TfL Games Team 2012 Transport: Understanding the Challenges for London Bridge Team London Bridge BID...

TfL Games Team 2012 Transport: Understanding the Challenges for London Bridge Team London Bridge BID 11 May 2011

Transcript of TfL Games Team 2012 Transport: Understanding the Challenges for London Bridge Team London Bridge BID...

TfL Games Team

•London 2012: World’s largest logistical event

•Making transport work during the Games

•Understanding and managing the potential impact on your area and your businesses

An introduction...


TfL Games Team

Not just the Games...



JUN 2012 JUL 2012 AUG 2012 SEP 2012

Planned events including visitor landmarks and events

London working and moving

2-5 JUNDiamond Jubilee



28 JULY - 12 AUGOlympic Games

30 AUG - 9 SEPParalympic Games

JUNVenues open

Media centre opensSoft opening ofOlympic Village

13 JULOfficial opening of

Olympic Village 14 SEPOlympic

Park closes

JULTorch Relay


Olympic GamesDepartures



27 JULOpening


29 AUGParalympic

Opening Ceremony

TfL Games Team

Tube upgrades...


Jubilee line

Victoria line

TfL Games Team

Enhanced Games-time transport...

• New Javelin service

• DLR: 50% more capacity

• 65 new London Overground trains

• Train and Underground services to finish around an hour later

• Train frequency optimised to meet day and night-time demand

• Complimentary bus services – day and night

• Park and ride services to venues

• Extra river services

• Walking and cycling – Barclays Cycle Hire out East in time for Games6

TfL Games Team



ORN – Alternate

ORN – Venue-specific route

ORN – Core route

TfL Games Team


• Allow LOCOG Games Family (athletes/officials) to travel swiftly between accommodation and venues

• Proportionate measures to improve general traffic flow

• Potential traffic management measures to ensure reliable traffic flow:– Changes to traffic signal timings– Restricted turns– Side road closures to general traffic– Suspension of parking and waiting bays– Suspension of some pedestrian crossings– Temporary Games Lanes

• MYTH: ORN/PRN will be closed to traffic

• TRUTH: The ORN/PRN will be open to traffic.  In some two lane sections, one will be reserved for the Games Family only.


TfL Games Team

ORN and PRN – Games lanes


Wembley ArenaWembley Stadium

ORN – Alternate

ORN – Venue-specific route

ORN – Core route

ORN – Games lanes

TfL Games Team

Alternative ORN in London Bridge area


• AORN will be operational from late July to Mid September

• AORN routes are:

Route 1: Tower Bridge to Elephant and Castle on the A100

Route 2: Tower Bridge to Tooley Street / St Thomas Street and Southwark Street

• Route 1 in use on two days: when the Marathon closes Upper Thames St

• Routes 1 & 2 identified as alternative routes in case of an incident on the core Olympic Route Network

• Both routes will be operational throughout the Games period, from late July to mid September

Measures in London Bridge?

• No temporary measures will be in place on either route in the London Bridge area

TfL Games Team


Olympic and Paralympic Route Networks microsite:

Further information on the routes:


TfL Games Team

Travel Demand Management

• Despite best efforts, unconstrained demand will exceed capacity in some areas

• 23 million trips on average day during the Games

• Busiest day (Day Seven): 3.3 million extra trips – concentrated in central and east London

• TDM vital to ensure Games Family, spectators and workforce arrive at events in good time, and that London/UK continues to function

• Three areas of focus:

–Travel Advice to Business

–Traveller information services (including a Games-time Journey Planner)

–Marketing and communications programme13

TfL Games Team

Working with Business

• Travel Advice for Business (TAB) will engage with business to ensure you:

– Are aware of the increased pressure on London’s transport networks during the Games

– Understand the challenges for staff, visitors, suppliers

– Are supported and understand the transport alternatives wherever possible to minimise effects on your business

– Are able to plan for a change in usual business behaviour – register on the website now!


TfL Games Team

Helping your staff


Managing annual leaveAlter working hours

Working from home

Cycling or walking to work

Temporary relocation of staffRe-planning travel

TfL Games Team 16


TfL Games Team

Road Freight Management


TfL Games Team

Freight during the Games

Freight makes up 17% of London’s traffic, rising to 25% in Central London

Changes needed in 2012

• Reduction in deliveries/servicing/freight activity around:

– Venues and along ORN

– Live sites and Movement Management Areas

• Reduction in background demand on road network across London

• Amendments / dispensation to existing control measures, communication of this and local exceptions (Emergency repairs / medical supplies)


• If no change, impacts and costs to businesses, residents and operators

• Short term behaviour change is vital during the Games


TfL Games Team

Freight during the Games

There will be a ‘Games Effect’ on businesses. The ORN and PRN will cause restrictions on loading and delivery activity.

Businesses should:• Understand your current delivery, collection and servicing activity

• Understand what the Games effect is going to be on your business at the place the vehicle stops to make a delivery

• Talk to your suppliers to ensure they are aware of the changes and are planning how to deliver at Games time

• Consider what changes you can make to ensure only essential deliveries take place during the Games

• Start planning based on information available now, bearing in mind their plans will need to be flexible.


TfL Games Team

Road Freight Management Interventions


• Reduce activity:

• Order early & stockpile goods– Preventative maintenance & servicing of property & equipment– Relocate delivery to non-affected space/road– Delay delivery until after Games?

• Re-time activity:– Different day or time? – Overnight or out-of-hours deliveries?

• Re-route delivery:– Reschedule delivery round to avoid Games areas

• Revise delivery mode:– Goods collected on foot from a nearby location instead of van


TfL Games Team


•General 2012 guidance on deliveries and collections:

•General 2012 guidance for freight operations:

• TfL ‘London Freight Matters’

• TfL Freight Operators Recognition Scheme:

• TfL Delivery and Servicing Plans:

• London Lorry Control Scheme:


TfL Games Team

Final things to consider...

We’re doing our bit to get transport ready for 2012. We need you to...

• Employees and Freight / Deliveries – can you:–Re-route?–Reduce?–Re-time?–Revise?

ORN/PRN/AORN – have you started thinking about impacts on your deliveries, suppliers and journey times?

