
download tf_polish

of 425



Transcript of tf_polish

"lang" { "Language" "polish" "Tokens" { "TF_AutoAssign" "&1 PRZYDZIEL AUTOM." "[english]TF_AutoAssign" "&1 AUTO ASSIGN" "TF_BlueTeam" "&3 BLU" "[english]TF_BlueTeam" "&3 BLU" "TF_RedTeam" "&4 RED" "[english]TF_RedTeam" "&4 RED" "TF_Observer" "WIDZ" "[english]TF_Observer" "OBSERVER" "TF_Random" "LOSOWO" "[english]TF_Random" "RANDOM" "TF_BlueTeam_Name" "BLU" "[english]TF_BlueTeam_Name" "BLU" "TF_RedTeam_Name" "RED" "[english]TF_RedTeam_Name" "RED" "TF_Scout" "SKAUT" "[english]TF_Scout" "SCOUT" "TF_Sniper" "SNAJPER" "[english]TF_Sniper" "SNIPER" "TF_Soldier" "ONIERZ" "[english]TF_Soldier" "SOLDIER" "TF_Demoman" "DEMOMAN" "[english]TF_Demoman" "DEMOMAN" "TF_Medic" "MEDYK" "[english]TF_Medic" "MEDIC" "TF_HWGuy" "GRUBY" "[english]TF_HWGuy" "HEAVY" "TF_Pyro" "PYRO" "[english]TF_Pyro" "PYRO" "TF_Spy" "SZPIEG" "[english]TF_Spy" "SPY" "TF_Engineer" "INYNIER" "[english]TF_Engineer" "ENGINEER" "TF_Class_Name_Undefined" " " "[english]TF_Class_Name_Undefined" " " "TF_Class_Name_Scout" "Skaut" "[english]TF_Class_Name_Scout" "Scout" "TF_Class_Name_Sniper" "Snajper" "[english]TF_Class_Name_Sniper" "Sniper" "TF_Class_Name_Soldier" "onierz" "[english]TF_Class_Name_Soldier" "Soldier" "TF_Class_Name_Demoman" "Demoman" "[english]TF_Class_Name_Demoman" "Demoman" "TF_Class_Name_Medic" "Medyk" "[english]TF_Class_Name_Medic" "Medic" "TF_Class_Name_HWGuy" "Gruby" "[english]TF_Class_Name_HWGuy" "Heavy" "TF_Class_Name_Pyro" "Pyro" "[english]TF_Class_Name_Pyro" "Pyro" "TF_Class_Name_Spy" "Szpieg" "[english]TF_Class_Name_Spy" "Spy" "TF_Class_Name_Engineer" "Inynier" "[english]TF_Class_Name_Engineer" "Engineer" "TF_ScoreBoard_Blue" "BLU" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_Blue" "BLU" "TF_ScoreBoard_Red" "RED"

"[english]TF_ScoreBoard_Red" "RED" "TF_ScoreBoard_Player" "%s1 gracz" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_Player" "%s1 player" "TF_ScoreBoard_Players" "%s1 graczy" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_Players" "%s1 players" "ScoreBoard_Spectator" "%s1 widz: %s2" "[english]ScoreBoard_Spectator" "%s1 spectator: %s2" "ScoreBoard_Spectators" "%s1 widzw: %s2" "[english]ScoreBoard_Spectators" "%s1 spectators: %s2" "TF_ScoreBoard_DEAD" "NIE YJE" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_DEAD" "DEAD" "TF_Scoreboard_Name" "Imi" "[english]TF_Scoreboard_Name" "Name" "TF_Scoreboard_Score" "Wynik" "[english]TF_Scoreboard_Score" "Score" "TF_Scoreboard_Ping" "Ping" "[english]TF_Scoreboard_Ping" "Ping" "TF_Scoreboard_Bot" "BOT" "[english]TF_Scoreboard_Bot" "BOT" "TF_ScoreBoard_Point" "%s1 punkt" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_Point" "%s1 point" "TF_ScoreBoard_Points" "%s1 punktw" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_Points" "%s1 points" "TF_ScoreBoard_KillsLabel" "Zabici:" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_KillsLabel" "Kills:" "TF_ScoreBoard_DeathsLabel" "Zgony:" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_DeathsLabel" "Deaths:" "TF_ScoreBoard_AssistsLabel" "Asysty:" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_AssistsLabel" "Assists:" "TF_ScoreBoard_DestructionLabel" "Zniszczenia:" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_DestructionLabel" "Destruction:" "TF_ScoreBoard_CapturesLabel" "Przejte cele:" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_CapturesLabel" "Captures:" "TF_ScoreBoard_DefensesLabel" "Obrony:" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_DefensesLabel" "Defenses:" "TF_ScoreBoard_DominationLabel" "Dominacje:" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_DominationLabel" "Domination:" "TF_ScoreBoard_RevengeLabel" "Akty odwetu:" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_RevengeLabel" "Revenge:" "TF_ScoreBoard_HealingLabel" "Uleczono:" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_HealingLabel" "Healing:" "TF_ScoreBoard_InvulnLabel" "Niezniszczalnoci:" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_InvulnLabel" "Invulns:" "TF_ScoreBoard_TeleportsLabel" "Teleportacje:" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_TeleportsLabel" "Teleports:" "TF_ScoreBoard_HeadshotsLabel" "Strzay w gow:" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_HeadshotsLabel" "Headshots:" "TF_ScoreBoard_BackstabsLabel" "Dgnicia w plecy:" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_BackstabsLabel" "Backstabs:" "TF_ScoreBoard_BonusLabel" "Bonus:" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_BonusLabel" "Bonus:" "TF_ScoreBoard_DamageLabel" "Obraenia:" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_DamageLabel" "Damage:" "TF_ScoreBoard_SentryKillsLabel" "Zabitych dziakiem:" "[english]TF_ScoreBoard_SentryKillsLabel" "Sentry Kills:" "Scoreboard_Server" "Serwer: %s1" "[english]Scoreboard_Server" "Server: %s1" "Scoreboard_TimeLeft" "Pozostay czas trwania mapy: %s1:%s2:%s3" "[english]Scoreboard_TimeLeft" "Server map time left: %s1:%s2:%s3" "Scoreboard_TimeLeftNoHours" "Pozostay czas trwania mapy: %s1:%s2"

"[english]Scoreboard_TimeLeftNoHours" "Server map time left: %s1:%s2" "Scoreboard_NoTimeLimit" "Pozostay czas trwania mapy: Bez limitu czasu" "[english]Scoreboard_NoTimeLimit" "Server map time left: No time limit" "Scoreboard_ChangeOnRoundEnd" "(Zmiana mapy z kocem rundy...) Pozostay czas trwa nia mapy: 00:00" "[english]Scoreboard_ChangeOnRoundEnd" "(Map change on round end...) Server map time left: 00:00" "TF_SteamRequired" "Wymagana dostpno Steam" "[english]TF_SteamRequired" "Steam Required" "TF_SteamRequiredResetStats" "Wyzerowanie statystyk wymaga poczenia z serwerem Steam." "[english]TF_SteamRequiredResetStats" "A connection to Steam is required in or der to reset your statistics." "TF_Nemesis" "NEMEZIS" "[english]TF_Nemesis" "NEMESIS" "TF_Dominated" "ZDOMINOWANY" "[english]TF_Dominated" "DOMINATED" "TF_Nemesis_lodef" "NEM." "[english]TF_Nemesis_lodef" "NEM" "TF_Dominated_lodef" "ZDOM." "[english]TF_Dominated_lodef" "DOM" "TF_NewNemesis" "Nowy Nemezis!" "[english]TF_NewNemesis" "New Nemesis!" "TF_GotRevenge" "Odwet!" "[english]TF_GotRevenge" "Revenge!" "TF_FreezeNemesis" "Nemezis" "[english]TF_FreezeNemesis" "Nemesis" "TF_Taunt" "Drwina" "[english]TF_Taunt" "Taunt" "TF_FeignArmed" "-UZBROJONY-" "[english]TF_FeignArmed" "-ARMED-" "ClassTips_1_1" "Zdobywasz punkty kontrolne szybciej ni inne klasy!" "[english]ClassTips_1_1" "You capture points faster than other classes!" "ClassTips_2_1" "Sia strzau twojego karabinu snajperskiego ronie, gdy korzystasz z lunety!" "[english]ClassTips_2_1" "Your sniper rifle will power up to do more dama ge while you are zoomed in!" "ClassTips_3_1" "Strzelaj z wyrzutni rakiet pod nogi nieprzyjaciela!" "[english]ClassTips_3_1" "Shoot your rocket launcher at enemy's feet!" "ClassTips_4_1" "Detonuj bomby samoprzylepne, gdy wrg si do nich zbliy!" "[english]ClassTips_4_1" "Remote detonate your stickybombs when enemies a re near them!" "ClassTips_5_1" "aduj berCharge, leczc towarzyszy!" "[english]ClassTips_5_1" "Fill your berCharge by healing your team mates!" "ClassTips_6_1" "Przygotuj si na nadejcie wroga, wprawiajc w ruch luf miniguna!" "[english]ClassTips_6_1" "Spin your minigun without firing to be ready fo r approaching enemies!" "ClassTips_7_1" "Wykorzystuj rogi budynkw, by atakowa z zaskoczenia!" "[english]ClassTips_7_1" "Ambush enemies at corners!" "ClassTips_8_1" "Przebieraj si za nieprzyjaciela, by infiltrowa jego baz!" "[english]ClassTips_8_1" "Disguise yourself as a enemy and infiltrate the enemy base!" "ClassTips_9_1" "Zbieraj metal z upuszczonej broni - posuy jako materia konstrukcyj ny!" "[english]ClassTips_9_1" "Collect metal from fallen weapons to build with !" "ClassTips_12_1" "Pozwl na losowe wybranie swojej klasy." "[english]ClassTips_12_1" "Let the game randomly choose a class for you." "TF_Welcome" "Witaj" "[english]TF_Welcome" "Welcome"

"TF_Welcome_birthday" "Witaj! Wszystkiego najlepszego TF!" "[english]TF_Welcome_birthday" "Welcome and Happy Birthday TF!" "TF_Welcome_halloween" "Witaj! Wesoego Halloween!" "[english]TF_Welcome_halloween" "Welcome and Happy Halloween!" "TF_Cancel" "ANULUJ (&0)" "[english]TF_Cancel" "CANCEL (&0)" "TF_Back" "&WSTECZ" "[english]TF_Back" "&BACK" "TF_WatchIntro" "&OBEJRZYJ FILM" "[english]TF_WatchIntro" "&WATCH MOVIE" "Button_SkipIntro" "&POMI FILM" "[english]Button_SkipIntro" "&SKIP MOVIE" "TF_Continue" "&KONTYNUUJ" "[english]TF_Continue" "&CONTINUE" "TF_SelectATeam" "WYBIERZ DRUYN" "[english]TF_SelectATeam" "SELECT A TEAM" "TF_SelectAClass" "WYBIERZ KLAS" "[english]TF_SelectAClass" "SELECT A CLASS" "TF_AutoTeamSelect" "WYBR AUTOM." "[english]TF_AutoTeamSelect" "AUTO SELECT" "TF_Spectate" "OGLDAJ" "[english]TF_Spectate" "SPECTATE" "TF_Play" "GRAJ!" "[english]TF_Play" "PLAY!" "TF_Close" "&ZAMKNIJ" "[english]TF_Close" "&CLOSE" "TF_ResetStats" "&WYZERUJ STATYSTYKI" "[english]TF_ResetStats" "&RESET STATS" "TF_NextTip" "&NASTPNA" "[english]TF_NextTip" "NEXT &TIP" "TF_NextTip_360" "Nastpna wskazwka" "[english]TF_NextTip_360" "Next Tip" "TF_Confirm" "Potwierd" "[english]TF_Confirm" "Confirm" "TF_ConfirmResetStats" "Czy na pewno chcesz wyzerowa statystyki gracza?\nPo wyze rowaniu odzyskanie poprzednich statystyk bdzie niemoliwe!" "[english]TF_ConfirmResetStats" "Are you sure you want to reset your player stat s?\nOnce reset your old stats cannot be recovered!" "TF_TeamsSwitched" "Nastpia zamiana druyn." "[english]TF_TeamsSwitched" "Teams have been switched." "TF_ClassMenu_Reset" "ZRESETUJ" "[english]TF_ClassMenu_Reset" "RESET" "TF_WatchIntro_360" "Obejrzyj film" "[english]TF_WatchIntro_360" "Watch Movie" "Button_SkipIntro_360" "Pomi film" "[english]Button_SkipIntro_360" "Skip Movie" "TF_Continue_360" "Dalej" "[english]TF_Continue_360" "Continue" "TF_Offense" "ATAK" "[english]TF_Offense" "OFFENSE" "TF_Defense" "OBRONA" "[english]TF_Defense" "DEFENSE" "TF_Support" "WSPARCIE" "[english]TF_Support" "SUPPORT" "TF_Next" "Dalej" "[english]TF_Next" "Next" "TF_Prev" "Wstecz" "[english]TF_Prev" "Previous" "TF_NextPrev" "Dalej / Wstecz" "[english]TF_NextPrev" "Next / Previous"

