TH MALAYSIA DAY SPECIAL32885165ddbe10f99503-4f9f819af3359f62045637ba9494386a.r78.c… · As...

1 “YOU TOO WILL PROSPERWEEKLY PRAYER GUIDE MALAYSIA DAY SPECIAL Pray without ceasing Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.” – Jeremiah 29:7 ESV Thank you for picking up this adaptable prayer guide, which was birthed as a companion when the pandemic restrictions began. Today, this prayer guide continues to encourage the people of God to continue to pray without ceasing, in thanksgiving and also in intercession, for the kingdom of God to come and for God’s will to be done in these difficult times. This is designed for personal, family and small groups use. You may find it helpful for running prayer meetings either online or in church, and for running virtual 24-7 prayer rooms. We have provided a framework that sets a foundation, for those who are new to prayer or those who desire to grow more intimately in prayer. It has sufficient material that will help you build up prayer stamina for one hour, and help you gain confidence in your prayers. This guide applies the PRAY mnemonic. The PRAY method is in 4 steps, spelling out the word PRAY: Pause – Rejoice – Ask – Yield. P – Pause (Deliberately slow down as we come before His PERSON, a reminder that we are not rushing into a “tick a box” activity, but coming before the presence of God, humbling ourselves to be in a posture of listening, reflecting and repentance.) R – Rejoice (To worship the One who is worthy of our love, a natural outflow of our time spent earlier in pause and reflection.) A – Ask (Intercession – After the first 2 steps, we now come to ask, as our hearts are now in a better position to align with His heart and His will. ) Y – Yield (Surrendering to God all our prayers and petitions, in faith allowing Him to lead us and to speak to our hearts as we experience the joy of partnering with God for His kingdom to come.) As September 16 is the day when we will be celebrating Malaysia Day and commemorate the 57 th year of nationhood as Malaysia, our special prayer focus for this month will be on our nation. This is also a time to uphold Sabah who will be holding its state elections, and to cover Sarawak in prayer for her upcoming state elections as well. We give thanks to God who continues to pour His manifold blessings on our nation and prospers our land with abundant resources, peace and economic growth. We give thanks that despite the lack of political stability caused by political developments and manoeuvrings of coalitions, Malaysia remains peaceful and well placed to navigate through these unprecedented times brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic and the global trade wars. On this Malaysia Day that symbolises and recognises that it is God’s sovereign hand that has brought together Malaya, Sabah and Sarawak to make a united nation called Malaysia, our prayer is that the freedoms of being a nation, which comes with honouring the rights of citizenship and belonging for all her peoples, will be upheld for generations to come. We thank God for the peace and many physical freedoms enjoyed by the peoples of this land as we remember with gratitude the many who have sacrificed their lives to build this beautiful rainbow nation of different tribes and languages. As we intercede for our nation, let us resolve to pray for the prosperity and full freedoms to be accorded to all peoples of Malaysia to enjoy; such as religious freedoms, social, educational and economic equality, and fair play among all races, languages and religions, so that the practice of nationhood is honoured. Let us persevere in prayer that Malaysia’s fiscal credibility and moral integrity be fully restored after years of corruption and decadence. May God’s truth, justice and righteousness be the light to guide our feet, and may goodness, peace and prosperity be the fruit that is shared by a united people. May Malaysia be a light where nations will come to seek her wisdom and beauty, bring glory to God’s holy name, and bring good, truth, justice, peace and prosperity to all its people. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2020 25 TH ISSUE AN INVITATION TO THANKSGIVING AND TO PERSEVERE IN PRAYER For private circulation only among members and associates of Prayer United Malaysia

Transcript of TH MALAYSIA DAY SPECIAL32885165ddbe10f99503-4f9f819af3359f62045637ba9494386a.r78.c… · As...

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    Pray without ceasing

    Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.” – Jeremiah 29:7 ESV

    Thank you for picking up this adaptable prayer guide, which was birthed as a companion when the pandemic restrictions began. Today, this prayer guide continues to encourage the people of God to continue to pray without ceasing, in thanksgiving and also in intercession, for the kingdom of God to come and for God’s will to be done in these difficult times. This is designed for personal, family and small groups use. You may find it helpful for running prayer meetings either online or in church, and for running virtual 24-7 prayer rooms. We have provided a framework that sets a foundation, for those who are new to prayer or those who desire to grow more intimately in prayer. It has sufficient material that will help you build up prayer stamina for one hour, and help you gain confidence in your prayers. This guide applies the PRAY mnemonic. The PRAY method is in 4 steps, spelling out the word PRAY: Pause – Rejoice – Ask – Yield.

