Tethered Aerostat Program - Space Grant

Tethered Aerostat Program - 2015 LEAD STUDENT INTERN WORKSHOP #1 - FEBRUARY 21, 2015 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN – STEVENS POINT WISCONSIN SPACE GRANT | Carthage College 2001 Alford Park Drive Kenosha, WI 53140 [email protected] spacegrant.carthage.edu 262.551.6054 CMN • UW – FV • WTC

Transcript of Tethered Aerostat Program - Space Grant

Page 1: Tethered Aerostat Program - Space Grant

Tethered Aerostat Program




WISCONSIN SPACE GRANT | Carthage College 2001 Alford Park Drive Kenosha, WI 53140 [email protected] spacegrant.carthage.edu 262.551.6054


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Contents Workshop Schedule ...................................................................................................................................... 3

Participants ................................................................................................................................................... 3

Welcome – 8:45 AM...................................................................................................................................... 4

Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium – Christine Thompson ......................................................... 4

Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 4

What TAP is? ................................................................................................................................................. 4

From NASA point of view e.g. funding ideology by Christine ....................................................... 4

From Scientific point of view e.g. what are the possibilities by Dan ............................................ 4

Internet Access.............................................................................................................................................. 4

Basic Aerostat Equipment & Electronics – 9:00 AM ..................................................................................... 5

Tethered aerostat ......................................................................................................................... 5

7’ ball balloon, tether, patch kit, & gas filling device .................................................................... 5

Aerostat payload ........................................................................................................................... 5

Stand, board, payload equipment, vane, bubble level, & hanging mechanism ........................... 5

Aerostat Payloads (Current Ideas) – 10:15 AM............................................................................................. 6

Non-Vegetative Index e.g. green space to non-green space for urban sprawl and habitat

monitoring ............................................................................................................................................ 6

Quad Copter Recharging Station in support of NWIC-NOAA whale pod health monitoring ........ 6

Ka-Band power beaming demonstration in support of International Space Station/ XISP BitSat

Demo ..................................................................................................................................................... 6

Carbon counting test of the Menominee Nation Sustainable Forest in partnership with the

Sustainable Development Institute ...................................................................................................... 6

Volcanic pyroclastic characterization from volcanoes all around the world in support of FAA

and commercial jet airline transportation industry .............................................................................. 6

Payload Research (New Ideas) 10:45 AM ..................................................................................................... 7

Basic Soldering (Hands-On) – 12:30 PM ....................................................................................................... 8

Soldering two wires together ....................................................................................................... 8

Soldering a Thru-Hole component to a circuit board ................................................................... 8

Demonstrating a breadboard technique to light a LED ................................................................ 8

Working with and Programming Micro Controllers - 1:00 PM ..................................................................... 9

Arduino Uno Sketches (Basic) ................................................................................................................... 9

Arduino Setup and bread boarding .............................................................................................. 9

Flashing an LED e.g. taking a photograph every 5 seconds .......................................................... 9

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/* .......................................................................................................................................................... 9

Mock Payload Integration - 3:00 PM .......................................................................................................... 10

Setup weather station and calibrate weather station compass ................................................. 10

Calibrate spectral imager using Teflon plate .............................................................................. 10

Use AIM XTRA transmitter and setup base station receiver to laptop ....................................... 10

Mock Aerostat Payload Launch – 4:00 PM ................................................................................................. 11

Balloon ground protection, fill, & lift capacity ............................................................................ 11

Weighing the payload & determining the weight to lift ratio e.g. 1.5:1 i.e. 7.5lbs net lift and 5#

payload ................................................................................................................................................ 11

Attaching the payload to the aerostat ........................................................................................ 11

Arming the payload ..................................................................................................................... 11

Releasing the payload from the stand ........................................................................................ 11

Payload ascent rate at 1.5:1 is 1,000 feet per minute ................................................................ 11

Wrap-Up – 5:00 PM .................................................................................................................................... 12

Laboratory Notebook .................................................................................................................................. 13

Order Forms ................................................................................................................................................ 17

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Workshop Schedule

8:00 Arrival

Continental Breakfast (Yogurt, Fruit, Bagels, Banana Bread, Juice, Coffee/Tea)

