Mr •od Mia 9 3 cks? (daugi u t r.i . i .-.-ia-law). Ma and Mrs i*J F M Q K - (danghtair and s '•.-».•*-.-.-.) end -.'r i .^• < »»jffB. ;i .). Ot ' i p . ''"ii t •;. Mrs *r».'i viae : r - i .O a««.« a - Qcff-tn. Vfir v-, B. St. n, i i' hi •' tvt tbe £*• r • . it P, I i gati ff. J. 8*y*r # 'B v. - i J • D . J»lfe, ••••t... V . •: . J \ i D 2 P, r. Wrig**, J<. i. < : R. FietehelBj J. gi teher, l.-'lihepherdt sid •• •. -f ,3 .^nd Vr %•••:>.'• • - V v.- ••• '• J • . Q ,Kt «*ailam; v.-v .'d i 1 — - : , r ^i.s A- Ne"vc«'tab dr aci MfS Ara--', -cr, «4're and liifcS Ha 1 son, . ' •• ; Mr J W. Bewick,MrYoang •>.... •••...• •• ,; ••.injsttrr;, afndSop; Mfei Bro Middlet .•« ; Mr H. ') id Icy, • rs H H v lias ' •«' MJaa F I .-V- Mrs U-.,- . Mis BoiUday. Mrs B. J»>-'t." it rs E i cki -, ' B .^ga .v, G B. Bruv° '"• Ltjvrers were Messrs J. *m , J. uoki,» •• >. Butehiamoc, R. B. bt-<< . .. ii B. P«rfcei -n J. Daweon. Mr C. jh-v- H.»a the cod'- k •-. the bearee •-. •«) <• -.v.: •• c .a, by i i r R v . S eph&eso. S *."•••.>'..••c-. TH? YORK AHU LANGASfER ' BECIMEIT. Ti'.e admirable woik of Meetrs Bale and Polden, Limited, "Regimental Nlekcamea and Trjadltlons of tbe Bsitkh Army," gives tbe foll -j 'vlng bistorisal summa»v of this I OBOUB regiment:-R\lsed in 1756, the Y = k and Lsmsaster Regiment wp«i present • ' the Capture of Guad*leupc. Acii.e «crvic» In the West IudS~<j 'reduced tbe ranks to each en extant that, on Its return ^»ri to ?-<fc- large dmfta of "pariah boys." la 1801, tbe "i> •/' regiment was sent to the Cape ' - r Konlimatieed for service in India, wbt?* It arrived t 1 *-* yesm lat.°r. ar.d where 15 stayed forover fweafy ye^rs, KMrA^e a hfgh --fUt .v 11 on for bravery sod diseipUn« '<•(:• eolother long spell of foreign ice was pu» in, serving no fewer titan bweoty feayg I Australia and Now Zealand, a oriqu < exper- fe-.:oe. The 2«d li ttaHor was r«'. .• • I < ' 84feh Fopt, iv' 1703. at Y.»-k, a«d R*w a : • , doki of foreign sod aetlVa sersice, p-)' I dog among tbo small gar risen of Luekeow daring the Mutiny, tbe rest ? <7 .c Sits b log massacred at Cawopore. The brilliant *eourd* of service of the reKim<.'r.' baa been j.died to since tbuae d«>«. Tl • nicknames are ' the Royal Tiger*. ' and '•• e> fi Tvm Roses '' UGicS! W DO'S . IAILEHUE B£td£BV Is r»amntaod u-«lc fbc Bttni of t! 0 to .ur- when oth.-rs Far saptioT to Pills, I' ilet*. or amy Oostiassaal tr.i'tcj.ut. Vir r.H fic-:.< oi irraguluriiios, however obstinate, fMi <LLKS«ri. KSUKOY is sui»rcaie. Pricu of., .pecui Is. Stamp for l':uticular. and MR AND MItS VV. WOOD, LA"iE ' MK '1CAL SPKHIALISTS. 20. LOUIS-STREET, LEEDS. l TRS. BAssffi. o- is : . , i»i7 (accidentally dr.'*"' r';. I an James r m-o ef M r end M s J B Ba . •«. • 13, R»*e-maifcet, Barnard Oaetie, Kged t7. -WM ioterred In Mis ffpec jfrrao's V- r. Fttday, 27th Apr' .- N 1< , fcu-: geje :.'gr*nd awakefil ROBINSON O • SO at 28, Saym nr- Steent, B'ae •> r.o k f - . ' - ,le, tbo dearly bel r a i - ife t »f v5-.--g- Rcblesoa: also PROF1TABLK POULTRY KBBTPINB : assured it VJU give your fowlei 'rvu'.". Tl •: ; .>, 'a »nt this year, and It waa agreed that no action j Poultrf S..- •. I t ke ps fehcm i In • pi : - - i | condition ar d acsnres a foil basket I j Orum at THK TEBSDAJ.E ASSOCIATKD VASMSBS', i LTD, The Depot, Newgate, Barnard Ca&tie, bn taken l*t the matter, though Mr Smith ! " thought ««o subject might; in taken into consideration before ciext season. rtearL? fa lot . ; >• r r...a Mrs J" h ' lv;.'- ', Brnogh. ?•« b^ inferred as Brougb. i-i V-l.^, •• »j 4 b, c -'"'.celeavlr.g Bishop Aacklatrdrra.) 12 25 r.m. fffsasdd pltftie accept | ' 5 f l&i itloa. in HSBJ irlsai, Howe.—In I. \"•.••• • - of my dearest zrr.' . !. z ' 'I -. \ : i< r. is.-d away cn Sortl 2 7 1 9 l o I Sttla *fa'iu^l»i, il ir n: ,thor. wi in wc said (j.»d-bje. That we we a p»r.« 1 f-.r jo - i were to <iie ; Oh tka i«f I h S 1 t«e' W.'K'.S csnr.ot tell. Wtejr I eonid n >t be wiih vontobill you tarewelL lier paia was treat, no torgiiacvi tell Wiiat «be , n -m LVI h. 1 1 , w a s ill, The L e d inreeroyIL ,u^'ht i^. t ^jst And took BSC to a pltce or' re F* «J hi .• i. ... s < c iter, Meg., S'. effi'o. HOWB. 1" memory : > dear m-ither, RizahefhHn , ' • ;• RarnazdCantJe, wan ci n Ap> *J7 ifi«. Vr «#i.. not BMB , .u' f.inji!r <'o*r. I am m' ae-tii, bin. aUiepia( here; As I sm liuw, to you must b«. Prapan fbaumlri • f J iow me. A i./lt f. o <.r.- iiou'^IiVd ^oue, A T.4C: V:! -.r-') ;i ftill'd. . ' A .-I. «it. v.-.u-Dt fitf h «rth 1 Sal E-ret m i l U SUe i. a 4 ff cacuate lamll]. I I i