"TF_timeleft" "Pozostay czas: %s1:%s2" "[english]TF_timeleft" "Time left: %s1:%s2" "TF_timeleft_nolimit" "* Brak limitu czasu *" "[english]TF_timeleft_nolimit" "* No Time Limit *" "TF_nextmap" "Nastpna mapa: %s1" "[english]TF_nextmap" "Next map : %s1" "TF_PlayingTo" "Gra do %rounds%" "[english]TF_PlayingTo" "Playing to: %rounds%" "TF_Cloak" " ENERGIA" "[english]TF_Cloak" "CLOAK" "TF_Metal" "METAL" "[english]TF_Metal" "METAL" "TF_Phase" "UNIK" "[english]TF_Phase" "DODGE" "TF_Ball" "PIKA" "[english]TF_Ball" "BALL" "TF_Jar" "SOIK" "[english]TF_Jar" "JAR" "TF_Rage" "FURIA" "[english]TF_Rage" "RAGE" "TF_Berzerk" "GOWY" "[english]TF_Berzerk" "HEADS" "TF_Charge" "SZARA" "[english]TF_Charge" "CHARGE" "TF_OUT_OF_AMMO" "BRAK AMUNICJI" "[english]TF_OUT_OF_AMMO" "OUT OF AMMO" "Game_connected" "%s1 docza do gry" "[english]Game_connected" "%s1 connected" "game_spawn_as" "*Pojawisz si jako %s1" "[english]game_spawn_as" "*You will spawn as %s1" "game_respawn_as" "*Odrodzisz si jako %s1" "[english]game_respawn_as" "*You will respawn as %s1" "game_spawn_asrandom" "*Pojawisz si jako losowo wybrana klasa" "[english]game_spawn_asrandom" "*You will spawn as random class" "game_respawn_asrandom" "*Odrodzisz si jako losowo wybrana klasa" "[english]game_respawn_asrandom" "*You will respawn as a random class" "round_restart_in_sec" "Runda rozpocznie si ponownie za %s1 sekund" "[english]round_restart_in_sec" "The round will restart in %s1 second" "round_restart_in_secs" "Runda rozpocznie si ponownie za %s1 sekund" "[english]round_restart_in_secs" "The round will restart in %s1 seconds" "game_restart_in_sec" "Gra rozpocznie si ponownie za %s1 sekund" "[english]game_restart_in_sec" "The game will restart in %s1 second" "game_restart_in_secs" "Gra rozpocznie si ponownie za %s1 sekund" "[english]game_restart_in_secs" "The game will restart in %s1 seconds" "game_switch_in_sec" "Zamiana druyn!\nGra rozpocznie si ponownie za %s1 sekund" "[english]game_switch_in_sec" "Switching teams!\nThe game will restart in %s1 second" "game_switch_in_secs" "Zamiana druyn!\nGra rozpocznie si ponownie za %s1 sekund" "[english]game_switch_in_secs" "Switching teams!\nThe game will restart in %s1 seconds" "game_scramble_in_sec" "Przemieszanie druyn!\nGra rozpocznie si ponownie za %s1 s ekund" "[english]game_scramble_in_sec" "Scrambling the teams!\nThe game will restart in %s1 second" "game_scramble_in_secs" "Przemieszanie druyn!\nGra rozpocznie si ponownie za %s1 s ekund" "[english]game_scramble_in_secs" "Scrambling the teams!\nThe game will re start in %s1 seconds" "game_respawntime_now" "Przygotuj si na odrodzenie" "[english]game_respawntime_now" "Prepare to respawn"

"game_respawntime_in_sec" "Odrodzenie za: 1 sekund" "[english]game_respawntime_in_sec" "Respawn in: 1 second" "game_respawntime_in_secs" "Odrodzenie za: %s1 s" "[english]game_respawntime_in_secs" "Respawn in: %s1 seconds" "game_respawntime_stalemate" "Brak odradzania w nagej mierci" "[english]game_respawntime_stalemate" "No respawning in Sudden Death" "game_respawntime_next_round" "Odrodzenie za: Zaczekaj do nastpnej rundy" "[english]game_respawntime_next_round" "Respawn in: Wait for next round" "game_auto_team_balance_in" "Druyny zostan automatycznie zbalansowane za %s1 s ekund." "[english]game_auto_team_balance_in" "Teams will be auto-balanced in %s1 seco nds." "game_player_was_team_balanced" "%s1 - transfer do druyny przeciwnej dla zrwnowaeni a rozgrywki." "[english]game_player_was_team_balanced" "%s1 was moved to the other team for game balance" "game_idle_kick" "%s1 jest za dugo w stanie bezczynnoci i zostaje wyrzucony " "[english]game_idle_kick" "%s1 has been idle for too long and has been kic ked" "TF_MOTD_Title" "WIADOMO DNIA" "[english]TF_MOTD_Title" "MESSAGE OF THE DAY" "TF_playerid_sameteam" "%s1%s2" "[english]TF_playerid_sameteam" "%s1%s2" "TF_playerid_diffteam" "%s1Wrg: %s2" "[english]TF_playerid_diffteam" "%s1Enemy: %s2" "TF_playerid_noteam" "%s1" "[english]TF_playerid_noteam" "%s1" "TF_playerid_object" "%s1 gracza %s2" "[english]TF_playerid_object" "%s1 built by %s2" "TF_playerid_object_level" "(Poziom %s1)" "[english]TF_playerid_object_level" "( Level %s1 )" "TF_playerid_object_upgrading" "Postp ulepszania: %s1" "[english]TF_playerid_object_upgrading" "Upgrade Progress: %s1" "TF_playerid_object_upgrading_level" "(Poziom %s1) Postp ulepszania: %s2" "[english]TF_playerid_object_upgrading_level" "( Level %s1 ) Upgrade Progress: %s2" "TF_playerid_object_diffteam" "%s1 wrogiego gracza %s2" "[english]TF_playerid_object_diffteam" "Enemy %s1 built by %s2" "TF_playerid_object_recharging" "Ponowne adowanie: %s1%" "[english]TF_playerid_object_recharging" "Recharging: %s1%" "TF_playerid_healer" "Leczcy:" "[english]TF_playerid_healer" "Healer: " "TF_playerid_healtarget" "Leczysz:" "[english]TF_playerid_healtarget" "Healing: " "TF_playerid_friendlyspy_disguise" "Przebrany jako %s1 %s2" "[english]TF_playerid_friendlyspy_disguise" "Disguised as %s1 %s2" "TF_playerid_mediccharge" "berCharge: %s1%" "[english]TF_playerid_mediccharge" "berCharge: %s1%" "TF_playerid_mediccharge_wpn" "berCharge: %s1% (%s2)" "[english]TF_playerid_mediccharge_wpn" "berCharge: %s1% (%s2)" "TF_playerid_noheal" "Wyrwnywacz uniemoliwia leczenie!" "[english]TF_playerid_noheal" "Equalizer blocks healing!" "TF_friendly" "przyjazny" "[english]TF_friendly" "friendly" "TF_enemy" "wrogi" "[english]TF_enemy" "enemy" "TF_Title" "TEAM FORTRESS" "[english]TF_Title" "TEAM FORTRESS" "TF_ClassSpecific_Keys" "UMIEJTNO DANEJ KLASY"

"[english]TF_ClassSpecific_Keys" "CLASS SPECIFIC SKILL" "TF_ClassSkill_Medic" "MEDYK: Uyj berCharge" "[english]TF_ClassSkill_Medic" "MEDIC: Deploy berCharge" "TF_ClassSkill_Heavy" "GRUBY: Wpraw w ruch luf miniguna" "[english]TF_ClassSkill_Heavy" "HEAVY: Spin Minigun Barrel" "TF_ClassSkill_Sniper" "SNAJPER: Uyj lunety karabinu snajperskiego" "[english]TF_ClassSkill_Sniper" "SNIPER: Zoom Sniper Rifle" "TF_ClassSkill_Spy" "SZPIEG: Wcz / Wycz niewidzialno" "[english]TF_ClassSkill_Spy" "SPY: Cloak / Uncloak" "TF_ClassSkill_Spy_LastDisguise" "SZPIEG: Ostatnie przebranie" "[english]TF_ClassSkill_Spy_LastDisguise" "SPY: Last Disguise" "TF_ClassSkill_Spy_DisguiseTeam" "SZPIEG: Zmie druyn przebrania" "[english]TF_ClassSkill_Spy_DisguiseTeam" "SPY: Toggle Disguise Team" "TF_ClassSkill_Demoman" "DEMOMAN: Zdetonuj bomby samoprzylepne" "[english]TF_ClassSkill_Demoman" "DEMOMAN: Detonate Stickybombs" "TF_Call_For_Medic" "Wezwij Medyka" "[english]TF_Call_For_Medic" "Call for a Medic" "TF_DropFlag" "Upu walizk" "[english]TF_DropFlag" "Drop the briefcase" "TF_Switch_Classes_Immediately" "Natychmiast zmie klas" "[english]TF_Switch_Classes_Immediately" "Switch classes immediately" "TF_Toggle_RoundInfo_Map" "Wywietl map informacyjn rundy" "[english]TF_Toggle_RoundInfo_Map" "Toggle Round Info Map" "TF_MapInfo" "Poka informacje o mapie" "[english]TF_MapInfo" "Show Map Information" "TF_Inspect" "Zobacz wyposaenie" "[english]TF_Inspect" "Inspect Target" "TF_voice_menu_A" "Menu gosowe 1" "[english]TF_voice_menu_A" "Voice Menu 1" "TF_voice_menu_B" "Menu gosowe 2" "[english]TF_voice_menu_B" "Voice Menu 2" "TF_voice_menu_C" "Menu gosowe 3" "[english]TF_voice_menu_C" "Voice Menu 3" "TF_freezecam_snapshot" "[%s1] Uwiecznij t chwil!" "[english]TF_freezecam_snapshot" "[%s1] Save this moment!" "TF_Chat_Team_Loc" "(DRUYNA) %s1 @ %s3 : %s2" "[english]TF_Chat_Team_Loc" "(TEAM) %s1 @ %s3 : %s2" "TF_Chat_Team" "(DRUYNA) %s1 : %s2" "[english]TF_Chat_Team" "(TEAM) %s1 : %s2" "TF_Chat_Team_Dead" "*NIE YJE*(DRUYNA) %s1 : %s2" "[english]TF_Chat_Team_Dead" "*DEAD*(TEAM) %s1 : %s2" "TF_Chat_Spec" "(Widz) %s1 : %s2" "[english]TF_Chat_Spec" "(Spectator) %s1 : %s2" "TF_Chat_All" "%s1 : %s2" "[english]TF_Chat_All" "%s1 : %s2" "TF_Chat_AllDead" "*NIE YJE* %s1 : %s2" "[english]TF_Chat_AllDead" "*DEAD* %s1 : %s2" "TF_Chat_AllSpec" "*WIDZ* %s1 : %s2" "[english]TF_Chat_AllSpec" "*SPEC* %s1 : %s2" "TF_Name_Change" "* %s1 zmienia pseudonim na %s2" "[english]TF_Name_Change" "* %s1 changed name to %s2" "Econ_holiday_restriction_halloween" "Dostpna tylko w Halloween" "[english]Econ_holiday_restriction_halloween" "Holiday Restriction: Halloween" "TF_Weapon_Bat" "Kij" "[english]TF_Weapon_Bat" "Bat" "TF_Weapon_Bottle" "Butelka" "[english]TF_Weapon_Bottle" "Bottle" "TF_Weapon_FireAxe" "Topr straacki" "[english]TF_Weapon_FireAxe" "Fire Axe" "TF_Weapon_Club" "Kukri"

"[english]TF_Weapon_Club" "Kukri" "TF_Weapon_Crowbar" "om" "[english]TF_Weapon_Crowbar" "Crowbar" "TF_Weapon_Bonesaw" "Pia do koci" "[english]TF_Weapon_Bonesaw" "Bonesaw" "TF_Weapon_FlameThrower" "Miotacz ognia" "[english]TF_Weapon_FlameThrower" "Flame Thrower" "TF_Weapon_GrenadeLauncher" "Granatnik" "[english]TF_Weapon_GrenadeLauncher" "Grenade Launcher" "TF_Weapon_PipebombLauncher" "Wyrzutnia bomb samoprzylepnych" "[english]TF_Weapon_PipebombLauncher" "Stickybomb Launcher" "TF_Weapon_Knife" "N" "[english]TF_Weapon_Knife" "Knife" "TF_Weapon_Medikit" "Apteczka" "[english]TF_Weapon_Medikit" "Medikit" "TF_Weapon_Minigun" "Minigun" "[english]TF_Weapon_Minigun" "Minigun" "TF_Weapon_Pistol" "Pistolet" "[english]TF_Weapon_Pistol" "Pistol" "TF_Weapon_Fists" "Pici" "[english]TF_Weapon_Fists" "Fists" "TF_Weapon_Revolver" "Rewolwer" "[english]TF_Weapon_Revolver" "Revolver" "TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher" "Wyrzutnia rakiet" "[english]TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher" "Rocket Launcher" "TF_Weapon_Shotgun" "Strzelba" "[english]TF_Weapon_Shotgun" "Shotgun" "TF_Weapon_Shovel" "Saperka" "[english]TF_Weapon_Shovel" "Shovel" "TF_Weapon_SMG" "PM" "[english]TF_Weapon_SMG" "SMG" "TF_Weapon_SniperRifle" "Karabin snajperski" "[english]TF_Weapon_SniperRifle" "Sniper Rifle" "TF_Weapon_SuperSMG" "Super PM" "[english]TF_Weapon_SuperSMG" "Super SMG" "TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher" "Wyrzutnia bomb samoprzylepnych" "[english]TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher" "Stickybomb Launcher" "TF_Weapon_Tranq" "Bro usypiajca" "[english]TF_Weapon_Tranq" "Tranquilizer Gun" "TF_Weapon_Wrench" "Klucz" "[english]TF_Weapon_Wrench" "Wrench" "TF_Weapon_ObjectSelection" "Zbuduj" "[english]TF_Weapon_ObjectSelection" "Build" "TF_Weapon_PDA_Engineer" "PDA" "[english]TF_Weapon_PDA_Engineer" "PDA" "TF_Weapon_Flag" "Flaga" "[english]TF_Weapon_Flag" "Flag" "TF_Weapon_Nailgun" "Pistolet na gwodzie" "[english]TF_Weapon_Nailgun" "Nail Gun" "TF_Weapon_Medigun" "Medigun" "[english]TF_Weapon_Medigun" "Medi Gun" "TF_Weapon_Scattergun" "Dubeltwka" "[english]TF_Weapon_Scattergun" "Scattergun" "TF_Weapon_SyringeGun" "Karabin strzykawkowy" "[english]TF_Weapon_SyringeGun" "Syringe Gun" "TF_Weapon_Watch" "Zegarek niewidzialnoci" "[english]TF_Weapon_Watch" "Invis Watch" "TF_Weapon_FlareGun" "Pistolet sygnaowy" "[english]TF_Weapon_FlareGun" "Flare Gun" "TF_Weapon_LunchBox" "Artyku spoywczy"

