Textual Analysis on 'Victor Frankenstein' (2015)


Transcript of Textual Analysis on 'Victor Frankenstein' (2015)

A N A LY S I S O F V I C T O R F R A N K E N S T E I N T R A I L E R S ( 2 0 1 5 )


Trailer 1

Trailer 2





In this analysis, I will be analysing these these two trailers.

Black Fade into Scene

Trailer 1

Iconography of time: Gas lamps Horse and carriage No concrete roads

Establishing shot denotes iconography of London:

Parliament Big Ben

Lights fading signifies entering a dark world

Trailer 1 and 2

Long shot of the city, showing depth of field (all is in focus), helps gives perspective of the setting and time period.

Trailer 1

Scientific shot indicates element revealed in film. Written on the blackboard using chalk.

Trailer 1

The audience sees the first character, which connotes the voiceover of the main character. This suggests the main character of the film.

The actor also has star appeal, attracting his fan base to watch the film. Trailer 1

The ambient sound of the thunder helps to move to the next part of the trailer, changing the atmosphere.

A good part of the second trailer is shown in high key lighting which shows a more positive and humorous side of the film.

Trailer 1

Trailer 2

The audience catch a glimpse of the

character which the film is about.

Trailer 1

Trailer 2

In the opening of the trailer, Victor Frankenstein gives narrative cues with his voiceover.

!The scene becomes more graphic with the skin and muscle, forming a body like image.

Low key lighting and the depth of field helps to change the atmosphere of the trailer. Trailer 1

An intertextual film of ‘Halloween’ (1978) of the character Michael Myers - an iconic fictional character in the horror genre.

Artificial lighting to distort audience.

Trailer 1

In the second trailer, it is more humour focused. This suggests that the trailer is trying to target a younger audience with more comedic references.

Trailer 2

Victor Frankenstein, the character is introduced to the audience by the voiceover. !The character of a sweaty/wet man makes him appear crazy, particularly with the whites of his eyes.

Trailer 1Trailer 2 The character appears less

crazy and power hungry. There is a contrast between the two scenes in this slide, the character in this scene appears to look normal without any abnormal amounts of whites in his eyes.

The logo in low key lighting with artificial lighting and shadows signifies aura of enigma.

Looks like a grave slate connotes dead coming alive.

Lights lighting up the logo, rise from the dead which correlates with the story of Frankenstein. Audience already have knowledge and understanding of the character.

Clouds add to eeriness.

In another version of the trailer, the bronze in the logo contrasts suggesting that the trailer is trying to attract different groups of audiences with different trailers.

Trailer 1

Trailer 2

The next segment starts in the daytime, with the characters voiceover. This is an example of a J-cut.

The character is on a journey, working against the current of the river connoting that he is against the social norm and has a hidden motive. !The river is fast-paced which echoes the action in this trailer.

Trailer 1

Trailer 1

Through the characters costume, it signifies that the character is from the high social class, the character is in a world that is privilege. When explaining his idea, it’s respected and he thinks its a good idea that is aspirational.

Trailer 1

Codes and conventions are broken as the audience feel empathy for the character who goes through an extremely painful process that is very brutal and experimental.

Trailer 1

A binary opposition is seen within these trailers. Though both scenes are similar, the lighting and the color contrast make the top scene seem very

pure and good whereas the bottom scene seems very evil and dark.

Trailer 1

Trailer 2

By “creating something that shouldn’t exist”, Victor Frankenstein’s idea is going against social norms.

Trailer 1

Victor Frankenstein starts becoming a power - hungry character.

Eye whites of the character is prominent, making him appear possess with the success that could come with his inventions.

Trailer 1

Narrative of the trailer starts to unravel which is echoed by the weather changing and the music.

Two shots of characters appears with Frankenstein coming down, connoting hierarchy.

Fog that comes from the characters breathing, signifies the evilness of the character. Another binary opposition of good vs evil.

Rapid succession of shots, narrative codes and cues arise. Trailer 1

Trailer 1

Trailer 1

Explosions in lab, pulling people apart.

A different point of view of the scientist described as the monster is shown here, role reversal from the original story.

Trailer 1

After the death of the character, a flatline sound is shown.

Trailer 1

This indicates the official trailer.

Social marketing.

Trailer 1

Trailer 2

This indicates the official trailer with more of a specific time.

Social marketing.