Th All Sale rayi feedo V9VVVYVVVVVVOVYVV It of

l rayi 0 > > THE CENTRAL RECORD + Y FT MARCH 201903xvaraaa ll < t 4 Special Sale of F Farm ip1eents In order to make room in our warehouse for our immense line of Buggies and Implements I will make the following goods at the price below I Owensboro Wagon 3Tt inch with 234 inch tires Guaranteed i year with brake and seat 5840 Florence wagon 3 inch skein z4 tires brake and seat Guar ¬ anteed iyear 5200 t r n Superior disc harrow on wheels One of the best farming tcols made 2854 Avery Cultivator with spring trip shovel and small plow 1575 Tiger Rake hand dump all steel r Extra heavy steel wheels 1424 Jf Jf American Chilled plow No 20 Wood beam 6 50 steel beam 750 No 40 steel beam 8soI steel range in perfect con rteditionwith high shelf and new linings This range is second hand Sold at 35 Our price 10 J R HASELDEN <sxss 000000OOQCiQc y OS000 I I All Around Th < Town H A AA AA AAAA > > v nn vcnnnnnnrnnnwnrw Q SIG J 77V17 Cvc rnvcvvvvvvv- Tatty for Mam Danville 3Sevvs That consummate politician James Hamilton wasdpwn yesterday from Lancaster and paid a pleasant call to the News olllce lie went over to Mt Sterling last Satur ¬ day and was very much pleased with the way in which Chairman Allie W Young handled the waring forces He thinks that Mr Young is one of the shrewdest politicians and parliamen- tarians in the State There was no bid for the Crab Or ¬ chard Springs property and the sale was declared of- fBankrupt Lav Amended The President has signed the bill which amends the bankruptcy law of 1898 The bill modifies the existing law several important particulars the principal one of which is a provision in regard to preferred creditors Un der the existing law those who had received pay from persons who had af ¬ terwards been declared a bankrupt could not have other claims passed up ¬ on without surrendering the amount received This provision was modifi ¬ ed so as to allow the creditor to retain the money received unless the previ ¬ ous payment was fraudulent Kind Words for Lancaster l col lc The Kirksville correspondent to the Richmond Climax says The greatest attraction of the season was the de ¬ lightful play The Last Loaf given by Lancaster people at Shephards hall Friday night The crowd was good in spite of the bad weather and it was pronounced the best play given here this season Lookot for the Lancas- ter ¬ troupe again They were so well please with our magnificent hall and the audience was so pleased with The ShepherdI ChrlMtlan Sunday Schools Tribute iOn last Sunday forenoon Mr IT A B Marksbury Supt of the Sunday School at the Christian church spoke at length and with much feeling in refference to the departure of Rev A R Moore referring to him as the shep- herd of the Sunday school as wpll as the church and the pastor of both alike In behalf of teachers and pu ¬ pils he thanked the retiring minister for the valuable help he had rendered in conducting the school and leadin the chrildren in the ways of eternal life expressing a wish that he would be blessed in his new field of labor 000000 oooo ooo c ooooo Carpets A D Mattings We are receiving our Spring line of Carpets and Rugs We have Largest and Best Line We Have Ever Show Many fine words will not de scribe a beautiful sunset you have to see it yourself Its the same with these carpets and mat tings you must see them and learn the prices to fully appre ¬ ciate them I youbuy rhave anyone leave our doors dissatisfied So c6me in and see our beautiful line and learn our prices T tUB J lDRY nnDrIJ l fJ gj rt J Y aX O VV irvvV V9VVVYVVVVVVOVYVV The Loyal Temperance League will meet with Mrs George M Patterson Sundays afternoon at three oclock AYliut UpTollalc Do If a man brings you an account drawn off on a cheap handmedown tablet book form you can put him down as just that kind of a man in ev ery other respecttoo short to make pie crust Up todate business- men use printed stationery Five Years Old The Somerset Journal has passed its 5th milestone and like good wine im proves with age Ourgood old friend Editor Ceph Campbell has the happy way of mixing enough spice into his matter to get it out of the old sleepy cutanddried way and It is a pleasure to read after him Cephs paper is one of our exchanges which is always stuffed into our pocket to take home and read Sunday afternoons Iii Danger While Senator Farris was being shaved in a mountain town