
.com I’m so happy you are a part of this first organized annual Spring Cleanse with me. I’ve worked really hard to put together a program that is safe for everyone, comprehensive, easy to follow and effective. I will be making changes as needed and would always love your feedback as participants. Except for personal use, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise without prior written permission from the publisher. Please be advised that you should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other nutrition program to determine if it is right for your needs. Do not start this nutrition program if your physician or health care provider advises against it. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health related advice from your health- care professional because of something you may have read in this program. The use of any information provided within this program is solely at your own risk. As always, I too recommend tuning into what feels right for you, one size does not fit all. I am available at any time for questions or concerns of yours throughout this cleanse at any time. Please feel free to reach out by email, [email protected]. Happy Cleansing, Happy Spring !!!!


This is a test.

Transcript of Test

Page 1: Test


The Spring Cleanse –your detox plan-

The way in which you choose to cleanse will greatly determine your results, both positively and negatively.

If you are unwell or just don’t want to cleanse, you probably shouldn’t. It is best to be in the right frame of

mind mentally, for your body to be well and ready to make some changes during your cleanse. Be prepared

to rest more than usual, add some practices to your daily routine and have the time to prepare the foods

you need during each phase.

A key component to a successful cleanse is your bodies’ ability to relax, allowing your body naturally to

release the stored toxins. In order for this process to occur our bodies need to feel safe, if your blood sugar

dips too low you won’t fully relax. This may be the most important aspect and what sets Ayurveda and

this cleanse apart from some other theories in detoxing. This isn’t about starving the body and refusing

fuel and nourishment when it is truly needed. This is why there are different levels to this cleanse and it is

your job to listen to your bodies’ needs, assess how you’re feeling and make adjustments as required. Of

course, I’m always available if you need to run an idea by me or have a concern, please don’t hesitate to

email me at [email protected].

We will have a pre-cleanse phase, the cleansing phase and post-cleanse phase in which I will outline

exactly what you need to know to be successful. You will receive a suggested daily diet plan for each

phase, appropriate recipes as needed as well as suggested daily practices.

I. Pre-cleanse (3 days): This is a time to prepare the body for what is ahead by stabilizing the blood

sugar, making sure the lymphatic system is prepared to detox and the liver isn’t too congested. To do this

we should remove most or all of the following from our diet:

Processed foods: anything that comes out of box, a bag or a can is likely processed.

Caffeine + other stimulants: if this idea frightens you and you heavily rely on caffeine at least begin by

reducing your intake. Also, consider how serious you want to be with this cleanse and if this may be

the time to look to healthier options or even to reduce your intake.

Dairy + sweets

Meat: meat is building, we want to spend this time cleansing.


Your diet these three days should consist of mainly fresh fruit, vegetables and whole grains. This will ease

your body into the cleansing period and set you up for greater success and a more pleasant cleanse.

Each pre-cleanse, cleanse and post-cleanse day will begin with a cup of warm (not hot) water

with the juice of half a lemon. This is such a great practice to implement and continue even

beyond this cleanse. This addition is so balancing to the body bringing you into an alkaline state

after going all night without eating or drinking. It also promotes ongoing detoxification, is a

great way to enhance your digestion, is a natural diuretic and will hydrate the lymph system all

very important during the cleanse (If you’re unable to have warm water then have a glass of room

temperature water, with lemon if you like.)

Room temperature or even warm water should be consumed throughout the day but

not during meals.

This will assist your body in hydrating, digesting properly and flushing waste from your

system. I recommend you avoid drinking during meals as we don’t want to wash out your

digestive energy.

Eat three meals each day; snacking in between should be avoided. If you get hungry eat more at

each of your meals with your mid-day meal being the largest. (refer to your recipes if you need

some inspiration)

If your body is accepting you can certainly begin the day with a fresh smoothie or juice prior to

having breakfast. Allow at least 20-30 minutes after finishing the smoothie or juice to have

anything else. We always want to digest what we eat or drink before we offer our bodies anything


Get some light exercise each morning and sit quietly for 10 minutes as well. If you cannot exercise

in the morning you can certainly fit it in later on in the day, the same for your 10 minute

meditation. If you are someone who typically has an extensive or intense exercise regimen, I still

suggest you rein it in for the entire cleansing period giving your body the support needed to

repair during this time. Yoga or a brisk walk would be my top two recommended activities for

your cleanse.

As far as the morning meditation, I find that planning for 10 extra minutes in the morning to

meditate has a dramatic effect on how the rest of my day goes. Even if it is 5 minutes upon

waking and another 5 minutes before bed.

II. Cleanse (4 days): Reset your digestive fire. Incorporate some daily practices to truly care for yourself.

Yoga. Meditation. Silence. Movement. Water. Oil massage or dry brushing. Baths. Juices or smoothies. Light

meals of kitchari. Soups. Tea. Spices. Lightness. Glowing. Clarity. Peace.

These are all the wonderful components I wish for you during the cleansing period and what I’d like you to

focus on if you struggle mentally or physically throughout these 4 days. If you are someone who has a

typical American diet with caffeine, sugar, processed refined foods you may spend the first two days of the

cleanse in some discomfort. A detoxifying effect of the caffeine, sugar, etc could be headaches, fatigue,

nausea and irritability to name a few.

It is during this time that you will have to be especially kind to yourself and remember to drink water,

drink teas, walk, sit quietly, rest and even add some self-care strategies suggested.

Kitchari (meaning mixture) is a wholesome meal that is as healing to the digestive system as it is easy to

digest, it is high in protein and with the spice combination it draws the toxins from the body. This kitchari

recipe contains split moong beans, rice and a mix of spices that are healing and soothing which is why it

will be our main source of energy these next four days. (recipe enclosed)

Begin the day with a warm cup of water with the juice of half a lemon.

Enjoy room temperature water, warm lemon water herbal teas and detox teas throughout the day.

Move your body, and then sit in quiet meditation. Be silent if you’re able to. Refrain from having

the TV or radio on at all times, especially in the morning. Give your mind time to just be quiet and


Make your first meal a fresh green juice or smoothie.

If you don’t have the ability to make either or you don’t want either, begin with a breakfast of

kitchari. For the next four days we will focus our cleanse on having three meals per day of kitchari

(with or without the morning juice or smoothie). If you are Vata dominant you may not be

comfortable beginning the day with only juice, therefore you can certainly have juice and then

30-60 minutes later some kitchari.

Eat two to three meals a day of kitchari with steamed vegetables or a salad (with spices and/or

lemon juice only). Your mid-day meal should be the largest and if your last meal is after the sun

has set it should be especially light. If you are Vata dominant have steamed vegetables instead of a

salad as they will be warming to your body.

Give yourself an oil massage in the evening before a bath or in the morning before your shower.

Oil massage is a key component to our cleanse. It can certainly be incorporated as a daily practice

going forward but in order to properly circulate and stimulate the epidermis and lymph system it

is especially important these four days. Oil massage increases circulation, calms the nervous

system, tones muscles, improves the elimination of toxins from our skin and offers a more restful

sleep. Vata individuals benefit from sesame oil, Pitta individuals will look for sunflower or coconut

oil and Kapha individuals benefit from sesame or olive oil. All of the oils should be cold pressed

organic oil.

Take a bath in the evening with Epsom salt. A very easy, very soothing method of assisting the

body in removing the excess waste during the cleanse. Begin with 1⁄2 quart of Epsom salt in the

bath and if tolerable you can use up to 1 quart.

III. Post-cleanse (3 days): This time is just as important as the cleansing period as you gently begin

adding more foods back into your daily diet. Continue to avoid dairy, meat, caffeine and alcohol if possible

during these three days and take notice of how you are feeling going forward. You can continue with the

fresh juice or smoothies, fruit, vegetables, whole grains and legumes are what you should be eating. If you

want to begin eating meat again wait at least a day or two before doing so. Your body knows what it

needs, take time to quiet the mind and really listen before grabbing something to eat. Use the provided

list of foods for the spring season and choose accordingly.

Continue with the morning cup of water with lemon, exercise, meditation and juice or smoothie.

Continue sipping room temperature and warm water throughout the day and with herbal teas if

you like.

Eat three meals each day which consist of fresh vegetables, salads, steamed vegetables, brown

rice, quinoa or millet. Just as the pre-cleanse, take a look at the recipes for some inspiration. You

can certainly continue with the kitchari for a meal or two each day but add additional foods

as well.

Continue with the daily practices that resonate with you.

I’m so happy you are a part of this first organized annual Spring Cleanse with me. I’ve worked really hard

to put together a program that is safe for everyone, comprehensive, easy to follow and effective. I will be

making changes as needed and would always love your feedback as participants.

Except for personal use, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by

any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise without prior written permission from the


Please be advised that you should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting

this or any other nutrition program to determine if it is right for your needs. Do not start this nutrition

program if your physician or health care provider advises against it.

If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or

other health-care professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health related advice

from your health- care professional because of something you may have read in this program. The use of

any information provided within this program is solely at your own risk.

As always, I too recommend tuning into what feels right for you, one size does not fit all.

I am available at any time for questions or concerns of yours throughout this cleanse at any time. Please

feel free to reach out by email, [email protected].

Happy Cleansing, Happy Spring !!!!

Page 2: Test


The Spring Cleanse –your detox plan-

The way in which you choose to cleanse will greatly determine your results, both positively and negatively.

If you are unwell or just don’t want to cleanse, you probably shouldn’t. It is best to be in the right frame of

mind mentally, for your body to be well and ready to make some changes during your cleanse. Be prepared

to rest more than usual, add some practices to your daily routine and have the time to prepare the foods

you need during each phase.

A key component to a successful cleanse is your bodies’ ability to relax, allowing your body naturally to

release the stored toxins. In order for this process to occur our bodies need to feel safe, if your blood sugar

dips too low you won’t fully relax. This may be the most important aspect and what sets Ayurveda and

this cleanse apart from some other theories in detoxing. This isn’t about starving the body and refusing

fuel and nourishment when it is truly needed. This is why there are different levels to this cleanse and it is

your job to listen to your bodies’ needs, assess how you’re feeling and make adjustments as required. Of

course, I’m always available if you need to run an idea by me or have a concern, please don’t hesitate to

email me at [email protected].

We will have a pre-cleanse phase, the cleansing phase and post-cleanse phase in which I will outline

exactly what you need to know to be successful. You will receive a suggested daily diet plan for each

phase, appropriate recipes as needed as well as suggested daily practices.

I. Pre-cleanse (3 days): This is a time to prepare the body for what is ahead by stabilizing the blood

sugar, making sure the lymphatic system is prepared to detox and the liver isn’t too congested. To do this

we should remove most or all of the following from our diet:

Processed foods: anything that comes out of box, a bag or a can is likely processed.

Caffeine + other stimulants: if this idea frightens you and you heavily rely on caffeine at least begin by

reducing your intake. Also, consider how serious you want to be with this cleanse and if this may be

the time to look to healthier options or even to reduce your intake.

Dairy + sweets

Meat: meat is building, we want to spend this time cleansing.


Your diet these three days should consist of mainly fresh fruit, vegetables and whole grains. This will ease

your body into the cleansing period and set you up for greater success and a more pleasant cleanse.

Each pre-cleanse, cleanse and post-cleanse day will begin with a cup of warm (not hot) water

with the juice of half a lemon. This is such a great practice to implement and continue even

beyond this cleanse. This addition is so balancing to the body bringing you into an alkaline state

after going all night without eating or drinking. It also promotes ongoing detoxification, is a

great way to enhance your digestion, is a natural diuretic and will hydrate the lymph system all

very important during the cleanse (If you’re unable to have warm water then have a glass of room

temperature water, with lemon if you like.)

Room temperature or even warm water should be consumed throughout the day but

not during meals.

This will assist your body in hydrating, digesting properly and flushing waste from your

system. I recommend you avoid drinking during meals as we don’t want to wash out your

digestive energy.

Eat three meals each day; snacking in between should be avoided. If you get hungry eat more at

each of your meals with your mid-day meal being the largest. (refer to your recipes if you need

some inspiration)

If your body is accepting you can certainly begin the day with a fresh smoothie or juice prior to

having breakfast. Allow at least 20-30 minutes after finishing the smoothie or juice to have

anything else. We always want to digest what we eat or drink before we offer our bodies anything


Get some light exercise each morning and sit quietly for 10 minutes as well. If you cannot exercise

in the morning you can certainly fit it in later on in the day, the same for your 10 minute

meditation. If you are someone who typically has an extensive or intense exercise regimen, I still

suggest you rein it in for the entire cleansing period giving your body the support needed to

repair during this time. Yoga or a brisk walk would be my top two recommended activities for

your cleanse.

As far as the morning meditation, I find that planning for 10 extra minutes in the morning to

meditate has a dramatic effect on how the rest of my day goes. Even if it is 5 minutes upon

waking and another 5 minutes before bed.

II. Cleanse (4 days): Reset your digestive fire. Incorporate some daily practices to truly care for yourself.

Yoga. Meditation. Silence. Movement. Water. Oil massage or dry brushing. Baths. Juices or smoothies. Light

meals of kitchari. Soups. Tea. Spices. Lightness. Glowing. Clarity. Peace.

These are all the wonderful components I wish for you during the cleansing period and what I’d like you to

focus on if you struggle mentally or physically throughout these 4 days. If you are someone who has a

typical American diet with caffeine, sugar, processed refined foods you may spend the first two days of the

cleanse in some discomfort. A detoxifying effect of the caffeine, sugar, etc could be headaches, fatigue,

nausea and irritability to name a few.

It is during this time that you will have to be especially kind to yourself and remember to drink water,

drink teas, walk, sit quietly, rest and even add some self-care strategies suggested.

Kitchari (meaning mixture) is a wholesome meal that is as healing to the digestive system as it is easy to

digest, it is high in protein and with the spice combination it draws the toxins from the body. This kitchari

recipe contains split moong beans, rice and a mix of spices that are healing and soothing which is why it

will be our main source of energy these next four days. (recipe enclosed)

Begin the day with a warm cup of water with the juice of half a lemon.

Enjoy room temperature water, warm lemon water herbal teas and detox teas throughout the day.

Move your body, and then sit in quiet meditation. Be silent if you’re able to. Refrain from having

the TV or radio on at all times, especially in the morning. Give your mind time to just be quiet and


Make your first meal a fresh green juice or smoothie.