"[english]TF_Weapon_LunchBox" "Lunch Box" "TF_Wearable_Shield" "Tarcza" "[english]TF_Wearable_Shield" "Shield" "TF_Weapon_Jar" "Taekwondo oparte na moczu" "[english]TF_Weapon_Jar" "Jar Based Karate" "TF_Weapon_CompoundBow" "uk" "[english]TF_Weapon_CompoundBow" "Bow" "TF_Weapon_Battle_Banner" "Sztandar bitewny" "[english]TF_Weapon_Battle_Banner" "Battle Banner" "TF_Weapon_Sword" "Miecz" "[english]TF_Weapon_Sword" "Sword" "TF_Weapon_Pickaxe" "Kilof" "[english]TF_Weapon_Pickaxe" "Pickaxe" "TF_Weapon_SledgeHammer" "Mot kowalski" "[english]TF_Weapon_SledgeHammer" "Sledgehammer" "TF_Weapon_MakeshiftClub" "Prowizoryczna paka" "[english]TF_Weapon_MakeshiftClub" "Makeshift Club" "TF_Wearable_Boots" "Buty" "[english]TF_Wearable_Boots" "Boots" "TF_Wearable_Medal" "Medal" "[english]TF_Wearable_Medal" "Medal" "TF_Wearable_Holiday_Hat" "witeczny kapelusz" "[english]TF_Wearable_Holiday_Hat" "Holiday Hat" "TF_Wearable_HonestyHalo" "Aura nieprzekupnoci" "[english]TF_Wearable_HonestyHalo" "Aura of Incorruptibility" "TF_Scout_Hat_1" "Hem Pakarza" "[english]TF_Scout_Hat_1" "Batter's Helmet" "TF_Sniper_Hat_1" "Pas Zdobyczy" "[english]TF_Sniper_Hat_1" "Trophy Belt" "TF_Soldier_Hat_1" "Skarb onierza" "[english]TF_Soldier_Hat_1" "Soldier's Stash" "TF_Demo_Hat_1" "Afro Demomana" "[english]TF_Demo_Hat_1" "Demoman's Fro" "TF_Medic_Hat_1" "Pruska Pikielhauba" "[english]TF_Medic_Hat_1" "Prussian Pickelhaube" "TF_Pyro_Hat_1" "Wirniczek Pyro" "[english]TF_Pyro_Hat_1" "Pyro's Beanie" "TF_Heavy_Hat_1" "Kask Futbolowy" "[english]TF_Heavy_Hat_1" "Football Helmet" "TF_Engineer_Hat_1" "Lampa Grnicza" "[english]TF_Engineer_Hat_1" "Mining Light" "TF_Spy_Hat_1" "Gustowna Fedora" "[english]TF_Spy_Hat_1" "Fancy Fedora" "TF_Engineer_Cowboy_Hat" "Teksaski Kapelusz" "[english]TF_Engineer_Cowboy_Hat" "Texas Ten Gallon" "TF_Engineer_Train_Hat" "Czapka Maszynisty" "[english]TF_Engineer_Train_Hat" "Engineer's Cap" "TF_Heavy_Ushanka_Hat" "Uszanka Oficera" "[english]TF_Heavy_Ushanka_Hat" "Officer's Ushanka" "TF_Heavy_Stocking_cap" "Pomponik Twardziela" "[english]TF_Heavy_Stocking_cap" "Tough Guy's Toque" "TF_Soldier_Pot_Hat" "Rondel Nierdzewny" "[english]TF_Soldier_Pot_Hat" "Stainless Pot" "TF_Soldier_Viking_Hat" "Hem Tyrana" "[english]TF_Soldier_Viking_Hat" "Tyrant's Helm" "TF_Demo_Scott_Hat" "Furaerka z Glengarry" "[english]TF_Demo_Scott_Hat" "Glengarry Bonnet" "TF_Medic_Tyrolean_Hat" "Klasyczny Kapelusz Tyrolski" "[english]TF_Medic_Tyrolean_Hat" "Vintage Tyrolean" "TF_Pyro_Chicken_Hat" "Niepowana Gumowa Rkawica"

"[english]TF_Pyro_Chicken_Hat" "Respectless Rubber Glove" "TF_Spy_Camera_Beard" "Broda z Aparatem" "[english]TF_Spy_Camera_Beard" "Camera Beard" "TF_Medic_Mirror_Hat" "Lustro Otolaryngologa" "[english]TF_Medic_Mirror_Hat" "Otolaryngologist's Mirror" "TF_Pyro_Fireman_Helmet" "Hem Brygadzisty" "[english]TF_Pyro_Fireman_Helmet" "Brigade Helm" "TF_Scout_Bonk_Helmet" "Hem Bonk" "[english]TF_Scout_Bonk_Helmet" "Bonk Helm" "TF_Scout_Newsboy_Cap" "Czapka Gazeciarza" "[english]TF_Scout_Newsboy_Cap" "Ye Olde Baker Boy" "TF_Spy_Derby_Hat" "Melonik Oszczercy" "[english]TF_Spy_Derby_Hat" "Backbiter's Billycock" "TF_Sniper_Straw_Hat" "Panama Profesjonalisty" "[english]TF_Sniper_Straw_Hat" "Professional's Panama" "TF_Sniper_Jarate_Headband" "ty Pas Mistrza" "[english]TF_Sniper_Jarate_Headband" "Master's Yellow Belt" "TF_Hatless_Scout" "Sportowy Poysk Baseballowego Bogusia" "[english]TF_Hatless_Scout" "Baseball Bill's Sports Shine" "TF_Hatless_Sniper" "Utrwalacz do Wosw Ryawego Ryka" "[english]TF_Hatless_Sniper" "Ritzy Rick's Hair Fixative" "TF_Hatless_Engineer" "Byszczca Glaca Teksaskiego Staka" "[english]TF_Hatless_Engineer" "Texas Slim's Dome Shine" "TF_Demo_Top_Hat" "Szapoklak Szkota" "[english]TF_Demo_Top_Hat" "Scotsman's Stove Pipe" "TF_HonestyHalo" "Lament Oszusta" "[english]TF_HonestyHalo" "Cheater's Lament" "TF_Halloween_Hat" "Lekko Niepokojca Maska Halloweenowa" "[english]TF_Halloween_Hat" "Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask" "TF_Domination_Hat" "Upiorniejszy Cylinder" "[english]TF_Domination_Hat" "Ghastlier Gibus" "TF_Domination_Hat_Desc" "Jeszcze bardziej upiorny." "[english]TF_Domination_Hat_Desc" "Even more ghastly." "TF_L4DHat" "Beret Billa" "[english]TF_L4DHat" "Bill's Hat" "TF_Wearable_L4DHat" "Beret weterana" "[english]TF_Wearable_L4DHat" "Veteran's Beret" "TF_PropagandaContest_FirstPlace" "Wytworny Cylinder J.Axera" "[english]TF_PropagandaContest_FirstPlace" "J.Axer's Dapper Topper" "TF_PropagandaContest_FirstPlace_Desc" "Zdobywca pierwszego miejsca w Konkursie Propagandowym" "[english]TF_PropagandaContest_FirstPlace_Desc" "First Place Winner, Propaganda Contest" "TF_PropagandaContest_SecondPlace" "Piekielnie Odjazdowy Kapelusz Ambera" "[english]TF_PropagandaContest_SecondPlace" "Amber's Rad As All Hell Hat" "TF_PropagandaContest_SecondPlace_Desc" "Zdobywca drugiego miejsca w Konkursie P ropagandowym" "[english]TF_PropagandaContest_SecondPlace_Desc" "First Runner-Up, Propag anda Contest" "TF_PropagandaContest_ThirdPlace" "Wuj Sam" "[english]TF_PropagandaContest_ThirdPlace" "Uncle Sam" "TF_PropagandaContest_ThirdPlace_Desc" "Zdobywca trzeciego miejsca w Konkursie Propagandowym" "[english]TF_PropagandaContest_ThirdPlace_Desc" "Second Runner-Up, Propaganda Co ntest" "TF_ToweringPillar_Hat" "Niebotyczny Sup Kapeluszy" "[english]TF_ToweringPillar_Hat" "Towering Pillar of Hats" "TF_NobleAmassment_Hat" "Zacna Miara Kapeluszy" "[english]TF_NobleAmassment_Hat" "Noble Amassment of Hats" "TF_ModestPile_Hat" "Skromny Stos Kapelusza"

"[english]TF_ModestPile_Hat" "Modest Pile of Hat" "TF_MedicMask" "Maska Chirurgiczna" "[english]TF_MedicMask" "Physician's Procedure Mask" "TF_HeavyHair" "Hound Dog" "[english]TF_HeavyHair" "Hound Dog" "TF_DemomanHallmark" "Wizytwka Sutenera" "[english]TF_DemomanHallmark" "Hustler's Hallmark" "TF_SpyNobleHair" "Peruka Sdziego" "[english]TF_SpyNobleHair" "Magistrate's Mullet" "TF_EngineerWeldingMask" "Hotrod" "[english]TF_EngineerWeldingMask" "Hotrod" "TF_ScoutBeanie" "Czapka Rozrabiaki" "[english]TF_ScoutBeanie" "Troublemaker's Tossle Cap" "TF_PyroBrainSucker" "Triboniophorus Tyrannus" "[english]TF_PyroBrainSucker" "Triboniophorus Tyrannus" "TF_SoldierSamurai" "Kabuto Zabjcy" "[english]TF_SoldierSamurai" "Killer's Kabuto" "TF_SniperPithHelmet" "Kolonialny Hem Strzelca" "[english]TF_SniperPithHelmet" "Shooter's Sola Topi" "TF_TTG_MaxsHat" "Zerwana Gowa Maxa" "[english]TF_TTG_MaxsHat" "Max's Severed Head" "DeathMsg_Suicide" "egna ten okrutny wiat!" "[english]DeathMsg_Suicide" "bid farewell, cruel world!" "DeathMsg_AssistedSuicide" "wykacza:" "[english]DeathMsg_AssistedSuicide" "finished off" "DeathMsg_Fall" "ginie bolesn, niezdarn mierci" "[english]DeathMsg_Fall" "fell to a clumsy, painful death" "Msg_Captured" "przejmuje:" "[english]Msg_Captured" "captured" "Msg_Defended" "broni:" "[english]Msg_Defended" "defended" "Msg_Dominating" "DOMINUJE:" "[english]Msg_Dominating" "is DOMINATING" "Msg_Revenge" "dokonuje ODWETU na:" "[english]Msg_Revenge" "got REVENGE on" "Msg_PickedUpFlag" "podnosi tajne materiay!" "[english]Msg_PickedUpFlag" "picked up the intelligence!" "Msg_CapturedFlag" "przejmuje tajne materiay!" "[english]Msg_CapturedFlag" "captured the intelligence!" "Msg_DefendedFlag" "broni tajnych materiaw!" "[english]Msg_DefendedFlag" "defended the intelligence!" "TF_OK" "OK" "[english]TF_OK" "OK" "TF_Spy_DisguiseRemoved" "Twoje przebranie zostao usunite." "[english]TF_Spy_DisguiseRemoved" "Your disguise has been removed." "TF_Spy_Disguising" "Przebierasz si jako %s1 %s2..." "[english]TF_Spy_Disguising" "Disguising as %s1 %s2..." "TF_Spy_Disguised_as" "Twoje przebranie: %s1 %s2." "[english]TF_Spy_Disguised_as" "You are disguised as a %s1 %s2." "TF_Spy_DisguiseWeapon" "Bro pod przebraniem: %s1." "[english]TF_Spy_DisguiseWeapon" "Disguise Weapon: %s1." "TF_Spy_Disguise_Team_Blue" "BLU" "[english]TF_Spy_Disguise_Team_Blue" "BLU" "TF_Spy_Disguise_Team_Red" "RED" "[english]TF_Spy_Disguise_Team_Red" "RED" "TF_Object_Sentry" "Dziako stranicze" "[english]TF_Object_Sentry" "Sentry Gun" "TF_Object_Dispenser" "Zasobnik" "[english]TF_Object_Dispenser" "Dispenser" "TF_Object_Tele_Exit" "Wyjcie teleportu"

"[english]TF_Object_Tele_Exit" "Teleporter Exit" "TF_object_sapper" "Saper" "[english]TF_object_sapper" "Sapper" "TF_Object_Sentry_360" "Dziako stranicze" "[english]TF_Object_Sentry_360" "Sentry" "TF_Object_Tele_Entrance_360" "Wejcie" "[english]TF_Object_Tele_Entrance_360" "Entrance" "TF_Object_Tele_Exit_360" "Wyjcie" "[english]TF_Object_Tele_Exit_360" "Exit" "TF_ObjStatus_SentryGun_Building" "Dziako stranicze Budowanie... %s1" "[english]TF_ObjStatus_SentryGun_Building" "Sentry Gun Building... %s1" "TF_ObjStatus_SentryGun_Level1" "Dziako stranicze (Poziom %s1) Zdrowie %s2 Naboje %s3" "[english]TF_ObjStatus_SentryGun_Level1" "Sentry Gun ( Level %s1 ) Healt h %s2 Shells %s3" "TF_ObjStatus_SentryGun_Level3" "Dziako stranicze (Poziom 3) Zdrowie %s1 Naboje %s 2 Rakiety %s3" "[english]TF_ObjStatus_SentryGun_Level3" "Sentry Gun ( Level 3 ) Health %s1 Shells %s2 Rockets %s3" "TF_ObjStatus_Dispenser_Building" "Zasobnik Budowanie... %s1" "[english]TF_ObjStatus_Dispenser_Building" "Dispenser Building... %s1" "TF_ObjStatus_Dispenser" "Zasobnik (Poziom %s1) Zdrowie %s1" "[english]TF_ObjStatus_Dispenser" "Dispenser ( Level %s1 ) Health %s1" "TF_ObjStatus_Sapper_Building" "Saper Budowanie... %s1" "[english]TF_ObjStatus_Sapper_Building" "Sapper Building... %s1" "TF_ObjStatus_Sapper" "Saper Zdrowie %s1 Zdrowie celu %s2" "[english]TF_ObjStatus_Sapper" "Sapper Health %s1 Target Health %s2" "TF_Obj_Teleporter_State_Ready" "Gotowy" "[english]TF_Obj_Teleporter_State_Ready" "Ready" "TF_Obj_Teleporter_State_Charging" "adowanie" "[english]TF_Obj_Teleporter_State_Charging" "Charging" "CP5_red_setup_goal" "Aby wygra, przejmij wszystkie pi punktw kontrolnych!" "[english]CP5_red_setup_goal" "Capture all five of the Control Points to win t he game!" "CP5_blue_setup_goal" "Aby wygra, przejmij wszystkie pi punktw kontrolnych!" "[english]CP5_blue_setup_goal" "Capture all five of the Control Points to win t he game!" "CP_setup_30sec" "Gra rozpocznie si za 30 sekund!" "[english]CP_setup_30sec" "Game begins in 30 seconds!" "CP_setup_10sec" "Gra rozpocznie si za 10 sekund!" "[english]CP_setup_10sec" "Game begins in 10 seconds!" "CP_cap_cp3" "Centralny punkt kontrolny" "[english]CP_cap_cp3" "the Central Control Point" "CP_cap_red_cp1" "Baza druyny RED" "[english]CP_cap_red_cp1" "the RED Base" "CP_cap_blue_cp1" "Baza druyny BLU" "[english]CP_cap_blue_cp1" "the BLU Base" "Dustbowl_red_setup_goal" "Bro punkty kontrolne przed druyn BLU!" "[english]Dustbowl_red_setup_goal" "Defend the Control points against team BLU!" "Dustbowl_blue_setup_goal" "Przejmij obydwa punkty kontrolne, aby wygra rund i posun si naprzd!" "[english]Dustbowl_blue_setup_goal" "Capture both Control Points to win the round and advance!" "Dustbowl_red_final_goal" "Obro ostatnie dwa punkty kontrolne albo nieprzyj aciel wygra gr!" "[english]Dustbowl_red_final_goal" "Defend the final two Control Points or the enemy will win the game!" "Dustbowl_blue_final_goal" "Aby wygra, przejmij ostatnie dwa punkty kontroln e!"

