TH p->. nd^*i r *" WHOLE 3Q. 11,285. r»H»ww«t. t ' ">«ct »o ag pSjjo..^ omj wjSj£ «« R T -CiLL AT BTATIOM MB BBOADWAT. TOP Wl Iff fw yar .to*r. » ** ?. H5a~«"a/4S:5SSS" s2TO'.s mbuum d, Bibi* mm, *Md fr*M lb.** to waablapto* ytl*VwJ ounfer a hiM . lb*pulMMtt ** ^ handherE.tJS.7SiKnCn..!«''iSr.S BrSft E.lMMd MbM. . toto* * tooy »u*bad. poa ADomoN-A nnji. HyiTf.r MALE CHILD. ElS? Tfifju yi** * * *»» »""M» Addr**a XAEA.EV -WILL THE WRITER OF TWO ABOUTU MM laawr*. akfnad poor filer.J aad m oM rwudant, to mm par .>»1 MlMitM 1 kar* bo raBBon to doubt feil NMMMk but «MM Mb* to k>M COOT 1Bel of proof*. F ft* TVCEBB, WHO, ) BBL1BVB, WAS MARRIED 1MB «r tor** r«*r* * *,*«! bMt*m a aoto to Loto*. b*l |M*r*M >*» to* «fll tor it *.*tbtog graatiy to b«r V WAR A HAVDBOMB CAOB THAT I TOCRD MT **<*! turd to. to* beautiful memory of b*r kanga Itoiiiy to to* MB, uat mOI mimg tto way; when aball I to frw po I I toall vrtto. w Ml you aoaorr T MUM. rt MnRRtR WmOBBSTBRB. FORNELY OF ATI.AN. to, Uoorgta, to tn ik# city, h* will plow a*ad b.a addrraf fk, M*u*m A, Spring *tr*et, and ualig* an old frtoud. ISP QJUNIRAII MeaWKRSY WILL CALL OK MRU. 1 WeOom. IM Weal Hileeatb atrool, rba will kMT Of MUptkg bar v a. a. a. is in the city khk will pleare P »» a* at Eui llouaioa Aratl and oblige Hra. P. Phlp kfONOAT, JILT n. CRNTRAL PARE-BBACTIPCL art brunaua. Mart halrawd Mm area: block riding run, Mat tMw knew, in «»pii/ wuk » paiijr. will pleare wad par rtdrroo if »g **'! to lAegunUeraau la ooupO who noMart bar aaJ drawn ad kM alorr. Plaoac read addraaa to jtorMe C.par. Mob i a O. nod oblige a frtaad. Ef AY.-LOUIMR. SORR1MANIA. BLKKCICKR 8TRRET, 1 Tbereda/ araalag. ok t e'alort. Don't f»lL Lr- AND priind.DON'T POROET APPOINT i ataal to-aigbl quit* Mat reran o'cv t [ CHARLIE A*0 JOS. n>ARIR..DID NOT uo TO SARATOOA OR SATURDAY. R Ml prralNd. rtaaaa anil al MA. LOCI*A. dobkrt oollt. who lived in hrw tors in K rear Iart or IW, If Hrtng. or any of b<( balrm, will Kir of eoneihtaalu tbnir advantage by calling on A. H. pUrko, lawyer, to ptata atrwnt, room If ilia eon In-law, no waa la aa laruraaco aAw aa Broadway, wiU ploaaa mm* km ru»duod gASPBRRRrBM A ED CBKAM. TAYLOR'* SALOOB. Turnip dooii -M<« Mtittt cm o'clock boot bound Ue tordure clod htm of Oooey Iaiand on<l (hero we may o)wyourctomato eornoicoe Eld CHARLEY. CSURDAT MORNINO. JCLT ..TBI GENTLEMAN 3 waJUna for the oor, Fourth atreet, would be ple..<ed to anr from the tod* rending the moculng paper Addrooa 0. I, boo IX Herald eiioA EtBOAT AFTBAROO*, BE WEEK 1 AND I O'CLOCK, wo todtoo walked Utmiuk Broad etrool and Eichnuge 1 on thotr return through Broad etroot a mutual rerng. uwu each*aged between the entailer of the two, large, full, bine ere*, and a gen tlrama otondlug on the «of on office. If It would meet ber approbation ho I bo pleaned to make bar acquaintanoe. Addreeo laamdy, N>» HO Herald office. QTALL BTHEBT STAGE. MOB DAT. JULY 15 .1. OFTT noetic. with ancle; walk to Bleeder etroot: > o'clock art day. lirore ntreot You did Dot come You rbali koow £aMne^AMraa* appointing Initrrlow, ltartoo, baa KM BFBC1AL 5Wlt «l. A TRIAL OF TBI FIRJ5 KXTlKOUIBllKR WILL UEL take place thta A. M. and at t o'tdoek, at Battery BarAi( fflatt sirosl. \A .OOMBIKAHON 6ILTBB MIB1N0 COMFAET . I B. want a loan «M« 1.M0 ahnrea of the abore ataek NT Uree month*, nr to enll any part cheap for eaah. aa 1 fat ta rtallaA AAareae Merchant, bat Mi Herald oifcee. DOA ED OF AUDIT. .BULBS ADOFTBD BT THB D Bonrde of Audit, creeled by the net* of the I eel*tolure Ef Eew York, pnnaad Apnl a. IH7. and April A,TaW, for bMHltUna I Km At- -f ^Ll BeemU Mata Vfffik Ju.a ShU-TU at, tula* by which lbl«M »W>h of Audit |b« created, require all persona baring unadjusted MM fit-** lk« Hal r, Aldermen and UouMltlti Vtkl City of Mow York, which original*.! prior to Bfiaaary 1,1887, to prroaat lk« hjo p> ik* Board, oroalod 1*0 U.o adjustment and aottkmani of oneb ekima, ou or be fcr tk« lad day of July, W87. and require ail poraona baring mtonima against the' Connie of New VaA" to mean J mm lame to lb* Board crrakd tor lb* adjustment and tottl*. Kill of those rlaiana. on or beforo Ho Cub day of J air. mm. In oompitanoo wttb the requirements of the tatutea, Babies may be Sled with tbo Cirri «f aaid Board al lb* off aa ef the iv mpi roller of um-Cilr i f bow York, oh or br'or* KM day* abo*o nnotunii. Claim* not perorated before i bo Bnpn aUoq of tkoMmoo oboro Hmitod ananot bo ooamdorwd Eaald Board*. P*Meoad.hash claimant, al loaot ton day* before tbo bono. MM of ble claim to bad. aball bio with tbe Clerk of (be Board ItrAndlt I* which bto claim to peaoeiuod, a talinnai la Mm duly Tended, of tbo fan a "fu which hie aim I* baaed. tot*'bar wilb a complete bill of tbo Him i commuting «ncb claim, itoo duly eerldad, and mall aorre o daplumM or copy of lb# auieineat id bill of item* on tbo Cooaoe* to tbo Corporartaa eery each atatemoot of facia stink atoo Male oketW ay suit baa been prooocntod or browghl up..n tbo claim rein mentioned by lb* ctoliaaol or m y predecessor in to. rout, tbe Urn* Of aommaaoeiaant of luob cu t ,if oar), tbo earl In tokMfe the aawe war bnuii L and tbo name* ot * Mersey* appealing tboicln, whether aneh e«H »a mil prcdhl or what dl#| o»uion h*> boon niadr of n. and, if Jul* Mat ha* boon rendered therein against the plainUf, tbo pound* of *uch judfinonl. no rperuu answer to aae aeah statement or claim tetorpooed and Bird with tbo Clerk of the Board to whom mclaim la prerrnted within Ion day* after ruck filing aed netce of tb* claim, tb* Couaael to tb# Coc oration w"l bo oaeldered aa baring answered by a (aneral d.-ulal and ia mm*, whether an anawar bo mtert-ou-d or n * the *i*im I will be required to lustain bto claim by proof of tbo Hb upon which It I* booed. Fourth.< 'nlemlar* w ill be made Of the 01*1let presented oaaid Boaida resi-eetlrely In tho order n wine!, the reel ad atatomenta tMroof (ball be bled and tarred a* abor* tau1red. and elaimo will be lakon up and iteard I* tbfir Oder upon aoeb calendars, ezeopt that for gord causa tbowa * tbe Uoaid, ii|>on reasonable cotter* a preference may M ymntod or postponement of hoar.tig had. Fifth.A day calendar for each day, conaletlnr of aot mora taaa ten MMI, uinh omorwiea f-nrr" t y the Fiord*, tall be made up bp ibe derti. aa dreatod Itj the Heard*, .r noeted m tbe reamaocructed l>y the Boat da for Leering uaaabefore 3 O'clock V M. of .UedaT preceding tbe celling TmU calendar. Bo adImminent of any t.» on ike dap Leedar mil be grealod..Accp» for eu&eieut cettee eboaa JMitb.Tbe bearing* of eatd ranme akitl be enctiirted LeanuTy In ihe uiMntaur a* Ike UlaJe of .raora it. toe aria of !toeofd. bat the form aad meaner af pew reding my be aiodtAed to eealerai In the dnune cf tneaa t* drds. STtha rawe of evideno* applicable mncH intu.alJa e>at latent with tha dadre aad purpoeee of ibaaa baarda Si^^-rteede«Kona0ed ^be* Hoard# of Audit upoa &m beard abali be eeaouaerd la open boe'd. Im^T EX alter Ibe opeaiM af Mtuog fee the dup.aa eooa altor Whet rings afeall he cloned ae ear he ooatei.teeUy doae. rmpa c,lArf(,.KY jg DFPITW. Preddrn RICHARD B. CONROLLY, Comptroller. J. H. HARJ^kLlB. W, R. FTaWARrT BBMI^(hMt». Clerk. <ROTOR AQOBDCCT DtPARTtfKRJT BUREAU Of J RVter k * » Tort '»lJ ,4« . - w oboe h. hi *«br eteeo that «» peT erm Penally »m be rOTlCE..AL LFHRBOR8 H AVIRO CLAIM* AOAIM4T i tbe Uto «A ' "f BaiwcU A EeOreger. bre bfreby aeU. d fviZefri » th. "J- rlber uilbi. th.,1, dep. St o\*nTEr tsi!eo, Re. t Bowerp. taw To**, J ore **> TOTICB -ALL T WORB IRDMBTED TO THR I AT* I inn of Mstart * Met) re,* are b'rrly notified to ule nlth tbr eaten*, >>*r WMhfo tbirtp dap* from date, or - * "TbcSA »«w to»k. jqp« :t, n w. rOTICV..PAKTIE8 \Wl^ « **»* CALL FOB I tbelr good* iledged "lth M ma a* roee.ble. u I 'WMrt- rrTil&bV"?i "ixtrt.» r«,K.nm IIOTICB TO BCTCBKRft zVIf "*W*?R* *2*7; I Wr Comp»nr'» burg* I <* " tb> foot of TIW , eeLFe.t rU-r, datlymth 'WU of rrtmo Beat na d after Tbureday, the 11th ma. * 11 » » »* * 10 ueha Mffeet of 4.hi» bnig* fchti fitf mwiimwi ew npfwirmmiy eeUr-Ung their M than tee *»* u Uigmfcii abler houeee, the rem fry bt 7. h'1*4 'M« berg. Lb taa lt tn.l the beefia fama M down hanging en tbe <eee" m atdea, and la qnarUrV 4 M d*<,Te«M i" fir im, Tbe berg. wUl be Uere dA » «» "«* ' tbe wronon jTncH OF collector or I!»m '»*' "FTswrr, -.r°?wrH!.( U5r:u'" «etrtct. HteU ef »« J? lOtMrrteI the I bird. KVlh, Htilb ut Eighth *t ef the any of iwYork),4lCh^ter».tft>«t^^ ns«sh«,sriraus,"±'"xs& a, therata eyytg-d bare bt ilea, am, be. The Uiee included to the erawal lie*, ,r* »g&.TSg, i gareone who obeli aegteet to per lb' «< »« due by thaw I ijy^i?* « SSSSataaM rraaa A. M. taf F. N i F. BbtLBY. CeBeetar. ~ » Teae, Jniy l»,m>. J ettee It hereby given. la rnreunee at law. Out I bare I need thg ennu i eotlc-lloo Uet of the valuation e aad £ eaaaeaata or Ibla llleu ct odder the Internet Revenue r «*r tba PalUd 6lale* for tbe praeent year; that tba I' w gnomontedt Mrew have b*«oaia dua and Arabia ri thai I will attend or b? for lb« ^ E NE = J THRf. fll ASHION COt)PH,"*.-TROTTJNO, WBDNBHDAY, JULY f. ?J'A ' ; match for $2,0QU: mile heat*. three la slmJA.. ? * > Dobles' br. m. Sklnenn; l». Mace's r|, - match for $1,000: talle heats. three iu flve, kV oTSfAn visiters' br. alallloi) knd W. Burst's oh. g. Bd. Ellia. J * ay, match for $800: mtle heata. three to Use. (a hsr5J* J. liongreye's b. 4 Fred Penoe; W. Smith's b. g, J*r o«l Beer. In consequence of the two latter races being .nade to come off, rain or ahtne, trotting will commence at 1 O'elook P. U. J- SIMMONS, Proprietor. Fashion coub8B.-thottino, Thursday, july SB. atS P. It.; atake of $300; mile heata. three In Are. Owner's b. g. Monaban Ranger, In harness; owner's b. a. Boston to wagon; McMan's o. m. Lady Lyons, to wagon. Heme day. match for $8001 mile heats, three in Ore. J. Crook's b. in., to wagon; owner's r. g., In harnaaa. Play or pay. J. SIMMONS, Proprietor. Fashion course.-trottino, Friday, july a#-, match for $000: mile heats, three In Ore. In harness. O'Neil'a spot Snow Shower; owners b. m. Dolly Button. _ J. 8IMMON8, Proprietor. Trot on tub union half milb track, Serenty-second street and Bloomlngdale road, on Wednesday, July at, at three o'olock, for a purte and stake of $180. J. Homerlodyke names Pedler; Dr. Oslo, names OrayJJerry; Thomas Ogle, names a, m. Jessey. Ail to wagon. Admission Ofty cents. BPORTIHG. A LL HINDS OF FANCY D038 AND BIRDS FOR A. sale.Medicines for all disease*; Prepared Food tor mocking birds, at B. DO VE YU, Nog. 3 and 5 Orecne street, eimerCiDkL For hale-a completely furnished scHooner Yacht of 2U6 tons, old measurement; or will be chartered for the summer months to a responsible pu-tjr. Full particular* by addressing J. Anderson, Herald ofiloe. FOR 8ALE.SCHOONER YAOHT HADIE, SO TONS, new this spring, and In perfect order. Can be soen off Hoboken Baths. Address <f. 11. B., bos 1.U69 Post office, Hew York. FOR SALE.THE CELEBRATED YACHT DREAM, winner of the New York Yacht Club prize In 1886 ; in complete order for sea; now lriug at Oreenpoinu For full partlcitlnra Inquire of W. N. TAYLOR, 3ft William street, room Ho. 4. Francis butler, no. speck blip, has all the choicest breeds of Dogs, llutler'a Infallible Mango Cure and Flea Exterminator, <5 cento. Butlcr'a new work on the Dog. 93. Dogs trained, boarded, Ac. Ucdloine for all diseases. Rifle for sale. Yacht for fale or chartkr-the new yacht Hsppho 810 tons O. M. For strength, beauty of model, by any \ aeht in tliia country. Will be sold low, or chartered on reasonable teimv. C. A B. POILLON, 234 South street. HOWSKa, CAItRlAOK8. «fcC. A -OCR NEXT REGULAR 8AI.E OP TROTTING, Coupe and Family Horses will take place TO-MOR. ROW (Thursday), at 12 M., at SM Duanc street, junction ol Readc and Duanc streets, at which time a very superior line of trotting stock will be oflercd; nUo Wagons, Harness, Ac., in great yariety. JOHN L. VAN HEW ATE It, Auctioneer, 34 Duanc street A GREAT SALE OP FAST HORSES AT AUCTION.. The subacriber will ofier at public sale at the Fashion Comae on THURSDAY, July 26, at 12 o'clock M.. the following named horses, vis.: br. g. Quaker. 10 year.) old, 16>£ hands high, sound, handsome, and kind In every respect; trotted to wagon May 27th last, 2 2:38. Bay eUlHon Ntd Forrest by old Pstcben out of Mayday mare. N. P. is a beautiful hay, 15Jjj hands high, 10 years old, sound and klud, esn trot In 2:50. Al'o one pair black ooaca Horses, Id hr.i.ils kith, kind and error, the handsomest pair in the Slate. Also the rb. g. Pred Panic, 6 years old, very handsome, and esn I ot In 2 40 Also the thoroughbred entire Colonel tlrtgsby. by Lexington, ent of Jig.andJig, by Oovernor Butler Colonel U. Is6 yesr* old and a handsome bay; an elegant horse In every respect. Also the Gray Gelding. 