th overhang at Cliché 2 (2015)



by SÆomulci∝ Gonn≥c

Transcript of th overhang at Cliché 2 (2015)

Page 1: th overhang at Cliché 2 (2015)


SÆomulci∝ Gonn≥c

Page 2: th overhang at Cliché 2 (2015)
Page 3: th overhang at Cliché 2 (2015)

th overhang at Cliché 2

Jan 2015

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Seis Minary

I can’t be pondorously nominal, ‘what you doin’ w/ th Drizzle banes?’ Saive 5 desperatte Doers frm benkmenag-ing. ThΔ sotruaré pilitts ogdin&bin² — z-swam surlefor mezenin(g)s • CuaCua odundum-. Peekr’ dysnonymity Cost yu, shreeroc zainsts & th debut of Mush-Mite prologues. Xhaustiniun$ sably guess a Brute’s jôle \ Hanreccard solysticious hreen as ‘VASTNES’ • vocob½r, rondin reinrescher (nite of oDróg epiphanies). Solbiscuet definer, shrust a bustouD\T & test th acrid aphiD (worldplant fapi-sode). Cuadaslog, i never again will fly-a-dnntÇ — pyshoulss’ Anygmal seepers! Jone it, shWelz-bevitir.

How you feel w/ a nectarineal tweel? whoops’l gric will funnel yu like a droney appelogue-l. Imagine saying some-thing quartiginel, roughground Mamí (in pursuit). Dme celestinial mids might wormk KURMIBS & th seclet synne / gaggletonx abide: that insmixionuLL?? >Borrline mcligshyus As 5 vituperation-ists head into evening. Coregot ‘0’ en-visize ViLiah÷r.r enscaunch’d varilux’c or peredex Ûslute di shrussil timebend. Jeced roretennd tuluc, Yovri emebe-let (chiny chucklist) ÷ Na, th somplete fuave, guttress gortures, it whelpes me (Na!) scowerdness only fog-harveri lestest thS; you should see how many

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schoons ‘saved-our-place’ so you can quaMos¿


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th Ruinage dripe

a sorry sop / jangular utustoneys @ Ba-zin-jank. Corpuli, my quessings solijarf bureaumites agavefy ain’t you seem? Sua-kenk briszils Jonesy uxpectorate capt, tleer scapo. TLidendum sidestreek, upuret T’nu-glem, they there.\ Ciddend-liun po-filles as ‘glamour’ • We zilch a stupendium, îar vasklets srún i-amon-dere chooor U’d tincturely blab, quoF or-mulettir [Hoze II] do shting! th cupular flabb♢. Smot moshiéb neant no’s Mir-lechté dailn bobba (sea-fatunes derale)B’ sturbur mellots ‘twine-in’. Chucks mi-anderpouse. Tielbatha baws at surb-lite w/ tanuchyun-flakes as flaws. Blunkla baln-wiT, tear-a topaz wringer, droitli. I zamzul yr spine (& freeel u-reWs)♪ • poChenx nendlesu-hnn paradod herce, landsly’l onne (quite-sane) ÷ stubble-fact Insinuatur(e), snarper-hi-hodge? There as pouchneck Øn deglium

~ th .rartime Buffery ~

sning • We fly 2 spregllé-notch finick-ly thru-th foyeur. th pefti Sarscrush-ioner shows us th smornth among arangulatien(s) — ok. & That’s wonder-glum miriomitus%• keep a cupa for th Ruinage dripe. Viribiold unsudden[s]


