Text- What is it all about? For 7 th grade Young Adult Reading.

Text- What is it all about? For 7 th grade Young Adult Reading

Transcript of Text- What is it all about? For 7 th grade Young Adult Reading.

Text- What is it all about?

For 7th grade Young Adult Reading

What Are Text Types

Text Types are defined by the purpose for the writing the text. Narrative Text- to entertain Expository Text- to inform Persuasive Text- to persuade Technical Text- to explain how to do


Definitions of Text Types Narrative Text- can be fiction or non-

fiction, tells a story Expository Text- always non-fiction,

gives information about a specific topic Persuasive Text- always non-fiction, has

both opinions and facts, tries to get the reader to feel/believe a certain way.

Technical Text- always non-fiction, explains how to do something, sometimes has visuals.

Examples of Text Types

Narrative Text- novels, Children’s books, short stories, books in verse, biographies, autobiographies, etc.

Examples of Text Types

Expository Text- text books, reference books, etc.

Examples of Text Types

Persuasive Text- letters to the editor, opposing viewpoints

Examples of Text Types

Technical Text- cook books, how-to books, manuals, assembly instructions, etc.

Persuasive Text

The purpose of this text is to persuade you to believe the way the author does or to take action.

Author’s bias is the specific stand the author is taking on an issue.

An opinion is expressed by the author and even though it is not factual in nature, it is true to the author.

Example: School basics

Text Structures- DefinitionsText Structure is the way the text is

organized • Description- The author explains a topic, idea,

person, place, or thing by listing characteristics, features, and examples. Focus is on one thing and it’s components.

• Sequence- The author lists items or events in numerical order or chronological order. Describes the order of events or how to do something.

• Compare and Contrast- The author explains how two or more things are alike and/or how they are different.

Text Structures- Definitions• Cause and Effect- The author lists one or

more causes (why something happened) and the resulting effects (what happened). Purpose is to explain why or how something happens, exists, or works.

• Problem and Solution- The author states one or more problems and list one or more possible solutions for the problem. May also describe a problem with the plusses and minuses of all solutions.

Description Text Structure ExamplePrologueIn the opening pages of Lucky Man, I described a morning in Florida nineteen years ago when I woke up with a hangover and a twitching left pinky finger. In the intervening years, my life has seen many changes. Most mornings, for example, I awake to find my left pinky finger perfectly still -- it's the rest of my body that's shaking uncontrollably. Technically, my body is only fully at peace when my mind is completely at rest -- that is, asleep. Low brain activity means fewer neurons firing, or in my case, mis-firing. As I awaken, before my conscious mind really knows what's happening, my body has already gotten the news in the form of insistent neural instructions to twist, twitch, and contort. Any chance of slipping back into sleep is lost.

View Michael J. Fox talking about life with Parkinson’s


Description Text Structure Signal Words

• For example

• Characteristics are

• Such as

• Looks like

• Consists of

• For instance

• Most important– Topic is repeated

Sequence Text Structure ExampleHow To Prevent the Flu

• Step 1Avoid sharing drinking and eating utensils with people who are sick.• Step 2Wash your hands before eating it really does help keep germs away.• Step 3Increase your vitamin C intake which may boost your immune system by eatingample amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables. Oranges, tomatoes and broccoli aregood choices.• Step 4Drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Herbal teas and diluted fruit juices aregood options for increasing your water intake.• Step 5Get enough sleep. Most people need at least 7 to 8 hours a night for optimal rest.• Step 6Manage your stress. Chronic stress can weaken the immune system.• Step 7Take a multivitamin every day to make sure you are getting enough vitamins andminerals.• Step 8Exercise regularly it's been shown to reduce the occurrence of colds and flu.

From: http://www.ehow.com/

Sequence Text Structure Signal Words

• First, second, third• Next• Then, after• Before, prior to• While, meanwhile• Following• Finally• At last • In the end

Compare and Contrast Text Structure ExampleThe Senate and the House of Representatives

The government of the United States is made up of three branches: the legislativebranch, the executive branch and the judicial branch. The legislative branch, calledCongress, is responsible for making laws. Congress is made up of two houses: theSenate and the House of Representatives. In this essay, you will learn the differencesand similarities between these two houses of Congress.

There are many differences between the Senate and the House of Representatives.The Vice President of the United States is the head of the Senate. He must vote inThe Senate if there is a tie. On the other hand, the House of Representatives’ leader iscalled the Speaker of the House. The representatives elect him or her.

Another difference is that the Senate is made up of 100 senators, two from each state.The House of Representatives, however, is made up of 435 representatives. The number ofrepresentatives from each state is determined by that state’s population. The greater thepopulation in a state, the more representatives that state will have in the House. A thirddifference is that senators are elected to six-year terms, while representatives are electedto serve two-year terms. Every two years, the nation holds an election for members ofCongress. At that time, all members of the House of Representatives and one-third of theSenate are up for re-election.

Although Congress is made up of two types of lawmakers, they must work together for thebenefit of all Americans.

©2004 TIME For Kids. This page may be photocopied for use with students and teachers.

Text Structures- Signal Words

• Differs from

• Similar to

• In contrast

• Alike

• Same as

• Both

• Either, or

Cause and Effect Text StructureExample

• Why do the planets rotate around the sun?

The basic reason why the planets revolve around, or orbit the sun, is that the gravity of the Sun keeps them in their orbits. Just as the Moon orbits the Earth because of the pull of Earth's gravity, the Earth orbits the Sun because of the pull of the Sun's gravity.

Cause and Effect Text StructureSignal Words

• Reasons why

• Reasons for

• If… then..

• As a result of

• Therefore

• Because of

• In order to• Finally• Leads or leads to• Effects of • Result• Outcome• Impact

Problem and Solution Text Structure Examples

Disembarkment syndromeMany sea travelers have to regain their “land legs” once they’re back

on solid ground. Their limbs may feel wobbly for a few minutes, or theground may seem to move beneath their feet. Sufferers ofdisembarkment syndrome never escape this feeling. Long after theyhave disembarked, they feel constantly in motion or off-balance.

The condition is usually brought on by traveling, particularly afterlong stretches of time on a boat (such as a cruise). Scientists say itoccurs when the brain fails to re-adapt to land after adapting to thepitching and rolling of a boat.

Treatment devices, such as vibrating vests and socks that helpsufferers maintain their balance, are still in the prototype phase. For

some people, driving and other types of motion tends to calm the rocking sensation.

From Health.com- 20 Medical Mysteries

Text Structures- Signal Words

• Problem is..• Dilemma is..• Solved• Question• Answer• Because• Since• This led to..• The main

difficulty• One challenge

Text Features• Text Features help you find

information quickly. • Text Features give you information

that will help you better understand the topic.

Text Features that help you find information quickly

Unit 1 Introduction to Earth Science 2Unit 2 Earth’s Resources 62Unit 3 The Restless Earth 186Unit 4 Reshaping the Land 274Unit 5 Oceanography 370Unit 6 Weather and Climate 444Unit 7 Astronomy 550


Mapping the Ocean Floor

Oceanographers use topographic maps to map the topography

of the ocean floor. Use the Internet or the library to find a topographic map of

the ocean floor. How are maps of the

ocean floor similar to maps of the

continents? How are they different?

Text Features give you information that will help you better understand the topic.

Harry Potter grabbing the snitch.