"[english]Dustbowl_blue_final_goal" "Capture the final two Control Points to win the game!" "Dustbowl_team1" "Atakujcy" "[english]Dustbowl_team1" "Attackers" "Dustbowl_team2" "Obrocy" "[english]Dustbowl_team2" "Defenders" "Dustbowl_you_secure_one" "Zabezpieczasz\npunkt dowodzenia NUMER JEDEN!!!" "[english]Dustbowl_you_secure_one" "You secured\nCommand Point ONE !!" "Dustbowl_you_secure_two" "Zabezpieczasz\npunkt dowodzenia NUMER DWA!!!" "[english]Dustbowl_you_secure_two" "You secured\nCommand Point TWO !!" "Dustbowl_protect_HQ" "Bro swoj kwater gwn przed\ndruyn atakujc!!!" "[english]Dustbowl_protect_HQ" "Protect your HQ from\nthe attacking team !!" "Dustbowl_bring_flag" "Przynie swoj flag\ndo kwatery gwnej!!!" "[english]Dustbowl_bring_flag" "Bring your flag\nto the HQ !!" "Dustbowl_take_flag_one" "Zabierz flag do\npunktu dowodzenia NUMER JEDEN." "[english]Dustbowl_take_flag_one" "Take the flag to\nCommand Point ONE." "Dustbowl_take_flag_two" "Zabierz flag do\npunktu dowodzenia NUMER DWA." "[english]Dustbowl_take_flag_two" "Take the flag to\nCommand Point TWO." "Dustbowl_take_flag_HQ" "Zabierz flag do kwatery gwnej!!!" "[english]Dustbowl_take_flag_HQ" "Take the flag to the HQ !!" "Dustbowl_blue_secures_one" "Druyna BLU zabezpiecza\npunkt dowodzenia NUMER J EDEN!!!" "[english]Dustbowl_blue_secures_one" "Team BLU Secures\nCommand Point ONE !!" "Dustbowl_blue_secures_two" "Druyna BLU zabezpiecza\npunkt dowodzenia NUMER D WA!!!" "[english]Dustbowl_blue_secures_two" "Team BLU Secures\nCommand Point TWO !!" "Dustbowl_flag_returned" "Flaga powrcia do bazy." "[english]Dustbowl_flag_returned" "Flag has returned to base." "Dustbowl_90_secs" "90 sekund do otwarcia bram." "[english]Dustbowl_90_secs" "90 seconds till gates open." "Dustbowl_60_secs" "60 sekund do otwarcia bram." "[english]Dustbowl_60_secs" "60 seconds till gates open." "Dustbowl_30_secs" "30 sekund do otwarcia bram." "[english]Dustbowl_30_secs" "30 seconds till gates open." "Dustbowl_10_secs" "10 sekund do otwarcia bram." "[english]Dustbowl_10_secs" "10 seconds till gates open." "Dustbowl_gates_open" "Bramy otwarte!!!" "[english]Dustbowl_gates_open" "Gates are open !!" "Dustbowl_five_minutes_left" "Pozostay czas:\nPi minut" "[english]Dustbowl_five_minutes_left" "Time remaining:\nFive minutes" "Dustbowl_four_minutes_left" "Pozostay czas:\nCztery minuty" "[english]Dustbowl_four_minutes_left" "Time remaining:\nFour minutes" "Dustbowl_three_minutes_left" "Pozostay czas:\nTrzy minuty" "[english]Dustbowl_three_minutes_left" "Time remaining:\nThree minutes" "Dustbowl_two_minutes_left" "Pozostay czas:\nDwie minuty" "[english]Dustbowl_two_minutes_left" "Time remaining:\nTwo minutes" "Dustbowl_sixty_seconds_left" "Pozostay czas:\nSzedziesit sekund" "[english]Dustbowl_sixty_seconds_left" "Time remaining:\nSixty seconds" "Dustbowl_thirty_seconds_left" "Pozostay czas:\nTrzydzieci sekund" "[english]Dustbowl_thirty_seconds_left" "Time remaining:\nThirty seconds" "Dustbowl_attackers_win" "Kwatera gwna\nzostaa zdobyta!!!" "[english]Dustbowl_attackers_win" "The Headquarters has\nbeen captured !!" "Dustbowl_defenders_win" "Kwatera gwna\nzostaa obroniona!!!" "[english]Dustbowl_defenders_win" "The Headquarters has\nbeen successfully defended !!" "Dustbowl_cap_1_A" "Pierwszy cel, pierwszy obszar" "[english]Dustbowl_cap_1_A" "First Cap, Stage One" "Dustbowl_cap_1_B" "Drugi cel, pierwszy obszar" "[english]Dustbowl_cap_1_B" "Second Cap, Stage One" "Dustbowl_cap_2_A" "Pierwszy cel, drugi obszar"

"[english]Dustbowl_cap_2_A" "First Cap, Stage Two" "Dustbowl_cap_2_B" "Drugi cel, drugi obszar" "[english]Dustbowl_cap_2_B" "Second Cap, Stage Two" "Dustbowl_cap_3_A" "Pierwszy cel, trzeci obszar" "[english]Dustbowl_cap_3_A" "First Cap, Stage Three" "Dustbowl_cap_3_B" "Rakieta, ostatni cel" "[english]Dustbowl_cap_3_B" "the Rocket, Final Cap" "Goldrush_red_setup_goal" "Nie pozwl druynie przeciwnej przemieci wagonu do tw ojej bazy!" "[english]Goldrush_red_setup_goal" "Prevent the enemy team from moving the cart to your base!" "Goldrush_blue_setup_goal" "Zaprowad wagon do punktw kontrolnych, aby wygra t r und i posun si naprzd!" "[english]Goldrush_blue_setup_goal" "Move the cart to the Control Points to win the round and advance!" "Goldrush_red_final_goal" "Nie pozwl, aby wagon znalaz si w twojej bazie. Ina czej wrg wygra gr!" "[english]Goldrush_red_final_goal" "Prevent the cart from moving to your ba se or the enemy will win the game!" "Goldrush_blue_final_goal" "Zaprowad wagon do bazy wroga, aby j zniszczy i wyg ra gr!" "[english]Goldrush_blue_final_goal" "Move the cart to the enemy base to dest roy it and win the game!" "Goldrush_team1" "Atakujcy" "[english]Goldrush_team1" "Attackers" "Goldrush_team2" "Obrocy" "[english]Goldrush_team2" "Defenders" "Goldrush_cap_1_A" "Pierwszy cel, pierwszy obszar" "[english]Goldrush_cap_1_A" "First Cap, Stage One" "Goldrush_cap_1_B" "Drugi cel, pierwszy obszar" "[english]Goldrush_cap_1_B" "Second Cap, Stage One" "Goldrush_cap_2_A" "Pierwszy cel, drugi obszar" "[english]Goldrush_cap_2_A" "First Cap, Stage Two" "Goldrush_cap_2_B" "Drugi cel, drugi obszar" "[english]Goldrush_cap_2_B" "Second Cap, Stage Two" "Goldrush_cap_3_A" "Pierwszy cel, trzeci obszar" "[english]Goldrush_cap_3_A" "First Cap, Stage Three" "Goldrush_cap_3_B" "Drugi cel, trzeci obszar" "[english]Goldrush_cap_3_B" "Second Cap, Stage Three" "Goldrush_cap_3_C" "Silos atomowy, ostatni cel" "[english]Goldrush_cap_3_C" "Atomic pit, Final Cap" "Badwater_cap_1" "Pierwszy punkt przejcia" "[english]Badwater_cap_1" "First Capture point" "Badwater_cap_2" "Drugi punkt przejcia" "[english]Badwater_cap_2" "Second Capture point" "Badwater_cap_3" "Trzeci punkt przejcia" "[english]Badwater_cap_3" "Third Capture point" "Badwater_cap_4" "Ostatni punkt przejcia" "[english]Badwater_cap_4" "Final Capture point" "2fort_red_setup_goal" "Aby wygra, zabierz walizk z tajnymi materiaami z piwnicy w roga. Nastpnie umie j w swojej piwnicy!" "[english]2fort_red_setup_goal" "Grab the Intelligence Briefcase from the enemy basement. Return to your basement to win!" "2fort_blue_setup_goal" "Aby wygra, zabierz walizk z tajnymi materiaami z piwnicy w roga. Nastpnie umie j w swojej piwnicy!" "[english]2fort_blue_setup_goal" "Grab the Intelligence Briefcase from th e enemy basement. Return to your basement to win!" "Granary_red_setup_goal" "Aby wygra, przejmij wszystkie pi punktw kontrolnych !" "[english]Granary_red_setup_goal" "Capture all five Control Points to win

the game!" "Granary_blue_setup_goal" "Aby wygra, przejmij wszystkie pi punktw kontrolnych !" "[english]Granary_blue_setup_goal" "Capture all five Control Points to win the game!" "Granary_cap_cp3" "Centralny punkt kontrolny" "[english]Granary_cap_cp3" "the Central Control Point" "Granary_cap_red_cp2" "Magazyn druyny RED" "[english]Granary_cap_red_cp2" "the RED Warehouse" "Granary_cap_red_cp1" "Baza druyny RED" "[english]Granary_cap_red_cp1" "the RED Base" "Granary_cap_blue_cp2" "Magazyn druyny BLU" "[english]Granary_cap_blue_cp2" "the BLU Warehouse" "Granary_cap_blue_cp1" "Baza druyny BLU" "[english]Granary_cap_blue_cp1" "the BLU Base" "Gravelpit_red_setup_goal" "Aby wygra, obro wszystkie trzy punkty kontrolne p rzed druyn BLU!" "[english]Gravelpit_red_setup_goal" "Defend all three Control Points against team BLU to win the game!" "Gravelpit_blue_setup_goal" "Aby wygra, przejmij wszystkie trzy punkty kontro lne! Najpierw zdobd A i B, a nastpnie przejd do C." "[english]Gravelpit_blue_setup_goal" "Capture all three Controls Points to wi n! First capture A and B, then move on to C." "Gravelpit_cap_A" "Cel A Wiea radiowa" "[english]Gravelpit_cap_A" "cap A, the Radio Tower" "Gravelpit_cap_B" "Cel B Radar" "[english]Gravelpit_cap_B" "cap B, the Radar" "Gravelpit_cap_C" "Cel C Dziao laserowe" "[english]Gravelpit_cap_C" "cap C, the Laser Gun" "Hydro_red_setup_goal" "Aby wygra, przejmij jedyny punkt kontrolny druyny BLU. Ni e pozwl im zrobi tego samego!" "[english]Hydro_red_setup_goal" "Capture BLU's single Control Point to win the r ound. Prevent them from doing the same!" "Hydro_blue_setup_goal" "Aby wygra, przejmij jedyny punkt kontrolny druyny RED. Ni e pozwl im zrobi tego samego!" "[english]Hydro_blue_setup_goal" "Capture RED's single Control Point to w in the round. Prevent them from doing the same!" "Hydro_red_base_attack" "Aby wygra, przejmij ostatni punkt kontrolny druyny BLU!" "[english]Hydro_red_base_attack" "Capture team BLU's final Control Point to win the game!" "Hydro_red_base_defend" "Obro swj ostatni punkt kontrolny przed druyn BLU. W przeciw nym wypadku przegracie!" "[english]Hydro_red_base_defend" "Defend your final Control Point against BLU or they will win!" "Hydro_blue_base_attack" "Aby wygra, przejmij ostatni punkt kontrolny druyn y RED!" "[english]Hydro_blue_base_attack" "Capture team RED's final Control Point to win the game!" "Hydro_blue_base_defend" "Obro swj ostatni punkt kontrolny przed druyn RED. W przeciwnym wypadku przegracie!" "[english]Hydro_blue_base_defend" "Defend your final Control Point against RED or they will win!" "Hydro_cap_red_base" "Baza druyny RED" "[english]Hydro_cap_red_base" "the RED Base" "Hydro_cap_blue_base" "Baza druyny BLU" "[english]Hydro_cap_blue_base" "the BLU Base" "Hydro_cap_radar_dish" "Antena radarowa" "[english]Hydro_cap_radar_dish" "the Radar Dish" "Hydro_cap_dam" "Tama" "[english]Hydro_cap_dam" "the Dam"

"Hydro_cap_power_plant" "Elektrownia" "[english]Hydro_cap_power_plant" "the Power Plant" "Hydro_cap_warehouse" "Magazyn" "[english]Hydro_cap_warehouse" "the Warehouse" "Well_red_setup_goal" "Aby wygra, zdobd wszystkie pi punktw kontrolnych!" "[english]Well_red_setup_goal" "Capture all five of the Control Points to win t he game!" "Well_blue_setup_goal" "Aby wygra, zdobd wszystkie pi punktw kontrolnych!" "[english]Well_blue_setup_goal" "Capture all five of the Control Points to win t he game!" "Well_setup_30sec" "Gra rozpocznie si za 30 sekund!" "[english]Well_setup_30sec" "Game begins in 30 seconds!" "Well_setup_10sec" "Gra rozpocznie si za 10 sekund!" "[english]Well_setup_10sec" "Game begins in 10 seconds!" "Well_cap_center" "Centralny punkt kontrolny" "[english]Well_cap_center" "Central Control Point" "Well_cap_red_two" "Magazyn druyny RED" "[english]Well_cap_red_two" "the RED Warehouse" "Well_cap_red_rocket" "Baza druyny RED" "[english]Well_cap_red_rocket" "the RED Base" "Well_cap_blue_two" "Magazyn druyny BLU" "[english]Well_cap_blue_two" "the BLU Warehouse" "Well_cap_blue_rocket" "Baza druyny BLU" "[english]Well_cap_blue_rocket" "the BLU Base" "Pipeline_setup_goal" "Aby wygra ten wycig, przemie wagon do punktu przejcia szybci ej od przeciwnika!" "[english]Pipeline_setup_goal" "Move your cart to the capture point first to wi n this heat!" "Pipeline_final_goal" "Aby zniszczy baz przeciwnika, przemie swj wagon zanim oni to zrobi!" "[english]Pipeline_final_goal" "Move your cart to destroy the enemy base before they destroy yours!" "Pipeline_cap_1_red" "Pierwszy punkt przejcia druyny RED" "[english]Pipeline_cap_1_red" "Red's first Capture point" "Pipeline_cap_1_blue" "Pierwszy punkt przejcia druyny BLU" "[english]Pipeline_cap_1_blue" "Blue's first Capture point" "Pipeline_cap_2_red" "Drugi punkt przejcia druyny RED" "[english]Pipeline_cap_2_red" "Red's second Capture point" "Pipeline_cap_2_blue" "Drugi punkt przejcia druyny BLU" "[english]Pipeline_cap_2_blue" "Blue's second Capture point" "Pipeline_cap_3_red" "Ostatni punkt przejcia druyny RED" "[english]Pipeline_cap_3_red" "Red's final capture point" "Pipeline_cap_3_blue" "Ostatni punkt przejcia druyny BLU" "[english]Pipeline_cap_3_blue" "Blue's final capture point" "Badlands_cap_cp3" "Centralny punkt kontrolny" "[english]Badlands_cap_cp3" "the Central Control Point" "Badlands_cap_red_cp2" "Wzniesienie druyny RED" "[english]Badlands_cap_red_cp2" "the RED Spire" "Badlands_cap_red_cp1" "Baza druyny RED" "[english]Badlands_cap_red_cp1" "the RED Base" "Badlands_cap_blue_cp2" "Wzniesienie druyny BLU" "[english]Badlands_cap_blue_cp2" "the BLU Spire" "Badlands_cap_blue_cp1" "Baza druyny BLU" "[english]Badlands_cap_blue_cp1" "the BLU Base" "koth_setup_goal" "Aby zwyciy, zdobd i utrzymaj punkt kontrolny!" "[english]koth_setup_goal" "Capture and hold the Control Point to win the g ame!" "koth_viaduct_cap" "Punkt kontrolny" "[english]koth_viaduct_cap" "the Control Point" "Arena_cap" "Punkt kontrolny"

