Terror Deck

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Transcript of Terror Deck

  • 7/30/2019 Terror Deck


    THE IDEAThe reason why I invented and created this playing aid, wassimply to help my players finding ways to express and play theirmomentarily instabilities due to loss of Stability points.

    In my group we have long used the Roleplaying Instabilities tableon page ToC72, which served us very well. Unfortunately it puts astrain on my players, when they were asked to invent anentertaining, meaningful and exciting effect on the fly. Even moreso, the effects came out extremely short-lived and usually only asvisual effects.

    Therefore the cards were created.

    PREPARATIONAll the cards are made for labels measuring 63,5 x 89,0 cm whichshould fit a playing card quite well.

    Start by printing out the pages, take two old (or whatever) decksof playing cards and start by placing 4 x 15 backsides to them (15Chill, Fright, Dread and Terror backsides).

    Then place the corresponding 4 x 15 effects on the other side ofthe cards and DONE!

    You now have 60 cards with instability suggestions for yourplayers to pick and use!

    THE DECKSThe cards must be divided into four decks: Chill, Fright, Dread andTerror. Each deck represent a loss of Stability points, exactly ason the table on page ToC72. When Stability points are lost, theplayer can either either invent her own effect or draw a cardfrom one of the appropriate deck, and use that effect instead.

    A word to the wise: Dont force the player to enact the effect. Ifthe player is dissatisfied with the suggested effect, let them inventsomething else.

    Keep the card as a token in front of the player until the effect is

    cured or simply turns dull.


    Some cards have amnesia or denial like effects. It is veryimportant to remember, that no matter what, the Core Clues - ifany - are NOT FORGOTTEN! They might be the only thing that thecharacter remembers or believes after the incident, but they MUSTremain!

    I hope you and your fellow gamers enjoy my invention!


    Sune Ndskou

    TERROR DECKA tool of insanity for both players and Keepers alike

    Sune Ndskou 2012

  • 7/30/2019 Terror Deck


    CHILL(1-2 points of Stability Loss)

    CHILL(1-2 points of Stability Loss)

    CHILL(1-2 points of Stability Loss)

    CHILL(1-2 points of Stability Loss) CHILL(1-2 points of Stability Loss) CHILL(1-2 points of Stability Loss)

    CHILL(1-2 points of Stability Loss)

    CHILL(1-2 points of Stability Loss)

    CHILL(1-2 points of Stability Loss)

  • 7/30/2019 Terror Deck


    CHILL(1-2 points of Stability Loss)

    CHILL(1-2 points of Stability Loss)

    CHILL(1-2 points of Stability Loss)

    CHILL(1-2 points of Stability Loss) CHILL(1-2 points of Stability Loss) CHILL(1-2 points of Stability Loss)

    CHILL(1-2 points of Stability Loss)

    CHILL(1-2 points of Stability Loss)

    CHILL(1-2 points of Stability Loss)

  • 7/30/2019 Terror Deck


    Your voice becomes frail,

    as if youre about to cry.You start to tremble lightly. You start to stutter lightly.

    Your voice becomesshrilling and high pitched. You refuse to be alone.

    Your gaze becomes distantand glassy.

    Be. Focused. On. Complete.Control.

    You definitely dont want to

    stay in the area.A small and frail shriekescapes your mouth.



  • 7/30/2019 Terror Deck


    You start to sweat.Your breath becomesslightly more rapid.

    You become agitated.

    It feels like thetemperature is dropping

    and you get goosebumps

    all over your body.

    You feverishly start to

    cuddle an object.

    You seem totally unaffected

    by the incidence, but suffer




  • 7/30/2019 Terror Deck


    fright(3-4 points of Stability Loss)

    fright(3-4 points of Stability Loss)

    fright(3-4 points of Stability Loss)

    fright(3-4 points of Stability Loss) fright(3-4 points of Stability Loss) fright(3-4 points of Stability Loss)

    fright(3-4 points of Stability Loss)

    fright(3-4 points of Stability Loss)

    fright(3-4 points of Stability Loss)

  • 7/30/2019 Terror Deck


    fright(3-4 points of Stability Loss)

    fright(3-4 points of Stability Loss)

    fright(3-4 points of Stability Loss)

    fright(3-4 points of Stability Loss) fright(3-4 points of Stability Loss) fright(3-4 points of Stability Loss)

    fright(3-4 points of Stability Loss)

    fright(3-4 points of Stability Loss)

    fright(3-4 points of Stability Loss)

  • 7/30/2019 Terror Deck


    You start to hyperventilate.Your eyes start to blink

    very rapidly.You start to sweat


    You stumble over words

    and says someincomprehensible phrases.

    With a frail and low voice

    you start to hum or singlullabies from yourchildhood.

    You vigorously and

    uncontrollably start tocuddle and hug an object.

    You start to sob lightly.You would very much liketo get away from the area.


    You shriek in fear anddrop everything you held




  • 7/30/2019 Terror Deck


    You become irrationallyangry and aggressive.

    You act totally cool, calmand eerie unaffected by theincident, but are haunted

    by serious nightmares.

