Terrence Saddleback Documents

') A J l RISK ASSESSMENT SUMMARY REPO ,UPDA T E ' (Sea hand · written AisK ~~t Fonn : Identifyin" P otential CaU8tJ8 ofRisk . June 23, 2008) cnent: T~ Saddleback 008: April H, 1985 Cvnta~. TamaIQArm~ P r o g r a m DifBCtor Wota s kiwin .. & Dfs1rict~8oclaflon f o r Comrnu n Jt y t i e l - . In a t te ndance ; , Tams m Armilage. Pmgflll\J Ckector r Chris ti n e HoIu~iitOkJoJl. ConnectJoq Day PfQgf'amr anager Greg O fsan , . RaaldentJaf Program Manager Jean n eUlt Johraon.1um l . . Mdor S o b O Imst88d. Psychology AssIstant, P O D . - Idona,.••• Pate.dla l R i ke 1n a best . . ~J Te~ w iD beliving In a~iw enYi ' omnent which fin. th e Impad . . of h ie ~ion ~ sexual lY i n ap p ro · iri a fe behavioura. ,.,. COlIId In c lu d e : " . A \JfNotu1tlJly,8BCUra' roup ~le&idence with a calm downl time o u t area iIr T••.••••• and apnBctive . 1oc: . ked •••• &ataffto ndre8t to In th e tW aI ld 88V81 8 ~. I EnhInced s t a f(fng J1umb e ~ . . . CoIlBlat8ncJ tn da y - t o - da y serv J c e e as provfded ~ 8 f 8 . c :iIity such. C entenPIaI CenbB . ' A oeeeI t o ~ acftViUeI~ TemlflCll~ b,lng kept busy. Helikea p b y s icaJ actMly. and he also 1Ike1soci a l conf a C l o n a somewha t s u p e r fi c Ii J l evel s u c h 1hat he can watc h ti e t:amlngl . a n d golng8 aroun d h im an d grest 1h8 staff wh o ~ I n ~aIly opaatIons . . Aggre s s io n . sexuallY inappmp'" b~fulVl~! threatenlrWi~ and agita ion/anxiety continue to pface this ~ scenario at nak . . I . Analyzing th. Rlab ' . ' Th e " m o a t IeCOJ)t epJaode invoJvel i l l)lI alIac:k a n a femafa alConneotIoJ1$. It NqQI r e d 1 W e aCMP oftlcers and a m a l e Conneclfcna atarf10 Udutt him using h a n d c u tfe and pappUI' spra y . H e w a tmnspomd to Fmer,geney at tho ' Wetas kiwln H~ta' and Care Centr e. and from t here to Centennial Centre In POno ka . H e IJ J heavDy sedated } but no n e theJe aa h o had an IV I o c J t t o g u a r a ntee thpt I t P R N · injectlon w o u ld be oKecIIve I mmadtely I f this became ft8C8Uasy . a n d h I a RCMP " ( : O rt canie , d 8 taser. R e p o r t etm1P , t e d b y: Bo b Olmstead D a te of re v i ew : August 25, 2009 ~~ I I ~,r r ~, ~. , , . , ; - I ~j 1 i t , - i I i I · '

Transcript of Terrence Saddleback Documents

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( S e a h a n d ·w r i t t e n A is K ~~t F o n n : I d e n t i f y i n " P o t e n t i a l CaU8tJ8 o f R is k .June 23, 2 008)

cnent: T~ Saddleback008: April H, 1985

Cvnta~.TamaIQArm~P r o g ra m DifBCtor

Wo taskiwin .. & Dfs1r ic t ~8oc la fl on f o r ComrnunJty t ie l - .

