TflE.rOURSAL: iY«*iilr, Congress, · Surface, fin-ling that hi* paru nil; not li' lti io his....

Fr >:u the Southern Patriot. FKOM JACKSONVILLE. > Tim Sclyxiuer (riurgt: .1lury, C.ipt. Wilue, arrive i hero ainiu: '2 o'cl >k. I*. M. f o:n Jack*onvi||,. a c have roc five J the Jacksonville CiHirt- r of the 13th inst. fn»;n which we have copied the ((lowing* Jacksonvu.le.Oci. 13 \Ve hoar partly from rmnor I ut mostly f-oni iindiubted authority, that iho <h't »ch- j menu of Tew lessee tr Kips havo'kiiled sing- g'Mtg Indiana to the number oi lounccu. «» 13 to be hoped that the report and puicr d impression .arc true.that oven the stamps and hammocks «»; Florida ailed no jnfe reft gc f>r the Indian. Irosn iIicimM and brave Tentissceius. **h'»uld this{>.iigu close the war, n.-» cverv Irieii I o1 I'J uicla dcvoitlv vri»hc.«, thoe'e «» u ill return to their OAti State, their friends and hjincs, wearing the. laurel* of glory. At the due of our litest i:U-llijetice. Gov. Cat! wa« si ill a' Fort l)r tic . tnd r< «r t - if4,, he i* short of provision- and lor »g<* .Supplies'Must so .n reuhlnm It is f.ipp:wd he nill m0!| be on tin? (.) utlil icliocv. and that supplies \«.||| b bro ight up t'«at tiv»-r Kong" has ere it >.v (cached Vi'Ium i, and Ma J. Pierre, v. i h Ins co.nuiand, lias undoubtedly join- d the Governor. A n«:nth-mari of i!ic Vrtnv in a letter to Col. Dell, ol this place, to vvho-e jvoliteurss we are indebted for a j«cru9al, thus sjn-aka ol Maj. Pierce. " lie is a fine fellow.2oiug a head. taking all tin* responsibility to aid Gen. ("a!! with forage Ac. with -ut watting, tonic t,| lb« rest do. for a special order tor every " hxifbit he expends." Tbc same writer snv*. the question of ri*n- raand between (»rn. Jesup-md Gov < "^ti »* settled. lien. dors not cNmi it, Lot offers to take any command the (iorrmor «:il gi*c hito. The Guv-ruor gtvo him the command of lit* own regul ir-. in number, sod the Cp-ck Indian.*. C'-M) «:i number.. TVy left Tatnpt on the li.»th ult . and arc supposed to be on the OuuhUchachv. No news frotn Gov. Call since the C^.Ii ult. Reliance can be placed on the above statements, as thry come !r«>:a» a gunth'tnan vrlto ought -o know the facts and is above miss: ating them. The Indians have doubtless concentrated their forces, and probably they err ri ncil consulting whether to y n Id ««r tight till the last man of them i* sjain. I'rom the past Winter and the* Seminole char cter, uc can hardly anticipate any other aitr mattve than that they will, iu one way or a*i tlier, co:i-' ttnoe th«- war la re: Extract from 2 letter to the editor, d 1 .Mtcw.i-v, Oct S;h, I " 'el. ; " We arrived here icMt-rdt) with May Pierce and about ltKi rrgu! ir* We n:«-t fOQ of Gor. Call » volunteer- «:»d-r Col. Cuthbert, at SatitafTee, 4. -n 3 !d;u »mi escort or to hurrv nn provisions t.» ih- G »; rnor, who, with IT'K) rn n. lal« !y -arrived .it Kort Drauc. probably <»u the ".J Tory hsft ihts place on the .*» 1. m l »» * dd mile.* 00 towards Santa# at IhinirU' place, they surprised and killed t.»wr In !uiu. i'he house is situated alnni 1<VI i.kN from the load, aod feeling ilium- !w « p». rb ct!v cure from observation, were an! pr-paring a meal, but tue tininkc let the - cr- t o..t e.nd the rolufv.rcrs surrounded them Th-y nil run and attempted to brake through th line but were phot down making i> > tftftco. 1 was at tho h-oi-e ie*tcrda\. and Stdlr f Dmxrlla's cousin i was t lie »x- emitted the dead bodic«. and is of the opiliion that they were Creaks. lie »ty» no Seminole ever g'ers fr-» u hone *i j. >.#rIy dressed as these were, -'it «jl v.! jin v.u-. inked. ' Wr expect to leave to-n^hi for ' iotcrnor Call's h«-id qiuters, and Ipmi tncticc we do not yi knov. " IV Indians have dug up al-novi even thing the troops buried «»n leaving this, place in the snnunecr, .»nd cren I.irut. \Vheelock's irrave was vi-s'erdw I >und open m ^ on our arrival Tiny had dug to 1 lie eolhti hot left it unmolested wltcu they discovered it to be a gr. From the Richmond Kcjiirer j G LOR 101*S Ni;\V>. The Key stone of the Arrh i> sn fr . Penusy Jvaui v regc.tcrafed an I <!: t.thrilled. Win n hi the year *911. she first broke the drral phalanx |»v rlrrting Governor M'Kean, she scattered timm-ay into their rank*, ami gave t!»c* fir-t assurance ' of the success of the Republican cnu-e. Her victory of (he last w-rh is still mure decisive and iriumpliant' Nev :-r h there l»cen a more signn! defeat. \ cr has the deniorracy obtained a more gl'>r..iuti virlory. It ha* con e upon the \\ log*, like the hand-wri ing upon the walls of He), nhizzar's I'alire. The Whigs had fl ittert ) 1 Iteinsi Ives, thai the Bank of the I nited Siit« s |ui,| wound licrsell *o r.:» ;\ nrnuni tn, intervals of the Stair. tJi\>iu-» sons and Wings had j rmcil « » powerful <t roaliiinn.that the t*ririrl« ..| \\ ..It a:,,i Muhlrnburg had become » » far nln from each otfior.that tlir p:ilrnnijjc . I the ofiire-holders w.u hi powerful .'.hat tLip presence of the (' »fv|ucring Ih ro tronld work such mirae|r<.ami that it « ;»< fo «a«v to excite a jea!oij.> between Pennsylvania am! .Nrvr York. that these and other cause* wot. Id j rove irr shtible. nn:! that their tirtory wj* srr.irr. Ilmv I»111 did they know the spirit of I»rr People! 'fhejr hare risen i:t all their -in n^th. and hnrat asttnJer all ilie roll- of the Hwik. all the influence of J'inladclphai, all the patronage of office. all the atteuj 's t<» produce a jealnusv between the u n great Slate*. Ther haven risen in the inejestt of their strength, ar.'l exhibited one of the r»p,»njr<? rxnrrtplc*. th*t l.-as ever been civcn, of the moral courage, \iith xvli.-ih a free people rati subdue < >.rv ..ifiicAiy. I'hr jc.i t r >«l' ine B.r * . f. et» failed of its i H" :: a:111 thai :»> crou* inslituti »n. uhirli u ,is ex^ ;«<1 ; » conquer the iY«*iilr, i* ii mv c .v. rine til lluir f . t Ucco at i! ;c our ii« [ iIjm. »n frii.n** rilizvns :»; the t; *r! » t.iunph! Ail Siai!, i. <iit. T-!» -%' ii!.:;.c ^ Kn9 ' O < >t.iih* <1 I!.< I * >.!.' h! I i t'i»' lavi uvror, i:i *Vi). IVnn*'. IfivJii.l hi r:i«*fi ol'n r. i.i'I »u* *. ! ;:i: ' aiue jire.ii I*rpuhlieuu principle*. { |S!6, ilny uiii «! » ti e " nit''. \ '* ! if l'< i 1 v .,i i i !.j> 'tool t i j r principle*, i*i ilr.'iaiice of tin j i»v. rrfiji i -. i l u i. v.! ,v*h r, i n t. j 1r e t »'l ! a p 'i: i Ii- I ,i ^ -: it r i r i. t ! o <>n rtrrcii mi « « r, v.-.- . \ . r_''ii-j, ! > J.iie n«» «u -'i .Mvfi. i > !w . sin h <r !»:rt i -:, n.i*t < t'li* yl ri iir» c.» ir-e which IV u lvi tnai ii-ij Mil 1.1 l;s /Vi'ivyVTij';.- i 1 K i''2<>i«<-rr rar'i" i » r«« n > :i ! i-« be < enre»se I !> v i cm; It * such as I <>«« i.i IVntisi ii uu i ami \t u Ji-r-cv. which \ve rc forrsrcn hi u:o»t oj the politicians \v:i » ilo not >ijtr»-r their u i he* i i outrun their ju.lutncni.', It tc 1«-» tfi( in. "In-teai of looking into tht :»I \ f»-» beneath their (Vet, let ihrtn In- k aloft, with »oiup conliibnce in thorns' 1 v«.. but a ^r. al ileal more in the f i tn licit no f a u lac l'rovi iencr." uv, shis is excellent a«! ire! Tin* i;*iliaj Surface, fin-ling that hi* paru nil; not li' lti io his. f.ibr.c itturo* n »oui I'm «svlianin ami New Jerary. in tin fact m Jacts n «»v n »t ri-Mjs to all «i» tvorhi, » »,Cliiinjt s litem to take the leap I .* n.'ii' , . ' X'. ry v. |.o>J,m£. 