"[english]Arena_cap" "the Control Point" "Winpanel_Team1" "DRUYNA" "[english]Winpanel_Team1" "TEAM" "Winpanel_Team2" "Druyna" "[english]Winpanel_Team2" "Team" "Winpanel_BlueWins" "DRUYNA BLU WYGRYWA!" "[english]Winpanel_BlueWins" "BLU TEAM WINS!" "Winpanel_BlueAdvances" "DRUYNA BLU ZDOBYWA TEREN" "[english]Winpanel_BlueAdvances" "BLU TEAM SEIZES AREA" "Winpanel_BlueDefends" "DRUYNA BLU OBRONIA SI!" "[english]Winpanel_BlueDefends" "BLU TEAM DEFENDS!" "Winpanel_RedWins" "DRUYNA RED WYGRYWA!" "[english]Winpanel_RedWins" "RED TEAM WINS!" "Winpanel_RedAdvances" "DRUYNA RED ZDOBYWA TEREN" "[english]Winpanel_RedAdvances" "RED TEAM SEIZES AREA" "Winpanel_RedDefends" "DRUYNA RED OBRONIA SI!" "[english]Winpanel_RedDefends" "RED TEAM DEFENDS!" "Winpanel_TeamWins" "%s2 %s1 WYGRYWA!" "[english]Winpanel_TeamWins" "%s1 %s2 WINS!" "Winpanel_TeamLost" "%s2 %s1 PRZEGRAA!" "[english]Winpanel_TeamLost" "%s1 %s2 LOST!" "Winpanel_TeamAdvances" "%s2 %s1 ZDOBYWA TEREN" "[english]Winpanel_TeamAdvances" "%s1 %s2 SEIZES AREA" "Winpanel_TeamDefends" "%s2 %s1 OBRONIA SI!" "[english]Winpanel_TeamDefends" "%s1 %s2 DEFENDS!" "Winpanel_BlueMVPs" "Najlepsi gracze w BLU:" "[english]Winpanel_BlueMVPs" "BLU Team MVPs:" "Winpanel_RedMVPs" "Najlepsi gracze w RED:" "[english]Winpanel_RedMVPs" "RED Team MVPs:" "Winpanel_TopPlayers" "Najlepsi gracze:" "[english]Winpanel_TopPlayers" "Top Players:" "Winpanel_PointsThisRound" "Punkty w tej rundzie:" "[english]Winpanel_PointsThisRound" "Points this round:" "Winpanel_CapturePointsRemaining" "Obszary do przejcia: %s1" "[english]Winpanel_CapturePointsRemaining" "%s1 more areas to win" "Winpanel_CapturePointRemaining" "Obszary do przejcia: %s1" "[english]Winpanel_CapturePointRemaining" "%s1 more area to win" "Winpanel_WinningCapture" "Zwyciskie przejcie: %s1" "[english]Winpanel_WinningCapture" "Winning capture: %s1" "Winreason_AllPointsCaptured" "Druyna %s1 przeja wszystkie punkty kontrolne" "[english]Winreason_AllPointsCaptured" "%s1 captured all control points" "Winreason_FlagCaptureLimit" "Druyna %s1 przeja tajne materiay wroga %s2 razy" "[english]Winreason_FlagCaptureLimit" "%s1 captured the enemy intelligence %s2 times" "Winreason_OpponentsDead" "Druyna %s1 zabia wszystkich przeciwnikw podczas na gej mierci" "[english]Winreason_OpponentsDead" "%s1 killed all opponents during sudden death" "Winreason_DefendedUntilTimeLimit" "Druyna %s1 bronia si skutecznie do upywu wy znaczonego czasu" "[english]Winreason_DefendedUntilTimeLimit" "%s1 successfully defended until time ran out" "Winreason_TimeLimit" "Druyna %s1 miaa wicej punktw w momencie wyczerpania limitu czasu" "[english]Winreason_TimeLimit" "%s1 had more points when the time limit was rea ched" "Winreason_WinLimit" "Druyna %s1 miaa wicej punktw w momencie wyczerpania limitu wygranych" "[english]Winreason_WinLimit" "%s1 had more points when the win limit was reac hed"

"Winreason_WinDiffLimit" "Druyna %s1 miaa dostateczn przewag punktow, by wygra" "[english]Winreason_WinDiffLimit" "%s1 was ahead by the required differenc e to win" "Winreason_Stalemate" "Jestecie nieudacznikami" "[english]Winreason_Stalemate" "You're all losers" "Winreason_Arena" "Druyna %s1 zabia wszystkich przeciwnikw" "[english]Winreason_Arena" "%s1 killed all opponents" "Winreason_PayloadRace" "Druyna %s1 wygraa wycig adunkw" "[english]Winreason_PayloadRace" "%s1 won the payload race" "Tournament_WaitingForTeams" "Oczekiwanie na organizacj druyn" "[english]Tournament_WaitingForTeams" "Waiting for teams to organize" "Tournament_Countdown" "Rozpoczcie za %s1sekund... Nacinij \"F4\", aby anulowa" "[english]Tournament_Countdown" "Starting in %s1 seconds... 'F4' to cancel" "Tournament_TeamReady" "Gotowy" "[english]Tournament_TeamReady" "Ready" "Tournament_TeamNotReady" "Niegotowy" "[english]Tournament_TeamNotReady" "Not Ready" "Tournament_WinConditions" "Warunki zwycistwa: " "[english]Tournament_WinConditions" "Win Conditions: " "Tournament_WinConditionsMinute" "minuta" "[english]Tournament_WinConditionsMinute" "minute" "Tournament_WinConditionsRound" "runda" "[english]Tournament_WinConditionsRound" "round" "Tournament_WinConditionsWin" "zwycistwo" "[english]Tournament_WinConditionsWin" "win" "Tournament_WinConditionsMinutes" "min" "[english]Tournament_WinConditionsMinutes" "minutes" "Tournament_WinConditionsRounds" "rund(y)" "[english]Tournament_WinConditionsRounds" "rounds" "Tournament_WinConditionsWins" "zwycistw(a)" "[english]Tournament_WinConditionsWins" "wins" "Tournament_WinConditionsNone" "Brak" "[english]Tournament_WinConditionsNone" "None" "Tournament_WinConditionsSecond" "sekunda" "[english]Tournament_WinConditionsSecond" "second" "Tournament_WinConditionsSeconds" "s" "[english]Tournament_WinConditionsSeconds" "seconds" "Tournament_TeamSetupNotReady" "Druyna niegotowa" "[english]Tournament_TeamSetupNotReady" "Team Not Ready" "Tournament_TeamSetupReady" "Druyna gotowa" "[english]Tournament_TeamSetupReady" "Team Ready" "Tournament_Instructions" "F4 = zmie nazw/status druyny" "[english]Tournament_Instructions" "F4 = change team name/status" "Tournament_TeamNamePanel" "Nazwa druyny" "[english]Tournament_TeamNamePanel" "Team Name" "Winpanel_TournamentTeamWins" "%s1 WYGRYWA!" "[english]Winpanel_TournamentTeamWins" "%s1 WINS!" "Winpanel_TournamentTeamLost" "%s1 PRZEGRYWA!" "[english]Winpanel_TournamentTeamLost" "%s1 LOST!" "Winpanel_TournamentTeamAdvances" "%s1 ZDOBYWA TEREN" "[english]Winpanel_TournamentTeamAdvances" "%s1 SEIZES AREA" "Winpanel_TournamentTeamDefends" "%s1 OBRONIA SI!" "[english]Winpanel_TournamentTeamDefends" "%s1 DEFENDS!" "Winpanel_TournamentMVPs" "Najlepsi gracze w %s1:" "[english]Winpanel_TournamentMVPs" "%s1 MVPs:" "Tournament_TeamName_Change" "%s1 zmienia nazw druyny na %s2" "[english]Tournament_TeamName_Change" "%s1 changed team name to %s2" "Tournament_ReadyState_Change" "%s1 zmienia stan druyny na %s2" "[english]Tournament_ReadyState_Change" "%s1 changed team state to %s2" "Tournament_StopWatchNoCap" "Czas zdobycia nie zosta jeszcze ustawiony"

"[english]Tournament_StopWatchNoCap" "Capture time not yet set" "Tournament_StopWatchPointCaptureAttacker" "Aby wygra, przejmij %s1 %s2!" "[english]Tournament_StopWatchPointCaptureAttacker" "Capture %s1 %s2 to win! " "Tournament_StopWatchPointCaptureDefender" "Aby wygra, obro %s1 %s2!" "[english]Tournament_StopWatchPointCaptureDefender" "Defend %s1 %s2 to win!" "Tournament_StopWatchPointCaptureSpectator" "Aby wygra, atakujcy potrzebuj %s1 %s2" "[english]Tournament_StopWatchPointCaptureSpectator" "Attackers need %s1 %s2 to win" "Tournament_StopWatch_Point" "punkt" "[english]Tournament_StopWatch_Point" "point" "Tournament_StopWatch_Points" "punkty" "[english]Tournament_StopWatch_Points" "points" "Tournament_StopWatch_TimeVictory" "Aby wygra, pobij czas %s1!" "[english]Tournament_StopWatch_TimeVictory" "Beat %s1's time to win!" "Tournament_StopWatch_TimeVictoryDefender" "Czas %s1" "[english]Tournament_StopWatch_TimeVictoryDefender" "%s1's time" "Tournament_StopWatch_LabelDefender" "Powstrzymaj druyn %s1!" "[english]Tournament_StopWatch_LabelDefender" "Stop %s1's advance!" "Tournament_StopWatch_AttackerScore" "Aby wygra, pobij wynik %s1!" "[english]Tournament_StopWatch_AttackerScore" "Beat %s1's score to win!" "Tournament_StopWatch_GoalTextPointsAndTime" "Druyna %s1 zdobya %s2 w zaledwie %s3. Jeli druyna %s4 zdobdzie %s5 szybciej, zostanie zwycizc!" "[english]Tournament_StopWatch_GoalTextPointsAndTime" "%s1 got %s2 in just %s3. If %s4 gets %s5 faster, they win!" "Tournament_StopWatch_GoalTextPointsAndTime2" "Nawet jeli druyna %s1 nie zdobdzie lepszego czasu od %s2, nadal moe wygra zdobywajc wicej punktw. Aby wygra, druyna %s3 usi zdoby %s4 przed kocem rundy!" "[english]Tournament_StopWatch_GoalTextPointsAndTime2" "If %s1 doesn't beat %s2 's time, they can still win by capturing more points. To win, %s3 needs to captu re %s4 before the round ends!" "Tournament_StopWatch_GoalTextPoints" "Druyna %s1 nie zdobya adnych punktw w poprz edniej rundzie. Jeli druyna %s2 zdobdzie 1 punkt, zostanie zwycizc!" "[english]Tournament_StopWatch_GoalTextPoints" "%s1 didn't capture any points l ast round. If %s2 captures 1 point, they win!" "TF_Gates_90_secs" "90 sekund do otwarcia bram." "[english]TF_Gates_90_secs" "90 seconds till gates open." "TF_Gates_60_secs" "60 sekund do otwarcia bram." "[english]TF_Gates_60_secs" "60 seconds till gates open." "TF_Gates_30_secs" "30 sekund do otwarcia bram." "[english]TF_Gates_30_secs" "30 seconds till gates open." "TF_Gates_10_secs" "10 sekund do otwarcia bram." "[english]TF_Gates_10_secs" "10 seconds till gates open." "TF_Gates_open" "Bramy otwarte!!!" "[english]TF_Gates_open" "Gates are open !!" "TF_Time_FiveMinutesLeft" "Pozostay czas:\nPi minut" "[english]TF_Time_FiveMinutesLeft" "Time remaining:\nFive minutes" "TF_Time_FourMinutesLeft" "Pozostay czas:\nCztery minuty" "[english]TF_Time_FourMinutesLeft" "Time remaining:\nFour minutes" "TF_Time_ThreeMinutesLeft" "Pozostay czas:\nTrzy minuty" "[english]TF_Time_ThreeMinutesLeft" "Time remaining:\nThree minutes" "TF_Time_TwoMinutesLeft" "Pozostay czas:\nDwie minuty" "[english]TF_Time_TwoMinutesLeft" "Time remaining:\nTwo minutes" "TF_Time_SixtySecondsLeft" "Pozostay czas:\nSzedziesit sekund" "[english]TF_Time_SixtySecondsLeft" "Time remaining:\nSixty seconds" "TF_Time_ThirtySecondsLeft" "Pozostay czas:\nTrzydzieci sekund" "[english]TF_Time_ThirtySecondsLeft" "Time remaining:\nThirty seconds" "TF_Time_attackers_win" "Atakujcy wygrywaj!!\nWszystkie punkty dowodzenia\nzostay z dobyte!!"