Transcript of TH8 TEESDALE MERCURY—WEDNESDAY, MAY 1917. l?he Urban...

Page 1: TH8 TEESDALE MERCURY—WEDNESDAY, MAY 1917. l?he Urban · ridiculous excess is banned, for loss ol meat, lot vegetables,

lale Rooms - CASTLE

[NSQN amp S O N S j p r f i e u t a i l v o of the U 4

[of The Qrove B raquo raquo n l ( 7 9 the Vendors w i l l


M A Y 3rd 1917 jt HOUSEHOLD

I T U R J -E T S E T C

ise by John Brinsmetil T Caso by WarSdlngfc bull i Hot and Umbrella Star 3hf ff mier Sideboard raquo

IT S U I T E l a Old Q 0 i d l s e d Plash w

B d Table Good Telesoor-|rse Base Rocker F 0 gt 1 Sofa in Tapastry 2 Conches In Leatfa e

Itair Ro^s and Fitt ings W i n e 3 Wall Clock

Spoons and Forks ^iug Chair irpet 3 by 3 yds [Pile Carpet 3 by 3 yds lt life Carpet 3 by 3 | yds-

1 Axmifistar Carpet 3J yds

[Carpet 3 by 3 | yds Square 3 by 4 yds

f with 4 ft Wardrobe bull MtbrugS -

BRASS B E D S T E A D snd Brsi Bedsteads

ass Wool U v trees and Hair Mattress

D R A P E R S I N L A I D bull DrawsS Painted Preas

res- log Tables tnd Stands and with Marble Top am 0Mptbullbull3 LinoluUm sod Carpel Night Chair Cushions Counterpane

||thr Beds ISchen Tables 2 Kitchen

Kitchen Chairs Feeders bles Float Bin Cocoa teikr Wilnglog Machine bd B-gay many sandries I a m and 1 pm

Lera eaU attention to the I mostly nearly new being

[ningham bull

isoii amp Sons the Executors of the late

Esq o( Moor Lei raquoU uy Auction cn the

Hay 10th 1917 I follcwing

kD FURNITURE Kffampota

[Glias lihv imeter | l Stand with Mirror

IT ampmraquoil ObMis kbio 7 ft by 3 ft Bin and |(to match) making in |2 ft by 3 ft Bin |Hslr-coverieg Mahogany limchtir

Chairs in Hair-seating Wagons Skilaquoj R a g

l iard with Mirror Back |Vriivbt Piraquoe Carpet 3 yds Irug Wduut Settee raquo 1 Chairs (to match) Metal

Wfclcat Goal Box Brass bullirTimepUna Ornaments

i c l v t ^ - K o t t l o Lamps Forks ar a Spoons Bet ot

Ms Cutlery 27 in wide Velvet Pile

air Carpet ^ o o l And Laoa Curtain -aval try Glass J Hid Brass Italian Bedstead lattress in Hair

J 2 Reversible Bedvoom |V 4 ft Oak brassing TtJW Dhset ot Drawers 4 ft- e pound jdatet Spring raquo t r e S 6 In Cjmbluation Bed anraquo

| Meruge-ry Swlog Mirraquodeg| I y 8 i n g Mirrors B e - ^ o D bulldressing Cheats M raquo b o g w Ejr ol Mahogany Dressing lTtbles ai Wardrsbas Hanging

and Drawers is Window Poles [ T A B L E L I H E lilts Counterpanes 6 P j Linen Sheets nod

laToweis ete 6 Bedrodegraquo kther Pillow Sets htehan Press Ingaettle O^-boP l o l t c B Id a o u laquo y T bes laquo l

W |

lehe- UlaquoenslV Door ~ ^ IPOBS Tuba C a S h e e B ^

His t l pm p r o m y i mdashmdash


)PFIOH _ -B A R N A R D ^ A g g

IA R R I S O N ber and Valuer



W S O L D T H O U S A N D 8

T H E S E |tat Fourteen Y e a r s

imbingr Oil | T T S R E C I P E )

Us Reduced to bullbullbull

fe 8 Horse M ^ raquo R D C A S T L E

T H 8 T E E S D A L E M E R C U R Y mdash W E D N E S D A Y M A Y 2 1917

I T g S


5 a T B a o aed Chilblains 0R pBltBaUnra I T 18 CHAMPIOH

Price 13 per box j|0cni raquo avoi Drua SV-rca ia BaitJffd OaSUe

^ ^ i r tYesi ihe Piwiprfelcf A GLKNDENNINU INSTON 1gtARLINGTON

Too 1ft tor Cr-ltjgtficraquoM

t T i N T S D Batage r ( r laquo | e w Two-years-old V BaBeraj awo a Teer i l eg ColmdashTfcos

