test q6

You are working as a system administrator in Red Sky IT Systems. The network of your organization consists of 45 computers on a Windows 2003 based network. The head of ce of your organization is located at Denver. There is some renovation work going on in your of ce, which would take around four months to complete. Your organization has hired an of ce, which is located at a distance of 30 km from the head of ce. The management wants to shift the Accounts and the Sales department temporarily to the new of ce. You have been assigned the task of providing network connectivity between the two of ces. How you can accomplish this task considering that routing information would change frequently? Use a 2500 series router both at the head of ce and the new of ce. In addition, use RIP as the routing protocol. You are the system administrator of Janes Technologies. The head of ce of your organization is located at New York. For sales promotion, your organization has opened a new branch of ce in Sydney. You have been assigned the task of setting up a network of 10 computers for this branch of ce. You plan to set up an independent network for the 10 computers, which would be connected to the head of ce by remote access infrastructure. Which of the following TCP/IP addressing structures would you implement for the Sydney branch of ce? Class-based, class C addressing structure All computers in the network of Techtrix, Inc. are running in the native mode with Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 The organization�s network consists oftwo domain controllers, one acts as the root domain controller and the other acts as an additional domain controller. Which of the following methods would you recommend for updating the DNS server automatically? Secure dynamic updates in Active Directory You are the system administrator at Hotline Communications, which provides communication infrastructure for organizations. The head of ce of this organization is located at Denver and branch of ces are located at Virginia and Geneva. The organization uses three server clusters that host DNS server service. You have noticed that the network traf c generated by the users accessing the server clusters is creating network traf c congestion and increasing the cluster response time. You need to reduce the network traf c

Transcript of test q6

Page 1: test q6

You are working as a system administrator in Red Sky IT Systems. The network of your organization consists of 45 computers on a Windows 2003 based network. The head office of  your organization is located at Denver. There is some renovation work going on in your office, which would take around four months to complete. Your organization has hired an office, which is located at a distance of 30 km from the head office. The management wants to shift the Accounts and the Sales department temporarily to the new office. You have been assigned the task of providing network connectivity between the two offices. How you can accomplish this task considering that routing information would change frequently?

Use a 2500 series router both at the head office and the new office. In addition, use RIP as the routing protocol.

You are the system administrator of Janes Technologies. The head office of your organization is located at New York. For sales promotion, your organization has opened a new branch office in Sydney. You have been assigned the task of setting up a network of 10 computers for this branch office. You plan to set up an independent network for the 10 computers, which would be connected to the head office by remote access infrastructure. Which of the following TCP/IP addressing structures would you implement for the Sydney branch office?

Class-based, class C addressing structure

All computers in the network of Techtrix, Inc. are running in the native mode with Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 The organization s network consists oftwo domain �controllers, one acts as the root domain controller and the other acts as an additional domain controller. Which of the following methods would you recommend for updating the DNS server automatically?

    Secure dynamic updates in Active Directory

You are the system administrator at Hotline Communications, which provides communication infrastructure for organizations. The head office of this organization is located at Denver and branch offices are located at Virginia and Geneva. The organization uses three server clusters that host DNS server service. You have noticed that the network traffic generated by the users accessing the server clusters is creating network traffic congestion and increasing the cluster response time. You need to reduce the network traffic congestion. Which of the following options will enable you to do this and is best suited for this situation?

Apply the zoning storage method, which creates a separate zone for each cluster.

You are the system administrator in Janes Technologies. The network of the organization consists of 50 computers in a peer-to peer network. The computers are running Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 and pre-Windows 2000 operating systems. To enhance the network security, you plan to configure a Windows Server 2003 computer as a domain controller and create a domainjanestech.com. In addition, you plan to use a NetBIOS name resolution method, which requires least administrative cost. Which of the following NetBIOS name resolution methods will meet your requirements, considering that the bandwidth available is high?

.     Broadcast

Page 2: test q6

You are the system administrator in Denver Prime, Inc. Your organization has opened two remotely located branch offices at Virginia and Texas. The Virginia branch has 1200 hosts. Out of these 1200 hosts, around 600 hosts do not require Internet name resolution The number of client queries for the branch is 1000 per second. The Texas branch has 2000 hosts. Out of these 2000 hosts, 700 hosts do not require Internet name resolution. The number of client queries for the branch is 1900 per second. As a system administrator, you are required to plan the number of zones and DNS servers for each branch Which o fthe following options is best suited for your organization?

.     Two zones at each branch and a separate DNS server for each zone

You are the system administrator at Peterson, Inc. that has its head office at Virginia. The organization has its branch office at New York. Some employees at the head office have complained to you that they are not able to connect to the branch office, which is connected to the head office through a router. Which of the following is the best possible solution for troubleshooting the network connection between the head office and the branch office?

Use NetDiag to verify all aspects of the network connections. Then, resolve the problematic aspect of the network connection.

You are working as system administrator of GreenBells, Inc., a leading manufacturer of electronic items. The head office of the organization is at New York and the branch office is located at Chicago. You plan to implement IPSec for providing secure data transmission and network and remote access across the organization s network. The current security mechanisms implemented �in your organization s network include cryptographic and hashing algorithms that provide secure �data transfer. While implementing IPSec, you need to select the appropriate filter action so as to utilize the currently implemented security mechanisms. Which of the following options is best suited for your requirements?

Negotiate security

You are the system administrator of Prix, Inc. The top management of the organization has decided that all employees should log in their time sheet in the time tracking database daily. For this, employees would be using the domain name www.prix.com. The employees working at the client site also need to log in their time sheet in the database daily. To do this, the employees at the client site need access to the www.prix.com domain of the organization. As a system administrator, you need to configure the security level of the DNS server to ensure that only authorized users can access the DNS server for the domain. Which of the following options will enable you to achieve this task?

.     Apply medium-level security on the DNS server.

You have joined as a system administrator in Janes Technologies. The network of the organization consists of100 computers running Windows Server 2003 and Windows 2000 operating systems. The network is logically divided in six subnets. One computer running Windows Server 2003 is configured as a domain controller. All computers in the network have been assigned IP addresses manually. You plan to reduce the administrative burden of managing IP addresses manually. Which of the following options will enable you to accomplish this task?

.     Implement distributed DHCP infrastructure in the organization.

Page 3: test q6

You are the system administrator at Highway Foods, Inc. The organization owns 100 outlets and has its head office at Las Vegas. The organization has implemented TCP/IP network at its head office and uses class-based class B addressing structure. The organization s network is a single �large network. The organization has recently started using an application that uses NetBIOS name resolution. All the employees of the organization use this application. Therefore, any update regarding this application needs to be sent to all employees of the organization, simultaneously. You need to plan for a name resolution method for the organization s network so that all updates �are sent simultaneously across all the outlets. In addition, the network connectivity between the outlets and the head office provides enough bandwidth for increased network traffic. Which of the following options will enable you to provide name resolution services according to the requirements of the application?

     You need to plan for broadcast type of name resolution service.

You are the system administrator in Janes Technologies. The organization s network has 600 �computers running Windows Server 2003 and Windows 2000 operating systems. Your organization uses an application that needs to be available round-the-clock. Currently, this application is hosted on three computers on the network. The management has asked you to plan a strategy for providing fault tolerance and ensuring 24X7 availability of this application. While planning this strategy, you need to consider that only one instance of this application can run at a specified time. Therefore, this application cannot be partitioned across multiple computers. Which of the following options is the best-suited strategy for ensuring round-the-clock availability of the application?

     Create a server cluster on the basis of single instance cluster model.

You have recently joined BlueBells Steel Manufacturers. The head office of the organization is at London. The organization has two branch offices at Las Vegas and Richmond. The organization has a TCP/IP domain-based network. The organization has implemented IPSec to secure network and remote access and data transfer processes. However, the currently applied lPSec policies secure all the incoming data communications. As a result, all the outgoing data communication is insecure, which might result in unauthorized data modifications. To prevent such instances, you have been assigned the task of reconfiguring the currently applied lPSec policies so that the outgoing data communication is also secure. In addition, you can also create and apply another new lPSec policy. Which of the following options enables you to accomplish this task?

2.     Configure a new IPSec policy as Secure Server (Require Security) policy.

to secure network and remote access and data transfer processes. However, the currently applied lPSec policies secure all the incoming data communications. As a result, all the outgoing data communication is insecure, which might result in unauthorized data modifications. To prevent such instances, you have been assigned the task of reconfiguring the currently applied lPSec policies so that the outgoing data communication is also secure. In addition, you can also create and apply another new lPSec policy. Which ofthe following options enables you to accomplish this task?

2.     Configure a new IPSec policy as Secure Server (Require Security) policy.

Page 4: test q6

You are working as system administrator of GreatWear, Inc. The head office ofthe organization is at New York. The organization has two branch offices at Richmond and Paris. The organization has opened a new store at New York. The Paris branch is connected to the head office through aVPN connection, whereas the store at New York is connected to its head office through awireless LAN. You have been receiving complaints from the system administrators ofthe Paris branch and the store that New York that sometimes, even external users are authenticated as valid network users. This can result in unauthorized network access ofthe organization s network. Which of the following �options enables you to resolve this situation?

    Configure EAP protocol for the Paris branch and PEAP protocol for the New York store.

TechSolutions, Inc. has implemented PKI infrastructure to provide additional security to the organization s network. When a remote user, Sandra tries to access the organization s network � �from Atlanta, an error message, "invalid user ID or password" is displayed. What can be the possible reasons for this error being displayed and what are the possible solutions to resolve this error?

.     Sandra does not have a valid domain user account that can be authenticated by the Active Directory services of the organization s network. You need to create a domain user account for Sandra so �that she can access the organization s network.�

Offices are located at California, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Auckland, and London. The branch offices are connected to the head office using slow WAN links. Chris had configured WINS servers in all the branch offices and head office. In addition, he has implemented a combination of push and pull WINS server replication strategy. Recently, Chris notices that the performance ofthe WINS server in the head office has decreased and it takes a long time to resolve queries. What should Chris do to troubleshoot this problem?

     Monitor the WINS server performance by using the Queries/sec counter to isolate the problem and troubleshoot it.

You are the system administrator at Green Bells Instruments, Inc. The organization s head office �is located at Denver and branch offices are located at Paris and Geneva. The head office and the branch offices are connected through a 2500 series router. One of the employees at the head office, Chris is not able to connect to the file server at the Paris branch office. You try to connect to the file server at the Paris branch office but you are not able to connect to the file server. You execute the ping command and find that there is network connectivity between Chris s computer and the file �server. You then decide to trace the path to the file server from Chris s computer and find out ifthe� data packets are being transferred or not, through the router. Which ofthe following options will enable you to do so?

     Pathping <IP address of the router>

Page 5: test q6

You are the system administrator at RedSky Solutions, Inc. The organization has its head office at New York and seven branch offices across USA. The organization now plans to open three new branch offices across Europe. You are required to plan the network infrastructure of the new branch offices. On the basis of the network infrastructure of the existing branches, you need to plan a network configuration that results in optimal performance of the network infrastructure in terms of bandwidth, processor, memory, and speed utilization. In addition, you also need to plan the strategies and tools required to implement the various network solutions so as to achieve the optimal performance level. Along with this, you also need to determine the hardware and software required by the various users of the network. Which of the following plans do you need to create to record this information?

    Capacity plan, deployment plan, and purchase plan

You are the system administrator of JBC Group. The head office of the organization is located at Los Angeles. The network of your organization includes 200 computers on a Windows 2003 based network In your organization, 20 employees are deployed offsite for a project at London. These employees log on to the network using a Dial-up connection and upload data to the organization s �FTP server. You notice that the Dial-up connection is sometimes idle for more than an hour. As a result, expensive ISD connection is established but not utilized. What would you do to resolve this situation?

3.     Create a new remote access policy and use the Dial-in Constraints tab to automatically disconnect the connection if a connection is idle for  15 minutes.

You are the system administrator of Defcols, Inc. located at Los Angeles. The network setup ofthe organization consists of 2000 computers running on mixed mode. The number of DNS client queries is 1500 per second. The organization has opened its branch offices at Boston and Denver. The Boston branch office has a network setup of 250 computers and the number of client queries is 100 per second. The Denver branch has a network setup of 1500 computers and the number of client queries is 1200 per second. All the branch offices are connected using slow WAN links. Identify the number and placement of DNS servers for the Denver branch office.

1.     One DNS server needs to be placed at the head office and one DNS server needs to be placed at the Denver branch office.

You are the system administrator in Manfred, Inc. The head office is located at Texas. The organization has its Web site http://www.manfred.net that is hosted by an ISP. The organization has opened a branch office at Paris. You need to plan for a different DNS namespace for the Paris branch such that the existing namespace is not affected and the cost of using the services ofthe ISP does not increase. Identify an appropriate DNS namespace that suits your requirements.

4.     Prs.Manfred.net

You want to plan an Internet connectivity solution that provides packet-level, circuit-level, and application-level traffic screening for a network. Which of the following options will enable you to accomplish this task?

4. ISA

Page 6: test q6

You have recently joined as system administrator of BlueBells, Inc., a leading electronic items manufacturer. The organization s head office is located at Richmond and two branch offices at Las� Vegas and Paris. The organization s network is a TCP/IP domain-based network. You have �implemented IPSec policies for ensuring the security of the organization s network. As most of �the employees in the organization access Internet, you need to monitor the IKE events to detect any potential attacks on the organization s network. You have enabled auditing of the IKE events by �modifying the Registry of the domain controller at the head office. However, after modifying the Registry, you restart the computer. However, the computer does not restart. Which of the following options is the best troubleshooting strategy for resolving this problem?

1.     Restore the computer with the backup of the system state data.

You are the system administrator of Infonative, lnc., which has its head office at Los Angeles and its two branch offices at Denver and Virginia. The head office network is connected to the branch office networks by slow WAN links. In addition, the head office network is divided into three subnets. All the subnets in the head office are connected using DHCP Relay Agents. You have been assigned the task of planning the DHCP infrastructure of the organization. Which of the following DHCP infrastructures would you select for the organization?

3.     Fixed DHCP infrastructure

You are the system administrator of BlueBells, Inc. The organization has a TCP/IP-based network. It has implemented IPSec for providing secure network and remote access. A user, Smith, complains to you that he is getting an error message, "invalid filter configuration" when he tries to connect to james s computer. You try to connect to James s computer and you are able to � �successfully connect to James s computer. What can be the probable cause of this problem?�

3.     The filter list is incorrectly configured on James s computer.�

You are the system administrator in Janes Technologies. The network of the organization consists of S0 computers in a peer-to peer network. The computers are running Windows Server 2003, Windows 200 and pre-Windows 2000 operating systems. To enhance the network security, you plan to configure a Windows Server 2003 computer as a domain controller and create a domainjanestech.com. In addition, you plan to use a NetBIOS name resolution method, which does not consume network bandwidth. Which of the following NetBIOS name resolution methods will meet your requirements?

3.     LMHOSTS file

You are the system administrator at BlueBells International Resorts, Inc. The organization has its head office at Las Vegas and branch offices at Chicago, Denver, and Richmond. The organization has a TCP/IP-based WAN network that connects the head office with the branch offices through routers. The organization has a total number of 600 employees. The organization uses applications that require NetBIOS name resolution services. For such applications, you have implemented a WINS server at the head office. The WINS server at the head office provides name resolution services to the WINS clients at the branch offices also. You have noticed that the response time of the WINS server is high and the network of the organization gets congested during the peak office hours. Which of the following options will enable you to resolve this problem?

3.     Plan for separate WINS servers at the branch offices so that the client queries are not directed to the WINS server at the head office. This would also decrease the network traffic.

Page 7: test q6

You have joined as a system administrator in Denver Prime, Inc. Your organization has a Windows 2000 and a Windows Server 2003 based network of 400 computers. In addition, there is a Windows Server 2003 computer, Server01 , which is configured as a DNS, DHCP, and Internet server. Recently, your junior system administrator, Chris informs you that Server0I is taking a long time in resolving host names to IP addresses. As a result, the network access time has increased considerably. You notice that this is due to large numbers of name resolution queries in a particular period of time. Chris suggests that the DNS server should be removed from Server 01 and installed on another Windows Server 2003 computer. However, this strategy would require the DNS server to be unavailable for at least one day, which would result in loss of time and effort. Which of the following options will enable you to resolve this problem with least administrative effort?

