Tessel is a microcontroller that runs JavaScript.

Ladislav Prskavec @abtris PragueJS October 2014 microcontroller that runs JavaScript


Tessel is a microcontroller that runs JavaScript.

Transcript of Tessel is a microcontroller that runs JavaScript.

Page 1: Tessel is a microcontroller that runs JavaScript.

Ladislav Prskavec @abtris

PragueJS October 2014

microcontroller that runs JavaScript

Page 2: Tessel is a microcontroller that runs JavaScript.
Page 3: Tessel is a microcontroller that runs JavaScript.
Page 4: Tessel is a microcontroller that runs JavaScript.

Module Port A

Module Port B Module Port D

Module Port C


Page 5: Tessel is a microcontroller that runs JavaScript.


wifi CC3000

processor ARM Cortex M3


Flash 32MB

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reset buttonwifi button

Status/debug LEDsPower LED

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Page 8: Tessel is a microcontroller that runs JavaScript.
Page 9: Tessel is a microcontroller that runs JavaScript.
Page 10: Tessel is a microcontroller that runs JavaScript.
Page 11: Tessel is a microcontroller that runs JavaScript.

Blinkvar tessel = require('tessel') var led1 = tessel.led[0].output(1);var led2 = tessel.led[1].output(0);setInterval(function() { console.log("I'm bliking!!!"); led1.toggle(); led2.toggle();}, 1000);

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Page 13: Tessel is a microcontroller that runs JavaScript.

Climatevar tessel = require('tessel');var climatelib = require('climate-si7020');var climate = climatelib.use(tessel.port['D']);climate.on('ready', function () { console.log('Connected to si7005'); setImmediate(function loop () { climate.readTemperature('c', function (err, temp) { climate.readHumidity(function (err, humid) { console.log('Degrees:', temp.toFixed(4) + 'C', 'Humidity:', humid.toFixed(4) + '%RH'); setTimeout(loop, 300); }); }); });});climate.on('error', function(err) { console.log('error connecting module', err);});

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Page 15: Tessel is a microcontroller that runs JavaScript.

Ambientvar tessel = require('tessel');var ambientlib = require('ambient-attx4');var ambient = ambientlib.use(tessel.port['B']);ambient.on('ready', function () { setInterval( function () { ambient.getLightLevel( function(err, ldata) { if (err) throw err; ambient.getSoundLevel( function(err, sdata) { if (err) throw err; console.log("Light level:", ldata.toFixed(8), " ", "Sound Level:", sdata.toFixed(8)); }); })}, 500); // The readings will happen every .5 seconds unless the trigger is hit ambient.setLightTrigger(0.5); // Set a light level trigger // The trigger is a float between 0 and 1 ambient.on('light-trigger', function(data) { console.log("Our light trigger was hit:", data); // Clear the trigger so it stops firing ambient.clearLightTrigger(); // After 1.5 seconds reset light trigger setTimeout(function () { ambient.setLightTrigger(0.5); },1500); }); ...

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Page 17: Tessel is a microcontroller that runs JavaScript.

Web ServerDEMO

Page 18: Tessel is a microcontroller that runs JavaScript.

Web ServerDEMO

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Questions?Ladislav Prskavec

@[email protected]

Page 20: Tessel is a microcontroller that runs JavaScript.

Resources• http://start.tessel.io/install

• https://tessel.io/docs/power

• https://projects.tessel.io/projects

• https://github.com/tessel/hardware/blob/master/design-files.md

• https://forums.tessel.io/

• https://github.com/tessel/ambient-attx4

• https://github.com/tessel/climate-si7020

• https://github.com/tessel/relay-mono

• https://github.com/johnnyman727/mqtt-climate

• https://github.com/johnnyman727/tessel-webserver-demo