^4 Btarttueih Barnlaquoraquoc4 Css rv

ghe Scesdaie (Deircu^y f ^ t H M A g D C ^ 8 M AY 2ND 1917

S G S ^ T CITTHIE SAVJKO OF THE ttrst and foremost necessity of the hour

bull eomplete efficiency i n conducting a Food Loaoaty Campaign and the urgency of the nroblcm t 0 B c s deg l v e lt l caunot be )gtut too JjQoinently before the country M r Kennedy Lies the Director of Food Economy i n a treuchant letter emphasises facts which w i l l

peil to every in te l l igen t Englishman and toaSBi waB ^gtoxd Barnard i n a le t te r which appears in our issue of th i s day points out tiat there is already a food crisis in this land and urges the s taving off i f possible of com-nulsoryfood ra t ioning by pat r io t ic voluntary effort on the part of everybody but more especially11 the commisariat of the well-to-do There is udeg doubt us Lo rd Barnard says bulljte control of foodstuffs would call for the expenditure of i l l imi tab le t ime t rouble and money which is urgent ly needed i n other directions Bat a worse feature by far is tha t such a system would perforce be extremely irritating and would cer ta inly work most unfairly- I t is imperat ively necessary there-tore to briug home to everyone t lie fact tha t

the wheat crop ot 1010 was a fai lure the wor ld 1 over and how very closely tha t shortage

jjects this country is self-evident when we bull ojll to mind that before the war we imported tonr-fifths of our wheat supplies More than I that Of all the food we ate we brought three-fifth across the seas Hundreds of

vessels which h i ther to carr ied aliment for our consumption are p l y i n g purely in the interests ilea Armies and those of our All ies But i t is incumbent that the mass of the population

[oust have broad and to the indigent i t i s of [coarse the chief necessary of l i fe I t is ciieap I and Deeds no cooking M r Kennedy Jones [ kids the opinion tha t the cheaper foods- i t is [without doubt a crux to Jind them- should be [ left for those wiio cannot afford to buy anything Maaddiog thai the r i ch can endurebreadless

imt the poor cannot Wasteful and ridiculous excess is banned for loss o l meat

lot vegetables waste in over-cooking and in lauuttDg are undeniable forms of helping Itermy -our rapacious and blasphemous eoear-jnd w i t h every confidence we rely ijmtiiepastoral d is t r ic ts for sure to exercise

f timely and wise discrimination in deeds not |laquowds in this hour of stress and t r i a l and we

plate large wage-earners i n muni t ion areas exercise the same r i g i d econouiv

NOTES The death of Lord PortarlingtOn who is

Iraquoponed killed was a brother-in-law of the fete Captain Fergus liowes-Lyon ison of the

lurlof Strathmore and Kinghornei who was No k i l l e d in action

J lr J E Dent says the old I Uapel in Newgate was the raquomWing in the town which was

Pal gat

Independent l i rs t public

l igh ted w i t h

A plnm tree i n Queen-street has been i n | PMial flower and leaf for over a week

The local Medical Ollicer of Health reports ven cases of diphtheria one death resul t ing Quo case was there any evident traceable

K - o -U r K C Surtees architect of Barnard

a s k ^ 1 1 a P P deg i n t c d oflicial successor t l r a t e i I r J - H - Hyslop i n connection w i t h

I^Lpper Teesdale (Iiaby) estate

|jJiere a r e indications of a magnificent Pwyof blossom on f r u i t trees i n Teesdale^-

^portion of an old bu i ld ing i n Bridgegate I1 fall en into the r ive r and damaged one

5 tdegnc piles support ing the steel sewer of

mdash o Ubl 1 a n lt allotment t i l lage land is being p a t e l y cul t ivated i n th i s neighbourhood

liantities of potatoes having been omdashmdash bullJal

Colonel the Hon W L Vane brother of ^rnard has been_appointed_to the hon

h llaquoe

Jim Peacock son of M r and M r s W Peacock of Stainton has been wounded i n the chin and is now l y i n g at the base hospital i n France This is the second t ime he has been injured

mdashmdasho The Rev J Penrose Hodgson late of this

town has jus t accepted an inv i t a t ion to Blackheath London for 1919 which is rather an important appointment i n Methodism There is a Sunday school of 800 and two deaconesses to keep i n the work M r Hodgson has many warm-hearted friends i n th is neighbourhood o-

News has been received at Barnard Castle tha t Sergeant R Key of the Durham L i g h t I n f a n t r y and Private S Ha l l both of Bridgegate have been wounded i n action

Last week a Red Emperor but terf ly was seen on the wing on the Westwick-lane

The advance par ty of troops intended to be encamped in Teesdale ar r ived at the barracks on Monday morning

Several le t ters have been received at Barnard Castle s ta t ing tha t Pr ivate T Chapman of Bridgegate and Private W Waine of Thorngate are missing Both young men are in the Durham Ligh t Infant ry The first-named soldier is the youngest of three brothers serving i n France I t w i l l be remembered tha t Private Waines younger brother was k i l l ed just over a year ago whi le his father (Mr Watson Waine) is serving his country i n Egypt

of the 6th Bat ta l ion (Terr i tor ials ight Infantry i n succession to the

gt i r William Eden Bart Ho formerly t i t led the battal ion

I^sreeent school examination (elementary ieJ0 of the Associated Board of the Royal

hCT o f M s i c a n d t h e R deg y a l C o l l e s e o f

G a pound a t e Barnard Castle was a e a a pass for pianoforte playing

Th o bull HieJJCUaffodils are among the f i r s t - f r u i t s of kk c

W e a l t n o f t h i s country w i t h the i r n p a m petals and r i c h yel low trumpets Ifo eadale they are standing out alone i n

^luisite loveliness

I ^tofj S v allovs were

Hiljy laquoac Lee of Holwick is enjoying SH S c k cave at his home he having ich ^Sderablo t ime in hospitals at

s laquo e r and Hochdale Private Lee who degU t llefia t l l e o l t b r e a k of tlx^ war has been

three times the first time being at N tZ l 5 u gt auding the second on July 1st rdegiii Ji -1^ Peronne whore ho suffered

bullliu-1 wounds in the thigh This 1 leamprnaii baa cer ta in ly done h i a b i t

seen at the Sills on

W r i t i n g to Ji is parents M r and Mrs L Brown of 5 Coronation-street Lance-Corporal T H Brown attached to the Pay Office Staff describes an interes t ing journey from Boulogne to Marseilles through the heart of France by way of the Paris and Lyons route He describes the scenery as exquisi tely fine wi th flowers i n f u l l bloom and al l the f r u i t trees in blossom Leaving Lyons the par ty traversed very h i l l y country i n almost A r c t i c weather Snow fe l l and i t was very cold Descending to the val ley again they experienced almost t ropica l cl imatic conditions A l l was lovely and the w r i t e r a r r ived at Marseilles t i r e d out but entranced w i t h the fine scenery through which they had passed