4 years eld, by Pilot bred hy R. A. Alexander. Esq. Also the celebrattJ roau mare known as the Bonner Mare, fine else, good driver, and has trotted tu 2:27. Also, In addition to the above list, eight or ten otbera, all desirable. All of the above horses are well worthy the attention of the public. Parties wishing to bny st private sale can aee the horsea prior to the day advert,»ed for the auction sale, by calling on the subscriber el tbe Fashion Course. JOHN S1UMONS. AT AUCTION STABLES.119 EAST THIRTEENTH, J\ near Fourth avenue. Horses, Hnraesa and second hand Carriages at private esle. A fine Team of Blacks. A pair of bay Ponies. A superior Addle Horee. _A fine Plngte Driver , A TTRNTtOR 18 CALLED TO THB SPECIAL SALE A OP WaOOMB. HARNESS, At!., TIII RnliAY, JULY ». AT 19 O'CLOCK, AT SALESROOM B NASH A I' STREET, BT MINER A H< 'MF.UV1I.LE. A T arctiom UTaHI.ES, lit ba8t THIRTEENTH A MTHKBr. AT ritlVATH 8ALB, PAIR OF VERY FINK ULKCtl TlOIUKN Pi RUT t'LAHH U RM.t'T-Horse. Wagon and IlarneM. Vlt TOKIA, HEVEKAI. TOP BVOQIEH. PAIR NPl.r.MDlU HAY B0RHB8, TWO PINK SADDLE noMokn. SIKoLBAND DOt'RLK HARNESS. AO. Call aud iMuin*. MINER A HQMEitVILLB. A MKRIt'AN AND KNULIN1I SADDLEBT. OP ALL DEA «r'i>t un* Hut Harness. Riding saddle*, Bridle*, Sheet* mmi HUslMt. Sly New, An., tram the Importer ad mtttufatiurBf. at Peart street, betw*«a Pulton aud Mt etraeW. A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF CARRIAOE8 AND A Marat*1 at SI Ren-tap at reel, near tka Astor Bouaa. AD aauda Mrtciir aa ra| rearmed. tHO». E. HICEN. formerly of Kewart, W.J. A N ASSORTMENT OP POPR AND SIX SEAT PHAE /\ tuaa E«rx' ic'ioa Cabriolets, Tuba, Saab el Phaeton*, Pei-m Wmhh bun *< « Cairugaa, HaiaaM, *) par cent taaa ti.aa Broadway prices iIaM N, Braadtrapaad Fourth atreoL AT MoOKEV'b BEPOHTTORT.A PIKE ASSORTMENT of arrtaeaa of *11 dearrifutoaa. Alau a Urti aa.-ortinant "" 1 r I * a Il.n, u N Mc » > kV, 01 LiUrty at Ant pernon wantino horsra-i have poor tloraas )' t fr >tn tb« euuatry. lhr-a aorrala, oao iaam wairbad. Id hands naa »'n«le aortal Id haadt; ooo Mahoaoay U* road 11 area, so ,bd aad kiu<l, M. lnquira at St baulk fifth atraot, Jersey CMS, E. J. RoRT WEI,WOOD. Am pais op carriage uorrpm wanted for :m r tliraa rtwitb*. A prorata lau.ily bat lag a vary nrtfuI »aa 4 aaa* vtabaa t" biro a pair oI at»a<1r llbraaa. Iha faluf r frronra (Iran iftd If raqalrad Ad4ra«a h*» i,M Poat utoaa >a» \ orb A^m VRRT PINK PAIS BLACK IIORfiMI. MM IUND8 bt*h. aiau a Pair aupart. Ml UliliM M band*. lor aaia .ba p al ii« futon pbar 4 TOi'NU MARK TORONTO CHIRP . VERT PART i\ aul a .rabia a1*0 a racy strong Ktyr*.. W'acoa aud Hiram, naailr *a», f ji aala >baao. at im Ni..tti at. nua. AH rus D ' TOR ft PONY PDA t YICTO. i.aa. < abrtatat. tmaad afaa raa4 Wapuaa. Japgara, Hiuraas, ttjalaaaa nt.4 Ilapwt Waguaa. Jaoaa UwU, Crnipar, fL* la* aya iiir. A*- bat* an<l latOTi) hat. 1, eheapar arar, al URAl H kapoaliury. U. tl as ' 3b W.^in auarl JM BBAmPrL DARK RoKr.Ri. NAM! Poll aAl.R . V lira yaora old oil! trot to tbraa mtauiar. two lap < »» rat of Harouaa .ad aaa two-aaaia Cantor all pi I brut rary .lltlr aar.t. a ad aaa ikrl luu Kww a Ilk Aaaliboard, Aa W iM ho awll amply i>r rollratlralp at (raat aaarlAat,t a!l a»4 aaaaataa ibaaa at Ho Waat Puny-claih total, aaar Broad***. A PBW OOOD NOBABA. .HUT PitoR TOR OOCN J\ try. ytotaf a«1 *o>>a<t. tl (aa all Alada of totoH; alaaa lc« I * pr.a*d Uuraa« lapwlro al lit t'aaai atreai. A RMY WAOORN, TENTA, PLTB. WAGON COYT.BN. A. Awalapa Mmbbar Cot aaa, MaOallan Aaddlro, Mala Caftan, lliram, An.ti.laiio**. Arn.y CiuiklM Rabroa, k napaacba wT A. CARTER. M CurtlaaAi, aoar Uraatiwicb. Above oroi nd atari er to i.rt-rooh por tkra* bortt aad tbroa aairtagaa. raat |RM. Apply at B Waat btgUlaaalb rtrrat. A IIORMR, BCAINRMA WAOOR AND BARNRAR; TWO A lanuiy taa paar nbl bar H. -ra a Httia aara. baa 1 «t> to ibrta toUtuiaa. all wlB ba auto at aaari.Aoa. «B Paarl atraat I1AROAIN -RRB .BORRRL BOHaP. NIXB TRARR D u.A lattdMl family U)d bra A* *arr-uta4 to MtlMk "" "" CH1ITT Al'tTIOM MAKT. CORXAR BROADWAY AX D / Tklrif (IMt turn*-J J MERRY, Mrlim. OarrtMM mM Umhik. m * Lb R »1 Iff IHWl i tin Wrtl<« till iliutltou AMD WAOORI PW .RAUL-TUB J Ku<M «f «u«Mw tnff v«w4 kui ' OfMt. rkMimi, W4 B«M»w vr«r"-«. MlUkf off ffrM# M WlfTY a M.torff ffffK* Iff <*»'«* 'iwff, Bf.A'ym ^ CARICA'll _ CABRlAOlt*. A jl > M wiwmirf ( )»! ff .17 VIM k >* »* aril »i UlJIir (iaR'UIN* RKOAD* At, i>#%f BM.t»r AfHt WMH1Mil V MifflAM » «*». I* ***» «i UWART I I K.Mm. I* MI«H Mil ItMri «M'Mllli<BilMlN fy), W1U1 BradMffB. I 1 F'on 4I.K.A ari.KRDID PAIR Off ffORREI. CAB- I naja N»m>, fr»» x 4 »tx»»- t ffm»r» » 4 fm »iy knifffit, wtn hff »<M iRaa*. f«* w»M at » » M im ».«..»» > «<» (tM A* <m4 imim. A I Ay I a»fiA »ha M»««» tSrl iM laa»al a*. u*m Jj*>l BAtS-A? A M«*BIPirR. a riB«t BaT« KgajWafoaraVSt7S£«iRii.££ I* AU» > «ff» ri "rrw. 1 pX'R^ALA-AAT B.t. M RA.WJM RIO*. « VA4RA MWjft;4, ",<s' "P ll.tri ,-Aff l.T tar inus.-® =~3:^5sr*J^S : , Bmftsn wgA. asSSiigSif I pot PAia-A PBABB MJ), m KTBiii IStms, * *< <4 1 PE^-sgi-iKteaf?! aasta&sae-aai i W YO NEW YOll^WEDXKS »5l)KSKS, CARRIAGE*. «CS SALE.A..A VERY KICK SECOND HA*» Vl< V tori*, with Child'*teat to foil IB; bus* <>B I'WM'ITB pringa; light euough for the eouutry; suitable for MM or two home*; beeu used but throe lueaibt. euet now VP*; will bo told cheap. May bo mcd at Ailuu A CeMh torn riage warertoms, 681 Broadway. ctor bale.-brewster top waoom, polb and A' I hafts; Mt slng'e Harness and road Wagon, la 'he beat order. Call oa or addroaa B. B. M. BTOKBSJM Wall eWeet I ton SALE-POUR OP THE FINEST HORSES IN tbi country. At for any bualnets; alto ona of tha baMtomeat pony built dapple gray Homes in tha otty: alto four low priced Horse*. f<& each; also ona Mara, with Call. Ta be aaan at id Ureenwlch avenue. For sai.e.a beautiful saddle horse, tub property of a deceased lade; wm ranted sound and kind tn all harness, without fault or blemish. Must lie sold he mediately. Inquire at private stable 111 (old number; EaM Twenty -eighth street. FOR SALE-TWO FINE VICTORIAS, NEW and second hand, top and no top Bungle*; will be told cheap for caeb. Apply to GEO. J. MOO Kg. 37A Bowery. FOR BALE-AS I SOLD MY MARB-A ROAD WAGON; weigh* 138 pounds; and Harnett Price for the wagon, 100; harneta, $30. Inquire at SOt) East Fortteih street, between Second and Third avenues. For sale.a large brown mare, suitablb for a coune or any kind of driving; warranted toned and kind; good lu all harness; can trot fatt. Will be told cheap as the owner hut no uso for her. Apnly corner of Ihtrty-elghth street and Seventh avenue to Barrett. ti»01t SALE-ONE LIGHT EXPRESS WAGON. B»: I one three-quarter seat piano bo* Wagon, only used three times; one Jn/gur Wagon, $6); one Gemiantdwn Rockuway, good as uew; one full spi lug square box Wagon, >75; one single llama**. Apply at 151 Huillean street. For recond hand two skat waM«n, one Top and one light Wagon. Inquire of DU8KN- B Y * VAN f>H8KR, 15a and iff Chrystie street. FOR SAI.E-A PIANO BOX WAOON. PRICE >185. Cull at 153 and 15b East Twenty-third street. For salb-a black horse, is hands, very stylish; also a roan Mare, suitable for a doctor's or milk wagon; property of a farmer. KM Concord street, Brooklyu. 1jV)R SALE CIlEAr-a TEAM OP HORSES, HARNESS } and Truck. Inquire of W. II. MOADINUER. 118th street, between Second and Third avenues, in the stable. Four pairs op very fine, stylish carriage Horses, bays and blacks; long, full tails, free from white. Inquire at N. MOONEY'S Carriage Beposl tory, 91 Liberty St. VfULES FOR SALE.YOUNG, KIND AND 8TR0N01 iu can pull more than horteg. at half the cost of keep. Apply at 89 Fulton street, second floor. Night carts fob sale..inquire at noisis Wooster street. E. T. BROWN. PAIR OF CR088MATCHED M \RBS, COUPE ROCK. away and Harness for Halo cheap; black bought for 1:45; gray carries a lady superbly; both faultless. Ladies' and gentlemen's Saddles and ltlding Bridles. Inquire of Dr. A. K. GARDNER, private stable 1!M Second avenue. PASTURE FOB HOR8ES-ON LONG ISLAND, AT » per month. Inquire of or address A. Henderson, southeast corner Seventh avenue and Fifty-slith street, Mew York. SELLING OUT..ONE TROTTINO HORSE, WAGON aud Harness; very fad; one pole Top Wagon, one Notop; one Ilorse,trots to pole In 1:50; 8 seta of double and! of single Harness; Poncy, hands, gentle and pretty as a picture; sold cheap. 477 Pearl street. In clothing store. SECOND HAND WAGONS. TOP AND NO TOP; ROCKawavs, and one Brett, in perfect order, at very low price*. Call at J. LOC K.WOOD's. 127th street and Third * venue, Harlem. SIX horses to BE sold AT A BARGAIN. INQUIRE at ibo comer of Fifty-first street and Eighth arenas, in the grocery. To be sold for want of use. Three desirable cross matched team and one road Horse; sound, kind and sen tie; l»Jj hands high; must be seen to be appreciated; sold low as the owner Is going away. Apply at private stable Beat Thirty-filth street, rear. WANTED IMMEDIATELY.A LADYS SADDLE Horse; must be very gentle and kind; prloa moderate. Address, boi il.flM New York Post oflloe. ANTED-A LIGHT BUSINESS WAGON, WITH OR without cover. Persons having sueh for sale may address A. Tamer A Co., S31 Pearl etreet HO WOULD NOT HAVE A NEW HARNESS. WHEN GRAY can supply the entire universe for $16 per set T He has also Saddles and Bridles, Sheeta, Rets, Whips, Hlankeu, Lap Robes, Ac., at a lower pries than any one in the city, The Nos. are 33, M and M Wooster street. (MOC -SPLENDID TOP BpGGY AND HARNESS; iplOil. new top Wagon, $JOO; second hand top Buggy, by Waterman, $176; splendid new Roekaway, $18$, Chsapeat Wagons In the city. «S9 Bevanth avenue. tt/inn .ANY STRICTLY RESPONSIBLE PERSON that ean advance the above amount can have tne use until October 1,1887, of a valuable horse, first class boi%7^lcnUdoOoe" ,#c^rM, for AddressPT, HEW PUBLICATIONS. JUST PUBLISHED. ~ "THE PALL OP PORT BUMTEB| love AND WAR'VN 1M0 AND '«. » 0a.kasm II WaA kaa. kail., a. II all. V.ak Ik. la a_ ci ii«j« II 141*11 lima MClier Ml mt Mil DWK HI DIXDII IS Washington at the beginning of the Oreat Rebellion, by the Private beerclary to he.," or ye moret humorously It might hare been, "The Courtship of (he old Judge Francis On. dsrhlU," or ' The Mistress of London Beigbta, the Belle of Uw Capitol, end brr Desperate Adventures." Some persons would think It still more attractive to have celled U " Profee. sor Jackson and Mrs. Luey Toblstha Ptln.klns, the Strong. Minder." Yet no matter: U lea historical novel, humoroue beyond all modern invention, e truthful picture of the period, an uplifting of the vail where eiept the embryo of the Oreat Rebellion. It la- Illustrated, not with startling ImpoaslbHill ea, but Ingenious truths. This historical novel le not s tale Of e common people to O common village, but It deals with persona whose beads were more powerful than were all the warriors and philosophers of the Romau empire. And yet eo much laughter does it con tain that hut to open the book the note* begins; not for folly or plagiarisms, hut humorous mistakes and love out of all sorts. For rale by FRED. A. BRADY, No. S3 Ann street, New York, end by all booksellers sverywbers. 1 vol. 8vo. Price 7ft come, paper. $1 9ft, cloth. Mailed free ef pottage on recvlpt of price. rpilR PDRENOLOOICAL JOPRNAL, FOR AroCST, A contains Hon. Schuyler Colfas, Maximilian and Juares, lion. Charles A. Fhaw, Meagher, K. B. Falrfleld. Rev. Dr. Haws.portraits, characters and biographies; also Queen Elisabeth; Htudy of Language*; Our New Possessions. Irus Msrrtages; How to Save Money: -Success In Life: How I" Get * Home, tfhnuld Roys and OUl be Educated Together. State l*i,.le; General Grant: CommittingHulelde, and a ri h ml well my. Terms, t9 a year; >0 rente a number. Newsmen have It. Address S. R. Wells, 3811 Broadway, New York a c n u i.' w < snvit. vievnot > nnnt ens» M It land. Kdabllabed fortj tun. Flr»t rUU. Oni of tu propr.etora I aring been for ten ti»n in America bu » -iulr*-! a praee-al knowledge of the working of hotel* In that country Hotel potter* iceet at Qucentlown the arrival of nil (learner* fro.a America. T.kJ. McCORMICE, Proprietor*. TIIK 1JECTIR1I 8KAROW. IMPORTANT LECTCRK8 DAILY.TO GENTLEMEN only, on lntere»liM aubjec'*, at the New York Muieum of Anatomy, *18 Broadway. Ttw unable to attand tbeae le-1 urea may raoelar a copy by forwarding ten cent*. Addreaa Hocratary of New York Museum of Anatomy, 818 Broadway. kiprkmrV A-i rnram - pi rmiVre express office 118 tVeat Lletentb "iruet near Niith arenue..f arga wagon* for morlag furniture, rite or country. Purrttur* tw-d. Turnltur* paukod and shipped. Money advanced. P1AKUFURTEH. A1 MAONIPK RNT ROERWOOD FJANoVoRTE for »Oa..Made to order, city maker*, coal 8800. for fSOO; uaod (re month* Tarlor bulla, Etape.e. Bork- aae. Paint. Ing*. Brn-ea, i hatni-er and Dining Pnrnlture. 44 Weal itiieentb *tran, near filth arenne. A| FAMILY LEANING the CITY WILL EKT.L Ikotr roaewood oeeen a-tare Flaneforfe; oreralrutij; tmafnme. relet rated maker*: nearly now; worth MSB; lor lea* than ba.f. 187 East Ter.tb a'.reet. A CI1EAP PIANO.IN GOOD ORDER; PRTCR §40: .1 a ae\>n ociare, roaewood Pianoforte, but l.itla uied '- " Tig.... 1* Amity auwot, near Braid way. AF1R«T cn.AH* MTU OCTAVB ROHEWOOD I Aiu'fur rt<:» Mid r°*»rf«i* lena, runntrej for S jo.rr f. r aala at a laenr. o .'or cub. tl IVI Oratid urret, mr Mtrtt BAROAUm-ROfRWOOD AEVF.H OCTAVE PIANO. f..rtoa. M<«» >n>rre«rntMt«, |l* for $160 bai.dmw i.oaowood, ill o<1 l.alf orlare, AIM Twrntr othrre to atom a cwnatfiwioat Reearal Pianoforter oi «aoikan *uruf»otui«r* plti-a. 10 Pourtk artDue, oppotito (inpar laaumde I>ib OAi.r.-A VAfiKiricErr HBvEN OCTATE ROSEf wood P orof no, tl a aarrtfico for -.oah; bar all modern Nnprwtoaaeata. a Veatiliful latUumoat. Apply at Ail Grand uroo'. , TEA ATR A »f»R PIAAQFOETB VARCrACTl'RFRS. J T»r |t»i powar f"1'/ ami ewoetnaaa of tone, alrganee ef AnUh tkoaomolrmnoata aaa taoanraoaaod. Partioa wanthioammrrP.ana *1 a Ida priea wo all (Jo well to examine inoeu. Roror 4 baud Plaaoa at low price*. Factory and oororoowi* Oi .J*> K fweaty-0ro« atroot. | WAMT PIAAOPORTEA.<JR AND. PQT*ARE AMR aaMyb" - i .. r ii reh, u»m ar.<1 CaMoel ( Iir^ius Iko bam >aa> .'