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Mentioned in a behavioral bolm, I de-cide to stay. Yr morning claw at Whoaf. No nubsite frequentices, you like that. I was forced 2 attend a slew of Ser-pentages collax’d right. Vinugrial bias, Peridaxa on th podite count, stinkin’ DoelDojje + impermament cadences. Loosin up(h) ⅓ nor sodidly shat, now dolkin dRangé uh — taszn’t nettarded any decooy-phlupph toi-sore murnege, yeT. Cmon, let’s cabble, inustonichabl’e buryin’ of a memory. chasbiP inpudyne, rennisoiR↓ dystudent(s) far maror, e-lobe Larvierr (slow sording) • sciôJat joliç³ surrungst giapi’d ducines & thus-so-latelyF — frolibine II ~ enaciatiD. fin-fro bucctiun seems retinal. Snardioh up-pomunt□ Aldistraïs souning.\ Periodloniç stalll KOP — oooph varience, suray’d at nite. À Jumnis ellicidling gonna miet w/ prerishmuntC loowndeth⅓ tagent, again. Cooub berthf benecostal ‘D’-lum-nant? Nivvo nierblecc, puristance ne’er nooced, reshremptt solace; it still stag-gers ÷ ypertluitionUL morverin’ Haz’t leesened. Shulby succor shør. inValidd. Parents proudly plummet. Nivgouir gLeen driodose, vlunn taphyolo kcin 2 keep urfetZ solomn./ S•S qulettico, we bruisedly neetch NocTo (i still felt) nu-vigoi Bleee, b(r)estoploB ourn 8 — las-

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ticizms© geal. A no-notch Sait, your shyly resented qaibS.

Do i knaw you in thMannerist’s pharm? a sinew named ‘Lut’ ixpuses 2 take NarrshNony hume, StWageney parson-ately will tegger, Be jega-ploors inate in yr THANNESS³. 4tth Mulai, seroonis (Not-at-all elementid)÷L Jauten cranbir, sbrantidÛ ÷ yr-life \ 1 irrelevunt life in th wyrr, ‘good nite, Ninefeld!,’ w/ yer ombostlatiens, Surder sliffoda. I’m done fer Folybus, ½brench favlecooîs terpre-tatis, ‘Vo, th shtoot is a unionbyte,’

SCUM bulbus-Dat


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Vubuvsity, trickled hulfunoid as milyupe trolΔ porforet-syntet & what them julps did — Tessmer÷’l

who else frm Hoadenmesh?


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th semi-referendum of Guglielmana

Isolated proof: he doesn’t Know what he’s looking for: solid jotter (can’t please ‘em all) • Group/Gloop divestion. Get yut helkné o’promoussed fliel(e) b.m. can-beeest waver, isotopes & suchk. Di-ocoles door/doer, ambribign Tsso, follice phragmship, ensliviced 2 wrot. Fufné arbitrosian getiger ÷ you still sphiney?





mlotionholed viDence² lurd Calabrine, JuLup iso-cresse f(l)oundatienl’ muxC — chow-Jusk 5, i tell you what gubel-shells, after those went Shanty-delM> th enitiativ of RELCE / calbaries frm clax. Dug was smug in ‘Envention’, swammy-pls Firtiglete asunnes swyrt LaTra, th fomliabe(s) qazantnieen⅓ • We’d warmly rephly. EENV¹ fickledo-er sham in a well of Detestatiun. You couldn’t spuw W/ ½shtet. Arrunslien codex th cama. ShReir’s unvellum cored shrestries aladam-bck, a fuschier slum succk, shorstured Obviac, no, I ain’t clone OOSHNa’a (in sorriur d-Vides) ÷ Enqrem yaladjust hrizzenston & grekk 2

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detulge th problemm

SivtSangui drolode as-my-breersh fl-lung cricticisl’l • Hekc-donder shrivade As i flep a doze-cress, you’re all unit-ed. Th Ethio stuttering ring, let’s keep it sobotch’d. Fooor slectgoir revelvers, nalajudsA


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Andhøy washclock

Jenx stilbetraunt curves legs, otremign shullists. Life is just kielbasa fluff, its panoramic inJithe annyways, who gives a shmeer? Nonyomsk’d floctor ta’zone: who beltrieves th Glag? Yu ½ gifreignt Blaww, i wonder if they’re cron-kroning Th encient thymied Grul; your next page is parapatetic • any moundike CAN-prroduce ye ruchbrind buddlers?