0 Information was received at Barnard Castle

by telegram on Fr iday last that Corporal T Parkin Thorngate Wynd of the Durham Light Infantry was l y i n g dangerously i l l i n hospital i n France

Captain W Mar iey Durham Ligh t Infant ry son of M r T W Mariey secretary of the Horden Coll iery Company JMarton Grove Darl ington is reported k i l l e d i n action He was t h i r t y years of age and members of his family are occasional visi tants at the Starlings Barnard Castle mdash o

M r Charles Anderson sexton Star t for th and M r S Wrigh t have gone to France for three months c iv i l i an service w i t h a large number of North Eastern Railway platelayers

o Major dough placed t he I nion Jack on the

coffin of Private Rob Saycf bf the Scots Fusiliers whose remains have boon interred in Barningham churchyard

An appellant at the Star t for th Tr ibunal a few days ago speaking of an a i l ing farmer i n Teesdale said he never goes out wi thout a drop of whisky in his pocket j A n d he is jol ly lucky at that came a rejoinder

- mdasho t h e young ladies associated w i t h the

Congregational Church at Barnard Castle have been inv i t ed to produce the sketch

Britannias Tea Party at Catterick Camp i n aid of the fund for the maintenance of soldiers huts The l i t t l e drama has already woii great popular i ty in this town having been most effectively given hero together w i t h other

crest ing items A feature in j Bri tannia is the s inging i n Parisien French of the

Marseillaise the hymn of the French Republic which was introduced into Paris by

body of recrui ts from Marseilles i n 1792 The Spanish representative is an fa i t in a gown of rose colour w i t h balero and fab and a black Spanish lace mantil la once worn by the way i n a presentation at the Vatican The fu l l costume albeit is qui te becoming an aristocratic lady of Spain applauding a victorious matador The frock has been lent by a local pat r io t ic lady of great needlework attainments and equally great taste i n matters of dress The other costumes are emblematic of eight nationalities whi le the songs are correspondingly appropriate

Corporal 11 Deacon Queen-street Barnard Castle of the Durham L igh t Infantry has been severely wounded i n action by gun-shot We understand tha t the young soldiers wounds are i n the face and lef t arm

o mdash M r and Mrs Robert Donald of Bowes late

of Gallow H i l l have received news from the Infantry Record Office York tha t the i r youngest son 34316 Lance-Corporal J W Donald Northumberland Fusiliers is i n hospital i n France suffering from gun-shot wounds received in action

W i t h regard to the gardening operations which are now in f u l l swing i n the d i s t r i c t a correspondent remarks^ after a s t r o l l round the various allotments on Sunday afternoon as w e l l as dur ing the week and not ic ing also the vast quantit ies of a cer tain very fragrant vegetable which are being cul t ivated i t has occurred to me tha t i f the ardent hor t icul tur is t s are seeking a motto a suitable one is supplied by the t i t l e of a well-known London firmmdash Alldays and Onions

o gtmdash Driver R T Brown late of the Army Service

Corps has been at home (5 Coronation Street Barnard Castle) on furlough pr ior to going oversea Dr iver Brown has seen active service in the t i a l l i po l i campaign and also took par t w i t h the first expeditonary force to Servia He was inval ided back last year and after being ou home service has been transferred to the Rai lway Operating Division of the Royal Engineers lo r service abroad

Low -o

iiissoui has been seen for 1 i -ld market garden

i week

LeU-IrviBg wSi Bonny-bank Sussex left a paint ing K a b y l e l

Z S a i r l l t t e p - by Edgar Barclay to the | Gallery T h f pross value of

v 5 V a raquo f i l 2 Ail her

The Late Drowning Case To the Edi tor of the Teeadalo Mercnrv DaB fiiamdash W i l l you k ind ly al low amp l i t t l e

rClaquo to express out deep gra t i tnde to the t ice Jiuthorities members of the Boy Qconts snd the public generally for k ind ly and thooghtful aseistsnca F^nderod i n t h laquo search f- r hrgt Tvherejibonfcs of our late mbs ng ar-u HISW O acknowledge the messages end loi ters of sympathy from So rovny kind friends fcu my wife a r d l In -at recent sad bereavpmout noraquo forget t ing gthoao who seat floral t r ibutes for the grave cf cur loTed one I t is quite fiupnawlhln to do this re ioclr but trnat all sosfpt orlt cino^re sppreciaHci as ht rein ioeified Ycnr fd thfnHy

JOHN G H A R R I S 15 H--rae Market Barnard Gastie a p r i l 30bb

lhe Urban Council The montbiy naeettcg of this botSy i held

raquon Thursday nght under ha prea^decw of VFr O Hedley Theire were al-gt prwwsot Ve^srs T Thonnpaon C J Smith H Walker R Wooilhsnos F J Wilson J Guy B Arro-Kmllih W Hodgsnp J I D-W3 gto eLrk) J H V c i i c h (aaaistant-clerk) 0 H Welford MD imedie i l laquoffieer) F V Ord (cblleetrgtr)L L Simpshyson ( t e m p o r a l surveyor) nnA G J G M a r t i n (iraquoJ8peo6or)mdashThe new tradeate of 2 i 9d i n the pound was signed and sealedmdashMr 3 Guy was alectsd OhMsman of the Finance Gomraifcteo mdashTba Clark anDuuCed tha t ho had w r i t t e n to the Secretary ot State for War and to tho Righ t HOB A Henderson MP vn the enhjci of trocpa and had received a Istter from fcbo Northern Command announcing fcbsfc a bat ta l ion would be Bant here for the smuttier months and the question of winder quarter would ba eoosidered I r t e r mdashMr S m i t h I t ia ve ry a a t W a laquo t a t F - - i t was agreed t o Increase fcbe r^te of p i y of the wrkm3a at tfea sewagetarin fmm 2s 9J to 3 por ch3b - -Thc Sariftary Commltfeos report set out tha t tlt-eah norii o nraquod bren n - r red r^ff^dUrg a pU pr ivy ped other defeats at 28 Newgate and mlso for p-ivy sbp^s i n George-street - M r PmUh