"[english]TF_Time_attackers_win" "Attackers win !!\nThe command points ha ve\nall been captured !!" "TF_Time_defenders_win" "Obrocy wygrywaj!!\nWszystkie punkty dowodzenia\nzostay obr onione!!" "[english]TF_Time_defenders_win" "Defenders win !!\nThe command points ha ve\nbeen successfully defended !!" "TF_AD_TakeFlagToPoint" "Zabierz flag do\npunktu dowodzenia." "[english]TF_AD_TakeFlagToPoint" "Take the flag to\nthe Command Point." "TF_AD_YouSecuredPoint" "Zabezpieczasz\npunkt dowodzenia %s1!!" "[english]TF_AD_YouSecuredPoint" "You secured\nCommand Point %s1 !!" "TF_AD_AttackersSecuredPoint" "Atakujcy zabezpieczyli\npunkt dowodzenia %s1!!" "[english]TF_AD_AttackersSecuredPoint" "Attackers Secured\nCommand Point %s1 !! " "TF_AD_FlagReturned" "Flaga powrcia do bazy." "[english]TF_AD_FlagReturned" "Flag has returned to base." "TF_CTF_PlayerPickup" "PODNOSISZ TAJNE MATERIAY WROGA!\n\nWracaj do BAZY!" "[english]TF_CTF_PlayerPickup" "You PICKED UP the ENEMY INTELLIGENCE!\n\nReturn to BASE!" "TF_CTF_PlayerTeamPickup" "Twoja druyna PODNOSI TAJNE MATERIAY WROGA!" "[english]TF_CTF_PlayerTeamPickup" "Your team PICKED UP the ENEMY INTELLIGE NCE!" "TF_CTF_OtherTeamPickup" "Wasze TAJNE MATERIAY zostay PODNIESIONE!" "[english]TF_CTF_OtherTeamPickup" "Your INTELLIGENCE has been PICKED UP!" "TF_CTF_PlayerCapture" "PRZEJMUJESZ TAJNE MATERIAY WROGA!" "[english]TF_CTF_PlayerCapture" "You CAPTURED the ENEMY INTELLIGENCE!" "TF_CTF_PlayerTeamCapture" "Twoja druyna PRZEJA TAJNE MATERIAY WROGA!" "[english]TF_CTF_PlayerTeamCapture" "Your team CAPTURED the ENEMY INTELLIGEN CE!" "TF_CTF_OtherTeamCapture" "Wasze TAJNE MATERIAY zostay PRZEJTE!" "[english]TF_CTF_OtherTeamCapture" "Your INTELLIGENCE was CAPTURED!" "TF_CTF_PlayerDrop" "Upuszczasz TAJNE MATERIAY WROGA!" "[english]TF_CTF_PlayerDrop" "You dropped the ENEMY INTELLIGENCE!" "TF_CTF_PlayerTeamDrop" "TAJNE MATERIAY WROGA zostay upuszczone!" "[english]TF_CTF_PlayerTeamDrop" "The ENEMY INTELLIGENCE was dropped!" "TF_CTF_OtherTeamDrop" "Wasze TAJNE MATERIAY zostay upuszczone!" "[english]TF_CTF_OtherTeamDrop" "Your INTELLIGENCE has been dropped!" "TF_CTF_PlayerTeamReset" "Wasze TAJNE MATERIAY zostay zwrcone!" "[english]TF_CTF_PlayerTeamReset" "Your INTELLIGENCE has been returned!" "TF_CTF_OtherTeamReset" "TAJNE MATERIAY WROGA zostay zwrcone!" "[english]TF_CTF_OtherTeamReset" "The ENEMY INTELLIGENCE was returned!" "TF_CTF_Wrong_Goal" "Zabierz TAJNE MATERIAY z powrotem do SWOJEJ BAZY." "[english]TF_CTF_Wrong_Goal" "Take the INTELLIGENCE back to YOUR BASE." "TF_CTF_No_Invuln" "Kiedy niesiesz TAJNE MATERIAY WROGA, nie moesz otrzyma NIE ZNISZCZALNOCI!" "[english]TF_CTF_No_Invuln" "You cannot be INVULNERABLE while carrying the E NEMY INTELLIGENCE!" "TF_CTF_No_Tele" "Kiedy niesiesz TAJNE MATERIAY WROGA, nie moesz si TELEPORT OWA!" "[english]TF_CTF_No_Tele" "You cannot TELEPORT while carrying the ENEMY IN TELLIGENCE!" "Team_Capture_Linear" "Poprzedni\npunkt nie zosta\nprzejty!" "[english]Team_Capture_Linear" "Preceding\npoint\nnot owned!" "Team_Capture_Blocked" "Przejcie\nblokowane przez\nwroga" "[english]Team_Capture_Blocked" "Capture\nblocked\nby enemy" "Team_Blocking_Capture" "Blokowanie\nwrogiego\nprzejcia!" "[english]Team_Blocking_Capture" "Blocking\nenemy\ncapture!" "Team_Reverting_Capture" "Odzyskiwanie\nprzejcia!" "[english]Team_Reverting_Capture" "Reverting\ncapture!" "Team_Waiting_for_teammate" "Oczekiwanie na\ntowarzysza" "[english]Team_Waiting_for_teammate" "Waiting for\nteammate"

"Team_Cannot_Capture" "Twoja druyna nie moe\ntego zdoby!" "[english]Team_Cannot_Capture" "Your team can't\ncapture this!" "Team_Capture_OwnPoint" "Bro\ntego punktu." "[english]Team_Capture_OwnPoint" "Defend\nthis point." "Team_Capture_NotNow" "Nie moesz tego\nteraz przej." "[english]Team_Capture_NotNow" "No capturing\nat this time." "Team_Capture_Owned" "Punkt przejcia\njest ju przejty." "[english]Team_Capture_Owned" "Capture Point\nalready owned." "Team_Progress_Blocked" "Postp\nzablokowany\nprzez wroga" "[english]Team_Progress_Blocked" "Progress\nblocked\nby enemy" "Cant_cap_stealthed" "Nie mona przejmowa punktu,\nbdc niewidzialnym." "[english]Cant_cap_stealthed" "Cannot capture point\n while stealthed." "Cant_cap_disguised" "Nie mona przejmowa punktu,\nbdc przebranym." "[english]Cant_cap_disguised" "Cannot capture point\n while disguised." "Cant_cap_invuln" "Nie mona przejmowa punktu,\nbdc niezniszczalnym." "[english]Cant_cap_invuln" "Cannot capture point\n while invulnerable." "Cant_cap_stunned" "Nie mona przejmowa punktu,\nbdc oguszonym." "[english]Cant_cap_stunned" "Cannot capture point\n while stunned." "TF_Invade_FlagReturned" "FLAGA powrcia!" "[english]TF_Invade_FlagReturned" "The FLAG has returned!" "TF_Invade_PlayerPickup" "PODNOSISZ flag!\n\nZabierz j do BAZY WROGA!" "[english]TF_Invade_PlayerPickup" "You PICKED UP the FLAG!\n\nTake it to t he ENEMY BASE!" "TF_Invade_PlayerTeamPickup" "Twoja druyna PODNOSI FLAG!" "[english]TF_Invade_PlayerTeamPickup" "Your team PICKED UP the FLAG!" "TF_Invade_OtherTeamPickup" "WRG PODNOSI FLAG!" "[english]TF_Invade_OtherTeamPickup" "The ENEMY has PICKED UP the FLAG!" "TF_Invade_PlayerCapture" "PRZEJMUJESZ FLAG!" "[english]TF_Invade_PlayerCapture" "You CAPTURED the FLAG!" "TF_Invade_PlayerTeamCapture" "Twoja druyna PRZEJA FLAG!" "[english]TF_Invade_PlayerTeamCapture" "Your team CAPTURED the FLAG!" "TF_Invade_OtherTeamCapture" "WRG PRZEJMUJE FLAG!" "[english]TF_Invade_OtherTeamCapture" "The ENEMY CAPTURED the FLAG!" "TF_Invade_PlayerFlagDrop" "Upuszczasz FLAG!" "[english]TF_Invade_PlayerFlagDrop" "You dropped the FLAG!" "TF_Invade_FlagDrop" "FLAGA zostaa upuszczona!" "[english]TF_Invade_FlagDrop" "The FLAG was dropped!" "TF_Invade_Wrong_Goal" "Zabierz flag do BAZY WROGA." "[english]TF_Invade_Wrong_Goal" "Take the flag to the ENEMY BASE." "TF_Invade_FlagNeutral" "FLAGA staa si NEUTRALNA!\nZdobd FLAG!" "[english]TF_Invade_FlagNeutral" "The FLAG has become NEUTRAL!\nGet the F LAG!" "TF_Flag_AltFireToDrop" "Nacinij klawisz ATAKU ALTERNATYWNEGO, aby upuci flag." "[english]TF_Flag_AltFireToDrop" "Press ALT-FIRE to drop the flag." "FreezePanel_NoKiller" "Nie yjesz" "[english]FreezePanel_NoKiller" "You were killed" "FreezePanel_Killer" "Twoim zabjc jest" "[english]FreezePanel_Killer" "You were killed by" "FreezePanel_Killer_Dead" "Twoim zabjc jest witej pamici" "[english]FreezePanel_Killer_Dead" "You were killed by the late" "FreezePanel_Nemesis" "Ponownie twoim zabjc jest" "[english]FreezePanel_Nemesis" "You were killed again by" "FreezePanel_Nemesis_Dead" "Ponownie twoim zabjc jest witej pamici" "[english]FreezePanel_Nemesis_Dead" "You were killed again by the late" "FreezePanel_KillerObject" "Twoim zabjc jest %objectkiller% gracza" "[english]FreezePanel_KillerObject" "You were killed by the %objectkiller% o f" "FreezePanel_KillerObject_Dead" "Twoim zabjc jest %objectkiller% p. gracza" "[english]FreezePanel_KillerObject_Dead" "You were killed by the %objectk iller% of the late"

"FreezePanel_KillerHealth" "Pozostae zdrowie: %s1" "[english]FreezePanel_KillerHealth" "Health left: %s1" "FreezePanel_Callout" "Kawaek ciebie!" "[english]FreezePanel_Callout" "A bit of you!" "FreezePanel_Callout2" "Kolejny kawaek!" "[english]FreezePanel_Callout2" "Another bit!" "FreezePanel_Callout3" "Wicej kawakw!" "[english]FreezePanel_Callout3" "More bits!" "FreezePanel_Item" "%killername% ma przy sobie:" "[english]FreezePanel_Item" "%killername% is carrying:" "Callout_Ragdoll" "Ty!" "[english]Callout_Ragdoll" "You!" "Callout_Head" "Twoja gowa!" "[english]Callout_Head" "Your head!" "Callout_Foot" "Twoja stopa!" "[english]Callout_Foot" "Your foot!" "Callout_Hand" "Twoja rka!" "[english]Callout_Hand" "Your hand!" "Callout_Torso" "Twj tors!" "[english]Callout_Torso" "Your torso!" "Callout_Organ1" "Twoja ledziona!" "[english]Callout_Organ1" "Your spleen!" "Callout_Organ2" "Twoje puca!" "[english]Callout_Organ2" "Your lungs!" "Callout_Organ3" "Twoja wtroba!" "[english]Callout_Organ3" "Your liver!" "Callout_Organ4" "Twoja trzustka!" "[english]Callout_Organ4" "Your pancreas!" "Callout_Organ5" "Twoja nerka!" "[english]Callout_Organ5" "Your kidney!" "Callout_Organ6" "Twj wyrostek robaczkowy!" "[english]Callout_Organ6" "Your appendix!" "WaitingForPlayersPanel_WaitOnPlayers" "Oczekiwanie na innych graczy" "[english]WaitingForPlayersPanel_WaitOnPlayers" "Waiting for other players" "WaitingForPlayersPanel_WaitEnding" "Rozpoczcie gry" "[english]WaitingForPlayersPanel_WaitEnding" "Starting Game" "ControlPointIconCappers" "x%numcappers%" "[english]ControlPointIconCappers" "x%numcappers%" "game_WaitingForPlayers" "Oczekiwanie na graczy" "[english]game_WaitingForPlayers" "Waiting For Players" "game_Overtime" "Dogrywka" "[english]game_Overtime" "Overtime" "game_Setup" "Przygotowanie" "[english]game_Setup" "Setup" "EnterStalemate" "Tryb nagej mierci!\nOdradzanie si jest niemoliwe!" "[english]EnterStalemate" "Sudden Death Mode!\nNo more respawning!" "game_SuddenDeath" "Naga mier" "[english]game_SuddenDeath" "Sudden Death" "game_stalemate_cant_change_class" "Mino %s1 sekund.\nNie moesz teraz zmieni kl asy w trybie nagej mierci!" "[english]game_stalemate_cant_change_class" "%s1 seconds have passed.\nYou c an't change class in Sudden Death Mode now!" "TF_CantChangeClassNow" "Nie moesz teraz zmieni klasy." "[english]TF_CantChangeClassNow" "You can't change class at this time." "TF_CantChangeTeamNow" "Nie moesz teraz zmieni druyny." "[english]TF_CantChangeTeamNow" "You can't change team at this time." "Gametype_CTF" "Zdobd flag" "[english]Gametype_CTF" "Capture the Flag" "Gametype_CP" "Punkty kontrolne" "[english]Gametype_CP" "Control Points"