8:45 Welcome and Program Introduction

9:00 Basic Equipment & Electronics

10:00 Break

10:15 About Payloads

10:45 Research and Draft New Payloads

11:45 Lunch (Soda, Chili, Turkey and Cheddar or Hummus, Peppers, Cucumbers, and

Feta wrap, Mixed Greens w/Vinaigrette Dressing, Potato Chips)

12:30 Basic Soldering and Tools

1:00 Working with and Programming Micro Controllers

2:45 Break/Snack (Cheese/Crackers, Fresh Vegetables w/Dip and Beverage)

3:00 Mock Payload Build and Electronic Integration

4:00 Mock Payload Aerostat Launch

5:00 Wrap Up

5:15 Farewell



WSGC Program Manager Ms. Chris Thompson [email protected]

TAP Project Coordinator Mr. Dan Hawk [email protected]

College of Menominee Nation

Faculty Mentor Ms. Jennifer Morris [email protected]

LSI Larry Madden [email protected]

LSI Marilyn Madosh [email protected]

University of Wisconsin – Fox Valley

Faculty Mentor Dr. Beth Johnson [email protected]

LSI Jesse Banick [email protected]

LSI Jeshanah Zolkowski [email protected]

Western Technical College

Faculty Mentor Dr. Michael LeDocq [email protected]

LSI Jon Grotjahn [email protected]

LSI Joel Nielsen [email protected]


Video Mr. David Dunlop

Assistant Mrs. Judy Hawk

Assistant Jessica Schmeling

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Welcome – 8:45 AM

Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium – Christine Thompson


What TAP is?

From NASA point of view e.g. funding ideology by Christine

From Scientific point of view e.g. what are the possibilities by Dan

Internet Access

Physics and Astronomy Guests

Alias = guest_WSGC (not case sensitive)

Password = Workshop01 (capital “W” and zero one at the end)

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Basic Aerostat Equipment & Electronics – 9:00 AM

Tethered aerostat

7’ ball balloon, tether, patch kit, & gas filling device

Aerostat payload

Stand, board, payload equipment, vane, bubble level, & hanging mechanism

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Aerostat Payloads (Current Ideas) – 10:15 AM

Non-Vegetative Index e.g. green space to non-green space for urban sprawl and habitat monitoring

Quad Copter Recharging Station in support of NWIC-NOAA whale pod health monitoring

Ka-Band power beaming demonstration in support of International Space Station/ XISP BitSat Demo

Carbon counting test of the Menominee Nation Sustainable Forest in partnership with the Sustainable Development Institute

Volcanic pyroclastic characterization from volcanoes all around the world in support of FAA and commercial jet airline transportation industry

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Payload Research (New Ideas) 10:45 AM

This space is reserved for up to seven more additional ideas that we will talk about and discuss as

a group…








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Basic Soldering (Hands-On) – 12:30 PM

In this section we will demonstrate electronic confidence.

Soldering two wires together

Soldering a Thru-Hole component to a circuit board

Demonstrating a breadboard technique to light a LED

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Working with and Programming Micro Controllers - 1:00 PM

Arduino Uno Sketches (Basic) In this section we will demonstrate microcontroller confidence.


Arduino Setup and bread boarding

Flashing an LED e.g. taking a photograph every 5 seconds

/* Blink

Turns on an LED on for one second, then off for five seconds,


This example code is in the public domain.


// Pin 13 has an LED connected on most Arduino boards.

// give it a name:

int led = 13;

// the setup routine runs once when you press reset:

void setup() {

// initialize the digital pin as an output.

pinMode(led, OUTPUT);


// the loop routine runs over and over again forever:

void loop() {

digitalWrite(led, HIGH); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the

voltage level)

delay(1000); // wait for a second

digitalWrite(led, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the

voltage LOW

delay(5000); // wait for five seconds


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Mock Payload Integration - 3:00 PM

In this section we demonstrate integrating payload equipment. Onboard solar panel, battery

pack, & charging circuit with a load

Setup weather station and calibrate weather station compass

Calibrate spectral imager using Teflon plate

Use AIM XTRA transmitter and setup base station receiver to laptop

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Mock Aerostat Payload Launch – 4:00 PM

In this section we demonstrate filling the aerostat and preparing the harness for attaching the

payload board.