id bo wtlaquo In f gtvrur of the aboli t ion Of the whole of tbe pgtii chgtcolaquo In aha town bu t tlraquoe pr- sent wlaquoa r o t an opportune momsntmdash I t wlaquos sorced on the motion of raquor Woodhems rbat the r^oomlaquonfndatlltin be sent bck to the S raquooitraquoy Committee together w i t h to propr-si-ttnn tkat steps ba taksn to enforce the notice served 5n respect of 9 Wnwd-stremdashSpnakK-g tusuggestion from tbrgt W o T n j Munic ipa l PAtry that woman be ou-opted r n J o e l uthoritfes ua^ bullbullbo mls^ivn berg afgned y hniy Franees Balfour M r S a i t h laquolaquoked vjha-he qutl if ic^Mnn of regt- praeticnUty wstu Would he be in order be Insisted i f He wflaquovo to s-and down r favour of his wife whom be regs fd id as t b c r m g h l y practical They had nine ehU^ree nd I were HvinsrmdashNuthirj was dsne laquovgtd the s ta tu tcrv aco-tunts of the Gse Company were referred bo tbe L i g h t i n g Caum tee-A flag day in support cf the Royal Yieaorla Irf irm ry Nlaquowcstie is to be a^gtatgtged for July laquor Aualaquo5 - Au apulieatlsn fer fuo8 fo the Durbar Volnnteer B^giment wss referred to the Finance Committees

Gatf Club Water Supply H r Smith tnoVlaquod that thraquo resototian of

Oonnoil of July 30gth 1914 c inccmir - tbe supply of watnr to the Teesdale iafoll CInbh l inks in Mar wood he rrsrsnded There h d bsen misurderdva uing Le said when the proposal wraquo adoprraquoraquod m one knowing the bouadarlcs The Golf Club d i d not pay ktea or thei r conrae but the Club were f i e r i d water laquoo ttn earn lines JS other rat-payers the Surveyor t e i l i r g them ths i they c j u d have i t Rfc 63 por thousand gaUoaf The t o l f people had declared they would uot use 2000 gallofiO so that thsy wore to have a water supply for about ten pence A t thia prion fcbey rv to pay ho Survs jor fur Inspeeilog the pipes cue the rate collector BClt there Would not brs much left for the re l ief cfj the ratea Tbe supply wcud be guaranteed f ft Btnthihjp ai d no acknnwledgtuent for she offi i l i i ls rime while the occupier of agr icul tura l land pampld 63 i n tha p ncd on the rateable value merely on aeeonat of sratcr supply which he could nut hav H t c i tbe anomaly tha t on land rateil ais pound10 a payment ol 5 was ^xsetad without any oocsideraMbc wbUe the Gulf Clubclaim onteide -he d i s t r i c t altogether wan t have something and pay nothing for i t His own firm paid over pound 2 a year for crater and did not use one thousand gallons Tnc-n i t had been snggeatied tiraquoat tby would tre-1- fcbe fijwea Museum and C unty Bchucl differently but the comparison was not applicable Tfcoy hd refusod water tgt fl wer bud and she Museum authorities h-d cork a wel l v h i l e they ptiA pound7 10a for the bos Tbe Cctfcty School p i ld for the water tvv fho swimmilng b^^h Red in n t i iUer ease hsd favouritism bben sbowa Wfcy abenld cfce Gcif Club -xpeet praquoraquoti3l t reatment Tea Museum contr ibuted pound250 a year to tbe ate or tbe equivalent of t | i i n the p n^d whloh de facto roaur- amp the embargo ou the towc The Golf Oub paid aothlog Moreover the Museum p-ii3 pound1800 a yea- In wge whioh sum was a l l spent locally I a ct-ujpurJson (be Golf Cinb waslow in the l i s t Tan Must urn drew thousands to tho townmdashpeople who would nob otherwise bava beer iherraquo and wih the fullest ooofldeoco he anbmitted tbat the Buscam and the school welaquoe thei r ohlr f assets Praquod bzm advertismient acJ ho fearlesalj laquo s se r rd that even i f they had-gran ted tbum eny favours there was not tho remotest obligation why tbey should grant the pampme r^ the Gi ClubmdashMr Walker Siconded and no one vcvjd agaiost

The Question cf Allotmants M r Wilson aubmlotcci a report on the

qUeatioa of alltitmer-fs poundd remtsked thampc she oe ere drawn fop Jt a meeting the Clerks office on Sainrq^-r A p r i l 7fb i n the prcsercj ot T W Johnson Curoaatioo-street and Mr J Lynn Mnntbgtterraoe two allotment holders I a M r Yorks fieid there te 22 l o t s M r Snub s field 6 M r Thompsons field 6 and Mrs Hardings field 6 The allotment holders were duly notified as to the result of the draw and i t bad been agreed tbat a deposit cf 5s be paid to tbe Council bamplure the plots were broken in to Tbe committee had instructed M r Huuter to fix a few posts and rott op In a port ion of the fence in M r Thompsons field to keeo the sharp acd poul t ry from coming in to the gardens Tbe committee had also Inspected the fence between Mrs Hamprdtags field and M r Wright s yard which is very open in places and as 50 yards of net t ing would be required to prevent the poultry i n tho yard from entering tbe gardens in view of the coat i t was recommended that tho Clerk inform the tenant residing i n tbe ccttltsglaquo i n Wright s yard that she must fence to keep her own bens (G i n rnmber ) out of tbe adjoining gardens The committee further recommended tba t a suitable gate be fixed at tbe entrance to these allotments aiso to tho entrance to M r Thompsons flsld mdashone gate fur the G holdings i n each instance- Tbo Surveyor bad been Instructed to obtain prices for suitable fencing for My Smiths field and the committee asksd for instructions npon the receipt of samemdashThe Clerk reported telephonic communication -ith M r Fife who i-sd efctlaquod that Lord Barnard would lot the Intake nodlaquor the Small Holdings Ac 1 to 1J acre o fho Council tho C-uscH to take i t on 5 or 7 years lease and to fence and lay I t away k the end of the tenancy eubjecti to the tenant agreeing to i t beisg takenmdashMr Wjleon I mova thst we accept Lord Barnards effer subject to the tenant agreeing and t h a i this Council take tbo Intake J^rd uctVr fho provisiuns of the Small Holding A c for a period of five years Mr Smith seconded and the motion wsa carried mdash M r Arrowmmth moved beat the Council field be ngtt plcughed