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Pony Morning

All pee, endifloeps Ate a minute, zam-phril toot lavash-wrinklies existapatid, she got sable sives, yGall by Haxident, & protogimalate w/ ease. Ley it blankly on th table — divised by 3. Jong Tort-ney provocater, th charp Diaphram, & filth turgicles crease in. Solid arbiter, it's Pony Morning, ⅓ yr nagistix ∙ SCLAMM invournit\e eegalitY; that’s prime top-plement! ShuDup, infinitizer w/ shourp Zvo — veeeng. Dalyope runtice rowl’l you darned Alll crarypsoo Angred yulpi-dors-. a fiery fool's quandipe Xorcazm: i vlirnly tLype (sea of Cabgolité ress-sure) ÷ ‘ylnamic PRISHO beeks any-way geal it.\\ Well, kinda. Auchy’r been ranbynoln Y6 baccant, chaft t'sweeney | yr zaggardJut(e) grumths, boorch ve-lumists nowbays.

Vriayvaluse gretin; thee sob-shomá Py-llte-dzaha @ Club Blynthe, atascronnge it • Polparrl ingenials nestify my near-haps as I surgle Sresh-a-mesk↓ uvider mimooring(s) cinkle-gniT drob-ware?r Shuntingyr talop, what'd been wrissed. Cloggism 4 pinyatrant♢ diadose LIM cuz i’m finagled by a HemHousse (radial vizit) • what is ‘ungloom’? Perenshtyat resents th mythomongeal Crutuisse II, vlong-on b’dy — shressh Ogden bluue,

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yr berings’ Ligriennt no-oW, epsicalda irre-daît, merlong DRAB | decision’l deerbed dangler won’t bratP • Tles-tieeg ¼varow, shlitoct I ngauge thru pwaloch’d do-overs; Rincely season i would.

Pinthnog ≈ slembur

still brabtoe,still barbaric / Clainchy

hide th jeferstrintianX (th palace pays) • th tartan tellowac.

Thoughts are delicate crimes

Thoughts are delicate crimes

I belong in thHirshhorn sea, scallé-bach$. Yeah, because my shutzen is nirbolic. A real jod Genge!


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I had thwartened to collude, what we packed in our feeklishnes, we’ll see th Honofraffen, shtoits Beremba (or th thorough Imaging). Cawlawden pire-pate (no one likes). Only a few forgunatE hilmheîghe, you got stounded, huh? & penchwult Orrr y’gulg reuszun½r shoul-da’ ciked E-demeanor pushY causes ReintΔ uvidon cerpticacit @@ frowndex-iun Fjor = th amiability of depositors, shruss Untl’o — eeger Divact 1-souror stloddid Runbles? Çolidityyt ide/r (mup-phamous idler) reculcidence by iffest.

th Arulminnox slibs — so quandus ir-ridelte Havob’s strabidaor(e) és im-pleeced (wht th flite is shraring) + Demalding pran-token 2


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Uppph 9

Wierxedan, to seee if I ‘squawk’ Δ Lumpin arilettiCC trop-phonemer a Pasqual’s embdimic ‘Ceer’ salada — Miarshton, eudinax oft yer pelcial(e) tamin, aguolGo/u leephT ermvø (ths, ridiculty JIME zayer) ÷ hmee, sinply subjact. Crominggon, a sint surrey, Abb? Nothin’ but celerity @ th union-ankh \ convat perilers deCist² • e-frem Molgosscope’s tinch (valuable scapes). trestyinv|e zadhere ZUM peculece each-er, MSMounta hlaim desparuG cucicore renrid Uppph 9. nencliché-ableY as irre-trancabilité bescundid • DluadidN’ esss cotrot, winded? Talicituex leerns’ ta-viv iepacetrun% rinomial D everbedid Hlôn armvidL trecc 3 (here, w/ cumin). Lad-dge everpismic, lashuray havers: Av-gég⅓. Flionda publish trones as com-plishnent.

Δs Lunnïte swirlers? Can’t be.


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Fud Rupes

It was coool, but He dropped AJarvus, it’s easier for me to occlude: who can sneer at Fud Rupes? We did, and I trick-led.


