Territorial Claims in Antarctica

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  • 8/9/2019 Territorial Claims in Antarctica


    Territorial claims in AntarcticaFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Research stations and territorial claims in Antarctica (2002).

    Seven states maintain a territorial claimon eight territories inAntarctica. hese co!ntries have tended tosite their scientific o"servation and st!dy facilities inAntarctica#ithin their claimed territory.

    $t is said%by whom?

    &that theAntarctic reatydefers or s!spends these claims. 'o#ever, Article $ 2 states,*+o acts or activities taking place #hile the present reaty is in force shall constit!te a "asis for asserting,s!pporting or denying a claim to territorial sovereignty in Antarctica. +o ne# claim, or enlargement of aneisting claim, to territorial sovereignty shall "e asserted #hile the present reaty is in force*, hence neitherdeferring nor s!spending eisting claims.



    - 'istory

    o -.- ritish claims

    o -.2 /ther !ropean claims

    o -.1 So!th American involvement

    o -. 3ost #ar developments

    o -.4 o#ards an international treaty

    2 Antarctic territorial claims

    o 2.- /fficial claims

    o 2.2 /verlapping claims

    o 2.1 5nclaimed

    o 2. 6ef!nct claims

    o 2.4 3ossi"le f!t!re claims

    1 S!"antarctic island territories

    Antarctic reaty

    4 See also

    7 References

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    History%edit&British claims%edit&

    As 5nder8Secretary of State for the 9olonies,:eopold Ameryaimed to assert ritish sovereignty over the entire continent of


    he 5nited ;ingdom reasserted sovereignty over the Falkland $slandsin the far So!th Atlanticin -overnor of theAntarctic territories.

    Other European claims%edit&

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    6iscovery "y C!les 6!mont d?5rvilleofAdHlie :andin -ermany,%--hich in -=1< dispatched the>erman Antarcticpedition, led "yAlfred Ritscher, to fly over as m!ch of it as possi"le.%-0&he ship Schwabenlandreachedthe pack ice off Antarctica on -= Can!ary -=1=. %-2&6!ring the epedition, an area of a"o!t 140,000 sG!arekilometres (-0,000 sG mi) #as photographed from the air "y Ritscher, %-1ho dropped darts inscri"ed#ith s#astikasevery 27 kilometres (-7 mi). >ermany event!ally attempted to claim the territory s!rveyed"y Ritscher !nder the name +e# S#a"ia,"!t lost any claim to the land follo#ing its defeat in the SecondWorld War.%--&

    /n - Can!ary -=1=, five days prior to the >erman arrival, L!een Da!d :and #as anneed "y +or#ay,%=&after a royal decree anno!nced that the land "ordering the Falkland $slands 6ependenciesin the #estand theA!stralian Antarctic 6ependencyin the east #as to "e "ro!ght !nder +or#egian sovereignty.%-0&he primary "asis for the anneation #as to sec!re the +or#egian #haling ind!stry?s access to theregion.%=&%-&$n -=

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    /mond 'o!se#as "!ilt in -=0 "y theScottish +ational Antarctic peditionas the first permanent "ase in Antarctica. $t

    #as later sold to Argentina.

    his encroachment of foreign po#ers #as a matter of immense disG!iet to the near"y So!th Americanco!ntries,Argentinaand 9hile. aking advantage of a !ropean continent pl!nged into t!rmoil #ith theonset of the Second World War,9hile?s president, 3edro Ag!irre 9erdadeclared the esta"lishment ofa 9hilean Antarctic erritoryin areas already claimed "y ritain.