In atte ndance ; ,Tamsm Armi l age . Pmgflll\J Ckector r

Chr is tine HoIu~iitOkJoJl. Co nnec tJo q Day PfQgf'amr anagerG r e g O f s a n , .R a a l d e n t J a f P r o g r a m M a n a g e rJ e a n n e U l t Joh raon . 1um l . . M d o rSob O Im s t8 8d . P sy c ho lo g y Ass Is tan t, POD

. -

Idona,.•••Pate.dla l R iake1 n a b e s t . . • • ~J Te~ w iD bel iv in g I n a~iw e n Y i 'o m n e n t w h i c hfin. th e Im p a d .. o f hie ~ io n ~ s e x u a llY in ap p ro·iri afe behav iou ra . , ., .COlIId In c lu de : "

. • A \JfNotu1tlJly,8BCUra'roup ~le&idence w i t h a c alm downl time o u tarea iIr T••.••••• a n d apnBct ive .1o c :.ked •••• &ataffto ndre8t to In th etWaIld88V818 ~. IEnhInced s taf( fng J 1 um be~ . . .CoI lB la t8ncJ tn d a y - t o - d a y ser vJcee as prov fded ~ 8 f 8 . c : i I i t y such .

CentenPIaI CenbB .'AoeeeI to ~ acf tV iUeI~TemlflCll~ b,lng kept busy . Hel i keap b y s i c a J actM ly . and he also 1 I k e 1 s o c ia l c on faC l o n a s o m e w h a tsupe rfi c Ii J level such 1hat h e can w atch tie t :amlngl.an d golng8 aroundh im an d g r e s t 1h8 s ta f f who ~ In ~a Il y o paa tI o ns. .

A g g r e s s io n . s e x u a llY inappmp'" b~fulVl~! threatenlrWi~ a n dagitation/anxiety con t inue to p fa ce th is ~ scenar io at nak . .

I .Analyzing th. Rlab ' . 'T h e "m o a t IeCOJ)te p J a o d e invoJvelill)lI a lI ac :k an a f e m a fa • alConneotIoJ1$. ItNqQ Ired 1 W e aCMP o ft lc e rs a n d a m a le Connecl fcna atarf10 Udu tt h im us inghand cu tfe and pappU I ' spray . H e was t m n s p omd to F m e r , g e n e y at t h o 'Wetaskiwln H~ta' and Care Centre . and f r o m the re to C e n t e n n i a l C e n t r e InP O n o k a . He IJ J h e a v D y sedated} bu t no netheJeaa h o had an IV I o c J t t og u a r a n t e e thpt It PRN · in je c t lo n w o u ld b e o K e c I I v e Immad t e l y I f this b e c a m eft8C8Uasy. and h I a RCMP "(:O rt c a n i e , d 8 t a s e r .

Rep ort etm 1 P,ted b y : Bob OlmsteadDate of rev iew : Augus t 2 5, 2 00 9



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. .Acco r~ ing to the RJsk.A n aly sls Gu id e ( p u b B a h e d Mar 8 by POD AJberta),the

potent ia l consequences fo r T errenee', aggress ive ,urs t l a re aa fo llow s :.• Thecon~ couldbe e x te n & Iv e a n c ;f Irr ev ers ib fe - ;n cJU din g de,th. o r p ermanen t d i s a b i l i ty t o th e 5taf f o r suppo r t worke rs i nvo1ved . Dur iJ lg th e

las t fnc ident'RCMP O f f i C C ! A J que r i ed th e 1 eg ~'"Y o f a ~uJt charges. ag afn~ h im , e ve n g ~e n hi,le ve l o f dis;Ulillty. I " '

- Fo r the Service Pro , lI ide r ih l s equa tes na la.pit th at th re ate n s th eo l g i U 1 i z a t l o n ' a v Ia biI V b oth f i n a n c i a l l y a n d p o ft l l c a U y .

Fo r T e m m C 8 , th e C O I 1 $ 8 q U 8 f 1 c e a c ould in c lu de s e r i o u s but no t permanentin jury! disabil ity ; l oBs of h i& hame ; arrest O r conf t id with th e law; an d loseo f o lb er v afu ed a c t M t J B 8 . He indicated· later t h a t he had a s ore s t J o u J d e r ,t he re .wp ' pruls insvis ib leon'h is b o d y , and he~played bothphy8icaJ and~otionaJ ef fects from~e incident B e cau se h 8 is $0 U r i p r e d J c 1 : a b I e ,

