Terrorism on Television


Transcript of Terrorism on Television



Terrorism and nbc This presentation is going to be focusing around how Terrorism plays a large part on big organizations, I will be focusing on NBC . A large part of Terrorism is dictating what will and wont be shown. However we will be looking at two aspects of this, How programing on SNL was put on the air to fight terrorism and how we look at credibility on where we get our news on terrorism and how factual it is

PROGRAMING The programing is NBCs way of showing the people they know about what is happening in the world and it shows how they deal with it through what they put on the air. This can turn out controversial especially in one show we will talk about in the first part of the presentation B. NEWSThe news doesnt come as a surprise, however were not talking about reporting stories on NBC nightly news, but more on how the news was delivered to the public and how much of that story was actually credible. BREAKING NEWS: where WE SEE NBC DEALING WITH TERRORISM THE MOST

live FROM NEW YORK ITS ANOTHER CONTRAVERSIAL SKIT!When it comes to terrorism and NBC, they stick to what they know, they throw it to SNL. Unfortunately, they may have bit off more than they could chew when dealing with ISIS. SNL decided to air this skit which audiences found pretty distasteful. (click play in the box)

More help than harm.The skit was made to poke fun at the idea of people here who went to join ISIS and later found themselves in danger or worse, dead. But an article by the Huffington Post suggest that maybe this skit actually helped America deal with ISIS and American supporters.

Overview of article The articles over all message was about how NBC using the skit actually did more than any bomb has done so far. It goes over things such as

. Society's view on terrorism . NBCs message.Effects of NBCs decision.How parody helps

Society's view on terrorismA large part of NBCs decision to keep and air the skit has to do with terror at home. It has to do with being aware of the situation around you. The article talks about:. How there were 19 deaths in America last year that dealt with terrorism

. Last year over 1,000 innocent lives were taken in drone strikes but we dont think about them

. How the Boston bombing hurt hundreds of people and some lost their lives

The author is making a point that all this is happening and NBC along with other news stations haven't done much more than report it

War on what?H. A. Goodman states in his article that this is no longer a war on terrorists, but a war on Ideology. He states that:

The truth is that the war on terrorism has always been a war on an ideology; nobody in the world can bomb an ideology out of a group of people

You cant shoot ideology The article goes on to state that no, you cant shoot ideology but SNL and NBC come close. They use a different kid of weapon as Goodman goes on to say.

SNL's" skit was a prime example of how satire can highlight the insanity that fuels ISIS to commit its atrocities Satire, unlike a bullet, can actually kill an ideology.

tHE NEW AMERICAN ARMY. This article goes on to tell us that the way we fight terrorism close to home might be changing. NBC can be viewed as a sort of weapons expert creating a super army, but it might not look the way you expect. When it comes to fighting the war at home, we may still be heavily relying on men and woman -Such as this: -But also on men and woman such as this

NBC LAUGHING AT THE ENEMYNBCs new super army has found a way to fight terror with the greatest weapon of all, laughter. NBC got SNL to create a skit that would make ISIS a joke. Thats right, NBC is dealing with Terrorism the same way you would defeat your middle school bully. By making them look like such a joke that eventually the thought of having anything to do with them would seem embarrassing. Just know that if you mess with america, these are the guys that your going to have to answer to.

(SNL Comedy Skit Writers)

Kill them with laughter Goodman's Direct quote on how NBC and SNL are making ISIS look bad is as follows:

Laughter doesn't work well when convincing anther human being to strap a bomb and commit suicide. The more people laughing at ISIS, the less it will be able to market itself as the defender of a warped interpretation of Islam.

Looking for an identity? Join isis, the laughing stock of the worldNBC gave power to SNL to do as they please to fight ISIS and they did what they do best, went into a sort of high school mentality. NBCs approach was to use SNL to basically make ISIS look like the weird kid in school who was in marching band and thought alians were real. They made it so that nobody would want to be a part of it.


Looking for an identity? Join isis, the laughing stock of the worldBefore NBC could take down ISIS, they had to see what their plan was. Goodman says that their main plan was to recruit people who were looking for a since of identity then get them to join ISIS to find it.

People "lacking a sense of identity" simply won't want to join an organization that is being mocked by the entire world and especially by its own people. Comedy and satire also allow us to see ISIS for what it really is

Not killed, Diluted The article states as we said before, ideology cant be killed. So in no way are comedy writers the next medal of honor recreants. Goodman states that the army is still completely a necessity. He's talking about diluting that ideology. He says This doesn't mean that we shouldn't arm the Kurds and Iraqi forces, or that satire will replace military force as one way to destroy ISIS. It only means that terrorist ideology can't be "killed" like a person. It must be diluted and weakened through means other than physical force.

DILUTIED METAPHOR:An easy way to look at it is like this: - Its a warm summer day and your thirsty so your looking for something to drink, you dont know what you want, youre just thirsty. you see a glass of coke that looks cold and refreshing so you decide to drink some. Before you do, you see that a lot of ice has melted in the cup and you know that its going to taste flat, watered down and gross, suddenly it seems a lot more unappealing.

- In this scenario you're the person looking for the drink (Your sense of identity) the coke is ISIS which because you're so thirsty looks pretty good. Now think of NBC and SNL as the ice, they watered it down, they made it taste bad so you dont want it anymore.

Building up terrorismThis skit brought up a lot of backlash from viewers as you can see in the news report by ABC

building UP TERRORISMGoodman says that if you dont understand that SNL was doing something good here then you dont understand comedy and you can go back to watching Bill Oriley claim he's in a war zone

- Goodman is talking about news reporters such as Bill oriley who claim they were in combat to show the glamorous side of being near combat. By doing this it seems they are only building up terrorism unlike SNL who is trying to make it a laughing stock. Sticking with NBC, the most recent example would be Brian Williams

NBC and brain WilliamsIn order to understand what SNL is doing, we can look at Brian Williams who did the opposite. Williams Lied about being close to battle so that he could look like a hero. Goodman would argue this is the opposite of what we need to be doing. We need to be laughing at terror groups, not making them look so dangerous but instead tearing them down and make them look less appealing. Killing their ideology.

Conclusion NBC has always let SNL deal with terrorism in their own way and they always do. Sometimes its controversial than others Such as this and other ISIS skits. On the surface it looks as though NBC let SNL openly mock ISIS and American followers but below that we see they were making a statement. They were showing us all how to deal with terrorism while they dealt with it themselves. Other times its more unified such as Lorne Michaels (SNL Creator) along side NYC Mayor and Singer Paul Simon after the 9/11 attacks.

ConclusionGoodman closes his article with the following statement:

When people in the Middle East and around the world laugh at the absurdity that fuels ISIS, this terrorist group's raison deter will be reduced to a punch line. Ideas can't be destroyed by weapons and if the ideas that bolster ISIS are mocked with enough satire, "terror" will finally lose its ability to gain followers.

Work cited GOODMAN, H.A. 'SNL's' Skit Did More to Defeat ISIS Than Any Bombing Campaign. Satire Destroys Extremist Ideology. HUFFINGTON POST MEDIA. 5/02/2015

ABC NEWS 'SNL' Creates Controversy With ISIS Sketch Video 3/1/15

CBS this morning NBC anchor Brian Williams' apology fails to silence critics video. 2/6/15

SNL Father Daughter Ad - Saturday Night Live Video 3/1/15