If you don’t have the ability to make either or you don’t want either, begin with a breakfast of

kitchari. For the next four days we will focus our cleanse on having three meals per day of kitchari

(with or without the morning juice or smoothie). If you are Vata dominant you may not be

comfortable beginning the day with only juice, therefore you can certainly have juice and then

30-60 minutes later some kitchari.

Eat two to three meals a day of kitchari with steamed vegetables or a salad (with spices and/or

lemon juice only). Your mid-day meal should be the largest and if your last meal is after the sun

has set it should be especially light. If you are Vata dominant have steamed vegetables instead of a

salad as they will be warming to your body.

Give yourself an oil massage in the evening before a bath or in the morning before your shower.

Oil massage is a key component to our cleanse. It can certainly be incorporated as a daily practice

going forward but in order to properly circulate and stimulate the epidermis and lymph system it

is especially important these four days. Oil massage increases circulation, calms the nervous

system, tones muscles, improves the elimination of toxins from our skin and offers a more restful

sleep. Vata individuals benefit from sesame oil, Pitta individuals will look for sunflower or coconut

oil and Kapha individuals benefit from sesame or olive oil. All of the oils should be cold pressed

organic oil.

Take a bath in the evening with Epsom salt. A very easy, very soothing method of assisting the

body in removing the excess waste during the cleanse. Begin with 1⁄2 quart of Epsom salt in the

bath and if tolerable you can use up to 1 quart.

III. Post-cleanse (3 days): This time is just as important as the cleansing period as you gently begin

adding more foods back into your daily diet. Continue to avoid dairy, meat, caffeine and alcohol if possible

during these three days and take notice of how you are feeling going forward. You can continue with the

fresh juice or smoothies, fruit, vegetables, whole grains and legumes are what you should be eating. If you

want to begin eating meat again wait at least a day or two before doing so. Your body knows what it

needs, take time to quiet the mind and really listen before grabbing something to eat. Use the provided

list of foods for the spring season and choose accordingly.

Continue with the morning cup of water with lemon, exercise, meditation and juice or smoothie.

Continue sipping room temperature and warm water throughout the day and with herbal teas if

you like.

Eat three meals each day which consist of fresh vegetables, salads, steamed vegetables, brown

rice, quinoa or millet. Just as the pre-cleanse, take a look at the recipes for some inspiration. You

can certainly continue with the kitchari for a meal or two each day but add additional foods

as well.

Continue with the daily practices that resonate with you.

For those of you not familiar with Ayurveda, it has taught me how to be better in tune with my body as I

move through this life living a healthier, happier existence and I’d love to share that with you as well.

Ayurveda is actually the world’s oldest known medical science originating in India more than 5000 years

ago. The word, Ayurveda, translates simply as the ‘science of life’. It is a science that teaches us how to

adopt nature’s rhythm into our daily living and believes we too are made up of the elements of nature;

earth, water, fire, air and ether (space). The way these elements line up in each of us individually deter-

mines our needs, tendencies, potential issues of concern, etc. With this information we can then better

prepare food that agrees with us or our bodies need, a lifestyle that is in line with our needs and daily

practices to ensure we are our healthiest.

Spring is the time of year that Nature begins anew, so why shouldn’t we?

The change of season is the perfect opportunity to cleanse our bodies and minds, providing a chance to

eliminate excess waste and toxins while balancing ourselves for the next phase of the year. Seasonal

cleanses are a very important form of self-care in order to move from season to season in the most

healthful way. Throughout the winter our bodies accumulate kapha which is essential to keep us rooted

and grounded during the winter however as we move into spring if we don’t effectively clear this extra

from our bodies we could end up with unwanted symptoms of this excess kapha. Some of these symptoms

could be trouble with allergies, lethargy, excess mucus and/or excess weight gain to name just a few.

Reasons to cleanse:

So where to begin?

Well determining how natures’ elements align in you individually is a start, what might be great for you

could be a bad mix for your sister and what may be great for you today may be a poor decision in the hot

humidity of the summer months. Determining your dosha (constitution) will be the first step in

customizing this cleanse for you.

With the provided dosha quiz you can determine what your prominent dosha is; Vata, Pitta or Kapha.

With this information you can begin to make more educated decisions for yourself everyday in your choice

of lifestyle, diet and exercise.

Start this Spring fresh + new

Eliminate allergies

Lose excess weight

Enjoy glowing vital skin

Reduce or elminate cravings

Strengthen your immunity

Gain greater focus + clarity

Create vibrant energy

Clear toxins from your body

Reverse the aging process

Balance hormones

Feel happy, light + amazing

Page 3: Test


Vata consists of air and space.

Vata is responsible for every movement of the body; eyes blinking,

circulation, elimination, jumping, etc. Since Vata people are made

of air and space they don’t have a lot holding them together

therefore they easily go out of balance but also easily return back

into balance. Some vata types are of low weight, anxious, worry a

lot, weight accumulates around the belly/waist, can feel easily

overwhelmed, insomniacs, lack direction, are creative and

innovative have contagious energy and at times have trouble

slowing down.

Pitta consists of fire and water.

Pitta is responsible for digestion and transformation; it is the heat

that transforms food, thoughts and physical exertion into energy.

Made out of fire and air they are sturdier than Vatas, so it takes a

moderate amount to throw Pittas off balance but also a moderate

amount to then return to a balanced state. Pitta types tend to be

of medium body fat, weight accumulates in the hips/thigh area,

are perfectionists, tend towards criticism and anger (explosive or

repressed), achievers, intelligent generally run hot and can exhibit

inflammatory skin conditions.

Kapha consists of earth and water.

Kapha is responsible for the lubrication and structure of the body.

Kapha lubricates the brain and the joints, keeps our bodies

grounded and from shriveling up. Kaphas are the sturdiest of

doshas made out of earth and water. As such they tend to be the

healthiest out of the three doshas. Kaphas types have plentiful

body fat, weight accumulates evenly over the body, are peacemak-

ers, listeners, great nurturers but tend toward attachment. They

can tend to get sluggish, lethargic and are congestion-prone.

The Spring Cleanse –your detox plan-

The way in which you choose to cleanse will greatly determine your results, both positively and negatively.

If you are unwell or just don’t want to cleanse, you probably shouldn’t. It is best to be in the right frame of

mind mentally, for your body to be well and ready to make some changes during your cleanse. Be prepared

to rest more than usual, add some practices to your daily routine and have the time to prepare the foods

you need during each phase.

A key component to a successful cleanse is your bodies’ ability to relax, allowing your body naturally to

release the stored toxins. In order for this process to occur our bodies need to feel safe, if your blood sugar

dips too low you won’t fully relax. This may be the most important aspect and what sets Ayurveda and

this cleanse apart from some other theories in detoxing. This isn’t about starving the body and refusing

fuel and nourishment when it is truly needed. This is why there are different levels to this cleanse and it is

your job to listen to your bodies’ needs, assess how you’re feeling and make adjustments as required. Of

course, I’m always available if you need to run an idea by me or have a concern, please don’t hesitate to

email me at [email protected].

We will have a pre-cleanse phase, the cleansing phase and post-cleanse phase in which I will outline

exactly what you need to know to be successful. You will receive a suggested daily diet plan for each

phase, appropriate recipes as needed as well as suggested daily practices.

I. Pre-cleanse (3 days): This is a time to prepare the body for what is ahead by stabilizing the blood

sugar, making sure the lymphatic system is prepared to detox and the liver isn’t too congested. To do this

we should remove most or all of the following from our diet:

Processed foods: anything that comes out of box, a bag or a can is likely processed.

Caffeine + other stimulants: if this idea frightens you and you heavily rely on caffeine at least begin by

reducing your intake. Also, consider how serious you want to be with this cleanse and if this may be

the time to look to healthier options or even to reduce your intake.

Dairy + sweets

Meat: meat is building, we want to spend this time cleansing.


Your diet these three days should consist of mainly fresh fruit, vegetables and whole grains. This will ease

your body into the cleansing period and set you up for greater success and a more pleasant cleanse.

Each pre-cleanse, cleanse and post-cleanse day will begin with a cup of warm (not hot) water

with the juice of half a lemon. This is such a great practice to implement and continue even

beyond this cleanse. This addition is so balancing to the body bringing you into an alkaline state

after going all night without eating or drinking. It also promotes ongoing detoxification, is a

great way to enhance your digestion, is a natural diuretic and will hydrate the lymph system all

very important during the cleanse (If you’re unable to have warm water then have a glass of room

temperature water, with lemon if you like.)

Room temperature or even warm water should be consumed throughout the day but

not during meals.

This will assist your body in hydrating, digesting properly and flushing waste from your

system. I recommend you avoid drinking during meals as we don’t want to wash out your

digestive energy.

Eat three meals each day; snacking in between should be avoided. If you get hungry eat more at

each of your meals with your mid-day meal being the largest. (refer to your recipes if you need

some inspiration)

If your body is accepting you can certainly begin the day with a fresh smoothie or juice prior to

having breakfast. Allow at least 20-30 minutes after finishing the smoothie or juice to have

anything else. We always want to digest what we eat or drink before we offer our bodies anything


Get some light exercise each morning and sit quietly for 10 minutes as well. If you cannot exercise

in the morning you can certainly fit it in later on in the day, the same for your 10 minute

meditation. If you are someone who typically has an extensive or intense exercise regimen, I still

suggest you rein it in for the entire cleansing period giving your body the support needed to

repair during this time. Yoga or a brisk walk would be my top two recommended activities for

your cleanse.

As far as the morning meditation, I find that planning for 10 extra minutes in the morning to

meditate has a dramatic effect on how the rest of my day goes. Even if it is 5 minutes upon

waking and another 5 minutes before bed.

II. Cleanse (4 days): Reset your digestive fire. Incorporate some daily practices to truly care for yourself.

Yoga. Meditation. Silence. Movement. Water. Oil massage or dry brushing. Baths. Juices or smoothies. Light

meals of kitchari. Soups. Tea. Spices. Lightness. Glowing. Clarity. Peace.

These are all the wonderful components I wish for you during the cleansing period and what I’d like you to

focus on if you struggle mentally or physically throughout these 4 days. If you are someone who has a

typical American diet with caffeine, sugar, processed refined foods you may spend the first two days of the

cleanse in some discomfort. A detoxifying effect of the caffeine, sugar, etc could be headaches, fatigue,

nausea and irritability to name a few.

It is during this time that you will have to be especially kind to yourself and remember to drink water,

drink teas, walk, sit quietly, rest and even add some self-care strategies suggested.

Kitchari (meaning mixture) is a wholesome meal that is as healing to the digestive system as it is easy to

digest, it is high in protein and with the spice combination it draws the toxins from the body. This kitchari

recipe contains split moong beans, rice and a mix of spices that are healing and soothing which is why it

will be our main source of energy these next four days. (recipe enclosed)

Begin the day with a warm cup of water with the juice of half a lemon.

Enjoy room temperature water, warm lemon water herbal teas and detox teas throughout the day.

Move your body, and then sit in quiet meditation. Be silent if you’re able to. Refrain from having

the TV or radio on at all times, especially in the morning. Give your mind time to just be quiet and


Make your first meal a fresh green juice or smoothie.

If you don’t have the ability to make either or you don’t want either, begin with a breakfast of

kitchari. For the next four days we will focus our cleanse on having three meals per day of kitchari

(with or without the morning juice or smoothie). If you are Vata dominant you may not be

comfortable beginning the day with only juice, therefore you can certainly have juice and then

30-60 minutes later some kitchari.

Eat two to three meals a day of kitchari with steamed vegetables or a salad (with spices and/or

lemon juice only). Your mid-day meal should be the largest and if your last meal is after the sun

has set it should be especially light. If you are Vata dominant have steamed vegetables instead of a

salad as they will be warming to your body.

Give yourself an oil massage in the evening before a bath or in the morning before your shower.

Oil massage is a key component to our cleanse. It can certainly be incorporated as a daily practice

going forward but in order to properly circulate and stimulate the epidermis and lymph system it

is especially important these four days. Oil massage increases circulation, calms the nervous

system, tones muscles, improves the elimination of toxins from our skin and offers a more restful

sleep. Vata individuals benefit from sesame oil, Pitta individuals will look for sunflower or coconut

oil and Kapha individuals benefit from sesame or olive oil. All of the oils should be cold pressed

organic oil.

Take a bath in the evening with Epsom salt. A very easy, very soothing method of assisting the

body in removing the excess waste during the cleanse. Begin with 1⁄2 quart of Epsom salt in the

bath and if tolerable you can use up to 1 quart.

III. Post-cleanse (3 days): This time is just as important as the cleansing period as you gently begin

adding more foods back into your daily diet. Continue to avoid dairy, meat, caffeine and alcohol if possible

during these three days and take notice of how you are feeling going forward. You can continue with the

fresh juice or smoothies, fruit, vegetables, whole grains and legumes are what you should be eating. If you

want to begin eating meat again wait at least a day or two before doing so. Your body knows what it

needs, take time to quiet the mind and really listen before grabbing something to eat. Use the provided

list of foods for the spring season and choose accordingly.

Continue with the morning cup of water with lemon, exercise, meditation and juice or smoothie.

Continue sipping room temperature and warm water throughout the day and with herbal teas if

you like.

Eat three meals each day which consist of fresh vegetables, salads, steamed vegetables, brown

rice, quinoa or millet. Just as the pre-cleanse, take a look at the recipes for some inspiration. You

can certainly continue with the kitchari for a meal or two each day but add additional foods

as well.

Continue with the daily practices that resonate with you.

Page 4: Test


The Spring Cleanse –your detox plan-

The way in which you choose to cleanse will greatly determine your results, both positively and negatively.

If you are unwell or just don’t want to cleanse, you probably shouldn’t. It is best to be in the right frame of

mind mentally, for your body to be well and ready to make some changes during your cleanse. Be prepared

to rest more than usual, add some practices to your daily routine and have the time to prepare the foods

you need during each phase.

A key component to a successful cleanse is your bodies’ ability to relax, allowing your body naturally to

release the stored toxins. In order for this process to occur our bodies need to feel safe, if your blood sugar

dips too low you won’t fully relax. This may be the most important aspect and what sets Ayurveda and

this cleanse apart from some other theories in detoxing. This isn’t about starving the body and refusing

fuel and nourishment when it is truly needed. This is why there are different levels to this cleanse and it is

your job to listen to your bodies’ needs, assess how you’re feeling and make adjustments as required. Of

course, I’m always available if you need to run an idea by me or have a concern, please don’t hesitate to

email me at [email protected].