«i trod, to lot, and rer.i applM If KibaoO n at- I .awalwa .to I Hr iko aono. iirnan rr . " . *-- ". Hf'RACB WATERS ACQ. ( y^ARTyo V ATEIEITAY i |«r, TO Nf ' iRnpoT ARwnnnrrpT r>? t fui s r »sE-!rvTTOitt5 *1 i ' * »|Oaro I PHUPOkAU. m'l" T" sr' TORA..HAVI Ni I'NDER. . akr- « real' '.a f it# aoc,» Ppriapo Ka.lroad <na Aaaaioa Tl '* t M,U» Iticr t ..rivria, R. T . I 3K2F£iUy . : i.::y f Ut:- RK H _ . DAY, JULY 24t 1867. jbwopuji rr*AM»Mirs. SiiLv r> r«»M * iK»nl tnd»»u«..'v iT-Teeay. Mall Heam.blpa, ** t«Ml Kew T*rb »IM1 llatrr, ral'tnjf al Nraat. ftwi M''ea«i«d new >Mak an ilJa latoiita rial! for tha <V "Heart, wltt «U Hoot |w No. M berth river, aa fob ! r H rE. laawn* Sotor-lay, Jul» V. m 1.41 llKKT, lartMr Malurday. Aug. »« FRKKIHft, I"..hraae. Raiurday, Aug. 1M. Vll.l.u Ull rlHlOu'UMC balwdaj, Hwt. 7 r&l« K or rAggAOR, I Including wlOO). BafaMe la gntf ar ogulcaloat to eerreacy, to aaear aa a*rat; rirH Cat-la »M0 ftarwitd fcablo $100 to rauia: .Including railway Urkata. farnlehnd aa board), Fimt'«Ma....T..... JfiftKraaod Cabin $1« £ * *** <* ^ 0 Ot«^ a rn* ItaOM-al attendance free ef charge. 1W alaawaata do aa« carry eleerage paa'tnoara. American iratailara going w> ar it turning from tbo conli. ml of Karago. by taking iba unimn of tbla line avoid unnreeaeary rlake froai UaaaJt by Kagllah railwata ami eroaalog tLa ebauacL. bed dee anting much time, trouble and aipeueo. OBO MAI KI NAIF, AgriM, » Broadway. CTEAM TO QI'KLKNNTOWM AMD LIVERPOOL. O From Maw Turk vuly |M ataerata. MINNBBOTA 7T.. Wadnaaday, July 81 CH1CAUO Wadaeaday. Aug. U fiwai pier SI RM hfti OaMo pa*aaaa $00 and $JA. Return n.keta, $1<M, told, raaaaga to Maw York aad maiilaMta lo lie laud at low ratua. Apply tw WILLIAMS * 01'ION. » Broadway aad 81 Bourn atreat. NEW YORK AND BREMEN STEAVSflTP COMPANYCbeapettlme of orat rtaaa I'nlted Htatea mail alramara FOR fcOOTUAMPTON, BATHE AMD BUBMEN. ATI.ANTIC. Oaptaia Cbaiiaa Hoyer. win leave pier 40 North Heer oa Saturday, July 77. Batta of palate, in rold or Ha equivalent In currency Flret OK tin, $110: eecuud, $tk: «tre rage, $33. P.iruralon Kcketa, BUM, $130 And $70. For freight, eapreaaage, billa of eirhanaa or paaaage apply to ISAAC TAYLOR, Preetdent, 40 Broadway. ii'nt# punin VO 1 Steamship I1KRMANN, W. U. Weoke. autir, Mrry. ing Ui* Colled States null, will Mil from the Bremeu p!ert fool of Third street, llobokon, on Ttiindy, July *S Bremen, eta Southampton, Taking pain9i|Bri to London, llavre, Southampton and Bremen, at the following rate*, payable In fold or It* equivalent la currency For the Firat flabln, $1M; Second Cabin, 9731 8lMnun fi|7 60. To he followed by the steamship DBCTSCIILAND, B. Wcaaela, master, on Thursday, August 1. For freight or passage apply to TiELRfCHS A CO.,98 Broad street Direct steamship linr airwaaa ANTWERP AND NEW TORE. The undersigned will despatch the first class English Iron teamere OTTAWA, Captain Archer. MEPWAT, Captain Harris. From Hew York:. From Antwerp:. June 1, May RA June'12, June So, July 17, July 17. Taking passengers at the following rates from Antwerp:. First cabioTTT" 990 Steerage 40 num mrw roan. First cabin (according to location of stateroom)....$76 to.900 micersioa Tirarrs ax First cabin 91701 Steerage 9«7 60 pavjible in gold or Its equivalent. Freight is taken at the lowest ratss for Antwerp, Rotterdam and Amsterdam. Apply to h1u.BR A co., Hew Yerfc For freight and cabin pinege. For steerage. Ho. W Broadway. Mo. 9 Chambers «tr*^ NATIONAL STEAM HAYIOATIOM COMPANY.. Steamers weekly to Liverpool and Queenstewn, leaving piar No. 47 North river, every Saturday VIRGINIA. Capt. 1'rowee .Saturday, July 17 HELVETIA, Capt. Thompson Saturday, August 9 ENGLAND, Capt. Cutting Saturday, August 10 THE QUEEN. Capt. Grogan Saturday, August 17 Cabin passaga, parable tn geld, g99 and 9'A or Queenatown, *», cut. "per further particular* apply at the efflese of the Ce» Peny.He* Wand* fi^^He. 7, ^way^ T ONDON AND HEW YOfctK STEAMSHIP LIMB. JU Passage to London or Breet 1110, B76 and 930 ouneaey. Excursion ticket* at reduced rates, available for wa WITpenH, Captain BUUnga. .from Maw York August SL ATALAKTA, Captain PinkhaA. from Hew York Apt. 14. ThselswantBliUsh Iron steamship BBLLONAwIHleare fiSSSSa.'Mir EHCLumm*-.-a.. Untb further notice all the elsemere of this Ha* wfB eafi |t Breet to land passengers. TMuti Md through by rail to " -j^ThTVw & ui '~^»*ti» «-bninrAUti ZZr *17Q CUHBBNCY.EBCUB01OB TICKETS TO ABO ntOM LIT**POOL, 0LA0OOW AJ$ _ IrailtMi fir twelr'e months. m «^o'»53frr:!riv?»7'J.*Wf LTYEBFOOL end OLASOOw! calling *1 LOBDONDBRBT united r mSoBln^tf^o"id, sea*"'""' From company'* pier, No. W North nrer. Bate* of paaange, pny*ble to Currency. QtMOj $110 end 0M, eooordihg to locolion. flteerxge, repaid CertllealU from Liverpool, Glasgow tad Doity, Fimntri booked to tad from Hamburg, Bam, AnU werp, Ac., at very low ratal. Ao thla company doea rot employ runners, paeeengcre will piout come direct to tbo of&oo. ft* further informal on apple at the Company'* office* No. d Bowline araon, New York. FRANCIS MACDONALD A CO.. Agent* QB^MEBICA* LIBS TO ENGLAND AND Tha New York and Hair* Steamship Company'* flnt alaae ateamahlpa ARAUO and FULTON, In connection with tha New York Mail Btaamahlp Company'* ateamera MORNING BTABand GUIDING STAR, to Ilarre, carrying the United Blatea mall*, from pier 46 North river, at noon on the foL lowing day*, calling at Falmouth:. ARAGO. H. A. Oadaden Saturday, Aug. A 1MT MORNINO STAR, O. V. Sumner....Saturday. Aug. 17,1867 FULTON, C. H. Towneend Saturday, Aug. 01, 1MI GUIDING BTAB... Saturday. Sep! 14, 18S7 ARAOO, H. A. Gadaden .Saturday, bept. 2d, UtJ -and every fourteen day* I hereafter. Ralti of paaaage, payable la gold, firet claaa ,,,,,,...9190 Second elate JO Through ticket e to London |6 extra. An experienced surgeon oa board. The companies will not be raeponalhle for tpeele or raid, shies unless bills of lading, baring ike value expressed, we signed therefor. _ Q. 0. HaRTMN, for B. T. 8. 0. Co. JON. J. COMBTOCK, for N. *. and U. 8. 0. C* »« l»W COWTOCE, «.l i . »A<m. A.Ii.1 RSfSt. *21» ffn« IlAMBl'RO AMERICAN RACKET COMPANY JL Iron mail itouuMp B.^ Meie^ymmander. car^r!^*thl!\folled 8tateB m$D, Will ' Hamburg, ' Uktnt puNLitn for Hamburg, Havre, Southampton and London. Klr»t otWa. |128; aeeond cabin, t78| atctraga, $37 ML* parai le in gold or lu equivalent The BORuWl A. Capta.n Pranrtn, win aaO Anguet \ VNHARDT A CO., V. B. RICHARD A BO AP, . Oaneral Agenta, General Paaeenger Agenu, 4$ Kichangc pUce, K. T. Ro. 8 Ban-lay itreet, N?T. TAFECOTT8 GENERAL R MIGRATION AND TORN >gn Eichange Office, 88 South ttraol and 39 Broadway, Now Tdrk. Steamer every Wedneaday and Saturday to QuaiuatOOIl and Liverpool. Pare $36 CerUScaioa front Liverpool and Qneenatewn at lowoot ratoa. Draft* payable In all parte of Ureal Britain and Ira. lASde /or farther part'enlare aprW to TAFBCoTT BROS. A Co., as Booth at. and M Broadway. Steam dirba t to bnemrn. < IRi APHIAN. Captain The* S. Bllie, Will all on Haturaay, Augial 8. at )2 M. Katea of paaaage. parable in gold or tla equivalent, Srat cabin, $75; second cabin, 8*0. General I'aaaenger Agenta, No 2 New < l.ati.leraat corner Chatham. New Vorlt, U»OB LIVERPOOL, CALLINO AT Ql'BBNSTOWN, J; Cunard aleamahip t SCOTIA. from New York July 24 Ct'Rt, from Hoaton »la llalilat July HI < PBK8IA, New York Aug. 7 1 raeeat.* mohkt i rob www Yoaa. " Cabin 11Mi second cabin. ,..,$100 to rani* Cabin passage $1*8 tj.rn>.w Mower rnotr Borrow. I Cabin $123 Second cabin $80 I I ay.tbie in gold or It* equivalent, I For freight or paaaage srr'y 14 ^ N. orNAHD. i No. 4 Bowling Green. n pAPHENaiTft* Pill St'OTlA AND IIKCLA M C?T IT bo on board, at the Compunr'e Wharf, Jersey City, by tan o'clock tbla (WedneaiUv) morning, Itih 1 K. Cl'NARD, No. 4 Bowling Green. , CTBAM TO QCRKNftTOWN AMD LIVERPOOL EV^RT O Wedneaday and Saturday, VIRGINIA. July 17, at.d ITBLVbTIA, August 8; Cabin paaaagn $76 and IK gold, (tearage, $26, currency. Dralla of! England and lr«laud lurrenl rt'jt of {teliange Attny an Bofci'BQjrs pt«A*t l*Rce, 73 Bread way, corner of Rgcyp. itr«e~ n kttr'nIp^cXI iXctc. U IV Flrat flaw, 8200 gold. _ . I ft B'eam to Lfterpo-1, calling at Qu.VfvetOWn. The Inman lie. aniline tcml.wnefciy, carry,ng the I'niUd Hlatea mail*. I1TT OF ANTWERP Saturday. July 27. IPINBVRO.. XYeilneaday, July 31. ITT OP BOSTON Saturday, Aug. 8. » ifTT OP BALTIMORE H.lttnUr, Aug 10. 11 :iTf or WASHINGTON Weinetibiy, Aug. II. I ind each an receding Saturday and Wednesday, at nvon, R ran ptor 48 North river. Rate* of Paaeag* ir Ny the Mail Steamer taihrg ererr Saturday bt . , Farablo in «< Id. Payable in currency. J'l tret Ckbin $I1<' Sl*e,age $*) di To London 11*1 To London S3 fci To I'arla 1281 To Parla ..... 48 Peonage by the Weda eager *teamer«, rir«t < abln. illtli lb tfaragj. pj Parable In United Pt ilea r Ten-y it I aa>engera alio forwarded to llarra, Hamburg, Bremen, at le at moderate raloe re Steerage n.eahgn from r,l»erpool or Qneenatown. $48, rnr- 8, ~F. TNfcU can be bought here by peraona tending for h. OSS IWW. eJUfaTteWST 51 eemmm taw *i I " ERA! IfROPBAIt WiBWUW. STEAM WfiltklY TO AND PROM LIVERPOOL AND o Qu«*u»town, by Cunard line. Wednesday, July 17. ** . .Wednesday, July 84. « ablu pasaago, $10U, fold; steerage, $25, currency. Steerage paaaage to New York and Drafts en Europe at lowest rates. Grew °*Wu **"*" or rrel»bl Wf »* No. 4 Bowling For ateerage peaaage apply at 09 Broadway. E. CUNARD. CTEAM DIRECT TO BREMEN, SOUTHAMPTON AND P.JBSPVw "je splendid (hat clan mall steamship AT. LAJtTlC, sailing July 17. Drafts on Paris and any pari of Uermauy. Apply at THOMPSON'S I'usuge ottlce, ft Broadway, corner or Hector street. VTEW direct LINE op STEAMERS TO ANT. jll we rpa The A1 Iron steitmshlp IRON AOS. William Cassap Commander, will aall for the above port on Wednesday, 84th Inei , from pier Kp. 8 Norib river. For balance of freight or passage apply to CHRISTIAN BROS. 18 Kichaugeplace, or funch, a WBND'r, Brcker*, 19 South William street. Travellers for burope~ can have trunks. Packages, Valuables, Ac., forwarded to or from any point la Europe at moderate rate*, through the American European E«preen. AUSTIN BALDWIN A CO., ' 78 Broadway. A RARE CHANCE.THREE FIRST CLASS PASSENGER TiekeU, for steamer Arago, for August 3, In the heat treated staterooms, at a reduction of $V) from original price If applied for Immediately. Apply to 0. O. STANLY, No. « New Chambers street, from II A. M. to 3 P. M. COABTW1BB BTEAMSHIPN. PACI FIC MAIL^STETEafffp^oMPAN*^ THROUGH LINE TO CALIFORNIA AND CHINA, CARRYING UNITED STATES MAIL, VIA PANAMA RAILROAD, Steamers leave pier 42 North river, foot of Canal atreet, at 11 o'clock, noon, as follows:. Aoaoar 1..ARIZONA. Captain Maury, connecting with GULDEN AGK. Captain Farnaworth. August 10..HENRY C1IAUNCBY, Captain Gray, eon. seeling with GOLD itN CITY, Captain Laplilgo. August 91..RISING STAR, Captain g. P. Beabury, connecting with MONTANA, Captain Sutton. 100 pounds bogiege allowed free to each adult paasencer. Medicines and attendance free. All departure* touch at Acspulco; those of 1st and 91st connect at Panama with steamers for South PaclQo ports; Island 1Kb fur Contra! American ports,-and those of lkt touch at ManzanMo. Departure of 11th of each month connects with the new team line from Panama to Australia and New Zealand. Steamer of August 10 will oonnaot closely with steamer Croat Republic from Han Prancleeo, September 8, for Yokohama and Hong King: at Yokohama with steamer Costa Kiea for Nagasaki and Bhanghne. Per passage tickets and all further Information apply at thooffioe on tho wharf, footofOaaal street. North river, New York. P. K. BABY. Agent. PACIFIC MAID STEAMSHIP OOMPANY'8 THROUGH UNITED 8TATEH MAIL LINE TO JAPAN AND CHINA. YIA PANAMA AND BAN FRANCISCO. steamer HENRY CHAUNCRY will leave r>ler 43 North nver. foot of Canal etreet, New York, at 13 o'clock noon, ou SATURDAY. August 10. connecting via Panama Railroad with steamer GULDEN CITY, for San Francisco, whe;e passengers, malls and fast frsight will bo trsnafarred to the Company's splendid steamer GREAT REPUBLIC, to leave that port September 8 for Yokohama and Hong Kone. For Klutngbae, close connection will be made at Yokohama with the Company'a steamer COSTA R10A, passing through the Inland Sea or Japan and touahtng at Nagasaki. Through ttokets Issued from New York, adding to regular prices between New York and San Kranoisco the following rates, payable In gold or Its equivalent;. From San Frandoo to Yoko- 1st t'nbto. 3d Cabin. Steerage. s»..rr*r...T."r: «. m Freight through from New York tp either port, per etaamar of August I, S3 15 per cubic foot, or 4 to 4Jd cents per poind. payable In coin. Passengers who prefer to Ue over In San Fmaeleco can prooeed by any previous dsparture from New York. For through ticket* and all further Information, snnlv at tbe ofliee on the wharf, pter a north river, foot orOabel etreet, to f. B. BABY. Agevu T[K>R SANTIAGO DB CtlBA tlA 08 VITAS, »Bd r±,N /efo with eteemer for St. Themes All letter* inuat pMe threaeh the rent ofllee. fror freight or pernse. having eejerW Met# room sep0A> 'wiTO? > » «** ^ D OHt, IPOR ST. THOMAS AMD BRAZIL. I" Tbe elegant Sdewheel eteamehip SOUTH AMERICA, IsrSS^ Honk j?OB 0ALVB8T0F, YBXAS. r Tiua HM la bow receiving freight ataier°So"bm» river. and wflj aaQ on Saturday. iuiul 8, at IP. M., If sol aooner full. For freight or paaaace. htrlag luparior aocommodatlont, apply to cThTmALLORY A00.. 