the crowd in the barber shop was talking of some raids that had been made on whisky dens in the town when the barber who was shaving the Senator said That is caused by that cursed Far rls law and the author of it ought to have his dn throat cut Of course he didnt know the Senator but as the latter felt the steel crawling over his face he pretended to be sleeping and very properly swallowed the re mark nAbout We have just completed a new tele phone directory card which to sing I our own praises is a beauty It re ¬ quired 450 sheets 22x28 tough check board and 3300 Impressions- The pages contain localads and we jhorn any thing you want in the printing rjyou to people who have been some wher and know what they are talking about Dont ask some 2x4 whippersnapper who dont know white paper from gin and who abell Theyre the stuff The Record cannot refrain fro praising the City Council for goin ofg toadying to any of the many wiseacres who would like to hold the town by the tail with a downhill pull This council is doing what it w buleL pose to be bullragged about it either There are some guys here and in a little towns who object to any thin and everything but they cut no ice now We have the best town in the state and the fact that we have a Coun that is pulling together is the source of much gratification Circuit Court The case of the Commonwealth Siler was called Tuesday morning ani it required only a short time to ex- haust the regular panel in the effort to secure a jury Adjournment was taken until Wednesday and the sher iff sent to summon more men for ex- amination The twelve were chosen yesterday Wednesday and the trial commenced There are a great man witnesses and it will take some rim to complete the case The Common wealth is represented by the regula- attorney Jno Sam Owsley county a torney J LHamilton W L Wil- liams J E Robinson W McC Johns ton and Gov Bradley The defens- is represented by J T Hays R II Tom linson J M Rothwell L L Walker Col W G Welch The case will co sume the balance of the week will continue in session next wee there being enough business to take up all of the week The grand jur has adjourned having found abou the usual number of indictments whn seized and assisted in the capture tne assassin of President McKinley an instant after the firing of the cruel shots will ecru a before a larf c f ro vd sdrParker fully six feet six inches tall and a blow from his brawny list would have felled such a small miserable ere ture as Czolgosz could have divine his purpose before it was too late Parker is well dressed wears a silk hat and presents a decidedly clerical appearance He was born at Atlanta Ga in 1857 and was at onetime a carrier in that city He begins lecture by reciting the v incidents of the day relative to the Presidents Czogoto v = inq out his arm ty keep him Parker from getting in front He being handsaw the look pass over the Pro idents face as be looked at the assas ¬ sin when the two shots were fired He told of his struggle with Czoigo how he delivered him two stunnhk blows which prevented the murderer from firing the thirdshot afc the Pres ¬ saysIslmply doneI simply did the duty that o- man ell owes another s- t Conductor Bruised Up In a wreck on the K D last week our old friend CaPt Jim Douglass was considerably bruised up He runs the short dog between Corbin and Jellico and is as clever a gentle- man as ever pulled a bell cord On1 to Iris Nibs A Louisville gentleman wrote to a Lancaster business man and at the bottom of the letter added Come- down this week and we will go see Ilur The Lancaster mans wife got hold of the letter and believing the u was substituted for the easa blind collared hubby and the fur flew A Succeonful Newspaper The Mt Vernon Signal blossomed out as a seven column folio last week and is indeed a thing of beauty and a joy forever Edgar Albrightthe clev ¬ er editor and publisher deserves great credit for his untiring ellorts and the people of Rockcastle should appreciate- his noble work for the countys ad- vancement Edgar has the energy the stickatitivencss and plenty of friends who stand by him Should Have No Oppositionp Danville JTews Circuit Clerk Gra- ham Price announces in this issue of the News his candidacy for re election to that olllce Mr Price has filled that place to the eminent satisfaction of the people and particularly to the court and lawyers He is peculiarly fitted for this place