Mrs Watson Braquoidge streeS Middtoton has received news tba^i gtbull-- bull-WlaquoH-e who fa attached to the Etoyal P l e l i Atai lrery has been wounded raquoo F e and 1c now ia Mcor Park fflaquoegt-tl Pitet^-

The many friends of P r i v - ^ Ju-W S demon

tbe esteemed gardener Wreei gtbull Hal l were pleased to see him home Frids bull r-k bull for a few days leave Private HrltdeifSgt who is attached to a Tprkshi re Regmlt t wlaquoh bsdly wounded in Franco on October 7th i -bull-raquo has sicca been in hcspltal at Wsr r iog l w

The brs ge which spans the Hudchhepe Bgtsraquok

jus t as i t eoteru tbe River ees co l l i p w d bull Tuesday raquogtpoundbt sen whi le n man was arnaslng I t Happily be was no worse At a speciiraquo mraquoeGng of the Parh Con^ell held Uedeltgtuday evealpg It-W ig delt Ided to wi i tba D sorioj Cunolaquol asking them kaalBt gt-the coat of the prectioo r t anew bridge as the Bt iuc iaro ia on a p u m i c f ^ o t p h which is j much used I t w i l hve ho be renewed a oncif

Staff-Sergeant F W AlHcaon armament artificer the Ordonnee Oerpa Seotler- son n | the llti Mr Jacob AlI inson Vic t r la- tert iBtiddlctfeoD ban jus t been at home frorraquo France for a lew d^va h-Ave of abscicce

A wedaii g pf much lt c1 Interest to ijk nlalt

at St V-r-ye C uuv) M i d d l e ^ n na Kltraquoturaquo--gtT Woilaquoi- c Mjtvactleg partiesb log M r Te-- ion flierv Tpongfe son of the (ate Mr Berry and M i a B r ry r o f Braquoord Cxstle gt- Miss Edi th A WatBoO) youngea^ daughter of Mr

bull3 gt S M MiddJ bullbull ffioiftMraquog ole-j-T--fv^ wan the Rev r p

Yates-R Mr F rr groomsman and Misa B Bobam wraquoa hridesmaid The br ide who T g iv si bullgty her father wee neatly atMred i u a delalr eeatnme w i t h h a t t o mateh Af f - t bull-bullgt cereshymony s reospSton was 2laquogtlaquo a t tbeb t ide^ i l iomei When they were sfccopy rocipiei ts al many ur-raquofn a r d va luable presents happy conph 4ft by the 5-40 pra t ra in V-r Whitby laquorlaquoi t bull the honeymoon la being apenfc

The M i i i t i r y Ortaa hss baca r-wampvded Li

L i e u t J h n Gibson Graquo rgraquote s -o olaquo Supetlntes dent Albert Garaate ltraquo VYii (ia efca ge laquof t i n Cbr slaquoer4egtStroui Dtvsr ) and Tgt - I Cr - i k Supt to--o i-d bull bull bull bull bulllt tMVgtvr-rgt it T - ^ i l o rro bla laquov bull Mrs Garg^raquolaquo copyfHi Hvltlaquo at Bateside aad eelebi her 88h bir thday on A p i i l 9 h Lieaten Gjargatc rs 23 yeae laquo t raquoge toUchi v bepm at 6 feet 3 inehnr H Slaquoa l bull commission on the 23n October 19iu was plated traquo tbe Dnrbam Llaquog Infantry but subquaetly volunteerltltd for and w-s tranferred eo thu Sherwood J bullbullbull bull bull by 83 doing be perceived rgt qrJck- mi bull a of naming In ltgtnt-claquo wiltb tbe Boobcs bull iogt GsgiJta wf sfer a yrnr pri--r | j h igt gi z ted a clerk in - be Dntham County Cocet-b-raquoraquobullbullbull - headqu-^e Durham Ha went l FrR cV io August 1916

THE W A imvteUM COMMItTCf Entattaining ths Troopi

A wentns of the h cgtgt1 War Bmatjrs c Commist- e te ld cn - bull d y n ight M r C Hedlsy praquoe i co n d Jbe e we jlaquo ricxmh Mrs Parkinson Mrs Wiopenny and Mrs Walte t M$alaquoiaB-AVer Eir tt WalfcwSc 9 Rnil too raquoltd P-l ctUgz a d -lew J A^ir-a J B Den R t Morton 0 T Birger J R Arrnwsmitn J Wieetr^n J Quiet cu H Walker J L r o laquo a rd t iraquo R-v p G ana Mr 1 I DiwRon (clerk)mdashTho-Oicvk Said he had rec- ived a le t te r frraquogta the t-ngt bullbull s I gthe Quid-roosa acd Jbo V - 1 ia r -v trustees k indly ltffeed the same fc bullbullbullbull we rraquo available nn the last ocoaaicn gtbull ps wei ectcrtaiued and M r Gay gampid the Wealeya sohorl-room weald be at tm service t i the c m tae i f required on payshyment of tho usual expeQeeamdashThe G al it remarked that he hraquod beei- ir-f-^rucd i troops would bo as mnwhere tc the nelghb raquour-hood by the end of the week Be added tba the Colonel commanding would be in the d i s t r i c t ~n Wednesday and I t was uodoraoraquo^ from the officer apmmandieg that t h e y h t d Ctmaectio wit theTrnltg M r n raquo Chrg bull-Atsoclatirn fchey bavfng enly a regfraenr-raquo instiuJijn nd canteen- bull i-Siss Saa^ a i bull Wealeyan school-room wraquos oentral d bull r ie room for the br^s She moved aec trdfoglymdash Miss Walt are bullbullbullbulldec and tbe K vre adoptedmdashThe Committee weye prepared observe r i g i d l y the nles applicable to WesleTAn Trusr propertymdashA s raquo laquo l l depntatioi waa appointed to in terview the Colonel to-day w i t h power for -be is t i l ta to act the qucaicr of refreshmer-ts which mee or losa b--raquou being held oe or mdashTie eredit balance la the bank amounted to pound112 Misa Barker suggestshyed tbat tho Trustees of tbe Bowea Mnteam b asked permission to msbe a enlleotion Ip c P ik gxcuuds nn tbe occ^aion i ltbull - firai snaaonal bscd cfghhmdashThe Oaairman i dou i know whether the battal ion havelaquo bard orcoft mdash M r A r r o v s m i t h thought tbo enterta$ntamp bull expenses weald be ess thin t ime than previously-1 wrs agreed to snppl j recveatioc-room w i t h