'i ;;i* is s.n;11 thing like t'u con >l.i im he tvuiiM give a n retell ro It ninoi lake l.'.e hap 1 r tiii the l »J> I e I irp i n . rock: Do not I oik into the ah\ beneath v n.r J it . look aloft. nut some 1; ii »r"i«t m toe t'ectla \ »u h»w t! -ne, be ,i ^f'-at b al more in the rtreji mess ol l*io ' »..i- re." \\ e are glai to *"c t;.e»c Cot;.jot i;> ;-i:: jj» , f con*«. ;rnrr r > in t h n 1< r«. j.r id ><J r> j'.n a .r ; st it c ilcith-!»el re.ien.lie. Hut U hv (!')Ca not t h n (lift itcf, ail.i ."»* all a < .e j.'et :i >ei]. el. II Inc« toe ti c:;,.*., that the resu.t in I'enu-l- ta.tit n ::i i In-* |»art\, r.mltsN »n u m'is. while he i* rue 'ura^iu^ hi* Iriv:;'s ( !.» »k a! an 1 l»a;» iut«» " »!n' ah;-s beneath their leek" without' ra<;iU^ 1 .1 eve-. t > ^rc (!i<- ( the i in: i which ih«*\ arc jieraujih J t>» (r'.vbc. I': a t!j~ Aujjo»U l*oar»T. \ i I he huh uia. i-t a r'U I ab ;«g j S.»i r*. in the ^.»u\h; ut nut i decent! r> i.icj.i.t i i an\ nrei *t» i-l the I ni'.t »t «:r3 a." u » ».i\ -ur'i ir.te-.'.iun i.r w . «i;» iii-. j»a r t \\ < ii \ a!w-n » < »n**ri'«I vi 1 *di J r .>»i ler the A! it i.kit m .<1 %. » u run:< u:- juaiJ, wi:!i ut ji»»n » <: i iifr, » . 1 w ;'.d .csn.» .<» i uc .1 ! liaL'^ht with | ubljr mill to « r«'M Ivtrs ainnn^ the |*a&ri«>19 i»j the r.m it m . NVr «ur*»rlt !> piu* thr:n nil ihr erne c.jUCiiec, ail ihe con»ii'craU'i:» thr\ hate. Vu I ih:* a:i«*;nj*t !<> rrra'.c an rxni' men; < this I Jic !ia I lis nti^nn jii this .>S ii« 111 ;^ V'° \N heart, r ;!n a ita'"f Ineki il hi iii rial t >*r public « >«";:« ::?« tit 1 r- :n I. iJu.arv Ii iMii «»r Wo»,Mn ih La . i y t'iri w it; tin* faee 't. a* I..11 « : hrr au'i brinmtunc, riAnidlr t.'ie Lln/.r «»j < \ ii j»at>Alull* ami <n fit i te roar >1 l :r r iiJ? i." kioli. W ' \ II ihi huh'ub *b tt:i. k. f ... f ^ I ^},I .1 I ,| , * ' " ' «*' tiir present prri'tii. rPijuir* * »«-« \pn n i lion to under stand. I hrr< an not I wa\ - i thinking at the South .>ti th« subject of interfering w 11It our *!sv < property, ami hp ought not to say, that tin tr en at the .N i th. suclt is flit- iinrtriKi disparttv in rvtTt respect, tn numbers, wealth, talent ami influence between iljp great body of the intelligent patnots ui that section, and the hand-lull < 1 misguided, tricked fanatics, whose success would prepsfr lor llieiiwt Ives a scat di«grac«- ami'! lite ruin* 1 ihi w co ntrv. \H/i» v«« .. r-rl'ts keep tip tlrts dtsCUSM -n at lh< **< nth, nil 1 rescue these plotter* "I inisrhit ( iftn t lie ob!» t i"ii l<> u hi cli tiny tin 1, we t kli'l ni'tiU no explanation. It can hi bu short lived.Th« 7th of .V»veu»htr utli piohahlv put an end to the disputes about the better or worse p »!»<-\ ol doing tin- » r thai with their knocking* at ihe doors < ( Congress, ami the country will rest from 11s agitation, for a line at Ic *'..till some other I act i on sha I i m i ok « e v < r \ t v i a genet under 1 leaven ! » ani its I.'ts.'i ptirj- "i in nrraving one | orlinn I m.r haj pv country against am>t n r. n:i ! tints v.e .skewing I hi* sarr i to » which him! us tngrwier in "iip gn 4i t.wmlv r«m o rti n. \S » »a» llurc I* lio «:; r s t \ ol i!i on* ihr subject among its. litnv man. uoniin an I child stands in deadly hostility toauv such policy. An! tin- n\. rw helming ight of soiri 1 opinion at the !S >rth creates mailv the si me security there. Then. v\h\ should we he eternally wrangling b mt nothing. and magnifying an 1 agitated puddle into the iTcnn in a tempi st 1 Sober. honest, pattiuiir penile o! ' the South, answ i r. ' f r o : i \ 11 r \ \\ \ r if m:*tt Youthful !h pmnty:.Tin* record* r>l our criminal courts have rccnnh < xlnh.trd i an alarming incr« aso in the number of \onth- < ful crt'nifia!:i v\ h»». I»v a |>r«"tnafuritv 1:1 i wickedness, appear In outstrip nlmoM all lheir older predecessors hi jjmll. At the « last term of the Court of Sessions, no less I thau (write yo'.nijr men, of rather premises- , siri^ appearance and some cf llicni the sons < ! | InjMt rcspectah!c parcntt, were convict';!! y of aggravated felonies, which suhjecicJ them to various terms of imprisonment in the State prison, front 1*2 month- to 2 years; while mm r# cliirg^d uth crime* of little les- heiiio'.isnfs* of chaaacu-r, vet' rem on to he tried. 1'his (. arful augmentation of the number ol voting male critnin .h, u filch at tin: <i y of their romance was so cltxj lently anJ aonropriateU commented hv the itccor- 4 4 d'-f, I*(ore adjudging them ;o their dreary alr-xle* ii Sing Sing, is a subject worthy of the must serious reduction, and commends ;;>« li to the solemn attention of a mora! and \ irtoons community. It I* very evident to every ruber minded observer, that the crime is mi general i!:e offspring «d a tn glected or vicious education and "oinpaiiiou^iiiji; and thit where the halms of the club! are suffered to shape themm !ve> according to his own whims or caprices. in a majority of cases he will crowup to infamy and rum. The ct.lpib!e negligence oi parents m this matter, i? <»!u-n vt'tteil upon the.., ujili Tcngcanc*-, in tin; poignant and heartfelt ago.-.y experienced in the d;-gr ice ari l ignomtnio::- p .ntshmej i i,f the cinS I. i! > v olten are the bos en* oi mothers in tde to bleed, on account ot tin' intainou^ conduct of their son*, win instead ot being i > <! .ce t > *i:pj»o.-t thein in their advancing v^ars, are a lumg reproach to ih" I unity name and » withering rur-c to the being* who bore thru.! At the la-t term of the court, I he n><> o' voting Tryoii and Mulhgin lur ed themselves u;»o!i the attention, from their prominent place in the cul-mdn of crime. The Lifer of th-e w as not more than « ighteon vrors ot age. a i l the r ~ . i ~ . i - ... * * 2w'ii v' 11 11MKr i ii »»J «»% ii; * f *i»* ' s i.i rompu»v uuh mi <>!J .ijiJ ti rdin-1 »STr«i«jc r, t?i»*y m«Tr !m:»ih! mn.'tv <1 a tw>»t ai,;ritaicil cl of rubh.rv in t*!« f::>t <! .'<cr, v. Jiicll S".i!>j-*clrcJ n! tlirrn ten, Ujd til* tlx r I*> :t (I \t j I, .tf ll» m in tlx* .-late j»riM>:i. At tin? tins'* « ! i.;< tr tri >!-, it hj* tru!*. jMtnlui ! ) »i'nt!x* !*»'ii,j ol i:t i i.i r* and 'tsteo '' fr.*' '-.f the r}'*c.»- W I lit* tvfrjrhrd turn in ! . »»r:r »* ln\, shtxsMo al u^i wjtii ati^tjirh «j! i;v in, md jHJtirwij their ihar- v.ali r do n the clin k* l.< :r »t«orcd t»r<; h r-> »n.J > Ami this i", tj:j*» ;j»piiv, >: .iii-'i'iici m spc ».vie; »tid ttr iaox-iit lu j>ec I.'I 1 l. 1' monthly becomi^ t:i >re common A id u!.! vnmii ut' ii arr pt under more -tr!.*t patem il r- .tr att ! not H to roam t!;r »: roots at at; i »niu.j!c ::i the society «».' the hardritrn culpiri, a;; i the «»}il «i:id abandoned * j 11.»:rt, »*i* shall b( called up >n often to mourn over ilit* exhibition o! -uclr .-cenes as tlifx*, Parent*. will be ct!*od u;»o:i i> wtrip hi t< .rs ol litter (Iter lire crirniii ility of t!t«*ir son**, as they con^neJ by tb«* .-c iloncr «». a cojfl to suffer a moral atli. utiles the. exert a fUore j>*»tcjJl Uifl . vtj.'f otor their mind* :nci maimers « All tin**"* yout'jj tn » ' !:ij urro thus -hut out Irotn tin* It^ht ot I. ' ;tv ami v>c:rt», had Inrrn |»-*ru»j*i«--! t i sp« ti ! t'.c r nights I'o;n !:o:tt<*. m tin* » ,. .. t ! I . I . 1- . t. » . k i i * i< .. i M j'. * * " ii . * , at: ! i i ; jr; j^cice o! i "to t!» . v.« r-' c<»a. i ' r.J i j * :i r c: 11' - hojv i i i t r at cur-'' Tit hi^.iii!« i I olio r> are tr i:..' I .r li t* "i'*ic tire; !!'