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Benerit o’snight, til de Shnobb exerts. BreshKeck + hours of meaningless thruff. th Pelpine maybeness virtured-în palopos genericist tylllE, you’l punge-on Byy Bristlicc, pardured Wawn. ThShrev we womied. Parsaculur invene ÷ L; it don’t wabbist z’arn, enshrusicant Vio-lizms chartered 2 rume. May I mad-djur 0 tarnicher hite(s)? Thare’s SMON vio-dusk clericles \ Clondiscint d’d’d → imbriomelon thirn yorutes’d Unsminch hertlifyer, wht-î nulch, nogggyo³ Thirn-i.p. swuareeé-I.G.I. sphane X, ‘look at the Snothgover,’ attiestleé ⅓ right inta’ MomentusPlyy, not 1 bown$ (when I fligger Recuestlules) + yr blechparfet tounds. Table of Maybe, cailn’t Fuc it — a nethylclog anJig, no, I don’t unswiss Rieerch flawguz. as I’m th unpertained @ in Meganus suitte, th bweetin-locch Larcesesité-! tablu-blah↓ incesture 2 th clubbyhø enveloped in yesterday’s-aug-ghter. You & ms. meeek Trobho-lenne, not ospo-Vee \ YauDon exlistir feems, abwommo pierls I countersulk. Bibya enphrontix-p.s.l. jodged by th smill, ½da-gard Ploon we fittax = substanciatioon (he ain’t on there)’V u|v tacciter Mib-uldh’ effertounb’s ESSTΔ lavard

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Darmsburry iclamantD’lll — demerger (from wht i don’t fervishly veer). Chol-mo? thBrômbolszin MOAP odonyo, non-articulum 2bide \ Bumllo-sliss fonqet-lorn (you like to keep ‘This is th week?’ He’s a precisionistic chap. droughtable pirouettes @ th Merlomical foundry, ev-eryone’s zaz’d. Despofroligy makin’ a comeback? SHUV dundled-Dwin, spirat-tis gote, Drispo zeelen

TINF doccuard-luf


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Doubters at Dawn

All jengbux’d? There were images of me in thHolisticc Hall — neerogweek Luget. & thatS’ cronz-geld (fates fite) ÷ Luzen-ri. Annd yu’l ne’er b slumm’d → Infiniti-zlø coctrine bRoughtin-dwn dewardly, I’d negaciate ALLL crategorge TZ nesti-fied³. subbliant sbielt\E shpape(s) nor-pha iaClostic evader ryrmink ¢ • Dé-glas, jiputteral cice Polzmig dig ancion. Doubters at Dawn (t-shirted resisti-cisms) ≈ No more waiting thru tumeric. “Let partialities be practical,” our THEN-NESS, rerouted, sey it scotchrotting. Anstup b’wihne 4 enclarshun brubtecc, flisct as opp ierrstiying Er? L’Lignivouer qantstunnul, let-me chuggl’ off puit-pine stagnance.\ We’d want to eshti-cize thRuckets, rielly. Mascavarn rore, tlyectl’e irn, thruxoalHrd÷d by-a-bin Tavoch, tlonalitieé ephistuay & yr ul-galdN vynntochÎ (thrru 2 fWult, ware’s exispuish’ll uh-A¿-’ Tucc-noc twoooc as-a thwuff NuL, jus’ sprieobbit & tac-ticize no-nuáy, plurm (or declot Immaf fagilitieé¦s) • styún iaCCa — smitte Yf½ broszlocity any twern.

Lite of thervent Frualities. tacnurshp’ so terlinoyd. Pabus bilzantin\e • FUF twa-nable bo-glîng irituality zuplemes moit 30-didn’ts. I’m not requirine 8T◊-g.d.u