1M Maiden lane. fcmap 9*v«M Qfm, Captain B. W. Rolmea, will feaealtar No. 9. X. £, Oh SATURDAY. July 17. al 3 o'clock p! i. For freight or paaaage baring unenrpaaaod aoeommodaDope. tfplj |Q HRCBOMWBLL A CO.. W Wpat Itraet. tnon NEW ORLEANS DIRECT..ATLANTIC COAST I? Mail SieaaaaElp Companr'a new and flr«t claas light draft «1dcwh<-el leSmahlp KALEIOH. Captain rfarehman, will leare pier M North mar, for tha abora port, oaSATUBDAY, July 27. all P. M. For freight or p4aaaj» having urtanrpaaaad aoeommoda. Mono, apply to LJVTNqNTON, FOE g CO., m Liberty atreet, OTA ft LIKE FOR NEW ORLEANS..THE KBW YORK "*u _ MONTEREY, Saturday, Anguat 8. All bula of lading aigntd at the office open the pier, rBop:.rTr^!y tQ °r°- bWso* ITOR NEW ORLEANS DIRECT.SIDEWHEEL LINR.. fe, ^ pOR SAVANNAH, OA., _ X1 Bvorr Thureday. Tha Atlantic Coaat Mail Steaoahlp Company-* Mdewbael ataimihlM GENERAL BARKIS, Captain Morton, aaBa Thnraday, J«ly X U. UYINOSTON, Captain Baker, aailaThu mday, Augtiat 1, from pier M North liver, al S F. M. preclaeV, giving tbroogh paaaaga Uckata and btlle of ladfog to all potato In connection with the Central Railroad of Georgia, and, with tha Atlanta and Calf Ballroa^ to paint* la fciOR SAVANNAS, 0>.MURlUlJ LINR r Biw£ TmsSay, at IF. M., ftrox flar U Baal rtver. foot Sunning In oonnaatlan With lb# Central Railroad of Onorgta npd Atlantle and Oulf Railroad to all potaU la the BC" *StORRAr'fe»y ACO , «l and South atrrat. Etiling errry Tilt'RIDA* from Flar A North rtaer. at threo on'o CANTLB, Sir bard Adam*, mailer Jntjr». Col ii.til, V I. Barton, maeter Augntt I. So. I Bow'fog Oram. N1W TOSS AND BATANNAB. ~ Krarire Una of KM* wheal Btaamgr* BAN BaCVADoM, Nleirraoa. Saturday, July FT. BAN JACINTO. Atklaa. Bnturday. Aa/atl. From plar IS North rimr punctually all a^tork r. M tlARHIBON A aLLSwTs» » Bawbna Oeaan itior ciiaSlrbton b. c..rsnoiiT hmccrd to r JT> ranla percible f'-oL lingular Itne for Chariot r, iba Florida porta the Bosih and Noutfcwnat Pir«- cab u pawitt. $18. During iba prwaaal dull aaaaoa thin ilaa » II derpatrh ateamara aa waBnturday. J air t). aal urday, lukom It). Iba tx-r'ilar flrrl alaaa aMamabtp BASAOt BSA. B N Crcwell. commandrr. ia now rooatelag fr* get, and whl I in Saturday neat July tl, from ptar Id Rut ri»tr, fe«t of IFaU tlrttl, punctually at 8 V M ARTHPj UIAST. TS William rtron. FOS CHARI.ENTON.FTENY TflCRBDAT. THE MO. ple'a Mall Bieamal.lp Company'! etnam-h";« It. NOl'DI R. Captain Eebby, aaiia ...Im rrftay. only JR IONEKA. Captain Marabman, aaiia .Ti ,.r«oey. Aag>,at I rem pier No. 6 North rlrer, at F M XI. «gn p«" >«* Irkata and Mile of lading IsauM ta all nc.eta BoStb. In sou mion with South Carolina llailmad. Far freight or paaaagn apply to trC'IR.i*!..*, i <IX A < <).. Agent* AB I.ihertr ^EW YORK AND CHARI.RsTON BTFAMMIIP CON ailing arary SATCRDAY. at A F. M. frets Far No I North Riaar. Fri 1*1.1 at radii red ralaa. Tji.rirlBf CUW RIDSWHRRL BTRAMKfltrS VAN/IAIIaN If. N Uoodholl. Caattnaader < HAUriON, K. l-oohwood, Co*«na«4n Freight rrorimf at all bout a Thri uah blllanf :a<tii,| i.y tba Benlb Carolina Rat.rend for ta Booth ami Kouthweei furalrled at tl« tio ia )rW» fllrd free ef Cnnimfwo* Burrrior ity n.isolation* for pnaaangrra Btrt.of l.Kbng lurntahrd an da weed or U»t>r FaaMnger and height otBa* M Broadway. hRNRT a MORtlAN A CO. Agram jOTHTR. ' i m m «*? , > *t n|Tk Wile daa made Ifrtefementa w <h the Old po- | 'nIOn fi'enmal.lp company to re->'len «nd o<: ty all fre a i ttree» N»w York and Ncrfoclk deetlnad ta yointt an t'.ia nr Bblpprra by the Vi-gluia anJ T»nn«-»«ra Air 1 ">e nra re lal to rand their good* 10 tha Did P mitnlnn kt*rm>bln Dmpany. Liar ST N'lrUi ilarr, nn and afl»r this data ThA 'dd Pomimon Stoamat.l|> Compare will atari one of a following Mean.ere for Narfetb on Bett r lay. Wth mat, id after this wrek arary Tnaaday, Thur-dnr and Satordaa t r W. Fralghta reretrad arary day iKuadaya aafiuicKIA, ALREMARljN. "lAtlAJI*, HATTRR4S AND YIR'ilNlA. On and artar July | nil fralabla by tbt* neat Nnui'-.arn I* will be 111,I Ihtuagh on tuna to NaahC,!;#, M<-n>rhn llanta and intermr llato poln'.a, Rdla of lad I s$ t at rBwi*0^''w *,M rfy ,D. PRICK FPU It CENTS. COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS. POBTI.and AND NRW VORK bteamrhii* company. RTi. a MSII Il'b LlIRIOO in II She, wood FRANCONiA Captain W. \V. Sherwood Forma semi-weekly line, leaving pier 3X Hast river every Wi;i)i>ESi>AY and SATURDAY, ill o'oluok P. M. These steam.', hips connect at PortlaDil wi'.h the liraml Trunk Railway for Montreal, Qneliec Wid other potms la Canada and the West. 'Ilie Saturday stemn-blp oooneehs wun me Jnlei unt'or al Bleainabip Company for K utmrl, Cala.H.and St. Julio, N. 11 through Uekcia glyen for Wul potl, Caltls and St. Jobo, $:>. Through uoketa for Hallfax l>* steamship CAULOTl'A, laavlug Portland ^alurditya, for |M. Pas-age to Portland, Including bar b In stateroom, |i; meals extra. Parcelledaccommodations are brut class. freight received dalTf. Through r.U'-s given and bills of lading signed ntoffioe On p»er jB East ihor, by J. V, AMES. Agent I IXANt lAL. FARM MOKTllAOKS AND UOMMt fir rOWNH AMD rinluticj of Wisconsin U.iliin-i. ill nol i. Iowa and ail WeMwn Securities bought and sold by OEO. C. DUNBAR, So. 7 Wall street. buuskun M. KBTCUU.M. GKOKUK P!l IPPN. THOU BI'.uKNAP, JB. K KTOHI'M. PHIPPtl A BELKNAP. BANKERS AMI) BHOKE KB, NO. M BROAD ST., NhW YORK. Government Securities, Railroad and other Honda, Railroad Mining and Miscellaneous Stocks. OuU an I Kaebana* bought and told on Cointniss on. Mere mi le Paper ami loans In euirtuuy or sold negotiated. Intercut allowed on deposits. I HAVE A i.AROK AMOUNT OP MONET TO LOAN on Bond and Mortgage. on Qrs.-clava prlrale dwellings la New York city. JOSEPH MASON, I'lne elreel. Loans negotiated on like insurance policies. e. r. mcilvaime, <8 Broad elreel. rocui It OIXI'ENNY BAV1NOB dank..not1cb. kJ Tho dsn il semi-annual dividrud, at the rate of all per oent, ficeof government tax, will be pa'd lo the n.-poaUera for the six months preceding August 1 payable on and after the llnb Almost. Interest not called for will lai pUiad to the credit of the depositor, nod draw Interest from the Id August. K. LI .Money deposited up lo the 30tk August will draw interest from tbe lirst of sold month, J-_H. SLOAN. Ban alary STOCK BROKERS..TfTE WRITER, WELL PGNTKD fn Broad street, and now In the Lonu Room, would arrange with a first olase bonne to c<re for their lulargota mure. At a salary cr othcrwise.gKcrercncca givt n. Address Western, Herald ofiice. SOUTHERN RAILROAD, STATE AND MUNICIPAL Bonds, Sloe'.;a and Coupon*: alio S uihei n Bank Notes wanted, bv EOW1N Q. BELL, W Broadway. SOUTHERN SECURITIES WANTED.-WE WILL TAT the highest market price for Honda mil pi t duo t'oupon* of tbo States of Virginia, North Carolina, 3"iiih Carolina, Georgia and Alabama; also Memphis city Ix ndv and coupons, Memphis and Charleston, Misalxatimi Central, tleorgla and Central Railroad bond* and coupon* and ntcek; also Atlantic and Gulf Railroad slock, Charleston city ''"Ok. and Southern securities generally. RAH LAN D, WUTI1 A CO., 14 New street, New York. TTNlTED STATES TREASURY. V ,, tfaw York. July 17. IA87. Holders of August sere n-ttiirly note* are hoieliy informed that this issue may now be exchanged at this oiftee for fivetwenty Bonds bearing date duly I 18t»7. irrciieiwnable for five rear", and rjrryirg sir per rent interest In gold. Interest on tbo seven.thirties will be paid to the Arvtof July Instant, snd a bond be given drawing Interest free* thai dnte. Interest ou the aevn.thirties will uctec Atteuat 16. and tf not presented lor exchange on or pi lor to that d iU» the holders wUl be deemed to have waived the privilege of conversion. H. II. VAN DYCK; Assistant Treasurer United Btates. ®1 WANTED TO nIRE, FOR ONE OR TWO pl.tJl/lJ years, with good security. Any one having the *.iu>e to loan oan address Loan, llcruld oUiee. <M nnA -WANTED TO BORROW, Til IB BUM, WtiUuV/. for ntno months: good aeenrtty and liberal interest, or partial board and lodging* for thu aeeotmnoilaLion. Annlv to BROWN A ROM AINU HU:1 Ri.xariwuv. <£17£nflA TO LOAN ON POND AND MOKT. «I1 I W.UUU gnga. Id one or more hubs, on real aetata la tliU eliy or Brooklyn. JOHN F. COMBBT» « Well atroet, room 11 (QRA AHA TO LOAN ON BOND AND UOHT. Wt)i)UiUl/U cage. la Rum* to mil; alto Heroml MortCeSar sUeet A£!i'y WILLIAM 11. MITCHKLL, 17 COPARTRBHIHI PS. -q tjp <^vv/vvvwwv</<a^ A TAILOR, BECBNTLY ABRVVED FROM PARIS J\ With A too assorted alock, sulUble-for tU« romlng eeaiorti, desires aa a partner a tailor apoaklng PngtinT and rrtpcb and having $3,000 or $4,000 caah, to bo applied to tho payment of the amies on the good*. Beferonoes respectSCTfa{& nstr& A mar class party, with u ixn oh upwards, wantadto taanufaolore a Aral rises article of unlimited 4 SILENT PARTNER WANTHD-IN THE MA NUPAC Jx tun of several valuable patent medicines of untyersal ooimb4^H,0U0 Id Instalment* aa required. Address ¥., box 4 FABmii WANTED.WITH MM. IN A CASH J% ngtlaea . wholesale and retail. Any party of energy tpd weaning business may apply at 170 Urqenwkb slrctL PARTNER WANTED.IN A PLEASANT CASH BUHI. A ceoa, that win pay from $#n to ti.MO por month. On. iy email oapltal required. Apply at No" J Amity plaoo; iia> gulre for Mr, WINEB. PARTNER OF BNBROT. WITH PROM $1 000 TO JT $10,000, wanted..The publisher will fnrnlsh an equal amount to establish a now and profitable business. ho pumbtfg. Addreaa Indomitable, box 1X0 llerald office. PARTNER WANTED.IN A NEW AND VALUABLE JT invention, patented May M. 1W. For fall perUeulnra address or apply to (for five dayi) TJ1UMAI4 (J. Cl.lfPOKpTMfi 8rrentb avenue. N. T. PARTNER WITH A SMALL CAPITAL.IN THE X oraokor burlneai; mmt bo a practical baker; a good dbence. For further laformatlon addreaa W. C. boa SCI Herald office. TTNDOUBTED BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY..TUB AD. U yertlaor, an experirn-ed auctioneer, who ran command ©onrlgnmenls of over $300,000 worth of ft rat rl.aa alaple goods per annum, wlalics'to find a financial associate with K20.0UO to $«0,<X«) caah capital. Advert.>rr w*M Kuarantra $10,000 for the first year'* altera of profit to hla as ornate There la not a dollar of risk, the burners belna dene foi cash on delivery, and the truis Is InvarUbly m >»i prosper oua during peri .da of general depreaalon. Any ono ready make an Immediate arrangement can have tbe.e fuota verified to the letter end ftrat daaa refcronoee furoiebed. Addreaa M. Q. T. B., Herald office. WANTRD.-A PARTNER WITn A CABII CAPITAL ON $30,000 to $>Q to take half Internal In i.u.l entlr* charge of books and finance in an established wholesale dry gnoda booae having an equal amount of eaptlal wholly unencumbered and doing a enah trade. First rhus reference required from afid given to bona fide parties. Addre-sil It., llerald oiler. WANTED.A SPECIAL PARTNER IN A WELL, eau'.iiiahed businosa la this eity, with a capital of $30,400. Address, Hooter Herald office fVANTBD-IN TITK PUbl IHHINO HUblNRWt, A VV ^Partner with aouie capital. Addreaa If. J), boa fill ucrjiju wiOVk ACnn TO fl.MO.-A PARTNER WANTED IN A 0')U1» wall e<uMl«hciJ atoro and laMuaaa where twc c*n realize a largo Inrnmr. Apply to THoMAH (lAFFNKY, Aoctloriert, oori rr Thirty-.c "nd elreet and Ninth arrnite. »nnn -** bnckoktic man wanted iMM::pi. JjIJUv. ately partner, to take charge af a money making man ifae'.urlug huflae<a, already eeiantlaHod: haa quick aalra and Itumenae profile. Apply to RMITU, W Bleeoker a treat. »on AHA -EARTNKR WANTRD. ih TIIB T^'/.U'!U, \Vhole«uio Hardware Hnataaan, *o*ah> hal ed fi»a Tfara and doing a good ea«h trade. Apply U HOWES k BAI.1NBLHV. ho a Ooy afreet. room Nd/l. OfM! -wanted, a partner, either n M M r\Jm lent or art'T", to take nn lntsro*t In a Aral rU.a oy.ter and frn I konaa In the Ityuf Haiti' fe'irr. wd. Factory alxialed on iha water, with oapaeity fo» hrrmetica'ly reeling three llioueaud boabel* gf eyalore pe* d.y haul 1 the 1 trade lor oyatara and fruita. Addiaaa boj I,111 Baltimore Fiatedke. HI mVKM OPPOK*Tll%lTIEt. An Esr.ROETic wan. with from $i,sun to tijun, la aecura a monopoly of $6, MO a/gar. OaliatWPaek »"P. ArAPiTAwrr debwon or interting in thn Biona'\cinre aI auger frxn tl a b et, dealrea torn, ratea fr m prart ml a- r aei nt'/e gentlemen cay atwgea I »e In ralailon thereto. AddreM C. T. 0., Herald office. ATOI'BO MAN WITH $MB HAN HK'TRK A UAL1 inter cat la a buatneaa paying f7S par week. Reference! MMfeMflb NO ACE A Ca , 111 Baaaan atraei, mom II. L'A2f< Jf AND MKN'S rTRNISIHNO OOODB STORH. r In UarlMA..ptnat and t latere* for aale. Inotilrg tl II,e .iprc Third arena# uetweoa IJlet and I1M alg.grkl II* t'Sarabere meet T t*TU. INTEer $«.« > or. Sk'AN IN AN nSTARUIRtlBD' I p.yi g H » ua»a that wilt boar a el ag eiaininatloii. frail nniR*ro uke neiiee Addroee Alpha. Ilorald ottlco. 0" NR cn.tBCE IN A ~YWot'i AND-WK HAVE earerr Wy let tet a pt»"M aa article qrery farmer will oorrkwoi « lea#mt le. c oar .nd d .raWe, a:.U noi a loaa tkan hiorex »a4la reed ly f«i Si. a few stave noble left CgM and tannine H- or addtoeo Ooo. M. Danfurtb A Co., In. veatora h'thaOge. K* Br ad war. / |N* OP TUB BF'T OPPORTl'MITIRR RVRR PRR* 1/ a~atod to a pari* who b*« fVKt to Invert la au enter, p. » wh'-a wti: a large I net una. a thereof* loiaatlM.UU. Wl.t*1 aaty «ao of the fort. Addrooa, rtadfig i mo and f'aoo where aa taherrtew may bo bod. IBpome, > pUNJWIHJ ' OMHRRCf AL TKATBIiUM. WHO It wnaM lake In odd io thoir let <-t Mmbl thaliHb arMl Mliai lui-.t. . rradng fnlciprlee. Mania fl.ay ntll ptoaoa gt.e the l*e ef geoda new a '-I fc'.iWl TOtlSn- -A PARTT iiAroorniNAMOi'liT Ty'.'V can edi( aa ,..'r.l,n ha»,M-u, »Wj sfrrfAK-'WiaiiEarrtts Aadt ttrttv ^ __-a.!|a0Bggg RRMfllOCl botmIce. ... ftAiii i.ic* -r. V "vrRa »* '* t°-r i^ .'ii' * aSn NOW Toaa, BtagtTwe.t, femlS*^0 . -