We will have a pre-cleanse phase, the cleansing phase and post-cleanse phase in which I will outline

exactly what you need to know to be successful. You will receive a suggested daily diet plan for each

phase, appropriate recipes as needed as well as suggested daily practices.

I. Pre-cleanse (3 days): This is a time to prepare the body for what is ahead by stabilizing the blood

sugar, making sure the lymphatic system is prepared to detox and the liver isn’t too congested. To do this

we should remove most or all of the following from our diet:

Processed foods: anything that comes out of box, a bag or a can is likely processed.

Caffeine + other stimulants: if this idea frightens you and you heavily rely on caffeine at least begin by

reducing your intake. Also, consider how serious you want to be with this cleanse and if this may be

the time to look to healthier options or even to reduce your intake.

Dairy + sweets

Meat: meat is building, we want to spend this time cleansing.


Your diet these three days should consist of mainly fresh fruit, vegetables and whole grains. This will ease

your body into the cleansing period and set you up for greater success and a more pleasant cleanse.

Each pre-cleanse, cleanse and post-cleanse day will begin with a cup of warm (not hot) water

with the juice of half a lemon. This is such a great practice to implement and continue even

beyond this cleanse. This addition is so balancing to the body bringing you into an alkaline state

after going all night without eating or drinking. It also promotes ongoing detoxification, is a

great way to enhance your digestion, is a natural diuretic and will hydrate the lymph system all

very important during the cleanse (If you’re unable to have warm water then have a glass of room

temperature water, with lemon if you like.)

Room temperature or even warm water should be consumed throughout the day but

not during meals.

This will assist your body in hydrating, digesting properly and flushing waste from your

system. I recommend you avoid drinking during meals as we don’t want to wash out your

digestive energy.

Eat three meals each day; snacking in between should be avoided. If you get hungry eat more at

each of your meals with your mid-day meal being the largest. (refer to your recipes if you need

some inspiration)

If your body is accepting you can certainly begin the day with a fresh smoothie or juice prior to

having breakfast. Allow at least 20-30 minutes after finishing the smoothie or juice to have

anything else. We always want to digest what we eat or drink before we offer our bodies anything


Get some light exercise each morning and sit quietly for 10 minutes as well. If you cannot exercise

in the morning you can certainly fit it in later on in the day, the same for your 10 minute

meditation. If you are someone who typically has an extensive or intense exercise regimen, I still

suggest you rein it in for the entire cleansing period giving your body the support needed to

repair during this time. Yoga or a brisk walk would be my top two recommended activities for

your cleanse.

As far as the morning meditation, I find that planning for 10 extra minutes in the morning to

meditate has a dramatic effect on how the rest of my day goes. Even if it is 5 minutes upon

waking and another 5 minutes before bed.

II. Cleanse (4 days): Reset your digestive fire. Incorporate some daily practices to truly care for yourself.

Yoga. Meditation. Silence. Movement. Water. Oil massage or dry brushing. Baths. Juices or smoothies. Light

meals of kitchari. Soups. Tea. Spices. Lightness. Glowing. Clarity. Peace.

These are all the wonderful components I wish for you during the cleansing period and what I’d like you to

focus on if you struggle mentally or physically throughout these 4 days. If you are someone who has a

typical American diet with caffeine, sugar, processed refined foods you may spend the first two days of the

cleanse in some discomfort. A detoxifying effect of the caffeine, sugar, etc could be headaches, fatigue,

nausea and irritability to name a few.

It is during this time that you will have to be especially kind to yourself and remember to drink water,

drink teas, walk, sit quietly, rest and even add some self-care strategies suggested.

Kitchari (meaning mixture) is a wholesome meal that is as healing to the digestive system as it is easy to

digest, it is high in protein and with the spice combination it draws the toxins from the body. This kitchari

recipe contains split moong beans, rice and a mix of spices that are healing and soothing which is why it

will be our main source of energy these next four days. (recipe enclosed)

Begin the day with a warm cup of water with the juice of half a lemon.

Enjoy room temperature water, warm lemon water herbal teas and detox teas throughout the day.

Move your body, and then sit in quiet meditation. Be silent if you’re able to. Refrain from having

the TV or radio on at all times, especially in the morning. Give your mind time to just be quiet and


Make your first meal a fresh green juice or smoothie.

If you don’t have the ability to make either or you don’t want either, begin with a breakfast of

kitchari. For the next four days we will focus our cleanse on having three meals per day of kitchari

(with or without the morning juice or smoothie). If you are Vata dominant you may not be

comfortable beginning the day with only juice, therefore you can certainly have juice and then

30-60 minutes later some kitchari.

Eat two to three meals a day of kitchari with steamed vegetables or a salad (with spices and/or

lemon juice only). Your mid-day meal should be the largest and if your last meal is after the sun

has set it should be especially light. If you are Vata dominant have steamed vegetables instead of a

salad as they will be warming to your body.

Give yourself an oil massage in the evening before a bath or in the morning before your shower.

Oil massage is a key component to our cleanse. It can certainly be incorporated as a daily practice

going forward but in order to properly circulate and stimulate the epidermis and lymph system it

is especially important these four days. Oil massage increases circulation, calms the nervous

system, tones muscles, improves the elimination of toxins from our skin and offers a more restful

sleep. Vata individuals benefit from sesame oil, Pitta individuals will look for sunflower or coconut

oil and Kapha individuals benefit from sesame or olive oil. All of the oils should be cold pressed

organic oil.

Take a bath in the evening with Epsom salt. A very easy, very soothing method of assisting the

body in removing the excess waste during the cleanse. Begin with 1⁄2 quart of Epsom salt in the

bath and if tolerable you can use up to 1 quart.

III. Post-cleanse (3 days): This time is just as important as the cleansing period as you gently begin

adding more foods back into your daily diet. Continue to avoid dairy, meat, caffeine and alcohol if possible

during these three days and take notice of how you are feeling going forward. You can continue with the

fresh juice or smoothies, fruit, vegetables, whole grains and legumes are what you should be eating. If you

want to begin eating meat again wait at least a day or two before doing so. Your body knows what it

needs, take time to quiet the mind and really listen before grabbing something to eat. Use the provided

list of foods for the spring season and choose accordingly.

Continue with the morning cup of water with lemon, exercise, meditation and juice or smoothie.

Continue sipping room temperature and warm water throughout the day and with herbal teas if

you like.

Eat three meals each day which consist of fresh vegetables, salads, steamed vegetables, brown

rice, quinoa or millet. Just as the pre-cleanse, take a look at the recipes for some inspiration. You

can certainly continue with the kitchari for a meal or two each day but add additional foods

as well.

Continue with the daily practices that resonate with you.

Page 5: Test


The Spring Cleanse –your detox plan-

The way in which you choose to cleanse will greatly determine your results, both positively and negatively.

If you are unwell or just don’t want to cleanse, you probably shouldn’t. It is best to be in the right frame of

mind mentally, for your body to be well and ready to make some changes during your cleanse. Be prepared

to rest more than usual, add some practices to your daily routine and have the time to prepare the foods

you need during each phase.

A key component to a successful cleanse is your bodies’ ability to relax, allowing your body naturally to

release the stored toxins. In order for this process to occur our bodies need to feel safe, if your blood sugar

dips too low you won’t fully relax. This may be the most important aspect and what sets Ayurveda and

this cleanse apart from some other theories in detoxing. This isn’t about starving the body and refusing

fuel and nourishment when it is truly needed. This is why there are different levels to this cleanse and it is

your job to listen to your bodies’ needs, assess how you’re feeling and make adjustments as required. Of

course, I’m always available if you need to run an idea by me or have a concern, please don’t hesitate to

email me at [email protected].

We will have a pre-cleanse phase, the cleansing phase and post-cleanse phase in which I will outline

exactly what you need to know to be successful. You will receive a suggested daily diet plan for each

phase, appropriate recipes as needed as well as suggested daily practices.

I. Pre-cleanse (3 days): This is a time to prepare the body for what is ahead by stabilizing the blood

sugar, making sure the lymphatic system is prepared to detox and the liver isn’t too congested. To do this

we should remove most or all of the following from our diet:

Processed foods: anything that comes out of box, a bag or a can is likely processed.

Caffeine + other stimulants: if this idea frightens you and you heavily rely on caffeine at least begin by

reducing your intake. Also, consider how serious you want to be with this cleanse and if this may be

the time to look to healthier options or even to reduce your intake.

Dairy + sweets

Meat: meat is building, we want to spend this time cleansing.


Your diet these three days should consist of mainly fresh fruit, vegetables and whole grains. This will ease

your body into the cleansing period and set you up for greater success and a more pleasant cleanse.

Each pre-cleanse, cleanse and post-cleanse day will begin with a cup of warm (not hot) water

with the juice of half a lemon. This is such a great practice to implement and continue even

beyond this cleanse. This addition is so balancing to the body bringing you into an alkaline state

after going all night without eating or drinking. It also promotes ongoing detoxification, is a

great way to enhance your digestion, is a natural diuretic and will hydrate the lymph system all

very important during the cleanse (If you’re unable to have warm water then have a glass of room

temperature water, with lemon if you like.)

Room temperature or even warm water should be consumed throughout the day but

not during meals.

This will assist your body in hydrating, digesting properly and flushing waste from your

system. I recommend you avoid drinking during meals as we don’t want to wash out your

digestive energy.

Eat three meals each day; snacking in between should be avoided. If you get hungry eat more at

each of your meals with your mid-day meal being the largest. (refer to your recipes if you need

some inspiration)

If your body is accepting you can certainly begin the day with a fresh smoothie or juice prior to

having breakfast. Allow at least 20-30 minutes after finishing the smoothie or juice to have

anything else. We always want to digest what we eat or drink before we offer our bodies anything


Get some light exercise each morning and sit quietly for 10 minutes as well. If you cannot exercise

in the morning you can certainly fit it in later on in the day, the same for your 10 minute

meditation. If you are someone who typically has an extensive or intense exercise regimen, I still

suggest you rein it in for the entire cleansing period giving your body the support needed to

repair during this time. Yoga or a brisk walk would be my top two recommended activities for

your cleanse.

As far as the morning meditation, I find that planning for 10 extra minutes in the morning to

meditate has a dramatic effect on how the rest of my day goes. Even if it is 5 minutes upon

waking and another 5 minutes before bed.

II. Cleanse (4 days): Reset your digestive fire. Incorporate some daily practices to truly care for yourself.

Yoga. Meditation. Silence. Movement. Water. Oil massage or dry brushing. Baths. Juices or smoothies. Light

meals of kitchari. Soups. Tea. Spices. Lightness. Glowing. Clarity. Peace.

These are all the wonderful components I wish for you during the cleansing period and what I’d like you to

focus on if you struggle mentally or physically throughout these 4 days. If you are someone who has a

typical American diet with caffeine, sugar, processed refined foods you may spend the first two days of the

cleanse in some discomfort. A detoxifying effect of the caffeine, sugar, etc could be headaches, fatigue,

nausea and irritability to name a few.

It is during this time that you will have to be especially kind to yourself and remember to drink water,

drink teas, walk, sit quietly, rest and even add some self-care strategies suggested.

Kitchari (meaning mixture) is a wholesome meal that is as healing to the digestive system as it is easy to

digest, it is high in protein and with the spice combination it draws the toxins from the body. This kitchari

recipe contains split moong beans, rice and a mix of spices that are healing and soothing which is why it

will be our main source of energy these next four days. (recipe enclosed)

Begin the day with a warm cup of water with the juice of half a lemon.

Enjoy room temperature water, warm lemon water herbal teas and detox teas throughout the day.

Move your body, and then sit in quiet meditation. Be silent if you’re able to. Refrain from having

the TV or radio on at all times, especially in the morning. Give your mind time to just be quiet and


Make your first meal a fresh green juice or smoothie.

If you don’t have the ability to make either or you don’t want either, begin with a breakfast of

kitchari. For the next four days we will focus our cleanse on having three meals per day of kitchari

(with or without the morning juice or smoothie). If you are Vata dominant you may not be

comfortable beginning the day with only juice, therefore you can certainly have juice and then

30-60 minutes later some kitchari.

Eat two to three meals a day of kitchari with steamed vegetables or a salad (with spices and/or

lemon juice only). Your mid-day meal should be the largest and if your last meal is after the sun

has set it should be especially light. If you are Vata dominant have steamed vegetables instead of a

salad as they will be warming to your body.

Give yourself an oil massage in the evening before a bath or in the morning before your shower.

Oil massage is a key component to our cleanse. It can certainly be incorporated as a daily practice

going forward but in order to properly circulate and stimulate the epidermis and lymph system it

is especially important these four days. Oil massage increases circulation, calms the nervous

system, tones muscles, improves the elimination of toxins from our skin and offers a more restful

sleep. Vata individuals benefit from sesame oil, Pitta individuals will look for sunflower or coconut

oil and Kapha individuals benefit from sesame or olive oil. All of the oils should be cold pressed

organic oil.

Take a bath in the evening with Epsom salt. A very easy, very soothing method of assisting the

body in removing the excess waste during the cleanse. Begin with 1⁄2 quart of Epsom salt in the

bath and if tolerable you can use up to 1 quart.

III. Post-cleanse (3 days): This time is just as important as the cleansing period as you gently begin

adding more foods back into your daily diet. Continue to avoid dairy, meat, caffeine and alcohol if possible

during these three days and take notice of how you are feeling going forward. You can continue with the

fresh juice or smoothies, fruit, vegetables, whole grains and legumes are what you should be eating. If you

want to begin eating meat again wait at least a day or two before doing so. Your body knows what it

needs, take time to quiet the mind and really listen before grabbing something to eat. Use the provided

list of foods for the spring season and choose accordingly.

Continue with the morning cup of water with lemon, exercise, meditation and juice or smoothie.

Continue sipping room temperature and warm water throughout the day and with herbal teas if

you like.

Eat three meals each day which consist of fresh vegetables, salads, steamed vegetables, brown

rice, quinoa or millet. Just as the pre-cleanse, take a look at the recipes for some inspiration. You

can certainly continue with the kitchari for a meal or two each day but add additional foods

as well.

Continue with the daily practices that resonate with you.

Page 6: Test


The Spring Cleanse –your detox plan-

The way in which you choose to cleanse will greatly determine your results, both positively and negatively.