~c::e e s to c o m m u n i t y a c t iY If J e a • ~ Q J r t a 1 t e c f ' . , a h e is s eldOmtak en o ut In p ub lic . "F o r au pp o rt I taf f , theJ8 co uld bo e xten ded I••• .. f im e in ju ri es and/o r

w ho fte al. ~ reaJgpaUoruJ.TheJ8 we t 8 tt""~B c la im. f ile d b y In juredataIf frJm 111.Jat inck lent . His atJ $If 888J on ~ ataf I lead8 them to

suspfdon an d l Im i taUoneIn t he i r .w iJJ I r91- t o ~rac t c l o se l y with h im •.- The ~p8cI of n •• 0 U I b U r v t 8 on•• ps8I1Ile ~ to aaliW8~but 8tarf h~

,r e po i1ed a nW)1be r o f o bs erv an ce s - bahav fou r i o r c omm e n ts by those~ 1hat1hey~erad tobenotable.

CU r r en t measu res to 'm an ag e the f isk posed by 'h is J res aiv e behaVJ~ .cau ro r aBehay fo r & up po rt P lan J n c I t , a f I n g p a s i t t Y o J 8 d f 1 u d f c m a~~~.forapprop ria te behav lo r, s tructuJ'8 am i con tJO lln h 'sday .tb o day a c t M tJ 8 l J . w ithdrawalci attention for InappropriIIt8 behaVio r . r e d f r e o t k J n wHh P h Y a t c a l g u l d a n G e , timeout,andpharm~ madlcatfon8lnbothdaByandPRNp resc r fp t ions . The re

fa a c r is is pro toco l to c l e a r 1 t t a area i f h e eacaIatea, a n d to I n~ poUoe EfndIo t

e m e J D 8 I 1 C Y m e d lo a J e e r v t ce s . . . -

l -,.~ 8o~ :eq~ ~cA le " r.de d fro m 1o S w i t h 1 ' - I insigniftcant~d 5being catas tm phJc. The c on Je qu er Kl8 t fo r T e r r a n c e '8 B g J 1 ' e 8 s l v e o u I J U ra ta w e r e

rated from M a J o r ~J .avB l4 to ~phJc. Leve l$. . '

Th8 L i k eUhood Sea ls Is .rated fro m 1 to ? w ith 1 m ean in ra re an :J 5 mean i n ga lmo s t c ;e r ta in•.T h e li ke li ho o d that he w d l c o ntin ue th Is behavior t$ ra te d a s level5, a nd Is a lm o s t c er tain a nd s xp ec ted to occur agQjn. T~ renc :e~1guar dl an an dpast rfaco rt is In dicate that I nci ten ts have 0CCUJed ~ evervB I~ m o n t h I to ayear In the past, and h,eha t b een a dn tI Is d to ~nial C a n tr e , Ponoka ~u r

t 1 m e a I n t I v e yen .


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. .I'~,

,~C) .J

T h e R l$ k R a 1 In g T a b le . k . f m e i t . • / eva la f ram LoW Risk , L a l 8 Risk, a n d H i g h

R is k . to Ex t r emu Risk. There" determiJed :to be an ~ . Ri;k that th isbe tJsv io r wi c on tin ue to e cc ur witl1 CJUt-iJdequate $ tIp p ortl'" p JaQ e. Immediate

lIctJoc1n v o l v i n g seniormanag~ is indicated, I .

W hat M o ra Can W e D0 7 . .

As Ind ic ated abov e . it is i m p o r t a n t th at h B . have a c o m f o r t a b l e safe h om e

enviro~ wi th enhfillced24hDur~ng. T h e ron~ng $ h o ~ b e considered;1. An ImP~ 8~ of~unl~ s h a u I d . li d bf' dew foped that

r e c : a g n r r . e s T e r r e n c e ' s b e h a v i p u r IIS J g n S " . I n d e b i t e f I n g f r o m t h e f a s tI n c k f e n t I t b e came a p p a r e n t th at d if fe re n t s ta ff had no ti ced s u b t le

chang . , bu t t h e r ewe r e n ' tsu f f i c ien t jndica~ns~ p u t t h ~ 819Mto ge th er in o rde r to w arn anvono o f the· im p en dlflg o & ealatio n. It shou ldalso b e l10ter t t h a t h is es caI aI IO n a .., u s u a R y explosive. PerhaPJ a .

p m f D C o I or Checkl lstot Ind•• ,. G O u l d be~. C u r r e n tl y s u c h

pnJdJot iom i l r 1 t " d i t f t G u f t to make an d CiI1 be aubJ~ to . ai f fe renti n fa tpJe ta ti ons ~ hit

WlbslJzationaand IlC tkma

appearm ore o r loP

ap p rop rfate in II!given~or ~ ~ ~ I' Jpred i c t lan ls a

• h a r d 081to m a k e . • a nd Q J ~by1lul 5.I1.etWeBn m.nta in ingh i s r igh ts V I . m a i n ta in in g II af e s n v in J R m e n t fo r e v e r y o n e else.