Transcript of TH E NE W YO RK HERA!,**...

Page 1: TH E NE W YO RK HERA!,** lk« Hal r, Aldermen and UouMltlti VtklBfiaaary City of Mow York, which original*.!

THp->. nd^*i r *"

WHOLE 3Q. 11,285.r»H»ww«t.


' ">«ct »o ag

pSjjo..^ omj wjSj£ ««R T -CiLL AT BTATIOM MB BBOADWAT. TOP

P« Wl Iff fw yar .to*r. » ** ?.

H5a~«"a/4S:5SSS" s2TO'.smbuum d, Bibi*mm, *Md fr*M lb.** to waablapto* ytl*VwJ ounfer a

hiM . lb*pulMMtt **^handherE.tJS.7SiKnCn..!«''iSr.SBrSftE.lMMd MbM. . toto* * tooy »u*bad.poa ADomoN-A nnji. HyiTf.r MALE CHILD.ElS? Tfifju yi*** * *»» »""M» Addr**a

XAEA.EV -WILL THE WRITER OF TWO ABOUTUMM laawr*. akfnad poor filer.J aad m oM rwudant,to mm par .>»1 MlMitM 1 kar* bo raBBon to doubt

feilNMMMk but «MM Mb* to k>M COOT 1Belof proof*.

F ft* TVCEBB, WHO, ) BBL1BVB, WAS MARRIED1MB «r tor** r«*r* * *,*«! bMt*m a aoto to Loto*. b*l

|M*r*M >*» to* «fll tor it *.*tbtog graatiy to b«r

V WAR A HAVDBOMB CAOB THAT I TOCRD MT**<*! turd to. to* beautiful memory of b*r kanga

Itoiiiy to to* MB, uat mOI mimg tto way; when aball Ito frw po I I toall vrtto. w Ml you aoaorr T MUM.

rt MnRRtR WmOBBSTBRB. FORNELY OF, Uoorgta, to tn ik# city, h* will plow a*ad b.a addrraffk, M*u*m A, Spring *tr*et, and ualig* an old frtoud.

ISP QJUNIRAII MeaWKRSY WILL CALL OK MRU.1 WeOom. IM Weal Hileeatb atrool, rba will kMT Of MUptkg>» bar

v a. a. a. is in the city khk will pleareP »» a* at Eui llouaioa Aratl and oblige Hra. P. Phlp kfONOAT,

JILT n. CRNTRAL PARE-BBACTIPCLart brunaua. Mart halrawd Mm area: block riding run,Mat tMw knew, in «»pii/ wuk » paiijr. will pleare wadpar rtdrroo if »g **'! to lAegunUeraau la ooupO who noMartbar aaJ drawnad kM alorr. Plaoac read addraaa tojtorMe C.par. Mob i a O. nod oblige a frtaad.

Ef AY.-LOUIMR. SORR1MANIA. BLKKCICKR 8TRRET,1 Tbereda/ araalag. ok t e'alort. Don't f»lL

Lr- AND priind.DON'T POROET APPOINTiataal to-aigbl quit* Mat reran o'cv t


n>ARIR..DID NOT uo TO SARATOOA OR SATURDAY.R Ml prralNd. rtaaaa anil al MA. LOCI*A.

dobkrt oollt. who lived in hrw tors inK rear Iart or IW, If Hrtng. or any of b<( balrm, willKir of eoneihtaalu tbnir advantage by calling on A. H.pUrko, lawyer, to ptata atrwnt, room If ilia eon In-law,no waa la aa laruraaco aAw aa Broadway, wiU ploaaamm* km ru»duod

gASPBRRRrBM AED CBKAM. TAYLOR'* SALOOB.Turnip dooii -M<« Mtittt cm o'clock boot boundUe tordure clod htm of Oooey Iaiand on<l (hero we may

o)wyourctomato eornoicoe Eld CHARLEY.

CSURDAT MORNINO. JCLT ..TBI GENTLEMAN3 waJUna for the oor, Fourth atreet, would be ple..<ed toanr from the tod* rending the moculng paper Addrooa 0.I, boo IX Herald eiioAEtBOAT AFTBAROO*, BEWEEK 1 AND I O'CLOCK,

wo todtoo walked Utmiuk Broad etrool and Eichnuge1 on thotr return through Broad etroot a mutual rerng.uwu each*aged between the entailer of the two,large, full, bine ere*, and a gen tlrama otondlug on the

«of on office. If It would meet ber approbation hoI bo pleaned to make bar acquaintanoe. Addreeo

laamdy, N>» HO Herald office.

QTALL BTHEBT STAGE. MOBDAT. JULY 15 .1. OFTTnoetic. with ancle; walk to Bleeder etroot: > o'clockart day. lirore ntreot You did Dot come You rbali koow

£aMne^AMraa* appointing Initrrlow, ltartoo, baa KM

BFBC1AL 5Wlt «l.A TRIAL OF TBI FIRJ5 KXTlKOUIBllKR WILLUEL take place thta A. M. and at t o'tdoek, at Battery BarAi(fflatt sirosl.

\A .OOMBIKAHON 6ILTBB MIB1N0 COMFAET .IB. want a loan«M« 1.M0 ahnrea of the abore ataekNT Uree month*, nr to enll any part cheap for eaah. aa 1fat ta rtallaA AAareae Merchant, bat Mi Herald oifcee.DOAED OF AUDIT..BULBS ADOFTBD BT THBD Bonrde of Audit, creeled by the net* of the I eel*tolureEf Eew York, pnnaad Apnl a. IH7. and April A,TaW, forbMHltUna I Km At- -f ^Ll BeemU Mata Vfffik Ju.a

ShU-TU at, tula* by which lbl«M »W>h of Audit|b« created, require all persona baring unadjustedMM fit-** lk« Hal r, Aldermen and UouMltltiVtkl City of Mow York, which original*.! prior toBfiaaary 1,1887, to prroaat lk« hjo p> ik* Board, oroalod1*0 U.o adjustment and aottkmani of oneb ekima, ou or befcr tk« lad day of July, W87. and require ail poraona baringmtonima against the' Connie of New VaA" to meanJ

mm lame to lb* Board crrakd tor lb* adjustment and tottl*.Kill of those rlaiana. on or beforo Ho Cub day of J In oompitanoo wttb the requirements of the tatutea,Babies may be Sled with tbo Cirri «f aaid Board al lb* off aaef the iv mpi roller of um-Cilr i f bow York, oh or br'or*KM day* abo*o nnotunii. Claim* not perorated before i boBnpn aUoq of tkoMmoo oboro Hmitod ananot bo ooamdorwdEaald Board*.P*Meoad.hash claimant, al loaot ton day* before tbo bono.MM of ble claim to bad. aball bio with tbe Clerk of (be BoardItrAndlt I* which bto claim to peaoeiuod, a talinnai laMm duly Tended, of tbo fan a "fu which hieaim I* baaed. tot*'bar wilb a complete bill of tbo

Him i commuting «ncb claim, itoo duly eerldad, andmall aorre o daplumM or copy of lb# auieineatid bill of item* on tbo Cooaoe* to tbo Corporartaaeery each atatemoot of facia stink atoo Male oketWay suit baa been prooocntod or browghl up..n tbo claimrein mentioned by lb* ctoliaaol or m y predecessor in to.

rout, tbe Urn* Of aommaaoeiaant of luob cu t ,if oar), tboearl In tokMfe the aawe war bnuii L and tbo name* ot *Mersey* appealing tboicln, whether aneh e«H »a mil prcdhlor what dl#| o»uion h*> boon niadr of n. and, if Jul*Mat ha* boon rendered therein against the plainUf, tbopound* of *uch no rperuu answer to aae aeah statement or claimtetorpooed and Bird with tbo Clerk of the Board to whommclaim la prerrnted within Ion day* after ruck filing aednetce of tb* claim, tb* Couaael to tb# Coc oration w"l booaeldered aa baring answered by a (aneral d.-ulal and iamm*, whether an anawar bo mtert-ou-d or n * the *i*im

Iwill be required to lustain bto claim by proof of tboHb upon which It I* booed.Fourth.< 'nlemlar* w ill be made Of the 01*1let presented

oaaid Boaida resi-eetlrely In tho order n wine!, the reelad atatomenta tMroof (ball be bled and tarred a* abor*tau1red. and elaimo will be lakon up and iteard I* tbfirOder upon aoeb calendars, ezeopt that for gord causa tbowa* tbe Uoaid, ii|>on reasonable cotter* a preference may Mymntod or postponement of hoar.tig had.Fifth.A day calendar for each day, conaletlnr of aot mora

taaa ten MMI, uinh omorwiea f-nrr" t y the Fiord*,tall be made up bp ibe derti. aa dreatod Itj the Heard*,.r noeted m tbe reamaocructed l>y the Boat da for Leeringuaaabefore 3 O'clock V M. of .UedaT preceding tbe cellingTmU calendar. Bo adImminent of any t.» on ike dapLeedar mil be grealod..Accp» for eu&eieut cettee eboaaR-riut-.itJMitb.Tbe bearing* of eatd ranme akitl be enctiirtedLeanuTy In ihe uiMntaur a* Ike UlaJe of .raora it. toearia of !toeofd. bat the form aad meaner af pew redingmy be aiodtAed to eealerai In the dnune cf tneaa t* drds.STtha rawe of evideno* applicable mncH intu.alJae>at latent with tha dadre aad purpoeee of ibaaa baarda

Si^^-rteede«Kona0ed ^be* Hoard# of Audit upoa&m beard abali be eeaouaerd la open boe'd. Im^TEX alter Ibe opeaiM af Mtuog fee the dup.aa eooa altorWhet rings afeall he cloned ae ear he ooatei.teeUy doae.rmpa c,lArf(,.KY jg DFPITW. Preddrn


BBMI^(hMt». Clerk.


. - woboeh. hi *«br eteeo that «» peT erm Penally »m be

rOTlCE..AL LFHRBOR8 H AVIRO CLAIM* AOAIM4Ti tbe Uto «A ' "f BaiwcU A EeOreger. bre bfreby aeU.d fviZefri » th. "J- rlber uilbi. th.,1, dep.

St o\*nTEr tsi!eo, Re. t Bowerp.taw To**, J ore **>TOTICB -ALL T WORB IRDMBTED TO THR IAT*I inn of Mstart * Met)re,* are b'rrly notified toule nlth tbr eaten*, >>*r WMhfo tbirtp dap* from date, or- * "TbcSA»«w to»k. jqp« :t, n w.

rOTICV..PAKTIE8 \Wl^ « **»* CALL FOBI tbelr good* iledged "lth M ma a* roee.ble. u I'WMrt- rrTil&bV"?i "ixtrt.» r«,K.nmIIOTICB TO BCTCBKRft zVIf "*W*?R* *2*7;I Wr Comp»nr'» burg* I <* " w® tb> foot of TIW ,eeLFe.t rU-r, datlymth 'WU of rrtmo Beat nad after Tbureday, the 11th ma. * A» 11 » » »* * 10 uehaMffeet of 4.hi» bnig* fchti fitf mwiimwi ew npfwirmmiyeeUr-Ung their M than tee *»* u Uigmfciiabler houeee, the remfry bt 7. h'1*4 !» 'M« berg.Lb taa lt tn.l the beefia fama M down hanging en tbe

<eee" m atdea, and la qnarUrV 4 M d*<,Te«M i" firim, Tbe berg. wUl be Uere dA » «» "«* ' tbewronon

jTncH OF collector or I!»m '»*' "FTswrr,-.r°?wrH!.( U5r:u'" «etrtct. HteU ef »« J? lOtMrrteIthe I bird. KVlh, Htilb ut Eighth *t ef the any ofiwYork),4lCh^ter».tft>«t^^

ns«sh«,sriraus,"±'"xs&a, therata eyytg-d bare bt

ilea, am, be. The Uiee included to the erawal lie*, ,r*

»g&.TSg, igareone who obeli aegteet to per lb' «< »« due by thaw Iijy^i?* «

SSSSataaM rraaa A. M. taf F. Ni F. BbtLBY. CeBeetar. ~

» Teae, Jniy l»,m>. J

ettee It hereby given. la rnreunee at law. Out I bare Ineed thg ennu i eotlc-lloo Uet of the valuation e aad £eaaaeaata or Ibla llleu ct odder the Internet Revenue r«*r tba PalUd 6lale* for tbe praeent year; that tba I'w gnomontedtMrew have b*«oaia dua and Arabia rithai I will attend or b? for lb«^



; match for $2,0QU: mile heat*. three laslmJA.. ? * > Dobles' br. m. Sklnenn; l». Mace's r|,

- match for $1,000: talle heats. three iu flve, kVoTSfAn visiters' br. alallloi) knd W. Burst's oh. g. Bd. Ellia.J * ay, match for $800: mtle heata. three to Use. (a hsr5J*J. liongreye's b. 4 Fred Penoe; W. Smith's b. g,J*r o«l Beer. In consequence of the two latter races being.nade to come off, rain or ahtne, trotting will commence at 1O'elook P. U. J- SIMMONS, Proprietor.

Fashion coub8B.-thottino, Thursday, julySB. atS P. It.; atake of $300; mile heata. three In Are.

Owner's b. g. Monaban Ranger, In harness; owner's b. a.Boston to wagon; McMan's o. m. Lady Lyons, to wagon.Heme day. match for $8001 mile heats, three in Ore. J.Crook's b. in., to wagon; owner's r. g., In harnaaa. Play or

pay. J. SIMMONS, Proprietor.

Fashion course.-trottino, Friday, july a#-,match for $000: mile heats, three In Ore. In harness.

O'Neil'a spot Snow Shower; owners b. m. Dolly Button._

J. 8IMMON8, Proprietor.

Trot on tub union half milb track,Serenty-second street and Bloomlngdale road, on

Wednesday, July at, at three o'olock, for a purte and stakeof $180. J. Homerlodyke names Pedler; Dr. Oslo, namesOrayJJerry; Thomas Ogle, names a, m. Jessey. Ail to wagon.Admission Ofty cents.

BPORTIHG.A LL HINDS OF FANCY D038 AND BIRDS FORA. sale.Medicines for all disease*; Prepared Food tormocking birds, at B. DOVEYU, Nog. 3 and 5 Orecne street,eimerCiDkL

For hale-a completely furnished scHoonerYacht of 2U6 tons, old measurement; or will be charteredfor the summer months to a responsible pu-tjr. Fullparticular* by addressing J. Anderson, Herald ofiloe.

FOR 8ALE.SCHOONER YAOHT HADIE, SO TONS,new this spring, and In perfect order. Can be soen off

Hoboken Baths. Address <f. 11. B., bos 1.U69 Post office,Hew York.

FOR SALE.THE CELEBRATED YACHT DREAM,winner of the New York Yacht Club prize In 1886 ; in

complete order for sea; now lriug at Oreenpoinu For fullpartlcitlnra Inquire of W. N. TAYLOR, 3ft William street,room Ho. 4.

Francis butler, no. speck blip, has all thechoicest breeds of Dogs, llutler'a Infallible Mango

Cure and Flea Exterminator, <5 cento. Butlcr'a new workon the Dog. 93. Dogs trained, boarded, Ac. Ucdloine forall diseases. Rifle for sale.

Yacht for fale or chartkr-the new yachtHsppho 810 tons O. M. For strength, beauty of model,

by any \ aeht in tliia country. Will be sold low, or charteredon reasonable teimv. C. A B. POILLON, 234 South street.


A -OCR NEXT REGULAR 8AI.E OP TROTTING,Coupe and Family Horses will take place TO-MOR.ROW (Thursday), at 12 M., at SM Duanc street, junction ol

Readc and Duanc streets, at which time a very superior lineof trotting stock will be oflercd; nUo Wagons, Harness, Ac.,in great yariety. JOHN L. VANHEWATE It,

Auctioneer, 34 Duanc street

A GREAT SALE OP FAST HORSES AT AUCTION..The subacriber will ofier at public sale at the Fashion

Comae on THURSDAY, July 26, at 12 o'clock M.. the followingnamed horses, vis.: br. g. Quaker. 10 year.) old, 16>£hands high, sound, handsome, and kind In every respect;trotted to wagon May 27th last, 2 2:38. Bay eUlHonNtd Forrest by old Pstcben out of Mayday mare. N. a beautiful hay, 15Jjj hands high, 10 years old, sound andklud, esn trot In 2:50. Al'o one pair black ooaca Horses, Idhr.i.ils kith, kind and error, the handsomest pair in theSlate. Also the rb. g. Pred Panic, 6 years old, very handsome,and esn I ot In 2 40 Also the thoroughbred entire Coloneltlrtgsby. by Lexington, ent of Jig.andJig, by Oovernor ButlerColonel U. Is6 yesr* old and a handsome bay; an eleganthorse In every respect. Also the Gray Gelding. 4 yearseld, by Pilot bred hy R. A. Alexander. Esq. Also the celebrattJroau mare known as the Bonner Mare, fine else, gooddriver, and has trotted tu 2:27. Also, In addition to the abovelist, eight or ten otbera, all desirable. All of the above horsesare well worthy the attention of the public. Parties wishingto bny st private sale can aee the horsea prior to the dayadvert,»ed for the auction sale, by calling on the subscriberel tbe Fashion Course. JOHN S1UMONS.