If you are unwell or just don’t want to cleanse, you probably shouldn’t. It is best to be in the right frame of

mind mentally, for your body to be well and ready to make some changes during your cleanse. Be prepared

to rest more than usual, add some practices to your daily routine and have the time to prepare the foods

you need during each phase.

A key component to a successful cleanse is your bodies’ ability to relax, allowing your body naturally to

release the stored toxins. In order for this process to occur our bodies need to feel safe, if your blood sugar

dips too low you won’t fully relax. This may be the most important aspect and what sets Ayurveda and

this cleanse apart from some other theories in detoxing. This isn’t about starving the body and refusing

fuel and nourishment when it is truly needed. This is why there are different levels to this cleanse and it is

your job to listen to your bodies’ needs, assess how you’re feeling and make adjustments as required. Of

course, I’m always available if you need to run an idea by me or have a concern, please don’t hesitate to

email me at [email protected].

We will have a pre-cleanse phase, the cleansing phase and post-cleanse phase in which I will outline

exactly what you need to know to be successful. You will receive a suggested daily diet plan for each

phase, appropriate recipes as needed as well as suggested daily practices.

I. Pre-cleanse (3 days): This is a time to prepare the body for what is ahead by stabilizing the blood

sugar, making sure the lymphatic system is prepared to detox and the liver isn’t too congested. To do this

we should remove most or all of the following from our diet:

Processed foods: anything that comes out of box, a bag or a can is likely processed.

Caffeine + other stimulants: if this idea frightens you and you heavily rely on caffeine at least begin by

reducing your intake. Also, consider how serious you want to be with this cleanse and if this may be

the time to look to healthier options or even to reduce your intake.

Dairy + sweets

Meat: meat is building, we want to spend this time cleansing.


Your diet these three days should consist of mainly fresh fruit, vegetables and whole grains. This will ease

your body into the cleansing period and set you up for greater success and a more pleasant cleanse.

Each pre-cleanse, cleanse and post-cleanse day will begin with a cup of warm (not hot) water

with the juice of half a lemon. This is such a great practice to implement and continue even

beyond this cleanse. This addition is so balancing to the body bringing you into an alkaline state

after going all night without eating or drinking. It also promotes ongoing detoxification, is a

great way to enhance your digestion, is a natural diuretic and will hydrate the lymph system all

very important during the cleanse (If you’re unable to have warm water then have a glass of room

temperature water, with lemon if you like.)

Room temperature or even warm water should be consumed throughout the day but

not during meals.

This will assist your body in hydrating, digesting properly and flushing waste from your

system. I recommend you avoid drinking during meals as we don’t want to wash out your

digestive energy.

Eat three meals each day; snacking in between should be avoided. If you get hungry eat more at

each of your meals with your mid-day meal being the largest. (refer to your recipes if you need

some inspiration)

If your body is accepting you can certainly begin the day with a fresh smoothie or juice prior to

having breakfast. Allow at least 20-30 minutes after finishing the smoothie or juice to have

anything else. We always want to digest what we eat or drink before we offer our bodies anything


Get some light exercise each morning and sit quietly for 10 minutes as well. If you cannot exercise

in the morning you can certainly fit it in later on in the day, the same for your 10 minute

meditation. If you are someone who typically has an extensive or intense exercise regimen, I still

suggest you rein it in for the entire cleansing period giving your body the support needed to

repair during this time. Yoga or a brisk walk would be my top two recommended activities for

your cleanse.

As far as the morning meditation, I find that planning for 10 extra minutes in the morning to

meditate has a dramatic effect on how the rest of my day goes. Even if it is 5 minutes upon

waking and another 5 minutes before bed.

II. Cleanse (4 days): Reset your digestive fire. Incorporate some daily practices to truly care for yourself.

Yoga. Meditation. Silence. Movement. Water. Oil massage or dry brushing. Baths. Juices or smoothies. Light

meals of kitchari. Soups. Tea. Spices. Lightness. Glowing. Clarity. Peace.

These are all the wonderful components I wish for you during the cleansing period and what I’d like you to

focus on if you struggle mentally or physically throughout these 4 days. If you are someone who has a

typical American diet with caffeine, sugar, processed refined foods you may spend the first two days of the

cleanse in some discomfort. A detoxifying effect of the caffeine, sugar, etc could be headaches, fatigue,

nausea and irritability to name a few.

It is during this time that you will have to be especially kind to yourself and remember to drink water,

drink teas, walk, sit quietly, rest and even add some self-care strategies suggested.

Kitchari (meaning mixture) is a wholesome meal that is as healing to the digestive system as it is easy to

digest, it is high in protein and with the spice combination it draws the toxins from the body. This kitchari

recipe contains split moong beans, rice and a mix of spices that are healing and soothing which is why it

will be our main source of energy these next four days. (recipe enclosed)

Begin the day with a warm cup of water with the juice of half a lemon.

Enjoy room temperature water, warm lemon water herbal teas and detox teas throughout the day.

Move your body, and then sit in quiet meditation. Be silent if you’re able to. Refrain from having

the TV or radio on at all times, especially in the morning. Give your mind time to just be quiet and


Make your first meal a fresh green juice or smoothie.

If you don’t have the ability to make either or you don’t want either, begin with a breakfast of

kitchari. For the next four days we will focus our cleanse on having three meals per day of kitchari

(with or without the morning juice or smoothie). If you are Vata dominant you may not be

comfortable beginning the day with only juice, therefore you can certainly have juice and then

30-60 minutes later some kitchari.

Eat two to three meals a day of kitchari with steamed vegetables or a salad (with spices and/or

lemon juice only). Your mid-day meal should be the largest and if your last meal is after the sun

has set it should be especially light. If you are Vata dominant have steamed vegetables instead of a

salad as they will be warming to your body.

Give yourself an oil massage in the evening before a bath or in the morning before your shower.

Oil massage is a key component to our cleanse. It can certainly be incorporated as a daily practice

going forward but in order to properly circulate and stimulate the epidermis and lymph system it

is especially important these four days. Oil massage increases circulation, calms the nervous

system, tones muscles, improves the elimination of toxins from our skin and offers a more restful

sleep. Vata individuals benefit from sesame oil, Pitta individuals will look for sunflower or coconut

oil and Kapha individuals benefit from sesame or olive oil. All of the oils should be cold pressed

organic oil.

Take a bath in the evening with Epsom salt. A very easy, very soothing method of assisting the

body in removing the excess waste during the cleanse. Begin with 1⁄2 quart of Epsom salt in the

bath and if tolerable you can use up to 1 quart.

III. Post-cleanse (3 days): This time is just as important as the cleansing period as you gently begin

adding more foods back into your daily diet. Continue to avoid dairy, meat, caffeine and alcohol if possible

during these three days and take notice of how you are feeling going forward. You can continue with the

fresh juice or smoothies, fruit, vegetables, whole grains and legumes are what you should be eating. If you

want to begin eating meat again wait at least a day or two before doing so. Your body knows what it

needs, take time to quiet the mind and really listen before grabbing something to eat. Use the provided

list of foods for the spring season and choose accordingly.

Continue with the morning cup of water with lemon, exercise, meditation and juice or smoothie.

Continue sipping room temperature and warm water throughout the day and with herbal teas if

you like.

Eat three meals each day which consist of fresh vegetables, salads, steamed vegetables, brown

rice, quinoa or millet. Just as the pre-cleanse, take a look at the recipes for some inspiration. You

can certainly continue with the kitchari for a meal or two each day but add additional foods

as well.

Continue with the daily practices that resonate with you.

Page 7: Test


The Spring Cleanse –your detox plan-

The way in which you choose to cleanse will greatly determine your results, both positively and negatively.

If you are unwell or just don’t want to cleanse, you probably shouldn’t. It is best to be in the right frame of

mind mentally, for your body to be well and ready to make some changes during your cleanse. Be prepared

to rest more than usual, add some practices to your daily routine and have the time to prepare the foods

you need during each phase.

A key component to a successful cleanse is your bodies’ ability to relax, allowing your body naturally to

release the stored toxins. In order for this process to occur our bodies need to feel safe, if your blood sugar

dips too low you won’t fully relax. This may be the most important aspect and what sets Ayurveda and

this cleanse apart from some other theories in detoxing. This isn’t about starving the body and refusing

fuel and nourishment when it is truly needed. This is why there are different levels to this cleanse and it is

your job to listen to your bodies’ needs, assess how you’re feeling and make adjustments as required. Of

course, I’m always available if you need to run an idea by me or have a concern, please don’t hesitate to

email me at [email protected].

We will have a pre-cleanse phase, the cleansing phase and post-cleanse phase in which I will outline

exactly what you need to know to be successful. You will receive a suggested daily diet plan for each

phase, appropriate recipes as needed as well as suggested daily practices.

I. Pre-cleanse (3 days): This is a time to prepare the body for what is ahead by stabilizing the blood

sugar, making sure the lymphatic system is prepared to detox and the liver isn’t too congested. To do this

we should remove most or all of the following from our diet:

Processed foods: anything that comes out of box, a bag or a can is likely processed.

Caffeine + other stimulants: if this idea frightens you and you heavily rely on caffeine at least begin by

reducing your intake. Also, consider how serious you want to be with this cleanse and if this may be

the time to look to healthier options or even to reduce your intake.

Dairy + sweets

Meat: meat is building, we want to spend this time cleansing.


Your diet these three days should consist of mainly fresh fruit, vegetables and whole grains. This will ease

your body into the cleansing period and set you up for greater success and a more pleasant cleanse.

Each pre-cleanse, cleanse and post-cleanse day will begin with a cup of warm (not hot) water

with the juice of half a lemon. This is such a great practice to implement and continue even

beyond this cleanse. This addition is so balancing to the body bringing you into an alkaline state

after going all night without eating or drinking. It also promotes ongoing detoxification, is a

great way to enhance your digestion, is a natural diuretic and will hydrate the lymph system all

very important during the cleanse (If you’re unable to have warm water then have a glass of room

temperature water, with lemon if you like.)

Room temperature or even warm water should be consumed throughout the day but

not during meals.

This will assist your body in hydrating, digesting properly and flushing waste from your

system. I recommend you avoid drinking during meals as we don’t want to wash out your

digestive energy.

Eat three meals each day; snacking in between should be avoided. If you get hungry eat more at

each of your meals with your mid-day meal being the largest. (refer to your recipes if you need

some inspiration)

If your body is accepting you can certainly begin the day with a fresh smoothie or juice prior to

having breakfast. Allow at least 20-30 minutes after finishing the smoothie or juice to have

anything else. We always want to digest what we eat or drink before we offer our bodies anything


Get some light exercise each morning and sit quietly for 10 minutes as well. If you cannot exercise

in the morning you can certainly fit it in later on in the day, the same for your 10 minute

meditation. If you are someone who typically has an extensive or intense exercise regimen, I still

suggest you rein it in for the entire cleansing period giving your body the support needed to

repair during this time. Yoga or a brisk walk would be my top two recommended activities for

your cleanse.

As far as the morning meditation, I find that planning for 10 extra minutes in the morning to

meditate has a dramatic effect on how the rest of my day goes. Even if it is 5 minutes upon

waking and another 5 minutes before bed.

II. Cleanse (4 days): Reset your digestive fire. Incorporate some daily practices to truly care for yourself.

Yoga. Meditation. Silence. Movement. Water. Oil massage or dry brushing. Baths. Juices or smoothies. Light

meals of kitchari. Soups. Tea. Spices. Lightness. Glowing. Clarity. Peace.

These are all the wonderful components I wish for you during the cleansing period and what I’d like you to

focus on if you struggle mentally or physically throughout these 4 days. If you are someone who has a

typical American diet with caffeine, sugar, processed refined foods you may spend the first two days of the

cleanse in some discomfort. A detoxifying effect of the caffeine, sugar, etc could be headaches, fatigue,

nausea and irritability to name a few.

It is during this time that you will have to be especially kind to yourself and remember to drink water,

drink teas, walk, sit quietly, rest and even add some self-care strategies suggested.

Kitchari (meaning mixture) is a wholesome meal that is as healing to the digestive system as it is easy to

digest, it is high in protein and with the spice combination it draws the toxins from the body. This kitchari

recipe contains split moong beans, rice and a mix of spices that are healing and soothing which is why it

will be our main source of energy these next four days. (recipe enclosed)

Begin the day with a warm cup of water with the juice of half a lemon.

Enjoy room temperature water, warm lemon water herbal teas and detox teas throughout the day.

Move your body, and then sit in quiet meditation. Be silent if you’re able to. Refrain from having

the TV or radio on at all times, especially in the morning. Give your mind time to just be quiet and


Make your first meal a fresh green juice or smoothie.

If you don’t have the ability to make either or you don’t want either, begin with a breakfast of

kitchari. For the next four days we will focus our cleanse on having three meals per day of kitchari

(with or without the morning juice or smoothie). If you are Vata dominant you may not be

comfortable beginning the day with only juice, therefore you can certainly have juice and then

30-60 minutes later some kitchari.

Eat two to three meals a day of kitchari with steamed vegetables or a salad (with spices and/or

lemon juice only). Your mid-day meal should be the largest and if your last meal is after the sun

has set it should be especially light. If you are Vata dominant have steamed vegetables instead of a

salad as they will be warming to your body.

Give yourself an oil massage in the evening before a bath or in the morning before your shower.

Oil massage is a key component to our cleanse. It can certainly be incorporated as a daily practice

going forward but in order to properly circulate and stimulate the epidermis and lymph system it

is especially important these four days. Oil massage increases circulation, calms the nervous

system, tones muscles, improves the elimination of toxins from our skin and offers a more restful

sleep. Vata individuals benefit from sesame oil, Pitta individuals will look for sunflower or coconut

oil and Kapha individuals benefit from sesame or olive oil. All of the oils should be cold pressed

organic oil.

Take a bath in the evening with Epsom salt. A very easy, very soothing method of assisting the

body in removing the excess waste during the cleanse. Begin with 1⁄2 quart of Epsom salt in the

bath and if tolerable you can use up to 1 quart.

III. Post-cleanse (3 days): This time is just as important as the cleansing period as you gently begin

adding more foods back into your daily diet. Continue to avoid dairy, meat, caffeine and alcohol if possible

during these three days and take notice of how you are feeling going forward. You can continue with the

fresh juice or smoothies, fruit, vegetables, whole grains and legumes are what you should be eating. If you

want to begin eating meat again wait at least a day or two before doing so. Your body knows what it

needs, take time to quiet the mind and really listen before grabbing something to eat. Use the provided

list of foods for the spring season and choose accordingly.