.! «!« >::<j\; .11 i unir** chcct;< 2 I'V ih>; t:u;* !*. it*?* rv-titi ti ol a id-id. moral i <iiiiii>|i , v. til i ff l»«* louiui 111 4 felon"* jitiMii, arid !>» ln;rn-»l hi .i t»-! »i» 4 ,;rtvf I.' l the ii-f!vnelioli I »t" «»! tliov* a h<» have tliut li Jen, be a *oi nrt ivuriuig the yan»j^ n ol our ci:v, let ih--v .t!*o bare in t!i moral pretJaina and «! in:iit;g disgrace a::d ruia ol :ln.?c hair di«crilx:®. i'n'un^f . The « i»o!«* c-itaa^J)- of lite Lill* IrtJ St.lie* from I "ill'i ;o li e present Mine, 3 JTt- '! l! » -t tbml £21 . <HJ.OfHI 1(1 JJolil, £ I-l »W2 ia -i til «->.*21« «*i I « eat* ami i ail" cva>. u t'l U )i 1 a IXK» llD U't 1 Co'MC-l *lllv'- .1* .1 ii!| -!l ) ! ill' i.i i t _o t 'IV. M uj.s im * i: m i » n«- u- » « .1 1 « i/1 I I.t* » 1^1. liwli ;f t J * is ! I f.< .' ' J I ' ' rt i!l j : » 1 il'i\ 1:1 < :r <;!.: i>. ii. I. j >*: .M rrh tit \t \\ 11!.in tin* |oM * t' li 11 I .1 ti*jr»,',!,I I'd «j 1«r»« r tl>«! In'.'* Im rfi dime.*, 311J " I J**7,7twt lull tiiijji o " ( rrru'it'-nt ! "t.«- it in c* nt«-fjij»Iat»uti. * ns 1!. (i!.»!/< , " l>» i*r jc UifM* iit*w coins ! » t isi' the place »( ;1m* c< nt. nlticli I- !' > t>u!ki ami u !r 1 r »tirh a I'll «. no in Im m .do «.t 3 iitiiiurr oi h!w r .iii't niio, liitin!! coin, mli l»" oj ilu- a filter (nil «'» tin* «4 si jijv-cc* «iil Ik? ut lfir* m/.»* n? l.iC ten ectil; rid J tin* two ati«l it lull cent piece \t i!i l>*_* ul the *»izt ol .1 «j 1 irter dollar.' f. \Ti:sr 1-ltOM TKXAS. The latent 1 itfl!i*j''tir» frnin lix.t« t< en:,;ti:n i| in t!»r* ('*>!It*w in*» rWfiirU Iri in t!n N r v. t »r |n:n fit:!It ti 1 « 1 tfit* "di'lli nt tl JI -1 1 * t .1 r !. \t n !rtt«* Iiour I.nt tn^lit It v 1'ie *r)ir. S!.i juiidnnfi. 1 M re. {". t:i \ eI.IM-M, T, x ... i>ii i'm* I I ;Ii iml.Kit, nc t*. c|o I' I :s * si I \ j-'.rt im p *"* ''I .'I llif Nit ->ii^t' .( I'i i >i !«*nt Htjrni-i, t.» tin* fir«l l'c\ an ("iirijri «. »*. lilt!) tvr .t r «* fnnliltil in fr« it \ rll'»:». tn lit In fnrt* iMir ii !t is t!.;* i .tun.nj .I Mft»n* it | <»rift i:>»1! 1 jm; ih'H hi Tex."i", and t!i:»l the unit 11 > ijnullv .it in "1.1 «|n;irt«*r *. . I .it'ttt Jt If Mil.ill I** J nlilltnll. I fit I* "I tilllr\i.iti i; r 11 r. I j-rlimiiter I trie 11 fit nee, In'.l sit Marion nl»t»tll 11.« I Otli in«t 'I It Mi *«.ii;e ! | l't 1*5m!cut lIiMisimi, mi t**isiiiiii|> ih«* rliair ol "Mate, t\ ill prtdm I) tt acfi 11 h 11 \ tin* licit r. ivuh. I lie M. (4f..i»t* «»l l'rcudcnt Unmet, ivltirli tie puMi-lied yesterday, i.« a w.-il lirittrii ant! able document. nnd iinf..|.U in - -* » I'.-.-.r. ... iin«p nil I I. I i ' ii «n .UP i - n 11 i m* »i i .iiiiajjfi, n, » t s ami prosperl* oJ the nluil Itepuhlir. Tim* tenor of the whole I'roiiuetion manl\ ami «1 i -tuliei!, am! the m ntinn nt* to the tintii are »urh its might ii a tirijMteil ir-un the first nmyistrjte itI i people lighting i" «! 'fe nee of their own ree«loin ««ml right!*. The ih-u.. nf the writer, upon the subicet* ol iii«m itnpor- lance to ihe country, art- Just, ant) evince an acquaintance with its wants and resources, which was liar ily expected from' one so rec. ntly raili-d to prc>i at the head of a newh organized k-«»v. rrinimt. 't'lie finances ol the eouritrt ai< lir*: presented to the consideration of i n: Congress, as demanding carlo si attc tin», ami alter <l< tailing tin* proceedings «»f thr Provisional <i>.vei mucin, together uitn those of the C »ininissiourrs and other authorized agents, for the procuration of funds to Mistain tliein in (he arduous struggle in which they \v» re engaged, the matter is refered t > Congress, with an injunction lh«-v will as soon as possible .ldoltl SOIIll* lll'riil.ilicii! :tm! .r «v<. I 1 . " toiii, I r 11.c ru;-iri4 of * revenue t<» defray l!ir onjmmi-»i»i lie win « »i.mcr.l. The « ircu:n>t.mcrif o. the I»»« loan?. eflV-cti d zn tins cuv, and the <iirticuiti»*s consequent upon u.->f loans. arc brieiIy, .ml then s ihnutlcd ! > «lie deci-ton »»f the representative* ul ihc people. "l"l»x-» vvc arc pl to perceive, as \vr h no hilhenhlo I-arci! Irrmi t!i«: vu.h: misunderstanding w Inch seemed lope van' between ijic takris oi the loan and thr Texnn Cabinet, t.,at ttic credit of the country was likely to be seriously fllT-ct- d a iticipato, however, t:i«t lite wisdom of the nc.v t*onpr< ss, uill provide some way lor the fair adjustment of the dilhc.hti > i.ho ^a'.i-l.:c«; <u *»i ail <*on« eru»The take rs ul the 1 mil, as we have he ii inhumed, it{used to advane»? loo balance lit the loan. brrau>e lltry c ifici irtoj the g«»v« r ft me til of Trx-s to Le acting i:i La i 2 tilh to thorn, in icJ.v! tto > in the compact tutored into uiilt *?.< :r ntilh tr:z«o! a-j' i:'» and c iintnissinn- i Iirlucv! ! ;. an anlr-ut 5\(nputli} I r t:u* S'jli"-j ;ii .ilH.iMi.i s ul an i'j jTt's ii i'ctij ! . i.irv Ii.i i at!vaiKMMi iimn v\ 1:1 support i S.irir, at a time v invj it w?.- :n ami '!rni.ri(! Iirrr. ami u n* bearing « hi^fi laliic, upon rnmlitiim sbrit tin* ;<n crniiif it >( l\ \a« w -uI«J a*tlieui Ian nt h l;xc-i price, v\ {)i< 1 * p iff i< ui.i t>c r> Jin n.brrvd. u is c nrli I nv»-r tii »:i sht inir f:! v. i it !i I <,\.is lan-ir.«rr thfi r< !!;:;... !i ! « I; l!:» in st:r- i »\c! an i .- ! in a> I < \ thought U:. ui:vr a rrrlai.i perio-l. I r li e r< im ' luir-' iik til i.l I Mir I non this ' *ti.> part ul ibr moon \\ » < | .:i i. but !ic ) thi a jVrrniNrnl icJ'u.-.ri! t r u.!' i .e r.»:; !i;i >, :).c balance u>* u .In h:. The rrrt'i! « ! a i:a': »n, j art.cnlarl» a ni'iv i nr. must lie prrati v (i« [»* n«l « 1 j fi.r !'.« ro iiniumrc i:» ihr I-.:I!.! Ir.4 -~ 1 1 .....t. ...t.._i 1 1 \. h i nun.; .1.. .. » r .iixruns a?i' l'.r:in!.] nmi n t!u* r.isi t>( I*r\^is %\ * n iiiurii ( that in liii*. in.*' nici- i!ir o « h « h jus * n jciraurc! nil! n.'TVr! ifu'ir rrcnil; t'lili > » t!.r j rtiiirnrr «.j' tiir ("unjrt«< ran avi rt liu* l Hjirwdia £ iT r. I !' I a k i a i- <!u* .iisl'.i i; ti.i \ . .1 :i i'.hrr I bark ir till) : ijm; ! j*;t! :.»r v. lh» \ C iif 11. i > rati-f"*. ill j .i..i n. ji v ti:ii ! !ir ! -I n i l 'in... i< iu » u 11 r i ir 1*. f ! i: !: I i h t r :> ; 11 { ; '.. 11 t:< r. - ! j : a - ihi in mi \ ;i«.' M ; i" n !. i u: r. I ir I : i r. .ii. I t i r ;, ! 1l ..-i !.tr a rr ;ni l: i »!-i nr. i. J ;!: < > n \ < i t i j> | .». . i iii> n H i! ; i n.j1 'c 'tr i !.i r- < ! tiir i >.»; 1.1 rcr« i\i- I I liir Jul! all) I.nt nil l!i »*. tl v i ! i»i:ci'*'i \ c >n!r.t i, an 1 ui.n > ii !! lai'iiii.'t' in: I « j a rt fin i< m 'in j !ut < III » rr« . i an ; i \ ba-i- j \ i- \ I to Liii'ir <' ire «»I l!.< r'>ijn:r*. a d '.r j nr^ari'jt i:« mill!a' \ lnrrr i^ .i : < .! ;u. an : UM'fui stinr- nla'.iM- l> l'.r j.. i.. »I ritiinlinrnt, ihe » } ImiimiIj » ' .-in.J »b« jir.ij n rlotb an I f j l <2 *'f thr I r»»i>ps. \ : r ii n tin nf t!n* N a \ \ . fu.liriil !> ) artUM nl. &.<*., ibr lr«aU .t 'ill !l U I , IT. Hill' r ..Ml 111 f 11 I « ' } r: »> u iih Santa Vm:*. I'm n* 1' m \ 14 i - - k !i t. . W » !t it a ir i < i . i ; .si t' n I \i- a- miii- >I t.'n* i j< < «'. i i ^ » ia the 'n-t s \ >1 {.; !.i.'..i«" .tin : n i r J tin K-r f>:ir i mii; -!.. tin thi y mi.! ' think "f Urati-m xi t iripttn ! lie < I f. (»< « a a i i:n!i ;>«:: t.t - ti in, serin- in our iuimb! ju!.:m i.l * »nir a«!' Hi-»^. \ml tin giu i.i.._ thil>auta An n l*ml 1 .nil i! i piuti r .1111! ahilii) t-i trial, the idi a .1 turning !ou>r.