"Gametype_Escort" "adunek" "[english]Gametype_Escort" "Payload" "Gametype_Arena" "Arena" "[english]Gametype_Arena" "Arena" "Gametype_EscortRace" "Wycig adunkw" "[english]Gametype_EscortRace" "Payload Race" "Gametype_Koth" "Krl wzgrza" "[english]Gametype_Koth" "King of the Hill" "Intro_Title" "Wprowadzenie do trybu gry: %gamemode%" "[english]Intro_Title" "Game Mode Introduction: %gamemode%" "Intro_CaptureIntro" "Witaj we wprowadzeniu do trybu gry Punkt Kontrolny." "[english]Intro_CaptureIntro" "Welcome to the Capture Point game mode introduc tion." "Intro_capturepoints" "Aby wygra, twoja druyna musi przej 5 punktw przejcia.\nNa dol e ekranu znajdziesz informacje, ktre punkty przejcia nale do danej druyny." "[english]Intro_capturepoints" "Your team must own 5 Capture Points to win.\nTh e HUD shows which team owns each capture point." "Intro_fakecapture" "Sta obok punktu przejcia, aby go przej.\nNa dole ekranu ukae si postp przejmowania punktu." "[english]Intro_fakecapture" "Stand near the Capture Point to capture it.\nTh e HUD shows your capture progress." "Intro_multcapture" "Kilku czonkw druyny moe przej punkty szybciej!\nPom swojej d ie!" "[english]Intro_multcapture" "Multiple team members capture points faster!\nH elp your team out!" "Intro_yourpoint" "Nie pozwl, aby nieprzyjaciel przej ostatni punkt!\nObro go albo przegrasz!" "[english]Intro_yourpoint" "Don't let the enemy capture your last point!\nD efend it or you lose!" "Intro_ctf_intro" "Wprowadzenie do trybu gry: kada druyna musi zdoby tajne ma teriay wroga, jednoczenie bronic swoich wasnych." "[english]Intro_ctf_intro" "Game Mode Introduction: Each team must capture the enemy's secret files, while defending their own." "Intro_ctf_red_assault_base" "Zaatakuj baz wroga, aby wykra jego tajne materiay." "[english]Intro_ctf_red_assault_base" "Assault the enemy base to steal their s ecret files." "Intro_ctf_red_steal_files" "Wykradnij walizk z piwnicy bazy wroga." "[english]Intro_ctf_red_steal_files" "Steal the briefcase from the basement o f the enemy base." "Intro_ctf_red_return_and_cap" "Umie walizk z powrotem na biurku w piwnicy swojej druyny, aby j przej i uzyska punkt." "[english]Intro_ctf_red_return_and_cap" "Return the briefcase to the desk in you r team's basement to capture it and score." "Intro_ctf_red_defend" "Pamitaj, aby pomaga swojej druynie w obronie walizki!" "[english]Intro_ctf_red_defend" "Don't forget to help defend your team's briefca se from the enemy!" "Intro_ctf_blue_assault_base" "Zaatakuj baz wroga, aby wykra jego tajne materiay." "[english]Intro_ctf_blue_assault_base" "Assault the enemy base to steal their s ecret files." "Intro_ctf_blue_steal_files" "Wykradnij walizk z piwnicy bazy wroga." "[english]Intro_ctf_blue_steal_files" "Steal the briefcase from the basement o f the enemy base." "Intro_ctf_blue_return_and_cap" "Umie walizk z powrotem na biurku w piwnicy swojej druyny, aby j przej i uzyska punkt." "[english]Intro_ctf_blue_return_and_cap" "Return the briefcase to the des k in your team's basement to capture it and score." "Intro_ctf_blue_defend" "Pamitaj, aby pomaga swojej druynie w obronie walizki!" "[english]Intro_ctf_blue_defend" "Don't forget to help defend your team's briefcase from the enemy!" "Intro_attack_defense_intro" "To jest mapa w stylu atakuj/bro. \nDruyna BLU sta

ra si przej teren, podczas gdy druyna RED stara si ich powstrzyma." "[english]Intro_attack_defense_intro" "This is an attack defense map, \nBLU t ries to capture areas while RED tries to stop them." "Intro_attack_defense_capping" "Druyna BLU musi stan obok punktu przejcia, aby go p rzej.\nEkran poinformuje ci o twoim postpie w zdobywaniu." "[english]Intro_attack_defense_capping" "BLU must stand near the Capture Point t o capture it.\nThe HUD shows your capture progress." "Intro_attack_defense_cap_a" "Druyna BLU musi przej zarwno punkt przejcia A," "[english]Intro_attack_defense_cap_a" "BLU must capture both Capture point A . .." "Intro_attack_defense_cap_b" "jak i punkt B. \nDruyna BLU moe przej te punkty w d owolnej kolejnoci." "[english]Intro_attack_defense_cap_b" "and also Capture point B. \nBLU can ca pture the points in any order." "Intro_attack_defense_cap_final" "Po przejciu przez druyn BLU punktw przejcia A i B, zostanie odblokowany ostatni punkt przejcia" "[english]Intro_attack_defense_cap_final" "After BLU owns capture point A and capture point B the final Capture point unlocks" "Intro_attack_defense_cap_timer" "Druyna BLU zyskuje dodatkowe 3 minuty na zegarze za kady pomylnie przejty punkt. Druyna RED nie moe odzyska punktw przejcia, zostan przejte przez druyn BLU." "[english]Intro_attack_defense_cap_timer" "BLU earns 3 minutes on the time r for each successfully captured point. RED cannot capture points back once BLU own them." "Hint_spotted_a_friend" "Dostrzegasz towarzysza!" "[english]Hint_spotted_a_friend" "You have spotted a teammate!" "Hint_spotted_an_enemy" "Dostrzegasz wroga!" "[english]Hint_spotted_an_enemy" "You have spotted an enemy!" "Hint_killing_enemies_is_good" "Zabijasz wroga!" "[english]Hint_killing_enemies_is_good" "You killed an enemy!" "Hint_out_of_ammo" "Nie masz ju amunicji do tej broni!" "[english]Hint_out_of_ammo" "Your weapon is out of ammo!" "Hint_turn_off_hints" "Istnieje moliwo wyczenia wskazwek w menu opcji:\nOpcje -> Wie lu graczy -> Zaawansowane -> Autopomoc" "[english]Hint_turn_off_hints" "You can turn off hints in the options menu,\n u nder Options -> Multiplayer -> Advanced -> 'Auto Help'" "Hint_pickup_ammo" "Zbieraj amunicj z upuszczonej broni!" "[english]Hint_pickup_ammo" "Pick up ammo from fallen weapons!" "Hint_Cannot_Teleport_With_Flag" "Nie moesz si teleportowa, gdy niesiesz wal izk." "[english]Hint_Cannot_Teleport_With_Flag" "You cannot teleport when you ha ve the briefcase." "Hint_Cannot_Cloak_With_Flag" "Nie moesz aktywowa niewidzialnoci, gdy niesiesz wa lizk." "[english]Hint_Cannot_Cloak_With_Flag" "You cannot cloak when you have the brie fcase." "Hint_Cannot_Disguise_With_Flag" "Nie moesz si przebra, gdy niesiesz walizk." "[english]Hint_Cannot_Disguise_With_Flag" "You cannot disguise when you ha ve the briefcase." "Hint_Cannot_Attack_While_Cloaked" "Nie moesz atakowa, bdc niewidzialnym." "[english]Hint_Cannot_Attack_While_Cloaked" "You cannot attack while cloaked ." "Hint_Cannot_Invuln_With_Flag" "Nie moesz otrzyma niezniszczalnoci, gdy niesiesz w alizk." "[english]Hint_Cannot_Invuln_With_Flag" "You cannot go invulnerable when you hav e the briefcase." "Hint_Cannot_Attack_While_Feign_Armed" "Nie moesz atakowa, gdy udawanie martwego jest aktywne." "[english]Hint_Cannot_Attack_While_Feign_Armed" "You cannot attack while feign d eath is armed."

"Hint_Cannot_Arm_Feign_Now" "Do upozorowania mierci niezbdny jest peen zapas en ergii." "[english]Hint_Cannot_Arm_Feign_Now" "You need a full cloak meter to arm feig n death." "Hint_ClassMenu" "Nacinij \"%changeclass%\", aby zmieni klas postaci." "[english]Hint_ClassMenu" "Press '%changeclass%' to change your player cla ss." "Hint_altfire_sniperrifle" "Moesz skorzysta z lunety karabinu snajperskiego, naciskajc klawisz \"%attack2%\"." "[english]Hint_altfire_sniperrifle" "You can hit '%attack2%' to zoom with yo ur sniper rifle." "Hint_altfire_grenadelauncher" "Moesz zdetonowa bomby samoprzylepne, naciskajc kla wisz %attack2%, nawet jeli uywasz granatnika." "[english]Hint_altfire_grenadelauncher" "You can hit '%attack2%' to detonate sti ckybombs even while using your grenade launcher." "Hint_altfire_pipebomblauncher" "Moesz zdetonowa bomby samoprzylepne wyrzucone za pomoc wyrzutni, naciskajc klawisz %attack2%." "[english]Hint_altfire_pipebomblauncher" "You can hit '%attack2%' to deto nate stickybombs launched with your stickybomb launcher." "Hint_altfire_rotate_building" "Przed ustawieniem konstrukcji moesz j obraca, naci skajc klawisz \"%attack2%\"." "[english]Hint_altfire_rotate_building" "You can hit '%attack2%' to rotate build ings before you place them." "Hint_Soldier_rpg_reload" "Aby przeadowa wyrzutni rakiet, nacinij klawisz \"%r eload%\".\nPrzeadowuj j zawsze, gdy nie walczysz!" "[english]Hint_Soldier_rpg_reload" "Hit '%reload%' to reload your rocket la uncher.\nReload it whenever you're out of combat!" "Hint_Engineer_use_wrench_onown" "Uderzaj kluczem wznoszone konstrukcje,\ naby zbudowa je szybciej!" "[english]Hint_Engineer_use_wrench_onown" "Hit constructing objects with y our wrench\nto make them build faster!" "Hint_Engineer_use_wrench_onother" "Uderzaj kluczem we wznoszone konstrukcj e twojego\ntowarzysza, aby pomc zbudowa je szybciej!" "[english]Hint_Engineer_use_wrench_onother" "Hit your teammate's constructin g objects with your wrench\nto help them build faster!" "Hint_Engineer_build_sentrygun" "Buduj dziaka stranicze, aby broni bazy swojej druyn y!\nCzwarty slot w wyborze broni kryje dostpne moliwoci budowy konstrukcji." "[english]Hint_Engineer_build_sentrygun" "Build sentry guns to defend you r team's base.\nThe fourth slot in your weapon selection holds buildables." "Hint_Engineer_build_dispenser" "Buduj zasobniki, aby pomc w zaopatrzeniu swoich towarzyszy.\nCzwarty slot w wyborze broni kryje dostpne moliwoci budowy konstrukcji ." "[english]Hint_Engineer_build_dispenser" "Build Dispensers to help your t eammates to resupply.\nThe fourth slot in your weapon selection holds buildables ." "Hint_Engineer_build_teleporters" "Buduj teleporty, aby pomc swojej druynie w obronie wysunitych obszarw.\nCzwarty slot w wyborze broni kryje dostpne moliwoci bu dowy konstrukcji." "[english]Hint_Engineer_build_teleporters" "Build Teleporters to help your team defend forward areas.\nThe fourth slot in your weapon selection holds build ables." "Hint_Engineer_pickup_metal" "Zbieraj metal z upuszczonej broni,\naby uywa go d o budowy konstrukcji!" "[english]Hint_Engineer_pickup_metal" "Pick up metal from fallen weapons\nto u se in building objects!" "Hint_Engineer_repair_object" "Uderzaj kluczem w uszkodzone konstrukcje, aby j e naprawi!" "[english]Hint_Engineer_repair_object" "Hit damaged objects with your wrench to repair them!" "Hint_Engineer_metal_to_upgrade" "Potrzebujesz wicej metalu, aby ulepszy sw

oje dziako stranicze!" "[english]Hint_Engineer_metal_to_upgrade" "You need more metal to upgrade your sentry gun!" "Hint_Engineer_upgrade_sentrygun" "Ulepszaj dziaka stranicze, uderzajc w nie kluczem.\nMoesz je ulepszy w cigu caej gry do poziomu 3!" "[english]Hint_Engineer_upgrade_sentrygun" "Upgrade sentry guns by hitting them with your wrench.\nThey can be upgraded all the way to level 3!" "Hint_object_has_sapper" "Ta konstrukcja jest niszczona przez sapera!\n S trzelaj do sapera, aby go zniszczy!" "[english]Hint_object_has_sapper" "This building is being destroyed by a s apper!\n Shoot the sapper to destroy it!" "Hint_object_your_object_sapped" "Jedna z twoich konstrukcji zostaa zniszc zona!" "[english]Hint_object_your_object_sapped" "One of your buildings is being destroyed!" "Hint_enemy_using_dispenser" "Wrg uywa twojego zasobnika!" "[english]Hint_enemy_using_dispenser" "An enemy is using your dispenser!" "Hint_enemy_using_tp_entrance" "Wrg jest w pobliu wejcia twojego teleportu!" "[english]Hint_enemy_using_tp_entrance" "An enemy is near your teleporter entran ce!" "Hint_enemy_using_tp_exit" "Wrg jest w pobliu wyjcia twojego teleportu!" "[english]Hint_enemy_using_tp_exit" "An enemy is near your teleporter exit!" "WinPanel_Red_Team_Wins" "Druyna RED wygrywa" "[english]WinPanel_Red_Team_Wins" "RED Team Wins" "WinPanel_Blue_Team_Wins" "Druyna BLU wygrywa" "[english]WinPanel_Blue_Team_Wins" "BLU Team Wins" "WinPanel_Stalemate" "PAT!" "[english]WinPanel_Stalemate" "STALEMATE!" "StatPanel_Title_Dead" "Patrzc na to optymistycznie..." "[english]StatPanel_Title_Dead" "On the bright side..." "StatPanel_Title_Alive" "C, to mogo zrobi wraenie! Ostatnia runda:" "[english]StatPanel_Title_Alive" "Well, that was impressive! Last round:" "StatPanel_Format_Close" "W tej rundzie: %s1 Najlepszy wynik: %s2" "[english]StatPanel_Format_Close" "That round: %s1 Your best: %s2" "StatPanel_Kills_Best" "W tej rundzie jako %s1 udao ci si pobi rekord w liczbie za bjstw." "[english]StatPanel_Kills_Best" "You had more kills as %s1 that round than your previous best." "StatPanel_Captures_Best" "W tej rundzie jako %s1 udao ci si pobi rekord w li czbie przej." "[english]StatPanel_Captures_Best" "You had more captures as %s1 that round than your previous best." "StatPanel_Defenses_Best" "W tej rundzie jako %s1 udao ci si pobi rekord w li czbie defensyw." "[english]StatPanel_Defenses_Best" "You defended more points as %s1 that ro und than your previous best." "StatPanel_DamageDealt_Best" "W tej rundzie jako %s1 udao ci si pobi rekord w li czbie zadanych obrae." "[english]StatPanel_DamageDealt_Best" "You've caused more damage as %s1 than y our previous best." "StatPanel_PlayTime_Best" "W tej rundzie jako %s1 udao ci si pobi rekord w dug oci ycia." "[english]StatPanel_PlayTime_Best" "You stayed alive as %s1 longer that rou nd than your previous best." "StatPanel_Healing_Best" "W tej rundzie jako %s1 udao ci si pobi rekord w li czbie uleczonych punktw zdrowia." "[english]StatPanel_Healing_Best" "You healed more as %s1 that round than your previous best." "StatPanel_Invulnerable_Best" "W tej rundzie udao ci si pobi rekord w liczbie uzy skania niezniszczalnoci."