3.     Decrease the SOA TTL interval.

You are the system administrator at GreenSky Solutions. The organization has its head office at Chicago and three branch offices at Paris, Tokyo, and Virginia. The head office uses a single FTP server to transfer files and documents to the branch offices and the customers. You have noticed that the FTP server is overloaded and is unable to take the load of requests from multiple users. The management has asked you to plan a strategy for balancing the load of the FTP server so that the users are able to transfer important documents without any problems. Which of the following options is the best strategy for this situation?

1.     Create an NLB cluster of four nodes at the head office.

You are the system administrator in Redbold, Inc. The organization has its head office at Virginia and branch office at Denver. The organization s Web site http://www.redbold.net is hosted by an �ISP. The cost of hosting the Web site by ISP is very high. Therefore, the organization has decided to use a different DNS namespace for the Denver branch. The organization wants that external users should not be able to access the namespace. Which of the following internal DNS namespaces would you recommend for the Denver branch?

1.     Unique DNS namespace, such as Den.net.

You are the system administrator of BooksOnline, Inc. The organization has its head office at Richmond. The organization s network is a TCP/IP domain-based network that consists of �Windows Server 2003 and Windows 2000 workstations. Most of the business conducted by the organization is done online. As a result, external users that include customers, suppliers, and retailers access the organization s network. You have implemented lPSec for ensure the security �ofthe organization s network. As a part ofthe implemented lPSec policies, you have implemented �preshared key as the authentication method. However, you have noticed unauthorized access to the organization s network that has caused considerable problem for the authorized users ofthe �network. Which ofthe following options enables you resolve this problem?

2. Reconfigure the applied IPSec policies with Kerberos VS as the authentication method.

Page 8: test q6

You are the system administrator in Janes Technologies. The head office ofthe organization is located at Denver. The organization has opened customer care outlets at Florida and New York. The network setup in the customer care outlets is in a mixed mode that consists ofWindows NT and Windows Server 2003 operating systems. The number of employees in each customer care outlet is between S0-7S. The updates ofthe WINS server at the head office need to be sent to the WINS sen/ers at the customer care outlets. Which ofthe following WINS replication strategies is suitable for the organization?

4.     Combination of pull and push replication

Tackle, Inc has a network setup of 800 computers running in native mode Windows 2000 and Windows XP operating system. A Windows Server 2003 computer is configured as a DNS server. You, as a system administrator, have noticed a decrease in the performance of the DNS server due to a large number of queries for name resolution during a particular period of time. To resolve this problem, you decrease the lease duration. However, after decreasing the lease duration, the network traffic increased tremendously due to increased lease renewal requests. As a result, you changed the lease duration to its original value. However, the performance of the DNS server did not improve. Which of the following options will enable you to resolve this problem?

2.     Decrease the SOA TTL interval of the DHCP server.

You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. The internal network of the organization connects all the computers of the organization. Most of the computers in the network are Windows 95 and Windows 98 computers. A remote client wants to connect to a computer over the internal network. The client sends the NetBIOS name of the computer to be resolved by the NetBIOS cache. What happens when the name is not found in the NetBIOS cache and WINS server?

4.     The NetBIOS name is broadcast to all the computers over the network.

You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. The internal network of the organization connects all the computers together. The employees of the organization use the internal network to communicate with each other. The employees complain about the slow speed of the network because of which the time taken in communicating a message and transferring files from one computer to another is more than expected. As a result, the employees are facing problems in coordinating with each other and doing their project work properly. What should you do to ensure better coordination among the employees working in a project?

3.     Use Network Connection Repair Link utility to remove expired entries from NetBIOS cache and resolve communication problems.

Ron Floyd is the system administrator at Global Systems, Inc. The organization provides dynamic IP addresses to its clients using DHCP server in Windows Server 2003 environment. The clients are usually call centers and the number of computers associated with the network changes frequently. This increases the load on the DHCP server, and it becomes necessary for Ron Floyd to check database consistency and take backup at regular intervals. Which of the following methods should Ron Floyd use to ensure that no data is lost in case of a hard disk failure?

.     Take backup of the DHCP database synchronously.

Page 9: test q6

You are the system administrator at Red Sky Inc. The organization has a network of 3000 systems. The network has a WINS server and four DNS servers. The client systems on the network request for host name resolution from DNS servers. DNS servers also resolve the NetBIOS names of the WINS clients in the network so that even if WINS server is offline the names of WINS clients can be resolved. The users of the network client systems complain about inconsistent host name resolution. You need to diagnose the name resolution issue on the entire DNS servers. You want to check the integrity of DNS resource records on all the DNS servers. How will you fix the problem of inconsistent domain name resolution?

1.     Diagnose the consistency of DNS records on all the DNS servers using DNSLint and fix the problem appropriately.

John Barrett is working as the system administrator in Red Sky IT Systems that works on Windows Server 2003 platform. The organization deals with graphics design and outsources some of its design work to other companies. Recently, the quality of the products received from other companies has deteriorated. John has observed that the data packets are not being delivered on time and some data is getting lost on the way. John knows that the quality of products has deteriorated because of the loss of data. He has also identified that the problem may be due to unauthorized or excessive traffic across the network. What can John do to solve the problem?

1.     Implement packet filtering.

You are the system administrator at Red Sky Inc. You want to implement IPSec policy on domain called Developer in the organization network. The IPSec policy should provide security associations, encryption protocols, and the authentication methods in the domain. The existing Client IPSec policy meets some of the security requirements but you are not able to meet the all the security requirements directly using a predefined IPSec policy. How will you fulfill the security requirements with minimum effort?

2.     Customize Client IPSec policy.

You are the system administrator at Red Sky IT Systems. You are responsible for monitoring the network and troubleshooting network problems. The users of the network complain of slow connection speed The cause ofthe slow connection speed is diagnosed as excessive collision in the network due to large amount of unauthorized data transfer. Which utility would you use to detect the same?

2.     Network Monitor

Page 10: test q6

You are the system administrator at Red Sky Inc. the organization's network consists of S00 systems with Windows Server 2003 servers. An authorized remote user can access the shared files available on servers. You are asked to keep track of network access activities using routing and remote access logging characteristics provided by RRAS. In addition, you are asked to perform the following activities:

 Maintain a detailed record of all remote access requests. Log names of remote access policies for all the connection attempts.

You want to use the information available in the above logs for judicial enforcement of remote access policies. How will you meet the requirements?

4.     Configure the server to allow Local Authentication and Account logging.

You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. You establish the internal network of a new branch of the organization by configuring the computers using NetBIOS names. The organization is working on various projects. The team members involved in the projects complain that they face difficulty in accessing the files related to their projects because of different locations at which they are stored. Also, they do not get timely access to the files because of congestion on the server. The employees want that the request for accessing the files should be handled separately so that they can access the files when they need. What should you do to solve this problem?

2.     Assign the NetBIOS name Computer4 [20h] to the computer that you want to use as File server.

The database of Blue Moon Computers contains confidential information. The information needs to be secured from any unauthorized access. The organization works in coordination with Red Sky Inc. The employees of Red Sky Inc. need to remotely access the database to get project related data. You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. The database administrator tells you that the he can keep a watch on the type of the data being remotely accessed from the database only between 8 A.M. to II A.M. The project manager of your organization wants that the employees of Red Sky Inc. should not be allowed to modify the data in the database. What should you do to satisfy the needs of both the database administrator and the project manager?

2.     Use Remote Access Policy component, Conditions, to restrict remote access to the database.

You are the system administrator at Red Sky IT Systems. The organization currently has a set up with two servers and 50 clients. The servers have MS Windows Server 2003 installed on them and the 50 clients have either Windows XP Professional or Windows 98 installed. The network contains two routed subnets: Subnet A and Subnet B. Each subnet contains a Windows Server 2003 system configured as a DHCP server. The clients on Subnet A and Subnet B are receiving IP addresses from their DHCP servers. You create the backup of the DHCP database of both DHCP servers The DHCP server of Subnet A crashed due to hardware failure. The existing DHCP data is deleted. After restoring the DHCP database, you start the DHCP service, open the DHCP console, and check that the scope and options are displayed in the DHCP console whereas active leases are not displayed. What can be the cause of the problem and how you will remove it?

1.     This is due to restoring an older version of DHCP database. Perform reconcile of the DHCP database to add the client lease information from the DHCP registry to the current DHCP database.

Page 11: test q6

You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. The organization uses a WINS server to implement NetBIOS name resolution service. You find that the requests made by the WINS clients are not fulfilled in the expected time. You also notice that the WINS clients are facing difficulty in retrieving data from the WINS database. This is because the records of the names that are no longer in use overcrowd the WINS database. The names are marked as extinct but are not scavenged from the database. Which scavenging parameter will you set to automatically scavenge the entries from the database after they are marked as extinct?

1.     Extinction timeout

Blue Moon Computers has various departments located at different locations. All the departments are connected to the head office and to each other through the corporate network. The research and development department of the organization receives and generates a lot of network traffic. This network traffic slows down the entire network processing. What should you, as the system administrator at Blue Moon Computers do to troubleshoot this problem?

2.     Configure packet filters.

You are the system administrator at Red Sky IT Systems, which has many departments, such as Accounts, Sales, and IT. Each department has its own network. Therefore, connection is required between the departmental networks so that devices are able to send messages to each other within a network or across multiple networks. To make a connection between the different networks of Red Sky IT Systems you are required to make a computer function as a router using Windows Server 2003 Routing and Remote Access Service. The internal network infrastructure of the organization changes from time to time according to the requirements of the new projects. The communication between the various computers should be as fast as possible. As a system administrator, what should you do to provide fast and efficient communication between the various computers over the network?

2.     Use dynamic routing by implementing Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) on Windows Server 2003.

The database of Blue Moon Computers contains confidential information. The information needs to be secured from any unauthorized access. The organization works in coordination with Red Sky Inc. The employees working on a project need to send confidential information using an external network. You are the system administrator at Blue Moon Computers. The project manager tells you that if any unauthorized person accesses the information while it is transferred from their computer to the client's computer, it can cause a heavy financial loss to the organization. How can you make sure that such a loss does not occur?

3. Use Encryption parameter of Remote Access Policy component, Profile, to restrict remote access to the database.

Page 12: test q6

You are the system administrator at Red Sky IT Systems. The organization has various departments, such as Accounts, Sales, and IT and a setup with one server and S0 client computers. The server has Windows Server 2003 installed on it and the clients have Windows 98 installed on them. DHCP service is installed on the server to assign IP addresses automatically to the clients. Each department is in a different subnet. Now, you want to add a new computer to the local area network of Red Sky IT Systems and the computer does not have any IP address. The client computer needs to access Internet for its work. As the newly added computer is not assigned any IP address, it is trying to locate the DHCP server by sending a message known as DHCPDISCOVER. However, the DHCP server is not responding. In such a situation, what should be configured on the Windows Server 2003 computer so that the new computer can be a part of the network and can also access the Internet?

3.     User configured Alternate Configuration

You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. You have established the internal network of the organization, which connects all the computers. You assign host names and NetBIOS names to the computers on the network. Different applications run on different computers. An application running on a computer needs to communicate with another computer on the network to request for some information. The application sends a host name to the DNS client service. The following steps are performed:

DNS server sends the request to the NetBIOS name resolution process.

DNS client service seeks the required host name in the client resolver cache.

DNS client service seeks the host name query to the DNS server.

The corresponding IP address is returned to the application on success.

You are the system administrator at WorldAd, Inc. The organization provides current stock information to the client companies. All the clients access the organization's database by remote network access to retrieve stock details. The database is mounted on a server running Windows Server 2003. Some clients complain about the inconsistent remote access because of failure in point-to-point connection with the server. How will you identify the cause of the problem?

3.     Examine the PPP log on the server and identify the cause of connection failure.

You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. Two marketing executives, James and Suzan, work at Houston and Denver respectively. You configure VPN support for the two marketing executives. The organization s head office is situated in Atlanta. James accesses the �internal network of the organization from Houston and Suzan from Denver. The managing director suspects that James is trying to leak out some financial information related to the organization projects. The managing director wants you to make sure that each user accesses the database of the organization according to access permissions specified by him. What should you do to fulfill the requirements of the managing director?

1.     Configure Remote Access Policy, user accounts for remote access, and Remote Access Policy Profile.

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John is the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. John examines the NetBT Nodes. Which NetBT node type should he examine to use NetBIOS Name Server for NetBIOS name registration and name resolution functions?

3.     P-node

You are the system administrator at Blue Moon Computers. The organization uses a WINS server to implement NetBIOS name resolution service. WINS clients complain about the inconsistent data in the WINS database. You want to know the various transactions that are done in the WINS database by various WINS clients to identify the cause of inconsistency. Which WINS database file should you check to get the details about the various transactions done in the WINS database?

1.     J50.log and j50#####.log

You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. The internal network ofthe organization contains a DNS server to provide service to all other client computers. The organization has undertaken many new projects. The employees working on the project complain that the network processing speed has become slow. The employees need to query the DNS database frequently to communicate with each other and to get the information they need related to their projects. Due to this increase in the time that the DNS server takes to give the results of the queries to the client computers, the projects are delayed. What should you do to let the projects be delivered in time?

3.     Reduce the increased DNS network traffic by: Updating root hints on DNS server. Configuring DNS server to use forwarder. Clearing DNS server cache using DNS console

You are the system administrator at Red Sky IT Systems. The organization currently has a setup with two servers and 100 clients. The servers have MS Windows Server 2003 installed on them, 50 clients have Windows XP Professional, and the remaining clients have Windows 98 installed. The network contains two routed subnets, subnet A and subnet B. Each subnet contains a server and you have assigned static addresses to the servers. However, to reduce the configuration errors caused by manual configuration of IP addresses, you install DHCP service on the servers. In addition, you install DNS service in the subnets to resolve IP addresses to client names and vice-versa. However, after the DHCP server has been installed, servers are assigning incorrect TCP/IP configurations to the clients. Therefore, clients with invalid IP addresses are not able to communicate over the network. What according to you is the cause of this incorrect assignment of TCP/IP configurations and how will you resolve it?

4. Problem: DHCP servers are installed but not authorized. Solution: DHCP servers in Windows Server 2003 environment are first authorized to assign TCP/IP configuration.

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You are the system administrator at Red Sky IT Systems. The organization currently has a set up with two servers and 50 clients. The servers have MS Windows Server 2003 installed on it and the 50 clients have either Windows XP Professional or Windows 98 installed. The network contains two routed subnets: Subnet A and Subnet B. Each subnet contains a Windows Server 2003 system configured as a DHCP server. The clients on Subnet A and Subnet B receive IP addresses from their DHCP servers. The machine on which server of subnet A is configured is outdated and crashes frequently. The users of subnet A communicate with the users of subnet B using the DHCP network. The employees of subnet A complain that they are unable to communicate with either each other or the users of subnet B due to which their project work is delayed. However, the users of the subnet B are able to communicate with each other as before. What should you do to enable the users of subnet A also communicate as before and complete their projects in time?

3.     Take backup of the scope and configuration settings of users of subnet A using Dhcp.mdb file of DHCP database backup, and then restore the settings.

You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. You configure the internal network ofa new branch of the organization. You configure the computers in the network by assigning NetBIOS names to them. The organization undertakes a new project and a team of10 members is involved in the project. The project manager has to communicate with each team member separately to communicate the same message. So, he asks you to make some arrangement such that he can communicate the common messages to all the team members at the same time in a single attempt. This can save lots of time. What arrangements should you make to fulfill the needs of the project manager?

4.     Assign group NetBIOS names to the computers of team members.

You are the system administrator at Blue Moon Inc. Employee record is maintained in the organization on a central server, which has server.BluMoon.com domain name. The IP address for the server is A DNS server provides domain name resolution to the clients. Each client needs to access server.BluMoon.com once in a year to retrieve employee information. The resource record on the DNS server is not required after a domain name request from a client. How will you configure the resource records on the DNS server and clients so that the DNS traffic on the DNS server remains low?