by reason of the fact that he is a graduate of law and knows all of the requirements of the otlicc This is one ollice that should be filled by a lawyer as it requires one to be able to wait upon the Court draw the orders etc He is one of the sterling young Democrats in the county and should be endorsed by the party Heres hoping that he will meet with the success he deserves Danville Masons to liulld Advocate The new Masonic Hall to be erected in connection with Mr M streett flThis buildinge It embraces three main roomsconsist j of abuilding and vthe t35xl2 andg hall will be between three and four thousand dollarsT IV C T U Notes The recently elected otlicers of the ancaster WC T U have been in s and are as follows Mrs WO Bradley president Mrs R A Stone Sweeneyg Grant corresponding secretary vice presidents from churches Methodist Mrs R G Ward Presbyterian Mrs Chumbley Baptist Mrs Wolford Christian Mrs Fanny Farra Satur day will DC observed as seal Dows birthday Mrs Farra conducting the meeting The Union regrets giving up Mrs Moore and feels that it sus Weheartily Birmingham All members who have not paid their dues will please call on the treasurer An Independent Man sapse can test of the time and circumstances is farmt business half of his life time and sud upe as a merchant local misfortune be throughn halfk a ful servant to his mploycr and sud companyt owner of a clear farm is unassailable He may not have all the luxuries of life buthe is dead sure to obtain the dischargof Change on Knoxvllle Division It is reported in railway circles that anew time card will bo made on the Knoxville branch soon which will make the Louisville train about If hours later through Stanford Nos Vad and to dothis will require the Louis vile train to run that much later Tills will make the meeting point at Brodhead instead of Junction City ilallhe their objects to perform When we ySz with Nos 23 and 21 we wore turned down because as an official saidliwe anys put it there one hour later and the ru- mored new one puts it thc it hour la holdgoodAsth latidjheneededhour1atertor dont see why the KCday trains cannot now be had here Look at yellow label on this paper- s i1 j 1 A Tough on tile TIge + The warfare on blind tigers has been pushed steadily on and today its a safe bet that theres not a drop ofliq uor on the Chute Not only the town authorities but the grand jury and Uncle Sam have taken a hand and the tiger operator is not reposing on flowery beds of ease by any means nor have the hoodlums the nerve t make their bold assertions of what shall and what shall not be done We understand the grand jury has found something like a cart load mor or less of true bills and as the evi- dence ¬ is all good it will be many years before those indictments are all tried and the time served out Uncle Sam will then nail each olTenderso a rocky road lies in front of the illicit whisky sellers KcKlnlev Memorial Association Postmaster W T West has received from the McKinley National Memori- al ¬ Association a limited supply of the certificates which have been prepared ford istribution tc contributors to the monument fund as souvenirs of their participation in that great enterprise The certificate is a beautiful work of art on which is given an excellent re- production ¬ of MrsMcKinleys favorite likeness of her husband together with a picture of the McKinley home in Canton and of the White House The wording below the illustration is as follows This certifies that has contributed to the fund for the erection of the national memorial at Canton Ohio in honor of William Mc ¬ Kinley The workmanship and ar- tistic ¬ effects are of the very highest order the great house of Tiffany Co New York being the designers and manufacturers The supply in the hands of Postmaster W T West is a portion of the first edition of the certificates and is sent here to cosh those who have not as yet contributed to do so Parties who have already identified themselves with the move- ment will receive souvenirs direc from the office of the Association or through local committees tf Sam Owslejr set the Precedent The recent jury verdict in St Louis a man was convicted and sent the penitentiary forlife and twenty years longer was forestalled by Com- monwealths ¬ Attorney J Sam Owsley lie had a man indicted for stealing andsentenced to five years on the first on the second the defendant found guilty and given double