Test Case Design Template

Test Case Design ERP TC Project Name-Execution Summary MindTree Ltd - Confidential MindTree Ltd V 1.0 Page 1 of 29 Execution Summary Module Name Total Number of Test CasesPassed 23 0 39 0 7 0 BVT Functional Test Cases EtoE Test Cases

Transcript of Test Case Design Template

Page 1: Test Case Design Template

Test Case Design ERP TC Project Name-Execution Summary MindTree Ltd - Confidential

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Execution Summary

Module Name Total Number of Test Cases Passed

23 039 07 0


Functional Test Cases

EtoE Test Cases

Vamsee Krishna: Counts the result if it is pass
Page 2: Test Case Design Template

Test Case Design ERP TC Project Name-Execution Summary MindTree Ltd - Confidential

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Execution Summary



Vamsee Krishna: Counts the result if it is fail.
Page 3: Test Case Design Template

Test Case Design ERP TC Project Name-Module1 MindTree Ltd - Confidential

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Project Name Mailing System(www.Gmail.com)

Module Name

Reference Document

word,Retype Pa

Case # Case/Scenario Name se Step #



2Verify that Login window should display correctly. NA



3 1


4Case 1 & login successfully


5 1

6 1

7 1

8Verify Google+ Link after login Case 1 & login successfully


9Case1 & login successfully



Case1 & login successfully


11Case1 & login successfully


12Case1 & login successfully


13 1

14 1

Reference to requirements

Verify that Gmail.com login page should display correctly.

Verify that New "Account Creation" page should display correctly when User click on Create Account button present below Login area in home page.

Gmail logo must present on New Account Creation Page

Verify that Gmail Mailing page should display correctly.

Verify that inbox page should display correctly when clicked on Inbox link

Case 1,Login & Browser's pop-up window should be blocked.

Verify that Starred page should display correctly when clicked on Inbox link

Case 1,Login & Browser's pop-up window should be blocked.

Verify that Send Mail page should display correctly when clicked on Inbox link

Case 1,Login,Browser's pop-up window should be blocked & atleast one mail should be already sent.

Verify the SIGN OUT link

Verify that user should get one Link for slow internet connection

verfiy "Contact" link

Verify "older/Newer" button

verify "New Features" link After login page of Gmail will be appear on screen

verify "About" link After Click on New Features window

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Test Case Design ERP TC Project Name-Module1 MindTree Ltd - Confidential

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Created On

Created By

Updated By

word,Retype Pa


Check labelling,textbox & button position.

Click on the submit button for login

Click on Inbox Link

Click on Starred Link

Click on Sent Link

Click on Google+ Link

Click on SIGN OUT Link

Click on SiGN In Button

Click on Contact Link

Click on < or > button

Click on New Feratures link

Click on About link

Start application in IE/Firefox Browser with link www.Gmail.com

Start application in IE/Firefox Browser with link www.Gmail.com

Start application in IE/Firefox Browser with link www.Gmail.com

Click on Account Creation button present below Login area .

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Test EnvironmentTested By

Test onOS


No of test cases passedNo of test cases failedTotal no of test cases

Expected Results Remarks ( Bug Id )Observed Result (Cycle1)

1.Target home page displayed correctly. 2.Home page is displayed. 3.Target logo should display correctly.

1.Target home page displayed correctly. 2.Home page is displayed. 3.Target logo should display correctly.

Place the login window in the right position of the Home page of Gmail.com and textbox,label box should be placed in horizontal line correspondingly with butoon in it s appropriate position.

1.Target home page displayed correctly. 2.Home page is displayed. 3.Target logo should display correctly.

New Account Creation window should display correctly with all details of item selected like Username,Email ID,Alternate Email Id,Password,Retype Password etc.

1.Loading progress bar should be displayed properly. 2.List of mails should be displayed properly according to mail arrived date in decending order.

Indox mailing page should display correctly with all details of mails in sequence.

All the starred checked mails should be display in the starred area/section.

All sent mail should be kept properly decending order of sent date.

It should redirect to mail page to profile of Google+ site after Loading progress bar be completed

It should properly redirect/leave the current page to home page of Gmail.com mailing system.

A Hyperlink should appear at the bottom-right corner when the progress bar is displayed.This hyperlink takes user to basic html e-mail client.

It should show all the added contact member with their name and email id.

It should shows newer or older mails in the indox,starred,important etc.

It should display the information page related to new features that are newly added to it like:-new language for Gmail on iPhone and Android,faster priority Inbox,new look of Gmail and updates etc.

It should open a new subwindow and it will contain the features of Gmail available now

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Test Case Design ERP TC Project Name-Module2 MindTree Ltd - Confidential

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Test Case Document

Project Name Mailing System(www.Gmail.com) Created On

Module Name Created By

Reference Document Updated By

{Any other test details can be filled here}

Case # Case/Scenario Name PreCondition Step # Steps/Checks


Case 1











102 1

2Enter Invalid User Name or password..