2.     Resource records required for resolving the domain name query should be configured to contain a TTL value of zero seconds.

Insert the required information in discrete lines of Lmhosts file for preloading the content in the NetBIOS name cache. Click the OK button to open the Lmhosts file for editing in


Select the All Files option from the Save as type list box and type "lmhosts" to save the file without an extension.

Select the Save As option from the File menu to open the Save As dialog box.

Click the Save button to complete the preloading process and close the Notepad.

4.     l, 3, 2, 5, 4, 6

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Global Systems Inc. is an international call centre that works on behalf of companies spread across various countries and provides services to customers all over the world. Global Systems Inc. cannot afford to have persistent connections with its remote clients, but it needs to send data across long distances. The routers in the call centre are working on Windows Server 2003 platform. John Barrett, the system administrator in Global Systems lnc., is in charge of routing the packets to their respective destinations. He knows that Windows Server 2003 provides some additional features over Windows Server 2000. Which of the following features of Windows Server 2003 should John use to route the packets?

2.     Dynamic-dial routing

You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. All the computers in the organization are connected using an internal network. An employee tries to transfer a file from his computer to another computer over the network. The employee complains that he is unable to transfer the file to the intended computer. What do you think is the reason of the problem?

4.     Duplicate IP addressing

You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. The organization has undertaken 10 new projects. Each project is assigned to a team often people. The project mangers of all the teams need to communicate with their team members by sending messages over the network connecting all the computers to each other. The messages and instructions, which the project managers give to their team members, are the same. The project managers complain that too much time is wasted in sending the same message to each of the team members separately, which could otherwise be utilized in doing some constructive work. The overall delivery time of the projects also _gets delayed because of this loss of time. What should you do to save the valuable time of the project managers and to enable them to deliver the projects in time?

3.     Assign each computer a Class D IP address.

You are the system administrator at WorldAd, Inc. The organization provides current stock information to the client companies. All the clients access the organization's database by remote network access to retrieve stock details. The database is mounted on a server running Windows Server 2003. Some clients complain about the inconsistent remote access because of failure in point-to-point connection with the server. How will you identify the cause of the problem?

3.     Examine the PPP log on the server and identify the cause of connection failure.

James is the system administrator at Red Sky Inc. The organization has a network of 2000 systems and a DNS server provides domain name resolution services to the client systems. Peter is using a client system that is configured for automatic dynamic update. The system registers its host resource records automatically into the DNS database. Peter's system has a power failure and is not available on the network. What can be its consequence?

5. DNS server will maintain an outdated resource record in the DNS database.

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You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. A user of the network tries to access resources over the network but is unable to do so. The user complains to you about it. You plan to troubleshoot the problem. Which step should you perform before implementing the solution?

1.     Take backup of the data and system settings.

 You are the system administrator at WorldAd Inc. The organization has five branch offices in different cities. All information about organization's business details, products, and services is stored in a database at the head office in New York. Users from branch offices access this information through the organization network. You want to monitor the network access for authorized access. In addition you

want to meet the following requirements:

Make a record of errors and warning messages occurring within remote access server.

Keep track of start and stop time of remote access services.

Maintain a record of failed access events with the respective user information.

How will you meet the requirements?

1.     Configure Event logging and maintain an Event log.

You are the system administrator at Red Sky IT Systems. The organization currently has a set up with one server and 10 clients. The server has Windows Server 2003 installed on it and the 10 clients have either Windows XP Professional or Windows 98 installed. Server has DHCP service configured on it to provide automatic IP address to clients. The system engineer adds some computers in the internal network of the organization as new DHCP clients. The employees of the organization complain that they are unable to access some computers over the network because of conflicting IP addresses. The employees need to access the desired computers to communicate with each other and transfer the files required for the projects they are working on. What should you do to allow the employees to continue their projects without any problem?

1.     Enable DHCP statistics to automatically refresh and view the DHCP server statistics for total addresses in use and total addresses available.

You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. You are reviewing the network traffic and notice that there are a large number of DNS queries for resolving the host name of the File server in the network. You also find that the network services are becoming slow because of the DNS queries and irrelevant network traffic for the File server. You decide to configure the entry of the File server in the Hosts file on each computer. The Hosts file will be preloaded in the client resolver cache. You also plan to add name-to-IP address mapping to the Lmhosts file so that the NetBIOS names in the organization can be resolved. What is the correct sequence of steps you should take to accomplish this task?

3.     View and flush client resolver cache. Preload the client resolver cache. View and release NetBIOS name cache.

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Has a network of systems which has two domains: great domain and small domain. The great domain domain has a DNS server to resolve host name requests. You are working in the small domain domain. You have access rights to modify the DNS server settings of DNS server in great domain domain. You want to modify the settings of great domain's DNS server to perform the following tasks: Check the registration of DNS resource records Secure the DNS updates to the great domain's DNS server. How will you meet the requirements?

3.     Create a batch file, which includes the dnscmd command and send it to a DNS server to execute it remotely.

You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. You establish the internal network of the organization, which connects all the computers in the organization. You have set one computer as a DHCP server with Windows Server 2003 installed on it. All other computers receive their IP addresses form the DHCP server. You want to maintain and save the DHCP database so that if the DHCP server has any hardware failure problem, the service can be restarted using the saved DHCP database. What steps will you follow to save the database and to use the consistent database in case of failure of DHCP server

3.     Create backup of DHCP database. Restore DHCP database. Reconcile DHCP database.

Organization has various departments, such as Accounts, Sales, and IT and a setup with one server and S0 client computers. The server has Windows Server 2003 installed on it and the clients have Windows 98 installed on them. DHCP service is installed on the server to assign IP addresses automatically to the clients. Each department is in a different subnet. Now, you want to add a new computer to the network and the computer does not have any IP address. In addition, no DHCP server is available to assign IP address to the new computer. The new computer is trying to locate the DHCP server by sending a message known as DHCPDISCOVER but the DHCP server is not responding. In such a situation what should be configured on the Windows Server 2003 computer so that the new computer can be a part of the network?

2.     Automatic Private IP Addressing

You are the system administrator at WorldAd, Inc. The organization has a network of 5000 systems. The network has a DNS server that provides host name resolution services on the network. The DNS server maintains a database of resource records to provide host name resolution service. When a large number of expired records accumulate on the DNS server, its disks run out of space. You have to clean the disks every time manually by deleting expired resource records. How will you overcome this problem?

2.     Configure aging and scavenging on the DNS server.

Institute of Computer Applications Development is a research and development organization involved in developing computer applications based on new technologies. You are the system administrator of the organization. The organization undertakes a project on development of some computer applications for improving the network monitoring utilities. The managing director of the organization wants you to configure a network connecting all the computers involved in the development process. The research and development process to be carried out during the entire project is confidential and there is a threat that some team member can leak the information on the Internet. What should you do to secure the research and development process?

1.     Assign each computer a Class E IP address.

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You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. The internal network of the organization is divided into subnet works that are distantly located. The employees using computers of different subnet works need to coordinate with each other by sending and receiving messages to each other. The network of the organization contains routers for transferring the messages from one subnetwork to the other using the shortest path. The employees of the organization using the networks complain that the rate of data transfer over the network is low. Which parameter of the routing algorithm should you change to solve the problem?

4.     Bandwidth

You are the system administrator at Red Sky IT Systems. Red Sky IT Systems has various departments, such as Accounts, Sales, and IT and a network setup with one server and 50 client computers. The server has MS Windows Server 2003 installed on it and the clients have Windows 98 installed on them. You install DHCP service on the server to assign IP addresses automatically to the clients. Each department is in a different subnet. The Accounts department requires a different default gateway. Therefore, DHCP clients of the Accounts department require similar configuration settings. You want to save the effort of specifying the similar TCP/IP settings manually for each client computer in the Accounts department. What would you do to configure similar TCP/IP settings for the Accounts department?

4.     Configure DHCP options using Class-level option.

You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. There are 200 computers in the organization. You need to configure four computers as DNS servers. The employees working on various projects in the organization need to query the DNS server to get the data and information related to their project. The DNS server either provides the service to the client computers or redirects the queries to the Internet. Some employees complain about various viruses from Internet attacking their systems and diminishing their processing speed. What should you do to let the employees get rid of these viruses?

1.     Configure root hints to point to the local/internal servers, to prevent the DNS servers from redirecting the queries to the Internet.

You are the system administrator at Red Sky IT Systems. The organization currently has a set up with two servers and 50 clients. The servers have MS Windows Server 2003 installed on them and the 50 clients have either Windows XP Professional or Windows 98 installed. The network contains two routed subnets: Subnet A and Subnet B. Each subnet contains a Windows Server 2003 system configured as a DHCP server. The clients on Subnet A and Subnet B are receiving IP addresses from their DHCP servers. The DHCP servers maintain the DHCP database. Therefore you are required to secure the DHCP database from unauthorized users. What arrangements will you make to secure the DHCP database?

1.     Remove the Authenticated Users and Power Users to minimize the access of DHCP folder.

You are the system administrator at Red Sky IT Systems. You are responsible for monitoring the network, which includes tracking and troubleshooting the network problems. You are facing a problem in broadcasting the DHCP lease renew option. Which utility should you use to resolve the problem?

2.     Network Connections Repair Link

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You are the system administrator at WorldAd Corp. The organization has a network of 300 computers running Windows Server 2003. Peter wants to access a remote Linux server through Telnet. IP address of Peter's machine is You want to implement an IP security policy so that only Peter can access the Linux server. All other users should be denied access to the Linux server through Telnet connection. What will you do to meet the requirements?

3.     Negotiate a Telnet connection from using a rule and use another rule to block the Telnet connection to all other users.

You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. The internal network of the organization connects all the computers together. A DNS server is installed in the network of the organization to resolve host names to their corresponding IP addresses. Various projects are going on in the organization. The information related to the projects is confidential. A project manager complains that somebody modified the data related to his project. He also suspects that somebody else is also receiving the data he sends to his team members. He is afraid that if the information related to the project is leaked out to the competitors of the organization, the organization might face heavy financial loss.

2.     Use network monitoring utility, Nslookup, to check the IP address corresponding to the DNS name.

Global Systems Inc. provides dynamic IP addresses to ten thousand DHCP clients using DHCP server in Windows Server 2003 environment. The computer on which the DHCP server is configured is outdated, and therefore, the computer crashes frequently. The system administrator has to reconfigure the DHCP server each time. The clients have to face problems regarding connectivity with the newly configured DHCP server. What should the system administrator do to resolve this problem?

3.     Save the DHCP server configuration settings on a remote machine.

You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. The organization has various departments. Each department has its separate internal network. The departments are connected to each other using network connectivity components, such as routers, hubs, and switches. The organization undertakes a new project for which the configuration of some of the network connectivity components is changed. An employee of the production department complains that he is unable to transmit messages to and from the development department. What do you think is the reason of the problem?

3.     Changed configuration of the network connectivity component, such as a hub, a router, or a switch

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Blue Moon Computers has its head office at New York. The organization has two other branches at New jersey and Scotland. All the information about the organization s products, services, and �business details is placed in a database at the head office. The employees located in New jersey and Scotland need to access the database of the organization. The database also contains some confidential information about the projects and loans of the organization. The Managing Director does not want this information to be accessed by anyone. The competitors of the organization can use this information against the organization. What should you do to make the confidential information secure?

1.     Use Remote control tab of the Users Property dialog box to restrict remote access to the database of the organization.

You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. You configure the internal network ofa new branch of the organization. You configure the computers on the network by assigning NetBIOS names to them. The project managers of different projects complain about the difficulty they are facing because of mismanagement of network resources. The project managers are unable to locate the network resources, such as files and printers. The team members also complain of the same difficulty. Due to these problems, the project work is delayed most of the time. What arrangements should you make to resolve this problem?

4.     Assign Internet Group NetBIOS names to all network resources.

You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. The internal network of the organization connects all the computers. Most of the computers in the network are Windows 95 and Windows 98 computers. An application running on a computer needs to get some data from another computer over the network. The application sends a request to resolve the NetBIOS name of the corresponding computer. Where does the application send the request at first during the NetBIOS name resolution?

3.     NetBIOS cache

You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. Red Sky is another organization working in partnership with BlueMoon Computers. Both companies are working on a joint project. Companies need to access the data from each other's database during project development. To secure the data access procedure, both companies use secret shared key for each data access session. The secret key is used to encrypt and decrypt the data over the network. Database administrator in your organization informs you that an unauthorized access is made to the database. How will you verify the unauthorized access?

4.     Examine the Audit log and verify all the Internet Key Exchange events in the log to identify an unauthorized access.

Global Systems Inc. is a multinational organization and deals with a number of business operations. It has separate departments for respective operations. John Barrett, the system administrator in Global Systems Inc., has connected a computer in the IT department with a computer in the manufacturing section using a router. Why has he done this?

1.     To optimize use of network bandwidth

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Accesses the database on office network as well as from remote location using his laptop. To avoid network setting overhead you configure an alternate IP address for Peter's system. How will you verify the correctness of the assigned alternate IP address?

4.     Run ipconfig/all command from command prompt. Check whether the value of IP address field

You have recently joined Green Moon Solutions, Inc., a leading provider of customized software solutions. The organization is planning to open two new branches at Tokyo and Barcelona. You have been assigned the task of planning the network setup of the new branches. While planning the network setup, the management wants that the network access connection method for the new branch offices should have high bandwidth availability. In addition, the network access connection should be able to transfer large-sized files efficiently without the problem of dropped connections. In addition, the network access connection method should use a point-to-point authentication method. Which of the following options is the best suited network access strategy for the new branch offices?

2.     Implement LAN with EAP authentication.

You are the system administrator of janes Technologies. The head office of your organization is located in New York. For sales promotion, your organization has opened a new branch office at Sydney. You have been assigned the task of setting up a network of 256 computers for this branch office. You plan to set up an independent network for the 256 computers, which would be connected to the head office by remote access infrastructure. Which of the following TCP/IP addressing structures would you implement for the Sydney branch office?

1.     Class-based, class B addressing structure

You are the system administrator of JBC Group. The head office of the organization is located at Los Angeles. The network of the organization includes 200 computers on a Windows 2003 based network In your organization, 20 employees are deployed onsite for a project at London. These employees log on to the network using a Dial-up connection and upload data to the organization s �FTP server. You have implemented IAS as the authentication method on your organization s �network. Recently, you have received complaints from some users that they have not been successfully authenticated by the IAS server. What should you do to troubleshoot this problem?.

3.     Enable logging in the IAS server and view the log files generated by the IAS server.

You are the system administrator in Blue Moon Technologies. Your organization has a fully automated satellite launching system, which needs to be available to the employees 24X7, for research and maintenance. You have been assigned the task to provide fault tolerance for the applications of the satellite launching system. The management has explicitly stated that the budget is not a constraint for implementing an effective fault tolerance strategy. How can you accomplish this task?

4. Create a server cluster.

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You are the system administrator at Telly Productions, Inc., a production house, with its head office at New York and 12 branch offices spread across USA. The network infrastructure of the organization consists of10 routers that connect the head office and the branch offices. However, the organization faces problems in maintaining these routers. The management now plans to open three new branch offices in Europe. You need to plan for connectivity between the head office, existing branch offices, and the new branch offices after considering the following requirements:

Optimal utilization of the existing network infrastructure Scalable infrastructure to meet future expansion needs Low maintenance overhead

Which of the following options will be best suited for the purpose?

1.     Two 3600 series routers for the new branch offices.

As a system administrator, you have been assigned the task of planning the network infrastructure for the new branch offices of Best Healthcare, Inc. You send the master project plan to the management of Best Healthcare, Inc. for approval. The management of Best Healthcare, Inc. informs you that the infrastructure requirements for the new branch offices have changed. Which of the following plans will record the information about the change in requirements?