the of the first verdict making fif ¬ years then he was indicted for a hird offense and tried at the same term foundguilty and given a life sentence under the statute providing that penalty for a third conviction his made his sentence confinement for life and fifteen years longer This occurred a few years ago in Lincoln county It is useless to go out of Ken- tucky for pecedents The St Louis judge is slow The InterUrban Road Work will begin soon on the electric road from Lexington to Richmond An effort is being made to secure the right of way through the farms along side of the pike It is hoped to get the road built to the river this year Shredded Corn for Horse feedo have been made at several experiment stations and the estimate varies at from 50 to 100 per cent val usuale the Vermont station corn fodder gave as good results as timothy with work stock For idle horses it proved to be rather more In- digestible than timothy In this however all tests agree corn fodder is altogether too valuable for hayto be permitted to dry up in the field as is the custom in the southwest Parting Words The high repute in which Rev Al ¬ len R Moore is held by his congrega- tion and the community at large was evinced by the large crowd which at tended services at the Christian church last Sunday forenoon and eve ning that being the time for deliver ing his farewell sermon to his congre gation The sermons were both very impressive and had a deep effect up- on the audiences A farewell recep- tion was given in the church on Non day evening when all denominations I joined in bidding Rev Moore and his excellent wife adieu and wishing them well in their new home Bir ¬ mingham where he takes charge of a large congregation and enters into a larger field of labor where he will doubtless do much good as he has done here and elsewhere A Pointer for Farmers upd ¬ and working to secure the very best in Het animal of any kind as it does to raise the best and the difference in the sell- ing ¬ price is often as much as 100 per cent Its just the sninu grains fruits and vegetables It really pays only to sow the best seed The margin of difference the poor fat steer and the good fat steer is hardly ever less than 2 per hundred weight and often hasI as much as 4 The difference between a cow which makes 125 pounds of but- ter a year and one which makes 325 pounds is the difference between a cow which runs you into debt and one which will bring you a net profit of over 50 The barrel of choice apples will sell for 1 when culls of the same varieties have to go to the cider mill There will be ten men who will persist in raising the poor stuff where there is one who raises the best Why not be that one Maysville Bulletin Look at the yellow lable Is it o kn They Will be Here Candidates for state offices will be here in full force next court day The number is increasing daily and it wouldnt be a bad idea to quarantine against them NO INDICTMENT Found Against Editor W B Bretver and Ills SOB Clarence The Christian county jury which closed its labors last Saturday of a two weeks session after a thorough inves ¬ tigation of the charges against Editor W B Brewer of the Falrview Re- view ¬ and his son Clarence for shoot- ing and wounding Tom Mobley eight times last October refused to indict them Mobley had bullied the Brew ¬ ers for nealy three years and made life a burden to them by cursing and abusing the editor every time he filled up on whisky which ended in the Brewers shooting him as stated above Thus it will be seen that even edi- tors ¬ sometimes grow tired of whines and slurs of some of the people Mr Brewer was a peaceable man never intntionaly wounding any ones feel- ings ¬ and because he was not blow- ing ¬ like the average bully he was ta- ken ¬ for a coward Editors are always at the same old standand if you have it in for them you always know where to find them so be manly enough to talk to their faces and nut bellied their backs JABEAZLEYCO FUNERAL DIRECTORS Arterial and Cavity Embalming t = tt We have the most complete line of- FURNITURE and CARPETS To be found in the town Prices low > g R L DAVIDSON 0 0 o Attorney At Law tV Life insurance policies bought 0 for cash or loaned on for sums p of 500 and upward 0 1 Merchant Tailoring Suits to measurefrom to 50 From the leading Tailoring House of America Fit and Satisfaction Guaran teed H T LOGfAiN The One Nee clothier = t I < 4 J r jI t