( - Uitlile-n a imm-tcr at a prrnol xx In their rminiri tta< i rostrate and drfriiCi-. I< s *, vr i rii« in arm ti: I ' . A 'ill It wc\ r nii.rji |*r *: !i"nI Hurin t all i hi- inlvnri> '' mnv i!i*.ij j r«>x «* of tin |«r« ii»)» ntnl » iii* <*j. ni rti .fun 4 ailiptril hi i! e nrtuv, it -hail i vi'i 11 Hard il»« in lli» j'.' Miti'tiiii. ii! T. x is. ' T>i tin- licr.n »if San J.irint i, l'ii *i lent 1!iiiin i vm-'h*. not milt tin* li.iiinr j am! gratitude. hut the lihi-ralii t intl Cfiii r> vi'.t nf their (*m:nti \ he vten- ilcil. Tin- i- a- it -lintiKl be. 'I In* «!e i l< it !i r- ii! l'ir smil, tin* tin '.in '. In .n 1 xv11 i -t' tin nil.! ami l< .rh>- alien ' 111»} i* xxa- filling arm ml thrill. all.! nil nrrii;-- I 1 mi, \i |m fi - 111 i to i'u' r I Im r. am! I.rnx« Ix i:u r. .»»; ! t im1!-<! t'p. n v an i M ini o| er xx lo-iming i im her , cuii* 1 inn ring M.lrix I x tlu'ir tnium--, ami 1 l»ri»»t' »*» * ili'lix i r,iinT .in ! I i \ to iheir emmtit, ih-iixe Minn tiling more thali r'ii| tx II n or-. I he roiinirt iiliirh ilin \ li.uc-.nin! limn » 11. i ruin am! desolation, cannot pat l!ic111 intl liln rallv. Tli" entire inrs-agr ,.t IVc-nlt in Hnr- t nrt in replete xxith iuteir-t, am! 1»\ it- rnlm ami di-passionalc Mttt't I affair-. , am! M-nsihlr rrx n xx m. 11.**ir ttanl*. ivirii culruhiie.! to inspire additional mm . fnlenm in l r t»Infi \ of T»xas among all c|.i««r- \11 uir emnntunii x. BANK AGENCY I . MA I III tenders his sot vires ns ngmi 1 i nt -acting litis in eg* m tht Dank* of latmlcn Sept TflE.rOURSAL: CAMDEN, NOVEMBER 5, ld36. Tlio publisher of th<* Juirnal compelled to throw himself on the choritv of his patron* foi the n.-n appearanie of Lia paper for the last two or three week)). The circumstances which prevented » iu publication were entirely beyond his control, and are not yet entirely removed1 He indulge* the hope that h< v\ ill toon be able to continue i icgularfy In the meantime he assures liis readers that every exertion sha'.i be inudc on bis part to perforin hi* duty, uud that if the paper decs not appear at its usual time, it will be because he cannot get hands to print it. TO C0RRESPODENTS. During tno suspension ot the publication of the Journal, we have mislaid several of our correspondents 1 vors, w hich we had intended to insert, part.cniarl one from G.irrtn Snovci. Ploccii," and two or three others received about tbe stone time, tb~ -ignotures of which are not recollected. If'-Girrm' has a copy of bis communication he will do us a favor by letting us have it. It was too good to be loot. At the election which took place in this Diclrict on the 10th ult.. the following gentlemen were elected. Jons CursscT, Senator Messrs. J D. 'i HBiv, L. J. Patte vso.** and M. M Uvi, Representatives. Wiilms Ilissi-R, Es»] Slirritf. Javes W l.t>c. Eiwj. Ordinary. Tue following gentlemen have Lren elected members of Congress this Slate, viz: Ii. S. Lr- i.Atir, W Tn«»Yri-*o>, F W i'tdEim. J. K. Gur* iiif J 1' uiritardso*, F ii Elmore, w. k. ciowirv, J campbell, and r b. shjtii Tup. Great Rail Road.Thorp were 251 (.hart s iakrn in Uua l> in the Louisville, Cincinnati and Charleston Rail Read II is supposed tbrr«* has been taken in thin Slate thrtt wutlions of !ho «toc -.f ur million* secures the Charter.. There can scarcely wo think, be a doubt but a murk !ar^e» amount ha# Urn subscribed. Home of our contemporaries appear to anticipate : rupture, between the I'nitod States and Mexico. It Atom., t iV. M; C r-.rtra. tin* Mexico Minister made a ]>«. : mptoiy demand that Gen Gai*rB he recalled tr.>:n Nrc-^jdoches, aud on thi^ St .'i;; .* !;» u by t !:o President, he demanded his pon»jv.rts. V. hit to be th« result time alocc v.'iil dt u rtnine. St rrtDu .CSayi the Lincoln Transcript of tire LiM u!t >ir Uitt A'.t sv irmosTTf*, of this countv.i v. fcund dead on the *dl}tli in»i. at hi* rrnrfenrr at tin* Catawba J*;rtne*. with hi* llirral cut.on *Jl«t, a 1" rcr.i-r * wa* held orcr ;!»e !>Ji, and a v- :cV. i t mitcicc br«»u<jht in. It ipris a:« tint I*- had hr*t attempted to accomplish lis < "> ! -.t .; 11 js. y.Lut Uib aim, he It* ! Ni'UJ.-S V \II. Tii -'i4.i will c > n:m .:r- ruou.n on the J"»ih . : > -n.: r. i'.< lure:: .\ctt ^ ;k c:iJ Philadelphia. there will i*- :* » mat!* nitiv t»jv>n the railroads, runninj with the pod < l ilje and carrying the nt r-- im i iTiitt. r. in C"ii»<'ijm-tirr of winch the i.. I. lis! ; «!«,; mil not te charged U'twpcn thcit.t » 'i he v^n.i [ ,!;e> w ii ;,< pursued lct \ ccii I iu!au< ltd i i\-. ! I uitn -err. and iurtliir s nth. w.n it u'ic I parimont, ty the aid of t!*e rj irosii* nr other iiK-atm. can pivc the whole ir. i tin- »irr.e rip. ditn n the npicss. The Ur|uili:nT.! w ill endeavor malic such atf.iip mr»l» v* w ul |.'i\e ttir loisni on the Upper te thr ti_*:i .N. \ Jcf"*v. the nme mail tacil.tie* t!.- y iv a rv.y v. ir.j tliort'r to irspTOTO tile in An »r v d are tin- feei| Atiolls firmed bv the Tost* ma*t< ' < » wt ii in tcrrnee to the matter to be vr.i< t cd t* v thin .a.! I' i': 1111 : i Ih rirr>iMT. ) t )cl»brr tiJii. I ~.U». ) Jl, ulahjas !'>r thr f'.ijtrrss Mail. i .S i. ttii* v< ill le M-nt bv tlxm mail, except . ; i ii. «\ r itirij u je n them the words " Kz I1 » J "V-irc letters. not h tl« containing tnonry, n< r 1. t;r-- racceding halt an ounn in weight, e*pntdic despatches, nor any trs or i>.i i.V. .11 W sent l>v th:» mat! 11 It >iier» {tossing a trank. or containing morn' y. «r u fining nmrv than halt" an < mrr, be pot ti to |Hi»t o Ih or» marked I rprtt> the po*»twiii i-r4»o th'w ta .rus. and arud them by tin* ordinary in&i! J Ail Irltri* and ptlhhr despatches »rnt by thi» mail t\ til l«e charg- d t\ till tuple tin* usual rate* of postage. .*i le tter* mark* d " llaprcs Mail.' and put into post otl>« not i n the line ot the ox press. will Lc tent by that hue wii-n thr\ reach it, and mil be charged, whore put .n with triple postage for the whole distance KJ.tor* tie" ipapers have i right to reente « \n» In this niai!. from all rt« »spapert» which :!n-i may nmv receive re by the ordinary mail, nt oann"t rrm tl;e k j>» and the newspaper* 'nilli I ft f* iris tu I \<a rwMil i*a *«lor - > " 4 ..... :harj;< the nr«>)ii;vr» w :tl. ji'.bta^r 7 ijp» fp'in ncw*;«a;-'f*. nr.- » rr.n!J part* of n.*\i bpaprra «* «. t i -'up* »p«T pmilfJ by rv>»|U|M i j.uo'i»lwr». t- i mo the intraf r>t nt, olrlgii Hllii t! Jin? i| i blip ran hr rc* iv. rt Jr>-. i t Mr b-) u»i tirvi «pnj« r; and itinerate i.iibt it «'j< rt«5 in birr t\*« c.-lumne of *ueh nrwi a jw ? ~ Ni-i' r s>li|'» mi;»t »liov. < n llinr fjf- from i '..nt n.--.x i..->;. > i!;. \ r mr. an.l >.rc toff put into Im p v. oifir.- p»-n. u itii ih«- -.1 iho dilor r>r M'wapajb-f tor w h -io dvnjjniil »!ibtin<"t!v written ipoll tlirin I'obtiiiantrrs will pi:* all for the aanio < in a p.arkr' . i !l -.t p'nr» tg^mmmrnmmm., . ,, ^ ,JXJgg& i/.'/;/1* f.s Ot i l't.I> i. IV I. mr'..Itonf, to John Rosier. wnli nu hamli-e lor I*. M ( ask til T. J R<»«>cr, aii'l \. II. V«tifTln of Can:Irn o.t 14.-I om Ohm.' hoat, (o John Ri1"* er. Willi u rrrhnmlw for V.. J. Cierahl, J* ' I >iil. I nj- || I.. iv, J Picaliop & Co., J ^ * I'.w n, 1' I \ ilh-pijtjo Shannon, M hw fa I o ol t af:ill* ti, rt|nl () J. IhP, "n<) I W. lltiftr of tin.1 Interior. MAUIMT'fi « . ;i.-t-1 ;-« ' i il r J H 1*Iiomih. ' V j , v i A ( rf I nnrsptorv : \; ., , |». « r ?*'* n-'er Pidtirt.