"[english]StatPanel_Invulnerable_Best" "You went invulnerable more that round t han your previous best." "StatPanel_KillAssists_Best" "W tej rundzie jako %s1 udao ci si pobi rekord w li czbie asyst w zabijaniu." "[english]StatPanel_KillAssists_Best" "You had more kill assists that round as %s1 than your previous best." "StatPanel_Backstabs_Best" "W tej rundzie udao ci si pobi rekord w liczbie dgni w plecy." "[english]StatPanel_Backstabs_Best" "You had more backstabs that round than your previous best." "StatPanel_HealthLeached_Best" "W tej rundzie udao ci si pobi rekord w iloci ukradz ionego zdrowia." "[english]StatPanel_HealthLeached_Best" "You stole more health from enemy Medics and dispensers that round than your previous best." "StatPanel_BuildingsBuilt_Best" "W tej rundzie udao ci si pobi rekord w liczbie zbu dowanych konstrukcji." "[english]StatPanel_BuildingsBuilt_Best" "You built more buildings that r ound than your previous best." "StatPanel_BuildingsDestroyed_Best" "W tej rundzie jako %s1 udao ci si pobi rek ord w liczbie zniszczonych konstrukcji." "[english]StatPanel_BuildingsDestroyed_Best" "You destroyed more buildings th at round as %s1 than your previous best." "StatPanel_Headshots_Best" "W tej rundzie udao ci si pobi rekord w liczbie zabj stw strzaem w gow." "[english]StatPanel_Headshots_Best" "You had more headshots that round than your previous best." "StatPanel_SentryKills_Best" "W tej rundzie udao ci si pobi rekord w liczbie zabj stw dziakiem straniczym." "[english]StatPanel_SentryKills_Best" "Your sentry gun had more kills that rou nd than your previous best." "StatPanel_Teleports_Best" "W tej rundzie udao ci si pobi rekord w liczbie tel eportacji." "[english]StatPanel_Teleports_Best" "Your teleporter was used more that roun d than your previous best." "StatPanel_Dominations_Best" "W tej rundzie jako %s1 udao ci si pobi rekord w li czbie zdominowanych wrogw." "[english]StatPanel_Dominations_Best" "You dominated more new opponents that r ound as %s1 than your previous best." "StatPanel_Revenge_Best" "W tej rundzie jako %s1 udao ci si pobi rekord w li czbie dokonanych odwetw." "[english]StatPanel_Revenge_Best" "You got revenge on more opponents that round as %s1 than your previous best." "StatPanel_PointsScored_Best" "W tej rundzie jako %s1 udao ci si pobi rekord w li czbie posiadanych punktw." "[english]StatPanel_PointsScored_Best" "You scored more points that round as %s 1 than your previous best." "StatPanel_Kills_Tie" "W tej rundzie jako %s1 udao ci si wyrwna rekord w liczbie z abjstw." "[english]StatPanel_Kills_Tie" "You tied your record for kills as %s1 that roun d." "StatPanel_Captures_Tie" "W tej rundzie jako %s1 udao ci si wyrwna rekord w l iczbie przej." "[english]StatPanel_Captures_Tie" "You tied your record for captures as %s 1 that round." "StatPanel_Defenses_Tie" "W tej rundzie jako %s1 udao ci si wyrwna rekord w l iczbie defensyw." "[english]StatPanel_Defenses_Tie" "You tied your record for defenses as %s 1 that round." "StatPanel_DamageDealt_Tie" "W tej rundzie jako %s1 udao ci si wyrwna rekord w l iczbie zadanych obrae."

"[english]StatPanel_DamageDealt_Tie" "You tied your record for damage dealt a s %s1 that round." "StatPanel_PlayTime_Tie" "W tej rundzie jako %s1 udao ci si wyrwna rekord w du goci ycia." "[english]StatPanel_PlayTime_Tie" "You tied your record for time alive as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Healing_Tie" "W tej rundzie jako %s1 udao ci si wyrwna rekord w liczbie u leczonych punktw zdrowia." "[english]StatPanel_Healing_Tie" "You tied your record for healing as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Invulnerable_Tie" "W tej rundzie udao ci si wyrwna rekord w byciu niez niszczalnym." "[english]StatPanel_Invulnerable_Tie" "You tied your record for invulns that r ound." "StatPanel_KillAssists_Tie" "W tej rundzie jako %s1 udao ci si wyrwna rekord w l iczbie asyst w zabijaniu." "[english]StatPanel_KillAssists_Tie" "You tied your record for kill assists a s %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Backstabs_Tie" "W tej rundzie udao ci si wyrwna rekord w liczbie dgn i w plecy." "[english]StatPanel_Backstabs_Tie" "You tied your record for backstabs that round." "StatPanel_HealthLeached_Tie" "W tej rundzie udao ci si wyrwna rekord w iloci wykra dzionego zdrowia." "[english]StatPanel_HealthLeached_Tie" "You tied your record for health stolen from the enemy that round." "StatPanel_BuildingsBuilt_Tie" "W tej rundzie udao ci si wyrwna rekord w liczbie zb udowanych konstrukcji." "[english]StatPanel_BuildingsBuilt_Tie" "You tied your record for buildings buil t that round." "StatPanel_BuildingsDestroyed_Tie" "W tej rundzie jako %s1 udao ci si wyrwna re kord w liczbie zniszczonych konstrukcji." "[english]StatPanel_BuildingsDestroyed_Tie" "You tied your record for buildi ngs destroyed as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Headshots_Tie" "W tej rundzie udao ci si wyrwna rekord w liczbie za bjstw strzaem w gow." "[english]StatPanel_Headshots_Tie" "You tied your record for headshots that round." "StatPanel_SentryKills_Tie" "W tej rundzie udao ci si wyrwna rekord w liczbie za bjstw dziakiem straniczym." "[english]StatPanel_SentryKills_Tie" "You tied your record for kills by your sentry gun that round." "StatPanel_Teleports_Tie" "W tej rundzie udao ci si wyrwna rekord w liczbie te leportacji." "[english]StatPanel_Teleports_Tie" "You tied your record for teleports that round." "StatPanel_Dominations_Tie" "W tej rundzie jako %s1 udao ci si wyrwna rekord w l iczbie zdominowanych wrogw." "[english]StatPanel_Dominations_Tie" "You tied your record for opponents domi nated as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Revenge_Tie" "W tej rundzie jako %s1 udao ci si wyrwna rekord w liczbie d okonanych odwetw." "[english]StatPanel_Revenge_Tie" "You tied your record for revenge as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_PointsScored_Tie" "W tej rundzie jako %s1 udao ci si wyrwna rekord w l iczbie posiadanych punktw." "[english]StatPanel_PointsScored_Tie" "You tied your record for points scored as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Kills_Close" "W tej rundzie jako %s1 udao ci si zbliy do rekordu w liczbi e zabitych."

"[english]StatPanel_Kills_Close" "You came close to your record for kills as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Captures_Close" "W tej rundzie jako %s1 udao ci si zbliy do rekordu w liczbie przej." "[english]StatPanel_Captures_Close" "You came close to your record for captu res as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Defenses_Close" "W tej rundzie jako %s1 udao ci si zbliy do rekordu w liczbie defensyw." "[english]StatPanel_Defenses_Close" "You came close to your record for defen ses as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_DamageDealt_Close" "W tej rundzie jako %s1 udao ci si zbliy do rekordu w liczbie zadanych obrae." "[english]StatPanel_DamageDealt_Close" "You came close to your record for damag e dealt as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_PlayTime_Close" "W tej rundzie jako %s1 udao ci si zbliy do rekordu w dugoci ycia." "[english]StatPanel_PlayTime_Close" "You came close to your record for time alive as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Healing_Close" "W tej rundzie jako %s1 udao ci si zbliy do rekordu w liczbie uleczonych punktw zdrowia." "[english]StatPanel_Healing_Close" "You came close to your record for heali ng as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Invulnerable_Close" "W tej rundzie udao ci si zbliy do rekordu w liczbie uzyskanych niezniszczalnoci." "[english]StatPanel_Invulnerable_Close" "You came close to your record for invul ns that round." "StatPanel_KillAssists_Close" "W tej rundzie jako %s1 udao ci si zbliy do rekordu w liczbie asyst w zabijaniu." "[english]StatPanel_KillAssists_Close" "You came close to your record for kill assists as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Backstabs_Close" "W tej rundzie udao ci si zbliy do rekordu w liczbie dgni w plecy." "[english]StatPanel_Backstabs_Close" "You came close to your record for backs tabs that round." "StatPanel_HealthLeached_Close" "W tej rundzie udao ci si zbliy do rekordu w iloci wy kradzionego zdrowia." "[english]StatPanel_HealthLeached_Close" "You came close to your record f or health stolen from the enemy that round." "StatPanel_BuildingsBuilt_Close" "W tej rundzie udao ci si zbliy do rekordu w liczbie zbudowanych konstrukcji." "[english]StatPanel_BuildingsBuilt_Close" "You came close to your record f or buildings built that round." "StatPanel_BuildingsDestroyed_Close" "W tej rundzie jako %s1 udao ci si zbliy do rekordu w liczbie zniszczonych konstrukcji." "[english]StatPanel_BuildingsDestroyed_Close" "You came close to your record f or buildings destroyed as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Headshots_Close" "W tej rundzie udao ci si zbliy do rekordu w liczbie zabjstw strzaem w gow." "[english]StatPanel_Headshots_Close" "You came close to your record for heads hots that round." "StatPanel_SentryKills_Close" "W tej rundzie udao ci si zbliy do rekordu w liczbie zabjstw dziakiem straniczym." "[english]StatPanel_SentryKills_Close" "You came close to your record for kills by your sentry gun that round." "StatPanel_Teleports_Close" "W tej rundzie udao ci si zbliy do rekordu w liczbie teleportacji." "[english]StatPanel_Teleports_Close" "You came close to your record for telep orts that round." "StatPanel_Dominations_Close" "W tej rundzie jako %s1 udao ci si zbliy do rekordu w liczbie zdominowanych przeciwnikw."

"[english]StatPanel_Dominations_Close" "You came close to your record for oppon ents dominated as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Revenge_Close" "W tej rundzie jako %s1 udao ci si zbliy do rekordu w liczbie dokonanych odwetw." "[english]StatPanel_Revenge_Close" "You came close to your record for reven ge as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_PointsScored_Close" "W tej rundzie jako %s1 udao ci si zbliy do rekordu w liczbie posiadanych punktw." "[english]StatPanel_PointsScored_Close" "You came close to your record for point s scored as %s1 that round." "StatPanel_Label_Kills" "# Zabici: " "[english]StatPanel_Label_Kills" "# Kills: " "StatPanel_Label_DamageDealt" "Zadane obraenia: " "[english]StatPanel_Label_DamageDealt" "Damage dealt: " "StatPanel_Label_PlayTime" "Czas gry: " "[english]StatPanel_Label_PlayTime" "Play time: " "StatPanel_Label_Healing" "Uleczono:" "[english]StatPanel_Label_Healing" "Health points healed: " "StatPanel_Label_Invulnerable" "Aktywowane niezniszczalnoci: " "[english]StatPanel_Label_Invulnerable" "Invulnerable activated: " "StatPanel_Label_Backstabs" "# Dgnicia w plecy: " "[english]StatPanel_Label_Backstabs" "# Backstabs: " "StatPanel_Label_HealthLeached" "Skradzione zdrowie: " "[english]StatPanel_Label_HealthLeached" "Health leached: " "StatPanel_Label_Buildings_Built" "# Zbudowane konstrukcje: " "[english]StatPanel_Label_Buildings_Built" "# Buildings built: " "StatPanel_Label_SentryKills" "# Zabici dziakiem: " "[english]StatPanel_Label_SentryKills" "# Kills by sentry: " "StatPanel_Label_Teleports" "# Teleportacje: " "[english]StatPanel_Label_Teleports" "# uses of teleport: " "StatSummary_Label_PerformanceReport" "RAPORT O WYNIKACH" "[english]StatSummary_Label_PerformanceReport" "YOUR PERFORMANCE REPORT" "StatSummary_Label_BestMoments" "NAJLEPSZE CHWILE" "[english]StatSummary_Label_BestMoments" "YOUR BEST MOMENTS" "StatSummary_Label_AsAnyClass" "Jako dowolna klasa:" "[english]StatSummary_Label_AsAnyClass" "As any class:" "StatSummary_Label_TIP" "WSKAZWKA" "[english]StatSummary_Label_TIP" "TIP" "StatSummary_ScoreAsClassFmt" "%s1 (jako %s2)" "[english]StatSummary_ScoreAsClassFmt" "%s1 (as %s2)" "StatSummary_Records" "REKORDY:" "[english]StatSummary_Records" "RECORDS:" "StatSummary_StatTitle_MostPoints" "Najwicej punktw" "[english]StatSummary_StatTitle_MostPoints" "Most points" "StatSummary_StatTitle_AvgPoints" "r. liczba punktw" "[english]StatSummary_StatTitle_AvgPoints" "Avg points" "StatSummary_StatTitle_MostKills" "Najwicej zabitych" "[english]StatSummary_StatTitle_MostKills" "Most kills" "StatSummary_StatTitle_AvgKills" "r. liczba zabitych" "[english]StatSummary_StatTitle_AvgKills" "Avg kills" "StatSummary_StatTitle_MostCaptures" "Najwicej przej" "[english]StatSummary_StatTitle_MostCaptures" "Most captures" "StatSummary_StatTitle_AvgCaptures" "r. liczba przej" "[english]StatSummary_StatTitle_AvgCaptures" "Avg captures" "StatSummary_StatTitle_MostAssists" "Najwicej asyst" "[english]StatSummary_StatTitle_MostAssists" "Most assists" "StatSummary_StatTitle_AvgAssists" "r. liczba asyst" "[english]StatSummary_StatTitle_AvgAssists" "Avg assists" "StatSummary_StatTitle_MostDamage" "Najwicej zadanych obrae" "[english]StatSummary_StatTitle_MostDamage" "Most damage"

"StatSummary_StatTitle_AvgDamage" "r. zadanych obrae" "[english]StatSummary_StatTitle_AvgDamage" "Avg damage" "StatSummary_StatTitle_TotalPlaytime" "czny czas gry" "[english]StatSummary_StatTitle_TotalPlaytime" "Total playtime" "StatSummary_StatTitle_LongestLife" "Najdusze ycie" "[english]StatSummary_StatTitle_LongestLife" "Longest life" "Tip_Fmt" "Wskazwka: %s1" "[english]Tip_Fmt" "Tip: %s1" "Tip_1_Count" "29" "[english]Tip_1_Count" "29" "Tip_1_1" "Skaut moe wykona podwjny skok, aby zmieni kierunek i unikn ostrzau ni przyjaciela." "[english]Tip_1_1" "As a Scout, jump while in mid-air to change direction a nd avoid enemy fire." "Tip_1_2" "Skaut zdobywa punkty kontrolne i popycha wzki z adunkiem dwukrotn ie szybciej ni inne klasy." "[english]Tip_1_2" "As a Scout, you capture control points and push payload carts twice as fast as other classes." "Tip_1_3" "Skaut jest najskuteczniejszy, gdy pozostaje w ruchu i wykorzyst uje swoj szybko." "[english]Tip_1_3" "As a Scout, you're most effective when you stay moving and use your speed to your advantage." "Tip_1_4" "Pistolet doskonale nadaje si do raenia nieprzyjaci z dystansu." "[english]Tip_1_4" "As a Scout, your Pis