AT AUCTION STABLES.119 EAST THIRTEENTH,J\ near Fourth avenue.Horses, Hnraesa and second hand Carriages at privateesle.A fine Team of Blacks.A pair of bay Ponies.A superior Addle Horee.

_A fine Plngte Driver ,



noMokn. SIKoLBAND DOt'RLK HARNESS. AO.Call aud iMuin*. MINER A HQMEitVILLB.A MKRIt'AN AND KNULIN1I SADDLEBT. OP ALL DEA«r'i>t un* Hut Harness. Riding saddle*, Bridle*,Sheet* mmi HUslMt. Sly New, An., tram the Importerad mtttufatiurBf. at Peart street, betw*«a Pulton audMt etraeW.

A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF CARRIAOE8 ANDA Marat*1 at SI Ren-tap at reel, near tka Astor Bouaa.AD aauda Mrtciir aa ra| rearmed.tHO». E. HICEN. formerly of Kewart, W.J.

A N ASSORTMENT OP POPR AND SIX SEAT PHAE/\ tuaa E«rx' ic'ioa Cabriolets, Tuba, Saab el Phaeton*,Pei-m Wmhh bun *< « Cairugaa, HaiaaM, *) par centtaaa ti.aa Broadway pricesiIaM N, Braadtrapaad Fourth atreoL

AT MoOKEV'b BEPOHTTORT.A PIKE ASSORTMENTof arrtaeaa of *11 dearrifutoaa. Alau a Urti aa.-ortinant

"" 1 r I * a Il.n, u N Mc » > kV, 01 LiUrty at

Ant pernon wantino horsra-i have poortloraas )' t fr >tn tb« euuatry. lhr-a aorrala, oao

iaam wairbad. Id hands naa »'n«le aortal Id haadt; oooMahoaoay U* road 11area, so ,bd aad kiu<l, M. lnquiraat St baulk fifth atraot, Jersey CMS, E. J.


Am pais op carriage uorrpm wanted for:m r tliraa rtwitb*. A prorata lau.ily bat lag a varynrtfuI »aa 4aaa* vtabaa t" biro a pair oI at»a<1r llbraaa.

Iha faluf r frronra (Iran iftd If raqalrad Ad4ra«ah*» i,M Poat utoaa >a» \ orb

A^m VRRT PINK PAIS BLACK IIORfiMI. MM IUND8bt*h. aiau a Pair aupart. Ml UliliM M band*. loraaia .ba p al ii« futon pbar

4 TOi'NU MARK TORONTO CHIRP . VERT PARTi\ aul a .rabia a1*0 a racy strong Ktyr*.. W'acoa audHiram, naailr *a», f ji aala >baao. at im Ni..tti at. nua.

AHrus D ' TOR ft PONY PDA t YICTO.i.aa. < abrtatat. tmaad afaa raa4 Wapuaa. Japgara, Hiuraas,ttjalaaaa nt.4 Ilapwt Waguaa. Jaoaa UwU, Crnipar,fL* la* aya iiir. A*- bat* an<l latOTi) hat. 1, eheapar

arar, al URAl H kapoaliury. U. tl as ' 3b W.^in auarl

JM BBAmPrL DARK RoKr.Ri. NAM! Poll aAl.R.V lira yaora old oil! trot to tbraa mtauiar. two < »» rat of Harouaa .ad aaa two-aaaia Cantor allpi I brut rary .lltlr aar.t. a ad aaa ikrl luu Kww a Ilk Aaaliboard,Aa W iM ho awll amply i>r rollratlralp at (raat aaarlAat,ta!l a»4 aaaaataa ibaaa at Ho Waat Puny-claih total,

aaar Broad***.

A PBW OOOD NOBABA. .HUT PitoR TOR OOCNJ\ try. ytotaf a«1 *o>>a<t. tl (aa all Alada of totoH;alaaa lc« I * pr.a*d Uuraa« lapwlro al lit t'aaai atreai.

A RMY WAOORN, TENTA, PLTB. WAGON COYT.BN.A. Awalapa Mmbbar Cot aaa, MaOallan Aaddlro, MalaCaftan, lliram, An.ti.laiio**. Arn.y CiuiklM Rabroa,k napaacba wT A. CARTER. M CurtlaaAi, aoarUraatiwicb.

Above oroi nd atari er to i.rt-rooh portkra* bortt aad tbroa aairtagaa. raat |RM. Applyat B Waat btgUlaaalb rtrrat.

A IIORMR, BCAINRMA WAOOR AND BARNRAR; TWOA lanuiy taa paar nbl bar H. -ra a Httia aara. baa 1 «t>i» to ibrta toUtuiaa. all wlB ba auto at aaari.Aoa. «BPaarl atraat

I1AROAIN -RRB .BORRRL BOHaP. NIXB TRARRD u.A lattdMl family U)d braA* *arr-uta4 to

MtlMk"" ""

CH1ITT Al'tTIOM MAKT. CORXAR BROADWAY AX D/ Tklrif (IMt turn*-J J MERRY, Mrlim.OarrtMM mM Umhik. m * Lb

R »1 Iff IHWl i tin Wrtl<« till

iliutltou AMD WAOORI PW .RAUL-TUBJ Ku<M «f «u«Mw tnff v«w4 kui ' OfMt. rkMimi,W4 B«M»w vr«r"-«. MlUkf off ffrM# M WlfTY aM.torff ffffK* Iff <*»'«* 'iwff, Bf.A'ym


CARICA'll _ CABRlAOlt*.A jl >

M wiwmirf ( )»! ff .17 VIM k >* »* aril »iUlJIir (iaR'UIN*RKOAD* At, i>#%f BM.t»r AfHt

WMH1MilV MifflAM » «*». I* ***» «i UWART I IK.Mm. I* MI«H Mil ItMri «M'Mllli<BilMlNfy), W1U1 BradMffB. I 1

F'on 4I.K.A ari.KRDID PAIR Off ffORREI. CAB- Inaja N»m>, fr»» x 4 »tx»»- t ffm»r» » 4 fm »iyknifffit, wtn hff »<M iRaa*. f«* w»M at » »

M im ».«..»» > «<» (tM A* <m4 imim. A I Ay Ia»fiA »ha M»««» tSrl iM laa»al a*. u*m

Jj*>l BAtS-A? A M«*BIPirR. a riB«t BaT«KgajWafoaraVSt7S£«iRii.££I* AU» > «ff» ri "rrw. 1pX'R^ALA-AAT B.t. M RA.WJM RIO*. « VA4RA

MWjft;4, ",<s' "P ll.tri ,-Aff l.T tar

inus.-® =~3:^5sr*J^S :, -» BmftsnwgA.

asSSiigSif Ipot PAia-A PBABB MJ),m KTBiii IStms, * *< <4 1PE^-sgi-iKteaf?!aasta&sae-aai i



V tori*, with Child'*teat to foil IB; bus* <>B I'WM'ITBpringa; light euough for the eouutry; suitable for MM ortwo home*; beeu used but throe lueaibt. euet now VP*;will bo told cheap. May bo mcd at Ailuu A CeMh tornriage warertoms, 681 Broadway.ctor bale.-brewster top waoom, polb andA' Ihafts; Mt slng'e Harness and road Wagon, la 'he beatorder. Call oa or addroaa B. B. M. BTOKBSJM Wall eWeet

Iton SALE-POUR OP THE FINEST HORSES IN tbicountry. At for any bualnets; alto ona of tha baMtomeatpony built dapple gray Homes in tha otty: alto four

low priced Horse*. f<& each; also ona Mara, with Call. Tabe aaan at id Ureenwlch avenue.

For sai.e.a beautiful saddle horse, tubproperty of a deceased lade; wm ranted sound and kind

tn all harness, without fault or blemish. Must lie sold hemediately. Inquire at private stable 111 (old number; EaMTwenty-eighth street.

FOR SALE-TWO FINE VICTORIAS, NEW and secondhand, top and no top Bungle*; will be told cheap forcaeb. Apply to GEO. J. MOO Kg. 37A Bowery.

FOR BALE-AS I SOLD MY MARB-A ROAD WAGON;weigh* 138 pounds; and Harnett Price for the wagon,

100; harneta, $30. Inquire at SOt) East Fortteih street, betweenSecond and Third avenues.

For sale.a large brown mare, suitablbfor a coune or any kind of driving; warranted toned

and kind; good lu all harness; can trot fatt. Will be toldcheap as the owner hut no uso for her. Apnly corner ofIhtrty-elghth street and Seventh avenue to Barrett.

ti»01t SALE-ONE LIGHT EXPRESS WAGON. B»:I one three-quarter seat piano bo* Wagon, only usedthree times; one Jn/gur Wagon, $6); one GemiantdwnRockuway, good as uew; one full spi lug square box Wagon,>75; one single llama**. Apply at 151 Huillean street.

For recond hand two skat waM«n,one Top and one light Wagon. Inquire of DU8KN-B Y * VAN f>H8KR, 15a and iff Chrystie street.

FOR SAI.E-A PIANO BOX WAOON. PRICE >185.Cull at 153 and 15b East Twenty-third street.

For salb-a black horse, is hands, verystylish; also a roan Mare, suitable for a doctor's or

milk wagon; property of a farmer. KM Concord street,Brooklyu.

1jV)R SALE CIlEAr-a TEAM OP HORSES, HARNESS} and Truck. Inquire of W. II. MOADINUER. 118thstreet, between Second and Third avenues, in the stable.

Four pairs op very fine, stylish carriageHorses, bays and blacks; long, full tails, free from white.

Inquire at N. MOONEY'S Carriage Beposl tory, 91 Liberty St.

VfULES FOR SALE.YOUNG, KIND AND 8TR0N01iu can pull more than horteg. at half the cost of keep.Apply at 89 Fulton street, second floor.

Night carts fob sale..inquire at noisisWooster street. E. T. BROWN.

PAIR OF CR088MATCHED M \RBS, COUPE ROCK.away and Harness for Halo cheap; black bought for 1:45;

gray carries a lady superbly; both faultless. Ladies' andgentlemen's Saddles and ltlding Bridles. Inquire of Dr.A. K. GARDNER, private stable 1!M Second avenue.

PASTURE FOB HOR8ES-ON LONG ISLAND, AT »per month. Inquire of or address A. Henderson,

southeast corner Seventh avenue and Fifty-slith street, MewYork.

SELLING OUT..ONE TROTTINO HORSE, WAGONaud Harness; very fad; one pole Top Wagon, one Notop;

one Ilorse,trots to pole In 1:50; 8 seta of double and! of singleHarness; Poncy, hands, gentle and pretty as a picture;sold cheap. 477 Pearl street. In clothing store.

SECOND HAND WAGONS. TOP AND NO TOP; ROCKawavs,and one Brett, in perfect order, at very lowprice*. Call at J. LOC K.WOOD's. 127th street and Third* venue, Harlem.

SIX horses to BE sold AT A BARGAIN. INQUIREat ibo comer of Fifty-first street and Eighth arenas, in

the grocery. To be sold for want of use.

Three desirable cross matchedteam and one road Horse; sound, kind and sen tie;l»Jj hands high; must be seen to be appreciated; sold low asthe owner Is going away. Apply at private stable U® BeatThirty-filth street, rear.

WANTED IMMEDIATELY.A LADYS SADDLEHorse; must be very gentle and kind; prloa moderate.

Address, boi il.flM New York Post oflloe.ANTED-A LIGHT BUSINESS WAGON, WITH ORwithout cover. Persons having sueh for sale may addressA. Tamer A Co., S31 Pearl etreet

HO WOULD NOT HAVE A NEW HARNESS. WHENGRAY can supply the entire universe for $16 per set T

He has also Saddles and Bridles, Sheeta, Rets, Whips,Hlankeu, Lap Robes, Ac., at a lower pries than any one inthe city, The Nos. are 33, M andM Wooster street.(MOC -SPLENDID TOP BpGGY AND HARNESS;iplOil. new top Wagon, $JOO; second hand top Buggy,by Waterman, $176; splendid new Roekaway, $18$, ChsapeatWagons In the city. «S9 Bevanth avenue.

tt/inn .ANY STRICTLY RESPONSIBLE PERSONthat ean advance the above amount can have

tne use until October 1,1887, of a valuable horse, first classboi%7^lcnUdoOoe" ,#c^rM, for AddressPT,




0a.kasm II WaA kaa. kail., a. II all. V.ak Ik. la a_ci ii«j« II 141*11 lima MClier Ml mt Mil DWK HI DIXDII IS

Washington at the beginning of the Oreat Rebellion, by thePrivate beerclary to he.," or ye moret humorously Itmight hare been, "The Courtship of (he old Judge Francis On.dsrhlU," or ' The Mistress of London Beigbta, the Belle ofUwCapitol, end brr Desperate Adventures." Some personswould think It still more attractive to have celled U " Profee.sor Jackson and Mrs. Luey Toblstha Ptln.klns, the Strong.Minder." Yet no matter: U lea historical novel, humorouebeyond all modern invention, e truthful picture of the period,an uplifting of the vail where eiept the embryo of the OreatRebellion. It la- Illustrated, not with startling ImpoaslbHillea, but Ingenious truths.This historical novel le not s tale Of e common people to O

common village, but It deals with persona whose beads weremore powerful than were all the warriors and philosophersof the Romau empire. And yet eo much laughter does itcon tain that hut to open the book the note* begins; not forfolly or plagiarisms, hut humorous mistakes and love out ofall sorts.

For rale by FRED. A. BRADY, No. S3 Ann street, NewYork, end by all booksellers sverywbers. 1 vol. 8vo. Price7ft come, paper. $1 9ft, cloth. Mailed free ef pottage on recvlptof price.

rpilR PDRENOLOOICAL JOPRNAL, FOR AroCST,A contains Hon. Schuyler Colfas, Maximilian and Juares,lion. Charles A. Fhaw, Meagher, K. B. Falrfleld. Rev. Dr.Haws.portraits, characters and biographies; also QueenElisabeth; Htudy of Language*; Our New Possessions.Irus Msrrtages; How to Save Money: -Success In Life: HowI" Get * Home, tfhnuld Roys and OUl be Educated Together.State l*i,.le; General Grant: CommittingHulelde, and ari h ml well my. Terms, t9 a year; >0 rente a number.Newsmen have It. Address S. R. Wells, 3811 Broadway,New York

a c n u i.' w < snvit. vievnot > nnnt ens»

M It land. Kdabllabed fortj tun. Flr»t rUU. Oniof tu propr.etora I aring been for ten ti»n in America bu» -iulr*-! a praee-al knowledge of the working of hotel* Inthat country Hotel potter* iceet at Qucentlown the arrivalof nil (learner* fro.a America.


IMPORTANT LECTCRK8 DAILY.TO GENTLEMENonly, on lntere»liM aubjec'*, at the New York Muieum

of Anatomy, *18 Broadway. Ttw unable to attand tbeaele-1 urea may raoelar a copy by forwarding ten cent*. AddreaaHocratary of New York Museum of Anatomy, 818Broadway.

kiprkmrVA-i rnram - pi rmiVre express office

118 tVeat Lletentb "iruet near Niith arenue..f argawagon* for morlag furniture, rite or country. Purrttur*tw-d. Turnltur* paukod and shipped. Money advanced.


A1 MAONIPK RNT ROERWOOD FJANoVoRTE for»Oa..Made to order, city maker*, coal 8800. for fSOO;uaod (re month* Tarlor bulla, Etape.e. Bork- aae. Paint.

Ing*. Brn-ea, i hatni-er and Dining Pnrnlture. 44 Wealitiieentb *tran, near filth arenne.

A| FAMILY LEANING the CITY WILL EKT.LIkotr roaewood oeeen a-tare Flaneforfe; oreralrutij;tmafnme. relet rated maker*: nearly now; worth MSB;lor lea* than ba.f. 187 East Ter.tb a'.reet.

A CI1EAP PIANO.IN GOOD ORDER; PRTCR §40:.1 a ae\>n ociare, roaewood Pianoforte, but l.itla uied'- " Tig... . 1* Amity auwot, near Braid way.

AF1R«T cn.AH* MTU OCTAVB ROHEWOODI Aiu'fur rt<:» Mid r°*»rf«i* lena, runntrej for Sjo.rr f. r aala at a laenr. o .'or cub. tl IVI Oratid urret,mr Mtrtt

BAROAUm-ROfRWOOD AEVF.H OCTAVE PIANO.f..rtoa. M<«» >n>rre«rntMt«, |l* for $160 bai.dmwi.oaowood, ill o<1 l.alf orlare, AIM Twrntr othrreto atom a cwnatfiwioat Reearal Pianoforter oi

«aoikan *uruf»otui«r* plti-a. 10 Pourtk artDue, oppotito(inpar laaumde

I>ib OAi.r.-A VAfiKiricErr HBvEN OCTATE ROSEfwood P orof no, tl a aarrtfico for -.oah; bar all modernNnprwtoaaeata. a Veatiliful latUumoat. Apply at Ail Granduroo'. ,TEA ATR A »f»R PIAAQFOETB VARCrACTl'RFRS.

