Texas STaR Chart

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Transcript of Texas STaR Chart

  • 1. Texas S.T.aR. Chart

2. Agenda

  • Description of S.T.aR. Chart

3. Areas of assessment 4. Levels of Competency 5. Campus Results 6. Goals 7. School Technology and Readiness a teacher tool to aid in planning self assessment tool aligned with long range technology goals divided into four areas four levels of competency aids in documentation of NCLB Title II and discretionary funds. 8. Areas of Assessment

  • Teaching and Learning- How are you incorporating technology in the classroom?

9. Educator Preparation and Development- Inservice and growth component 10. Leadership, Administration, and Support- Does the leadership on the campus support the use of technology in the classroom? 11. Infrastructure of Technology- Is there adequate infrastructure to support the use of technology? http://starchart.esc12.net/ 12. Levels of Competency

  • Early Tech- Basic entry level use of technology
  • Developing- Teacher-centered use of technology with some student use.

13. Advanced- Regular use of technology in the classroom by students and teacher. 14. Target- Teachers and students are co-learners. Technology is used routinely to engage students in creative, collaborative learning. Students have access to technology 24/7. 15. Our Campus Rating 16. Goals

  • Provide training to increase technology use

17. Incorporate technology into lessons regularly 18. Collaborate and develop creative, engaging lessons using technology 19. Reach target tech competency level for all four standards. 20. Summary

  • Star chart is a way to keep track of goals and assess growth

21. Meets the NCLB standard for Title II 22. We have had some growth, still need improvement in two areas 23. Goal is to meet the Target Tech level 24. Helpful Links Go To helpful links http://starchart.esc12.net/links.html