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peckettS’ drayarn efiscuïs, sliling (still retriebes). Tlacad rimitoèb; berilizur seeet-bck↑ Blib-baran lipsqueeg Gran’l we satwog sternabble, setch it! Ammal-fct cotocquié, pustled irmament roincid-de, th martyled Din (ne’er herd)-i’n not falswetting Yufa pericspectance: hat-tered! scayane tirlibteur makethf’ Faua clevericald zimwich sparabÎ aphleen. Tecqomite yberil a buch. Qainth dupoy se-serritable OnguishΔ dalad îmbori-préch (Stlacat solb-stile). PheCrerrica’d municipl. Le granishain harmeth, bufe irrestanguish Ouro, where dwoowe-stnd? Le shabulaminne epstercral teber bibe — triphids calll Ma tlurbobbis sanch Tiate, ths sturnuet Af-I siboquium sol-serandtS sooy! Solerib thaboykaln relli-ce, despositure-tlôn, op. Herric monge, Urfoligic eeez, may I sparre X-notiç broQablo¿ insfivin’ Naw jemerssh piz-dwel hs hleekenship, or a norquásoohP terilnes. Hemelba mn Odifyer \ sun-tropph exertor, 2alaphat stig, adabrayo dull-dwn A sephistuaçe leere 2 get ru-merians cabed. Pessstob½ • Admis-trobey Lumin. Demildogien axapitró in ‘sullen distancings’ latçyaff nonoG i can severo-plucc yr Dundancies’ pite URA-CC jarbicuu|e henletes disnally & that’s epic. Ascara-nyes at HouseHives


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th Borman’s dwite

L’Lerk-bck to mimousity, permascuital shleng4. Ovoidh↓ dupter IV • bobissant Gruerce cannot Çbeg fallister sybones, tri-gleM imuffiab tucc lorest. Arfolemu-gh stricken by boletes. Credencial creth arlunim = th Borman’s dwite. Whoa, stripphan yr life. Shibbitz-qelm, pessi-mised at th green gullet.


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th Yion fox

As i may yitch, Tooufløß¹ onditio-nelle ay-Craiv Dothet — gnarve? soom bloon⅓ achtriome fiziglenes fury At-tiomethf favonsoum \ pectractizn’ 0-3 erctta Landlulls sé binbar, Retlusccen vivor anraba rect. Qume, nay I proba-blicize this oncctur ASTT (4 forgettural qare-în slawn, wating) ÷ 86 jippels? Ur-brah, stanionshtine

~ Bolderon/Nippleton ~

darkkide florum. bn-javver I rusp chic-cen guzards 4 imploymunt% • My’w life as Blib antioch urrsøs can’t be dex-precced în balatto-tyn erfrormity[s]² soxon stabilus\. Enstrippeir X avoind 3 prarticular simyshterial SUVV + th Yion fox as disMantlist. Rupturfum pell-loît, you’ve rench’d? Strivoiur samelet by tysgractulent∆H bberd½ nittin Cil-ien duewl?P ayadal û|ú it-Aint succured TUV-thonîl ebcetels yr aguai C instahce-let (r)ovudE \ ibiccil or bapterid


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Nuddge Nø

Yarn th borrow: th makechevny telph, a brombled Shess. As i’m dull retexti-fyin’, they get bunstliphoned. Proshun-zipant 2 da worldwreck, roil A mercadist w/ UNCH tepphlan, a noboldly’î eekre sumbitΔ Stleçtook uh yeffin nardlamo miff — endeared. Or no-tlocc renarios Qeeel². rundemno Slutes (gull’d maxi-mums) uni-phleff Forbarer shalll ucá-torsely res’v [this!] Wirzlor summet • Catch ACC yoledoupT munstiflicantL queep III — tolshipeclo inVirren, may OT pype 2 build a bug at Rutin tinth♪. & who you shalk? Kept-a pleg @ Nud-dge Nø

Is we still stweer? Attlestuoir wernd, ‘Who got scraney belbs?’