Transcript of TflE.rOURSAL: iY«*iilr, Congress, · Surface, fin-ling that hi* paru nil; not li' lti io his....

Page 1: TflE.rOURSAL: iY«*iilr, Congress, · Surface, fin-ling that hi* paru nil; not li' lti io his. f.ibr.citturo* n »oui I'm«svlianin ami New Jerary. in tin fact m Jacts n «»v n »t

Fr >:u the Southern Patriot.FKOM JACKSONVILLE.

> Tim Sclyxiuer (riurgt: .1lury, C.ipt.Wilue, arrive i hero ainiu: '2 o'cl >k. I*. M.f o:n Jack*onvi||,. a c have roc fiveJ theJacksonville CiHirt- r of the 13th inst. fn»;nwhich we have copied the ((lowing*

Jacksonvu.le.Oci. 13\Ve hoar partly from rmnor I ut mostly

f-oni iindiubted authority, that iho <h't »ch- jmenu of Tewlessee tr Kips havo'kiiled sing-g'Mtg Indiana to the number oi lounccu. «»

13 to be hoped that the report and puicr d

impression .arc true.that oven the stampsand hammocks «»; Florida ailed no jnfe reftgc f>r the Indian. Irosn iIicimM and braveTentissceius. **h'»uld this{>.iigu close

the war, n.-» cverv Irieii I o1 I'J uicla dcvoitlvvri»hc.«, thoe'e «» !» u ill return to their OAti

State, their friends and hjincs, wearing the.laurel* of glory.

At the due of our litest i:U-llijetice. Gov.Cat! wa« si ill a' Fort l)r tic. tnd r< «r t - if4,,he i* short of provision- and lor »g<* .Supplies'Mustso .n reuhlnm It is f.ipp:wdhe nill m0!| be on tin? (.) utlil icliocv. andthat supplies \«.||| b bro ight up t'«at tiv»-r

Kong" has ere it >.v (cached Vi'Ium i, andMaJ. Pierre, v. i h Ins co.nuiand, lias undoubtedlyjoin- d the Governor.A n«:nth-mari of i!ic Vrtnv in a letter to

Col. Dell, ol this place, to vvho-e jvoliteursswe are indebted for a j«cru9al, thus sjn-aka ol

Maj. Pierce." lie is a fine fellow.2oiug a head.

taking all tin* responsibility to aid Gen. ("a!!with forage Ac. with -ut watting, n« tonic t,|lb« rest do. for a special order tor every " hxifbithe expends."Tbc same writer snv*. the question of ri*n-

raand between (»rn. Jesup-md Gov < "^ti »*

settled. lien. dors not cNmi it, Lotoffers to take any command the (iorrmor «:il

gi*chito. The Guv-ruor gtvo him the commandof lit* own regul ir-. in number,sod the Cp-ck Indian.*. C'-M) «:i number..

TVy left Tatnpt on the li.»th ult . and arc

supposed to be on the OuuhUchachv.No news frotn Gov. Call since the C^.Ii

ult.Reliance can be placed on the above statements,as thry come !r«>:a» a gunth'tnan vrlto

ought -o know the facts and is above miss: atingthem.The Indians have doubtless concentrated

their forces, and probably they err ri ncilconsulting whether to y n Id ««r tight till thelast man of them i* sjain. I'rom the pastWinter and the* Seminole char cter, uc can

hardly anticipate any other aitr mattve thanthat they will, iu one way or a*i tlier, co:i-'ttnoe th«- war la re:Extract from 2 letter to the editor, d 1

.Mtcw.i-v, Oct S;h, I " 'el. ;" We arrived here icMt-rdt) with May

Pierce and about ltKi rrgu! ir* We n:«-t

fOQ of Gor. Call » volunteer- «:»d-r Col.Cuthbert, at SatitafTee, 4. -n 3 !d;u »mi escortor to hurrv nn provisions t.» ih- G »; rnor,who, with IT'K) rn n. lal« !y -arrived .it

Kort Drauc. probably <»u the ".J Toryhsft ihts place on the .*» 1. m l »» * dd mile.*00 towards Santa# at IhinirU' place, theysurprised and killed t.»wr In !uiu. i'hehouse is situated alnni 1<VI i.kN from theload, aod feeling ilium- !w « p». rb ct!v cure

from observation, were an! pr-paringa meal, but tue tininkc let the - cr- t o..t

e.nd the rolufv.rcrs surrounded them Th-ynil run and attempted to brake through thline but were phot down making i> >

tftftco. 1 was at tho h-oi-e ie*tcrda\. andStdlr f Dmxrlla's cousin i was t lie »x-

emitted the dead bodic«. and is of the opiliionthat they were Creaks. lie »ty» no

Seminole ever g'ers fr-» u hone *i j. >.#rIydressed as these were, -'it «jl v.! jin v.u-. inked.

' Wr expect to leave to-n^hi for ' iotcrnorCall's h«-id qiuters, and Ipmi tncticc we

do not yi knov." IV Indians have dug up al-novi even

thing the troops buried «»n leaving this,place in the snnunecr, .»nd cren I.irut.\Vheelock's irrave was vi-s'erdw I >und opent» m


on our arrival Tiny had dug to 1 lie eolhtihot left it unmolested wltcu they discoveredit to be a gr.

From the Richmond Kcjiirer jG LOR 101*S Ni;\V>.

The Key stone of the Arrh i> sn fr .

Penusy Jvaui v i» regc.tcrafed an I <!: t.thrilled.Win n hi the year *911. she firstbroke the f« drral phalanx |»v rlrrting GovernorM'Kean, she scattered timm-ay intotheir rank*, ami gave t!»c* fir-t assurance


of the success of the Republican cnu-e.

Her victory of (he last w-rh is still muredecisive and iriumpliant' Nev :-r h i« therel»cen a more signn! defeat. N« \ cr has thedeniorracy obtained a more gl'>r..iuti virlory.It ha* con e upon the \\ log*, likethe hand-wri ing upon the walls of He),nhizzar's I'alire.The Whigs had fl ittert ) 1 Iteinsi Ives,

thai the Bank of the I nited Siit« s |ui,|wound licrsell *o r.:» ;\ nrnuni tn,

intervals of the Stair. tJi\>iu-»sons and Wings had j rmcil « » powerful <t

roaliiinn.that the t*ririrl« ..| \\ ..It a:,,iMuhlrnburg had become » » far nln iiat.tjfrom each otfior.that tlir p:ilrnnijjc . I

the ofiire-holders w.u hi powerful .'.hattLip presence of the (' »fv|ucring Ih ro

tronld work such mirae|r<.ami that it « ;»<

fo «a«v to excite a jea!oij.> between Pennsylvaniaam! .Nrvr York. that these andother cause* wot. Id j rove irr shtible. nn:!that their tirtory wj* srr.irr. Ilmv I»111did they know the spirit of I»rr People!'fhejr hare risen i:t all their -in n^th. andhnrat asttnJer all ilie roll- of the Hwik.all the influence of J'inladclphai, all thepatronage of office. all the atteuj 's t<»

produce a jealnusv between the u n greatSlate*. Ther haven risen in the inejesttof their strength, ar.'l exhibited one of ther»p,»njr<? rxnrrtplc*. th*t l.-as ever been

civcn, of the moral courage, \iith xvli.-iha free people rati subdue < >.rv ..ifiicAiy.I'hr jc.i t r >«l' ine B.r * . f. et» failed ofits i H" :: a:111 thai :»> crou* inslituti »n.

uhirli u ,is ex^ ;«<1 ; » conquer the iY«*iilr,i* ii mv c .v. rine til lluir f . t

Ucco at i! ;c our ii« [ iIjm. »n frii.n**rilizvns :»; the t; *r! » t.iunph! AilSiai!, i. <iit. T-!» -%' ii!.:;.c ^ Kn9' O <

>t.iih* <1 I!.< I * >.!.' h!I i t'i»' lavi uvror, i:i *Vi). IVnn*'.IfivJii.lhi r:i«*fi ol'n r.

i.i'I »u* *. ! ;:i: ' aiue jire.ii I*rpuhlieuuprinciple*. { |S!6, ilny uiii «! » ti e

" nit''. \ '* ! if l'< i 1 v .,i i i !.j>'tool t i j j« r principle*, i*i ilr.'iaiice oftin j i»v. rrfiji i -. i l u i. v.! ,v*h r, i n t. j1r e t

»'l ! a p 'i: i Ii- I ,i ^ -: it r i r i. t ! o <>n rtrrciimi « « r, v.-.- . \ . r_''ii-j, ! > J.iie n«»

«u -'i .Mvfi. i > !w . sin h <r !»:rti *« -:, n.i*t < t'li* yl ri iir»

c.» ir-e which IV u lvi tnai ii-ijMil 1.1 l;s

/Vi'ivyVTij';.- i 1 K i''2<>i«<-rr rar'i"

i » r«« n > :i ! i-« be < enre»se I !> v i cm; It *

such as I <>«« i.i IVntisi ii uu i ami \t u

Ji-r-cv. which \ve rc forrsrcn hi u:o»t oj

the politicians \v:i » ilo not >ijtr»-r theiru i he* i i outrun their ju.lutncni.', It tc 1«-»tfi( in.

"In-teai of looking into tht:»I \ f»-» beneath their (Vet, let ihrtn In- kaloft, with »oiup conliibnce in thorns' 1 v«..but a ^r. al ileal more in the f i tn licit no

f a u lac l'rovi iencr."uv, shis is excellent a«! ire! Tin* i;*iliajSurface, fin-ling that hi* paru nil;

not li' lti io his. f.ibr.c itturo* n »oui I'm«svlianinami New Jerary. in tin fact m

Jacts n «»v n »t ri-Mjs to all «i» tvorhi, »»,Cliiinjts litem to take the leap I .* n.'ii'

, .