    Argentina had an even longer%citation needed&history of involvement in the 9ontinent. Already in -=0 theArgentine government "egan a permanent occ!pation in the area #ith the p!rchase of a meteorologicalstation on:a!rie $slandesta"lished in -=01 "y 6r William S. r!ce?s Scottish +ational Antarcticpedition. r!ce offered to transfer the station and instr!ments for the s!m of 4.000 pesos,on thecondition that the government committed itself to the contin!ation of the scientific mission. %-4&ritish officerWilliam 'aggard also sent a note to the Argentine Foreign Dinister, Cose erry, ratifying the terms of r!ceproposition.%-4&

    $n -=07, Argentina comm!nicated to the international comm!nity the esta"lishment of a permanent "aseon So!th /rkney $slands. 'o#ever, 'aggard responded "y reminding Argentina that the So!th/rkneys#ere ritish. he ritish position #as that Argentine personnel #as granted permission only forthe period of one year. he Argentine government entered into negotiations #ith the ritish in -=-1 over

    the possi"le transfer of the island. Altho!gh these talks #ere !ns!ccessf!l, Argentina attempted to!nilaterally esta"lish their sovereignty #ith the erection of markers, national flags and othersym"ols.%-7&Finally, #ith ritish attention else#here, Argentina declared the esta"lishment ofArgentineAntarcticain -=1, claiming territory that overlapped #ith ritish ( 20Wto erman eplorations, the ritishAdmiraltyand9olonial/fficela!nched /peration a"arinin -=1 to reassert ritish territorial claims against Argentineand9hileaninc!rsion and esta"lish a permanent ritish presence in theAntarctic.%-@&he move #as alsomotivated "y concerns #ithin theForeign /fficea"o!t the direction of 5nited States post8#ar activity in theregion.

    A s!ita"le cover story #as the need to deny !se of the area to the enemy. he Kriegsmarine#as kno#n to!se remote islands as rendeJvo!s points and as shelters for commerce raiders, 58"oatsand s!pply ships.Also, in -=-, there eisted a fear that Capan might attempt to seiJe theFalkland $slands, either as a "aseor to hand them over to Argentina, th!s gaining political advantage for theAisand denying their !se toritain.

    $n -=1, ritish personnel from 'DS Carnarvon Castle%-

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    a ritish Antarctic S!rveyteam !nloading s!pplies from the John Biscoe. he Argentines later etendeda diplomaticapology, saying that there had "een a mis!nderstanding and that the Argentine militarycommander on the gro!nd had eceeded his a!thority.

    he 5nited States"ecame politically interested in the Antarctic continent "efore and d!ring WW$$.he 5nited States Antarctic Service pedition,from -=1=8-=-, #as sponsored "y the government #ithadditional s!pport from donations and gifts "y private citiJens, corporations and instit!tions. he o"Eectiveof the pedition, o!tlined "y 3resident Franklin 6. Roosevelt, #as to esta"lish t#o "asesO ast ase, in

    the vicinity of 9harcot $sland,and West ase, in the vicinity of ;ing d#ard $$ :and.After operatings!ccessf!lly for t#o years, "!t #ith international tensions on the rise, it #as considered #ise to evac!atethe t#o "ases.%20&'o#ever, immediately after the #ar, American interest #as rekindled #ith an eplicitlygeopolitical motive. /peration 'ighE!mp, from -=78-=@ #as organiJed "y Rear AdmiralRichard .yrdCr. and incl!ded ,@00 men, -1 ships, and m!ltiple aircraft. he primary mission of /peration'ighE!mp #as to esta"lish theAntarcticresearch "ase :ittle America$,%2-&for the p!rpose of trainingpersonnel and testing eG!ipment in frigid conditions and amplifying eisting stores of kno#ledgeof hydrographic, geographic, geological,meteorologicaland electromagneticpropagation conditions in thearea. he mission #as also aimed at consolidating and etending 5nited States sovereignty over thelargest practica"le area of theAntarcticcontinent, altho!gh this #as p!"licly denied as a goal even "eforethe epedition ended.

    Towards an international treaty%edit


    he $nternational >eophysical Pear#as pivotal in esta"lishing a cooperative international frame#ork in Antarctica, and ledon to theAntarctic reaty Systemin -=4=.