    P – Pause (Deliberately slow down as we come before His PERSON, a reminder that we are not rushing into a “tick a box” activity, but coming before the presence of God, humbling ourselves to be in a posture of listening, reflecting and repentance.)

    R – Rejoice (To worship the One who is worthy of our love, a natural outflow of our time spent earlier in pause and reflection.)

    A – Ask (Intercession – After the first 2 steps, we now come to ask, as our hearts are now in a better position to align with His heart and His will. )

    Y – Yield (Surrendering to God all our prayers and petitions, in faith allowing Him to lead us and to speak to our hearts as we experience the joy of partnering with God for His kingdom to come.)

    As September 16 is the day when we will be celebrating Malaysia Day and commemorate the 57th year of nationhood as Malaysia, our special prayer focus for this month will be on our nation. This is also a time to uphold Sabah who will be holding its state elections, and to cover Sarawak in prayer for her upcoming state elections as well.

    We give thanks to God who continues to pour His manifold blessings on our nation and prospers our land with abundant resources, peace and economic growth.

    We give thanks that despite the lack of political stability caused by political developments and manoeuvrings of coalitions, Malaysia remains peaceful and well placed to navigate through these unprecedented times brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic and the global trade wars.

    On this Malaysia Day that symbolises and recognises that it is God’s sovereign hand that has brought together Malaya, Sabah and Sarawak to make a united nation called Malaysia, our prayer is that the freedoms of being a nation, which comes with honouring the rights of citizenship and belonging for all her peoples, will be upheld for generations to come. We thank God for the peace and many physical freedoms enjoyed by the peoples of this land as we remember with gratitude the many who have sacrificed their lives to build this beautiful rainbow nation of different tribes and languages.

    As we intercede for our nation, let us resolve to pray for the prosperity and full freedoms to be accorded to all peoples of Malaysia to enjoy; such as religious freedoms, social, educational and economic equality, and fair play among all races, languages and religions, so that the practice of nationhood is honoured. Let us persevere in prayer that Malaysia’s fiscal credibility and moral integrity be fully restored after years of corruption and decadence.

    May God’s truth, justice and righteousness be the light to guide our feet, and may goodness, peace and prosperity be the fruit that is shared by a united people. May Malaysia be a light where nations will come to seek her wisdom and beauty, bring glory to God’s holy name, and bring good, truth, justice, peace and prosperity to all its people.


    25TH ISSUE



    For private circulation only among members and associates of Prayer United Malaysia

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    PAUSE BE STILL, Deliberately pause - breathe deeply, and welcome the Holy Spirit.   READ 2 Chronicles 7:13-14 and Jeremiah 29:4-14 and meditate

    PRAYER OF NATIONAL REPENTANCE Lord God, we stand in the gap today to repent of the sins of our nation. We repent of our decadence and corruption, the abuse of wealth that belongs to the people, the racial polarisation and for allowing for widening disparity between the rich and poor. We repent of the way we have taken advantage of the resources of our fellow Malaysians of Sabah and Sarawak, without proportionately enriching them. We repent of our lack of depth of compassion for migrants and refugees, religious and racial minorities, and police detainees and prisoners, and for even avoiding seeing injustices meted out on them. We repent of the unrighteous barriers that prevent men and women from having knowledge of the saving grace of Jesus Christ. We repent of our fear to preach the gospel boldly to all peoples who are in desperate need to hear of Your gospel of salvation. We ask for Your mercy and grace, and declare “Thy Kingdom Come” in our nation, so that we shall be blessed with Your truth, righteousness, justice and peace reigning over Malaysia. Lord, You say that if Your people who are called by Your name would humble themselves and pray, and seek Your face and turn from our wicked ways, You will turn Your face, forgive our sins, and heal our land. Lord, please forgive us for our attitudes of wickedness, self-righteousness, apathy and hate. Please come and heal our land. Restore us, O God, to be a people called by Your name. In Jesus’ name we pray, AMEN.


    SING Song[s] of worship and thanksgiving. Suggestion includes: 

    DAYS OF ELIJAH -Verse 1- These are the days of Elijah, Declaring the Word of the Lord And these are the days of Your servant Moses, Righteousness being restored. And though these are days of great trial, Of famine and darkness and sword, Still, we are the voice in the desert crying "Prepare ye the way of the Lord!" -Chorus- Behold He comes riding on the clouds, Shining like the sun at the trumpet call, Lift your voice, it's the Year of Jubilee, And out of Zion's hill, salvation comes.