2 . "H Ie m e nu o f p o a f t I y e e u p p o r 1 8 GJI) a I v R I y a b a ~ , • H e m a y n e e d a~ bafatIctt '" actlY ly VIJ . r aa t ,_ tim e . V ~L communIcat ians••• p ro bab ly be m odif ied eapedaOywhan h.ail~. Tho .d iM d op m e nt o f COI ' IGJ'e Ie_rigu9 w ap by h il l hom e euppoftstaff m aybe l1 'l8nClattNy g iv e n h is a P e c i f f c d J a a b U l U e e ( " I . f Y o u have 1 0 ., " C o m etI8ftf bec IMO ".-0 y o u Ja te r !"18to o a b~ fa r h fm 10 p ra ce sa ). In t?Jisi8a~ ItdV/Jtalse Eng l ish IIi a sc a nd I aA g u ap m ay ne ed ~ toniduce1hoir~Female IIaff anr It \1realtl jdak -bacaueehey ~ hisp""d"-'An~c~WbUId_todeviae.

bdw b e h a v t o U r a i sIrategIeI. An o n g o i n g r e I a U o n a h f p w i t h a psydl ia fr ts t J sa l B O r vquhd t o maln ta ln and I J f 1 I J a n c e 1 1 1 1 m e d f c a I I o n 1 r 8 a I n i e n t .3. A n fmpottuntc o r n p l l i J r n G n l to T~mmce'sn hcu. s e . t f t n g w ou ld b e aP,8~ psychiatr ic nlnCt whO$J avaiabilfty~Uld facil itate fmmed f_PRNfnlBlV8Iltlon. A lin e ou t mom wi th locka w o u ld b e u s ef ul ifT e rr e nc a0 Q I f t P 1 I e d with r v q u e s I I s to G O • • • • • bu tllll ou ttJ u nd I exceed I f I e GlPl lbI lHyo f.." and the leG hnJquea taught In cam m on GIi8i& intervent ion t r a I M 1 g . Al oCked-pan ic r o c m 'Y m e r e staf f c a n to fa r re fuge ~ Id also be n e c e a a a r y .B ut 1h Is • leaves aIher cB en tt at r is k . m 1d besp lhe questio n o f haW to

i n t e r v e n e 'b e tW e e n Ter rence arid th e g r e a t e r T " uoHy during a n

e m e m e n c y . .

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· 5 "!

\ I

\ I

" ,

_ _ A ' ' - · · ( wcrn.m~~

NewRI~ Rating a J ' . ~A cc ordin g to th tJ R l$ k A naly sis G u ide , th e uencea fo r h is aggress i ve

behaviour if th e a b Q 1 m , d e a C J i b e d m e a s u r e s w e r e a ll in p la c a w o u ld n k e l V still be

rated at feast as Mo de rate (~ , 3 ) to M ajo r (~ 4 ), They coukt t I 'I I l m t e ncont inued e f f e c t i v e p n w ; s i D r t o f $ t ) IVJces an d r e q ~ if9o p w l e v e l m a n a g e r p e i ' t t

re vie w an d i n t e r v e n t i o n . F o r T e rr en ce , th ey cou ld s t il l re su lt in se r io us but no tpe rmanen t injury; arre st o r c o i1 f t t c t w i1 b the laW ; a~ lo se o f h is c w r e n t hom e. Fo r,spw o r t ltaf f . t h e r e c o u ld 9tiH b e exleJKfed r o s t.•~ in ju r ie s , in creased s ta f ftu rnover a n d /o r w h o le s a f G st aff r e s I g n a t i o n _ F O ' : ~ ~ S e r v i c e P r o v i d e r th is c o u ldInc lude la w su its a nd p ro perty and/or m onetary IO I[ w lth v ery h ig h consequeilces .