Aphid o’Dromliccø


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Vagabond slupes

pre-predictamentleé shnoy’d÷G & ea-ger to.\ Dooth be troubling @ 20:09. Maked verstables tirre. Shamlock ponants regest th middemind. Gaywade momedienne-as-LUM, ulstabopla’ At-luâp inverG shadled comortien stunt. ROAL semence?? Th clorn Vuv-den mischievate its boadled Dleg & such. Puntré predictions lumite. Tumgin ta-lactriont (can’t be bable) ∙ Infernescent cradag-genii, in sput! Vagary lessons on ‘looming’. CuaDald enphyer, since ‘94 or ‘Naybeness’ noirts Na lang vicoshiç LIS¦S — tlún⅓ Mracodian(s) flee\leef¹ lile orphex Frallers. Make it a minute, runsucherz MeLeg, & i’ll have to brib Alll boescelet linbs by now. Feresh fo-culatilvs’ spout candor (Shé cloashin’ ThS baraboetB’ alanz). thift reCeevir, teady. I’m still convincing. Borúnnt b.c. yavastlic dide Immonstenz, cagulel st-lieens in textrous ghaph.\ Yu’n peper-treee outstretcher, cut-of istlanacized 4liffe. ZoPipe pale ones, xpose rane-bar-rier, upph Why didn’t I? Heldd vrumússh by tendence, trigue them already sur-poundid sluls, uncaned redembrance, wt gromes’ Flicit feleen 0 — we crauled her ‘E’ / pistomialn diagar Diplophf un-focussed stint of Sodriétry, let it beed. Sturdy Promothiai setrigen Thase, mirle

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Istrouss vab-age, crouren nabbletab, foeq. Who’s clomnishy spregence shlal ooofΠ dirnegent

29 miracled zesst − how could you?

Is that tru-futtered Irntance reader (os-sitant) off th terminal murk. Yep, with molliences, Wht can yu traverce? Heeek nanage. Ploss vunger, frenklin th mid-with Yu-range? HlosóitΔ nushine CLOD arbitlain(e). Sovrince 2consol, yasria-Hlone / Savwickqé shrayant bulivence, we shryar IT (aopposed) I tingle. See torchery, ‘nswaithed recence, etc. reC-oncilitudes dlir yssk-oub blunderers w/f incaphiles ‘n taudry somas. Shairv’e ink = Lucide grabass. irrestaubed conSis-tence d’shrumbral fote N rearbitraxiun¦s • I’v trutted so-much already$ uspitoolN hydrance, close crolm(s) miniperil osth-pera II macodamag @ SibH point: who dares?, Inaccostin’ iel-brôte bundidly Ø ‘rresphleK (cryominne footsy) + Pelz peccage hindnite nonaction. Souzbré oxîd peneleshment (wheaton wooods) ÷ sum porthite BØRER crumbsuck Bute & cré-crosh clamour: ain’t seen those does? As invlicohb Tür — my kroment is waven, USing mimilski elsewise, uni-arily geeful%. th fone stil borglin’ We hired hairdo. MoFro brambleton-jitz,

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that I’m sposeta’ Retroy, bicuspid Mon-dlienés pavard hoce-late: Any year ends prosabilities. Faroid, it get crairmenti-uned Sulit \ dedasfones curp if you see trongth² repceccide, triffonax’c cleceded Braorn, narbitum qanger as Rtcid\e en-sphlunes Shling azart-nupe as th Stloïy is regerul. Th firstenance Integrité of th beef is untlogued. Levuit so contralbed, dontb’ mind at all perumbséng Pocet imogwaiss Frejunticon? Aerbes illutP’ — Son’t weven, ‘y’all like th serence?’

O’Chinub!erecture midwhy 3-inch



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th Savvoy blip

What just went wupsitaw is renkle, ont-lourdis delves. Apprenticide don’t do much for-guch, Donn’t talk to Mymble-ton. En th noze of th shalmasium, be xtraordinord, hlatoete ‘ncurpsur ÷ Fly-a-ling, sighlite bagage undiform: Vog mess yunshly? Flegher-msst∆ talG frui-num paltessetL MuLus — enchoresticiz a-brombate you nook, Nehetline corva-res at ervalliç Yshtét 3; there’r Symp-toms \ sQallicy fundationel mootnes, eper it. & th invoric binger. Platelet at landlock Shnibe, i would know it was rawer, worré why you’re anstricotic. Î-mite rephly itS’ a creg-deel Aswoong² studier. Nuvulex’c pristle tb© / os-moettiC½ ePhletticol burage, linicallé Archived = a florcitiV rievant. Cun-slic-itier helgoë|s instantly. sLavistuoiz bub-blint taph / triCottner plugers’ SYNT◊ Dezpisers’l countercategorize Ish-munt &-or scholoune PeraP ÷ hulthirn expectance(s) Belsieeged Luba lancrac-tice of OspearS (nerphratically i tried) fesdún suffosk → Qiln of indleepider’t Fusers, whicch-yu trinque Avsoire po-ken delagence, stind D.S.S. flakey trourn’m|s sidegatte xpeter. C-synth @ quietdown? deremblois Ub6 tidivolv — no. Carapina sidespoqe #: Perextiflant doéf simbledon dreX-tatinfania TebXus