103 1


104 1

Reference to requirements

Verify that Create Account should create a new user's account for Gmail

Fill up all the fields like First Name,Last Name,Desired Login Name,Choose a Password,Reenter Password,Security Question,Answer,Recovery Email,Word Verification(Capcha),Terms of Service,and at last one Check button should contain "I Accept Term and Conditions"

Desired Login Name should be between 6-30 character long.

Check availability button verifies weither user name available.

Password field should contain any character space minimum of 8 characters in length.

Reenter Password field should match the password field

Select one Security Question available in the drop-down list.

Enter answer for the above security question

Recovery email address is used to authenticate the account should even encounter problems or forget password

Select one country name from drop-down list

Check word verification which is called capcha which shows randomly generated characters as picture.These characters should be entered in the corresponding text box

Verify that error message should display correctly when wrong user name and correct password entered by the User. Or vice-versa

At least one Login must exists.

Start application in IE/Firefox Browser with link www.Gmail.com

Verify that Appropriate error message should display correctly for Mandatory field when User click on Sign In button without enter username or password field.

Start application in IE/Firefox Browser with link www.Gmail.com

Click on Sign In Button without entering any data in Username or Password field

Verify Username field if user enter wrong type of mail id format

Start application in IE/Firefox Browser with link www.Gmail.com

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105 1


106 1

107 1

Enter wrong format username such as:-shyam123ckp

Verify Link "Can't access your account?"

Start application in IE/Firefox Browser with link www.Gmail.com

Click on "Can't access your account?" Link

Verify submit button of forgot password window

Click on Submit button

Verify "Forgotten your username?" Link if you forgot username

Click on Forgotten your username? Link

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Test EnvironmentTested By

Test onOS


No of test cases passedNo of test cases failedTotal no of test cases

Expected Results Remarks ( Bug Id )

Give alternate email id for recovering password

Observed Result (Cycle1)

New Account will be created if user fillup all details carefully.

if user name is not between 6-30 then error text will appear beside text box of user name in red font color..

if user name is available it will display text "user name is available" in blue color and if username is not available then it will suggest to take any one out of given four or five similar username displayed in radio button.

1.It will display result as "Strong"/"Medium"/"Weak" passoword depending upon password we entered for our account. 2. If user entered password less than 8 characters then proper text will be appear besire password field.

if mismatch will occurs then error message will displayed beside retype password.

Security Question field having six questions those are in drop down list.New user shouldn't skip this part,otherwise error message should appears beside this field.

Answer should be fill up to remind our password from security question

Location field should contain a drop down which contains all the country name list.

error text should appear if typed capcha code mismatched with given displayed code

1.Target home page displayed correctly. 2.Home page is displayed. 3.Target logo should display correctly.

Appropriate error message should display correctly for the mandatory field User Name. and Password

1.Target home page displayed correctly. 2.Home page is displayed. 3.Target logo should display correctly.

"Please Enter your Email ID"/"Enter Your Password" error message should display correctly.

1.Target home page displayed correctly. 2.Home page is displayed. 3.Target logo should display correctly.

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Error message should be displayed "The username or password you entered is incorrect. [?]" with display proper format pattern under Username field "ex: [email protected]"

1.Target home page displayed correctly. 2.Home page is displayed. 3.Target logo should display correctly.

This will redirect the password forgot window where put our username to reset our password.

It will open another window having capcha codeand after that if I enter correct capcha code then continue button will again open new window which come up with security verification questions.If I enter right answer then Account's password will be reset

It will redirect to new page for recover username.Enter email id(alternate) we will get username.

Page 10: Test Case Design Template

Test Case Document

Project Name Mailing System(www.Gmail.com)

Module Name

Reference Document

{Any other test details can be filled here}

Case # Case/Scenario Name PreCondition

1001verify sending mail

1002verify saving mail

1003Open Google+ profile

Reference to requirements

Browser's pop-up window should be blocked.

Browser's pop-up window should be blocked.

Browser's pop-up window should be blocked.

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1004Open Youtube from gmail




Browser's pop-up window should be blocked.