Transcript of Th All Sale rayi feedo V9VVVYVVVVVVOVYVV It of

Page 1: Th All Sale rayi feedo V9VVVYVVVVVVOVYVV It of

l rayi0

> > THE CENTRAL RECORD +YFT MARCH 201903xvaraaa ll <


4 Special Saleof


Farm ip1eentsIn order to make room in our

warehouse for our immense line ofBuggies and Implements I will

make the following goods at theprice below


Owensboro Wagon 3Tt inch

with 234 inch tires Guaranteedi year with brake and seat 5840

Florence wagon 3 inch skeinz4 tires brake and seat Guar¬

anteed iyear 5200

t r n

Superior disc harrow on wheelsOne of the best farming tcolsmade 2854

Avery Cultivator with springtrip shovel and small plow 1575

Tiger Rake hand dump all steelr Extra heavy steel wheels 1424

Jf Jf

American Chilled plow No 20Wood beam 6 50 steel beam 750No 40 steel beam 8soI

steel range in perfect conrteditionwith high shelf and newlinings This range is second

hand Sold at 35 Our price 10



<sxss 000000OOQCiQc y OS000I

I All Around Th < Town H

A AA AA AAAA > > v nn vcnnnnnnrnnnwnrwQ SIG J 77V17 Cvc rnvcvvvvvvv-Tatty for Mam

Danville 3Sevvs That consummatepolitician James Hamilton wasdpwnyesterday from Lancaster and paid apleasant call to the News olllce liewent over to Mt Sterling last Satur ¬

day and was very much pleased withthe way in which Chairman Allie WYoung handled the waring forces Hethinks that Mr Young is one of theshrewdest politicians and parliamen-tarians in the State

There was no bid for the Crab Or¬

chard Springs property and the salewas declared of-

fBankrupt Lav AmendedThe President has signed the bill

which amends the bankruptcy law of1898 The bill modifies the existinglaw several important particulars theprincipal one of which is a provisionin regard to preferred creditors Under the existing law those who hadreceived pay from persons who had af¬

terwards been declared a bankruptcould not have other claims passed up ¬

on without surrendering the amountreceived This provision was modifi ¬

ed so as to allow the creditor to retainthe money received unless the previ ¬

ous payment was fraudulent

Kind Words for Lancaster l col lc

The Kirksville correspondent to theRichmond Climax says The greatestattraction of the season was the de ¬

lightful play The Last Loaf givenby Lancaster people at Shephards hallFriday night The crowd was good inspite of the bad weather and it waspronounced the best play given herethis season Lookot for the Lancas-ter


troupe again They were so wellplease with our magnificent hall andthe audience was so pleased with The

ShepherdIChrlMtlan Sunday Schools Tribute

iOn last Sunday forenoon Mr IT AB Marksbury Supt of the SundaySchool at the Christian church spokeat length and with much feeling inrefference to the departure of Rev A

R Moore referring to him as the shep-

herd of the Sunday school as wpll asthe church and the pastor of bothalike In behalf of teachers and pu ¬

pils he thanked the retiring ministerfor the valuable help he had renderedin conducting the school and leadinthe chrildren in the ways of eternallife expressing a wish that he wouldbe blessed in his new field of labor

000000 oooo ooo c ooooo

CarpetsA D

MattingsWe are receiving our Spring line

of Carpets and Rugs Wehave Largest and

Best Line WeHave Ever Show

Many fine words will not describe a beautiful sunset youhave to see it yourself Its thesame with these carpets and mattings you must see them andlearn the prices to fully appre¬ciate them

I youbuyrhave anyone leave our doors dissatisfied So c6me in andsee our beautiful lineand learn our prices



l fJ gj

rtJY aX


The Loyal Temperance League willmeet with Mrs George M PattersonSundays afternoon at three oclock

AYliut UpTollalc DoIf a man brings you an account

drawn off on a cheap handmedowntablet book form you can put himdown as just that kind of a man in every other respecttoo short tomake pie crust Up todate business-men use printed stationery