Continue with the morning cup of water with lemon, exercise, meditation and juice or smoothie.

Continue sipping room temperature and warm water throughout the day and with herbal teas if

you like.

Eat three meals each day which consist of fresh vegetables, salads, steamed vegetables, brown

rice, quinoa or millet. Just as the pre-cleanse, take a look at the recipes for some inspiration. You

can certainly continue with the kitchari for a meal or two each day but add additional foods

as well.

Continue with the daily practices that resonate with you.

Page 8: Test


The Spring Cleanse –your detox plan-

The way in which you choose to cleanse will greatly determine your results, both positively and negatively.

If you are unwell or just don’t want to cleanse, you probably shouldn’t. It is best to be in the right frame of

mind mentally, for your body to be well and ready to make some changes during your cleanse. Be prepared

to rest more than usual, add some practices to your daily routine and have the time to prepare the foods

you need during each phase.

A key component to a successful cleanse is your bodies’ ability to relax, allowing your body naturally to

release the stored toxins. In order for this process to occur our bodies need to feel safe, if your blood sugar

dips too low you won’t fully relax. This may be the most important aspect and what sets Ayurveda and

this cleanse apart from some other theories in detoxing. This isn’t about starving the body and refusing

fuel and nourishment when it is truly needed. This is why there are different levels to this cleanse and it is

your job to listen to your bodies’ needs, assess how you’re feeling and make adjustments as required. Of

course, I’m always available if you need to run an idea by me or have a concern, please don’t hesitate to

email me at [email protected].

We will have a pre-cleanse phase, the cleansing phase and post-cleanse phase in which I will outline

exactly what you need to know to be successful. You will receive a suggested daily diet plan for each

phase, appropriate recipes as needed as well as suggested daily practices.

I. Pre-cleanse (3 days): This is a time to prepare the body for what is ahead by stabilizing the blood

sugar, making sure the lymphatic system is prepared to detox and the liver isn’t too congested. To do this

we should remove most or all of the following from our diet:

Processed foods: anything that comes out of box, a bag or a can is likely processed.

Caffeine + other stimulants: if this idea frightens you and you heavily rely on caffeine at least begin by

reducing your intake. Also, consider how serious you want to be with this cleanse and if this may be

the time to look to healthier options or even to reduce your intake.

Dairy + sweets

Meat: meat is building, we want to spend this time cleansing.


Your diet these three days should consist of mainly fresh fruit, vegetables and whole grains. This will ease

your body into the cleansing period and set you up for greater success and a more pleasant cleanse.

Each pre-cleanse, cleanse and post-cleanse day will begin with a cup of warm (not hot) water

with the juice of half a lemon. This is such a great practice to implement and continue even

beyond this cleanse. This addition is so balancing to the body bringing you into an alkaline state

after going all night without eating or drinking. It also promotes ongoing detoxification, is a

great way to enhance your digestion, is a natural diuretic and will hydrate the lymph system all

very important during the cleanse (If you’re unable to have warm water then have a glass of room

temperature water, with lemon if you like.)

Room temperature or even warm water should be consumed throughout the day but

not during meals.

This will assist your body in hydrating, digesting properly and flushing waste from your

system. I recommend you avoid drinking during meals as we don’t want to wash out your

digestive energy.

Eat three meals each day; snacking in between should be avoided. If you get hungry eat more at

each of your meals with your mid-day meal being the largest. (refer to your recipes if you need

some inspiration)

If your body is accepting you can certainly begin the day with a fresh smoothie or juice prior to

having breakfast. Allow at least 20-30 minutes after finishing the smoothie or juice to have

anything else. We always want to digest what we eat or drink before we offer our bodies anything


Get some light exercise each morning and sit quietly for 10 minutes as well. If you cannot exercise

in the morning you can certainly fit it in later on in the day, the same for your 10 minute

meditation. If you are someone who typically has an extensive or intense exercise regimen, I still

suggest you rein it in for the entire cleansing period giving your body the support needed to

repair during this time. Yoga or a brisk walk would be my top two recommended activities for

your cleanse.

As far as the morning meditation, I find that planning for 10 extra minutes in the morning to

meditate has a dramatic effect on how the rest of my day goes. Even if it is 5 minutes upon

waking and another 5 minutes before bed.

II. Cleanse (4 days): Reset your digestive fire. Incorporate some daily practices to truly care for yourself.

Yoga. Meditation. Silence. Movement. Water. Oil massage or dry brushing. Baths. Juices or smoothies. Light

meals of kitchari. Soups. Tea. Spices. Lightness. Glowing. Clarity. Peace.

These are all the wonderful components I wish for you during the cleansing period and what I’d like you to

focus on if you struggle mentally or physically throughout these 4 days. If you are someone who has a

typical American diet with caffeine, sugar, processed refined foods you may spend the first two days of the

cleanse in some discomfort. A detoxifying effect of the caffeine, sugar, etc could be headaches, fatigue,

nausea and irritability to name a few.

It is during this time that you will have to be especially kind to yourself and remember to drink water,

drink teas, walk, sit quietly, rest and even add some self-care strategies suggested.

Kitchari (meaning mixture) is a wholesome meal that is as healing to the digestive system as it is easy to

digest, it is high in protein and with the spice combination it draws the toxins from the body. This kitchari

recipe contains split moong beans, rice and a mix of spices that are healing and soothing which is why it

will be our main source of energy these next four days. (recipe enclosed)

Begin the day with a warm cup of water with the juice of half a lemon.

Enjoy room temperature water, warm lemon water herbal teas and detox teas throughout the day.

Move your body, and then sit in quiet meditation. Be silent if you’re able to. Refrain from having

the TV or radio on at all times, especially in the morning. Give your mind time to just be quiet and


Make your first meal a fresh green juice or smoothie.

If you don’t have the ability to make either or you don’t want either, begin with a breakfast of

kitchari. For the next four days we will focus our cleanse on having three meals per day of kitchari

(with or without the morning juice or smoothie). If you are Vata dominant you may not be

comfortable beginning the day with only juice, therefore you can certainly have juice and then

30-60 minutes later some kitchari.

Eat two to three meals a day of kitchari with steamed vegetables or a salad (with spices and/or

lemon juice only). Your mid-day meal should be the largest and if your last meal is after the sun

has set it should be especially light. If you are Vata dominant have steamed vegetables instead of a

salad as they will be warming to your body.

Give yourself an oil massage in the evening before a bath or in the morning before your shower.

Oil massage is a key component to our cleanse. It can certainly be incorporated as a daily practice

going forward but in order to properly circulate and stimulate the epidermis and lymph system it

is especially important these four days. Oil massage increases circulation, calms the nervous

system, tones muscles, improves the elimination of toxins from our skin and offers a more restful

sleep. Vata individuals benefit from sesame oil, Pitta individuals will look for sunflower or coconut

oil and Kapha individuals benefit from sesame or olive oil. All of the oils should be cold pressed

organic oil.

Take a bath in the evening with Epsom salt. A very easy, very soothing method of assisting the

body in removing the excess waste during the cleanse. Begin with 1⁄2 quart of Epsom salt in the

bath and if tolerable you can use up to 1 quart.

III. Post-cleanse (3 days): This time is just as important as the cleansing period as you gently begin

adding more foods back into your daily diet. Continue to avoid dairy, meat, caffeine and alcohol if possible

during these three days and take notice of how you are feeling going forward. You can continue with the

fresh juice or smoothies, fruit, vegetables, whole grains and legumes are what you should be eating. If you

want to begin eating meat again wait at least a day or two before doing so. Your body knows what it

needs, take time to quiet the mind and really listen before grabbing something to eat. Use the provided

list of foods for the spring season and choose accordingly.

Continue with the morning cup of water with lemon, exercise, meditation and juice or smoothie.

Continue sipping room temperature and warm water throughout the day and with herbal teas if

you like.

Eat three meals each day which consist of fresh vegetables, salads, steamed vegetables, brown

rice, quinoa or millet. Just as the pre-cleanse, take a look at the recipes for some inspiration. You

can certainly continue with the kitchari for a meal or two each day but add additional foods

as well.

Continue with the daily practices that resonate with you.

Read each question and rate how much it applies to you:

Write a number from 1 to 6.

1 means that it really doesn’t apply to you at all.

2 means it applies some of the time.

6 means it applies most of the time.

Try to answer the question according to how they have applied to you over time, rather than just recently.

Total your responses at the end of each section, so that at the end of the questionnaire you have three

totals – one each for Vata, Pitta + Kapha. By comparing these scores, you will be able to determine your

mind-body type.

Section 1

I perform activity very quickly.

I am not good at memorizing things and then remembering them later.

I am enthusiastic and vivacious by nature.

I have a thin physique – I don’t gain weight very easily.

I have always learned new things very quickly.

My characteristic gait while walking is light and quick.

I tend to have difficulty making decisions.

I tend to develop gas or become constipated easily.

I tend to have cold hands and feet.

I become anxious or worried frequently.

I don’t tolerate cold weather as well as most people.

I speak quickly and my friends think that I am talkative.

My moods change easily and I am somewhat emotional by nature.

I often have difficulty in falling asleep or having a sound night’s sleep.

My skin tends to be very dry, especially in the winter.

My mind is very active, sometimes restless, but also very imaginative.

My movements are quick and active; my energy tends to come in bursts.

I am easily excitable.

Left on my own, my eating and sleeping habits tend to be irregular.

I learn quickly, but I also forget quickly.

Vata Score

Page 9: Test


The Spring Cleanse –your detox plan-

The way in which you choose to cleanse will greatly determine your results, both positively and negatively.

If you are unwell or just don’t want to cleanse, you probably shouldn’t. It is best to be in the right frame of

mind mentally, for your body to be well and ready to make some changes during your cleanse. Be prepared

to rest more than usual, add some practices to your daily routine and have the time to prepare the foods

you need during each phase.

A key component to a successful cleanse is your bodies’ ability to relax, allowing your body naturally to

release the stored toxins. In order for this process to occur our bodies need to feel safe, if your blood sugar

dips too low you won’t fully relax. This may be the most important aspect and what sets Ayurveda and

this cleanse apart from some other theories in detoxing. This isn’t about starving the body and refusing

fuel and nourishment when it is truly needed. This is why there are different levels to this cleanse and it is

your job to listen to your bodies’ needs, assess how you’re feeling and make adjustments as required. Of

course, I’m always available if you need to run an idea by me or have a concern, please don’t hesitate to

email me at [email protected].

We will have a pre-cleanse phase, the cleansing phase and post-cleanse phase in which I will outline

exactly what you need to know to be successful. You will receive a suggested daily diet plan for each

phase, appropriate recipes as needed as well as suggested daily practices.

I. Pre-cleanse (3 days): This is a time to prepare the body for what is ahead by stabilizing the blood

sugar, making sure the lymphatic system is prepared to detox and the liver isn’t too congested. To do this

we should remove most or all of the following from our diet:

Processed foods: anything that comes out of box, a bag or a can is likely processed.

Caffeine + other stimulants: if this idea frightens you and you heavily rely on caffeine at least begin by

reducing your intake. Also, consider how serious you want to be with this cleanse and if this may be

the time to look to healthier options or even to reduce your intake.

Dairy + sweets

Meat: meat is building, we want to spend this time cleansing.


Your diet these three days should consist of mainly fresh fruit, vegetables and whole grains. This will ease

your body into the cleansing period and set you up for greater success and a more pleasant cleanse.

Each pre-cleanse, cleanse and post-cleanse day will begin with a cup of warm (not hot) water

with the juice of half a lemon. This is such a great practice to implement and continue even

beyond this cleanse. This addition is so balancing to the body bringing you into an alkaline state

after going all night without eating or drinking. It also promotes ongoing detoxification, is a

great way to enhance your digestion, is a natural diuretic and will hydrate the lymph system all

very important during the cleanse (If you’re unable to have warm water then have a glass of room

temperature water, with lemon if you like.)

Room temperature or even warm water should be consumed throughout the day but

not during meals.

This will assist your body in hydrating, digesting properly and flushing waste from your

system. I recommend you avoid drinking during meals as we don’t want to wash out your

digestive energy.

Eat three meals each day; snacking in between should be avoided. If you get hungry eat more at

each of your meals with your mid-day meal being the largest. (refer to your recipes if you need

some inspiration)

If your body is accepting you can certainly begin the day with a fresh smoothie or juice prior to

having breakfast. Allow at least 20-30 minutes after finishing the smoothie or juice to have

anything else. We always want to digest what we eat or drink before we offer our bodies anything


Get some light exercise each morning and sit quietly for 10 minutes as well. If you cannot exercise

in the morning you can certainly fit it in later on in the day, the same for your 10 minute

meditation. If you are someone who typically has an extensive or intense exercise regimen, I still

suggest you rein it in for the entire cleansing period giving your body the support needed to

repair during this time. Yoga or a brisk walk would be my top two recommended activities for

your cleanse.

As far as the morning meditation, I find that planning for 10 extra minutes in the morning to

meditate has a dramatic effect on how the rest of my day goes. Even if it is 5 minutes upon

waking and another 5 minutes before bed.

II. Cleanse (4 days): Reset your digestive fire. Incorporate some daily practices to truly care for yourself.

Yoga. Meditation. Silence. Movement. Water. Oil massage or dry brushing. Baths. Juices or smoothies. Light

meals of kitchari. Soups. Tea. Spices. Lightness. Glowing. Clarity. Peace.

These are all the wonderful components I wish for you during the cleansing period and what I’d like you to

focus on if you struggle mentally or physically throughout these 4 days. If you are someone who has a

typical American diet with caffeine, sugar, processed refined foods you may spend the first two days of the

cleanse in some discomfort. A detoxifying effect of the caffeine, sugar, etc could be headaches, fatigue,

nausea and irritability to name a few.

It is during this time that you will have to be especially kind to yourself and remember to drink water,

drink teas, walk, sit quietly, rest and even add some self-care strategies suggested.

Kitchari (meaning mixture) is a wholesome meal that is as healing to the digestive system as it is easy to

digest, it is high in protein and with the spice combination it draws the toxins from the body. This kitchari

recipe contains split moong beans, rice and a mix of spices that are healing and soothing which is why it

will be our main source of energy these next four days. (recipe enclosed)

Begin the day with a warm cup of water with the juice of half a lemon.

