TGfacilitate the remedies 012 Bills of Exchange thereon.

/3/ TG facilitate the remedies 012 Bills of Exchange thereon. VU HERE AS, bona ñde holders of dis- »' honored Bills of Exchange and Pro- missory Notes are often unjustly delayed and put to unnecessary expense in recov- ering the amount thereof by reason of frivolous or fictitious defences to actions thereon, and it is expedient that greater facilities than now exist should be given for the recovery of money due on such Bills and Notes : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor on behalf of Her Majesty, bv and with the •J •/ ' w advice and consent of the' Legislative Council and Assembly of the Colony of Vancouver Island and its dependencies as follows : From, the passage o* this Act all actions upon Bms of Exchange may le ly Writ of Summons as in the Form in schedule A. Plaintiff on filing affidavit of per- sonal service may at once, sign final judg- ment as in form in schedule JB. I. From and after the passage of this Act all actions upon Bills of Exchange or Promissory Notes commenced within six months after the same shall have become due and payable, may be by writ of sum- mons in the special form contained in schedule A., to this Act annexed, and en- dorsed as therein mentioned, and it shall be lawful for the Plaintiff on filing an affida- vit of personal service of such Writ within the jurisdiction of the Court, or an order for leave to proceed as provided by the Common Law Procedure Act 1852, and a Copy of the "Writ of Summons and the indorsements thereon in case the Defend- ant shall not have obtained leave to ap- pear and have appeared to such Writ according to the exigency thereof, a t once to sign final judgment in the form con- tained in schedule B. to this Act annexed (on which payment no proceeding in error shall lie) for any sum not exceeding the sum indorsed on the Writ, together with interest at the rate specified (if any) to the date of judgment, and a sum for costs to be fixed by the Chief Justice of Vancouver Island, unless the Plaintiff claim more

Transcript of TGfacilitate the remedies 012 Bills of Exchange thereon.

Page 1: TGfacilitate the remedies 012 Bills of Exchange thereon.


TG facilitate t h e remedies 012 Bills of Exchange


VU HERE AS, bona ñde holders of dis-»' honored Bills o f Exchange and Pro­

missory Notes are often unjustly delayed and put to unnecessary expense i n recov­ering the amount thereof b y reason of frivolous or fictitious defences to actions thereon, and it is expedient tha t greater facilities than now exist should b e given for the recovery of money due on such Bills and Notes :

Be it therefore enacted b y the Governor on behalf of Her Majesty, b v and with the

•J •/ ' w

advice and consent of t h e ' Legislative Council and Assembly of the Colony of Vancouver Island and i ts dependencies a s follows :

From, the passage o* this Act all actions upon Bms of Exchange may le ly Writ of Summons as in the Form in schedule A. Plaintiff on filing affidavit of per­sonal service may at once, sign final judg­ment as in form in schedule JB.

I. From and after the passage of this Act all actions upon Bills of Exchange o r

Promissory Notes commenced within six months after the same shall have become due and payable, may be by wr i t of sum­mons in the special form contained in schedule A., t o this Act annexed, and en­dorsed as therein mentioned, and it shall be lawful for the Plaintiff on filing an affida­vit of personal service of such W r i t within the jurisdiction of the Court, or an order for leave t o proceed as provided by the Common Law Procedure Act 1852, and a Copy of the "Writ of Summons and the indorsements thereon in case the Defend­ant shall not have obtained leave to ap­pear and have appeared t o such W r i t according to the exigency thereof, a t once to sign final judgment in the form con­tained in schedule B. to this Act annexed (on which payment n o proceeding in error shall lie) for any sum not exceeding the sum indorsed on the Writ , together with interest a t the rate specified (if any) to the date of judgment, and a sum for costs t o be fixed by the Chief Justice of Vancouver Island, unless the Plaintiff claim more

Page 2: TGfacilitate the remedies 012 Bills of Exchange thereon.

than such fixed sum, in which, case the Remedy for recovery of costs qf wiing no:-costs shall be taxed i n the ordinary way. ax:ceeptance of dishonored Bilis. and the Plaintiff may upon such judgment V . The holder of every dishonored Bil. issue Execution forthwith. of Exchange o r Promissory note shall o »

have the same remedies for the recovery Defendant showing a defence vpon the of the expenses incurred in noting the

merits, to have leave to appear. same for non-acceptance or non-pannes:. TT rrn „ T -a n • v o r otherwise b y reason of suca dishonor I I . The Chief Justice shall, upon apph- , , , - . , . ¿ * as he has under this Act for the recover

cation within the period o í twelve davs ^ , • oi trie amount oí sucn Bui or note,

from such service, give leave to appear t o such writ and to defend the action on the Defendant paying into Court the sum en­dorsed on the Wr i t , o r upon affidavits satisfactory to the Judge, which disclose a legal or equitable defence, or such facts as would make i t incumbent on the holder

Holder of Bill of Exchange may issue or¿ Summons against oil or any of the par­ties to the Bill.