2.     Risk assessment plan

You are the system administrator of Track Info, Inc. The branch office of the organization is located in Denver. The DNS server at the head office resolves the names for the whole network. The head office has a limited bandwidth to connect to the branch office. As a result, the network of the organization gets congested, which in turn results in slow network access. You plan to install another DNS server at the branch office but the management of the organization currently does not want to incur this investment. Therefore, you need to reduce the network traffic between the head office and the branch office using the existing DNS server and ensure that there is minimal effect on the current configuration of the DNS server. Which of the following options will enable you to do this?

2.     Configure a DNS server at the head office as caching-only and implement high-speed WAN links between the DNS server at the head office and the branch office.

The head office of Skylight, Inc. is located at Mexico City. The network setup of the organization consists of 50 computers running on Windows Server 2003. The branch office of this organization is located at Denver. The network setup of the branch office consists of 25 computers running on Windows Server 2003 with one DHCP server to provide automatic IP addressing. One computer is promoted as a domain controller at each location. Which of the following methods will you use to secure DHCP servers in the network?

1. Authorize DHCP servers in Active Directory

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You are working as a system administrator in Denver Prime, Inc. The head office of your organization is located at Chicago and branch office at a remote location in London. The branch office at London has limited bandwidth to connect to the head office. The employees of the London branch office use the DNS server at the head office to resolve host names. Recently, you notice network congestion between the head office and the branch office. You also notice that a lot of network traffic is generated from the branch office for resolving names from the DNS server located in the head office. Due to network congestion, network access between the branch office and head office has become slow. The management has asked you to resolve this problem immediately so that the employees are not affected by slow network access. Which of the following options will enable you to solve this problem?

4.     Configure a caching-only server at the London branch office.

You have joined as a system administrator in First Serve Consulting that deals in providing consultancy to corporate clients. The organization has its head office in New York and TS branch offices across USA. The organization has a TCP/IP domain-based network. In addition, the organization s network has implemented IPSec for securing data transfer and network access �processes. However, the organization s network uses multiple authentication methods, such as �Kerberos VS, Preshared key, and PKI. This has caused problems, such as some valid users of the head office are not authenticated at some of the branch offices that use PKI. The management has assigned the task of revamping the authentication mechanism of the organization s network. �Which of the following is the best suited strategy for resolving this problem with minimal impact on the existing network infrastructure?

1.     Configure RADIUS authentication across the network, which provides centralized authentication process.

The network of janes Technologies includes S0 computers on a routed environment. The private network resources of janes Technologies have to be shared with Internet-based users. In addition, Janes Technologies wants to restrict Internet access on user-by-user basis. Based on these requirements, which Internet connectivity solution would you recommend for janes Technologies?

3.     ISA

You are the system administrator in JFY, Inc., which is a leading call center of UK with nearly 8000 employees providing technical support to clients across the globe. Recently, a new project has started in which 100 employees of the organization would provide technical support to customers of ABC Corp. As per the contract with ABC Corp., severe penalty would be imposed if any unauthorized person accesses the customer database of ABC Corp., which is being stored at the head office of JFY, Inc. As the database, which will be used by your organization is highly confidential, you have been asked to enhance the security of JFY, Inc. To do this, you plan to configure the security level of the DNS server of your organization. Which of the following options should you select to increase the network security?

1. Apply medium-level security on the DNS server.

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You are the system administrator of Greenfoods, Inc. The organization has its head office at Richmond and three branch offices at Paris, Geneva, and New York. The head office has installed an application that is used by all the employees of the head office. As a result, the availability of this application is 24X7 for this organization. One day, this application generates erroneous reports and starts malfunctioning. As a system administrator, you troubleshoot the problem, but it takes you 3 days to restore the fully functional application. The application was hosted on only two computers in the head office. During these three days, there was a considerable loss of time, money, and business for the organization. The management has now asked you to develop a strategy that can be implemented to counter such situations in future. Which of the following options is the most reliable strategy for this situation?

3.     Create a server cluster of 6 nodes that will host the application.

You have joined as a system administrator in Blue Moon Technologies. The organization s head �office is at Austin and consists of 500 workstations running Windows 2000 and Windows Serve 2003 operating systems. The organization s network consists of3 domain controllers, one root �domain controller and other two act as additional domain controllers. The organization s network �has implemented IPSec policies for securing data transfer and network access processes. However, you have noticed that the replication traffic between the root domain controller and the additional domain controllers is unsecured and can lead to unauthorized access to the domain controllers of the network. Which of the following options enable you to resolve this problem with minimal impact on the existing security mechanisms?

1.     Reconfigure IPSec in transport mode.

You are the system administrator in Janes Technologies. The network Of the organization consists of 2S computers in a peer-to peer network. The computers are running Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000, and pre-Windows 2000 operating systems. You have configured a Windows Server 2003 computer as a domain controller and created a domain janestech.com. After creating the domain, you notice that several computers are not joining to the domain. Which of the following options can be a possible cause of this problem?

3.     You have not configured a WINS server for resolving Net BIOS names.

You are working as system administrator of GreenBells, Inc., a leading manufacturer of electronic items. The head office of the organization is at New York and the branch office is located at Chicago. You plan to implement IPSec for providing secure data transmission and network and remote access across the organization s network. The current security mechanisms implemented �in your organization s network include cryptographic and hashing algorithms that provide secure �data transfer. While implementing IPSec, you need to select the appropriate filter action so as to utilize the currently implemented security mechanisms. Which of the following options is best suited for your requirements?

1. Negotiate security

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You are working as a system administrator in Denver Prime, Inc. The head office of your organization is located at Chicago and the branch office is located at London. The branch office at London has limited bandwidth to connect to the head office. The employees of the London branch office use the DNS server at the head office for resolving host names. Your junior system administrator, Chris informs you that the DNS server takes quite a long time in resolving names. In addition, Chris informs you that the network traffic consists of unnecessary name resolution queries from external clients. This has resulted in network congestion and increased network access time between the head office and the London branch office. As the first step to troubleshoot this problem, you want to restrict the external clients from accessing the DNS server of your organization for resolving names. Which of the following options will enable you to accomplish this task?

3.     Configure the DNS server located at the head office as a non-recursive server and configure a caching-only server at the London branch office.

You are the system administrator at Highway Foods, Inc. The organization owns 100 outlets and has its head office at Las Vegas. The organization has implemented TCP/IP network at its head office and uses class-based class B addressing structure. The organization s network is a single �large network. The organization has recently started using an application that uses NetBIOS name resolution. All the employees of the organization use this application. Therefore, any update regarding this application needs to be sent to all employees of the organization, simultaneously. You need to plan for a name resolution method for the organization s network so that all updates �are sent simultaneously across all the outlets. In addition, the network connectivity between the outlets and the head office provides enough bandwidth for increased network traffic. Which of the following options will enable you to provide name resolution services according to the requirements of the application?

4.     You need to plan for broadcast type of name resolution service.

You have been assigned the task of planning the network infrastructure for a new building acquired by janes Technologies. After analysing the network requirements, you have created two subnets for the new building on the basis of location. You now require an intermediate device that connects the two subnets and provides high performance in transferring the data across the subnets. The data transfer should happen with minimal latency. You also want to ensure that during the data transfer operation, the data is not modified or processed by the transmitting device. Depending on the requirements, which intermediate device would you recommend?

3.     Layer 2 switch

You are the system administrator of janes Technologies. The head office of the organization is located at Boston. The network of the organization includes 200 computers on a Windows 2003 based network The head of the sales department, Chris Waugh, complains that he cannot access the network from his computer. You try to access the network from your computer and you are able to successfully connect to the organization s network. Next, you try to connect to Chris s � �computer, and you are successfully able to connect to Chris s computer. In this situation, what �should you do to troubleshoot this problem?

4. Check network connectivity using troubleshooting tools, such as Ping, pathping, and IPConfig command.

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You are the system administrator in RedSky Computers, Inc. The corporate office of RedSky Computers is at Atlanta. The organization plans to open three new branch offices at Geneva, Paris, and Virginia. Each branch office will have one server and approximately 100-150 hosts. All three servers will connect to the corporate office using WAN links. You have been assigned the task of creating the TCP/IP plan for the three new branches offices. You plan to implement classless-based addressing structure because the new branch offices will be subnets to the main network. Based on these requirements, which of the following types of classless-based addressing would you implement for the three new branch offices?

2.     Class B addressing structure

You are the system administrator of Defcols, Inc. located at Los Angeles. The network setup of the organization consists of 2000 computers running on mixed mode. The number of DNS client queries is 1500 per second. The organization has opened its branch offices at Boston and Denver. The Boston branch office has a network setup of 250 computers and the number of client queries is 100 per second. The Denver branch has a network setup of1500 computers and the number of client queries is 1200 per second. All the branch offices are connected using slow WAN links. Identify the number and placement of DNS servers for the Denver branch office.

2.     One DNS server needs to be placed at the head office and one DNS server needs to be placed at the Denver branch office.

You are working as a system administrator in Red Sky IT Systems. The network of your organization consists of 45 computers on a Windows 2003 based network. The head office of your organization is located at Denver. There is some renovation work going on in your office, which would take around four months to complete. Your organization has hired an office, which is located at a distance of 30 km from the head office. The management wants to shift the Accounts and the Sales department temporarily to the new office. You have been assigned the task of providing network connectivity between the two offices. How you can accomplish this task considering that routing information would change frequently?

2.     Use a 2500 series router both at the head office and the new office. In addition, use RIP as the routing protocol.

You are the system administrator at an aeronautical research institute. The institute has S00 employees who work on different space projects. These projects consist of two applications that generate large amount of confidential and mission-critical data. As all users of the department use these two applications, these applications are required 24X7. Each of these applications is hosted on three computers in the network. As a system administrator, you need to design a strategy to ensure that the downtime of the applications is minimal. Which of the following options would you select to ensure this?

2. Create a server cluster for each application, with each cluster consisting of6 nodes. Out of these nodes four nodes act as active nodes and two act as passive nodes.

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Of Texas Prime, Inc is located at Chicago and branch offices are located at California, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Adelaide, and London. The branch offices are connected to the head office using fast communication links. Chris has configured WINS servers in all the branch offices and head office. In addition, he has implemented push only WINS server replication strategy. Chris has set the value of the pull partner setting interval to I0 minutes. Recently, Chris notices a tremendous increase in the network traffic due to an increase in the number of WINS database updates. This has resulted in a congested network. Which of the following options will enable him to troubleshoot this problem with least administrative effort?

3.     Increase the value of the push partner setting interval to 45 minutes.

You are the system administrator in Blue Moon Computers, Inc. The head office of your organization is located at Denver and a branch office is located at Los Angeles. For network connectivity, a 3600 series modular router is placed at the head office and a 2500 series router is placed at the branch office. Your organization has opened a new branch office at London. You need to select an appropriate routing device for the London branch office, considering that separate connectivity is required for the Los Angeles branch office and the head office. Which of the following options would you recommend for the London branch office?

4.     2500 series router with two WAN interfaces

You are the system administrator of an organization in which all DNS clients are running on Windows Server 2003 and have fixed IP addresses. In addition, the DNS clients have the permissions to update the DNS entries. In this case, which of the following methods would you use to secure zone data?

3.     DNS client dynamic updates

You are the system administrator of Best Software Solutions. The organization has hired some freelance software developers to work for its projects. For the organization, these freelance software developers are external users. You have implemented PKI infrastructure for providing additional security to the organization s network. One of these external users, James, is not �able to access the organization s network. You find that James s domain user account is � �active and he has a valid user certificate. What can be the probable cause of James s problem �and how can you resolve this problem?

4.     The name mapping between James s domain user account and the James s user certificate � �does not exist. You need to map James s user certificate with James s user account.� �

You are working as a system administrator in Red Sky IT systems. The organization s network is �a TCP/IP domain-based network that consists of 500 hosts. The network consists of Windows Server 2003 and Windows 2000 workstations. The network also consists of3 domain controllers, DNS server, DHCP server, and a WINS server. You have implemented IPSec policies to ensure secure data transfer and network access across the network. However, you have received complaints from employees that when they access the domain controller, DC1, an error message, "Invalid IPSec Filter action" is displayed. As a system administrator, you check the configuration of the IPSec policies across the organization s domain, and you find that the IPSec policies have been �correctly configured. Next, you plan to check the IPSec policies applied on the domain controller, DC1. Which of the following tools enables you to accomplish this task?

2.     Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer

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You are the system administrator of Packtech, Inc. that has its head office on the first floor of a building. The organization has opened a new office on the tenth floor of the same building. The network setup of this office contains 80 computers. You have been assigned the task of planning a DHCP infrastructure for the new subnet. Which of the following DHCP infrastructures would you suggest for the organization s network?�

1.     Centralized DHCP infrastructure

You are the system administrator at Denver Solutions, Inc. The organization now plans to open four new branches at Paris, Geneva, Tokyo, and Moscow. While designing the master project plan for the new branch offices, you need to identify the requirements of all types of audience, development team, research team, deployment the and the users at all levels. In addition, you also need to anticipate the risks related to these teams. You also need to determine the hardware and the software required by these teams. You have asked your assistant, Smith to incorporate all this information. In which of the following plans, will Smith incorporate this information?

1.     Communication plan, risk assessment plan, and purchase plan

You have joined as a system administrator in Janes Technologies. The network of the organization consists of S0 computers running Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003 operating systems. The network is logically divided in two subnets. A computer running Windows Server 2003 is configured as a domain controller. All the computers in the network have been assigned IP addresses manually. You plan to reduce the administrative burden of managing IP addresses manually. Which of the following options will enable you to accomplish this task?

3.     Implement centralized DHCP infrastructure in the organization.

You are working as system administrator of GreenBells, Inc., a leading manufacturer of electronic items. The head office of the organization is at New York and the branch office is located at Chicago. You plan to implement IPSec for providing secure data transmission and network and remote access across the organization s network. The current security mechanisms implemented �in your organization s network include cryptographic and hashing algorithms that provide secure �data transfer. While implementing IPSec, you need to select the appropriate filter action so as to utilize the currently implemented security mechanisms. Which of the following options is best suited for your requirements?

4.     Negotiate security

You are working as a system administrator in Blue Moon computers, Inc. The organization has opened two branches in London and Paris. You have been assigned the task of planning the network connectivity between the branch offices and the head office. Your organization also plans to open more branch offices in the next two years. Which of the following options would you recommend for your organization considering feasibility as a critical factor?

3.     3600 series modular router at the head office and 2500 series router at each branch office.

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You have joined as a system administrator in First Serve Consulting that deals in providing consultancy to corporate clients. The organization has its head office in New York and TS branch offices across USA. The organization has a TCP/IP domain-based network. In addition, the organization s network has implemented IPSec for securing data transfer and network access �processes. However, the organization s network uses multiple authentication methods, such as �Kerberos VS, Preshared key, and PKI. This has caused problems, such as some valid users of the head office are not authenticated at some of the branch offices that use PKI. The management has assigned the task of revamping the authentication mechanism of the organization s network. �Which of the following is the best suited strategy for resolving this problem with minimal impact on the existing network infrastructure?

4.     Configure RADIUS authentication across the network, which provides centralized authentication process.

All computers in the network of Techtrix, Inc. are running in the native mode with Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 The organization s network consists of two domain �controllers, one acts as the root domain controller and the other acts as an additional domain controller. Which of the following methods would you recommend for updating the DNS server automatically?

2.     Secure dynamic updates in Active Directory

You are the system administrator at Best Software Solutions. The head office and the branch offices of the organization have implemented TCP/IP network infrastructure without Internet access. You need to assign IP addresses to the two new workstations assigned to two recruits. However, when you connect to the DHCP server, you find that the DHCP server has been shutdown for its periodic maintenance. Which of the following methods can you use to assign IP addresses to the new computers?

1.     API PA

You have joined as a system administrator in Janes Technologies. The network of the organization consists of 100 computers running Windows Server 2003 and Windows 2000 operating systems. The network is logically divided in six subnets. One computer running Windows Server 2003 is configured as a domain controller. All computers in the network have been assigned IP addresses manually. You plan to reduce the administrative burden of managing IP addresses manually. Which of the following options will enable you to accomplish this task?