Enjoy room temperature water, warm lemon water herbal teas and detox teas throughout the day.

Move your body, and then sit in quiet meditation. Be silent if you’re able to. Refrain from having

the TV or radio on at all times, especially in the morning. Give your mind time to just be quiet and


Make your first meal a fresh green juice or smoothie.

If you don’t have the ability to make either or you don’t want either, begin with a breakfast of

kitchari. For the next four days we will focus our cleanse on having three meals per day of kitchari

(with or without the morning juice or smoothie). If you are Vata dominant you may not be

comfortable beginning the day with only juice, therefore you can certainly have juice and then

30-60 minutes later some kitchari.

Eat two to three meals a day of kitchari with steamed vegetables or a salad (with spices and/or

lemon juice only). Your mid-day meal should be the largest and if your last meal is after the sun

has set it should be especially light. If you are Vata dominant have steamed vegetables instead of a

salad as they will be warming to your body.

Give yourself an oil massage in the evening before a bath or in the morning before your shower.

Oil massage is a key component to our cleanse. It can certainly be incorporated as a daily practice

going forward but in order to properly circulate and stimulate the epidermis and lymph system it

is especially important these four days. Oil massage increases circulation, calms the nervous

system, tones muscles, improves the elimination of toxins from our skin and offers a more restful

sleep. Vata individuals benefit from sesame oil, Pitta individuals will look for sunflower or coconut

oil and Kapha individuals benefit from sesame or olive oil. All of the oils should be cold pressed

organic oil.

Take a bath in the evening with Epsom salt. A very easy, very soothing method of assisting the

body in removing the excess waste during the cleanse. Begin with 1⁄2 quart of Epsom salt in the

bath and if tolerable you can use up to 1 quart.

III. Post-cleanse (3 days): This time is just as important as the cleansing period as you gently begin

adding more foods back into your daily diet. Continue to avoid dairy, meat, caffeine and alcohol if possible

during these three days and take notice of how you are feeling going forward. You can continue with the

fresh juice or smoothies, fruit, vegetables, whole grains and legumes are what you should be eating. If you

want to begin eating meat again wait at least a day or two before doing so. Your body knows what it

needs, take time to quiet the mind and really listen before grabbing something to eat. Use the provided

list of foods for the spring season and choose accordingly.

Continue with the morning cup of water with lemon, exercise, meditation and juice or smoothie.

Continue sipping room temperature and warm water throughout the day and with herbal teas if

you like.

Eat three meals each day which consist of fresh vegetables, salads, steamed vegetables, brown

rice, quinoa or millet. Just as the pre-cleanse, take a look at the recipes for some inspiration. You

can certainly continue with the kitchari for a meal or two each day but add additional foods

as well.

Continue with the daily practices that resonate with you.

Section 2

I consider myself to be very efficient.

In my activities, I tend to be extremely precise and orderly.

I am strong-minded and have a somewhat forceful manner.

I feel uncomfortable or become easily fatigued in hot weather, more so than other people.

I tend to perspire easily.

If I skip a meal or a meal is delayed, I become uncomfortable.

Four or more of the following characteristics describes my hair: early graying or balding;

thin, fine, straight hair; blond, red or sandy colored hair.

I have a strong appetite; If I want to, I can eat quite a large quantity.

Many people consider me stubborn.

I am very regular in my bowel habits-it would be more common for me to have loose stools

than to be constipated.

I become impatient very easily.

I tend to be a perfectionist about details.

I get angry quite easily, but then quickly forget about it.

I am very fond of cold foods like ice cream and also ice-cold drinks.

I am more likely to feel that a room is too hot than too cold.

I don’t tolerate foods that are very hot and spicy.

I am not as tolerant of disagreements as I should be.

I enjoy challenges and when I want something I am very determined in my efforts to get it.

I tend to be quite critical of others and also myself.

Pitta Score

Page 10: Test


The Spring Cleanse –your detox plan-

The way in which you choose to cleanse will greatly determine your results, both positively and negatively.

If you are unwell or just don’t want to cleanse, you probably shouldn’t. It is best to be in the right frame of

mind mentally, for your body to be well and ready to make some changes during your cleanse. Be prepared

to rest more than usual, add some practices to your daily routine and have the time to prepare the foods

you need during each phase.

A key component to a successful cleanse is your bodies’ ability to relax, allowing your body naturally to

release the stored toxins. In order for this process to occur our bodies need to feel safe, if your blood sugar

dips too low you won’t fully relax. This may be the most important aspect and what sets Ayurveda and

this cleanse apart from some other theories in detoxing. This isn’t about starving the body and refusing

fuel and nourishment when it is truly needed. This is why there are different levels to this cleanse and it is

your job to listen to your bodies’ needs, assess how you’re feeling and make adjustments as required. Of

course, I’m always available if you need to run an idea by me or have a concern, please don’t hesitate to

email me at [email protected].

We will have a pre-cleanse phase, the cleansing phase and post-cleanse phase in which I will outline

exactly what you need to know to be successful. You will receive a suggested daily diet plan for each

phase, appropriate recipes as needed as well as suggested daily practices.

I. Pre-cleanse (3 days): This is a time to prepare the body for what is ahead by stabilizing the blood

sugar, making sure the lymphatic system is prepared to detox and the liver isn’t too congested. To do this

we should remove most or all of the following from our diet:

Processed foods: anything that comes out of box, a bag or a can is likely processed.

Caffeine + other stimulants: if this idea frightens you and you heavily rely on caffeine at least begin by

reducing your intake. Also, consider how serious you want to be with this cleanse and if this may be

the time to look to healthier options or even to reduce your intake.

Dairy + sweets

Meat: meat is building, we want to spend this time cleansing.


Your diet these three days should consist of mainly fresh fruit, vegetables and whole grains. This will ease

your body into the cleansing period and set you up for greater success and a more pleasant cleanse.

Each pre-cleanse, cleanse and post-cleanse day will begin with a cup of warm (not hot) water

with the juice of half a lemon. This is such a great practice to implement and continue even

beyond this cleanse. This addition is so balancing to the body bringing you into an alkaline state

after going all night without eating or drinking. It also promotes ongoing detoxification, is a

great way to enhance your digestion, is a natural diuretic and will hydrate the lymph system all

very important during the cleanse (If you’re unable to have warm water then have a glass of room

temperature water, with lemon if you like.)

Room temperature or even warm water should be consumed throughout the day but

not during meals.

This will assist your body in hydrating, digesting properly and flushing waste from your

system. I recommend you avoid drinking during meals as we don’t want to wash out your

digestive energy.

Eat three meals each day; snacking in between should be avoided. If you get hungry eat more at

each of your meals with your mid-day meal being the largest. (refer to your recipes if you need

some inspiration)

If your body is accepting you can certainly begin the day with a fresh smoothie or juice prior to

having breakfast. Allow at least 20-30 minutes after finishing the smoothie or juice to have

anything else. We always want to digest what we eat or drink before we offer our bodies anything


Get some light exercise each morning and sit quietly for 10 minutes as well. If you cannot exercise

in the morning you can certainly fit it in later on in the day, the same for your 10 minute

meditation. If you are someone who typically has an extensive or intense exercise regimen, I still

suggest you rein it in for the entire cleansing period giving your body the support needed to

repair during this time. Yoga or a brisk walk would be my top two recommended activities for

your cleanse.

As far as the morning meditation, I find that planning for 10 extra minutes in the morning to

meditate has a dramatic effect on how the rest of my day goes. Even if it is 5 minutes upon

waking and another 5 minutes before bed.

II. Cleanse (4 days): Reset your digestive fire. Incorporate some daily practices to truly care for yourself.

Yoga. Meditation. Silence. Movement. Water. Oil massage or dry brushing. Baths. Juices or smoothies. Light

meals of kitchari. Soups. Tea. Spices. Lightness. Glowing. Clarity. Peace.

These are all the wonderful components I wish for you during the cleansing period and what I’d like you to

focus on if you struggle mentally or physically throughout these 4 days. If you are someone who has a

typical American diet with caffeine, sugar, processed refined foods you may spend the first two days of the

cleanse in some discomfort. A detoxifying effect of the caffeine, sugar, etc could be headaches, fatigue,

nausea and irritability to name a few.

It is during this time that you will have to be especially kind to yourself and remember to drink water,

drink teas, walk, sit quietly, rest and even add some self-care strategies suggested.

Kitchari (meaning mixture) is a wholesome meal that is as healing to the digestive system as it is easy to

digest, it is high in protein and with the spice combination it draws the toxins from the body. This kitchari

recipe contains split moong beans, rice and a mix of spices that are healing and soothing which is why it

will be our main source of energy these next four days. (recipe enclosed)

Begin the day with a warm cup of water with the juice of half a lemon.

Enjoy room temperature water, warm lemon water herbal teas and detox teas throughout the day.

Move your body, and then sit in quiet meditation. Be silent if you’re able to. Refrain from having

the TV or radio on at all times, especially in the morning. Give your mind time to just be quiet and


Make your first meal a fresh green juice or smoothie.

If you don’t have the ability to make either or you don’t want either, begin with a breakfast of

kitchari. For the next four days we will focus our cleanse on having three meals per day of kitchari

(with or without the morning juice or smoothie). If you are Vata dominant you may not be

comfortable beginning the day with only juice, therefore you can certainly have juice and then

30-60 minutes later some kitchari.

Eat two to three meals a day of kitchari with steamed vegetables or a salad (with spices and/or

lemon juice only). Your mid-day meal should be the largest and if your last meal is after the sun

has set it should be especially light. If you are Vata dominant have steamed vegetables instead of a

salad as they will be warming to your body.

Give yourself an oil massage in the evening before a bath or in the morning before your shower.

Oil massage is a key component to our cleanse. It can certainly be incorporated as a daily practice

going forward but in order to properly circulate and stimulate the epidermis and lymph system it

is especially important these four days. Oil massage increases circulation, calms the nervous

system, tones muscles, improves the elimination of toxins from our skin and offers a more restful

sleep. Vata individuals benefit from sesame oil, Pitta individuals will look for sunflower or coconut

oil and Kapha individuals benefit from sesame or olive oil. All of the oils should be cold pressed

organic oil.

Take a bath in the evening with Epsom salt. A very easy, very soothing method of assisting the

body in removing the excess waste during the cleanse. Begin with 1⁄2 quart of Epsom salt in the

bath and if tolerable you can use up to 1 quart.

III. Post-cleanse (3 days): This time is just as important as the cleansing period as you gently begin

adding more foods back into your daily diet. Continue to avoid dairy, meat, caffeine and alcohol if possible

during these three days and take notice of how you are feeling going forward. You can continue with the

fresh juice or smoothies, fruit, vegetables, whole grains and legumes are what you should be eating. If you

want to begin eating meat again wait at least a day or two before doing so. Your body knows what it

needs, take time to quiet the mind and really listen before grabbing something to eat. Use the provided

list of foods for the spring season and choose accordingly.

Continue with the morning cup of water with lemon, exercise, meditation and juice or smoothie.

Continue sipping room temperature and warm water throughout the day and with herbal teas if

you like.

Eat three meals each day which consist of fresh vegetables, salads, steamed vegetables, brown

rice, quinoa or millet. Just as the pre-cleanse, take a look at the recipes for some inspiration. You

can certainly continue with the kitchari for a meal or two each day but add additional foods

as well.

Continue with the daily practices that resonate with you.

Section 3

My natural tendency is to do things in a slow and relaxed fashion.

I gain weight more easily than most people and lose it more slowly.

I have a placid and calm disposition, I am not easily ruffled.

I can skip meals easily without any significant discomfort.

I have a tendency toward excess mucus, phlegm, chronic congestion, asthma or sinus problems.

I must have at least eight hours of sleep in order to be comfortable the next day.

I sleep very deeply.

I am very calm by nature and not easily angered.

I don’t learn as quickly as some people, but I have excellent retention and a long memory.

I have a tendency toward becoming plump, I store extra fat easily.

Weather that is cool and damp bothers me.

My hair is thick, dark and wavy.

I have smooth, soft skin with a somewhat pale complexion.

I have a large, solid body build.

The following words describe me well: serene, sweet-natured, affectionate and forgiving.

I have slow digestion, which makes me feel heavy after eating.

I have very good stamina and physical endurance as well as a steady level of energy.

I generally walk with a slow, measured gait.

I have a tendency toward oversleeping, grogginess upon awakening and am generally

slow to get going in the morning.

I am a slow eater and am slow and methodical in my actions.

Kapha Score

Page 11: Test


The Spring Cleanse –your detox plan-

The way in which you choose to cleanse will greatly determine your results, both positively and negatively.

If you are unwell or just don’t want to cleanse, you probably shouldn’t. It is best to be in the right frame of

mind mentally, for your body to be well and ready to make some changes during your cleanse. Be prepared

to rest more than usual, add some practices to your daily routine and have the time to prepare the foods

you need during each phase.

A key component to a successful cleanse is your bodies’ ability to relax, allowing your body naturally to

release the stored toxins. In order for this process to occur our bodies need to feel safe, if your blood sugar

dips too low you won’t fully relax. This may be the most important aspect and what sets Ayurveda and

this cleanse apart from some other theories in detoxing. This isn’t about starving the body and refusing

fuel and nourishment when it is truly needed. This is why there are different levels to this cleanse and it is

your job to listen to your bodies’ needs, assess how you’re feeling and make adjustments as required. Of

course, I’m always available if you need to run an idea by me or have a concern, please don’t hesitate to

email me at [email protected].

We will have a pre-cleanse phase, the cleansing phase and post-cleanse phase in which I will outline

exactly what you need to know to be successful. You will receive a suggested daily diet plan for each

phase, appropriate recipes as needed as well as suggested daily practices.

I. Pre-cleanse (3 days): This is a time to prepare the body for what is ahead by stabilizing the blood

sugar, making sure the lymphatic system is prepared to detox and the liver isn’t too congested. To do this

we should remove most or all of the following from our diet:

Processed foods: anything that comes out of box, a bag or a can is likely processed.

Caffeine + other stimulants: if this idea frightens you and you heavily rely on caffeine at least begin by

reducing your intake. Also, consider how serious you want to be with this cleanse and if this may be

the time to look to healthier options or even to reduce your intake.