Five Years OldThe Somerset Journal has passed its

5th milestone and like good wine improves with age Ourgood old friendEditor Ceph Campbell has the happyway of mixing enough spice into hismatter to get it out of the old sleepycutanddried way and It is a pleasureto read after him Cephs paper isone of our exchanges which is alwaysstuffed into our pocket to take homeand read Sunday afternoons

Iii DangerWhile Senator Farris was being

shaved in a mountain town the crowdin the barber shop was talking of someraids that had been made on whiskydens in the town when the barberwho was shaving the Senator saidThat is caused by that cursed Far

rls law and the author of it ought tohave his dn throat cut Of coursehe didnt know the Senator but asthe latter felt the steel crawling overhis face he pretended to be sleepingand very properly swallowed the remark

nAboutWe have just completed a new telephone directory card which to sing I

our own praises is a beauty It re¬

quired 450 sheets 22x28 tough checkboard and 3300 Impressions-The pages contain localads and wejhornany thing you want in the printingrjyouto people who have been some wherand know what they are talking aboutDont ask some 2x4 whippersnapperwho dont know white paper from gin

and whoabellTheyre the stuffThe Record cannot refrain fro

praising the City Council for goinofgtoadying to any of themany wiseacres who would like to holdthe town by the tail with a downhillpull This council is doing what itwbuleLpose to be bullragged about it eitherThere are some guys here and in alittle towns who object to any thinand everything but they cut no icenow We have the best town in thestate and the fact that we have a Counthat is pulling together is the sourceof much gratification

Circuit CourtThe case of the Commonwealth

Siler was called Tuesday morning aniit required only a short time to ex-

haust the regular panel in the effortto secure a jury Adjournment wastaken until Wednesday and the sheriff sent to summon more men for ex-

amination The twelve were chosenyesterday Wednesday and the trialcommenced There are a great manwitnesses and it will take some rimto complete the case The Commonwealth is represented by the regula-attorney Jno Sam Owsley county atorney J LHamilton W L Wil-liams J E Robinson W McC Johnston and Gov Bradley The defens-is represented by J T Hays R II Tomlinson J M Rothwell L L WalkerCol W G Welch The case will cosume the balance of the weekwill continue in session next weethere being enough business to takeup all of the week The grand jurhas adjourned having found abouthe usual number of indictmentswhnseized and assisted in the capturetne assassin of President McKinley aninstant after the firing of the cruelshots will ecru a before a larf c f ro vd

sdrParkerfully six feet six inches tall and ablow from his brawny list would havefelled such a small miserable ereture as Czolgosz could have divinehis purpose before it was too lateParker is well dressed wears a silkhat and presents a decidedly clericalappearance He was born at AtlantaGa in 1857 and was at onetime acarrier in that city He beginslecture by reciting the v incidents ofthe day relative to the PresidentsCzogoto v=

inq out his arm ty keep him Parkerfrom getting in front He beinghandsaw the look pass over the Proidents face as be looked at the assas ¬

sin when the two shots were firedHe told of his struggle with Czoigohow he delivered him two stunnhkblows which prevented the murdererfrom firing the thirdshot afc the Pres ¬

saysIslmplydoneI simply did the duty that o-


owes another



Conductor Bruised Up

In a wreck on the K D last weekour old friend CaPt Jim Douglasswas considerably bruised up Heruns the short dog between Corbinand Jellico and is as clever a gentle-man as ever pulled a bell cord

On1 to Iris NibsA Louisville gentleman wrote to a

Lancaster business man and at thebottom of the letter added Come-

down this week and we will go see

Ilur The Lancaster mans wife gothold of the letter and believing the

u was substituted for the easablind collared hubby and the furflew

A Succeonful NewspaperThe Mt Vernon Signal blossomed

out as a seven column folio last weekand is indeed a thing of beauty and ajoy forever Edgar Albrightthe clev ¬

er editor and publisher deserves greatcredit for his untiring ellorts and thepeople of Rockcastle should appreciate-his noble work for the countys ad-

vancement Edgar has the energythe stickatitivencss and plenty offriends who stand by him