T L The holder of any Bill of Exchange o r Promissory note may. if he think fit. issue one TT r i t of Summons according to

t o prove consideration, o r such other fac ts j ^ A c t a g a i n 3 t a l l Q r a n y n u f f i b er ¿ ^

as the t_hief Just ice ma\ deem sufficient to p i t i e s t o such Bill or note, and such Writ support t h e application, and on such terms ; o f Summons shall be the 'commencement a s t o security o r otherwise a s t o the Chief ¡ 0 f a n a c t i o n or actions against the parties Justice may seem fit. therein named respectively, and all subse­

quent proceedings against such respective Chief .Justice may under special circum- parties shall b e in like manner, so far

may be, a s i f separate TVrits of SumrnoK stances set aside judgment.

I Ï I . A f t e r judgment t h e Chief Justice had been issued. may, under special circumstances, set aside the judgment, and if necessary stay or set Common Laic Procedure Acts ünä-But# aside Execution, and may give leave to appear to the "Writ and t o defend the

incorporated in this Ad.

T I L The Provisions of the Acts of tie Action, if i t shall appear to be reasonable Imperial Par l iament named the " Common t o the . Chief Justice so to do, and on such Law Procedure Act 1S52, and the Com-terms a s mav seem iust. mon Law Procedure Ac t 1854," and ah

Rules made under o r b y virtue of either Chief Justice may order Bill to be deposited the said Acts shall so f a r as the sase

with officer of Court. a r e o r may be made applicable, extend

I V . I n any proceedings under this A c t la n . d aPP1}" t o proceedings to be had or i t shall be competent to the Chief Justice 'a ^ e r a u n d e r this Act . t o order the Bill o r note brought t o be proceeded upon, t o b e forthwith deposited wi th an officer ox' the Court and fur ther t o order t h a t a l l proceedings shall be stayed unt i l the Plaintiff shall have given securitv fo r the costs thereof.

Short Title.

^ I I I - This Act may b e cited as " Summary Procedure on Bills of Exchange A c t 1861."

Page 3: TGfacilitate the remedies 012 Bills of Exchange thereon.



Passed the House of Assembly 19th Ju ly . 1861. Council amendments agreed to 4th November , 1861.

E . B O W E R S D O G G E T T ,

Cie:k of t h e House of Assembly .

Passed the Council the 29th d a v of October, 1861.

J O S E P H P O R T E R ,

Acting Clerk of t h e Council .

Received rov assent th i s 28ch d a v of Novem­ber. A. D. 1861.

J A M E S D O U G L A S .

S C H E D U L E A .

Victoria, by the Grace of G-od. etc.

To C. D. of W e w a r n you

that unless "«"ithin Twelve days af ter the service of this Wr i t on you. inclusive of the day of such service, you obtain leave

- from the Chief Justice of Vancouver Island and i t s dependencies, to appear and do "within tha t time appear in our

Court of . . . . ,x

in an Action a t the suit of A . 33.. the said A. B. may proceed t o Judgment and Exe­cution.

Witness, e tc [liemoraiidum to b e subscribed on the

Writ-3 X. B. This Wr i t i s t o be served "within

sis Calendar months from the da te hereof, or if renewed, from the date of such re­newal including the day of such date, and not afterwards.

[Indorsement t o b e made o n the W r i t before service thereof.]

This W r i t was issued b y E . F . , of Attorney fo r the Plaintiff,

o r This W r i t was issued i n Person b y

A. B., who resides a t INDORSEMENT.

The Plaintiff claims prin­cipal and interest, o r balance o f principal and interest, due t o him as the Payee o? Indorsee of a Bill of Exchange or Pro­missory note, of which the following is a copy :

[Here copy Bill of Exchange or Pro­missory note* and ail Indorsements upon i t . ]

A n d if the amount thereof b e paid t o the Plaintiff or his Attorney within days from t h e service thereof, further pro­ceedings will b e stayed.

N O T I C E . Take notice, that i f t h e Defendant do

not obtain leave from the Chief Justice of Vancouver Island and i t s Dependencies within twelve days a f t e r having been served with this Wri t , inclusive of the day of such service, to appear thereto, and do within such time cause an appearance to b e

: entered for him in the Court out of which this w r i t issues, the Plaintiff will be a t liberty a t any time after the expiration of such twelve days to sign final judgment fo r any sum n o t exceeding the sum above claimed, and the sum of fo r costs, and issue Execution for the same.

Leave to appear may b e obtained, on an application a t the Chief Justice's Cham­bers, Victoria, supported b y affidavits shewing that there i s a defence t o the action on the merits, o r tha t i t is r e a s o n ­able that the Defendant should b e allowed to appear i n the action.

[Indorsement to be made on the W r i t a f t e r service thereof.]

This W r i t was served by X . Y . on L . M. (the defendant) on the day of


S C H E D U L E , B . In the Supreme Court of Civil Justice

on the day of in the year of Our Lord. 18 (day of signing Judgment).

Vancouver Island and its Dependencies (to wit) A . 3 . in his own person (or by his Attorney) sued out a W r i t against C". D.. Indorsed a s follows :

[Here copy Indorsement of Plaintiffs claim.]

And the said C. D . has not appeared. Therefore i t is considered that the said A. B . recover against the said C. D together with fo r costs of suit-