Dairy + sweets

Meat: meat is building, we want to spend this time cleansing.


Your diet these three days should consist of mainly fresh fruit, vegetables and whole grains. This will ease

your body into the cleansing period and set you up for greater success and a more pleasant cleanse.

Each pre-cleanse, cleanse and post-cleanse day will begin with a cup of warm (not hot) water

with the juice of half a lemon. This is such a great practice to implement and continue even

beyond this cleanse. This addition is so balancing to the body bringing you into an alkaline state

after going all night without eating or drinking. It also promotes ongoing detoxification, is a

great way to enhance your digestion, is a natural diuretic and will hydrate the lymph system all

very important during the cleanse (If you’re unable to have warm water then have a glass of room

temperature water, with lemon if you like.)

Room temperature or even warm water should be consumed throughout the day but

not during meals.

This will assist your body in hydrating, digesting properly and flushing waste from your

system. I recommend you avoid drinking during meals as we don’t want to wash out your

digestive energy.

Eat three meals each day; snacking in between should be avoided. If you get hungry eat more at

each of your meals with your mid-day meal being the largest. (refer to your recipes if you need

some inspiration)

If your body is accepting you can certainly begin the day with a fresh smoothie or juice prior to

having breakfast. Allow at least 20-30 minutes after finishing the smoothie or juice to have

anything else. We always want to digest what we eat or drink before we offer our bodies anything


Get some light exercise each morning and sit quietly for 10 minutes as well. If you cannot exercise

in the morning you can certainly fit it in later on in the day, the same for your 10 minute

meditation. If you are someone who typically has an extensive or intense exercise regimen, I still

suggest you rein it in for the entire cleansing period giving your body the support needed to

repair during this time. Yoga or a brisk walk would be my top two recommended activities for

your cleanse.

As far as the morning meditation, I find that planning for 10 extra minutes in the morning to

meditate has a dramatic effect on how the rest of my day goes. Even if it is 5 minutes upon

waking and another 5 minutes before bed.

II. Cleanse (4 days): Reset your digestive fire. Incorporate some daily practices to truly care for yourself.

Yoga. Meditation. Silence. Movement. Water. Oil massage or dry brushing. Baths. Juices or smoothies. Light

meals of kitchari. Soups. Tea. Spices. Lightness. Glowing. Clarity. Peace.

These are all the wonderful components I wish for you during the cleansing period and what I’d like you to

focus on if you struggle mentally or physically throughout these 4 days. If you are someone who has a

typical American diet with caffeine, sugar, processed refined foods you may spend the first two days of the

cleanse in some discomfort. A detoxifying effect of the caffeine, sugar, etc could be headaches, fatigue,

nausea and irritability to name a few.

It is during this time that you will have to be especially kind to yourself and remember to drink water,

drink teas, walk, sit quietly, rest and even add some self-care strategies suggested.

Kitchari (meaning mixture) is a wholesome meal that is as healing to the digestive system as it is easy to

digest, it is high in protein and with the spice combination it draws the toxins from the body. This kitchari

recipe contains split moong beans, rice and a mix of spices that are healing and soothing which is why it

will be our main source of energy these next four days. (recipe enclosed)

Begin the day with a warm cup of water with the juice of half a lemon.

Enjoy room temperature water, warm lemon water herbal teas and detox teas throughout the day.

Move your body, and then sit in quiet meditation. Be silent if you’re able to. Refrain from having

the TV or radio on at all times, especially in the morning. Give your mind time to just be quiet and


Make your first meal a fresh green juice or smoothie.

If you don’t have the ability to make either or you don’t want either, begin with a breakfast of

kitchari. For the next four days we will focus our cleanse on having three meals per day of kitchari

(with or without the morning juice or smoothie). If you are Vata dominant you may not be

comfortable beginning the day with only juice, therefore you can certainly have juice and then

30-60 minutes later some kitchari.

Eat two to three meals a day of kitchari with steamed vegetables or a salad (with spices and/or

lemon juice only). Your mid-day meal should be the largest and if your last meal is after the sun

has set it should be especially light. If you are Vata dominant have steamed vegetables instead of a

salad as they will be warming to your body.

Give yourself an oil massage in the evening before a bath or in the morning before your shower.

Oil massage is a key component to our cleanse. It can certainly be incorporated as a daily practice

going forward but in order to properly circulate and stimulate the epidermis and lymph system it

is especially important these four days. Oil massage increases circulation, calms the nervous

system, tones muscles, improves the elimination of toxins from our skin and offers a more restful

sleep. Vata individuals benefit from sesame oil, Pitta individuals will look for sunflower or coconut

oil and Kapha individuals benefit from sesame or olive oil. All of the oils should be cold pressed

organic oil.

Take a bath in the evening with Epsom salt. A very easy, very soothing method of assisting the

body in removing the excess waste during the cleanse. Begin with 1⁄2 quart of Epsom salt in the

bath and if tolerable you can use up to 1 quart.

III. Post-cleanse (3 days): This time is just as important as the cleansing period as you gently begin

adding more foods back into your daily diet. Continue to avoid dairy, meat, caffeine and alcohol if possible

during these three days and take notice of how you are feeling going forward. You can continue with the

fresh juice or smoothies, fruit, vegetables, whole grains and legumes are what you should be eating. If you

want to begin eating meat again wait at least a day or two before doing so. Your body knows what it

needs, take time to quiet the mind and really listen before grabbing something to eat. Use the provided

list of foods for the spring season and choose accordingly.

Continue with the morning cup of water with lemon, exercise, meditation and juice or smoothie.

Continue sipping room temperature and warm water throughout the day and with herbal teas if

you like.

Eat three meals each day which consist of fresh vegetables, salads, steamed vegetables, brown

rice, quinoa or millet. Just as the pre-cleanse, take a look at the recipes for some inspiration. You

can certainly continue with the kitchari for a meal or two each day but add additional foods

as well.

Continue with the daily practices that resonate with you.


1 cup yellow split moong beans (may also see as mung bean or dahl)

1⁄4 - 1⁄2 cup white or brown basmati rice

1 Tbsp fresh ginger root

1 tsp each mustard seeds, cumin powder or seeds and turmeric powder

1⁄2 tsp each coriander powder, fennel seeds and fenugreek seeds

3 bay leaves

7 – 10 cups of water or vegetable broth

1⁄2 tsp salt

1 small handful fresh chopped cilantro leaves

Wash the moong beans and rice together until water runs clear.

Heat a large pot on medium heat and add all the spices (except bay leaves) and dry roast for a few minutes to

enhance the flavor.

Add moong beans (dahl) and rice, stir.

Add water and bay leaves, bring to a boil. Boil for 10 minutes.

Turn heat to low, cover pot and continue to cook until dahl and rice become soft (30-40 minutes).

Add cilantro + salt before serving.

Makes 3-4 servings, depending on serving size.

The spices used in this kitchari are used because of their medicinal properties as well as their ability to assist the

body in the cleansing process. Turmeric cleanses the blood, strengthens the digestion and immunity. Cumin too is a

digestive aid; it reduces gas in the body and is a diuretic. Coriander is a spice that also stimulates digestion and

supports the respiratory system.

Fennel seeds are calming to the nervous system and also support digestion. Fenugreek has healing properties,

improves digestion, purifies the skin and strengthens the respiratory and nervous systems.

Page 12: Test


The Spring Cleanse –your detox plan-

The way in which you choose to cleanse will greatly determine your results, both positively and negatively.

If you are unwell or just don’t want to cleanse, you probably shouldn’t. It is best to be in the right frame of

mind mentally, for your body to be well and ready to make some changes during your cleanse. Be prepared

to rest more than usual, add some practices to your daily routine and have the time to prepare the foods

you need during each phase.

A key component to a successful cleanse is your bodies’ ability to relax, allowing your body naturally to

release the stored toxins. In order for this process to occur our bodies need to feel safe, if your blood sugar

dips too low you won’t fully relax. This may be the most important aspect and what sets Ayurveda and

this cleanse apart from some other theories in detoxing. This isn’t about starving the body and refusing

fuel and nourishment when it is truly needed. This is why there are different levels to this cleanse and it is

your job to listen to your bodies’ needs, assess how you’re feeling and make adjustments as required. Of

course, I’m always available if you need to run an idea by me or have a concern, please don’t hesitate to

email me at [email protected].

We will have a pre-cleanse phase, the cleansing phase and post-cleanse phase in which I will outline

exactly what you need to know to be successful. You will receive a suggested daily diet plan for each

phase, appropriate recipes as needed as well as suggested daily practices.

I. Pre-cleanse (3 days): This is a time to prepare the body for what is ahead by stabilizing the blood

sugar, making sure the lymphatic system is prepared to detox and the liver isn’t too congested. To do this

we should remove most or all of the following from our diet:

Processed foods: anything that comes out of box, a bag or a can is likely processed.

Caffeine + other stimulants: if this idea frightens you and you heavily rely on caffeine at least begin by

reducing your intake. Also, consider how serious you want to be with this cleanse and if this may be

the time to look to healthier options or even to reduce your intake.

Dairy + sweets

Meat: meat is building, we want to spend this time cleansing.


Your diet these three days should consist of mainly fresh fruit, vegetables and whole grains. This will ease

your body into the cleansing period and set you up for greater success and a more pleasant cleanse.

Each pre-cleanse, cleanse and post-cleanse day will begin with a cup of warm (not hot) water

with the juice of half a lemon. This is such a great practice to implement and continue even

beyond this cleanse. This addition is so balancing to the body bringing you into an alkaline state

after going all night without eating or drinking. It also promotes ongoing detoxification, is a

great way to enhance your digestion, is a natural diuretic and will hydrate the lymph system all

very important during the cleanse (If you’re unable to have warm water then have a glass of room

temperature water, with lemon if you like.)

Room temperature or even warm water should be consumed throughout the day but

not during meals.

This will assist your body in hydrating, digesting properly and flushing waste from your

system. I recommend you avoid drinking during meals as we don’t want to wash out your

digestive energy.

Eat three meals each day; snacking in between should be avoided. If you get hungry eat more at

each of your meals with your mid-day meal being the largest. (refer to your recipes if you need

some inspiration)

If your body is accepting you can certainly begin the day with a fresh smoothie or juice prior to

having breakfast. Allow at least 20-30 minutes after finishing the smoothie or juice to have

anything else. We always want to digest what we eat or drink before we offer our bodies anything


Get some light exercise each morning and sit quietly for 10 minutes as well. If you cannot exercise

in the morning you can certainly fit it in later on in the day, the same for your 10 minute

meditation. If you are someone who typically has an extensive or intense exercise regimen, I still

suggest you rein it in for the entire cleansing period giving your body the support needed to

repair during this time. Yoga or a brisk walk would be my top two recommended activities for

your cleanse.

As far as the morning meditation, I find that planning for 10 extra minutes in the morning to

meditate has a dramatic effect on how the rest of my day goes. Even if it is 5 minutes upon

waking and another 5 minutes before bed.

II. Cleanse (4 days): Reset your digestive fire. Incorporate some daily practices to truly care for yourself.

Yoga. Meditation. Silence. Movement. Water. Oil massage or dry brushing. Baths. Juices or smoothies. Light

meals of kitchari. Soups. Tea. Spices. Lightness. Glowing. Clarity. Peace.

These are all the wonderful components I wish for you during the cleansing period and what I’d like you to

focus on if you struggle mentally or physically throughout these 4 days. If you are someone who has a

typical American diet with caffeine, sugar, processed refined foods you may spend the first two days of the

cleanse in some discomfort. A detoxifying effect of the caffeine, sugar, etc could be headaches, fatigue,

nausea and irritability to name a few.

It is during this time that you will have to be especially kind to yourself and remember to drink water,

drink teas, walk, sit quietly, rest and even add some self-care strategies suggested.

Kitchari (meaning mixture) is a wholesome meal that is as healing to the digestive system as it is easy to

digest, it is high in protein and with the spice combination it draws the toxins from the body. This kitchari

recipe contains split moong beans, rice and a mix of spices that are healing and soothing which is why it

will be our main source of energy these next four days. (recipe enclosed)

Begin the day with a warm cup of water with the juice of half a lemon.

Enjoy room temperature water, warm lemon water herbal teas and detox teas throughout the day.

Move your body, and then sit in quiet meditation. Be silent if you’re able to. Refrain from having

the TV or radio on at all times, especially in the morning. Give your mind time to just be quiet and


Make your first meal a fresh green juice or smoothie.

If you don’t have the ability to make either or you don’t want either, begin with a breakfast of

kitchari. For the next four days we will focus our cleanse on having three meals per day of kitchari

(with or without the morning juice or smoothie). If you are Vata dominant you may not be

comfortable beginning the day with only juice, therefore you can certainly have juice and then

30-60 minutes later some kitchari.

Eat two to three meals a day of kitchari with steamed vegetables or a salad (with spices and/or

lemon juice only). Your mid-day meal should be the largest and if your last meal is after the sun

has set it should be especially light. If you are Vata dominant have steamed vegetables instead of a

salad as they will be warming to your body.

Give yourself an oil massage in the evening before a bath or in the morning before your shower.

Oil massage is a key component to our cleanse. It can certainly be incorporated as a daily practice

going forward but in order to properly circulate and stimulate the epidermis and lymph system it

is especially important these four days. Oil massage increases circulation, calms the nervous

system, tones muscles, improves the elimination of toxins from our skin and offers a more restful

sleep. Vata individuals benefit from sesame oil, Pitta individuals will look for sunflower or coconut

oil and Kapha individuals benefit from sesame or olive oil. All of the oils should be cold pressed

organic oil.

Take a bath in the evening with Epsom salt. A very easy, very soothing method of assisting the

body in removing the excess waste during the cleanse. Begin with 1⁄2 quart of Epsom salt in the

bath and if tolerable you can use up to 1 quart.

III. Post-cleanse (3 days): This time is just as important as the cleansing period as you gently begin

adding more foods back into your daily diet. Continue to avoid dairy, meat, caffeine and alcohol if possible

during these three days and take notice of how you are feeling going forward. You can continue with the

fresh juice or smoothies, fruit, vegetables, whole grains and legumes are what you should be eating. If you

want to begin eating meat again wait at least a day or two before doing so. Your body knows what it

needs, take time to quiet the mind and really listen before grabbing something to eat. Use the provided

list of foods for the spring season and choose accordingly.

Continue with the morning cup of water with lemon, exercise, meditation and juice or smoothie.