X'. ry v. |.o>J,m£.'i ;;i* is s.n;11 thing like t'u con >l.i im

he tvuiiM give a n retell ro It ninoi t«

lake l.'.e hap 1 r tiii the l »J> I e I irp i n .

rock: Do not I oik into the ah\ t« beneathv n.r J it. look aloft. nut some 1; ii»r"i«t m toe t'ectla \ »u h»w t! -ne, be ,i

^f'-at b al more in the rtreji mess ol l*io '

»..i- re." \\ e are glai to *"c t;.e»c Cot;.joti;> ;-i:: jj» , f con*«. ;rnrr r >

in t h n 1< r«. i« j.r id ><J r>

j'.n a .r ; st it c ilcith-!»el re.ien.lie.Hut U hv (!')Ca not t h n (lift itcf,ail.i ."»* all a < .e j.'et :i >ei]. el. II Inc«

toe ti c:;,.*., that the resu.t in I'enu-l-ta.tit n ::i i In-* |»art\, r.mltsN

»n u m'is. while he i* rue 'ura^iu^ hi*Iriv:;'s ( !.» »k a! an 1 l»a;» iut«»" »!n' ah;-s beneath their leek" without'ra<;iU^ 1 .1 eve-. t > ^rc (!i<- ( the

i in: i which ih«*\ arc jieraujih J t>»


I': a t!j~ Aujjo»U l*oar»T.\ i I he huh uia. i-t a r'U I ab ;«g j

S.»i r*. in the ^.»u\h; ut nut i decent!r> i.icj.i.t i i an\ nrei *t» i-l the I ni'.t

»t «:r3 a." u » ».i\ -ur'i ir.te-.'.iun i.r w . :«

«i;» iii-. j»a r t \\ < ii \ a!w-n » < »n**ri'«Ivi 1 *di J r .>»i ler the A! it i.kit m.<1%. » u run:<u:- juaiJ, wi:!i ut ji»»n» <: i iifr, » . 1 w ;'.d .csn.» .<» i uc .1

! liaL'^ht with | ubljr mill to «

r«'M Ivtrs ainnn^ the |*a&ri«>19 i»j the r.m itm . NVr «ur*»rlt !> piu* thr:n nil ihr erne

c.jUCiiec, ail ihe con»ii'craU'i:» thr\ hate.Vu I ih:* a:i«*;nj*t !<> rrra'.c an rxni' men;

< :« this I Jic !ia I lis nti^nn jii this .>S ii«

111 ;^ V'° \N heart, r ;!n a ita'"f Ineki ilhi iii rial t >*r public « >«";:« ::?« tit 1 r- :n I. .«

iJu.arv Ii iMii «»r Wo»,Mn ih La. i y t'iri w it; tin* faee 't. a* I..11 « : hrrau'i brinmtunc, t» riAnidlr t.'ie Lln/.r «»j< \ ii j»at>Alull* ami <n fit i te roar >1 l :r r iiJ?

i." kioli. W ' \ II ihi huh'ub *b tt:i.k. f ... f ^ I ^},I .1I ,| ,* ' " ' «*'

tiir present prri'tii. i» rPijuir* * »«-« \pn n i

lion to under stand. I hrr< an not I \» <»

wa\ - i thinking at the South .>ti th« subjectof interfering w 11It our *!sv < property,ami hp ought not to say, that tin tr en

at the .N i th. suclt is flit- iinrtriKi disparttvin rvtTt respect, tn numbers, wealth,talent ami influence between iljp greatbody of the intelligent patnots ui thatsection, and the hand-lull < 1 misguided,tricked fanatics, whose success would prepsfrlor llieiiwt Ives a scat di«grac«- ami'!lite ruin* 1 ihi w co ntrv. \H/i» v«« .. r-rl'tskeep tip tlrts dtsCUSM -n at lh< **< nth,nil 1 rescue these plotter* "I inisrhit ( iftnt lie ob!» t i"ii l<> u hi cli tiny tin 1, we t

kli'l ni'tiU no explanation. It can hi bushort lived.Th« 7th of .V»veu»htr utlipiohahlv put an end to the disputes aboutthe better or worse p »!»<-\ ol doing tin- » r

thai with their knocking* at ihe doors < (

Congress, ami the country will rest from11s agitation, for a line at Ic *'..till some

other I act ion sha I i m i ok « e v < r \ t v i a genetunder 1 leaven ! » ani its I.'ts.'i ptirj- "i

in nrraving one | orlinn I m.r haj pvcountry against am>t n r. n:i ! tints v.e .skewingI hi* sarr i to » which him! us tngrwierin "iip gn 4i t.wmlv r«m o rti n. \S »

»a» llurc I* lio «:; \« r s t \ ol i!i on*

ihr subject among its. litnv man. uoniinan I child stands in deadly hostilitytoauv such policy. An! tin- n\. rw helmingw« ight of soiri 1 opinion at the !S >rthcreates mailv the si me security there.Then. v\h\ should we he eternally wranglingb mt nothing. and magnifying an 1

agitated puddle into the iTcnn in a tempist 1 Sober. honest, pattiuiir penile o! '

the South, answ i r. '

f r o : i \ 11 r \ \\ \ r #» if m:*tt

Youthful !h pmnty:.Tin* record* r>l

our criminal courts have rccnnh < xlnh.trd i

an alarming incr« aso in the number of \onth- <

ful crt'nifia!:i v\ h»». I»v a |>r«"tnafuritv 1:1 i

wickedness, appear In outstrip nlmoM alllheir older predecessors hi jjmll. At the «

last term of the Court of Sessions, no less Ithau (write yo'.nijr men, of rather premises- ,

siri^ appearance and some cf llicni the sons < ! |

InjMt rcspectah!c parcntt, were convict';!! y

of aggravated felonies, which suhjecicJ themto various terms of imprisonment in theState prison, front 1*2 month- to 2 years; whilemm r# cliirg^d uth crime* of little les- heiiio'.isnfs*of chaaacu-r, vet' rem on to hetried. 1'his (. arful augmentation of thenumber ol voting male critnin .h, u filch attin: <i y of their romance was so cltxj lentlyanJ aonropriateU commented hv the itccor-

4 4

d'-f, I*(ore adjudging them ;o their drearyalr-xle* ii Sing Sing, is a subject worthy ofthe must serious reduction, and commends;;>« li to the solemn attention of a mora! and\ irtoons community.

It I* very evident to every ruber mindedobserver, that the crime is mi general i!:e offspring«d a tn glected or vicious educationand "oinpaiiiou^iiiji; and thit where the halmsof the club! are suffered to shape themm!ve> according to his own whims or a majority of cases he will crowupto infamy and rum. The ct.lpib!e negligenceoi parents m this matter, i? <»!u-nvt'tteil upon the.., ujili Tcngcanc*-, in tin;poignant and heartfelt ago.-.y experiencedin the d;-gr ice ari l ignomtnio::- p .ntshmeji i,f the cinS I. i! > v olten are the bosen* oi mothers in tde to bleed, on accountot tin' intainou^ conduct of their son*, wininstead ot being i > <! .ce t > *i:pj»o.-t thein in

their advancing v^ars, are a lumg reproachto ih" I unity name and » withering rur-c tothe being* who bore thru.! At the la-t termof the court, I he n><> o' voting Tryoii andMulhgin lur ed themselves u;»o!i the attention,from their prominent place in the cul-mdnof crime. The Lifer of th-e w as notmore than « ighteon vrors ot age. a i l ther ~ . i ~ . i - ... *

* 2w'ii v' 11 11MKr i ii »»J «»% ii; * f *i»* ' si.i rompu»v uuh mi <>!J .ijiJ ti rdin-1 »STr«i«jcr, t?i»*y m«Tr !m:»ih! mn.'tv <1 a tw>»t ai,;ritaicilcl of rubh.rv in t*!« f::>t <! .'<cr,v. Jiicll S".i!>j-*clrcJ n! tlirrn ten, Ujd til*tlx r I*> :t (I \t j I, .tfll» m

in tlx* .-late j»riM>:i. At tin? tins'* « ! i.;< trtri >!-, it hj* tru!*. jMtnlui ! ) »i'nt!x*!*»'ii,j ol i:t i i.i r* and 'tsteo'' fr.*' '-.f the r}'*c.»- W I lit* tvfrjrhrdturn in ! . »»r:r »* ln\, shtxsMoalu^iwjtii ati^tjirh «j! i;v in, md jHJtirwij theirihar- v.ali r do n the clin k* l.< :r

»t«orcd t»r<; h r-> »n.J > Ami thisi", tj:j*» ;j»piiv, >: .iii-'i'iici m spc ».vie; »tidttr iaox-iit lu j>ec I.'I 1 l. 1' monthly becomi^t:i >re common A id u!.! s» vnmii ut' ii arr*« pt under more -tr!.*t patem il r- .tratt ! not H to roam t!;r »: roots at

at; i »niu.j!c ::i the society «».' the hardritrnculpiri, a;; i the «»}il «i:id abandoned * j 11.»:rt,»*i* shall b( called up >n often to mourn over

ilit* exhibition o! -uclr .-cenes as tlifx*, Parent*.will be ct!*od u;»o:i i> wtrip hi t< .rs

ol litter (Iter lire crirniii ility of t!t«*ir son**, as

they con^neJ by tb«* .-c iloncr «». a cojflto suffer a moral d« atli. utiles the. exert a

fUore j>*»tcjJl Uifl . vtj.'f otor their mind* :ncimaimers « All tin**"* yout'jjtn » ' !:ij urro thus -hut out Irotn tin* It^htot I. ' ;tv ami v>c:rt», had Inrrn |»-*ru»j*i«--!t i sp« ti ! t'.c r nights I'o;n !:o:tt<*. m tin* »,... t ! I . I . 1- . t. » .k i i * i< .. i M j'. * * " ii . * ,

at: ! i i ; jr; j^cice o! i "to t!» .v.« r-'

c<»a. i ' r.J i j * :i r c: 11' - hojv i i i |» t r at

cur-'' Tit hi^.iii!« i I olio r> are tr .» i:..'I .r li t* "i'*ic tire; !!'.! «!« >::<j\; .11 i unir**chcct;< 2 I'V ih>; t:u;* !*. it*?* rv-titi ti ol a id-id.

moral i <iiiiii>|i , v. til i ff l»«* louiui 111 4

felon"* jitiMii, arid !>» ln;rn-»l hi .i t»-! »i» 4

,;rtvf I.' l the ii-f!vnelioli I »t" «»! tliov* a h<»have tliut li Jen, be a *oi nrt ivuriuig a» theyan»j^ m« n ol our ci:v, let ih--v .t!*o barein t!i moral pretJaina and «! in:iit;g disgracea::d ruia ol :ln.?c hair di«crilx:®.

i'n'un^f.The « i»o!«* c-itaa^J)- of lite Lill*IrtJ St.lie* from I "ill'i ;o li e present Mine,3 JTt- '! l! » -t tbml £21 . <HJ.OfHI 1(1 JJolil, £ I-l