    You become tired,despairing and apathetic.

    You start to laughhysterically and cry fit to

    break your heart inunpredictable intervals.

    You spontaneously vomiton the floor and become

    dizzy and confusedafterwards.

    You totally and maniacallydeny being frightened on avery frightened and scared




  • 7/30/2019 Terror Deck


    dread(5-6 points of Stability Loss)

    dread(5-6 points of Stability Loss)

    dread(5-6 points of Stability Loss)

    dread(5-6 points of Stability Loss) dread(5-6 points of Stability Loss) dread(5-6 points of Stability Loss)

    dread(5-6 points of Stability Loss)

    dread(5-6 points of Stability Loss)

    dread(5-6 points of Stability Loss)

  • 7/30/2019 Terror Deck


    dread(5-6 points of Stability Loss)

    dread(5-6 points of Stability Loss)

    dread(5-6 points of Stability Loss)

    dread(5-6 points of Stability Loss) dread(5-6 points of Stability Loss) dread(5-6 points of Stability Loss)

    dread(5-6 points of Stability Loss)

    dread(5-6 points of Stability Loss)

    dread(5-6 points of Stability Loss)

  • 7/30/2019 Terror Deck


    You enter a dreamlikestate, with no

    understanding of theseriousness of the


    You experience theincidence as a dj vu, not

    remembering it as real


    You scream intensely afterwhich your brain shutdown for some minutes,leaving you exposed and


    You start to talk and talk and talkwithout pauses to control the

    situation and no one should tell

    you to stop as you know bestwhat is the best to keep calm andif they dont understand thatmaybe they are frightened


    You become ratherparanoid and start to

    construct crazy conspiracytheories about people in

    your life.

    You become very tired and

    have an urgent need to liedown and sleep.

    You fall to your knees andstart to vomit violently

    while you cry fit to breakyour heart.

    You must leave the area.Now! Anyone standing inyour way, trying to stop

    you will regret it!

    You react completelyirrational and random,either physically or

    verbally attacking everyonearound you.





  • 7/30/2019 Terror Deck


    You lose the touch ofreality, walking toward thethreat with open arms anda big smile on your face,ready to start a friendly


    You spontaneously start toclean up. All stains andgrime must be removed.

    You fall to the ground, soilyour trousers and laythere, disoriented and

    confused with wild eyes.

    You enter childhood andstart to play with all

    present. If you are alone,you just invent some


    You wet your pants andotherwise react in completedenial and unaffected by thesituation, but are haunted by

    dreadful nightmares andeating disorders.

    You feverishly, hystericallyand uncontrollably to kiss,

    cuddle and hug an object,utterly convinced that it is

    a close relative.





  • 7/30/2019 Terror Deck


    terror(7+ points of Stability Loss)

    terror(7+ points of Stability Loss)

    terror(7+ points of Stability Loss)

    terror(7+ points of Stability Loss) terror(7+ points of Stability Loss) terror(7+ points of Stability Loss)

    terror(7+ points of Stability Loss)

    terror(7+ points of Stability Loss)

    terror(7+ points of Stability Loss)

  • 7/30/2019 Terror Deck


    terror(7+ points of Stability Loss)

    terror(7+ points of Stability Loss)

    terror(7+ points of Stability Loss)

    terror(7+ points of Stability Loss) terror(7+ points of Stability Loss) terror(7+ points of Stability Loss)

    terror(7+ points of Stability Loss)

    terror(7+ points of Stability Loss)

    terror(7+ points of Stability Loss)

  • 7/30/2019 Terror Deck


    You suffer from adrenalinechock with a violently

    beating heart, respiratoryproblems, vomiting and

    escalating tunnel vision.

    Your brain shuts down andleaves a big, black hole of

    nothingness lasting acouple of minutes before

    and after the incident.

    You run amok and let yoursurvival instinct take control- attacking everything withinsight with punches, kicks and

    bites, only stopping after

    being completely pacified.

    You start to ramble strangeand very personal things

    or secrets to those aroundyou.

    You lie down in a foetalposition and hum strangeand eerie melodies while

    drooling on the floor.

    You become catatonic and

    just stand there staringemptily into space.

    Your social skills are allbased on fear, extremedistrust and aggressive


    Your hands and feet startsto get cold, and you willpass out in a very, very

    short time.

    You must leave this ghastlyplace, no matter whats thecost. Just get away! Far

    away! NOOOW!






  • 7/30/2019 Terror Deck


    Apathetic, despairing andwith no power in yourbody, you start to walk.

    Just walk.

    Your body enters highalert, protecting you bydeleting the completeincident from your


    You hallucinate and suddenlysee everyone around you asenemies out to take your life.With a violent scream and

    froth around your mouth, you

    start the battle for survival.

    The horror blocks your abilityto speak. The following night

    is plagued by horrifyingnightmares and the next

    morning you find your hairturned completely white.

    You start to scream andshout incomprehensible

    curses to everyone aroundyou - and if you are alone,you just imagine that you

    are not.

    You brain collapses,causing a cerebral

    hemorrhage, leaving youwith impaired speech andlameness in one side of

    your face.