4.     Implement distributed DHCP infrastructure in the organization.

You have joined as a system administrator in Blue Moon Technologies. The organization s head �office is at Austin and consists of 500 workstations running Windows 2000 and Windows Serve 2003 operating systems. The organization s network consists of3 domain controllers, one root �domain controller and other two act as additional domain  controllers. The organization s network �has implemented IPSec policies for securing data transfer and network access processes. However, you have noticed that the replication traffic between the root domain controller and the additional domain controllers is unsecured and can lead to unauthorized access to the domain controllers of the network. Which of the following options enable you  to resolve this problem with minimal impact on the existing security mechanisms?

3.     Reconfigure IPSec in transport mode.

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You are the system administrator at Blackwell Works, Inc. The organization has its head office at Richmond and multiple branch offices spread across USA. The organization uses applications that require NetBIOS name resolution. For this, the organization has implemented WINS servers at the head office and the branch offices. You have noticed that the WINS server at the head office sends daily updates to the WINS servers at the branch offices. You want to configure the WINS servers such that the WINS server at the head office sends updates in batches and maintains a highly synchronized WINS database. Which of the following options will enable you to reduce the network traffic?

1.     Configure push only replication at the WINS server of the head office.

You are the system administrator of BlueStar Logistics, Inc. Bluestar Logistics, Inc. has implemented high-level security mechanisms for securing data transfers. However, due to security lapses, some confidential data has been illegally accessed and modified by some unauthorized users. Which of the following plans will you review and modify to change the currently implemented security mechanisms?

4.     Security plan

Technofix, Inc. is an organization that deals in software development and has acquired a confidential business contract. To work on this project a separate network is provided to a team of1S employees. This network setup contains Windows 2000 based computers with one new DNS server running on Windows Server 2003. As these 15 employees will be working on this confidential contract, you, as a system administrator, have been assigned the task to restrict external users from accessing the DNS server of this network. In addition, you do not want that DNS queries of other employees of the organization  should be forwarded to this DNS server. Which of the following options will enable you to accomplish this task?

3.     Remove root hints file on DNS server.

Office of Texas Prime, Inc is located at Chicago and five branch offices are located at California, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Auckland, and London. The branch offices are connected to the head office using slow WAN links. Chris had configured WINS servers in all the branch offices and head office. In addition, he has implemented a combination of push and pull WINS server replication strategy. Recently, Chris notices that the performance of the WINS server in the head office has decreased and it takes a long time to resolve queries. What should Chris do to troubleshoot this problem?

4.     Monitor the WINS server performance by using the Queries/sec ..�

Chris is a system administrator in Texas Prime, Inc. The head office of Texas Prime, Inc is located at Chicago and branch offices are located at California, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Adelaide, and London. The branch offices are connected to the head office using high-speed WAN links. In addition, he has implemented pull only WINS server replication strategy. Chris has set the value of the pull partner setting interval to 4S minutes. Recently, Chris notices a delay in convergence of the new entries of the WINS database. Which of the following options will enable Chris to troubleshoot this problem with least administrative effort?

2.     Decrease the value of the pull partner setting interval to 10 minutes.

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KBC, Inc. is a leading hotel and resorts group of USA. This organization has S0 resorts in different parts of the world. With increased competition, the management wants that customers should be able to book rooms in the resort directly. For this, the management plans to automate the process of booking through the Internet. Using this, customers can log on to the KBC Web site and submit information, such as customer name and address. This information would be processed at the head office. In addition, customers can easily know the status of room's availability. For this, the management has asked you to plan the best strategy so that the customers can submit their information online. In addition, the management has explicitly stated that budget is not a constraint for implementing this strategy. As a system administrator of the head office, you are required to set up the DNS server and plan for level of DNS security. Which of the following DNS security levels will you recommend in this situation?

3.     Apply low-level security on the DNS server.

You are working as a system administrator in Denver Prime, Inc. Your organization has a Windows Server 2003 based network of 400 computers. In addition, there are three Windows Server 2003 computers A, B, and C, which are serving as DNS servers. The DNS server C is also serving as the Internet server. You notice that there is consistent heavy traffic on the network. This is because DNS servers are taking lot of time in resolving queries of the Internet clients. This has resulted in congested network and slow network access. To troubleshoot this problem, you plan that if a request is received from Internet clients, then the DNS server C should attempt to resolve the query from its cache. You have authorized DNS server A for resolving queries from Internet clients. If the query is not resolved from its cache, then it should send the query only to the DNS server, A, which is authoritative to resolve the query. Which of the following options will enable you to perform this task with least administrative effort?

1.     Configure the DNS server C as forward-only and non-recursive server.

Janes Technologies has its head office at Los Angeles. The network setup of the organization consists of S00 computers running on Windows Server 2003. The organization has two branch offices located at Mexico City and Boston. A DNS server is installed at the head office to resolve the DNS client queries of both the head office and the branch offices. A limited amount of bandwidth is available between the head office and the branch offices. Identify the DNS server role that is best suited for the DNS server at the head office to resolve the queries of the branch offices.

4.     Caching-only

You have joined as a system administrator in Denver Prime, Inc. Your organization holds competence in data warehousing. In your organization, 1200 employees continuously access and update the data contained in the SQL database. Recently, the Windows Server 2003 computer serving as a database server crashed and the work in your organization came to a stand still. Despite of all efforts, you were able to restore the system only after 8 hours. You have been asked by your supervisor to ensure that this does not happen again. For this, you plan to provide fault tolerance for the SQL database such that all the possibilities of work coming to halt are eliminated. How can you accomplish this task?

3.     Create a four-node cluster with each node operating at a capacity of 25%, such that each node provides services to 300 users of the�

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You are the system administrator at RedSky Solutions. The organization has a single large network of 2500 computers, servers, and other network devices. You have created a server cluster for the application that is required to be available to the network users 24X7. Due to certain malfunctioning, the entire server cluster fails. You do not have a backup server cluster that can take the load of the failed cluster. You plan to recover the entire server cluster. Which is the best available option that would enable you to accomplish this task?

3.     Use the Automated System Recovery wizard and restore the cluster configuration data. After this, recreate the entire server cluster.

Organization has a single large network of 2500 computers, servers, and other network devices. The users of the network have been complaining about various problems, such as slow network access, congested network, data loss during data transfer, and increased network access time. In addition, you have been facing problems in maintaining this large network. You need to restructure the network so that the users do not face problems in accessing other computers in the network and the network is easily maintained and managed. Which of the following options will enable you to perform this task with least administrative effort?

3.     Create S collision domains and connect each collision domain through layer 2 switches.

Organization s head office is at Delaware and branch offices are at New York, California, and �Chicago. The organization has implemented a TCP/IP-based network. In addition, the organization uses certain applications that require NetBIOS name resolution services. For this, the organization uses a WINS server. The head office has two WINS servers, one is the primary WINS server and the second is the secondary WINS server. Each branch office also has a primary WINS server. However, you have noticed that the name resolution requests of users of the branch offices are directed to the WINS server at the head office, which increases the load on the WINS server at the head office. In addition, this has increased the network traffic. What could be the possible reason for this problem?

1.     Replication between the WINS server at the head office and the WINS servers at the branch offices is not configured properly.

You are working as a system administrator in Denver Prime, Inc. There are two non-recursive DNS servers for two domains on the network of your organization, denverprime.com and denverprime.net. You notice that there is consistent heavy traffic on the network, which is because several clients send a DNS query that is authoritative for denverprime.com domain to the denverprime.net domain. This has resulted in network congestion and slow network access. In addition, the DNS server is overloaded because it has to resolve the queries of the denverprime.com domain. Which of the following options will enable you to troubleshoot this problem with least administrative effort?

1.     Configure the DNS server of the denverprime.net domain as a conditional forwarder.

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are located at Paris and Geneva. The head office and the branch offices are connected through a 2500 series router. One of the employees at the head office, Chris is not able to connect to the file server at the Paris branch office. You try to connect to the file server at the Paris branch office but you are not able to connect to the file server. You execute the ping command and find that there is network connectivity between Chris s computer and the file server. You then decide to trace the �path to the file server from Chris s computer and find out if the data packets are being transferred �or not, through the router. Which of the following options will enable you to do so?

4.     Pathping <IP address of the router>

You are the system administrator of JetWings Manufacturers, Inc. The management has decided to set up two new branches. The management has assigned the task of planning and implementing the network infrastructure of the new branch offices to you. You have created a master project plan for the task. After approval of the master project plan, the project development team start implementing the network infrastructure for the new branch offices. While implementing the network infrastructure, you find various deviations from the actual plan in terms of resources utilized and the schedule for completing the project. Which of the following tools will enable you to track the deviations from the actual master project plan?

2.     Trade-off triangle

You are the system administrator in RedSky Computers, Inc. The corporate office of RedSky Computers is at Atlanta. The organization plans to open three new branch offices at Geneva, Paris, and Virginia. Each branch office will have three servers and approximately 1000 hosts. All these servers will connect to the corporate office using WAN links. The corporate office has a network of 6000 hosts. You have been assigned the task of creating the TCP/IP plan for the three new branch offices. You plan to implement classless-based addressing structure because the new branch offices will be subnets to the main network. You want to ensure that the wastage of IP addresses is minimum. Which of the following types of classless-based addressing would you implement for the branch offices?

1.     Class B addressing structure

You are the system administrator in Janes Technologies. The network of the organization consists of S0 computers in a peer-to peer network. The computers are running Windows Server 2003, Windows 200 and pre-Windows 2000 operating systems. To enhance the network security, you plan to configure a Windows Server 2003 computer as a domain controller and create a domainjanestech.com. In addition, you plan to use a NetBIOS name resolution method, which does not consume network bandwidth. Which of the following NetBIOS name resolution methods will meet your requirements?

2.     LMHOSTS file

You are the system administrator at Peterson, Inc. that has its head office at Virginia. The organization has its branch office at New York. Some employees at the head office have complained to you that they are not able to connect to the branch office, which is connected to the head office through a router. Which of the following is the best possible solution for troubleshooting the network connection between the head office and the branch office?

3.     Use NetDiag to verify all aspects of the network connections. Then, resolve the problematic aspect of the network connection.

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You are the system administrator at BlueBells International Resorts, Inc. The organization has its head office at Las Vegas and branch offices at Chicago, Denver, and Richmond. The organization has a TCP/IP-based WAN network that connects the head office with the branch offices through routers. The organization has a total number of 600 employees. The organization uses applications that require NetBIOS name resolution services. For such applications, you have implemented a WINS server at the head office. The WINS server at the head office provides name resolution services to the WINS clients at the branch offices also. You have noticed that the response time of the WINS server is high and the network of the organization gets congested during the peak office hours. Which of the following options will enable you to resolve this problem?

1.     Plan for separate WINS servers at the branch offices so that the client queries are not directed to the WINS server at the head office. This would also decrease the network traffic.

You are working a system administrator of City Insurance, Inc. The organization has its head office at London and a branch office at Melbourne. The organization has a TCP/IP domain-based network that consists of Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003 workstations. The organization now plans to implement IPSec to ensure additional security so that unauthorized user access to the organization s network can be prevented. In addition, you want to ensure security of user accounts� and group accounts as these can be easily used to gain access to the organization s network. �Which authentication method is best suited for your requirements?

1.     Configure Kerberos VS as the authentication protocol.

NetBIOS name resolution services. For such applications, you have implemented a WINS server at the head office. The WINS server at the head office provides name resolution services to the WINS clients at the branch offices also. You have noticed that the response time of the WINS server is high and the network of the organization gets congested during the peak office hours. Which of the following options will enable you to resolve this problem?

1.     Plan for separate WINS servers at the branch offices so that the client queries are not directed to the WINS server at the head office. This would also decrease the network traffic.

You are the system administrator of Green Valley foods, Inc. The head office is at Chicago. The organization has four branch offices across USA. The entire organization s network is a TCP/IP �domain-based network. The organization s network has implemented various types of connection �methods, such as Wireless LAN, VPN, and dial-up for different branch offices and users of the network. As a result, you have been facing difficulty in maintaining these connection methods and monitoring the authentication of the users accessing the organization s network through these �connection methods. You plan to centralize the authentication process of the entire organization s �network. However, the management has explicitly stated that it is not ready of incur any additional cost for centralizing the authentication process. With the constraints provided by the management, which of the following methods enable you centralize the authentication process for the organization?

3. Implement IAS for the organization s network.�

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Janes Technologies has its head office at Los Angeles. The network setup of the organization consists of 500 computers running on Windows Server 2003. The organization has two branch offices located at Mexico City and Boston. A DNS server is installed at the head office to resolve the DNS client queries of both the head office and the branch offices. A limited amount of bandwidth is available between the head office and the branch offices. Identify the DNS server role that is best suited for the DNS server at the head office to resolve the queries of the branch offices.

2.     Caching-only

Your organization has its Web site as http://www.bluesky.com, which

is hosted by its ISP. As the cost of hosting the Web site by the ISP

is very high, your organization now plans to use a different DNS

namespace for its branch offices.

Your organization wants that the namespace of the branch offices should not be exposed to the Internet. The head office at Denver already has a primary DNS server and a secondary DNS server, which provide name resolution services to the users of the head office. Which of the following internal DNS namespaces would you recommend for the branch offices?

2.     sydney.com

You are the system administrator of StarMoon Technologies. The network of your organization includes 200 computers running Windows Server 2003 and Windows 2000 operating systems. In your organization, 20 employees are deployed offsite for a project at London. These employees logon to the network using a VPN connection and upload data to the organization s FTP server. �You notice that these employees are using the organization s network for long time periods. As a �result, unnecessary network traffic is being generated. What will you do to resolve this situation considering that remote users can easily upload data to the organization s FTP server within an �hour?

3.     Create a new remote access policy and set the user session time out option to one hour. In addition, allow only FTP packets to and from the FTP server.

You are the system administrator of StarMoon Technologies. The head office of StarMoon Technologies is located at Boston and the branch office is located at Paris. The head office is connected to the branch office using slow WAN links. You notice that the DNS server takes a long time in resolving names. To troubleshoot this problem, you want to restrict the Internet users from accessing the DNS server of your organization for resolving names. Which of the following options will enable you to accomplish this task?

4. Configure the DNS server located at the head office as a conditional forwarder.

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You are the system administrator in Texas Prime, Inc. Your organization has a Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003 based network of 75 computers. A Windows Server 2003 computer named Server01 is configured as a DNS, DHCP and Internet Server. Server01 also resolves name resolution queries for external clients, such as customers and suppliers. You have noticed that the performance of Server01 has decreased considerably. In addition, you have noticed that the network is often congested and the network access time has increased. After examining the network traffic, you find that most of the network traffic consists of name resolution queries from external users. Which of the following options will enable you to resolve this problem with least administrative effort considering that the management has no budget constraints?

4.     Remove the DNS server from this computer and install the DNS server on a higher configuration computer.

You are working as a system administrator in Red Sky IT systems. The organization s network is �a TCP/IP domain-based network that consists of 500 hosts. The network consists of Windows Server 2003 and Windows 2000 workstations. The network also consists of 3 domain controllers, DNS server, DHCP server, and a WINS server. You have implemented IPSec policies to ensure secure data transfer and network access across the network. However, you have received complaints from employees that when they access the domain controller, DC1, an error message, "Invalid IPSec Filter action" is displayed. As a system administrator, you check the configuration of the IPSec policies across the organization s domain, and you find that the IPSec policies have been �correctly configured. Next, you plan to check the IPSec policies applied on the domain controller, DC1. Which of the following tools enables you to accomplish this task?

1.     Security Configuration and Analysis Tool

IFC, Inc. has a TCP/IP-based network with two DNS servers at the head office and an internal namespace ofifc.com. The organization has ten branch offices across USA. The management of the organization wants to allow all users of the head office and the branch offices to access their database from any location. Cache prevention is disabled on all DNS servers. Which of the following security levels needs to be applied to the DNS servers at the head office to meet the requirements of the organization?

1.     Low-level

You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. The organization has undertaken a new project for which it has to open many new branches at different locations. Each branch is expected to incorporate S00 to 1000 computers. At least 10 branches need to be opened to handle the project work. The managing director of the organization wants you to plan a network infrastructure such that in future there does not arise any difficulty in locating any computer over the network. Each computer should have a unique IP address in the network. What should you do to meet the requirements?

