Terrorism in the Maghreb (copy)

Meliza Trimidal, IPJ intern, Spring 2013

Transcript of Terrorism in the Maghreb (copy)

Page 1: Terrorism in the Maghreb (copy)

Meliza Trimidal, IPJ intern, Spring 2013

Page 2: Terrorism in the Maghreb (copy)
Page 3: Terrorism in the Maghreb (copy)

“Bush is saying that America is fighting for the triumph of freedom.When we were supporting liberation

movements in the world, we were arguing that it was for the victory of

freedom. We both agree. We were fighting for the cause of freedom.”

-Muammar Qaddafi (in an interview with TIME magazine)

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“Gaddafi's powers of survival notwithstanding, once the hurricane

of the Arab democratic revolution began to blow, nothing seemed

more obvious – or fitting – than that he, cruellest, most capricious and

ruinous of Arab dictators, should be among the first three to be swept


-“Colonel Muammar Gaddafi obituary” from The

Guardian UK

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“Bin Laden’s people would come to impose ransoms by land and sea. We will go back to the time

of Redbeard, of pirates, of Ottomans imposing ransoms on


– Muammar Qaddafi

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“The jihadi groups were flush with cash, and were in a position to buy whatever was within reach…How

many arms depots did Gaddafi have? Well over a thousand. So there is still a lot of stuff sloshing its way in all


-François Heisbourg, a security expert and chairman

of the International Institute for Strategic Studies in


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“There are many scheming to snatch all or part of your victory away from you, headed by the NATO gang in the West…the first thing they will

demand is that you give up your Islam…that you relinquish your desire for rule by Sharia and agree, instead to abide by the West’s ideological legal


-Ayman al-Zawahiri’s concerns for Libya’s future on audiotapes (“After Bin Laden”: Al

Waeda, the next generation.”

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“Our brothers will be a bone in the throat of the American and French crusaders and their allies.”

-Ayman al-Zawahri (current Al Qaeda leader; then deputy to Osama Bin Laden)

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“Oh lions of Algeria, your brothers in Tunisia and Libya have sent two

tyrants to the wasteland of history…so why are

you silent before the corrupt oppressors who wish to

turn Algeria into a service agency to safeguard the interests of America

and FranceIn the Maghreb and on

Mediterranean coastline?”

-Ayman al-Zawahiri post on Jihadi forum (“After Bin


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Page 17: Terrorism in the Maghreb (copy)

“There is a saying amongst the elders of North Africa that the

Maghreb is an eagle whose body is Algeria and the wings Morocco and

Tunisia. Without the body, the wings are useless. Without the

wings, the body cannot fly. And when Algeria catches cold, Tunisia

coughs and the entire Maghreb is in pain.”

-Abdelkader Abderrahmane, North Africa Senior

Researcher, Conflict Prevention and Risk Analysis

Division, ISS Addis Ababa

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“A coherent and coordinated approach can go a long way towards improving the chances States in the area have to prevent terrorists from organizing and moving freely across borders. This means national authorities in different agencies need to share information with each other, follow a common strategy and transfer

this spirit of cooperation to the regional level.”

-Mike Smith, Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED)

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Information and pictures were all taken from the following:




