JT»r |t»i powar f"1'/ ami ewoetnaaa of tone, alrganeeef AnUh tkoaomolrmnoata aaa taoanraoaaod. Partioa wanthioammrrP.ana*1 a Ida priea wo all (Jo well to examineinoeu. Roror 4 baud Plaaoa at low price*. Factory andoororoowi* Oi .J*> K fweaty-0ro« atroot. |WAMT PIAAOPORTEA.<JR AND. PQT*ARE AMR

aaMyb" w» - i .. r ii reh, u»m ar.<1 CaMoel (Iir^ius Iko bam >aa> .'«i trod, to lot, and rer.i applM If

KibaoO n at- I .awalwa .to I Hr iko aono.iirnan rr . " . *-- ".



|«r, TO Nf ' iRnpoT ARwnnnrrpT r>? tfuisr»sE-!rvTTOitt5*1 i'

* »|Oaro I

PHUPOkAU.m'l" T" sr' TORA..HAVI Ni I'NDER. .

akr- « real' '.a f it# aoc,» Ppriapo Ka.lroad<na Aaaaioa Tl '* tM,U» Iticr t ..rivria, R. T . I

3K2F£iUy . : i.::y f




DAY, JULY 24t 1867.jbwopuji rr*AM»Mirs.

SiiLv r> r«»M *

iK»nl tnd»»u«..'v iT-Teeay. Mall Heam.blpa, **t«Ml Kew T*rb »IM1 llatrr, ral'tnjf al Nraat.

ftwi M''ea«i«d new >Mak an ilJa latoiita rial! for tha<V "Heart, wltt «U Hoot |w No. M berth river, aa fob

! r H rE. laawn* Sotor-lay, Jul» V.m 1.41 llKKT, lartMr Malurday. Aug. »«FRKKIHft, I"..hraae. Raiurday, Aug. 1M.Vll.l.u Ull rlHlOu'UMC balwdaj, Hwt. 7

r&l« K or rAggAOR,IIncluding wlOO). BafaMe la gntf ar ogulcaloat to eerreacy,

to aaear aa a*rat;rirH Cat-la »M0 ftarwitd fcablo $100

to rauia:.Including railway Urkata. farnlehnd aa board),Fimt'«Ma....T..... JfiftKraaod Cabin $1«£ * *** <* ^ 0 Ot«^ a rn*ItaOM-al attendance free ef charge.1W alaawaata do aa« carry eleerage paa'tnoara.American iratailara going w> ar it turning from tbo conli.

ml of Karago. by taking iba unimn of tbla line avoidunnreeaeary rlake froai UaaaJt by Kagllah railwata amieroaalog tLa ebauacL. beddee anting much time, trouble andaipeueo.

OBO MAI KI NAIF, AgriM, » Broadway.CTEAM TO QI'KLKNNTOWM AMD LIVERPOOL.O From Maw Turk vuly |M ataerata.MINNBBOTA 7T.. Wadnaaday, July 81

CH1CAUO Wadaeaday. Aug. Ufiwai pier SI RM hftiOaMo pa*aaaa $00 and $JA. Return n.keta, $1<M, told,raaaaga to Maw York aad maiilaMta lo lielaud at low

ratua.Apply tw WILLIAMS * 01'ION. » Broadway aad 81

Bourn atreat.

NEW YORK AND BREMEN STEAVSflTP COMPANYCbeapettlmeof orat rtaaa I'nlted Htatea mail alramaraFOR fcOOTUAMPTON, BATHE AMD BUBMEN.

ATI.ANTIC. Oaptaia Cbaiiaa leave pier 40 North Heer oa Saturday, July 77.Batta of palate, in rold or Ha equivalent In currencyFlret OK tin, $110: eecuud, $tk: «trerage, $33.P.iruralon Kcketa, BUM, $130 And $70.For freight, eapreaaage, billa of eirhanaa or paaaage applyto ISAAC TAYLOR, Preetdent,

40 Broadway.ii'nt# punin VO1 Steamship I1KRMANN, W. U. Weoke. autir, Ui* Colled States null, will Mil from the Bremeu p!ertfool of Third street, llobokon, on

Ttiindy, July *SBremen, eta Southampton,Taking pain9i|Bri to

London, llavre, Southampton and Bremen,at the following rate*, payable In fold or It* equivalent lacurrency

For the Firat flabln, $1M; Second Cabin, 97318lMnun fi|7 60.To he followed by the steamship DBCTSCIILAND, B.Wcaaela, master, on Thursday, August 1.For freight or passage apply toTiELRfCHS A CO.,98 Broad street

Direct steamship linrairwaaa

ANTWERP AND NEW TORE.The undersigned will despatch the first class English IronteamereOTTAWA, Captain Archer.MEPWAT, Captain Harris.

From Hew York:. From Antwerp:.June 1, May RAJune'12, June So,July 17, July 17.

Taking passengers at the following rates from Antwerp:.First cabioTTT" 990Steerage 40num mrw roan.First cabin (according to location of stateroom)....$76 to.900

micersioa Tirarrs axFirst cabin 91701 Steerage9«7 60pavjible in gold or Its equivalent.Freight is taken at the lowest ratss for Antwerp, Rotterdamand Amsterdam.Applyto h1u.BR A co., Hew YerfcFor freight and cabin pinege. For steerage.Ho. W Broadway. Mo. 9 Chambers «tr*^

NATIONAL STEAM HAYIOATIOM COMPANY..Steamers weekly to Liverpool and Queenstewn, leavingpiar No. 47 North river, every SaturdayVIRGINIA. Capt. 1'rowee .Saturday, July 17HELVETIA, Capt. Thompson Saturday, August 9ENGLAND, Capt. Cutting Saturday, August 10THE QUEEN. Capt. Grogan Saturday, August 17Cabin passaga, parable tn geld, g99 and 9'Aor Queenatown, *», cut.

"per further particular* apply at the efflese of the Ce»Peny.He* Wand*fi^^He. 7,^way^T ONDON AND HEW YOfctK STEAMSHIP LIMB.JU Passage to London or Breet 1110, B76 and 930 ouneaey.Excursion ticket* at reduced rates, available for wa

WITpenH, Captain BUUnga. .from Maw York August SLATALAKTA, Captain PinkhaA. from Hew York Apt. 14.ThselswantBliUsh Iron steamship BBLLONAwIHlearefiSSSSa.'Mir EHCLumm*-.-a..Untb further notice all the elsemere of this Ha* wfB eafi|t Breet to land passengers. TMuti Md through by rail to" -j^ThTVw & ui

'~^»*ti» «-bninrAUti ZZr*17Q CUHBBNCY.EBCUB01OB TICKETS

TO ABO ntOM LIT**POOL, 0LA0OOW AJ$_ IrailtMi fir twelr'e months.

m «^o'»53frr:!riv?»7'J.*WfLTYEBFOOL end OLASOOw! calling *1 LOBDONDBRBTunited r

mSoBln^tf^o"id, sea*"'""'From company'* pier, No. W North nrer.Bate* of paaange, pny*ble to Currency.

QtMOj $110 end 0M, eooordihg to locolion. flteerxge,repaid CertllealU from Liverpool, Glasgow tad Doity,

Fimntri booked to tad from Hamburg, Bam, AnUwerp, Ac., at very low ratal.Ao thla company doea rot employ runners, paeeengcre willpiout come direct to tbo of&oo.ft* further informal on apple at the Company'* office*No. d Bowline araon, New York.


QB^MEBICA* LIBS TO ENGLAND ANDTha New York and Hair* Steamship Company'* flnt alaae

ateamahlpa ARAUO and FULTON, In connection with thaNew York Mail Btaamahlp Company'* ateamera MORNINGBTABand GUIDING STAR, to Ilarre, carrying the UnitedBlatea mall*, from pier 46 North river, at noon on the foLlowing day*, calling at Falmouth:.ARAGO. H. A. Oadaden Saturday, Aug. A 1MTMORNINO STAR, O. V. Sumner....Saturday. Aug. 17,1867FULTON, C. H. Towneend Saturday, Aug. 01, 1MIGUIDING BTAB... Saturday. Sep! 14, 18S7ARAOO, H. A. Gadaden .Saturday, bept. 2d, UtJ-and every fourteen day* I hereafter.

Ralti of paaaage, payable la gold,firet claaa ,,,,,,...9190Second elate JOThrough ticket e to London |6 extra.An experienced surgeon oa board.The companies will not be raeponalhle for tpeele or raid,

shies unless bills of lading, baring ike value expressed,we signed therefor.

_Q. 0. HaRTMN, for B. T. 8. 0. Co.JON. J. COMBTOCK, for N. *. and U. 8. 0. C*»«l»W

COWTOCE, «.li . »A<m. A.Ii.1 RSfSt.*21»


B.^Meie^ymmander. car^r!^*thl!\folled 8tateB m$D, Will'


Uktnt puNLitn for Hamburg, Havre, Southampton andLondon.Klr»t otWa. |128; aeeond cabin, t78| atctraga, $37 ML*

parai le in gold or lu equivalentThe BORuWl A. Capta.n Pranrtn, win aaO Anguet \VNHARDT A CO., V. B. RICHARD A BO AP,

.Oaneral Agenta, General Paaeenger Agenu,4$ Kichangc pUce, K. T. Ro. 8 Ban-lay itreet, N?T.

TAFECOTT8 GENERAL RMIGRATION AND TORN>gn Eichange Office,88 South ttraol and 39 Broadway, Now Tdrk.

Steamer every Wedneaday and Saturday to QuaiuatOOIland Liverpool. Pare $36CerUScaioa front Liverpool and Qneenatewn at lowootratoa. Draft* payable In all parte of Ureal Britain and Ira.lASde/or farther part'enlare aprW toTAFBCoTT BROS. A Co., as Booth at. and M Broadway.Steam dirba t to bnemrn. < IRi APHIAN. Captain The* S. Bllie, Willall on Haturaay, Augial 8. at )2 M.Katea of paaaage. parable in gold or tla equivalent, Srat

cabin, $75; second cabin, 8*0.General I'aaaenger Agenta,No 2 New < l.ati.leraat corner Chatham. New Vorlt,

U»OB LIVERPOOL, CALLINO AT Ql'BBNSTOWN,J; Cunard aleamahip tSCOTIA. from New York July 24Ct'Rt, from Hoaton »la llalilat July HI<PBK8IA, New York Aug. 7 1

raeeat.* mohkt i rob www Yoaa."

Cabin 11Mi second cabin. ,..,$100to rani*

Cabin passage $1*8tj.rn>.w Mower rnotr Borrow. I

Cabin $123 Second cabin $80 II ay.tbie in gold or It* equivalent, I

For freight or paaaage srr'y 14 ^ N. orNAHD. iNo. 4 Bowling Green. n

pAPHENaiTft* Pill St'OTlA AND IIKCLA M C?TIT bo on board, at the Compunr'e Wharf, Jersey City,by tan o'clock tbla (WedneaiUv) morning, Itih 1

K. Cl'NARD, No. 4 Bowling Green. ,

CTBAM TO QCRKNftTOWN AMD LIVERPOOL EV^RTO Wedneaday and Saturday, VIRGINIA. July 17, at.dITBLVbTIA, August 8; Cabin paaaagn $76 and IK gold,(tearage, $26, currency. Dralla of! England and lr«laud a»lurrenl rt'jt of {teliange Attny an Bofci'BQjrs pt«A*tl*Rce, 73 Breadway, corner of Rgcyp. itr«e~n kttr'nIp^cXI iXctc.UIV Flrat flaw, 8200 gold. _ .

I ftB'eam to Lfterpo-1, calling at Qu.VfvetOWn. The Inman

lie. aniline tcml.wnefciy, carry,ng the I'niUd Hlatea mail*.I1TT OF ANTWERP Saturday. July 27.IPINBVRO.. XYeilneaday, July 31.ITT OP BOSTON Saturday, Aug. 8. »

ifTT OP BALTIMORE H.lttnUr, Aug 10. 11:iTf or WASHINGTON Weinetibiy, Aug. II. Iind each anreceding Saturday and Wednesday, at nvon, Rran ptor 48 North river.

Rate* of Paaeag* irNy the Mail Steamer taihrg ererr Saturday bt. ,

Farablo in «< Id. Payable in currency. J'ltret Ckbin $I1<' Sl*e,age $*)diTo London 11*1 To London S3 fciTo I'arla 1281 To Parla ..... 48Peonage by the Wedaeager *teamer«, rir«t < abln. illtli lbtfaragj. pj Parable In United Pt ilea r Ten-y itI aa>engera alio forwarded to llarra, Hamburg, Bremen, atle at moderate raloe reSteerage n.eahgn from r,l»erpool or Qneenatown. $48, rnr- 8,~F. TNfcU can be bought here by peraona tending forh. OSSIWW. eJUfaTteWST 51eemmm taw *i I "


STEAM WfiltklY TO AND PROM LIVERPOOL ANDo Qu«*u»town, by Cunard line.

Wednesday, July 17.** . .Wednesday, July 84.

« ablu pasaago, $10U, fold; steerage, $25, currency.Steerage paaaage to New York and Drafts en Europe atlowest rates.

Grew°*Wu **"*" or rrel»bl Wf »* No. 4 Bowling

For ateerage peaaage apply at 09 Broadway.E. CUNARD.

CTEAM DIRECT TO BREMEN, SOUTHAMPTON ANDP.JBSPVw "je splendid (hat clan mall steamship AT.LAJtTlC, sailing July 17. Drafts on Paris and any pari ofUermauy. Apply at THOMPSON'S I'usuge ottlce, ft Broadway,corner or Hector street.

VTEW direct LINE op STEAMERS TO werpa

The A1 Iron steitmshlp IRON AOS. William CassapCommander,will aall for the above port on Wednesday, 84th Inei ,from pier Kp. 8 Norib river.For balance of freight or passage apply to

CHRISTIAN BROS. 18 Kichaugeplace, orfunch, a WBND'r, Brcker*,

19 South William street.

Travellers for burope~ can have trunks.Packages, Valuables, Ac., forwarded to or from anypoint la Europe at moderate rate*, through the American

European E«preen. AUSTIN BALDWIN A CO.,' 78 Broadway.

ARARE CHANCE.THREE FIRST CLASS PASSENGERTiekeU, for steamer Arago, for August 3, In the heat

treated staterooms, at a reduction of $V) from original priceIf applied for Immediately. Apply to 0. O. STANLY, No. «New Chambers street, from II A. M. to 3 P. M.



CARRYING UNITED STATES MAIL,VIA PANAMA RAILROAD,Steamers leave pier 42 North river, foot of Canal atreet,

at 11 o'clock, noon, as follows:.Aoaoar 1..ARIZONA. Captain Maury, connecting with

GULDEN AGK. Captain Farnaworth.August 10..HENRY C1IAUNCBY, Captain Gray, eon.

seeling with GOLD itN CITY, Captain Laplilgo.August 91..RISING STAR, Captain g. P. Beabury, connectingwith MONTANA, Captain Sutton.100 pounds bogiege allowed free to each adult paasencer.Medicines and attendance free.All departure* touch at Acspulco; those of 1st and 91st

connect at Panama with steamers for South PaclQo ports;Island 1Kb fur Contra! American ports,-and those of lkttouch at ManzanMo.Departure of 11th of each month connects with the newteam line from Panama to Australia and New Zealand.Steamer of August 10 will oonnaot closely with steamer

Croat Republic from Han Prancleeo, September 8, for Yokohamaand Hong King: at Yokohama with steamer CostaKiea for Nagasaki and Bhanghne.Per passage tickets and all further Information apply at

thooffioe on tho wharf, footofOaaal street. North river,NewYork. P. K. BABY. Agent.



steamer HENRY CHAUNCRY will leave r>ler 43 Northnver. foot of Canal etreet, New York, at 13 o'clock noon, ouSATURDAY. August 10. connecting via Panama Railroadwith steamer GULDEN CITY, for San Francisco, whe;epassengers, malls and fast frsight will bo trsnafarred to theCompany's splendid steamer GREAT REPUBLIC, to leavethat port September 8 for Yokohama and Hong Kone.For Klutngbae, close connection will be made at Yokohamawith the Company'a steamer COSTA R10A, passing throughthe Inland Sea or Japan and touahtng at Nagasaki.Through ttokets Issued from New York, adding to regularprices between New York and San Kranoisco the followingrates, payable In gold or Its equivalent;.From San Frandoo to Yoko- 1st t'nbto. 3d Cabin. Steerage.

s»..rr*r...T."r: «. *» mFreight through from New York tp either port, peretaamar of August I, S3 15 per cubic foot, or 4 to 4Jd cents

per poind. payable In coin.Passengers who prefer to Ue over In San Fmaeleco canprooeed by any previous dsparture from New York.For through ticket* and all further Information, snnlv at

tbe ofliee on the wharf, pter a north river, foot orOabeletreet, to f. B. BABY. AgevuT[K>R SANTIAGO DB CtlBA tlA 08VITAS,»Bdr±,N /efo with eteemer for St. Themes

All letter* inuat pMe threaeh the rent ofllee.fror freight or pernse. having eejerW Met# room sep0A>'wiTO? <» >».» «**^ DOHt,

IPOR ST. THOMAS AMD BRAZIL.I" Tbe elegant Sdewheel eteamehip SOUTH AMERICA,IsrSS^Honk


la bow receiving freight ataier°So"bm» river. and wflj aaQon Saturday. iuiul 8, at IP. M., If sol aooner full.For freight or paaaace. htrlag luparior aocommodatlont,

apply to cThTmALLORY A00.. 1M Maiden lane.

fcmap9*v«M Qfm,Captain B. W. Rolmea, will feaealtar No. 9. X. £, Oh SATURDAY.July 17. al 3 o'clock p! i.For freight or paaaage baring unenrpaaaod aoeommodaDope.tfplj |Q HRCBOMWBLL A CO..W Wpat Itraet.

tnon NEW ORLEANS DIRECT..ATLANTIC COASTI? Mail SieaaaaElp Companr'a new and flr«t claas lightdraft «1dcwh<-el leSmahlp KALEIOH. Captain rfarehman,will leare pier M North mar, for tha abora port, oaSATUBDAY,July 27. all P. M.For freight or p4aaaj» having urtanrpaaaad aoeommoda.Mono, apply to


"*u_ MONTEREY, Saturday, Anguat 8.