2.     Assign each computer a Class A IP address.

You need to connect new branch offices of an organization to the head office and the existing branch offices. Which of the following options will enable you to provide connectivity with least administrative overhead?

4.     Place a single 3600 series router for the three new branch offices.

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You are the system administrator at Red Sky IT Systems. You are responsible for monitoring the network and troubleshoot network problems. You plan to check the working of the network services to ensure that they are working properly. You also need to generate a report of the hardware, software, and the network connections of the system. Which utility would you use for this purpose?

4.     Network Diagnostics utility

You are the system administrator of Red Sky Corp. The domain in the organization network has two Windows Server 2003 member server computers named Server 1 and Server 2. Routing and Remote Access Service is enabled for remote access on Server 2. IAS is installed on Server 1 . Server 2 uses Server 1 to authenticate remote access credentials. The remote access policies on Server1 specify that domain members are allowed remote access to the network. However users report that they are not allowed to dial in to Server 2. You need to identify the cause of the problem and suggest a solution to resolve the problem. How will you accomplish the task?

2.     Server 1 is configured to support only local user accounts. Add Server 1 to the RAS and IAS Servers group in Active Directory to resolve the problem.

You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. The organization has various departments. Each department has its separate internal network. The departments are connected to each other using network connectivity components, such as routers, hubs, and switches. The organization undertakes a new project for which the configuration of some of the network connectivity components is changed. An employee of the production department complains that he is unable to transmit messages to and from the development department. What do you think is the reason of the problem?

2.     Changed configuration of the network connectivity component, such as a hub, a router, or a switch

You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. You configure the internal network of a new branch of the organization. You configure the computers on the network by assigning NetBIOS names to them. The project managers of different projects complain about the difficulty they are facing because of mismanagement of network resources. The project managers are unable to locate the network resources, such as files and printers. The team members also complain of the same difficulty. Due to these problems, the project work is delayed most of the time. What arrangements should you make to resolve this problem?

4.     Assign Internet Group NetBIOS names to all network resources.

You are the system administrator at Technology Systems. You are examining the NetBT Nodes. Which NetBT node type should you examine to use the Lmhosts file for resolving and registering names?

2.     Microsoft enhanced B-node

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Blue Moon Computers has its head office at New York. The organization has two other branches at New jersey and Scotland. All the information about the organization s products, services, and �business details is placed in a database at the head office. The employees located in New jersey and Scotland need to access the database of the organization. The database also contains some confidential information about the projects and loans of the organization. The Managing Director does not want this information to be accessed by anyone. The competitors of the organization can use this information against the organization. What should you do to make the confidential information secure?

2.     Use Remote control tab of the Users Property dialog box to restrict remote access to the database of the organization.

You are the system administrator at Blue Moon Computers. You establish an internal network that connects all the computers in the organization. You have set one computer as a DHCP server with Windows Server 2003 installed on it. The DHCP server is configured with two scopes. One scope is used for the Sales department and other for the Accounts department. Computers of both departments receive their IP addresses from the DHCP server. The DHCP server had a hardware failure problem and lost its DHCP data. However, you restored the backup data. After restoring the DHCP data, you find that information of some clients for both scopes is not displayed correctly when viewed in the list of active leases. What steps will you follow to make the information correct?

1.     Select the DHCP server in the DHCP console tree. Select the Reconcile All Scopes command from the Action menu. Click the Verify button in the Reconcile dialog box. Click the OK button in the DHCP dialog box.

You are the system administrator at the Houston branch of Blue Moon Computers. The organization is hiring people at all levels and needs to be in constant touch with the HR Manager at the head office in Atlanta. In this case, you choose to configure RRAS on the server of HR department and connect it to the head office through a dedicated phone line. So you are essentially connecting two distant network segments using RRAS. The server is currently installed with Windows Server 2000. The computers in the network need to send the data packets to each computer separately even if the packets are dedicated for all the computers over the network. This wastes valuable time, which could otherwise be used in serving other requests of the clients. What should you do so that the valuable time of the server could be utilized in serving most of the requests of the clients, and why?

2.     Upgrade the server with Windows Server 2003 because Multicast routing feature of Windows Server 2003 allows a computer to send packets addressed for the entire network.

You are the system administrator at Red Sky Corp. The organization has a DNS server at the head office in Luxemburg. The DNS server provides host name resolution to the remote client computers. The client requesting the DNS server for the host's IP address complains about outdated resource records. What can be the cause of the problem?

2.     TTL value for the resource records is very large.

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WorldAd, Inc. provides defense related services to the U.S. government. The U.S. government needs to disseminate a large volume of data to the various defense headquarters across the country. The U.S. government has strictly instructed WorldAd, Inc. to make sure that the data reaches its destination as quickly as possible. All the computers at WorldAd, Inc. have Windows Server 2003 installed. John Barrett, the system administrator of WorldAd, Inc., has been assigned the task of disseminating the data as required by the government. Which routing protocol should john use?

2.     Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)

Jim Lewis is working as the system administrator in Global Systems Inc. The organization uses DHCP server in Windows Server 2003 environment to provide IP addresses dynamically to a large number of clients. Jim needs to monitor the performance of the DHCP server consistently to ensure that the clients remain satisfied. He uses the Performance console utility to monitor the DHCP server performance. While monitoring the server performance, Jim finds that the value of a performance counter, requests/second, has increased suddenly. What does this indicate?

4.     A large number of clients are trying to renew their leases with the DHCP server.

You are the system administrator at Blue Moon Computers. The internal network of the organization contains a DNS server to process the queries of the client computers over the network. The employees using the DNS server complain about the slow processing speed of the DNS server. The DNS server of the network stores the entire project related data, the queries submitted to the server, and the results of the queries. The employees have to wait for a considerably long period to get the results of the queries they submit to the DNS server. This is delaying the projects they are working on and degrading their overall performance. What should you do to solve the problem?

2.     Configure DNS server as Caching-only server so that it stores only the results of the queries.

You are the system administrator at WorldAd Corp. Resource records on the DNS servers on the network are not updated dynamically. When a client system connects to the network or goes offline, its resource records need to be updated on the DNS server. For each client on the network, you need to frequently perform the following operations: Setting option for a query for DNS server. Searching for a name in DNS resource record database. Finding records in zone on DNS server. Perform zone transfer. How will you meet the requirements?

4.     Use NSlookup command line utility in Interactive mode.

BlueMoon Computers has various departments, accounts, research, development, and production. All the departments are connected through the internal network of the organization. The employees of the organization complain that they are not able to access the network resources in the expected time. All the computers of various departments use the same network to communicate with each other. You as the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers notice that the network traffic is very high on the links to the server. This is causing congestion. Which device should you use to solve the problem?

2.     Router

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You are the system administrator at Blue Moon Inc. You assign an IPSec policy to ensure that only authorized users are allowed to share files with remote server. This IPSec policy will act when a user tries to access files from remote server. You select a Negotiate filter action for the policy. John is an organization employee who wants to establish a remote connection but he is denied the connection. How will you solve the problem?

4.     Change the rule in lPSec policy so that it is compatible to remote server.

Y ou are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. The DHCP server of the internal network controls hu ndreds of computers connected to each other and with the server. The DHCP server contains a lot of data. The server is has very less memory space left. The Managing Director asks you to attend a meeting with the board of directors about configuring the internal network of some new offices that have opened recently. When you come back after the meeting, you find that the server has run out of memory space. You want to check the transactions that were done on the DHCP database after you left for the meeting. How can you get the desired information? 1,Check the dhcp.mdb file to find out the various transactions in the DHCP database transactions. 2,Check the Tmp.edb file to find out the various transactions in the DHCP database transactions. 3,Check the J50.log file to find out the various transactions in the DHCP database transactions. 4,Check the Res1.log file to find out the various transactions in the DHCP database transactions.

ưes is the system administrator at Red Sky IT Systems. James is responsible for maintaining a record of IP addresses of all the computers of the research department. The junior system administrator has assigned IP addresses manually to the computers of research department. James now wants to verify the assigned IP addresses to maintain his record. Which utility should James use to implement the given task? 1,Ping 2,Nslookup 3,Ipconfig 4,Netstat

You are the system administrator at Global Software, Inc. The company has one DHCP server and 300 clients. You are responsible for assigning IP addresses to all the client computers. You use DHCP service to assign IP addresses dynamically. You now want to display the date when the server was assigned a dynamic IP address using DHCP. Which field containing the DHCP settings should you use to implement the required task? 1,DHCP Server 2,Lease Expire 3,Lease Obtained 4,Default Gateway

You are the system administrator at Supersoft2000. You configure the DHCP scopes. Which DHCP scope property you should configure to set the range of valid IP addresses? 1,Network ID 2,Network IP address range 3,Subnet mask 4,Lease duration

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You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. The internal network of the organization is based on the TCP/IP model. The employees use the internal network of the organization to communicate with each other by sending data and required information. The employees complain that the data and the messages that they send to other computers are not reaching the intended computers. Instead, the messages are routed to other computers. Which layer of the TCP/IP model should be checked to resolve the problem? 1,Application  2,Transport 3,Internet 4,Network Access

You are the system administrator at Blue Moon Inc.  The company has a network of 250 computers, which are used by programmers to develop software. The programmers share sensitive data among themselves during software development. This data can be accessed by any unauthorized user outside the company network. You are asked by the management to reconfigure the DHCP server so that new IP addresses are assigned to the computers. After configuring DHCP server, you find that some computers do not get the new DHCP settings. How will you fix the problem? 1,Use Ipconfig command to display TCP/IP settings of the computer, and then use Ipconfig/renew to renew the IP address. 2,Use Ipconfig/release command to release the IP address, and then use Ipconfig /renew to renew the IP address. 3,Use Ipconfig/renew command to renew the IP address, and then use Ipconfig/all to display complete listing of TCP/IP settings. 4,Use Ipconfig/renew command to renew the IP address of the computer, and then use Ipconfig/release to release this IP address.

You are working as a database administrator at BlueMoon Computers. The internal network of the company uses multiple WINS servers. You need to configure a WINS server to replicate the records of WINS database. The primary WINS server attains the specified threshold value. You use the process of push replication to replicate the WINS server. To perform push replication, you need to perform the following steps:

1. A push partner, such as WINSX, exceeds the specified threshold value for the number of changes to be made in the WINS database.

2. WINSX informs its replication partner WINSY about the status of the specified threshold value.

3. WINSY replies to the WINSX with a replication request.

4. WINSX sends a replica of its new database entries.

5. WINSY receives the replica entries.

What is the correct sequence of events that take place when you perform push replication? 4,1, 3, 2, 4, 5 3,1, 2, 4, 3, 5 2,1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1,2, 1, 3, 4, 5

You are the system administrator at Blue Moon Computers. The internal network of Blue Moon Computers maintains multiple WINS. The WINS database contains many WINS client names that

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are no longer in use. It has become difficult for you to manage the WINS client names and retrieve information from the WINS database. When the WINS database is replicated from one WINS server to the other, all the unused names are also replicated. You want to specify the time required by WINS server to verify the active names that are replicated from other WINS servers. Which parameter should you use to accomplish this task?  1,Verification interval

You want to restrict external clients from accessing the DNS server of the local network. In which of the following roles, a DNS server should be configured to accomplish this task?

1.     Non-recursive server

James is the system administrator at Safest Software Co. James is examining the NetBT Nodes. Which NetBT node type should he examine to combine the features of B-node and P-node?

3.     M-node

You are the system administrator at Technology Systems. You are examining the NetBT Nodes. Which NetBT node type should you examine to use the Lmhosts file for resolving and registering names?

1.     Microsoft enhanced B-node

You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. All the computers in the organization are connected using an internal network. An employee wants to use a network printer to print some official documents. The employee complains that he is unable to access the printer he wants. What do you think is the reason of the problem?

1.     Improper configuration of the software used in the network

The DHCP database of Global Systems Inc. has got corrupted. The system administrator, Chris, has restored the database and is monitoring the DHCP server using the DHCP Console. The server and the class options are being displayed in the DHCP console, but the active leases are missing. What should Chris do to ensure that the DHCP console displays correct information?

4.     Reconcile the DHCP database.

You are the system administrator at GEX, Inc., a leading call center of US. There are around 12000 employees working in the organization Recently, the organization has acquired KLM Corp. You need to configure the security level of the DNS server of GEX, Inc., so that apart from GEX, Inc., only the employees of KLM Corp. can access the DNS server using the Internet. Which of the following options will enable you to accomplish this task?

2.     Apply medium-level security on the DNS server.

You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. A WINS server is installed at the main branch of the company. You need to maintain the WINS database. You need to ensure that the

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WINS clients get the correct information and that the database is not overcrowded with unnecessary data. What is the correct sequence of steps that you should perform to accomplish this task? 3,Backup and restore a WINS database.

Compact a WINS database.

Scavenge a WINS database.

Check the WINS database for consistency.

You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. The internal network of the company contains a primary DNS server and various secondary DNS servers. A user of the network tries to access a computer over the network using its domain name. The user complains that the domain name is not resolving to the correct computer. You know the IP address of the computer that the user wants to access. Which resource record should you view to get the correct domain name of the computer?  1,Pointer (PTR)

You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. The internal network of the company contains a primary DNS server and various secondary DNS servers. The internal network of the company is divided into various zones. The database administrator of the company wants to send and receive mails from the clients of the company. You want to find out whether a SMTP e-mail server is present on the network. Which resource record should you view to get the desired information?  1,Mail Exchange (MX)

You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. The internal network of the organization contains a server based on Windows Server 2003. Earlier, the company had few computers and therefore, the employees used to access other computers over the network using their IP addresses. The company has expanded its internal network by adding more computers to share the increased workload. Now, it is becoming difficult for the employees to remember the IP addresses of each computer on the network. Which service of Windows Server 2003 would you use to allow the employees to use domain names instead of IP address to access the computers over the network? 3,DNS

You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. The internal network of the company contains primary and secondary DNS servers. The primary and secondary DNS servers contain information about different zones of the network. The data zone located on the primary zone changes. The change in the data zone should be updated in the secondary DNS servers also. You need to make the necessary updates to the secondary DNS servers. Which server should you look for the list of servers to be notified? 2,Primary Server

You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. The internal network of the company contains primary and secondary DNS servers. The primary and secondary DNS servers contain information about different zones of the network. You want to configure a computer to work both as

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a Web server named www.admin.bmcompltd.com and a FTP server named ftp.accounts.bmcompltd.com. The current host name of the computer is comp1.admin.bmcompltd.com. You need to configure this computer using CNAME resource records. What are the various CNAME entries you need to make in the admin.bmcompltd.com zone to accomplish this task? 1,comp1 IN A IN CNAME comp1

You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. There are 200 computers in the company. You need to configure four computers as DNS servers. The employees working on various projects in the company need to query the DNS server to get the data and information related to their project. The DNS server either provides the service to the client computers or redirects the queries to the Internet. Some employees complain about various viruses from Internet attacking their systems and diminishing their processing speed. What should you do to let the employees get rid of these viruses? 1,Configure root hints to point to the local/internal servers, to prevent the DNS servers from redirecting the queries to the Internet

James is the system administrator at Smart Software Development. The company is having remote network access between the computers of branch office and head office. James needs to monitor the network access servers through various objects. These objects contain information about the remote network access requests, errors, protocols, and performance data. Which object should James use to monitor the performance of individual remote access ports? 3,RAS Port

You are the system administrator at Smartsoft2000. All the computers in the company are running Windows Server 2003 as their operating system. You have installed and configured network access services on the computers of accounts department. Some of the users of accounts department start complaining about connection failure and slow connection speed. Which utility should you use to resolve these problems?  1,System Monitor and Performance Logs and Alerts

You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. The CEO of the company asked you to enable access for its mobile employees to the resources of the corporate network over the Internet. Which method will you use to access the network keeping the cost factor in mind? 4,VPN server

BlueMoon Computers has implemented the Windows Server 2003 domain-based network at their head office at California. You are the system administrator of the company. The CEO of the company asks you to provide a remote connection to two employees of the company, who need to connect to the company s private network from New York. For this you configure a VPN support �for remote connectivity on the remote access server and configure the client computers for VPN connectivity.  Now, you have to maintain the security of the private network to avoid any unauthorized access.1,Configure Smart Card authentication on the remote access server.