Continue sipping room temperature and warm water throughout the day and with herbal teas if

you like.

Eat three meals each day which consist of fresh vegetables, salads, steamed vegetables, brown

rice, quinoa or millet. Just as the pre-cleanse, take a look at the recipes for some inspiration. You

can certainly continue with the kitchari for a meal or two each day but add additional foods

as well.

Continue with the daily practices that resonate with you.

Savory Green Smoothie

1 cup water

4 stalks of celery with leaves, chopped

1 ripe avocado

1 medium cucumber, with skin, chopped

Juice from 1 lemon

Handful of parsley

1 clove garlic, optional

A pinch Himalayan salt

Prep and wash all produce. Blend and serve

Green Smoothie

1 head romaine

2 cups cold water

1 banana

1 1/2 oranges, peeled + quartered

Blend romaine + water first. Then add banana +

oranges until completely blended.

Lemon Basil Smoothie

1 cucumber

2 celery stalks

Handful of basil leaves

1 lemon (skin removed)

6 - 8 ounces water

Greens + water first, add the rest and blend well.

Green Goddess Smoothie by Kris Carr

1 avocado

1 - 2 pieces of low-glycemic fruit: green apple, pear,

berries and cantaloupe

1 cucumber

A fistful of kale or romaine or spinach

2 cups purified water

Stevia to taste, and/or a sprinkle of cinnamon

Blend greens and water for the base then add the

remaining ingredients + Enjoy.

Page 13: Test


Basic Green Juice

1 bunch kale or spinach

3-4 stalks celery

1 cucumber

1 granny smith apple

Juice of 1⁄2 a lemon

Put all the ingredients except for the

lemon through the juicer.

Squeeze the lemon into the green juice and enjoy.

Make Juice Not War Green Drink by Kris Carr

2 large cucumbers

1 big handful kale and romaine

4-5 stalks celery

1-2 big broccoli stems

1-2 pears or granny smith apples

Prep, wash + juice.

Carrot + Apple

3 carrots

2 apples

1 handful spinach

1⁄2 lemon

1 small piece of ginger

Put all ingredients except the lemon through the juicer.

Squeeze lemon into juice + enjoy.

Feeling Light Tonic

1 large celery stalk

1 granny smith apple

1⁄2 c loosely packed parsley

1⁄2 inch ginger root

1⁄2 lime

Juice all ingredients + enjoy the lightness.

Cilantro Juice

2 lg cucumbers

1 bunch cilantro

1 lime

1 cup coconut water

Juice the first 3 ingredients;

add the coconut water and mix.

Sweet Greens Juice from Crazy Sexy Chef

4 granny smith apples

3 cucumbers

5 kale leaves

8 leaves romaine

1 1/2 c dandelion greens (or spinach)

Prep and wash all produce. Juice and serve.

Page 14: Test


Baked Apples with Oatmeal

1 apple

2 Tbsp maple syrup

2 Tbsp oats

Sprinkling of cinnamon

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Slice apples in half, scoop out the core to make a little

bowl in the apple half. Add 1 Tbsp oats to each apple

half, add 1 Tbsp maple syrup as well (amount may vary

depending on apple size) Sprinkle the cinnamon on top.

Bake for 20-25 minutes. Allow to cool + Enjoy.

Quick Quinoa Porridge

1 cup cooked quinoa

1⁄2 cup milk (almond, rice, cow or soy)

2 Tbsp dried fruit (cranberries, raisins, apples or berries)

2 Tbsp nuts or seeds (flax, sesame, pumpkin, cashews,

pecans or almonds)

1 tsp cinnamon

1⁄4 tsp nutmeg

1 tsp honey or maple syrup

Combine all ingredients in a pan. Bring to a boil then

reduce heat to medium-low, cover and simmer for about

5 minutes or until most of the liquid is evaporated to

your desired consistency. Sweeten with a teaspoon of

honey or organic maple syrup if desired.

Creamy Slow-Cooked Oatmeal

1⁄2 cup oat groats, steel cut oats or old fashioned


1 cup cold water

A few splashes of milk

Dried fruit – dates, raisins + cranberries work well

Nuts – pistachios, almonds, walnuts

Maple syrup or honey

Spices – cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom

Add cold water and oats to a small sauce pan – whisk

together a bit to mix up Put the lid half on, half off on

low-medium and allow to cook Mine takes about 15 min

or so, I don’t do anything with it until I see or hear it

sputtering and see that it is fluffed up.

Stir and scoop into your bowl. Add a couple splashes of

milk (I use almond milk but any milk will do) and mix

until creamy. Sprinkle the spices on now. Add your dried

fruit + nuts of choice (nuts used sparingly) Add the

sweetener if you choose.

Page 15: Test


Cinnamon Ginger Fruit Salad

1 apple, chopped

1 pear, chopped

Seeds of 1 pomegranate

Juice of 1⁄2 orange

1 Tbsp fresh ginger, chopped

2 tsp maple syrup

1 tsp lemon juice

Sprinkle chopped fruit with the lemon juice to

prevent browning. Stir together orange juice, maple

syrup, ginger and cinnamon. Pour over fruit and mix

well. Enjoy immediately or place in the refrigerator to

let the flavors set.

Grapefruit with Honey + Cinnamon

1⁄2 grapefruit

Drizzle of honey

Sprinkle of cinnamon

Separate grapefruit sections, drizzle honey, sprinkle

cinnamon and eat.

Easy Black Beans

1 1⁄2 cups cooked black beans

1⁄2 onion, finely chopped

2 cloves garlic

1 tomato, chopped

1⁄4 cup water or vegetable broth

1⁄4 tsp salt

1⁄2 tsp cumin

1 Tbsp chili powder

(spices optional or feel free to experiment with your


Sauté the onions and garlic in a bit of coconut oil until

soft. Add the black beans, tomato and spices. Cook for

approximately 10 minutes, add a splash of water or

broth if it seems dry when serving. Serve with a scoop of

quinoa, roasted vegetables or a salad to make a meal.

Pizza Omelet

2 eggs

2 Tbsp pizza sauce

3-4 Tbsp chopped vegetables (green peppers, onions, blk

olives, etc)

1 Tbsp shredded cheese

Scramble eggs and pour into an oiled pan. Roll the pan so

the eggs spread out into a thin layer. Cook for a few

minutes on medium-low until eggs look set on the

bottom. Add the sauce to the top, sprinkle chopped

vegetables and cheese and allow to cook a little longer

until the eggs are set completely.

Page 16: Test


Creamy Asparagus Soup

2 cups asparagus, chopped

1 clove garlic, peeled

1⁄2 small onion, sliced

1 cup vegetable broth

1 ounce raw cashews

Salt to taste

Blend 1⁄2 cup of the broth with the cashews

until smooth. Add the asparagus, onions, garlic

and the remaining broth to the blender. Cover

the blender and blend on high until smooth.

Pour mixture into a saucepan and heat until hot,

stirring often. Add the salt if needed and enjoy.

Eggs over Kale

1⁄2 head kale

1 Tbsp coconut oil

2 eggs

Salt + pepper to taste

Red pepper flakes (optional)

Steam kale or sauté in the coconut oil. Prepare the eggs

according to taste.

Serve the eggs over the kale and season with salt,

pepper + red pepper flakes.

Roasted Tomato Soup

3 tomatoes, cut in half

1 small onion, roughly chopped

3 cloves garlic

2 Tbsp coconut oil, melted

2-3 cups water or vegetable broth

1⁄2 tsp salt

1⁄2 cup fresh basil leaves

Place the coconut oil on a baking sheet and melt

in the oven. Toss the tomatoes, onion and garlic

in the oil when melted and bake until they are

soft and slightly caramelized, about 35-45

minutes. Remove from the oven and cool for 10

minutes or so.

Put the roasted vegetables, salt and basil in a

blender with some of the water/broth and blend

until smooth. Continue to add more water until

the soup reaches the consistency you like. Taste

and season as needed.

Page 17: Test


Massaged Kale Salad

1 head kale

1 clove garlic finely chopped

Juice from 1 lemon

1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil

1⁄2 tsp sea salt

1 avocado

Pinch of cayenne

Pinch of black pepper

1 handful pine nuts

*add any other vegetables you enjoy

Wash + chop kale. Add the kale, salt, lemon and olive oil

to a bowl. Massage the kale with the ingredients until

the kale softens. Add the remaining ingredients + enjoy.

Lemony Chickpea Salad

1 cup cooked chickpeas

2 Tbsp olive or flax oil

1 clove garlic, minced

1 handful of parsley, finely chopped

1 large handful spinach, finely chopped

1 stalk celery, finely chopped

1 lemon, juiced

Salt + pepper to taste

Mix all the ingredients together and serve.

No More Cravings Salad

1⁄2 cup chickpeas, rinsed

2-3 cups chopped kale

1⁄2 cup chopped celery

1 crunchy apple, cored + chopped

1⁄4 cup chopped walnuts

2 Tbsp onion, diced

2 Tbsp dried cranberries

Mix, dress + enjoy

Buddha Bowl Salad

There is no science or measurements here. This Buddha bowl

can be made with whatever ‘extras’ you may have in your

refrigerator. This is all you need for the base though;

1⁄2 cup of a grain –my favorite is quinoa but brown rice or

barley would work also

A couple handfuls of mixed greens: kale, spinach or mesculin

mix all work well.

1/2 cup each chopped onion, cucumber and tomato.

1⁄2 avocado

A few sprinkles of sunflower or pumpkin seeds.

Fresh parsley, basil or cilantro.

Just add dressing + enjoy.

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Hearty Mushroom Kale Marsala

2 packages sliced mushrooms (1 regular, 1 baby bella)

1 large clove of garlic, crushed

1/2 head of kale, bite size pieces

3T Marsala wine

Splash of cream

1 pinch sage

2T olive oil or coconut oil

2t parmesan cheese

Sauté the mushrooms in 1T olive oil or coconut oil. Add

crushed garlic and sage after the mushrooms cook for a

while. Once the mushrooms are softened, add another

Tbsp oil and the kale. Cook for a few minutes, when

softened, add Marsala wine and cream. Sprinkle cheese

over the top before serving.

Harvest Basil Beans + Tempeh

2 Cups (1 can) cooked cannellini beans

1 package organic tempeh (plain or flax flavor)

1 yellow onion

1 clove garlic

1⁄2 cup chopped basil

1⁄4 cup pine nuts

Juice from 1 lemon

3 Tbsp tamari (or soy sauce)

1 Tbsp olive oil

1 Tbsp goat cheese

Chop tempeh into bite-sized pieces. Add chopped

tempeh and beans to a pan with the onions, garlic, olive

oil, tamari and lemon juice. Cook until beans and tempeh

are browned. Add goat cheese crumble and enjoy.

*If you aren’t a fan of tempeh, I’ve made this without the

tempeh and added a couple handfuls of kale. It was


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Mexican Beans + Rice

1⁄2 cup black beans

1/3 cup brown rice

taco sauce or salsa to taste.

1⁄2 avocado, cubed

1⁄2 large tomato, chopped

2 Tbsp cheddar cheese (optional)

Mix the beans and rice together and stir in the taco

sauce or salsa. Mix in the cheese if you want it and

warm to melt slightly. Add the tomato and avocado.


Roasted Vegetables

1⁄2 bunch of asparagus,

trimmed and chopped into bite size pieces

1 small head of broccoli, broken into florets

1⁄2 head cauliflower, broken into florets

2 Tbsp coconut oil or olive oil

Salt + Pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Melt the coconut oil on a

cookie sheet while preparing vegetables. Mix the

vegetables in the oil when melted, coat well. Add the

salt and pepper. Roast vegetables for 20-30 minutes

until soft + tender.

Serve with quinoa, millet or brown rice and dressing if

you like.

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Honey Balsamic Dressing

1⁄4 cup extra virgin olive oil

1 clove garlic, finely minced

2 Tbsp raw honey

2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar

1⁄4 tsp salt

Wisk all the ingredients together in a small jar, shake well.

Sweet Tahini Dressing

1⁄2 cup extra virgin olive oil

2-3 Tbsp tahini

1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar

1 Tbsp honey

Salt + Pepper to taste

Whisk together and that’s it.

Basic Lemon Vinaigrette

1⁄4 cup extra virgin olive oil

1⁄2 lemon, juiced

1 clove garlic, crushed

1 tsp Dijon mustard

Salt + pepper

Mix all the ingredients together, shake well.

Use for a dressing or sauce.

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If warm water, lemon water and herbal teas aren’t enough,

here are some Good Detox Teas to consider.

Dandelion Root tea

Milk Thistle tea

Ginger tea

Mint tea

Tulsi (holy basil) tea

Green tea

Lemon Ginger Detox Tea

1 Tbsp fresh ginger, peeled + chopped into small


1 thick lemon wedge

1 dash cayenne powder

1 dash stevia (optional)

Place ginger into a mug. Pour hot water over

ginger chunks. Allow to steep and strain ginger.

Once it cools so you can sip it safely, squeeze the

lemon juice into the mug and stir. Add cayenne

and if you like, stevia as well.

Licorice Ginger Detox Tea

1 Tbsp dried licorice root

1 tsp ground ginger root

1 1⁄2 cups very hot water

1 lemon wedge, juiced

Add the roots to a tea strainer or tea bag.

Cover your mug and allow to steep in the

hot water for 10 minutes. Remove strainer or

tea bag and squeeze in lemon juice.

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*Alfalfa Sprouts



*Bean Sprouts


*Bell Peppers

*Bitter Melon


*Brussels Sprouts






*Chilies, dried


*Collard Greens







*Green Beans

*Hot Peppers






*Mustard Greens




*Potatoes, baked



Snow Peas


*Swiss Chard





*Dried Fruit (all)


Lemons, Limes



Pomegranates (sour)



All Berries


Ghee (moderation)

Lowfat yogurt


Rice/Soy milk

*Goat milk













Bay Leaf

*Black Pepper




















Poppy Seeds








*All Sprouted Beans


Black Gram








Split Pea



Duck (moderation)

Eggs (moderation)

Freshwater fish

Lamb (moderation)

Ocean fish (moderation)













Oats, dry


Rice, Brown, long grain











*Orange Peel

*Strawberry Leaf


Black Tea (moderation)

Coffee (moderation)

Water (room temp. to hot)


*Honey - Raw

Maple Syrup





Foods for the Spring Season