Verify Redirection form gmail to any associated google mailing site like mail.sicsr.ac.in(depended upon settings)

Browser's pop-up window should be blocked.

verify sending mail of different mailing id

Browser's pop-up window should be blocked.

verify sending mail of different mailing id which are not really exists but that proper gmail allowed format

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Page 15: Test Case Design Template

Test Case Document

Mailing System(www.Gmail.com) Created On 22/08/2011

Created By

Updated By

{Any other test details can be filled here} Test EnvironmentTested By

Test onOS


No of test cases passedNo of test cases failedTotal no of test cases

Step # Steps Expected Results




4 Enter proper mail id(s) in the To Textbox e.g:- [email protected]

5 attach any file(s) one by one

6 Click on Send button it should send to appropriate mail id(s) with arrived time.




4 Enter proper mail id(s) in the To Textbox e.g:- [email protected]

5 Click on Save Now button




Start application in IE/Firefox Browser with link www.Gmail.com

1.Target home page displayed correctly. 2.Home page is displayed. 3.Target logo should display correctly.

Click on Sign In Button entering proper Username and Password.

1.One Progress Bar should be appeared on screen saying "Redirecting…"page. 2.Display Home Page of gmail which contains mails that have been arrived(Indox) by default.

Click on "Compose Mail" button One sub-window should open contains some buttons for sending mail like Send,Save Now and Discard

Check it shouldn't be exceed 25MB combinely.If it exceed then show proper error message

Start application in IE/Firefox Browser with link www.Gmail.com

1.Target home page displayed correctly. 2.Home page is displayed. 3.Target logo should display correctly.

Click on Sign In Button entering proper Username and Password.

1.One Progress Bar should be appeared on screen saying "Redirecting…"page. 2.Display Home Page of gmail which contains mails that have been arrived(Indox) by default.

Click on "Compose Mail" button One sub-window should open contains some buttons for sending mail like Send,Save Now and Discard

It should save that mail and take back to home page of gmail

Start application in IE/Firefox Browser with link www.Gmail.com

1.Target home page displayed correctly. 2.Home page is displayed. 3.Target logo should display correctly.

Click on Sign In Button entering proper Username and Password.

1.One Progress Bar should be appeared on screen saying "Redirecting…"page. 2.Display Home Page of gmail which contains mails that have been arrived(Indox) by default.

click on "Username's link" on the right top

It should contains Profile,Circle,Account setting of google+ and Sign out Link

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4 click on Profile link



3 It should display Youtube,site,blog,new etc links properly

4 cliclk on Youtube link



3 Click on SIGN OUT Link




4 Enter proper mail id(s) in the To Textbox

5 attach any file(s) one by one

6 Click on Send button it should send to appropriate mail id(s) with arrived time.




4 Enter proper mail id(s) in the To Textbox

it should open a new tab window on that same browser and open Google+ account if you have other wise no option will be placed.

Start application in IE/Firefox Browser with link www.Gmail.com

1.Target home page displayed correctly. 2.Home page is displayed. 3.Target logo should display correctly.

Click on Sign In Button entering proper Username and Password.

1.One Progress Bar should be appeared on screen saying "Redirecting…"page. 2.Display Home Page of gmail which contains mails that have been arrived(Indox) by default.

click on More link on the top of the homepage of Gmail

It should open a new tab window on the same browser and open youtube site

Start application in IE/Firefox Browser with link www.Gmail.com

1.Target home page displayed correctly. 2.Home page is displayed. 3.Target logo should display correctly.

Click on Sign In Button entering proper Username and Password.

1.One Progress Bar should be appeared on screen saying "Redirecting…"page. 2.Display Home Page of gmail which contains mails that have been arrived(Indox) by default.

It should properly redirect/leave the current page to home page of Gmail.com mailing system and then redirect to mail.sicsr.ac.in

Start application in IE/Firefox Browser with link www.Gmail.com

1.Target home page displayed correctly. 2.Home page is displayed. 3.Target logo should display correctly.

Click on Sign In Button entering proper Username and Password.

1.One Progress Bar should be appeared on screen saying "Redirecting…"page. 2.Display Home Page of gmail which contains mails that have been arrived(Indox) by default.

Click on "Compose Mail" button One sub-window should open contains some buttons for sending mail like Send,Save Now and Discard

e.g:- [email protected]

Check it shouldn't be exceed 25MB combinely.If it exceed then show proper error message

Start application in IE/Firefox Browser with link www.Gmail.com

1.Target home page displayed correctly. 2.Home page is displayed. 3.Target logo should display correctly.

Click on Sign In Button entering proper Username and Password.

1.One Progress Bar should be appeared on screen saying "Redirecting…"page. 2.Display Home Page of gmail which contains mails that have been arrived(Indox) by default.

Click on "Compose Mail" button One sub-window should open contains some buttons for sending mail like Send,Save Now and Discard

e.g:[email protected] which is not really present/available

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5 Click on Send button 1.it should should not send this mail.2.One delievery mail failure mail should be received from Gmail Deleivery Support Team having deleivery unsuccessful mailing notification.

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Remarks ( Bug Id )Observed Result (Cycle1)

working properly(PASS)

working properly(PASS)

working properly(PASS)

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working properly(PASS)

working properly(PASS)

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