BlueMoon Computers has implemented the Windows Server 2003 domain-based network at their head office at California. You are the system administrator of the company. The CEO of the company asks you to provide a remote connection to two employees of the company. These two employees need to connect to the company s private network from New York. For this you �

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configured a VPN support for remote connectivity using a Frame relay network. You also configured the client computers for VPN connectivity. The two employees need to send confidential data and information to the project manager. You need to ensure secure data transmission between the two employees and the project manager. The company may face financial loss if any unauthorized user accesses the data or information. How can you ensure that the company does not face any such financial loss? 2,Configure the VPN connection to use L2TP protocol.

You are a system administrator at WorldAd, Inc. The company has 150 employees. All the employees are authorized to access sensitive data files available on company servers. You want to ensure that only authenticated users can access the data files using PAP, CHAP, and MS-CHAP protocols. Users authenticated with the authentication protocols should be allowed to establish remote connection. Which parameter of the policy profile should be configured to meet the requirements? 4,Authentication

You are a system administrator at Blue Sky Inc. You decide to use IAS to centrally manage remote access to company's network. You maintain a centralized database of all user profiles that can be accessed by other remote access servers on the network. The company decides to expand its network to various cities, adding 5000 workstations to the network. How will you justify that IAS is suitable for the new network configuration? 2,IAS allows scalability of the network.

The domain Superdom.com has 10 RAS servers and two IAS servers. The RAS servers use the IAS server to authenticate and authorize remote access credentials. The remote access policies on the first IAS server are changed. How do you ensure that this change is enforced on the second IAS server? 3,Use the Netsh command-line utility tool. 

You are the system administrator at Red Sky Inc. the company's network consists of 500 systems with Windows Server 2003 servers. An authorized remote user can access the shared files available on servers. You are asked to keep track of network access activities using routing and remote access logging characteristics provided by RRAS. In addition, you are asked to perform the following activities:Maintain a detailed record of all remote access requestsLog names of remote access policies for all the connection attempts.You want to use the information available in the above logs for judicial enforcement of remote access policies. How will you meet the requirements? 1,Configure the server to allow Local Authentication and Account logging.

You are the system administrator at BlueMoon Computers. Red Sky is another company working in partnership with BlueMoon Computers. Both companies are working on a joint project. Companies need to access the data from each other's database during project development. To secure the data access procedure, both companies use secret shared key for each data access session. The secret key is used to encrypt and decrypt the data over the network. Database administrator in your company

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informs you that an unauthorized access is made to the database. How will you verify the unauthorized access? 4,Examine the Audit log and verify all the Internet Key Exchange events in the log to identify an unauthorized acces

StarMoon Technologies is a small software development organization. The network setup of this organization consists of 20 computers. The employees of this organization use VB.Net and SQL Server database. There are two active nodes supporting each of these applications. You, as a system administrator, have been assigned the task of planning a failover strategy to ensure minimal downtime if any one of the nodes fails. Which of the following failover policies will be best suited for the organization? 2,Standby server configuration 

The head office of Matrix, Inc. is located at Paris. The organization plans to open two new branch offices at Atlanta and London. The organization needs to automate the assignment of IP addresses to the computers in these branch offices. The branch offices are connected to the head office by slow WAN links. What kind of DHCP infrastructure strategy you will plan for the new branch offices? 3,Distributed

Bluesky, Inc has two branch offices located at California and Boston. The DNS server of the organization is installed at the head office located at Los Angeles. A limited amount of bandwidth is available between the head office and the branch offices. Which of the following types of DNS servers is best suited for the head office in this scenario?1,Caching-only

Redzone, Inc. has a namespace, redzone.com. One of the DNS servers, DNS01 has some confidential data and the organization does not want any external users or computers to access the DNS namespace of the DNS server, DNS01. As a result, you, as the system administrator, want to segregate the DNS namespace of the DNS server, DNS01 from other DNS servers of the organization. Which of the following type of internal namespace is required that has minimal impact on the existing namespace? 2,Unique

You are the system administrator in Janes Technologies. The organization has a Windows Server 2003 based network of 75 computers. In addition, there is a Windows Server 2003 computer named Server01, which is serving both as a DNS and Internet server. Recently, you notice that the DNS server takes a long time in resolving names. You also notice that the client queries sent to the DNS server consists of large number of unnecessary queries from external clients. As a result, the DNS server becomes overloaded. In addition, these unnecessary queries result in network congestion and slow network access. The organization has budget constraints. With this constraint, you need to optimize the performance of the existing DNS server. Which of the following options will enable you to accomplish this task? 3,Disable recursion on Server01.

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You are the system administrator at Red Sky Inc. The company has engine, transmission, workshop, and power units that produce different parts for car manufacturing. All production units send production information to the main office, where it is stored in a database. You are working at the company's main office and systems at the main office are running Windows Server 2003. Transmission unit is sending too much of data and you want to filter out the unnecessary information. How will you meet the requirements? 4,Configure the Routing and Remote Access settings from the system's Control Panel. Enable the IP router manager and filter the inbound data packets from a particular source IP address to a destination IP address. Select appropriate protocol, and source and destination ports

You are the system administrator at WorldAd, Inc. The company has a large network of Windows Server 2003 computers. The network has 20 subnetworks, which are used by different departments in the organization. To provide communication path between the subnetworks, you implement static routing. The router will determine the route for the data traffic depending upon the routing protocol. How will you configure the routing protocol for the type of routing used in the network? 4,Routes are configured manually in static protocol, so no need to implement a routing protocol

You are the system administrator at Red Sky IT Systems. You use command line utilities other than Network Monitor to test network connectivity. Which utility should you use with TCP/IP protocol to verify the address resolution of DNS name to IP address? 2,Nslookup

Steve is the system administrator at Safest Software Co. Steve is monitoring the network, which includes tracking and troubleshooting the network problems. Which utility should he use to manage and monitor various network services, such as DHCP, WINS, and IPSec? 3,Netsh command 

You have joined Red Sky Computers, Inc. as a system administrator. You have been asked to plan the network infrastructure for the two new branch offices of the organization. You have to record the details of the hardware and software required for the network infrastructure at the branch offices. In addition, you have to estimate the total expenditure that would be incurred to set up the network of the new branch offices. In which of the following plans will you record this information? 4,Budget plan and purchase plan

You have joined BlueSky Computers, Inc. as a system administrator. You have been asked to plan the network infrastructure for the two new branch offices of the organization. For planning the network infrastructure, you have to collect and record information about the various teams that will be implementing the network infrastructure. In addition, you need to collect information about the users of the network. You also need to identify the trainings required by the users of the network. Identify the plans in which you will record this information1,Communication plan and training plan

You are the system administrator in Best Computers, Inc., with its head office at New York. The organization has 15 branches across USA, with total number of employees being 8000. The organization now plans to open up 4 new branch offices in Europe with each branch office having 1000-1200 hosts. In addition, each new branch office will be a separate network that will be connected to the main organization s network through VPN and leased lines. As a system �administrator, you need to plan the TCP/IP addressing structure for the new branch offices according to the current infrastructure of the organization. Identify the most appropriate addressing structure for the new branch offices3,Classless-based, class B addressing structure

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The head office of Prime Computers is at Atlanta. The organization plans to open three new branch offices at Geneva, Paris, and Virginia. Each branch office will have approximately 1000 hosts. All the servers at the branch offices will connect to the corporate office using WAN links and VPN. As a system administrator, you need to create the TCP/IP plan for the new branch offices. Identify the appropriate TCP/IP addressing structure and the number of subnets for the new branch offices. 1,You can use classless-based, class B addressing structure and one subnet for each new branch office.

You are the system administrator of Janes Technologies. The head office of the organization is located at New York. The organization now plans to open a new branch office at Sydney and has assigned the task of planning the network setup of the new branch office to you. The management wants that the average utilization for the new branch office should be between 80% to 90%. In addition, the peak throughput should be 9 Mbps. As a system administrator, you need to determine the best network connection type, assuming that the wire speed is 10 Mbps. Identify the most appropriate connection type for the network. 4,Swtiched Ethernet

Blackvalley, Inc. has its head office at Los Angeles. The organization has its own DNS server to resolve the names for the domain, blackinc.com. This organization has got a new project, which is highly confidential. To complete this project, the management has assigned the task to a team of 30 people. The management wants to ensure that any unauthorized user cannot access the network and the team members are not able to access the Internet. Which of the following options will enable you to accomplish this task? 2,Remove the root hints file

You are the system administrator of Infolog, Inc. that has a setup of 50 computers. All the clients use the DNS server for name resolution. Recently, the user of one of the client computers has complained that the DNS server has failed to respond to a name resolution query. You try to ping the DNS server but the ping command is unsuccessful. Which of the following could be a cause of this problem? 3,The DNS server service is not started.

The head office of Janes Technologies is located at New York. This office has a setup of 1000 computers running Windows Server 2003. One computer is running as a DNS server to resolve the names for the domain, janestechnologies.com. The branch office of this organization is located at London. The head office is connected with the branch office using slow WAN links. The users from the branch office send name resolution queries to the head office. You as a system administrator need to select an appropriate strategy to reduce the load on the DNS server at the head office. Which of the following options will be the most appropriate strategy for this situation? 2,Disable recursion on the DNS server at the head office and place one DNS server at the branch office.

You are the system administrator of Skyline, Inc., a leading telecom organization with its head office located at New York. There is a setup of 200 computers in the network. All computers are running on Windows Server 2003 operating system. You want to apply circuit-level filtering to protect the network from outside attack. In addition, you want to ensure fast and secure access to the Internet. Which of the following options will enable you to accomplish this task? 2,ISA

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Pharma, Inc. is a leading pharmaceutical organization with its head office located at New York. This organization has opened its new branch office at Chicago. The head office needs to send confidential information to the branch office using the public network. The routers connecting these offices are authenticated with computer-based certificates. You as a system administrator need to develop a secure router connectivity option between the head office and the new branch office. Which of the following options will be best suited for the network? 4,IPSec in tunnel mode

Reprotek, Inc. has its head office at Denver. The organization has opened a new branch office at Boston. The head office supports the Ethernet LAN network where as the branch office supports token ring network. You have created two broadcast domains. One broadcast domain consists of the head office whereas the other broadcast domain consists of the new branch office. You have been assigned the task to select an appropriate intermediate device so that the data is transmitted using a specific protocol. Which of the following devices is best suited in this situation? 3,Layer 3 switch

You are the system administrator of Smith Technologies. The organization has its head office at Austin. Its development office is also located in the same city. While monitoring the network traffic between the head office and the development office, you notice that the rate of collision has increased, which has resulted in unnecessary network traffic and network congestion. You need to reduce the rate of collision and decongest the network. Which of the following is the best troubleshooting strategy for this problem? 1,Create two collision domains by placing a layer 2 switch between the head office and the development office

Janes Technologies has a setup of 80 computers. This organization uses an SQL database that is hosted on two computers in the network. The SQL server database is required round-the-clock because most of the data updates occur after office hours. The organization has recently recruited 40 employees who will be using the SQL server database. As a system administrator, you need to plan the availability of this database for all the 120 employees considering the fact that you also need to ensure consistency of the data stored in the database. Which of the following types of clusters is best suited for meeting these requirements? 2,Create a server cluster

You are the system administrator in Janes Technologies. Your organization has opened two remotely located branch offices at Virginia and Texas. The Virginia branch has 1100 hosts. However, out of these 1100 hosts, 500 hosts do not require Internet access. The expected number of client queries for the branch is 1000 per second. The Texas branch has 2100 hosts. The expected number of client queries for the branch is 1900 per second. You need to plan the number of zones and DNS servers for each branch. Which of the following options would you recommend for your organization? 3,Two zones at the Virginia branch office and a separate DNS server for each zone. A single zone at the Texas branch office with one DNS server. You are the system administrator in Red Sky IT Systems. The head office of your organization is located at Denver. The network of the organization consists of 100 computers on the redsky.com domain. In the head office, IPSec is deployed for secure data transmission. Your junior system administrator, James informs you that while connecting to one of the computers, Computer01, an error message, Invalid authentication protocol is displayed. You check the IPSec policies � �configured on James computer, and find that the IPSec policies are correctly configured. When you try to connect to Computer01, you also receive the same error message. Which of the following tools will enable you to resolve this problem? 3,Security Configuration and Analysis MMC snap-in

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You are the system administrator in Red Sky IT Systems. The head office of the organization is located at Denver. The network of the organization consists of 100 computers on the redsky.com domain. In the head office, IPSec is already deployed for secure data transmission. You have applied hashing algorithm for additional security of the data transfer and network access processes. As a result, you need to reconfigure the currently applied IPSec policies. Which of the following component of the IPSec policy do you need to change? 4,Filter action

As the system administrator of Red Sky IT Systems, you have implemented VPN for secure and cost effective data transfer across the branch offices. You want to ensure that the incoming and outgoing data communication through VPN should be secure. Which of the following options will enable you to accomplish this task? 1,Set the tunnel endpoints for the VPN tunnel in the Edit Rule Properties dialog box to secure both the incoming and the outgoing network traffic.

You are the system administrator of Dreamz, Inc, an organization that creates multimedia graphics. The head office of your organization is located at Denver. The management of your organization plans to open a branch office at Melbourne. You have been assigned the task of planning the network infrastructure for the new branch office at Melbourne considering that heavy multimedia files would be transferred on the network. The organization s network has high configuration �computers. Identify the network access connection method that is most appropriate for the branch office2,LAN

An organization has its head office at Denver and two branch offices at Virginia and New York. Each branch including the head offices has implemented NLB clusters. You, as a system administrator, need to monitor the NLB cluster of the New York branch from the head office. Which of the following commands will enable you to perform this task? 1,Nlb.exe

You are the system administrator of an organization that has its head office at Boston and branch office at Los Angeles. To secure data during transmission, you want to define the source and destination points for the transmission. Which of the following router connectivity options is suitable for data transmission in this situation? 3,IPSec in tunnel mode

You have been assigned the task of providing an Internet connectivity solution to an organization. The network of the organization includes 50 computers on a non-routed environment. The organization requires private addressing on the computers within the network. In addition, the organization does not want to restrict the Internet access on a user-by-user basis. Based on these requirements, which Internet connectivity solution would you recommend for the organization? 1,NAT

1)Identify the subnet mask that is used when no subnet mask value is specified in the Route Add command.


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2)In which name resolution method, a database of NetBIOS names and the corresponding IP addresses is maintained?

2.     LMHOSTS file

3)Which of the following is the correct syntax of the Route Add command?

1.     Route add <destination> mask <subnet mask> <gateway> matric <lowest number wins> if <interface>

4)The root hints file is also known as��

1.     Cache.dns

5)The network traffic in a network largely consists of broadcast messages. Which of the following options will enable you to limit the broadcast traffic in the network?

1.     Create VLANs within the network.

6 )Which of the following NetBIOS computers is used to send and receive messages over a network?

2.     Computer2 [03h]

7) Which of the following NetBIOS computers works as a workstation?

3.     Computer1[00h]

Which switch is used with the ipconfig command to release and reset the content of the client's DNS cache?

3.     /flushdns

What does the Issue name attribute of a CA certificate specify?

1.     Name of the certificate issuing CA

Which event ID in the DHCP server audit log specifies an event when a client renews a lease?

1. 11

Which authentication protocol for dial-up networking uses Message Digest S to establish a secure form of encrypted authentication process with the remote access server?

1.     Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)

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Which component of Remote Access Policy specifies the accessibility rights available to an authenticated user?

1.     Remote Access Permissions

What is the correct sequence of steps that is followed when the DNS client service resolves the host name to the corresponding IP address?

1.     2, 3, l,4 

What is the maximum number of characters that the host name of a computer can have?

4.     255

Which component of WINS service contains NetBIOS names of network computers and their corresponding IP addresses?

1.     WINS Database

What is the function of Kerberos protocol?