»W2 ia -i til «->.*21« «*i I « eat* amii ail" cva>. u t'l U )i 1 a IXK»llD U't 1 Co'MC-l *lllv'- .1* .1 ii!| -!l ) ! ill'

i.i i t _o t 'IV.M uj.s im * i: m i -» » n«- u- » « .1 1 «

i/1 I I.t* » 1^1. liwli ;ft

J * is ! I f.< .'' J I ' '

rt i!l j : » 1 il'i\ 1:1 < :r <;!.: :» i>. ii. I. j >*:

.M rrh tit \t \\ 11!.in tin* |oM * t' li 11 I .1

ti*jr»,',!,I I'd «j 1«r»« r tl>«!i.irIn'.'* Im rfi dime.*, 311J" I J**7,7twt lull tiiijji o

" ( rrru'it'-nt! "t.«- it in c* nt«-fjij»Iat»uti. * ns 1!. (i!.»!/< ,

" l>» i*r jc UifM* iit*w coins ! » t isi' the place»( ;1m* c< nt. nlticli I- !' > t>u!ki ami u

!r 1 r »tirh a w» I'll «. no in Im m .do «.t

3 iitiiiurr oi h!w r .iii't niio, liitin!!coin, mli l»" oj ilu- a filter (nil

«'» tin* «4 si jijv-cc* «iil Ik? ut lfir* m/.»* n?

l.iC ten ectil; ridJ tin* two ati«l it lull cent

piece \t i!i l>*_* ul the *»izt ol .1 «j 1 irter dollar.'

f. \Ti:sr 1-ltOM TKXAS.The latent 1 itfl!i*j''tir» frnin lix.t« t<

en:,;ti:n i| in t!»r* ('*>!It*w in*» rWfiirU Iri in

t!n N r v. t »r |n:n fit:!It ti 1 « 1 tfit* "di'lli nt tlJI -1 1 * t .1 r !.

\t n !rtt«* Iiour I.nt tn^lit It v 1'ie *r)ir.S!.i juiidnnfi. 1 M re. {". t:i \ eI.IM-M,T, x ... i>ii i'm* I I ;Ii iml.Kit, nc t*. c|o

I' I :s * si s£ I \ j-'.rt im p *"* ''I .'I llif Nit->ii^t'

.( I'i i >i !«*nt Htjrni-i, t.» tin* fir«ll'c\ an ("iirijri «. »*. lilt!) tvr .t r «* fnnliltilin fr« it \ rll'»:». tn lit In fnrt* iMir

ii !t is t!.;* i .tun.nj .I Mft»n* it|

<»rift i:>»1! 1 jm; ih'H hi Tex."i", and t!i:»l theunit 11 > ijnullv .it in "1.1 «|n;irt«*r *..

I .it'ttt Jt If Mil.ill I** J nlilltnll. I fit I* "I tilllr\i.itii; r 11 r. I j-rlimiiter I trie p« 11 fit nee,

In'.l sit Marion nl»t»tll 11.« I Otli in«t'I It Mi *«.ii;e ! | l't 1*5m!cut lIiMisimi, mi

t**isiiiiii|> ih«* rliair ol "Mate, t\ ill prtdmI)tt acfi 11 h 11 \ tin* licit r. ivuh.

I lie M. (4f..i»t* «»l l'rcudcnt Unmet,ivltirli tie puMi-lied yesterday, i.« a w.-illirittrii ant! able document. nnd iinf..|.U in

- -*» I'.-.-.r. ... iin«p nil I I. Ii ' ii «n .UP i - n 11 i m* »i

i .iiiiajjfi, n, » t s ami prosperl* oJ thenluil Itepuhlir. Tim* tenor of the wholeI'roiiuetion i« manl\ ami «1 i -tuliei!, am! them ntinn nt* to the tintii are »urh its mightii a tirijMteil ir-un the first nmyistrjte itI

i people lighting i" «! 'fe nee of their own

ree«loin ««ml right!*. The ih-u.. nf thewriter, upon the subicet* ol iii«m itnpor-

lance to ihe country, art- Just, ant) evincean acquaintance with its wants and resources,which was liar ily expected from'one so rec. ntly raili-d to prc>i '« at thehead of a newh organized k-«»v. rrinimt.'t'lie finances ol the eouritrt ai< lir*: presentedto the consideration of i n: Congress,as demanding carlo si attc tin»,ami alter <l< tailing tin* proceedings «»f thrProvisional <i>.vei mucin, together uitnthose of the C »ininissiourrs and other authorizedagents, for the procuration offunds to Mistain tliein in (he arduousstruggle in which they \v» re engaged, thematter is refered t > Congress, with an lh«-v will as soon as possible.ldoltl SOIIll* lll'riil.ilicii! :tm! .r «v<.

I 1 . "

toiii, I r 11.c ru;-iri4 of * revenue t<» defrayl!ir onjmmi-»i»i lie win « »i.mcr.l.The « ircu:n>t.mcrif o. the I»»« loan?. eflV-ctid zn tins cuv, and the <iirticuiti»*s consequentupon u.->f loans. arc brieiIy,.ml then s ihnutlcd ! > «lie deci-ton »»f the

representative* ul ihc people. "l"l»x-» vvc arcpl to perceive, as \vr h no hilhenhloI-arci! Irrmi t!i«: vu.h: misunderstandingw Inch seemed lope van' between ijic takrisoi the loan and thr Texnn Cabinet, t.,atttic credit of the country was likely to beseriously fllT-ct- d W« a iticipato, however,t:i«t lite wisdom of the nc.v t*onpr< ss, uillprovide some way lor the fair adjustment ofthe dilhc.hti > i.ho ^a'.i-l.:c«; <u *»i ail<*on« eru»The take rs ul the 1 mil, aswe have he ii inhumed, it{used to advane»?loo balance lit the loan. brrau>elltry c ifici irtoj the g«»v« r ftme til of Trx-sto Le acting i:i La i 2 tilh to thorn, in icJ.v!tto > in the compact tutored into uiilt*?.< :r ntilh tr:z«o! a-j' i:'» and c iintnissinn-i Iirlucv! ! ;. an anlr-ut 5\(nputli} I rt:u* S'jli"-j ;ii .ilH.iMi.i s ul an i'jjTt's ii i'ctij ! . i.irv Ii.i i at!vaiKMMi iimnv\ 1:1 support i S.irir, at a timev invj it w?.- :n ami '!rni.ri(! Iirrr. amiu n* bearing « hi^fi laliic, upon rnmlitiimsbrit tin* ;<n crniiif it >( l\ \a« w -uI«Ja*tlieuiIan nt h l;xc-i price, v\ {)i< 1 *

p iff i< ui.i t>c r> Jin n.brrvd. u is c nrliI nv»-r tii »:i sht inir f:! v. i it !i I <,\.is lan-ir.«rrthfi r< !!;:;... !i ! « I; l!:» in st:r-i »\c! an i .- ! in a> I < \ thoughtU:. ui:vr a rrrlai.i perio-l. I r li e r< im '

luir-' iik til i.l IMir I non this '

*ti.> part ul ibr moon \\ » < | .:i i.but !ic ) thi a jVrrniNrnl icJ'u.-.ri! t r u.!'i .e r.»:; !i;i >, :).c balance u>* u .In h:.The rrrt'i! « ! a i:a': »n, j art.cnlarl»a ni'iv i nr. must lie prrati v (i« [»* n«l « 1 j

fi.r !'.« ro iiniumrc i:» ihr I-.:I!.! Ir.4 -~1 1.....t. ...t.._i 1 1

\. h i nun.; .1.. .. » r .iixruns a?i' l'.r:in!.]nmi n t!u* r.isi t>( I*r\^is %\ * n r» iiiurii

( that in liii*. in.*' nici- i!ir o « h « hjus b» * n jciraurc! nil! n.'TVr! ifu'ir rrcnil;t'lili > » t!.r j rtiiirnrr «.j' tiir ("unjrt«< ranavi rt liu* l Hjirwdia £ iT r. I !' I a k i r«a i- <!u* .iisl'.i i; ti.i \ . .1 :i n« i'.hrr I bark

ir till) : ijm; ! j*;t! :.»r v. lh» \

C iif 11.

i > rati-f"*. ill j .i..i n. ji v ti:ii ! !ir ! -In i l 'in... i< iu » u 11 r i ir 1*. f

! i: !: I i h t r :> ; 11 { ; '.. 11 t:< r. - ! j : a -

ihi in mi \ ;i«.' M ; i" n !. i u: r. I ir I: i r. .ii. I t i r >« ;, ! 1l ..-i !.tr a rr ;nil: i »!-i nr. i. J ;!: < > n \ < i t i j> | .». .

i iii> n H i! ; i n.j1 'c 'tr i !.i r- < ! tiir i >.»;

1.1 rcr« i\i- I I liir Jul! all) I.nt nil l!i »*. tl v

i ! i»i:ci'*'i \ c >n!r.t i, an 1 ui.n> ii !! lai'iiii.'t' in: I « j a rt fin i< m 'in

j !ut < III » rr« . i an ; i \ ba-i- j\ i- \ I to Liii'ir <' ire «»I l!.<

r'>ijn:r*. a d '.r j nr^ari'jti:« mill!a' \ lnrrr i^ .i : < .! ;u. an -« :

UM'fui stinr- nla'.iM- l> l'.r j.. i..