LOBO tmlt km m FOOO I n tb E I i T -m^ Mercury P I R mdash I V r e reoefvod from the -Mnla i ry of

Fgtgt raquo t- IBI n bullbullbullgtbull n p- ia teg co t that there ii FOOD cnisis tfa ens t ry

1 c t r^rs ah bull i- v The

gt lapptfea bull f faod for [laquo deeentive i gt- t e -tolaquok h w bullMeb

Iheec t-i pll s o w ha gt ptraquola i i leesgiusudy I I vr T t raquobull u i r l e l e e e y Is tha t i-f

bull at and n i pa bull raquo| n bull re 1 bullklaquollti t saaraquot tbo ftolor 11 bull n s- i i ifBeitqaraquo raquoty of breeds for bullbull lt araquoy nefnee long iraquoo fee available The is-bull f f frltlaquogtd urgraquoj J hat-rveryepe eraquopeclgtl- weii-fo-^o sbnoid rednes f ielr em temp f bd -nd urheat-fl mr and bull h are si polt p wae^e Thelaquoraquo r laquo n kamp p - r r- tn gt fa oltl t t a d may sno t t l j rx - f^a tc m bull bull other art icles of food

I t ia gt bull ly s c-lt-af -y opufaJrui thec-inoes oi this state n f - s f | a l r a tbey araquoo mcioiy decreaeed prcdnettoc b-d barvrafrs and gtlt5gtrlsga of ee ppsrg

Argcraquo3i bull as te only aatton ca ) e-ve as from thlaquo The onl j t ternatvw to volaatar j fi bt cMsapalaory raHanfaaj

v bull n e - o o - f - raquolole be iivgtid I t sroeld Involve raquon e i rmons rxpend i i ore o f Mmeraquotr nblt and bull rsev vfctch |e urgently needed r i pu amp^--s at the (bull a laquo c t i v bull r i I a w ver braquo bull x t r e m t l y i - e 5 - g and might gtrk meat nnt-laquorv

bull I p | - ht f r f f r o ruado to a l l but mire papeeiaily to men wfco zu a rule e-ni- bull the h bra ejwmleeeis1 to n laquo i the i r n - si (IT p-e-iby

tei bull oa i f i - d rffraquo aumed l bull 1 - bull bull ~rov bull bull -g waate ef any 1 eaplaquo - v waaie i bull laquobull okirsrmdash l a m B n N a R D

iraquo bull I 9 i7

Cangregatioital unday School I irnard Castle

I n PC wl the DrIJptraquo n and D 5i bull c B -bull i C-ltm Scr ip ture Kx m bull bull held I ra t Mates the twelve c tndidafes lt bull m tbe bull ac oel who sat for the - i all bean auecesaful four g a l n i r g d sfc-cl HA bullfic-i^laquoi and eight gaining raquo bullbullbull2- A nbleld Is i I I - - L bull e c bull bullbullgt i i_ bigbeai per B r - f [ bullbullbullgt-bullbull i ( e u^grric fraquond tbe raquobull rd ( bullbull-bullbull bull Baeday School i to --e egt bull bull bull 5 Leg abia b-cur f gt j f 1 bull t i - - l r j i U - g people

bullbull ) bull bull I bull - laquo v bullbull y Ibe bullgt leld from D a - i t r g - bull-bull maet i t be gMfcifying

P y R bull c aened raquofce you^g I Ik 1 to uovpl aho

bull bull bull r s i - bull ui tes en Sunday IS v bull ck bull fr-ci gtjrch whigtn i i raquo fraquogti-----s w i l l readtH bull L i t t l e voices of the bull bullbull bull aiitt-trtiesneoeasfnl bullv-bulllt- U c- bull -- bull iiiivgti 2ud clasa --Re E3 e Jiihweiwi lower asiddisi di bull -bull bull 1 sg~]Forlaquo E D e n t 2nd el a e - l d - i J Hdeigt T l s L Fteley Vinlettn M Kn-i- upper j i raquo bullbull l u t cuesmdash bull^in f-A k ji5 bull bull t d Rua

K ialt B bull Ji-j io bull a bullbull lower fenior divfel bull 2 mras P o j I I U K d d s w i r h andWinn i wraquo-k

Funeral raquof I B B ata I r Q bulllaquo Chandler T b e f u l o i a J Q B C b raquo c d U r t o f O i ^ s t J t m

8 i bulllaquobull bull p 0 - aindi b n F r i d r y I bull b eoi lie bull - bullbull r J E