All bula of lading aigntd at the office open the pier,rBop:.rTr^!y tQ °r°- bWso*

ITOR NEW ORLEANS DIRECT.SIDEWHEEL LINR..fe, ^pOR SAVANNAH, OA., _X1 Bvorr Thureday.Tha Atlantic Coaat Mail Steaoahlp Company-* MdewbaelataimihlMGENERAL BARKIS, Captain Morton, aaBa Thnraday,J«ly XU. UYINOSTON, Captain Baker, aailaThumday, Augtiat 1,from pier M North liver, al S F. M. preclaeV,giving tbroogh paaaaga Uckata and btlle of ladfog to all

potato In connection with the Central Railroad of Georgia,and, with tha Atlanta and Calf Ballroa^ to paint* la

fciOR SAVANNAS, 0>.MURlUlJ LINRr Biw£ TmsSay, at IF. M., ftrox flar U Baal rtver. foot

Sunning In oonnaatlan With lb# Central Railroad ofOnorgta npd Atlantle and Oulf Railroad to all potaU la theBC" *StORRAr'fe»y A CO , «l and South atrrat.

Etiling errry Tilt'RIDA* from Flar A North rtaer. at threoon'o CANTLB, Sirbard Adam*, mailer Jntjr».Col ii.til, V I. Barton, maeter Augntt I.

So. I Bow'fog Oram.


Krarire Una of KM*wheal Btaamgr*BAN BaCVADoM, Nleirraoa. Saturday, July FT.BAN JACINTO. Atklaa. Bnturday. Aa/atl.From plar IS North rimr punctually all a^tork r. M

tlARHIBON A aLLSwTs» » Bawbna Oeaan

itior ciiaSlrbton b. c..rsnoiiT hmccrd tor JT> ranla percible f'-oL lingular Itne for Chariot r,iba Florida porta the Bosih and Noutfcwnat Pir«- cab upawitt. $18. During iba prwaaal dull aaaaoa thin ilaa » IIderpatrh ateamara aa fo.kiwaBnturday. J air t). aal urday,lukom It).Iba tx-r'ilar flrrl alaaa aMamabtp BASAOt BSA. B N

Crcwell. commandrr. ia now rooatelag fr* get, and whl Iin Saturday neat July tl, from ptar Id Rut ri»tr, fe«t ofIFaU tlrttl, punctually at 8 V MARTHPj UIAST. TS William rtron.

FOS CHARI.ENTON.FTENY TflCRBDAT. THE MO.ple'a Mall Bieamal.lp Company'! etnam-h";«It. NOl'DI R. Captain Eebby, aaiia ...Im rrftay. only JRIONEKA. Captain Marabman, aaiia .Ti ,.r«oey. Aag>,at Irem pier No. 6 North rlrer, at F M XI. «gn p«" >«*Irkata and Mile of lading IsauM ta all nc.eta BoStb. In soumion with South Carolina llailmad.Far freight or paaaagn apply totrC'IR.i*!..*, i <IX A < <).. Agent* AB I.ihertr

^EW YORK AND CHARI.RsTON BTFAMMIIP CONailing arary SATCRDAY. at A F. M. frets Far No INorth Riaar.Fri 1*1.1 at radiired ralaa.Tji.rirlBf CUW RIDSWHRRL BTRAMKfltrSVAN/IAIIaN If. N Uoodholl. Caattnaader

< HAUriON, K. l-oohwood, Co*«na«4nFreight rrorimf at all boutaThri uah blllanf :a<tii,| i.y tba Benlb Carolina Rat.rend forta Booth ami Kouthweei furalrled at tl« tio ia)rW» fllrd free ef Cnnimfwo*Burrrior ity n.isolation* for pnaaangrraBtrt.of l.Kbng lurntahrd andaweed or U»t>rFaaMnger and height otBa* M Broadway.hRNRT a MORtlAN A CO. AgramjOTHTR. '


mm «*? , >*t n|Tk Wile daa made Ifrtefementa w <h the Old po- |'nIOn fi'enmal.lp company to re->'len «nd o<: ty all fre .» a ittree» N»w York and Ncrfoclk deetlnad ta yointt an t'.ianr Bblpprra by the Vi-gluia anJ T»nn«-»«ra Air 1">e nrare lal to rand their good* 10 tha Did P mitnlnn kt*rm>blnDmpany. Liar ST N'lrUi ilarr, nn and afl»r this dataThA 'dd Pomimon Stoamat.l|> Compare will atari one ofa following Mean.ere for Narfetb on Bett r lay. Wth mat,id after this wrek arary Tnaaday, Thur-dnr and Satordaat r W. Fralghta reretrad arary day iKuadaya aafiuicKIA,ALREMARljN. "lAtlAJI*, HATTRR4SAND YIR'ilNlA.On and artar July | nil fralabla by tbt* neat Nnui'-.arnI* will be 111,I Ihtuagh on tuna to NaahC,!;#, M<-n>rhnllanta and intermr llato poln'.a, Rdla of lad I s$ t atrBwi*0^''w *,M rfy



POBTI.and AND NRW VORKbteamrhii* company.

RTi. a MSII Il'bLlIRIOO in II She, woodFRANCONiA Captain W. \V. SherwoodForma semi-weekly line, leaving pier 3X Hast river everyWi;i)i>ESi>AY and SATURDAY, ill o'oluok P. M.These steam.', hips connect at PortlaDil wi'.h the liramlTrunk Railway for Montreal, Qneliec Wid other potms laCanada and the West. 'Ilie Saturday stemn-blp oooneehswun me Jnlei unt'or al Bleainabip Company for K utmrl,Cala.H.and St. Julio, N. 11 through Uekcia glyen for Wulpotl, Caltls and St. Jobo, $:>. Through uoketa for Hallfaxl>* steamship CAULOTl'A, laavlug Portland ^alurditya,for |M.

Pas-age to Portland, Including bar b In stateroom, |i;meals extra. Parcelledaccommodations are brut class.freight received dalTf.Through r.U'-s given and bills of lading signed ntoffioe On

p»er jB East ihor, by J. V, AMES. AgentI IXANt lAL.

FARM MOKTllAOKS AND UOMMt fir rOWNH AMDrinluticj of Wisconsin U.iliin-i. ill nol i. Iowa and ail

WeMwn Securities bought and sold by OEO. C. DUNBAR,So. 7 Wall street.


K KTOHI'M. PHIPPtl A BELKNAP.BANKERS AMI) BHOKE KB,NO. M BROAD ST., NhW YORK.Government Securities, Railroad and other Honda, RailroadMining and Miscellaneous Stocks. OuU an I Kaebana*bought and told on Cointniss on. Mere mi le Paper amiloans In euirtuuy or sold negotiated. Intercut allowed ondeposits.

I HAVE A i.AROK AMOUNT OP MONET TO LOANon Bond and Mortgage. on Qrs.-clava prlrale dwellings laNew York city. JOSEPH MASON, 2» I'lne elreel.

Loans negotiated on like insurance policies.e. r. mcilvaime,<8 Broad elreel. rocui ItOIXI'ENNY BAV1NOB dank..not1cb.kJ Tho dsn il semi-annual dividrud, at the rate of all peroent, ficeof government tax, will be pa'd lo the n.-poaUerafor the six months preceding August 1 payable on and afterthe llnb Almost. Interest not called for will lai pUiad tothe credit of the depositor, nod draw Interest from the IdAugust.K. LI .Money deposited up lo the 30tk August will draw

interest from tbe lirst of sold month,J-_H. SLOAN. Ban alary

STOCK BROKERS..TfTE WRITER, WELL PGNTKDfn Broad street, and now In the Lonu Room, would arrangewith a first olase bonne to c<re for their lulargota

mure. At a salary cr othcrwise.gKcrercncca givt n. AddressWestern, Herald ofiice.

SOUTHERN RAILROAD, STATE AND MUNICIPALBonds, Sloe'.;a and Coupon*: alio S uihei n Bank Notes

wanted, bv EOW1N Q. BELL, W Broadway.

SOUTHERN SECURITIES WANTED.-WE WILL TATthe highest market price for Honda mil pi t duo t'oupon*of tbo States of Virginia, North Carolina, 3"iiih Carolina,Georgia and Alabama; also Memphis city Ix ndv and

coupons, Memphis and Charleston, Misalxatimi Central,tleorgla and Central Railroad bond* and coupon* and ntcek;also Atlantic and Gulf Railroad slock, Charleston city ''"Ok.and Southern securities generally.RAHLAN D, WUTI1 A CO., 14 New street, New York.TTNlTED STATES TREASURY.

V ,,tfaw York. July 17. IA87.

Holders of August sere n-ttiirly note* are hoieliy informedthat this issue may now be exchanged at this oiftee for fivetwentyBonds bearing date duly I 18t»7. irrciieiwnable forfive rear", and rjrryirg sir per rent interest In gold.Interest on tbo seven.thirties will be paid to the Arvtof

July Instant, snd a bond be given drawing Interest free*thai dnte. Interest ou the aevn.thirties will uctec Atteuat16. and tf not presented lor exchange on or pi lor to that d iU»the holders wUl be deemed to have waived the privilege ofconversion. H. II. VAN DYCK;

Assistant Treasurer United Btates.

®1 WANTED TO nIRE, FOR ONE OR TWOpl.tJl/lJ years, with good security. Any one havingthe *.iu>e to loan oan address Loan, llcruld oUiee.

<M nnA -WANTED TO BORROW, Til IB BUM,WtiUuV/. for ntno months: good aeenrtty and liberalinterest, or partial board and lodging* for thu aeeotmnoilaLion.Annlv to BROWN A ROM AINU HU:1 Ri.xariwuv.

<£17£nflA TO LOAN ON POND AND MOKT.«I1 I W.UUU gnga. Id one or more hubs, on real aetatala tliU eliy or Brooklyn.

JOHN F. COMBBT» « Well atroet, room 11

(QRA AHA TO LOAN ON BOND AND UOHT.Wt)i)UiUl/U cage. la Rum* to mil; alto Heroml MortCeSar

sUeet A£!i'y WILLIAM 11. MITCHKLL, 17

COPARTRBHIHIPS.-q tjp <^vv/vvvwwv</<a^

A TAILOR, BECBNTLY ABRVVED FROM PARISJ\ With A too assorted alock, sulUble-for tU« romlng eeaiorti,desires aa a partner a tailor apoaklng PngtinT andrrtpcb and having $3,000 or $4,000 caah, to bo applied to thopayment of the amies on the good*. Beferonoes respectSCTfa{&

nstr&Amar class party, with u ixn oh upwards,

wantadto taanufaolore a Aral rises article of unlimited

4 SILENT PARTNER WANTHD-IN THE MA NUPACJx tun of several valuable patent medicines of untyersalooimb4^H,0U0 Id Instalment* aa required. Address ¥., box

4 FABmii WANTED.WITH MM. IN A CASHJ% ngtlaea . wholesale and retail. Any party of energytpd weaning business may apply at 170 Urqenwkb slrctL

PARTNER WANTED.IN A PLEASANT CASH BUHI.A ceoa, that win pay from $#n to ti.MO por month. On.iy email oapltal required. Apply at No" J Amity plaoo; iia>gulre for Mr, WINEB.

PARTNER OF BNBROT. WITH PROM $1 000 TOJT $10,000, wanted..The publisher will fnrnlsh an equalamount to establish a now and profitable business. hopumbtfg. Addreaa Indomitable, box 1X0 llerald office.

PARTNER WANTED.IN A NEW AND VALUABLEJT invention, patented May M. 1W. For fall perUeulnraaddress or apply to (for five dayi) TJ1UMAI4 (J. Cl.lfPOKpTMfi8rrentb avenue. N. T.

PARTNER WITH A SMALL CAPITAL.IN THEX oraokor burlneai; mmt bo a practical baker; a gooddbence. For further laformatlon addreaa W. C. boa SCIHerald office.

TTNDOUBTED BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY..TUB AD.U yertlaor, an experirn-ed auctioneer, who ran command©onrlgnmenls of over $300,000 worth of ft rat rl.aa alaplegoods per annum, wlalics'to find a financial associate withK20.0UO to $«0,<X«) caah capital. Advert.>rr w*M Kuarantra$10,000 for the first year'* altera of profit to hla as ornateThere la not a dollar of risk, the burners belna dene foicash on delivery, and the truis Is InvarUbly m >»i prosperoua during peri .da of general depreaalon. Any ono ready l«make an Immediate arrangement can have tbe.e fuotaverified to the letter end ftrat daaa refcronoee furoiebed.Addreaa M. Q. T. B., Herald office.

WANTRD.-A PARTNER WITn A CABII CAPITAL ON$30,000 to $>Q to take half Internal In i.u.l entlr*

charge of books and finance in an established wholesaledry gnoda booae having an equal amount of eaptlal whollyunencumbered and doing a enah trade. First rhus referencerequired from afid given to bona fide parties. Addre-sil It.,llerald oiler.

WANTED.A SPECIAL PARTNER IN A WELL,eau'.iiiahed businosa la this eity, with a capital of

$30,400. Address, Hooter Herald office

fVANTBD-IN TITK PUbl IHHINO HUblNRWt, AVV ^Partner with aouie capital. Addreaa If. J), boa fillucrjiju wiOVk

ACnn TO fl.MO.-A PARTNER WANTED IN A0')U1» wall e<uMl«hciJ atoro and laMuaaa where twcc*n realize a largo Inrnmr. Apply to THoMAH (lAFFNKY,Aoctloriert, oori rr Thirty-.c "nd elreet and Ninth arrnite.

»nnn -** bnckoktic man wanted iMM::pi.JjIJUv. ately e« partner, to take charge af a moneymaking man ifae'.urlug huflae<a, already eeiantlaHod: haaquick aalra and Itumenae profile. Apply to RMITU, WBleeoker a treat.

»on AHA -EARTNKR WANTRD. ih TIIBT^'/.U'!U, \Vhole«uio Hardware Hnataaan, *o*ah>hal ed fi»a Tfara and doing a good ea«h trade. Apply UHOWES k BAI.1NBLHV. ho a Ooy afreet. room Nd/l.

OfM! -wanted, a partner, either nM M r\Jm lent or art'T", to take nn lntsro*t In a AralrU.a oy.ter and frn I konaa In the Ityuf Haiti'fe'irr. wd. Factory alxialed on iha water, with oapaeity fo»hrrmetica'ly reeling three llioueaud boabel* gf eyalore pe*d.y haul 1 the 1 trade lor oyatara and fruita. Addiaaa bojI,111 Baltimore Fiatedke.


An Esr.ROETic wan. with from $i,sun to tijun,la aecura a monopoly of $6,MO a/gar. OaliatWPaek»"P.

ArAPiTAwrr debwon or interting in thnBiona'\cinre aI auger frxn tl a b et, dealrea torn,

ratea fr m prart ml a- r aei nt'/e gentlemen cay atwgeaI »e In ralailon thereto. AddreM C. T. 0., Herald office.

ATOI'BO MAN WITH $MB HAN HK'TRK A UAL1inter cat la a buatneaa paying f7S par week. Reference!MMfeMflb

NOACE A Ca , 111 Baaaan atraei, mom II.L'A2f< Jf AND MKN'S rTRNISIHNO OOODB STORH.r In UarlMA..ptnat and t latere* for aale. Inotilrg tlII,e .iprc Third arena# uetweoa IJlet and I1M alg.grklII* t'Sarabere meet

T t*TU. INTEer $«.« > or. Sk'AN IN AN nSTARUIRtlBD'I p.yi g H » ua»a that wilt boar a el ag eiaininatloii.frail nniR*ro uke neiiee Addroee Alpha. Ilorald ottlco.

0"NR cn.tBCE IN A ~YWot'iAND-WK HAVEearerr Wy let tet a pt»"M aa article qrery farmer will

oorrkwoi « lea#mt le. c oar .nd d .raWe, a:.U noi a loaa tkanhiorex »a4la reed ly f«i Si. a few stave noble left CgMand tannine H- or addtoeo Ooo. M. Danfurtb A Co., In.veatora h'thaOge. K* Br ad war.

/ |N* OP TUB BF'T OPPORTl'MITIRR RVRR PRR*1/ a~atod to a pari* who b*« fVKt to Invert la au enter,p. » wh'-a wti: a large I netuna. a thereof* loiaatlM.UU.Wl.t*1 aaty «ao of the fort. Addrooa, rtadfigi mo and f'aoo where aa taherrtew may bo bod. IBpome,>

pUNJWIHJ ' OMHRRCf AL TKATBIiUM. WHOIt wnaM lake In odd io thoir let <-t Mmbl thaliHbarMlMliai lui-.t. . rradng fnlciprlee.Mania fl.ay ntll ptoaoa gt.e the l*e ef geoda newa '-I

fc'.iWl TOtlSn- -A PARTT iiAroorniNAMOi'liTTy'.'V can edi( aa ,..'r.l,n ha»,M-u, »Wj'WiaiiEarrttsAadt ttrttv ^ __-a.!|a0BgggRRMfllOCl botmIce.


ftAiii i.ic* -r. V "vrRa »* '* t°-r i^ .'ii' *

aSnNOW Toaa, BtagtTwe.t, femlS*^0 . -