' . fo . .1 h e o J g a n l m t i o n bo th f fnanc ial lv a n d p o l f t f C a J J y . ' .

On th.lb'fi~oodScalethisbeh~r israte d a sr4 . and L ikelY thal ane ven t W i ll o c c ur a g ain in m o s t o i rcumstances . '

. . ~ ~ ".

There is determ ined to be a High R isk that thts avlor wi l l CQ I'lt inue to ~

eYEN l w iI b a de qu ate 'suppO$ in plaQ8.

M aldng a DecIs io n

He '$ ho t.dd not return I D a propJfe toqh fp . The~ res&ing concernIs tom am ta in -sa fe ty . S t a f f a nd o the r e l l . , . . have to be to re co gn ize th e w arn ing ,31911 8 and ,8V8dt;t T e m tn Q I J p r i o r to a n ' , a I 1 a c k . Cu ' , t h e on ly o p ti on fa to ~

. fo r R C M P asaiatanc:4. & S a f f .W ,h ok rwW femme s h a v e w f t n e a a e d h Ieou tbUn sIIn ffrm in t h e i r corMctJon U 1 a t . lilt w iD h a en again . a

, R e po r t ~Jefed by ;

B o b o r m a t e a d .

Psydl ology ", •• tPEnOn 8I D we fo pm e rJt T e a mPDO Centlal Reg i onAugu$l28. 2009. '


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Attention Ka ren KleiSs

From ; G ran am J one~ 1S0-432-7t;2~

5 'Pages

FAX # - 1BO 4 29 5.50 0

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Edmonton, AB , •• a-

April 28, 2011

Honourable M. J. Jablonski

#227 Legislature Building

10800 97 Avenue

Edmonton, AB,

T5K 2B6

Dear Ms. Jablonski:

I am writing in my capacity as the guardian of Terrence Wade Saddleback who was recently tried for the

manslaughter of an employee of the Canadian Mental Health Association in Camrose. Terrence has been

committed to Alberta Hospital, Edmonton because of his limited rental capacity and his inability tostand trial due to mental defect. I concur with the judge's ruling.

I am also writing to enquire if there are any investigations being carried out, other than the

Occupational Health and Safety investigation, on the decisions t~at were made prior to this death

occurring and the reasons why this tragic event happened. Based on my experience, I believe that the

death of Valerie Diane Wolski could have been prevented if cert~in policies and procedures were

adhered to. Both individuals in this situation were set-up for failur'

I am aware of a Public Fatal Inquiry held in Lethbridge in 2008 in 'fhich the death of Sharla Marie Collier

occurred. A young man, with documented aberrant behaviours sImilar to Terrence, murdered a staff

member who was working with him. Specific Recommendations were made in the Judicial Review ofthis

case. If these recommendations had been followed in the Placem~nt of Terrence, the death of the lady

in Camrose could have probably been prevented. In my opinion, gross errors in judgment were made in

the placement of Terrence with the Canadian Mental Health Ass9ciation by the Persons with

Development Disabilities Department (PDD) of your Ministry. The essence of the Adult Guardianship Act

were also not embraced which I made apparent prior to and dU~ing the judicial proceedings, and this

has been confirmed even moreso since receiving information appertaining to Terrence's Disposition

Hearing on March 23, 2011.

As this issue has caused myself and others a great deal of grief I Hope that you will respond to my letter

and am advising you that I am not prepared to see this issue 'swkpt under the carpet'. Terrence, other

persons with disabilities, and the general public of Alberta deserJe more than that. We need first class

programs and accountability under the legislation to retain our sanding asia first class province. I lookforward to your response.

Graham Jones

c.c. Honourable Dave Hancock, Q.c.