Ptliiff-Jgth V - - i v I r raquobullbull -raquo woraquoe M r bullod Mia 9 3 cks (daugi u t ri i --ia-law) Ma and Mrs iJ F M Q K - (danghtair and s bull-raquobull---) end -r i ^bullltraquoraquojffB i) Ot i p i i t bull Mrs rraquoi v i a e

r- i O alaquolaquolaquo bull a - Qcff-tn Vfir v- B St n i i bull hi bull tvt tbe poundbull r bull it P I i gati ff J 8yrB v - i J bull D J Meccraquolfe

bullbullbullbullt V bull J i D 2 P r Wr ig Jlt i lt R FietehelBj J gi teher l - l ihepherdt sid bullbull bull -f 3^nd V r bullbullbullgtbull bull - V v- bull bullbullbull bull J bull Q K t laquoailam v -v d i 1 bull mdash - r ^is A-Nevclaquotab d r a c i MfS Ara-- -cr laquo4re and liifcS Ha 1 son bullbull M r J W B e w i c k M r Y o a n g bullgtbullbullbullbull bullbull bullbullinjsttrr

afndSop Mfei Bro Middlet bulllaquo Mr H ) id Icy bull rs H H v lias bull bulllaquo MJaa F

I -V- Mrs U - - Mis BoiUday Mrs B Jraquogt-t it rs E i cki - B ^ga v G B B ruvdeg bull bull Ltjvrers were Messrs J m J u o k i raquo bullbull gt Butehiamoc R B bt-ltlt i i B Plaquorfcei - n J Wraquo Daweon M r C

jh-v- Hraquoa the c o d - k bull- the bearee bull- bulllaquo) ltbull -v bullbull c a b y i i r R v S ephampeso S bullbullbullgtbullbullc-


Tie admirable w o i k of Meetrs Bale and Polden L imi ted Regimental Nlekcamea and Trjadltlons of tbe B s i t k h Army gives tbe foll-j vlng bistorisal summaraquov of this I OBOUB r e g i m e n t - R l s e d i n 1756 the Y = k and Lsmsaster Regiment wplaquoi present bull the Capture of Guadleupc A c i i e laquocrvicraquo In the West IudS~ltj reduced bull tbe ranks to each en extant that on Its re turn ^raquori to -ltfc- large dmfta of pariah boys l a 1801 tbe igt bull regiment was sent to the Cape - r Konlimatieed for service in India wbt It arr ived t1- yesm latdegr ard where 15 stayed fo rove r fweafy ye^rs KMrA^e a hfgh --fUtv 11 on for bravery sod dise ipUnlaquo ltbull(bull eolother long spell of foreign ice was puraquo i n serving no fewer titan bweoty feayg I Austral ia and Now Zealand a o r iqu lt exper-fe-oe The 2laquod l i ttaHor was rlaquo bull bull I lt 84feh Fopt iv 1703 at Yraquo-k alaquod Rw a bull doki of foreign sod aetlVa sersice p-) I dog among tbo small gar risen of Luekeow daring the Mut iny tbe rest lt 7c Si ts b log massacred at Cawopore The b r i l l i an t eourd of service of the reKimltr baa been j d i e d to since tbuae dlaquogtlaquo Tl bull nicknames are the Royal Tiger and bullbull egt f i T v m Roses

UGicS W DOS IAILEHUE BpoundtdpoundBV Is rraquoamntaod u-laquolc fbc Bttni of t bull 0 to ur- when oth-rs fiil Far saptioT to Pills I ilet or amy Oostiassaal tritcjut Vir rH fic-lt oi irraguluriiios however obstinate fMi ltLLKSlaquori KSUKOY is suiraquorcaie Pricu

of pecui I s Stamp for luticular and


2 0 L O U I S - S T R E E T L E E D S

bull l TRS

BAssffi o - is i raquo i 7 (accidentally dr r I an James r m-o ef M r end M s J B Ba bulllaquo bull 13 Rraquoe-mai fce t Barnard Oaetie Kged t 7 - W M io ter red In Mis ffpec jfrraos V- r mdash Fttday 27th Apr - N 1lt fcu- geje traquo g r n d awakefil

ROBINSON O bull SO at 28 Saym nr-Steent Bae bullgt ro k f- - le tbo dearly bel r a i - ife traquof v5---g- Rcb lesoa also


assured i t V J U give your fowleirvu Tl bull gt a raquo n t this year and I t waa agreed that no action j Pou l t r f S- bull I t ke ps fehcmi In bull pi - - i

| condition ar d acsnres a fo i l basket I j Orum at T H K TEBSDAJE ASSOCIATKD V A S M S B S i L T D The Depot Newgate Barnard Caamptie

bn taken lt the matter though Mr Smith

thought laquolaquoo subject might in taken in to

consideration before ciext season

rtearL fa lot bull gtbull r ra Mrs J h lv- Brnogh bulllaquo b^ inferred as Brougb i-i V-l^ bullbull raquoj 4 b c -celeavlrg Bishop Aacklatrdrra) 12 25 r m fffsasdd pl t f t ie accept | 5 f lampi i t loa

in HSBJ irlsai HowemdashIn I bullbullbullbull bull bull - of my dearest

zrr z I - ilt r is-d away cn Sortl 2 7 1 9 l o

I Sttla faiu^lraquoi il ir n thor wi in wc said (jraquod-bje That we we a praquorlaquo 1 f-r jo -i were to ltiie Oh tka ilaquof I h S 1 tlaquoe WKS csnrot tell Wtejr I eonid n gtt be wiih von to bill you tarewelL lier paia was treat no torgiiacvi tell Wiiat laquobe n -m LVI h 1 1 w a s ill The L e d in reeroy IL u ht i t jst And took BSC to a pltce or re

F laquoJ hi bull i s lt c iter Meg S e f f i o

HOWB 1 memory gt dear m-ither RizahefhHn bull bull RarnazdCantJe wan ci bull n Apgt J7 i f i laquo

Vrlaquoi not BMB u finjir ltor I am m ae-tii bin aUiepia( here As I sm liuw to you must blaquo Prapan fbaumlri bull f J iow me A i l t f o ltr- iiou^IiVd ^oue

A T4C V -r-) i ftilld A - I laquo i t v-u-Dt f i t f h laquorth

1 Sal E - r e t m i l U SUe i

a 4ff cacuate lamll]

