Tesis doctoral Juan Carlos Reyes...

Reyes 206 Obras citadas. Alatorre, Claudia C. Análisis del drama. México: Escenología AC, 1999. Impreso. Aumont, Jaques, et al. Estética del cine. Espacio fílmico, Montaje, Narración, Lenguaje. Barcelona: Paidós, 2008. Impreso. Bakhtin, Mikhail. “Epic and Novel. Toward a Methodology for the Study of the novel” The dialogic Imagination. Four Essays. Ed. Michael Holquist. Trad. Caryl Emerson y Michael Holquist. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1981. 3-40. Impreso. ---. “From the Prehistory of Novelistic Discourse” The dialogic Imagination. Four Essays. Ed. Michael Holquist. Trad. Caryl Emerson y Michael Holquist. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1981. 41-83. Impreso. ---. “Toward a Methodology for the Human Sciences.” Speech Genres and Other Late Essays. Ed. Caryl Emerson y Michael Holquist. Trad.Vern W. MGee Austin: University of Texas Press, 1986. 159-172. Impreso. Bal, Mieke. Teoría de la narrativa. (Una introducción a la narratología). Madrid: Catedra, 1985. Impreso Baldwin, Neil. Edison. Inventing the Century. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1995. Impreso Barker, Martin. From Antz to Titanic: Reinventing Film Analysis. London: Pluto Press, 2000. Impreso. Barrientos, Maynor. “A genealogy of the author: from auctors to commercial writers.” Káñina. 31 (2007): 83-95. Impreso.

Transcript of Tesis doctoral Juan Carlos Reyes...

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