Textual analysis


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• Monthly unique users: 290,000

• Monthly impressions: 650,000

• Mission statement: The name Trouble & Bass is the mission statement.

• Reader profile: the median age of a mix mag reader is 24(72% male, 28% female)

and they tend to be urban and single. “Mixmag readers are the opinion formers and

leaders in clubbing. They are the first to recommend a new tune and the first on a

new fashion trend”.

• In the past mixmag has transformed its digital platforms. Their audience has

quadrupled, now receiving over 450,00 page impressions per month from 290,000

unique users. “this is down to the original and unrivalled editorial content produced

from a team of journalists “

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• Colour: the colours used within the magazine are greys, blues, whites, and blacks,

these colours could symbolize a club atmosphere, then pink and bright colours are

also used so this could symbolize the lights of a club. It also creates the atmosphere of

a dance club because its misty in the backgrounds.

• Layout and design: the fonts are quite bold and plain on the front cover which

suggests that the text and features are more important than the layout of it.(image) the

image to text ration is quite fair on the contents page and the image of the girl shows

the dance side of the magazine as the colours are quite bright. The fonts are quite

similar throughout and give the magazine a professional look and the images have

also all been well placed on the page.

• Images: on all three pages he image seems to take up most of the room which

suggest how they are important to the reader. The fact that there is an image on the

contents page of a female, and on the front page is a male suggests how mixmag are

trying to target a male and female audience as the front cover could be quite

misleading to people and make them think the magazine is just aimed at men. The

models used for the images also suggest that mixmags target audience could be

between 18-28.

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• Pose, style, hair, makeup: on all three pages the models have been staged to do that

pose. On the contents page the model is very specific with her look and makeup, this

could suggest how she was a dancer at the club and this is the atmosphere of it. Also the

colours she is wearing are quite vibrant and bold which suggest how alive the club is.

where as the looks on the front page and contents page are more toned down and


• Composition and Framing: all the images are of all three different

• body shots which suggest how varied the magazine is. The framing

• of the image of the front cover has been positioned to take up most

• of the page so it will attract and audience better and this also draws

• your eyes to the top of the page where the title of the magazine is.

• The image on the contents page has been positioned to make your

• eyes drawn directly to her and this I maybe to get the readers attention

• of the atmosphere in a club as in the background there are lots of

• people dancing.

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• Written codes – how words are used: the title is quite big and bold so it attracts the

audiences attention very quickly. The strapline is a lot smaller compared to the title but

because your eyes are drawn immediately to the title it leads you straight to the

strapline, the words used make you feel more comforted. The writing on the contents

page is quite plain because it saying what's inside, the font on the double page is also

quite plain, however some of the words are emphasized which draw the audiences

attention. I think due to the colours it compliments the title and will make it easy to

stand out on the shelf.

• Language- the language used on the front page attracts the audience because it

reads “FREE REMIX IPHONE APP” this suggests how the magazine is appealing to a

younger audience as it is more likely them who would download an app like this and

try it out. The language used on the contents page is quite direct and comforting as it

uses “We” and “you” a lot which make it comfortable for the reader and the gives tenor

of the magazine having power over the audience. The language used is also quite

informal and chatty which keep hold of the audiences attention and the clubbing


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• Overall impression: I think the magazine does it job well to attract the younger

clubbing generation as the pictures match the text and make the magazine look more

professional. The fonts of the text on the pages are quite consistent, however do look

a little boring but this could suggest how the layout doesn‟t matter because the

magazine is already well known. The only thing I would say is to perhaps change the

fonts of the same of the texts to jazz up the magazine and make people more aware.

• Application of theory's: Maslow‟s Hierarchy of needs – this magazine works well as

it has achieved its job of making the reader feel comfortable through the language

used and made it easier to understand with a well set out text to image ratio. I think

the magazine used stereotypes well as the image on the front cover suggest a target

audience as well as the atmosphere which represents what the magazine is about.