    -Verse 2- These are the days of Ezekiel, The dry bones becoming as flesh, And these are the days of Your servant David, Rebuilding a temple of praise. These are the days of the harvest, The fields are as white in Your world, And we are the labourers in Your vineyard, Declaring the Word of the Lord! -Bridge- There's no God like Jehovah

    ASK In your own sincere and simple words, pause briefly over these suggested prayers as a guide as we seek to further build and deepen our own prayer life. (Please feel free to add or to re-word these points and items.) MALAYSIA DAY PRAYER

    PRAYER: King of Glory, You reign sovereign over the nations. You are the Ruler of rulers - of kings and governments that rule nations. We give thanks for Your sovereign hand of grace and mercy over Malaysia for the 57 years of coming together as one united nation, made up of Semenanjung, Sabah and Sarawak. We exalt You as God of the nations, that it is You, who alone determines the times and seasons, for You alone who removes kings and raises kings.

    Praying for Truth, Righteousness and Justice to Prevail On this month of national celebrations, we ask for Your truth, righteousness and justice to reign over our country. We pray for Your Word to reign in every corridor of power and law making – from the Rulers to the Parliament, to the Judiciary, and to the Government. We pray for Your blessing on the Council of Rulers and all branches of the Government of the nation.

    Lord God, we want to see You glorified in our nation because righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne. We pray that You will bless Malaysia with a judiciary and a legal system that will receive Divine grace to conscientiously uphold Your benchmarks of truth, righteousness and justice.

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    We pray that as we see more high profile political arrests and more court cases being tried, including the big 1MDB cases involving powerful personalities, we ask for an undeterred judiciary that is anointed with wisdom, strength and courage to uphold uprightness. Thank You, Lord for the recent court outcomes of great significance to bring stolen wealth back to the nation and charge the perpetrators of this grave crime. We ask that justice will continue to prevail, and those who have truly abused power, laundered money and stolen the people’s money, be swiftly dealt with. But should any be falsely accused, may justice be done for them.

    Please transform Malaysia to be a beacon of truth, justice and righteousness. May You receive all the glory and praise for Your righteous laws from all tribes and tongues in this nation, as we ask that the people will be able to enjoy fully rights to religious, political and economic freedoms. We know that You are continuing to work out Your purposes. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven; and let Your Kingdom come.

    We humbly ask You to intervene and over-rule through Your divine authority over the affairs of men. We also ask of You, O God of Justice, to quicken justice due to families who have suffered disappearances of their loved ones. We continue to ask for just and truthful closures for them, so that all attempts at cover-up will be thwarted.

    Lord Jesus, shine Your light into the darkness in Malaysia, expose that which is hidden, and cause human darkness and the demonic agents to fail and flee at Your powerful name.

    Praying for the Political Realm We pray for a nation whose people will be discerning, honest and righteous, who know how to weigh right from wrong, not easily duped by political and other forms of deceptions. We pray for spiritual breakthroughs in the present political strife and impasses, and economic uncertainty that the reality of “Thy Kingdom come” - will be fully felt in this beloved nation of ours. Help us not to feel embittered, defeated and apathetic or only look to political solutions, but to look to You, O God, to deliver us from evil men; for You have said, “Vengeance is mine.”

    We thank You for our Prime Minister and his cabinet as they demonstrate having a heart for the people, especially during this time when many are suffering under the strain of the pandemic and economic turmoil. We continue to lift up the health of our Prime Minister, Muhyiddin Yassin, into Your keeping hands. We humbly ask for Your blessing of guidance and wisdom as the Prime Minister and his Cabinet work toward restoring the economy and prosperity of this nation.

    We would ask that a powerful continuing work of the Holy Spirit be upon this Cabinet - to bring about cleansed hearts, sincere motives, good conscience and empowerment to genuinely serve the Rakyat with integrity of heart and effective competencies. We pray that our ministers will discharge their duties and responsibilities in the fear of the Lord.

    We ask for the demolishing of strongholds in the unseen realm of demonic activities, secret plotting and witchcraft. We ask that the intensifying efforts of the evil principalities and powers in stirring and stoking disunity, corruption and deception, and plotting unholy alliances, will tremble and desist in fear at Your Name.