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WD~CSW m s k iw in B r iD i s t r ic t A s s o d a t i o n f o r (oimunity S e r v i c e

November 19,2009

Tim Lowe

Community Resource Manager

PDD Central Region Community Board

Dear Tim,

After much deliberation with our Board of Directors, insurance carriers, agency lawyer and

staff, we have come to the difficult decision of having to tebninate services for Terrence


As you well know, Terrence's high-risk behavior, which has been described as psychotic in

nature, is a real threat to himself, staff, clients and community. We do not have the resources

to adequately address his needs. During the last critical incident, 5 RCMP officers, pepper

spray and handcuffs were required to diffuse the situation. Despite having an effective

response time with our RCMP, we do not have the manpower or skills necessary to mitigate

risk prior to their arrival. Further, to adapt a home within the community to ensure staff and

client safety would be to disregard CET standards. As well,! supporting Terrence in a

restricted environment does not fit within our mandate.

Please understand that this was a very difficult decision to make. However, in the end, we

realize our limitations as it relates to his needs beyond his developmental disability, and can

therefore, not place Terrence, staff or clients in a position of known risk.

WDACS will extend an offer to participate in training and Jransition planning should that be

an option.


Marilyn Conner

Executive Director


Cc: Graham Jones

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. .

Addiction and Mental HealthAlberta ~ SefYk;as - Edmonton Zo

. .AI~ .~apitaf Edmonton.· 1 ? C 8 0 Fo tt Reed .~~P .O .' Doll 307 .

~·A8.-TS1').n\ .' .-' .




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Crown ProsecueorCaJN'~ Provinoal Court .'. .Q ..M R O S E, A lJ

.': -i


t. '".~:: ::.~~~.~I,.:

OeM Siror Madam:

Re: SADDLEBACK, Ten~e'W~de . . .---,.. . '-.

,DOS:11~April"1~ . " " . .. . .'. .,..' ..~ . r - · . ~ . ~ c - . ·~ : · : - · :' : . > . _ . : . : ~ .Court· ~ed.ntN~y, March 2~,.2Dll G 9-. .30adl in-~ui:b'~ 4H)Q1.,_"Docket'. 110198264P1 .cn .-om l_".. ...._.-

Mr.l~&.~ciJ~badc':;admitl.'<1 t o theAlbeita.~~~ ~1;~~or:~ ."234'~of,February11 ~irr5Uant an ~~m~ order ftd\m.:!h.~indal G9urt, ..Camrcse. The court directed that Mr. Saddle-back be a~Sse(tfor'his fitness.to.· ...

. = : : ~ : ~ e r i ~m yepeet, Mr.

s . ~ ~ k l~ ~ _ ~ : > · ·moderate mental impaiiment (I~ing disability). Due' f{):~j~.:~unp~t . . .he js completely ~b1e to gi'O 'e any reasonable account ~f ~f.Jn· preparingthis report I ~m .~te quite he8vify 4e~c-nt on ba.~g:r~ mto~tion.re ee iv e d o n Mr. Saddtehat-k. Unlor tunate lYI to d~te,·the:1No~on received haS

. . . .._.\:"...

been lim ited ~ .t)4l.ture. Ihave how ev er ha :cJopportu~tY t~~ew .the f(jl1owingdocuments, .. .

. " .. :;~..-

. - - ..

1. ~ischar~~ from the A 1 b e ; < t a HoSpital rtci~:Jated c J t b AJ>ri l

2. A h~tory horn ~ Alberta H06pi ta t Pon oka taken ~1~9.~ M .t~ '. . '..Saddlebrl's admission to the Alberta Hospital PO I ~ oKaon th e. 14 th of

FebtuA ry 2011 .. ' .' . . ., ::. :' . .. 3. A number of dOcuments received from Camr~ Po ice Serv~~~Oi1\pr1&ing

a) The Prosecutor Information sheet .,-.' . \ . . . . ..- "

~ in d iv id ll aUy i4 en tif) 'il'cJiIllftO$ric, 1fc:Cm ert1 . ~ II I ld n:efttrariott infOlTtlllioa iI!IIlt ~ Is orovi4cd by \b ecapiUIJ Hca1rh Au1t>otit) ' un4t:t Sc x:ncm1" 1)(P) 1M~ )f(a)C1f!tlc //,Qlth IIff~IftIJItiO#t Act. Tbia ' dilelM\ue is ill~mpfjam.tw 1 t b . ad tot the . 1'CqU~ by die r.rilffiltlli c O d i i tr:'Q~. "_. - .' . .