2.     Authenticates systems in the same domain

Which database file in DHCP maintains a log of all database transactions?

2.     j50.log

Which component of WINS service resolves NetBIOS names for computers that are not WINS-enabled clients?

3.     WINS Proxy

Which layer of the TCP/IP model ensures complete data transmission across the network?

4.     Transport layer

Which characteristic of IAS enables you to use it in various network configurations of varying size?

1.     Scalability

Which authentication protocol for dial-up networking provides additional authentication within Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)?

2.     Extensible Authentication Protocol-Transport Layer Security (EAP-T L5)

Which of the following connection methods will enable you to establish a point-to-point connection between two networks?

3.     Leased line

Which name resolution method is preferred for large networks with multiple broadcast domains?

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1.     Automatic name resolution

Which of the following options enables you to create a console that contains the DNS snap-in?

2.     MMC

The network traffic in a network largely consists of broadcast messages. Which of the following options will enable you to limit the broadcast traffic in the network?

1.     Create VLANs within the network. 

Which of the following Internet connectivity solutions is best suited for a private network that has a non-routed environment?

3.     NAT

Which name resolution method is used in a dynamic IP network that requires regular updates of NetBIOS name-to-IP address entries?

1.     Automatic name resolution

Identify the type of router that has a fixed number of WAN interfaces.

2.     2500 series router

Which of the following correctly defines the range of cost metric for the Route Add command?

12.     Between 1 and 9,999.

Which of the following options enables you to optimize the DNS server functionality by adjusting the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) packet size?

3.     Extension Mechanisms for DNS (EDNSO) 

Which of the following is a circuit-level filtering?

1.     Application-level filtering

Which switch is used with the Ipconfig command to display all the TCP/IP configuration values of the host?

2. /all 

Which of the following are predefined IPSec policies in Windows Server 2003?

2.     Client, Server, and Secure Server only

Which component of network access infrastructure provides security to network resources by allowing only authenticated users to access network resources?

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2.     Authentication Service

What is specified by the centralized user authentication property of IAS?

1.     Allows an organization to verify the identity of remote users centrally.

Which certificate attribute defines the data regarding the entity that requests certificates from the CA?

2.     Subject name

Which component of WINS service accepts the NetBIOS name from a computer and resolves it to the corresponding IP address?

1.     WINS Server

Which component of a rule in IPSec policy specifies the network traffic on which action needs to be performed?

2.     Filter

Which of the following security levels is defined when the domain controller is installed on the DNS server and DNS zones are stored in Active Directory?

Options1. Low 2. Medium 3. High 4. Maximum

Which of the following addressing structures is used for networks that are divided into subnets? Options1. Class-based 2. Classless-based 3. TCP/IP-based 4. IPX-based

Identify the three variables that decide how quickly a project can be completed. Options3. Resources, schedule, and features

Which of the following zones contains a list of resource records, which are used to identify the authoritative DNS servers for the zone?

Options1. Primary 2. Stub 3. Secondary 4. Integrated

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Which of the following options listed on the Dial-in tab of the user Properties dialog box enables the remote access server to verify the telephone number of the remote user? Options1. Verify Caller ID

Which of the following factors determines the rate at which data is transferred? Options1. Throughput

The ability of a clustering solution to respond when a server within a cluster service experiences failure is called __________.

Options2. Efficiency

Which of the following is best suited when high bandwidth connectivity is required on stationary computers? Options1. LAN

Which of the following devices do not allow broadcast messages to pass through? Options4. Router

Which of the following zone servers is generally used to provide fault tolerance? Options1. Primary

Which of the following plan identifies the hardware and software requirements for implementing the network infrastructure?

Options4. Purchase

Which of the following authentication methods is used for authenticating Active Directory objects? Options

2. Kerberos V5

Which of the following DNS servers performs name resolution on behalf of a client and then stores the results? 1. Caching-only

Which of the following options defines the maximum amount of data that can travel a communication path in a particular period? Options

3. Bandwidth

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Which of the following problems occurs when the user account is disabled?Options2. Inability to reach domain controller

Which of the following operating systems support the X.509 Version 3 public key certificate? Options1. Windows 2000

Which of the following tabs of the DNS server s Properties dialog box enables you to disable �recursion for a DNS server? Options3. Advanced

Which of the following is a preferred NetBIOS name resolution method for a DHCP client? Options4. WINS node type

Which of the following is an expert-level tool used to troubleshoot networks? Options1. Hardware-assisted protocol analyzer

Which of the following options defines the amount of time for which other DNS servers and applications are allowed to cache the records? Options3. TTL

Which of the following services reduces the wastage of IP addresses by assigning IP addresses to mobile users for a short time period? Options4. DHCP

Which of following is the correct command to disable local subnet prioritization? Options2. dnscmd /config /localnetpriority 0

Which of the following tools will enable you to view the details of DHCP events, such as starting and stopping of the DHCP server service or any other critical event? Options1. DHCP audit log

Which database file in DHCP maintains a log of all database transactions? J50.log

Which event ID in the DHCP audit log file specifies an event when an IP address is issued to a client? 10

Which of the following characters is used to represent the root domain? 1,Period (.)

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Under which condition can a DNS Zone allow only secure dynamic updates? Zone is configured as an Active Directory-integrated zone.

Which resource record indicates the presence of SMTP e-mail server? 1,MX

How many generic domains are present in the domain name space? 3,Seven

How many IPSec policies can be applied at a time1,One

Which of the following functions is performed by IPSec? 3,Authenticates client computers involved in communication

Which RRAS feature in Windows Server 2003 supports routing to bring up temporary connections? 2,Demand-dial routing

Which of the following options is a storage method for networks that use SCSI parallel bus to connect multiple storage devices in a network? 1,LUN masking

In which type of failover policy, the server cluster consists of high capacity nodes that can host multiple applications?4,Random

The WAN interfaces in ______________router can be configured depending on the number of locations to be connected. 3600 series modular router

Which of the following options enables load balancing of the requests that are being serviced by the clusters? ,Zoning

Which of the following policies is used on computers that secure communication on request only? Options2. Client (Respond-Only)

Consider the following statements:

Statement A: Classless-based addressing structures are a 24-bit long stream of zeros and ones.

Statement B: The separation bit that separates the network ID and the host ID in a classless-based addressing structure can be between bit O and bit 31.

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Statement C: Classless-based addressing enables you to specify customized subnet masks, according to the number of subnets in the network.

Which of the following is correct about the above statements?

2.     Statements B and C are True.

Consider the following statements:

Statement A: VPN is least suited in situations where an organization has employees who operate from remote locations.

Statement B: VPN does not require additional hardware for implementation.

Which of the following is correct about the above statements?

3.     Statement A is False and Statement B is True.

Consider the following statements:

Statement A: Mixed DHCP infrastructure cannot be used by organizations that have multiple branch offices at remote locations or multiple subnets.

Statement B: In a mixed DHCP infrastructure, different subnets cannot share a DHCP server.

Which ofthe following is correct about the above statements?

1.     Both, Statement A and Statement B are False.

Consider the following statements:

Statement A: APIPA method enables a Windows Server 2003 computer to select an IP address automatically when a DHCP server is not available.

Statement B: APIPA method is used in a network that has a single subnet and Internet connectivity.

Which of the following is correct about the above statements?

4. Statement A is True and Statement B is False.

Consider the following statements:

Statement A: In VPN, data is transferred in a tunnelecl manner to enhance security.

Statement B: VPN is cost effective as compared to a dial-up connection.

Which of the following is correct about the above statements?

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1.     Both, Statement A and Statement B are False.

2.     Both, Statement A and Statement B are True.

3.     Statement A is True and Statement B is False.

4.     Statement A is False and Statement B is True.

Consider the following statements:

Statement A: In class-based addressing, each IP address has a customized subnet mask.

Statement B: In classless-based addressing, each IP address has a default subnet mask.

Which of the following is correct about the above statements?

3.     Both, Statement A and Statement B are False.

Consider the following statements:

Statement A: You can use centralized DHCP infrastructure for organizations that have branch offices at remote locations.

Statement B: You can use centralized DHCP infrastructure for organizations that have one or two subnets at the same location

Which of the following is correct about the above statements?

4.     Statement A is False and Statement B is True.

Consider the following statements:

Statement A: The Remote access policy defines a set of rules for accessing an organization s �private network from remote locations.

Statement B: The set of rules defined for remote access policy allow all users to access files and data from a server.

Which of the following is true with respect to the above statements?.

3.     Statement A is True and Statement B is False.

Consider the following statements:

Statement A: Logging network access activities provides efficient management of resources.

Statement B: Routing and remote access logging are used in Windows Server 2003 to track and record network access events.

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Which of the following is true with respect to above statements?

1.     Both Statement A and Statement B are True.

Consider the following statements:

Statement A: The DNS notify command notifies the primary server whenever changes occur in the zones.

Statement B: DNS updates the resource records in the DNS database whenever changes occur only if the DNS notify command is configured

Which of the following is true with respect to the above statements?

1.     Statement A is False and Statement B is True..

Consider the following statements:

Statement A: Dial-in properties are elements of remote access policies, which are used for authorizing a user connection.

Statement B: An authenticated user is authorized to establish a remote connection by Remote Access Policy Profile.

Which of the following is true with respect to the above statements?

4.     Both Statement A and Statement B are True.

Consider the following statements:

Statement A: Performance of all remote access ports can be monitored using RAS Port.

Statement B: Performance of an individual remote access port can be monitored using RA Total.

Which of the following is true with respect to above statements?

1. Both Statement A and Statement B are False.

Consider the following statements:

Statement A: The default value of the refresh interval in the SOA resource record is 900 seconds.

Statement B: The default value of the no refresh interval in the SOA resource record is 3600 seconds.

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Which of the following is true with respect to the above statements?

1.     Statement A is True and Statement B is False.

Consider the following statements:

Statement A: Assign a Static IP Address dial-in property allocates a specific IP address to an authenticated user.

Statement B: Apply Static Routes dial-in property specifies the static IP routes assigned to a remote user and are added to the routing table of the server.

Which of the following is true with respect to the above statements?

1.     Both Statement A and Statement B are True.

Consider the following statements:

Statement A: In vendor-defined classes, the DHCP hosts are categorized according to the server type and configuration of the client operating system.

Statement B: In user-defined classes, the DHCP hosts are categorized according to the characteristics of the DHCP hosts.

Which of the following is correct about the above statements?

2.     Statement A is False and Statement B is True.

Consider the following statements:

Statement A: In a single quorum device cluster model, nodes are configured such that every node is attached to one or more cluster storage devices.

Statement B: In a majority node set quorum cluster model, the nodes are not attached to one or more cluster storage devices.

Which of the following is correct about the above statements?

1. Statement A is True and Statement B is False.

Consider the following statements:

Statement A: DHCP enables you to configure various DHCP options as per the requirements of the hosts in a network.

Statement B: DHCP increases the administrative burden on the system administrator for allocating IP addresses.

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Which of the following is correct about the above statements?

1.     Statement A is True and Statement B is False.

Consider the following statements:

Statement A: VPN is least suited in situations where an organization has employees who operate from remote locations.

Statement B: VPN does not require additional hardware for implementation.

Which of the following is correct about the above statements?

4.     Statement A is False and Statement B is True.

Consider the following statements:

Statement A: Class-based addressing structures are used for organizations that have networks without subnets.

Statement B: Classless-based addressing structures are used for organizations that have networks, which are divided into subnets

Which of the following is correct about the above statements?

1.     Both, Statement A and Statement B are True.

Assertion: You should disable the local subnet prioritization method when the servers having multiple IP addresses are on the same subnet.

Reason: Local subnet prioritization should be disabled to optimize the performance of a DNS server.

Which of the following hold true for this Assertion-Reason?

3.     BOTH the assertion and the reason are TRUE, and the reason is a correct explanation of the assertion.

Consider the following statements:

Statement A: In a single quorum device cluster model, nodes are configured such that every node is attached to one or more cluster storage devices.

Statement B: In a majority node set quorum cluster model, the nodes are not attached to one or more cluster storage devices.

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Which of the following is correct about the above statements?

1.     Statement A is True and Statement B is False.

Consider the following statements:

Statement A: DHCP enables you to efficiently administer and maintain the allocated IP addresses in a network.

Statement B: DHCP reduces the wastage of IP addresses by assigning IP addresses to mobile users for a short time period.

Which of the following is correct about the above statements?

1.     Both, Statement A and Statement B are True.

Consider the following statements:

Statement A: DHCP dynamic addressing method enables the DHCP server to lease IP addresses from a range defined for each subnet.

Statement B: DHCP dynamic addressing method is used in a client-server environment, which includes hosts that do not require fixed IP addresses.

Which of the following is correct about the above statements?

1.     Both, Statement A and Statement B are False.

2.     Statement A is True and Statement B is False.

3.     Statement A is False and Statement B is True.

4.     Both, Statement A and Statement B are True.

Consider the following statements:

Statement A: A RADIUS client using RADIUS protocol sends accounting and authentication requests to the RADIUS server.

Statement B: A RADIUS client provides authorization and authentication services.

4.     Statement A is True and Statement B is False

Consider the following statements:

Statement A: Wireless LAN is best suited when high bandwidth connectivity is required full-time on stationary computers.

Statement B: Dial-up connection is best suited in situations where an organization has employees who operate from remote locations, and require secure access to the organization s network. �Which of the following is correct about the above statements?

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4. Both, Statement A and Statement B are False.

Consider the following statements:

Statement A: An SRV resource record resolves service names to host names and port names.

Statement B: An SOA resource record resolves a domain name to a host name.

Which of the following is true with respect to the above statements?

3.     Both Statement A and Statement B are True.

Consider the following statements:

Statement A: Performance of network access services needs to be periodically monitored to record remote network access details.

Statement B: Periodic performance monitoring of network access services is not useful for tracking inefficient use of network access services.

Which of the following is true with respect to above statements?

1.     Statement A is True and Statement B is False.

Consider the following statements:

Statement A: OSPF is a protocol that is based on the Shortest Path First (SPF) algorithm that is used to calculate the shortest path to transmit data.

Statement B: RIP is a distance vector routing protocol, which is used when the network has up to 50 computers. Which of the following is correct about the above statements? Options3. Both, Statement A and Statement B are True.

Consider the following statements Statement A: During zone transfer, the secondary server compares the serial number field of the SOA resource record obtained from the primary server to verify if the zone database has changed. Statement B: During zone transfer, the secondary server compares the refresh interval field of the SOA resource record obtained from the primary server to verify if the zone database has changed2,Statement A is True and Statement B is False.

Consider the following statements:Statement A: Certificates are used to authenticate users and provide secure transmission of information over the networkStatement B: Pre-shared Key is part of Active Directory that authenticates users in same domain4,Statement A is True and Statement B is False.

Consider the following statements

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Statement A: Transport mode ensures that routers at both ends of a WAN connection implement IP Sec protocols irrespective of the computers taking part in communicationStatement B: Tunnel mode ensures that two computers communicating over a network support IPSec irrespective of the intermediate computers.1,Both Statement A and Statement B are False.

Consider the following statements:Statement A: Predefined IPSec polices are directly used or assigned as a security template for defining custom IPSec policies.Statement B: Predefined IPSec policies can be modified according to security requirements to create customized IPSec policies2,Both Statement A and Statement B are True.

Consider the following statements

Statement A: The caching-only servers are non-authoritative servers that contain information regarding frequently requested domain names and IP addresses associated with each domain name.Statement B: The information contained in the caching-only server is used only to quickly answer queries from other DNS servers.3,Statement A is True and Statement B is False.

Consider the following statements:Statement A: Domain names represent user-friendly alphanumeric names that refer to computers on the Internet.Statement B: The multihomed NetBIOS name registers a unique NetBIOS name that has more than one IP address in the WINS database.1,Both Statement A and Statement B are True.

Consider the following statements:Statement A: A NetBIOS computer with name Computer1 [00h] provides workstation services.Statement B: A NetBIOS computer with name Computer2 [03h] provides messenger servicesWhich of the following is true with respect to the above statements? Both Statement A and Statement B are True.