Balloon ground protection, fill, & lift capacity

Weighing the payload & determining the weight to lift ratio e.g. 1.5:1 i.e. 7.5lbs net lift and 5# payload

Attaching the payload to the aerostat

Arming the payload

Releasing the payload from the stand

Payload ascent rate at 1.5:1 is 1,000 feet per minute

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Wrap-Up – 5:00 PM

In this section we discuss who and what science experiments to focus on and a timeframe to

accomplish tasks and set a schedule for possible launch dates. This page is provided for wrap-up


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Laboratory Notebook

TAP Laboratory Notebook

Issued to: _________________________________

TAP group: ________________________________

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Guidelines for using the Laboratory Note Books

This Note Book has been specially printed to facilitate the keeping of a valid record of your

work, which will help you prove when particular experiments were done, when you had

particular ideas and how the risks were assessed. In order to maximize the likelihood of

this Note Book constituting effective evidence of the above, the TAP strongly recommends

that you adhere to the following guidelines:

1. Complete the date and signature boxes Ensure a date is entered for each experiment and that it is signed and counter-


2. Always use ink, not pencil

3. Fix attachments permanently Any attachments, e.g. spectra or photographs, must be dated and signed across

the border. Supporting data which cannot be secured in the Note Book

should be cross-referenced, signed and witnessed as above, and filed carefully.

4. Work directly in the Note book Enter experiments, data and observations directly into the Note Book. Do not use

another note book for a rough copy.

5. Include full details and conclusions for each experiment Information should be sufficient for someone else to repeat your work.

6. Do not leave blank spaces Diagonally cross through any blank pages or blank spaces left on a page. Sign and

witness in the usual way.

7. Do not tamper with entries Do not use correction fluid or remove pages. Incorrect entries should be struck

through with a single line.

8. Storage Note books should not be permanently removed from TAP program.

9. Ownership Rights All note books are owned by WSGC.

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Table of Contents

Date Experiment Ref/Page


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TAP Experiment: Ref: Continued from page:
























Name of Assessor:

Name of Co-signatory:

Continued on page:









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Order Forms

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Training Location: Stevens Point, WI

Participant Name (optional): ___________________________

Date: January 21, 2015


Please circle your response to the items. Rate aspects of the workshop on a 1 to 5 scale:

1 = "Strongly disagree," or the lowest, most negative impression

3 = "Neither agree nor disagree," or an adequate impression

5 = "strongly agree," or the highest, most positive impression

Choose N/A if the item is not appropriate or not applicable to this workshop. Your

Feedback is sincerely appreciated. Thank you.



1=strongly disagree 2=Disagree 3=neither agree nor disagree 4=Agree 5=strongly agree

N/A=Not applicable

1. I was well informed about the objectives of this workshop. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

2. This workshop lived up to my expectations. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

3. The content is relevant to my job. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A


4. The workshop objectives were clear to me. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

5. The workshop activities stimulated my learning. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

6. The activities in this workshop gave me sufficient practice and feedback. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

7. The difficulty level of this workshop was appropriate. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

8. The pace of this workshop was appropriate. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A


9. The instructor was well prepared. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

10. The instructor was helpful. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A


11. I accomplished the objectives of this workshop. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

12. I will be able to use what I learned in this workshop. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

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13. The workshop was a good way for me to learn this content. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A


14. Rate lunch and snack options. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A


15. How would you improve this workshop? (Check all that apply.)

___Provide better information before the workshop.

___Clarify the workshop objectives.

___Reduce the content covered in the workshop.

___Increase the content covered in the workshop.

___Update the content covered in the workshop.

___Improve the instructional methods.

___Make workshop activities more stimulating.

___Improve workshop organization.

___Make the workshop less difficult.

___Make the workshop more difficult.

___Slow down the pace of the workshop.

___Speed up the pace of the workshop.

___Allot more time for the workshop.

___Shorten the time for the workshop.

___Improve the tests used in the workshop.

___Add more video to the workshop.

16. What other improvements would you recommend in this workshop?

17. What is least valuable about this workshop?

18. What is most valuable about this workshop?