
Here we can see and compare the poster and book cover of “the fault in our stars” In order to keep continuity within the franchise, we can notice that things like the font and colour scheme (blue and white) have been kept the same.

Transcript of Tfios

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Here we can see and compare the poster and book cover of “the fault in our stars” In order to keep continuity within the franchise, we can notice that things like the font and colour scheme (blue and white) have been kept the same.

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We can also see that a lot can be suggested by the film poster. The positioning of the characters suggests the film is a romance however the fact one character is upside down may suggest problems or “faults” in their relationship.

The book's title, The Fault in Our Stars, comes from a line in Shakespeare's play in Julius Caesar where Cassius says, "The fault, dear Brutus is not in our stars, / But in ourselves, that we are underlings." Cassius seems to be saying that it's not fate that dooms men, but instead their own failings.

This title suggests that life is about fate… our lives are already written in the ‘stars’, the word ‘fault’ suggests there are imperfections with the lived we humans live.

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Both the book and the film have been a major success and produced a huge revenue of $307,239,013. Both the book and the film have opened doors to the market producing a huge franchise based on the novel/film, producing a wide range of merchandise.