»I ritiinlinrnt, ihe » } ImiimiIj »' .-in.J »b« jir.ij n rlotb an I f

j l <2 *'f thr I r»»i>ps.\ : r ii n tin nf t!n* N a \ \ .

fu.liriil !> ) artUM nl. &.<*., ibr lr«aU.t 'ill !l U I , IT. Hill' r ..Ml 111 f 11 I « '

} r: »> u iih Santa Vm:*. I'm n* 1'm \ 14 i - - k !i t. . W » !t it a ir i

< i . i ; .si t' n

I \i- a- miii- >I t.'n* i j<<

«'. i i ^ » ia the 'n-t s \ >1 {.; !.i.'..i«" .tin:n i r [« J tin K-r f>:ir i mii; -!.. tin

thi y mi.! ' think "f Urati-m xi t iripttn1»! lie < I f. (»< « a a i i:n!i ;>«:: '« t.t -

ti in, serin- in our iuimb! ju!.:m i.l * »nir a«!' Hi-»^. \ml tin giu i.i.._thil>auta An n l*ml 1 .nil i! i piuti r .1111!ahilii) t-i trial, the idi a .1 turning !ou>r.(- Uitlile-n a imm-tcr at a prrnol xx Intheir rminiri tta< i rostrate and drfriiCi-.I< s *, vr i rii« in arm ti: I ' I« . A 'ill It wc\ r

nii.rji |*r *: !i"nI Hurin t all i hi- inlvnri> ''

mnv i!i*.ij j r«>x «* of tin |«r« ii»)» ntnl » iii*<*j. ni rti .fun 4 ailiptril hi i! e nrtuv, it

-hail i vi'i 11 Hard il»« in lli» j'.' Miti'tiiii.ii! T. x is. '

T>i tin- licr.n »if San J.irint i, l'ii *ilent 1!iiiin i vm-'h*. not milt tin* li.iiinr jam! gratitude. hut the lihi-ralii t intlCfiii r> vi'.t nf their (*m:nti \ l« he vten-ilcil. Tin- i- a- it -lintiKl be. 'I In* «!e i

l< it !i r- ii! l'ir smil, tin* tin '.in ;« '. In .n 1

xv11 i -t' tin nil.! ami l< .rh>- alien '

111»} i* xxa- filling arm ml thrill. all.! nilnrrii;-- I 1 mi, \i |m fi - 111 i to i'u' r IIm r. am! I.rnx« Ix i:u r. .»»; ! t im1!-<! t'p. n v

an i M ini o| o» er xx lo-iming i im her , cuii* 1

inn ring M.lrix I x tlu'ir tnium--, ami 1

l»ri»»t' »*» * ili'lix i r,iinT .in ! I i \ to iheiremmtit, ih-iixe Minn tiling more thalir'ii| tx II n or-. I he roiinirt iiliirh ilin \li.uc-.nin! limn » 11. i ruin am! desolation,cannot pat l!ic111 intl liln rallv.

Tli" entire inrs-agr ,.t IVc-nlt in Hnr- t

nrt in replete xxith iuteir-t, am! 1»\ it-rnlm ami di-passionalc Mttt't I affair-. ,am! M-nsihlr rrx n xx m. 11.**ir ttanl*. iviriiculruhiie.! to inspire additional mm .

fnlenm in l r t»Infi \ of T»xas amongall c|.i««r- \11 uir emnntunii x.

BANK AGENCYI . MA I III tenders his sot vires

ns ngmi 1 i nt -acting litis in eg* m thtDank* of latmlcn Sept


Tlio publisher of th<* Juirnal compelled tothrow himself on the choritv of his patron* foi then.-n appearanie of Lia paper for the last two orthree week)). The circumstances which prevented »

iu publication were entirely beyond his control,and are not yet entirely removed1 He indulge*the hope that h< v\ ill toon be able to continue iicgularfy In the meantime he assures liis readersthat every exertion sha'.i be inudc on bis part to perforinhi* duty, uud that if the paper decs not appearat its usual time, it will be because he cannotget hands to print it.

TO C0RRESPODENTS.During tno suspension ot the publication of the

Journal, we have mislaid several of our correspondents1 vors, w hich we had intended to insert, part.cniarlyone from G.irrtn Snovci. Ploccii,"and two or three others received about tbe stonetime, tb~ -ignotures of which are not recollected.If'-Girrm' has a copy of bis communicationhe will do us a favor by letting us have it. It wastoo good to be loot.

At the election which took place in this Diclricton the 10th ult.. the following gentlemen were Jons CursscT, SenatorMessrs. J D. 'i HBiv, L. J. Patte vso.** and

M. M Uvi, Representatives.Wiilms Ilissi-R, Es»] Slirritf.Javes W l.t>c. Eiwj. Ordinary.Tue following gentlemen have Lren elected

members of Congress this Slate, viz: Ii. S. Lr-i.Atir, W Tn«»Yri-*o>, F W i'tdEim. J. K. Gur*iiif J 1' uiritardso*, F ii Elmore, w. k.ciowirv, J campbell, and r b. shjtii

Tup. Great Rail Road.Thorp were 251(.hart s iakrn in Uua l> in the Louisville, Cincinnatiand Charleston Rail Read II is supposedtbrr«* has been taken in thin Slate thrtt wutlions of!ho «toc -.f ur million* secures the Charter..There can scarcely wo think, be a doubt but a

murk !ar^e» amount ha# Urn subscribed.

Home of our contemporaries appear to anticipate: rupture, between the I'nitod States and Mexico.It Atom., t iV. M; C r-.rtra. tin* Mexico Ministermade a ]>«. : mptoiy demand that Gen Gai*rB

he recalled tr.>:n Nrc-^jdoches, aud on thi^St .'i;; .* !;» u by t !:o President, he demanded hispon»jv.rts. V. hit i« to be th« result time aloccv.'iil dt u rtnine.

St rrtDu .CSayi the Lincoln Transcript of tireLiM u!t >ir Uitt A'.t sv irmosTTf*, of thiscountv.i v. v« fcund dead on the *dl}tli in»i. at hi*rrnrfenrr at tin* Catawba J*;rtne*. with hi* llirralcut.on *Jl«t, a 1" rcr.i-r * wa* held orcr

;!»e !>Ji, and a v- :cV. i t mitcicc br«»u<jht in. Itipris a:« tint I*- had hr*t attempted to accomplishlis < "> ! -.t .; 11 js. y.Lut Uib aim, he It*

! Ni'UJ.-S V \II.Tii -'i4.i will c > n:m .:r- ruou.n on the J"»ih

. : > -n.: r.i'.< lure:: .\ctt ^ ;k c:iJ Philadelphia. there will

i*- :* » mat!* nitiv t»jv>n the railroads, runninjwith the pod < l ilje and carrying thent r-- im i iTiitt. r. in C"ii»<'ijm-tirr of winch the

i.. I. lis! ; «!«,; mil not te charged U'twpcnthcit.t » 'i he v^n.i [ ,!;e> w ii ;,< pursued lct\ ccii I iu!au< ltd i i\-. ! I uitn -err. and iurtliirs nth. z« w.n it u'ic I >« parimont, ty the aid oft!*e rj irosii* nr other iiK-atm. can pivc the wholeir. i tin- »irr.e rip. ditn n a« the npicss.The Ur|uili:nT.! w ill endeavor u» malic such atf.iipmr»l» v* w ul |.'i\e ttir loisni on the Upper

te thr ti_*:i .N. \ Jcf"*v. the nme mail tacil.tie*t!.- y iv a rv.y v. ir.j tliort'r to irspTOTOtile inAn »r v d are tin- feei| Atiolls firmed bv the Tost*

ma*t< ' < » wt ii in r« tcrrnee to the matter to bevr.i< t cd t* v thin .a.!

I' i': 1111 : i Ih rirr>iMT. )t )cl»brr tiJii. I ~.U». )

Jl, ulahjas !'>r thr f'.ijtrrss Mail.i .S i. ttii* v< ill le M-nt bv tlxm mail, except

. ; i ii. «\ r itirij uje n them the words " KzI1 »

J "V-irc letters. not h tl« r» containing tnonry,n< r 1. t;r-- racceding halt an ounn in weight, e*pntdicdespatches, nor any trs ori>.i i.V. .11 W sent l>v th:» mat!

11 It >iier» {tossing a trank. or containing morn'y. «r u fining nmrv than halt" an < mrr, be potti to |Hi»t o Ihor» marked I rprtt> the po*»twiiii-r4»o th'w ta .rus. and arud them bytin* ordinary in&i!

J Ail Irltri* and ptlhhr despatches »rnt by thi»mail t\ til l«e charg- d t\ till tuple tin* usual rate* ofpostage.

.*i le tter* mark* d " llaprcs Mail.' and put intopost otl>« r» not i n the line ot the ox press. will Lctent by that hue wii-n thr\ reach it, and mil becharged, whore put .n with triple postage for thewhole distance

f» KJ.tor* tie" ipapers have i right to reente «

\n» In this niai!. from all rt« »spapert» which:!n-i may nmv receive re by the ordinary mail,nt oann"t r« rrm tl;e k j>» and the newspaper*

'nilli I ft f* iris tu I \<a rwMil i*a*«lor-> " 4 .....

:harj;< the nr«>)ii;vr» w :tl. ji'.bta^r7 ijp» fp'in ncw*;«a;-'f*. nr.- » rr.n!J part* of

n.*\i bpaprra «* «. t i -'up* »p«T pmilfJ byrv>»|U|M i j.uo'i»lwr». t- i mo the intraf r>t nt,olrlgii Hllii t! Jin? i| i blip ran hr rc*

iv. rt Jr>-. i t Mr b-) u»i tirvi «pnj« r; and itineratei.iibt it «'j< rt«5 in birr t\*« c.-lumne of *ueh nrwi

ajw ?

~ Ni-i' r s>li|'» mi;»t »liov. < n llinr fjf- fromi '..nt n.--.x i..->;. > i!;. \ r mr. an.l >.rc toff putintoIm p v. oifir.- p»-n. u itii ih«- -.1 iho dilor r>r

M'wapajb-f tor w h -io dvnjjniil »!ibtin<"t!v writtenipoll tlirin

I'obtiiiantrrs will pi:* all for the aanio< in a p.arkr' . i !l -.t p'nr»

tg^mmmrnmmm., . ,,^ ,JXJgg&

i/.'/;/1* f.sOt i l't.I> i. IV I. mr'..Itonf, to John Rosier.wnli nu r» hamli-e lor I*. M ( ask til T. J R<»«>cr, aii'l \. II. V«tifTln of Can:Irno.t 14.-I om Ohm.' hoat, (o John Ri1"*

er. Willi u rrrhnmlw for V.. J. Cierahl, J*' I >iil. I nj- || I.. iv, J Picaliop & Co., J ^ *

I'.w n, 1' I \ ilh-pijtjo Shannon, M hw faI o ol t af:ill* ti, rt|nl () J. IhP, "n<) I W.lltiftr of tin.1 Interior.

MAUIMT'fi « . ;i.-t-1 ;-« ' i il r J H1*Iiomih. ' V j , v i A ( rf I nnrsptorv: \; ., , |». « r ?*'* n-'er Pidtirt.