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LinkedIn Recruiter – FAQs for Hiring Managers Below are the answers to some common questions about the Hiring Manager tool in LinkedIn Recruiter. If you can’t find the answer to your question, please contact the Recruiter from your organization who sent you the email to review candidate profiles.

How do I access the Hiring Manager tool? First, you will need a basic LinkedIn account. If you have a LinkedIn profile, then you already have an account. If you haven’t used LinkedIn before, you can create an account in just a few minutes by visiting LinkedIn.com. To access profiles for review, simply click through the links in the emails you receive from the Recruiters in your organization. You can also access Hiring Manager at any time through your LinkedIn home page—just click on the “Go to LinkedIn Recruiter” link at the top of the page and use the same login information you use for your basic LinkedIn account. Where will I receive the email notifying me that there are new profiles for review? The email will be sent to your Primary LinkedIn account and will also be viewable from the Hiring Manager tool itself. If you want to change the email account that receives these messages, you can do so from the link on the profile review page. Who can see my ratings and comments? Ratings and comments that you make on a profile will be visible to the Recruiters in your organization who have access to LinkedIn Recruiter. Other Hiring Managers will not be able to see your ratings and comments. What if I lose the email from the Recruiter? You can view all of the emails you have received, as well as the reviews you have provided, by logging in to Hiring Manager from your LinkedIn home page or any email you have received from a Recruiter in your organization asking you to review profiles. Can candidates see whether I have viewed their profiles? No, unless you decide to update the settings on your LinkedIn account to make this activity viewable. Can I forward the review request to another Hiring Manager? No. You will need to ask your Recruiter to send the request directly to the other Hiring Manager.