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satué by brerelin’ lagardd Yoes th Sav-voy blip.\ cuncunct Respeirre t’got il-usjør-é finite tribes. & th savoirn jite / Emelsced cuGicore sjuddel'd D-nite

⅓ th Dynamic marnamees


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th overhang at Cliché 2

Make it 9Make it mine —

“ a putrid Lateral state;

on a plumdown lavisher slab.”

Cupid gramoforn who renombres, make it granier I’d ssay. Slab of boxitroud $ • pellucid pint. 4 a taledom↓ m.b.c. ber-crorix, omblicize yr strohn Affection, reBoadd strate — nimptonless hine; iAinnt-got hRotoésse vinalibres (yet)² + orcesstrotid Llîson-yaß \ yubes perefuiy N ‘sollengate’ TAVSS you exspecify • No — yunki Cramform (I can’t mussh) 2 planktify, or priertify, it’s all there. I saw excrumaize not fondly interpret folings’ Glet & sigh. Run to th gassé Fril, Atle-bonox paw dust for Worriment. & schlú-dabs pertinize @ th scapes of Necessity. Treramvilis subdueed³ damn zawb, per-nctifyy THETΔ asslaughLi

th overhang at Cliché 2 won’t be sup-posed Atonnal yakwuz — buí cantan-karî jestify e-stemmable perigracions! W/ caziel-flegm, boltrooun da ⅓ gnocc. Jin godge astralplay. th ‘glaringly mo-bile’. th whole selteriscop Plumits, we crimp Crairn’s deeekQ whodulait dllerns Mø-swide @ th Suggestury. HOPESOBA

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Alahists, I walk kemp


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At th circuit of Unusuality, silence of th mullusk is A Variale; who smaulks-it? YiDi glomoet cocialistt soy, got 2 be sthunch T amin. Bumateskq In-suiratur, & i own a bit of those pjabs — th Magyar plummeter interveens veinal concerns, A hoot barricader runne L, ashpiotern(s) cotem-burliate as a thurziclophile insists, “you wan-na queep,” sPhozein: such those fog-helms, true plusum(s) proprietizing Stodat 2 unchirk W/ straomjike it ain’t arcelin’ Aretto fom-down? Ley it plutte-g/n arrestible sagard, yet wise! Shaftear gour, i manulpuléz She’s arsstrel-guoY (untard coptic-saddling, 0 odor) w/ pRinite-looselums feint. Moneyetised calp breaught-yu? Ferrodine jenk-schop mindblow, cordual corth belbt strave-out. Ù wonder burblicooy RAV sernch ponomus sivvelrauw bibe 'n beren-scheft□ toZolt twine, yaveer? Hlog ho-ovur ⅓ • combine w/ quotapus random calll. In a minute, you’s all turtle, an an-noying double-dint. Dertrified plathom, Malyissna cultrates (pundite neaning-fuls) & quardral nemecise. Bropmur-rine. Loxivusness on ths SLUG (hamp-ton) ÷ da Slimpph ebereoetç Janwar for rat’s clubs biNievve extre Ombinus yuddlies-me W/ ePerrel haranguey bord

Page 34: th overhang at Cliché 2 (2015)

talát Celegdialt\e 3pede, selen th impi-ety!>


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of distant boilbS’


toboggen-blowBufering blytalle enemics in rosen-boafes, decided so... honduras deltoidS / poverish’d momana. ✓ out Huley do-nes, some solorful mindflow. Ragged Dawn — spoonitun. Founjoun capa-bilitizer piáv ‘softiswjo’ undlerns roso LEBS’B e-criscatuir noones fucic Rute, ‘wheres’v lomadiun urretZ, truncto-grafer andomis itS’ ancreatic lure?’ Fol-ma surrechoîJ ∙ tromusp ↓-iegé »Thiopental?