Should Have No OppositionpDanville JTews Circuit Clerk Gra-

ham Price announces in this issue ofthe News his candidacy for re electionto that olllce Mr Price has filled thatplace to the eminent satisfaction ofthe people and particularly to thecourt and lawyers He is peculiarlyfitted for this place by reason of thefact that he is a graduate of law andknows all of the requirements of theotlicc This is one ollice that shouldbe filled by a lawyer as it requires oneto be able to wait upon the Courtdraw the orders etc He is one of the

sterling young Democrats in thecounty and should be endorsed by theparty Heres hoping that he willmeet with the success he deserves

Danville Masons to liulldAdvocate The new Masonic Hall

to be erected in connection with Mr MstreettflThisbuildingeIt embraces three main roomsconsistj ofabuildingandvthet35xl2andghall will be between three and fourthousand dollarsT

IV C T U NotesThe recently elected otlicers of theancaster W C T U have been in

s and are as follows Mrs W OBradley president Mrs R A StoneSweeneygGrant corresponding secretary vicepresidents from churches MethodistMrs R G Ward Presbyterian MrsChumbley Baptist Mrs WolfordChristian Mrs Fanny Farra Saturday will DC observed as seal Dowsbirthday Mrs Farra conducting themeeting The Union regrets givingup Mrs Moore and feels that it sus

WeheartilyBirmingham All members whohave not paid their dues will pleasecall on the treasurer

An Independent Mansapsecantest of the time and circumstances isfarmtbusiness half of his life time and sudupeas a merchant local misfortune bethroughnhalfkaful servant to his mploycr and sudcompanytowner of a clear farm is unassailableHe may not have all the luxuries oflife buthe is dead sure to obtain thedischargof

Change on Knoxvllle DivisionIt is reported in railway circles that

anew time card will bo made on theKnoxville branch soon which willmake the Louisville train about Ifhours later through Stanford NosVadand to dothis will require the Louisvile train to run that much laterTills will make the meeting point atBrodhead instead of Junction Cityilallhetheir objects to perform When weySzwith Nos 23 and 21 we wore turneddown because as an official saidliweanysput it there one hour later and the ru-mored new one puts it thc it hour la

holdgoodAsthlatidjheneededhour1atertordont see why the KCday trainscannot now be had here

Look at yellow label on this paper-





Tough on tile TIge +

The warfare on blind tigers has beenpushed steadily on and today its asafe bet that theres not a drop ofliquor on the Chute Not only the townauthorities but the grand jury andUncle Sam have taken a hand andthe tiger operator is not reposing onflowery beds of ease by any meansnor have the hoodlums the nerve tmake their bold assertions of whatshall and what shall not be done

We understand the grand jury hasfound something like a cart load moror less of true bills and as the evi-dence


is all good it will be many yearsbefore those indictments are all triedand the time served out Uncle Samwill then nail each olTenderso a rockyroad lies in front of the illicit whiskysellers

KcKlnlev Memorial AssociationPostmaster W T West has received

from the McKinley National Memori-al


Association a limited supply of thecertificates which have been preparedford istribution tc contributors to themonument fund as souvenirs of theirparticipation in that great enterpriseThe certificate is a beautiful work ofart on which is given an excellent re-


of MrsMcKinleys favoritelikeness of her husband together witha picture of the McKinley home inCanton and of the White House Thewording below the illustration is asfollows This certifies thathas contributed to the fund for theerection of the national memorial atCanton Ohio in honor of William Mc¬