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b} A letter from the Office of the Public Guardian, dated 120\ January

2011. \.c) A report (rom Michael Machuk, suppbrt intensity scale specialist.

TDD, Central Region Community Board (my copy undated)d) A risk assessment by BobOlmstead, ~yChotogistassi.stan~

. ~~n.J Development Team . Central region/ dated 23rd of J un e

Ipresent m .y report in summary format: \

1. As already stated, Mr. Saddlcbaek suffers from severe tomoderate mentalimpairment. He was born in Calgary. At this time we do not have any

-·information as to etiological factors behind his mental impainnent, apart

fiom noting that at an early age he was diagn~ with mffering £rom a"Perversive Developmental Disorder and I1'\txlerate to severe mental

impairment".T ,5 • I ", Ii

e , l raUi 1i8

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r a s e 30faR~ SADDLU4gc, T.rrcDCl" .._~tlla~<~~i~= .. ~_

3. With respect to his psychiatric history, info4alion in the records refers to

five admissions to the Alberta Hospital Ponofa. I do not have details on

sll of these admissions. 1note however, that there was a ten month

admission in 2008/2009 (discharge liltof Ap~ :20(9), •

i • f


6. A further admission to Alberta Hospital Ponoka OC ' rred between July .2009 and Decemb er, 2 01 0. The dia~ on this ad . -on werePervasive Developmental Disorder, Disruptive Be vieur Disorder and

Moderate to Severe Men ta l Retardation .• • • • • • • • • • • •

~ J ' . " • • • I I Q I I I I I I I I I I ' . ~ ~ '_ • • • • •' • • • • • • • . ! " I . I . I I I U • • $ • • • r . r eI I 'In • I &lEi J I

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8. Mr. Saddleback is charged w ith the marwlaugh o f V alerie D ian e

WoIs~ the alleged offence have occurred on or t th e 12th o f February

2011 .


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10. On the 13d' of F~bruary 2011 following his in~\iew with the police, Mr., Saddleback wu admitted to the Alberta Hosp i ta l\ Ponoka. It is stated

follOWing admission to the Alberta Hospital Pon9~ he was observed to "L.

be somewhat different than his usual praentati~ :1

.., and was subsequm\tJy seen to be pAeing , tenseand ap~ar«Iu n com f ortab le in h is surroundings. A labile _ r a nsms fromhappiness to sadneas to .anger w ae also noted. Por. period Mr.

Saddleback was managed in t~ seclusion room. is ~fcrence to him

stating the}~11_o~g in~~IuHiotuoom. "'I come outi·lcome out. - n ow " ~ ..Cf .K. r . followins which he ke ton re ""

heard to say, IIdon't ullt about voices."

. - ... - -

11. O n tM 23td of Feb ru ary . 201 t Mr. S ad dleb ack w a s raNlerred from th~

Alberta Hoepital Ponob to the A l b erta H o sp i ta l monton. SitM:~he hasbeen at th e A lb erta H .ospital Edmonton he has been\ calm an d settled on

~ u n i t ~ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : C : : : : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~t .) II b ' P '5 i ' & 2 ; E 7 I • • It h.u been

apparent th rou ghou t M r . Saddlebadt's period at the Alberta iHosp i ta J that

he is ex~ly low f u nctiO n in g. H c\can g iv e no adequate acCount of

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himself. He requires supervision and promp' g with his day-to-day

activities and basic care.

12. l have interviewed Mr. Saddleback on three ~C.a s iOn ssince admission to

the Alberta Hospital Edmonton. Most of the c nversation J have had fromMr. Saddleback (including responses to quest OIlS put to him), consists of,


1have attempted to do some simple cognitive 1esting with Mr.

Saddleback. He has been able to correctly tell re the ~y..?-(~e w~, ~~._

".-appears to have-no sdea wMfW i o n"lh or fearwe are·in'Examples given

when asked for the month W~,. "ten" at\d w ~ r_ked what the year washe responded, "one O.K.

II t could not establis,,\,\fl\ether'Mr. Saddlebackunderstood that he was now at"the Alberta H~ital Edmonton, although

,it is clear that he r~alius that he is not in Camr~ and wants to returnthere. Mr. Saddleback is illiterate. He can rec~~ the odd simple word

such as lithe".When asked to read the word "~" however, he responded"star" and when asked to read the word "or he responded Nfar". Mr.