    Praying for Sabah Lord God, we pray for the people of Sabah that You will bless them with a good state government as they seem to be heading for their state elections on September 26, 2020. We ask that You will intervene in the nomination of candidates on September 12, 2020, that men and women of integrity be raised up in this state election who have a genuine heart to serve the people. We ask for wisdom for the people to know whom to vote for, and not be swayed by enticement of money or fear. We ask that You will strengthen the Church of Sabah that they may be united and boldly proclaim Your Word of hope and peace. Revive Your Church of Sabah, O Lord.

    Praying for Sarawak Father, we ask for Your manifold blessings for Sarawak, that they will experience peace and prosperity. We also ask that as this state prepares for their upcoming elections, that You will raise for Yourself men and women of integrity who are selflessly committed in their desire to serve the people of Sarawak. We ask, O Lord, that You will give wisdom to the people so that they may know how to vote for a good government that is compassionate, righteous and just. We also pray that You will bless Your Church in Sarawak that they may a good example to the rest of Malaysia of unity, strength and boldness. Revive Your Church in Sarawak, O Lord.

    Praying to remove the pandemic and evils of racism and prejudice Please remove from us the evils of apathy, racism, prejudice and hate that must not find a home in our hearts. Stir in our hearts a deep compassion for those who have suffered during this pandemic from loss of jobs, business losses and salary cuts, and those who are struggling desperately to make ends meet. Please comfort those whose families have been touched by death during this time. We ask that You surround them with love, generosity and essential provisions. Cleanse us, O Lord, and remove from us resistance and blockages to Your work of grace that hide in the corners of our souls and minds.

    Praying for a move of the Holy Spirit Fill us with Your Holy Spirit, that we may walk in newness of purpose and mission for Your glory. May we be Your mouth, Your hands and Your feet in bringing truth, justice and righteousness to those who are oppressed, displaced and in material need. Help us to get out of our comfort zone and offer compassionate and practical help together

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    with our prayers, as we seek not to grieve or quench the Holy Spirit. Use us, O Lord, to prosper the nation. Breath in us and revive us to greater boldness to proclaim Your Word.

    We ask that You will remove all hindrances that prevent us from speaking to those who need to hear the gospel so that they may be saved. As we await Your return, O Lord Jesus, we pray that You will use us to be a blessing to Malaysia. In Your mercy, heal our land. In Your mighty name, we pray. AMEN.

    Spontaneous Prayers Open your heart to be led by the Holy Spirit on other matters that He has for you to pray for our nation. YIELD  Lord God, as we celebrate Malaysia Day with the Coronavirus pandemic still threatening the nation, we pray for those who are sick and who are grieving over lost ones. In Your mercy, we ask that You will rid us of this virus for, “Sovereign Lord, You have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you.” (Jeremiah 32:17) SONG OF NATIONAL BLESSING (A Song of Prayer for Malaysia) MAKE ME A BLESSING -Verse 1- Out in the highways and byways of life, Many are weary and sad; Carry the sunshine where darkness is rife, Making the sorrowing glad. -Chorus- Make me a blessing, Make me a blessing -- Out of my life, May Jesus shine; Make me a blessing, O Saviour, I pray, Make me a blessing to someone today.

    -Verse 2- Tell the sweet story of Christ and His love, Tell of His power to forgive; Others will trust Him if only you prove True, every moment you live. -Verse 3- Give as 'twas given to you in your need, Love as the Master loved you; Be to the helpless a helper indeed, Unto your mission be true.

    BENEDICTION - DECLARE Hebrews 13:20-21 ESV AS A BLESSING FOR ONE ANOTHER “Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.”

    CLOSING PRAYER PROCLAIMING HIS KINGDOM COME - THE LORD’S PRAYER Matthew 6:9-13  ESV   “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. AMEN.”

    BE STILL   DELIBERATELY PAUSE FOR A MOMENT, breathe deeply, thank God for His presence and release into His hands all that you have prayed.

    MALAYSIA DAY SEASON OF PRAYER Be encouraged to take a prayer walk or prayer drive each week in September to bless the nation. Fly the Jalur Gemilang, whether big or small. Take a challenge to bless a place other than your own neighbourhood or town. Bring verses of blessing to be planted. Examples to cover in prayer include government buildings, hospitals, schools, police stations, business districts and housing areas. You may want to drop by places like public toilets where baby dumping is most prevalent, or drive in places of urban poverty and streets where vices and gangsterism is prevalent. Pray for God’s Kingdom Come.