Kinley The workmanship and ar-


effects are of the very highestorder the great house of TiffanyCo New York being the designersand manufacturers The supply inthe hands of Postmaster W T West isa portion of the first edition of thecertificates and is sent here to coshthose who have not as yet contributedto do so Parties who have alreadyidentified themselves with the move-ment will receive souvenirs direcfrom the office of the Association orthrough local committees tf

Sam Owslejr set the PrecedentThe recent jury verdict in St Louis

a man was convicted and sentthe penitentiary forlife and twenty

years longer was forestalled by Com-monwealths


Attorney J Sam Owsleylie had a man indicted for stealingandsentenced to five years on the first

on the second the defendantfound guilty and given double the

of the first verdict making fif ¬

years then he was indicted for ahird offense and tried at the same

term foundguilty and given a lifesentence under the statute providingthat penalty for a third conviction

his made his sentence confinementfor life and fifteen years longer Thisoccurred a few years ago in Lincolncounty It is useless to go out ofKen-tucky for pecedents The St Louisjudge is slow

The InterUrban RoadWork will begin soon on the electric

road from Lexington to RichmondAn effort is being made to secure theright of way through the farms alongside of the pike It is hoped to getthe road built to the river this year

Shredded Corn for Horsefeedohave been made at severalexperiment stations and the estimatevaries at from 50 to 100 per cent valusualethe Vermont stationcorn fodder gave as good results astimothy with work stock For idlehorses it proved to be rather more In-

digestible than timothy In thishowever all tests agree corn fodderis altogether too valuable for hayto bepermitted to dry up in the field as isthe custom in the southwest

Parting WordsThe high repute in which Rev Al¬

len R Moore is held by his congrega-tion and the community at large wasevinced by the large crowd which attended services at the Christianchurch last Sunday forenoon and evening that being the time for delivering his farewell sermon to his congregation The sermons were both veryimpressive and had a deep effect up-on the audiences A farewell recep-tion was given in the church on Nonday evening when all denominations I

joined in bidding Rev Moore and hisexcellent wife adieu and wishingthem well in their new home Bir ¬

mingham where he takes charge of alarge congregation and enters into alarger field of labor where he willdoubtless do much good as he hasdone here and elsewhere

A Pointer for Farmersupd ¬

and working to secure the very best inHetanimal of any kind as it does to raisethe best and the difference in the sell-ing


price is often as much as 100 percent Its just the sninu grains fruitsand vegetables It really pays only tosow the best seed The margin ofdifference the poor fat steer and thegood fat steer is hardly ever less than

2 per hundred weight and often hasIas much as 4 The difference betweena cow which makes 125 pounds of but-ter a year and one which makes 325pounds is the difference between acow which runs you into debt and onewhich will bring you a net profit ofover 50 The barrel of choice appleswill sell for 1 when culls of the samevarieties have to go to the cider millThere will be ten men who will persistin raising the poor stuff where there isone who raises the best Why notbe that one Maysville Bulletin

Look at the yellow lable Is it o kn

They Will be HereCandidates for state offices will be

here in full force next court day Thenumber is increasing daily and itwouldnt be a bad idea to quarantineagainst them


Found Against Editor W B Bretverand Ills SOB Clarence

The Christian county jury whichclosed its labors last Saturday of a twoweeks session after a thorough inves¬

tigation of the charges against EditorW B Brewer of the Falrview Re-view


and his son Clarence for shoot-ing and wounding Tom Mobley eighttimes last October refused to indictthem Mobley had bullied the Brew ¬

ers for nealy three years and madelife a burden to them by cursing andabusing the editor every time he filledup on whisky which ended in theBrewers shooting him as stated above

Thus it will be seen that even edi-tors


sometimes grow tired of whinesand slurs of some of the people MrBrewer was a peaceable man neverintntionaly wounding any ones feel-ings


and because he was not blow-ing


like the average bully he was ta-ken


for a coward Editors are alwaysat the same old standand if you haveit in for them you always knowwhere to find them so be manlyenough to talk to their faces and nutbellied their backs


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