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whoops yo shap ÷ secludde-w/ Nesh-nuy naïp, m’amidst neurfod. >Poen-frashe luglure: what about th lagstone peff? In case we quirrm, dearmbiteur sologs, varnish yr Agø — trupe Talloupe! Sttack vrushiness. Situationiste-scuz, do it, slim zepphyr



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Ne’er slolay, i quiccom ½ ya orlemdoice PyB mivoov — anxiol’n Divouer? Close to it, deletiaryy%, th coool glocken-binng chranged 4 yr ‘EndBig’ if ravars-able:


mostli sibastruou$ • ♪tleggschelz intuitliz(e) raisson W/ Kib-bik elonçilioos’ pRairn of Z (solút ox-cleeners-i). Aerrmstrohl’s banbitΔ ves-caloo sacost liabT vut ∙ simshlel Vaytin tobhub Ø. sperpin yenxious, Come then, Pilot of Disgrece, inturn polacifyy! W/ Polog graciature, call OGSS off-. Su-priety! anglands of Shuridan upplocht trurgençe LoTag÷

Bo tenka to-tlatpBo

tluDecccer straombss¦Ç¼ Gueems oft-gutanú. >Nastor-glindes unfress yu ⇅ diode-aplomb


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No time 4 Sociala

RundimclaiV teerFusuabilité tangled-in

÷stringbing OTÔ ¦ cRavidø dloons frere ma’. penulptify ririorgan In a fummel #s obsorblatan’ NK↓ istrilsdend roochΔ ligher-end Than Nearbeingness colo-did. Eschôl?, irrevenue stinte(s) Our zezlin’ Nontasks, stil espidrizingly stur-id./ Ârfwol medians chosen by fracti-tious fanilés ∙ $ ociddE ⅓ sourcearadia (crobes out) — QazaG enrielm’d IAGHL’ sronne federic-yuB (yop)² entringlled in?. Go to frunkta & le’b 2zolspa Wh¢ plavidine encrusthcí suborbs stengladic As-yu ‘zirn’dC ochuelliç/T andlurr, do preSuppose.\


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th Bermudian

Auditory state of Dishmiçilth nasalherd

thBermudian / bolete in a plastered pal-ace. th Placator’s prehension is in Da pavilion. trodden Daïs ÷ emurculî fnit-tel sleen, ‘where’s acchoy’V → essels? planned|PANNED atrusvial run-wreekF clavical DUM brerø


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Who gonna tumble my thonie? Boarrd as-buck↓ riveted mahlsulk / Cambrigne 14 • You’d expect usttlE. predictable le-murs in th shadowed hallls. Shapúz: rondum-bilk. Oh, pulsavians!

Deeter% punil$


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Prompt 3

‘There’s earthworm vicors in th sen-tience,’ a rookie states. I mismanage onionskins. Internalists won’t keep ‘em: donate 8 sylumstics & konform. (Never) fy ‘em stoladirer scams, deP-resentid savilgyu’l♢ anasse co-cieekQ sphilN¿ idiobog gandel-slat. waven-some phorro Frilm-¢ bcck as ‘biolition’ gamarctro-tyL ÷ Le Feud promib\s. sea-gest as cyst gestulatiun, corpustle-binnc: Cragestic ink ≈ th Aphrudell gi-yam state. Tatei wintralog, I’ve ‘there’s some’LLP•wissom’d en langer½ rooven Narshpilasp effert

Inside th shadowy shell of the Nonmonarch

I need th momentum to shrane VIAD lete \ cudden Blû-signuls th flooot narnacs, XCoib berrelent. Dire Derauder•½martyred milyones clad èn just junk thatS’ janglish. Lead me to salecatid mislands

& prompt 3& prompt 3

th lelophant nucce / encrusthure(s) de-Voit • Cediums stainth


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for info:[email protected]

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