Saddl~back$'arithmetic abiliti~are extremely Jfor. He cannoteven ,

correctly answer simple addition or $Ubstrit,tio~sums. For example , whenasked what 2 - + 2 was he responded, "'10OJ<." Ntr. Saddleback's attention

span (immediate memory recall) measured a~3 normal- 6 to 7). I couldnot get him to perform tests for longer term ory. M ,. . Saddleback was

able to say the days of the week correctly fOIW with encouragement

He was not able to say months 01 the year. He W E able to follow simple

instructions such as stand up, sit down, put his a m up, etc. He was alsoable to sign his name with a poorly legible i ' I ' t * c e . "1 W8$ not able to egtablish if Mr. Saddleback suff trom any psychotic

symptoms, such as auditory ha11udnations at . time. However I doreference to him Teferring to vokes whilst at the lberta Hospital Ponokaprior to M et transfer to Alberta Hospital Edtn.onto

13. I t was impossible to have any m ea .rUng lu l discuss'on with Mr. Saddleback

regarding the alleged offence. On being asked wh he was in hospital he

responded, NIdon't know". On being asked if he d been charged with

any offence he responded , "ten. O.K.?" It is elearf.

Saddleback did notunderstand what was meant by the word off~nce. I asked him if he haddone Usomething bad". '

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A range of inv(.~tigations have been ordered for Mr. $addleback (brain scan and

EEG). The results of t~ investigations are not available at the time ofcomple t ion of tJ :d s . report. . . .._.-- . __ __"".:::-_-:....--:.-.::-:.... "


A psychologic:al assessment has been requested in res , t to Mr. Saddleback. It

is likely to be a couple of weeks before psychological ~stin8 has been completedand reported upon.


M y conclusions and comments on this case are as tolloi'S;-

1_ M r. Saddlcbeck suffers from severe to moderate ~ntal impairment(learning uisability). There is no doubt about thij diagnosis. Hispresentation atAlberta Hospital Edmonton has been consistent with

someone who suffers from a severe to moderate earning disability.

3. lv!r. S.addl~bad, isco~pletely unable to give any .&\easonableaccOUtl~ofhinu;eli, It IS not possible to have any reasonable tn-depth conversanonwith hiIil about any subject. His verbal in~raction areS.,ncrally limited

to greding people and saying, "yes, O.K." He req ires 24 hour

supervision and support in day-to-day activities.

4. Mr. Saddleback appears to have little, i f any, unde tanding of the mattel'

01 w h i< . : h he is charged: He does not the ability to nderstand themeanings of the pleas guilty or not guilty. He is co pletely incapable ofi.n.snucting h i5 legal advisors, He would n ot be D b ) to follow courtproceedings.

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#b33.J .:>.u:"C /Jll

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5. Pollowtng from the above. it is m y opinion ttJtMr. Saddleback is unfit to

pleadand .tmd trial.

6. 'this report is coming completed after a relative! y brief period of

p sych i atr ic a s ses smen t . We are s ti lt awaiting th e completion of the

psychological assessment on Mr. Saddleback. fe may alw b e re ce iv i n gfurther documentation in respect to Mr. Saddlcback's background history.

Va.riou~ inv~tigations (including blood work, EBG and brain scan) ~1l5o

remain to be completed.

7. Once the above investigations have been completed, and possiblyfurther.., .. '----iiUonnation received, it may be possible to pro,ide a more detailed

account on Mr. Saddleback This wilt nothow~v~r,alter the position inrespect to his unfitness to plead and stand trial.

8. Mr. Saddleback continues to require secure p sy hiatric in-patienttreatment and ma.nag~ent. Abed conttnues to be available to r himwithForensic Psychiatr ic: Services at the Alberta Hosp,ital Edmonton.

Respectful ly submitted,

Christopher Green

M .B ., C h .B ., LM.CC.,D .P,M . , P .R . C .P sy ch (UK ), F .R .C .P . (~,da)Forensic PsychiatristAlberta Hospital Edmonton

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