    Dean#hile, in an attempt at ending the impasse, ritain s!"mitted an application to the$nternational 9o!rtof C!sticein -=44 to adE!dicate "et#een the territorial claims of ritain, Argentina and 9hile. his proposalfailed, as "oth :atin American co!ntries reEected s!"mitting to an international ar"itration proced!re. %22&

    +egotiations to#ards the esta"lishment of an international condomini!m over the continent first "egan in-=eophysical Pear, -=4@8-=4

  • 8/9/2019 Territorial Claims in Antarctica


    erritorial claims in Antarctica

    Seven sovereign stateshad made eightterritorial claimsto land in Antarctica so!th of the 70 Sparallel"efore -=7-. hese claims have "een recogniJed only "et#een the co!ntries making claims in the area.All claim areas are sectors, #ith the eception of 3eter $ $sland. +one of these claims have an indigeno!spop!lation. he So!th /rkney $slandsfall #ithin the territory claimed "y Argentina and the 5nited;ingdom, and the So!th Shetland $slandsfall #ithin the areas claimed "y Argentina, 9hile, and the 5nited;ingdom. he 5;, France, A!stralia, +e# Bealand and +or#ay all recogniJe each other?s claims. %27&+oneof these claims overlap. 3rior to -=72, ritish Antarctic erritory #as a dependency of the Falkland$slandsand also incl!ded So!th >eorgia and the So!th Sand#ich $slands. he Antarctic areas "ecame aseparate overseas territoryfollo#ing the ratification of the Antarctic reaty. So!th >eorgia and the So!thSand#ich $slands remained a dependency of the Falkland $slands !ntil -=

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    United Kingdom. Argentina

    United Kingdom. Argentina. ,hie

    United Kingdom. ,hie




    +arie Byrd "and

    Defunct claims%edit


    Territory Claimant

    New $wa/ia

    (#ormer protectorate of 0ermany)


    Possile future claims%edit&

    here have "een spec!lation a"o!t possi"le f!t!re claims. he 5nited Statesand R!ssia(as s!ccessorstateof the Soviet 5nion) maintain they have reserved the right to make claims and there have also "eenspec!lations on raJilmaking a claim"o!nded "y 41 Wand 2

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    erritorial claims of Antarctica according to theAntarctic reatyO




    France +e# Bealand


    5nited ;ingdom

    he Antarctic reaty and related agreements reg!late international relations#ith respect toAntarctica,arth?s only continent#itho!t a native h!man pop!lation. he treaty has no# "een signed "y< co!ntries, incl!ding the 5nited ;ingdom, the 5nited States, and the no#8def!nct Soviet 5nion. hetreaty set aside Antarctica as a scientific preserve, esta"lished freedom of scientific investigation and"annedmilitary activity on that continent. his #as the first arms controlagreement esta"lished d!ringthe9old War. he Soviet 5nion and the 5nited States "oth filed reservations against the restriction onne# claims,%10&and the 5nited States and R!ssiaassert their right to make claims in the f!t!re if they so

    choose. raJilmaintains the 9omandante FerraJ(the raJilian Antarctic ase) and has proposed a theoryto delimiting territories !sing meridians, #hich #o!ld give it and other co!ntries a claim. $n general,territorial claims "elo# the70 Sparallel have only "een recognised among those co!ntries making claimsin the area. 'o#ever, claims are often indicated on maps of Antarctica 8 this does not signify de)#rerecognition.

    All claim areas, ecept 3eter $ $sland, are sectors, the "orders of #hich are defined "y degreesof longit!de.$n terms of latit!de, the northern "order of all sectors is the 70 S parallel #hich does not c!tthro!gh any piece of land, continent or island, and is also the northern limit of the Antarctic reaty. heso!thern "order of all sectors collapses in one point, theSo!th 3ole. /nly the +or#egian sector is aneceptionO the original claim of -=10 did not specify a northern or a so!thern limit, so that its territory isonly defined "y eastern and #estern limits.%1-&

    he Antarctic reaty states that contracting to the treatyO

    is not a ren!nciation of any previo!s territorial claim.

    does not affect the "asis of claims made as a res!lt of activities of the signatory nation #ithin


    does not affect the rights of a State !nderc!stomary international la#to recognise (or ref!se to

    recognise) any other territorial claim.

    What the treaty does affect are new claimsO

    +o activities occ!rring after -=7- can "e the "asis of a territorial claim.

    +o ne# claim can "e made.

    +o claim can "e enlarged.