They also easily identify a specific group through the images which represent people

who may go to clubs. The male gaze theory- the images all suggest how both men

and women look after themselves but there is no real „gaze‟ featured on these three


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• Average Monthly Circulation: 19,479

• Mission statement: At DJmag, our mission statement is living and breathing dance

music, to represent the electronic music scene with the passion, professionalism and

intelligence it deserves. We feel that mission has been accomplished, and we hope

you do too. And we're gonna keep on keeping on. So see you on the dancefloor!

• Reader profile: “DJ mag readers are young, predominantly male and are passionate

about night life, clubbing and DJ culture.

• DJ mag was first published in 1991, they were the first dance mag to embrace

modern technologies by releasing their content through and interactive app. The logo

of DJ mag has gone global and wherever people go in the world young people

recognize it.

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• Colour: the colours used in DJ mag are quite bold and vibrant, they use colours such

a yellow, reds, blue, blacks & white. These colours suggest that the magazine is quite

upbeat and exciting as they stand out to the reader and are quite eye catching. These

colours make it clear to the reader what the magazine is about and the red could

connote importance within the magazine.

• Layout & Design: the layout of the front cover has been produced quite well as I

think the text blends in with the images and they have positioned it well o the most

important has been highlighted and put near the top and the middle of the magazine.

The contents page has also been laid out well because they have matched some of

the pictures with the text which make it more clear to the reader and they have also

laid it out in a basic way so its easier for the reader to understand. I think they have

made the double page spread look more attractive with the way they have laid it out

because they have matched the text with the image. Also the font of DJ is quite bold

with a black outline which suggest how important it is and this is also very eye

catching for the reader.

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• Image: The main image on the front of the magazine suggest how the target audience

could be between 18-30, they have chase and status for the main image because they are

quite well known and by seeing theses people on the front this would identify what thee

magazine is going to be about as they are used again on the double page spread which

would explain the text. The impression you get from the main image is that the magazine

is quite “cool” to read as the models have been made to pose like that and I think it is

exaggerating the genre of the magazine more to the audience. This is the same

throughout the rest of the magazine, the models have been made to pose in a certain way

which attracts the audience.

• Pose, style, hair, make up: the images used on the pages look quite natural but with a

specific pose. They could represent that the magazine is aimed more at men rather than

women because most of the images are men with a specific pose being used. The models

almost look as I they are tying to stand their ground.

• Composition and framing: on the front page they have used a mid shot which could be

to establish their clothing and the background could be perhaps an outside of a club. On

the double page the image is more of a close up of their faces which could match the text.

The positioning of the image on the front cover immediately draw your eyes to the models

and then to the title which is above them so I think the framing has been used effectively.

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• Written codes – how words are used: the text on the front page “living and

breathing dance music” has been used which shouts out to the audience what the

magazine is about. However this is quite small and hard to read but has been

effectively placed underneath the title. They have “chase & Status” written in bold

next to the image which backs up the idea that the magazine is going to feature

something to do with them. This text will also stand out on the shelf as it has been

written in bold and uses bright colours.

• Language: the language used is quite chatty and informal which will grab the

readers attention. When reading the double page spread it almost flows like a

conversation which makes it more appealing to the audience.

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• Overall impression: overall I think this magazine includes some good strengths,

these being the layout and the images as most of the images match the text and

therefore have been put their for a reason so this makes it easier for the reader to

understand what the magazine is about and he genre of the magazine. The only thing

I would say is that they could vary the images a bit as most of them are of men which

might be a bit misleading, but then this could suggest that the magazine is already

well known so the readers know this is aimed at women as well.

• Application of theory's: Maslow's Hierarchy of needs – I think this magazine uses

images and text well to identify the social group that would read the magazine and it

also makes the reader feel respected as it is quite chatty. The image used on the

front cover represents the social group of people who would read it. The male gaze

theory can be applied because the image used on the front could attract a females

attention as the men looked well groomed.